Heaven's Willattacksto kill.天意攻杀。
The white horseroared.
白马咆哮。At this moment, white horse that the meaning of chaosturns into, changes into a giant beastinstantaneously, exuded the roar of everything may become vulnerabletoward the long sword.
The doubleintentcollision, Great Wildernesssweeps across a dreadfulfluctuation of energy.
双意碰撞,大荒席卷起一股滔天的能量波动。Butat this moment, Li Haoactuallyclosed a finalslit.
而这一刻,李皓却是关闭了最后的一丝缝隙。Heaven's Willseemed like the sensationtoanything.天意好像感知到了什么。But, without enough time.
The white horseroaredcrazily, at the same time, a black dogappeared, swallows the world, changed into the giant beast, bittoward the long sword!
白马疯狂咆哮起来,与此同时,一条黑狗出现,吞噬天地,化为巨兽,一口朝长剑咬去!White horseBlack Panther, with the Fights Heavenintent......
The Heaven's Willsword, at this moment, realizedprobablywas swindled, spread the thunderoussound, rumble, the thunderblasts open, thunderswordpenetrated the world, the distant place, the Great Likingsuddenlycomplexionchanges.天意化剑,这一刻,好像意识到了上当了,传出了雷鸣声,轰隆隆,雷霆炸裂,雷剑击穿了天地,远处,大离王忽然脸色一变。Nextquarter, consciousnessprobablysomewhatmuddy, blurry, a fisthitstowardvoidBlack Panther.
下一刻,意识好像有些浑浊,迷迷糊糊的,一拳朝虚空黑豹打去。At the same time, wearsgolden armorincluding the princess, roaredsuddenly, graspedlong spear, a spear/gunkilledtoward the Great Liking!
同一时间,身穿金甲的珺公主,陡然一声咆哮,手持长枪,一枪朝大离王杀去!At this moment, two peoplelostsomeconsciousnessprobably, bymeaning of controlHeaven's Willandchaos.
The both sidesstrength, rises dramaticallysuddenly.
The fistspear/guncontact, the worldshakes, innumerabledivine writingappear, might tear the world.
拳枪接触,天地震荡,无数神文浮现,好像要撕裂天地。At this time, Sequoia Treetook root in the worldrapidly, stableworld.
Others , isin abundance the standing and waiting for a long timefour directions, blockadeworldfour directions.
其他人,也是纷纷伫立四方,封锁天地四方。All these, have the expectationearly.
这一切,早有预料。ButLi Hao, this momentbodytremblesslightly.
而李皓,此刻身体微微颤动。StableentireGreat Wildernessworlddomain.
The chaos and Heaven's Willcombat, at this moment, making the domainshakeunceasingly, at the same time, nearbyLi Hao, the thunderis suddenly billowing, hasHeaven's Willto reappear, before thatis, Heaven's Will that has not gathered.
混沌和天意作战,此刻,让领域不断震荡,与此同时,李皓附近,忽然雷霆滚滚,有天意浮现,那是之前还未汇聚的天意。Incessantlyso, atthis time, the distant place, hadHeaven's Willto eruptprobably, but alsoingathering.
不止如此,就在这时候,远处,好像也有天意爆发,还在汇聚而来。EntireSilver Moon, the skyappearedprobablyinstantaneously a sword.
整个银月,上空好像都瞬间浮现出了一把剑。Mustchop into piecesGreat Wildernessto be the same!
要劈碎大荒一般!ButLi Hao, looktwinkle.
拦?Doesn't block?
不拦?Blocks, offendedHeaven's Will, does not block, Great Wildernesswas shattered, allplan, became the emptyshadow.
拦,就得罪了天意,不拦,大荒破碎,一切谋划,都成了虚影。At this moment, Li Haohad the decision, at this time, squareland, bigcitiesfloatinspatial, sharpshake, swallows the world, mixes the wind and cloud, makesHeaven's Willshakeagain.
这一刻,李皓有了决定,此时,四方大地,一座座大城悬浮在空,剧烈震荡,吞噬天地,搅动风云,也让天意再次震荡起来。Has toretreatpart, suppresses the entireworld.
不得不退去一部分,镇压整个天地。ButLi Hao, gatheredmostHeaven's Willas before.
