SG :: Volume #4

#370 Part 3: The war of Heaven's Will

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On white horse, erupts strength of the powerful incomparable world, the chaos sweep across the four directions, the instantaneous roaring sound resounds through the four directions. 白马身上,也爆发出一股强悍无比的天地之力,混沌席卷四方,瞬间咆哮声响彻四方。 Meaning of Heaven's Will and chaos, contact! 天意和混沌之意,接触了! The thunder rises from all directions! 雷霆四起! At this moment, the entire Silver Moon world, is shivering probably, countless people are terrified, probably felt the total destruction. 这一刻,整个银月世界,好像都在颤动,无数人惶恐不安,好像感受到了灭顶之灾。 ( Double monthly tickets, throw, miserable) (双倍月票,投一点吧,惨兮兮)
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