Mustbury alivethemas forLi Hao......, ifhasthisthoughts, theyhad been killed.
至于李皓是不是要坑杀他们……若是有这心思,他们早就被杀了。Thistime, perhaps is really the opportunity.
这一次,也许真是机会。Naturally, has gains and losses.
当然,有得有失。LostHeaven's Willto care, not necessarilywas the good deed.
The water cloudqueen motheris actually good, shewalks the say/way of New Martial, actuallyHeaven's Willcaresare not many.
水云太后倒是还好,她走新武之道,其实天意眷顾也不多。Great WildernesskingGengisso, Great WildernessandHeaven's Will, butis hostile.大荒王更是如此,大荒和天意可是敌对的。After all is a sideKing, nowGreat Wildernessis repulsed, once the Great Wildernesschaosauradissipates, Heaven's Willis not necessarily ableto bear a grudge, thisactuallyalso may becomebyalternative.
“你先去吧!”Li HaolookstoLin Hongyu, Lin Hongyuwere not manysaid,rapidwentair-splitting.李皓看向林红玉,林红玉也不多说,迅速破空而去。ButLi Hao, is continuesto wait.
而李皓,则是继续等待着。No oneknows, healsoinanything.
The place of Great Wilderness, the dark cloudobstructs the day.大荒之地,乌云遮天。Jufeng City.飓风城。InZhengYuhandalsoappears a backdrop, lookstoGreat Wilderness, lookedis not clear, knits the browsslightly.
郑宇手中也浮现一副天幕,看向大荒,看的不真切,微微皱眉。Li Haofrom the skycircledlong time.李皓在空中盘旋多日了。Tocope with the Great Wildernesschaosair/Qi?
Does thisfellow, whatponder?
这家伙,到底思考什么?Heis puzzled.
The silentmeeting, opens the mouth saying: „MakesYing Hongyueseeme!”
沉默一会,开口道:“让映红月来见我!”Quick, outside the main hall, somepeopledepart.
很快,大殿外,有人离去。After a while, Ying Hongyuepasses through the gate, a facesmile: „Does Siraskmeto have the matter?”
过了一会,映红月进门,一脸笑容:“大人找我有事?”ZhengYulookstohim, the silentmeeting, saidslowly: „Li HaoinGreat Wilderness, does not walk, nowisto gatherSilver Moonvarious, gathersYitang, you said that hetoeliminate the Great Wildernesschaos? Ifeliminated the Great Wildernesschaos...... the worldto recoveragain, may go out of the Son of Heaven...... underhim the sage is not many, reallymusthave the Son of Heavento go out, coordinatessomesages, sufficientlydestructionhe!”
郑宇看向他,沉默一会,缓缓道:“李皓在大荒,迟迟不走,如今更是聚集银月诸强,汇聚一堂,你说,他是为了消灭大荒混沌吗?若是消灭了大荒混沌……天地再次复苏,可能会走出天王……他麾下圣人不多,真要有天王走出,配合一些圣人,足以覆灭他!”Thistakes the say/way!
Will Li Hao, do that?李皓,会这么做吗?Ying Hongyueraises the eyebrowslightly, thinks deeply about a say/way: „Li Haowill not court death! Hesaid that oneselfdoes not fear death...... possiblydoes not die, hewill not bring death, therefore, even ifreallytosolve the Great Wildernesschaos, has the meansinevitably, letsenergy that the worldrecovers, will not leak! Evenbecomestheircultivation resources......”映红月微微扬眉,思索一番道:“李皓不会自己找死!他说自己不怕死……可能不死,他不会自己去送死的,所以,就算真的为了解决大荒混沌,必然有办法,让天地复苏的能量,不会外泄!甚至成为他们的修炼资源……”ZhengYuis lost in thought.
郑宇陷入了沉思中。For a long time, nod: „Isthistruth...... may the Great Wildernessdestruction, Heaven's Willexpand, certainlyis the equal distributions, cannot the energy focusinginplace......, only if......”
许久,点头:“是这个道理……可大荒覆灭,天意壮大,一定是平均分配,不会可以将能量聚焦于一地……除非……”Heponderedis very long, opens the mouth saying: „Only if, hisHeaven's Willmustsuppress......”