The Li Haocomplexionmoves slightly, at this moment, in the handalsoappears a long sword, a swordkillstoward the vault of heaven!李皓脸色微动,此刻,手中也浮现出一柄长剑,一剑朝苍穹杀去!
“出手了!”Thatflash when Li Haoacts, aboveSilver Moon, carries the swordmanto sighonelightly.
当李皓出手的那一刹那,银月之上,背剑男子轻叹一声。Onceintended...... to become enemieswithHeaven's Will.
一旦出手……就和天意结仇了。Evidently, Li Haohas not finally chosenresistshardly, healsothinks that Li Haowill chooseresistshardly, does not counterattack, orfinds the wayto trickHeaven's Will, the result...... Li Haohas not done thatprobably, has not thoughtdoes that.
看样子,李皓最终没有选择硬抗,他还以为李皓会选择硬抗,不还击,或者想办法忽悠天意,结果……李皓好像并未这么做,也没想过这么做。ReallyandHeaven's Willforenemy.
真的和天意为敌了。To himis the good deed, butLi Haolike this...... was short ofsomewisdom, were manysomebravely, does not know that isthis/shouldhappyorthis/shoulddisappointed.
……This timeLi Hao, drankseverely, draws a sword.
轰!Thunderten thousand, before Heaven's Will , has probably not understood,at this moment, instantaneousclear(ly)became aware, immediatelywas angry.
The child of thisday, revolted!
这个天之子,造反了!In the Silver Moonworld, Li Haoobtains the biggestHeaven's Willin additionto holdnow, the result...... herevolted!
在银月世界,李皓如今得到了最大的天意加持,结果……他造反了!Was equivalent to the mostlovedsonbetrays!
可恨!Meanwhile, all around.
The Ying Hongyuecomplexionchanges, at this moment, hisskyhasHeaven's Willfloat, startsto gather, Heaven's Willdoes not haveextremelystrongbattle efficiency, the thunderis also good, the long swordis also good, vast momentum, the strengthis ordinary.映红月脸色一变,这一刻,他上空有天意悬浮,开始汇聚,天意本身并不具备太过强大的战斗力,雷霆也好,长剑也好,声势浩大,战力一般。Itneeds the carrier!
它需要载体!At this moment, gatherednearbyYing Hongyue, might arrive atYing Hongyuewithin the body, helpedYing Hongyuehelping hand, controlledYing Hongyue, foughtforit, puts to deathLi Haosuchrebel!
此刻,汇聚到了映红月附近,好像要降临映红月体内,助映红月一臂之力,操控映红月,为它而战,诛杀李皓这样的叛逆!Another part, is gatheringinanotherdirectionat this moment.
另外一部分,此刻正在朝另一个方向汇聚。That side, queengreat happiness.
那边,女王大喜。Really, the prophetsaidright, Heaven's Willwill look upon with favoragain.
果然,先知说对了,天意会再次垂青。SheandYing Hongyueideaentirely different......, sinceHeaven's Willlooks upon with favor, thatadmits certainly, in a flash, Heaven's Willchanges into the billowingsituation, integratesherwithin the body, the queenimposing mannerrises suddenlyinstantaneously!
她和映红月想法截然不同……既然天意垂青,那当然接纳,一瞬间,天意化为滚滚大势,融入她体内,女王气势瞬间暴涨!At this moment, probablysmashed the worldbarrier.
这一刻,好像打破了天地壁垒。But under Ying Hongyue of not far away, the complexionfluctuates, is thinkinganythingrapidly, the nextquarter, attacksto killto gotoward the skysuddenlyon own initiative, fights with the fists, bang, Heaven's Willshakes!
Did Heaven's Willseemsomeangers...... thisalsoto revolt?天意好像有些愤怒……这个也造反了?
The worldisit!
天地都是它的!Today, itmustlook upon with favorthisperson, does thispersonrevoltunexpectedly?
When anger, has a mindto put to death, but the biggestrebelis still coping with himself, underHeaven's Willanger, has not chosento cope withYing Hongyue, butdivergesrapidly, the queentowarddistant placewells up!
The Ying Hongyuecomplexionfluctuateserratically.映红月脸色变幻不定。Opportunity that gave upbecoming strongeronetime!
放弃了一次变强的机会!However...... does not calculate that tooregretted.
但是……也不算太后悔。Thisthing, is not the good deed.
这玩意,不是好事。At this moment, admitsHeaven's Will, needswith the Li Haobattle, healsoto besurprised, Li Haoalsoreallydaresto betrayHeaven's Will, evencopes withHeaven's Willon own initiative, the courageis really big.
此刻,接纳天意,就需要和李皓交战,他也是惊讶,李皓还真敢背叛天意,甚至主动对付天意,胆子真大。Howevernow and Li Haobattle, is nothisgoal.
不过现在和李皓交战,可不是他的目标。At this time, the side, had the sageto knit the brows: „Why do youreject?”
这时候,身旁,有圣人皱眉:“你为何拒绝?”Then, looksto the distant place, a thatperson of sword, is suppressingkillsHeaven's WillLi Hao, the sinkingsound said: „At this moment, hewas abandonedbyHeaven's Will, thisstretch of the world could not accommodatehimquickly, killedhisgoodtime! The squaresageis mixing the wind and cloud...... Li Haothisiscourts death, the opportunityis just appropriate, wemake a moveto killhim, mustbe able the accomplishment!”
The opportunitycame!
机会来了!TenGreat Sagepeople, in factcontinue, fourSpiritual Godcame, in additionqueenandYing Hongyue, enough16toppowerhouses, butLi Hao, Great Wilderness, hedoes not dareto open.
十大圣人,实际上不止,还有四位神灵都来了,加上女王、映红月,足足16位顶级强者,而李皓这边,大荒,他不敢开了。Opened the place of Great Wilderness, Heaven's Willruns.
开大荒之地,天意就跑出来了。Butifheescapesto the Grand Daouniverse, perhaps, hissealbroke, even ifcanescape, thistime can still spoil the plan of Li Hao, makinghimbe abandonedby the world, evencanput to deathSequoia Treethesefellows.
The powerhouses of 16sagelevels, killing the Son of Heavenwere good!
16位圣人级的强者,杀天王都行了!Is well-timed!
时机正好!Incessantlyso, an ancientsagesinkingsound said: „At this momentheaimed by Heaven's Will, perhaps...... the Grand Daouniverseis unable to open, couldexterminateat one fell swoopLi Hao!”
不止如此,一尊古圣人沉声道:“此刻他被天意针对,也许……大道宇宙都无法开启了,说不定能一举诛灭李皓!”How manypeoplelooktoYing Hongyue, Li Haocourt death, at this momentdoes not killhim, whenkills?
Before going out, ZhengYuhas said that listens toYing Hongyue.
出门前,郑宇说过,听映红月的。But the peopleseehim not to admitHeaven's Will, is very discontented.
可众人见他不愿接纳天意,都很不满。Also the Sagepersonopens the mouth: „At this moment, Li Haois the enemy of the world, wecollaborate, killshim, perhapswill obtainHeaven's Willto look upon with favor, even ifweare unable to wield the world, canmakeHeaven's Willfavorus, is insufficientto aim by the worldagain!”
又有一尊圣人开口:“此刻,李皓乃是天地之敌,我们联手,上去杀他,也许会得到天意垂青,哪怕我们无法执掌天地,也能让天意偏袒我们,不至于再次被天地针对!”„Ying Hongyue, has not actedtogether!”
“映红月,还不一起出手!”Severalsagesmake noisein abundance, Ying Hongyueknits the brows, shakes the head: „May not......”
几位圣人纷纷出声,映红月皱眉,摇头:“不可……”„Ying Hongyue!”
A sageis angry: „Which are youone side? Youand is Li Haohatred, is really false? This momentopportunityrare......”
The explosivesoundpenetratingworld, at this moment, the queenacted, this timequeen, simplywas in the world, mostby the child of the world love, Heaven's Willwas swept across the four directions, the queenwhole bodygolden light, the thunderavoids the queen, the queenwanders aboutin the energy, the sceptermade, with the potential of the world, was simply unequalled!
爆响声响彻天地,这一刻,女王出手了,这时候的女王,简直就是天地之间,最受天地宠爱的孩子,天意席卷四方,女王浑身金光,雷霆避开女王,女王徜徉在能量之中,权杖打出,携天地之势,简直无与伦比!Even ifLi Haois powerful, has the strength of Dao Fusion, at this moment, probably is also in imminent danger.
哪怕李皓强悍,有合道之力,这一刻,好像也是岌岌可危。Severalsagescould not sit stillagain!
几位圣人再也坐不住了!„Ying Hongyue......”