他思考了很久,开口道:“除非,他连天意都要压制下去……”Ying Hongyuealsostartsto ponder, nod: „Hasthispossibility!...... Heaven's Willis everywhere, was suppressedvery muchdifficultly, he must Heaven's Willcare, perhapsif the law of hispressure system, will do that! Sincehehas keptGreat Wilderness, representativehimindeedhasthisthoughts...... possiblyreally to achieveis uncertain.”映红月也开始思考,点头:“有这个可能!只是……天意无处不在,很难被压制,他还得天意眷顾,若是他有压制之法,也许会这么做!既然他一直留在大荒,代表他的确有这心思……可能真能做到也不一定。”To the domain, theyare more deficientunderstood,mayjudgefrom the Li Haoaction, perhaps...... thisfellowhitthisthoughts.
对领域,他们缺乏一些了解,可从李皓的举动来判断,也许……这家伙就是打了这心思。„Do you want to take a look?”
“你想去看看吗?”ZhengYulookstohim, Ying Hongyueat this moment, was more powerful than before, eightbigbloodlines, were stabler, because of the stone doorinheritance of Zheng Family, hehas obtained.
郑宇看向他,此刻的映红月,比之前更强大了,八大血脉,更稳固了,因为郑家的石门传承,他已经获得了。In the Ying Hongyueheartmoves slightly: „Does Sir want to take a look?”映红月心中微动:“大人想去看看?”„Hehas stayedinGreat Wilderness, youdid not think that...... is very inappropriate?”
“他一直停留在大荒,你不觉得……很不妥当吗?”Ying Hongyuenods: „Some! Li Haois difficultto kill...... may, ifcanspoilhissomeplanswell...... also!”映红月点点头:“是有一些!李皓难杀……可若是能破坏他的一些计划……也不错!”Said that said that actuallydoes not haveto care.
说是这么说,其实也没太在意。Li Haostrengthen, is good.李皓变强,也有好处。Helies downto win!
他躺赢!Naturally, sincepreviousLi Haosaidthatwords, mustintegrate the bloodlines...... heactuallyalsoto dreadhimvery much.
当然,自从上次李皓说出那番话,要将他融入血脉……他其实也很忌惮。Lying downto winisgood, butLi Haois getting stronger and stronger, makinghispressurealsoverybig.
躺赢是好,可李皓越来越强,让他压力也很大。Looks at the situation, ifcandestroy, thatisbest.
At this moment, ZhengYusaidsuddenly: „Like this, youlead10sages, goes toGreat Wilderness! Moreover, arrangessomepeople, goes toseveralbigLordcities, Iclone...... to go to the Zhenxing Cityvestige, Li Hao, even ifcould not killLi Hao, caneradicatesomeNew Martialfellows, thatwas also good!”
Do Ilead the personto go?
我带人去?In the Ying Hongyueheartmoves slightly: „The meaning of Siris......”映红月心中微动:“大人的意思是……”„Youlead, youtake responsibility!”
“你带队,你做主!”ZhengYuvisitshim: „You is a smart person! Do not bury alivethemintentionally, youmove, if favorableforus, youcanmakethemmake a moveat any time! Moreover, 10sages, was inferior that othersevenbigstone doorlaterinheritanceare effective, butthesestone doorinherit, whichIknow , can youunderstand?”
郑宇看着他:“你是个聪明人!不要故意坑杀他们就可以,你择机而动,若是对我们有利,你可以随时让他们出手!另外,十位圣人,也不如其他七大石门之后的传承管用,而这些石门传承,我都知道在哪,你能明白吗?”In the Ying Hongyueheartmoves slightly, hurriedsay/way: „Sirmisunderstood, howIwill do that is only...... otherseniors, canbe discontented?”映红月心中微动,急忙道:“大人误会了,我岂会这么做,只是……其他前辈,会不会不满?”„Mywords, order!”
“我的话,就是命令!”ZhengYucoldlysaid: „Youdidwere good, no onecan rebeltoyou!”
郑宇冷冷道:“你去做就行了,没人会反对你!”„That...... many thanks the Sirtrusts!”
“那……多谢大人信任!”Ying Hongyuewere not manysaid,ZhengYucouragewas actually big, sufficedto think highly ofown, was not the person of person on one's own sidetakes responsibilitybyoneselfthisdirectly.映红月也不多说,郑宇倒是胆子不小,也够看得起自己的,直接让自己这个不是自己人的人做主。Howevermoves?
择机而动吗?Hedid not haveto sayagain, but also was considering that perhaps the Li Haogoal,...... thatfellowreallycanisolateHeaven's Will, embezzledGreat Wilderness?
他也没再多说,还在考虑李皓的目的,也许……那家伙真能隔绝天意,侵吞大荒?Thatwas fearful!
那就可怕了!Once...... Heaven's Willwere really so embezzled, Great Wildernesswas embezzled, remaining won't Heaven's Will, look forme?