“映红月……”Theirangryvery much, ZhengYumakesthemlisten tothiscowardunexpectedly.
他们愤怒的很,郑宇居然让他们听这个胆小鬼的。Ying Hongyuealsoknits the browsunceasingly, „how manyseniors, are not necessarily safe, can Li Haonot knowsuchresult? Heknows,healsodares, representshimto have confidenceto deal, wecome up, perhapsfell into the trap of opposite party......”映红月也是不断皱眉,“几位前辈,未必安全,李皓能不知道这样的结果吗?他知道,他还敢,代表他有把握应对,我们上去,也许就落入了对方的陷阱……”„Whattrap?”
A sagegets angry: „Whattrapalsohas? Hereached the limit, sealGreat Wilderness, whilecoped withHeaven's Will...... the Fighting Heaven Citysage, is wielding the bigcity, the agitationworld, in order to avoidHeaven's Willmoregathered! Whennowdoesn't act...... next timeis?”
借口!Isthisfellowfears deathtimidly, makingseveralpeopleveryangry.
A sagesinkingsound said: „Outside, the military orderwill havenot! Before younotgoes...... to walk, although the Sirmakesuslistenyour, butyouobviouslyfearedLi Hao, such being the case...... everyonedoes not needto managehim, henoton, onus!”
一位圣人沉声道:“将在外,军令有所不受!既然你不去……走之前,大人虽说让我们听你的,可你明显惧怕了李皓,既然如此……大家不用管他,他不上,我们上!”TenGreat Sagepeople, the aurais turbulent.
The distant place, several other Spiritual God are also the aurashake.
远处,其他几位神灵也是气息震荡。Obviously, preparesto startat this moment, puts to deathLi Hao.
The Ying Hongyuecomplexionfluctuates, sinkingsound said: „Without is so absolutely simple, Ithink that...... perhaps...... thisis the result that Li Haomustsee......”映红月脸色变幻,也沉声道:“绝对没这么简单,我想想……也许……这就是李皓要看到的结果……”
Did helook all around, ambushed the person?
他环顾四周,埋伏了人?Thatbut actuallynot necessarily!
那倒未必!Without the ambushperson?
没埋伏人?That...... whatmethod?
那……什么手段呢?Heponders diligently, quick, realized a pointanything, looksrapidly to all directions, thinks a thing, perhaps...... Li HaowantsisHeaven's Willfavorsthem, evenenter the bodyis good!
他冥思苦想,很快,意识到了一点什么,迅速看向四面八方,想到了一点东西,也许……李皓要的就是天意青睐他们,甚至入体才好!ShakesHeaven's Will!
震荡天意!Popular sentimentavailable!
民心可用!At this moment, Ying Hongyuerealized, hejust about toopens the mouth, listens to a sageto sayindifferently: „Does not needto pay attention tohim, stupidthing, timid as a rabbit, the heaven that no wonderwas pursuedbyLi Haois roadless, entersimpossible!”
The Ying Hongyuecomplexionslightlychanges, lookstoseveralpeople, quick, the words that will arrive in portsuppressed, sighedonelightly: „Sirmakesmecomethis, is I am safe, severaldo not believeme, thatdoes not have the means! Iftrustsme, stays behind......”映红月脸色微微一变,看向几人,很快,将到口的话憋了下去,轻叹一声:“大人让我来这,也是我稳妥,几位不信我,那没办法!若是信任我,就留下……”Has not waited forhim saying that severalsagessoarto godirectly, remainingseveral, hesitantalsosomepeoplefollowedto leaverapidly, finally, twosageschosestaying behindunexpectedly.
没等他说完,几位圣人直接腾空而去,剩下几位,犹豫了一下也有人迅速跟着离开,最终,居然还是有两位圣人选择了留下。Ying Hongyueshot a look attheironeeyes, does not know that isremainsto lookown, reallybelieves itself.映红月瞥了他们一眼,不知是留下来看着自己的,还是真的相信自己。Eightsages who otherleave, have not cared aboutthesetwoto remainprobably.
其他离开的八位圣人,好像也没在意这两位留下来的。Theireightpeoplego, in additionthat sidegodcountryseveral...... suchstrength, enoughput to deathLi Hao.
The Ying Hongyuelookglittered, looked atoneto bluff and bluster, the queen who a sceptershakeworld, hitLi Haowas repulsedunceasingly, the lookfluctuated.映红月眼神闪烁了一下,看了一眼正在耀武扬威,一柄权杖震荡天地,打的李皓不断败退的女王,眼神变幻。
The queen the Heaven's Willin additionholdsat this moment, simplyfiercespeechless!
女王此刻得天意加持,简直厉害的无以言表!But...... thisnotnecessarilyis the good deed.
可是……这也不一定是好事。Actuallyoneself, whetherinthisaccident, to seeksomeinterests?
倒是自己,能否在这次变故中,谋求一些利益呢?At this moment, Heaven's Willshakes, sweeps across the four directions.
此刻,天意震荡,席卷四方。Covered the entireGreat Wildernessregion, makesanythinginthis, towhatpowerhouse, investigation, at this time, even if the sagedied, has no soundprobably, no onesensationtoall these.
……Distant place.
远处。AboveGreat Wilderness.大荒之上。
A Li Haolong swordpasses through the world, the swordhas the brokenday.李皓一柄长剑贯穿天地,剑出破天。Bang!
The soundis unceasing, queenat this momentextremelyexcited, the sceptersuppression , the sword intentdirectsuppression, reveals the smile, sheis much bettercompared with others, had not been controlledbyHeaven's Willthoroughly.
响声不断,女王此刻极其的兴奋,权杖镇压而下,将剑意直接镇压,露出笑容,她比其他人要好许多,并未彻底被天意操控。At this moment, even moreexcited.
此刻,愈加的兴奋。Has suppressedherLi Hao, at this momentunexpectedlychosebetrayedHeaven's Will, cheaponeself, shefelt,oneselfat this moment, the strengthis even increasingtoward the Son of Heavenlevel!
太强大了!Thatinnumerableenergy, floods into within the body, eachmoveacts, has the worldto helpprobably, actsis the worldsituationsuppressesLi Hao, whateverLi Haois strong, at this momentis somewhat unbearable.
那无数的能量,涌入自己体内,每一招出手,都好像有天地帮助,一出手就是天地大势压制李皓,任凭李皓多强,此刻都有些难以承受。Even ifyouhave killed the Son of Heaven, thatis still useless.
就算你杀过天王,那也没用。At this time, fourbigSpiritual God, killedfromfour sides, everyone, astheyacted, probablyobtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold!
The worldis suppressingLi Haothisrebel!
The misfortuneanddisastergod, this timeability, was the terrifyingis more incomparable, obtainsthem who the Heaven's Willin additionheld, acted, Li Haotransportedon the mildewunceasingly, the disasterwas unceasing, the misfortunearrived!
A swordacts, suddenlycut to piecesvoid, but the innumerablevoidcracksexplode, bang, explodedonLi Hao.
一剑出手,忽然切碎了虚空,而无数虚空裂缝爆裂开,轰隆一声,炸到了李皓自己身上。Person who opposeswith the heaven, is so!
和上天作对的人,便是如此!Li Haois instantaneous, knits the browsslightly.李皓瞬间血流如注,微微皱眉。Heaven's Will...... seeminglythere is noto use, butreallyandHeaven's Willopposes, canfeel the use, at this moment, hesaw the destiny, destiny that oneselfdied, put to deathdestiny!天意……看起来没啥用,可真和天意作对,就能感受到其中用处了,这一刻,他看到了命运,自己死亡的命运,被诛杀的命运!Thatis the god's of destinyinfluence, beforewas hitto explodemortal bodyherby the god of militaryinitially, appearedagain, the strengthslidmuch, mayholdwith the Heaven's Willin addition, probablyalsorestored.
那是命运之神的影响,之前被初武之神打爆了肉身的她,再次出现了,实力下滑了不少,可随着天意加持,好像也恢复了过来。Prophetgodat this moment, knows in advanceanythingunceasingly, is only, thisplaceHeaven's Willchaotic...... eachforeknowledge, oneresult, Li Haowill die!
先知神这一刻,也不断预知什么,只是,此地天意混乱……每一次预知,就一个结果,李皓会死!Because, Heaven's Willwantshim dead!
因为,天意要他死!Therefore, the foreknowledgeresultat this moment, was the Li Haodeath, the disturbance of Heaven's Will, thisis the maximumfuturepossibly.