一旦真如此……天意被侵吞,大荒被侵吞,剩下的天意,不会找上我吧?Thinks ofthis, in the heartis startledimmediately.
想到这,心中顿时一惊。Thatis not the good deed!
那可不是好事!Couldbring a bigadvantagetooneself, but the consequence, is more troublesome.
也许可以给自己带来不小的好处,可后果,更麻烦。ZhengYumakes itselfgo...... to judge that a pointanything, after all is-and-a-half emperors, tothese, shouldalsounderstandvery much,perhaps...... alsohasthisthoughts.
郑宇让自己去……会不会已经判断出了一点什么,毕竟是一位半帝,对这些,应该也很了解,也许……也带着这心思。Thatas the matter stands, lets the goal that Ilead, was very obvious!
那这样一来,让我带队的目的,就很明显了!At that time, Imaybecome the key forces of coping withLi Hao, the keywas, perhaps, will draw out a biggercrisis, Heaven's Will, was not goodto take.
那时候,我可就成了对付李皓的核心力量,关键是,也许,会引出更大的危机,天意,可不是那么好拿的。Hewalks out, whileis thinking.
Will the queengo?
女王会去吗?Howifgoes to...... thesethings, losestoher.
若是去……怎么将这些东西,丢给她呢。Ido not want!
我可不太想要!Mixesrashly, with the Li Haoitself/Benis the deadenmity, became the person of Heaven's Willcare...... that more troublesomeagain.
贸然掺和到其中,和李皓本就是死仇,再成为天意眷顾之人……那就更麻烦了。Thoughttwinkles, quick, a Ying Hongyuesoldier, leadingsomesagesto leaveJufeng City.
一个个念头闪烁,很快,映红月点兵,带着一些圣人离开了飓风城。ButZhengYu, visitsthemto departsilently.
After the moment, meltscloneto leavetogether.
片刻后,也化出一道分身离开。Perhaps, shouldgo toZhenxing Cityto have a look.
……Great Wilderness.大荒。
The worldfluctuates, together the transparentthin film, presentssky overGreat Wilderness.
天地波动,一道透明般的薄膜,呈现在大荒上空。ButLi Hao, the strength of Grand Daoemerges.
而李皓,大道之力涌现。dao lineagepresent, big dragonencirclementworld.
The sound, was getting bigger and bigger.
动静,越来越大了。Sky over the top of the headsword of Heaven's Will, feltprobably,Li Hao could eliminate the chaos, at this moment, startsto focusto come, changes into the smallsword, is ready to make trouble, wanting the stormto go.
头顶上空的天意之剑,好像是觉得,李皓可能要消灭混沌了,此刻,也开始聚焦而来,化为小剑,蠢蠢欲动,想要强攻进去。Killed the meaning of chaos, entireSilver Moon, restored a seriesagain.
打死了混沌之意,整个银月,就再次恢复一统了。InGreat Wilderness, the white horseroared, was somewhat anxious.大荒之中,白马咆哮一声,有些不安。Black Pantherrode the white horseat this momentsimply, laycomforts the opposite partyon the white horse...... seems like, a littledid not do the meddlesomemisconception.黑豹此刻干脆骑上了白马,趴在白马身上安抚对方……看起来,有点不干好事的错觉。No matterLi Haoalsothey, dao lineagepresents, covers the world.李皓也不管它们,道脉呈现,覆盖天地。Hēlowly: „CedarQi, solidworld!”
The Chinese larchbranchis densely covered, extractsa lot ofchaosair/Qi, at this moment, in the world, a redPine, blocks the sky, powerfulincomparable.
红杉枝条密布虚空,抽取大量的混沌之气,此刻,天地之间,一棵红杉树,遮天蔽日,强悍无比。„The Great Liking...... focusesHeaven's Will!”
The Great Likingcomplexionchanges, were not manysaid,roared, voidabove, Heaven's Willgathered, wantedto be weaker than Li Hao.大离王面色微变,也不多说,一声咆哮,虚空之上,天意汇聚,比李皓这边要弱许多。ButLi Hao, at this moment, tovoid, darkis transmittingownidea: „AttacksGreat Wilderness, kills the meaning of chaos, capturesGreat Wilderness, a Heaven's Willseries, but alsoasked the heavento helpmyhelping hand!”
而李皓,此刻,对着虚空,冥冥中传递出自己的想法:“攻打大荒,杀死混沌之意,夺取大荒,天意一统,还请苍天助我一臂之力!”Heaven's Willrolls up and pushes along.天意卷动。
The entireSilver Moonworld, is tumblingat this momentprobably.