所以,此刻的预知结果,都是李皓死亡,天意的干扰,这就是最大的未来可能。Fivebigpowerhousescollaborate, obtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold.
轰!Li Haowas poundedto flyby a queenscepter, at this moment, eightaurasoarto come, a grimsage, the soundis loud and clear: „Li Hao, yourhegemonic actions, the heavenabandons, today, thenexecutes your demoninthis!”李皓被女王一权杖砸飞,这一刻,又有八道气息腾空而来,一位冷面圣人,声音洪亮:“李皓,你多行不义,上天抛弃,今日,便诛你这魔头在此!”Is capable ofgoing against heaven's will, thatcalled the madman.
有能力逆天,那叫狂人。Withoutthisabilitygoes against heaven's will, thatis an idiot.
没这个能力逆天,那就是白痴。Li Haowherehas the energy of going against heaven's will, puts the worldlovenot to want, unexpectedlybetraysHeaven's Will, thispersondoes not die, whodies?李皓哪有逆天之能,放着天地宠爱不要,居然背叛天意,此人不死,谁死?„Ying HongyueandZheng do Yuclonenot to come?”
“映红月、郑宇分身都没来吗?”Li Haoretrocedesseveralsteps, suddenlystaggers, blasts openvoid, heself-ridiculessmiles, is really hapless.李皓后退数步,忽然一个趔趄,虚空炸裂开,他自嘲一笑,真倒霉。Onleg, covered with blood,
腿上,血肉模糊,Really, offendedHeaven's Will, thatisreallyascends the skyroadless, entersimpossible.
果然,得罪了天意,那是真的上天无路,入地无门啊。EightGreat Sagepeople, killrapidly.
八大圣人,迅速杀来。At this moment, enough13toppowerhousesgatherto come, but alsoobtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, copedto betrayHeaven's WillLi Hao, suchresult, the Son of Heavenrecalleddifficultly.
这一刻,足足13位顶级强者汇聚而来,还得到了天意加持,对付背叛天意的李皓,这样的结果,天王都难挽回。InGreat Wilderness, Black Panther and white horseencirclecrazilykill the long sword that Heaven's Willturns into.大荒之中,黑豹和白马疯狂围杀天意化成的长剑。
Others, as beforealsoinsuppressionconsolidatedworld.
其他人,依旧还在镇压巩固天地。Everyoneis the complexiondrastic change!
13位!Thisexceededtheirimagination, were too many.
这超出了他们的想象,太多了。Alsoknew the danger, buttheyimagine, a ZhengYusideknowswill not be quick, even the Spiritual Goddoes not knowimmediately,perhapswaits forthemto know, oneselfcompleted.
原本也知道危险,但是他们想象中,郑宇一方知道的不会太快,甚至神灵也不会马上知道,也许等他们知道,自己这边都完成了。But...... comeswas too quick.
可是……来的太快了。Wantsquickmanycompared with the imaginationin!
比想象中要快的多!Quickly is too too quick, moreovercomesare too many, enough13!
完了!At this moment, Superintendent Zhaoseveralpeople, take a step, wanting to go out ofGreat Wilderness, Qian Wuliangdrinksrapidlylowly: „May not! Thisplaceseal, walks, Heaven's Willran, whois responsible for?”
这一刻,赵署长几人,纷纷迈步,欲要走出大荒,乾无亮迅速低喝:“不可!此地封闭,走出去,天意跑了,谁来负责?”Heavenly Swordshouted angrily: „Did not go out...... to end! Gives upstrangling to deathHeaven's Will, makinghimescapeinto the Grand Daouniverse!”天剑怒喝:“不出去……就完了!放弃绞杀天意,让他遁入大道宇宙!”Qian Wuliangis somewhat helpless, thiscould not scold.乾无亮有些无奈,这位呵斥不得。Is just thinkinghowto process, listens toHong Yitangto sayin a soft voice: „Ok, did not needto manage! Firstsuppressesthisplace, consolidateddomain , he ifmustwalk...... had walked, is peaceful, hurry up, the consolidateddomain, suppresseswith the potential!”
正想着如何处理,就听洪一堂轻声道:“好了,不用管!先镇压此地,巩固领域,他若是要走……早就走了,都安静,快点,巩固领域,用势镇压!”Then, the Earth Overturning Swordpotentialoverflowingpowder, theirfunctions, do not cope withHeaven's Will, anyone who copes withHeaven's Will, was rememberedbyHeaven's Willvery mucheasily.
说完,地覆剑势溢散,他们的作用,不是对付天意,凡是对付天意的人,很容易被天意记住。At this moment, theironegoal, suppressesconsolidatedGreat Wilderness.
此刻,他们就一个目标,镇压巩固大荒。Does not make the Li Haodomainfallshatter.
Under otherperson of hearsword, the complexionfluctuates, bringssometo be anxiousandhelpless, has the eruptionsituations, the suppressionto be consolidated, many anxiousbeing sweating profusely.
13位啊!Then, reallytroubled.
……Puts in an appearance!
轰隆一声!Li Haostuffysnort/hum, the bodypresents78blood-coloropeningsinstantaneously, the orangefightsarmorhitshatter.李皓闷哼一声,身上瞬间出现七八道血色口子,橙色战甲都被打的破碎。13powerhouses, make a moveinstantaneous, hewas injured.
13位强者,出手瞬间,他就被打伤了。Butthese13powerhouses, even if8New Martialpowerhouses, at this moment, obtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, obviously, angryHeaven's Will, helped the person who itput to death the rebeltothese, was very satisfied!
而这13位强者,哪怕八位新武强者,这一刻,都得到了天意加持,显然,愤怒的天意,对这些帮它诛杀叛逆的人,都很满意!EightNew Martialpowerhouses, is very satisfied.
The New Martialpersonwantsto obtain the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, was too difficult.新武人想得到天意加持,太难了。Butnow, achieved.
可现在,做到了。ActsonetimetoLi Hao, ifstruckto killLi Hao, theyevencanobtainmassiveHeaven's Willin additionto holdto look upon with favor, later the cultivationspeedwas faster, the average personcould not have killed himself, canerupt a more powerfulstrength.
只是对李皓出手一次,若是击杀了李皓,他们甚至能得到大量天意加持垂青,以后修炼速度更快,一般人还杀不了自己,能爆发出更强大的力量。Luck , as goodaslimit!
The queenactstothesepeople, does not seem liketoosatisfied.
女王对这些人出手,好像不是太满意。But before, shealsooncewithZhengYu'shelp, restoredfourbigSpiritual God, at this moment, has not saidanythingactually, butcoldlylooks atLi Hao, Li Hao, makesherloserepeatedlyseriously.
可之前,她也曾在郑宇的帮助下,恢复了四大神灵,此刻,倒是没说什么,只是冷冷看着李皓,李皓,多次让她损失惨重。Today, canavenge a grievance!
“杀了他!”Queendrinkslowly, the nextquarter, the peoplemake a move, earth-shattering!
The Li Haocomplexionis solemn, 13sages, let aloneoneself, the Son of Heavencame to nurse hatred, butfinally!李皓面色冷峻,13位圣人,别说自己了,天王来了都得含恨而终!Acted?
都出手了吗?Ying Hongyuehas not really come!映红月果然没来!Actswell!
出手就好!Mustput to death the Li Haoinstancein the people, Li Haodrinksseverely, suddenly, the Grand Daouniverseshivers, sky, innumerabledao lineagefloat, Li Haoangrily roars: „Common peoplehelpme!”
就在众人要诛杀李皓的瞬间,李皓一声厉喝,忽然,大道宇宙颤动,上空,无数道脉悬浮,李皓一声怒吼:“苍生助我!”„Personmaywin the daysurely, executes the demon!”
“人定可胜天,诛魔!”severehowl, the worldshivers.
一声厉吼,天地颤动。At this moment, trillioncommon people, probablysensationto the Li Haointention.
这一刻,亿万苍生,好像都感知到了李皓的心意。At this moment, countlesspeoplemeditate, „man will conquer nature!”
The worldappearspotentials, the worldshivers, Heaven's Willshivers, Heaven's Willwas disturbed the willbytrillioncommon peopleprobably, theseobtain the powerhouses who the Heaven's Willin additionholds, suddenlyfelt that anything blasted opengenerally!
天地浮现一股股势,天地颤动,天意颤动,天意好像被亿万苍生干扰了意志,那些得到天意加持的强者们,忽然感觉什么东西炸裂了一般!Inmind a pollution!
脑海中一片浑浊!Theyat this moment, in the mind...... the personon a thoughtmaywin the daysurely!
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