“开始了!”Abovemoon, carries the swordmanto sayin a soft voice: „It seems like...... as I expected, perhapsbut...... thisfellowreallyknewmyexistence.”
月亮之上,背剑男子轻声道:“看来……真如我所料,只是……这家伙也许真的知道我的存在了。”Then, moonmaps the entireworldprobably.
After the moment, opens the mouth saying: „ThatLin Hongyu, is makinganythingprobably......”
片刻后,开口道:“那林红玉,好像在做什么……”„The Heavenly Starofficial, was summoning that the peoplekeepin the hometoday, distributed the innumerablebackdropsto go out...... evenalsosomelarge energystones......”
“天星的官员,都在号召民众今日留在家中,并且,分发了无数天幕出去……甚至还有大量能源石……”Moon Godresponded toone.月神回应了一句。Carrying the swordmanis sigh with emotion: „Has the idea! With the say/way of common people, contends withHeaven's Willto counter-attack? Thisideais good! Li Hao, isfellow who has the idea, perhapsreallycontends with...... Heaven's Willhopefully is also the performance of public opinion, if...... possibleLi Haoto so eliminate the influence.”
背剑男子感慨:“有想法!以万民之道,抗衡天意反扑吗?这个想法不错!李皓,是个有想法的家伙,也许真有希望抗衡……天意也是民意的表现,若是如此……可能李皓会消除掉影响。”Thisfellow, has the brainvery much.
这家伙,很有脑子啊。„Thatwhat to do?”
“那怎么办?”„It is not anxious, but alsowithoutseeingresult, public opinionwhether to exceedHeaven's Will, is uncertain! Li Haowields the worldtime is too short...... Heaven's Willto be boundless, the action of going against heaven's will, is very at present difficult, Li Hao...... will perhaps eatto owegreatly! Such as the previoustime, counter-attackedby the public opinion!”
“不急,还没看到结果,民意能否胜过天意,也不一定!李皓执掌天下时间太短……天意磅礴,逆天之举,目前很难,李皓……也许会吃个大亏!就如上次,被民意反扑!”„Is hebetting the public opinionto be intrepid, exceedsHeaven's Will?”
“可能是吧。”Carries the swordmanto think, had not saidagain.
也许吧。Succeedshopefully, even ifdisturbsHeaven's Willone, perhaps can also succeed.
还是有希望成功的,哪怕只是干扰天意一阵,也许也能成功了。Thisidea, thisapproach, the average personcannot achieve.
这想法,这做法,一般人是做不到的。Nowworld, but can also use the popular sentiment, fewpeople.
……At the same time.
同一时间。Heavenly Star City.天星城。Heavenly Star Townvestige.天星镇遗迹。Lin Hongyulookstothatcrowd of some puppets of tumults, saidin a soft voice: „Marquissaid,Department Head Zhanghas appeared, took awaymanyNew Martialpowerhouses, if willingto followDepartment Head Zhang, canwait forinthis, heshouldpickyouquickly!”林红玉看向那群有些骚动的傀儡,轻声道:“侯爷说,张处长已经出现,带走了不少新武强者,若是愿意跟着张处长的,可以在此等待,他应该会很快来接走你们!”„Ifthinks that wanderer...... is separated fromsomeNew Martialto affect, has a lookwhether to go outis farther, canconspire the important matter!”
“若是想自己闯荡一下……脱离一些新武影响,看看能否走出更远的,可以共谋大事!”„At the present, opportunity, but...... needsto do, matter that the matter that perhapsyouare not willingto do, oris not a willing worker, the marquiswantsyoualong withmetogether, goes to the godcountry, captures the godcountry! Extinguisheskills the person of resistance! But the godcountry, the followerare innumerable, perhaps is oneslaughters...... bypowerhouse'sbody, slaughters the weak one...... the non-marquisto hope, is only, thistime, cannot accommodatetenderheartedly!”
“而今,有一个机会,但是……需要做一些,你们也许不愿做的事,或者不肯做的事,侯爷要你们随我一起,去神国,夺取神国!灭杀反抗之人!而神国,信徒无数,也许便是一场屠戮……以强者之身,屠戮弱者……非侯爷所愿,只是,这个时代,容不得心软!”Shelooksto the people: „Is willingto followme, with,...... and otherDepartment Head Zhang that does not wantthencan!”
她看向众人:“愿意跟我走的,便跟来,不愿意的……等张处长便可!”Onegroup of puppets, some people of silence, somepeoplehesitate.
一群傀儡,有人沉默,有人迟疑。However , many peoplewalkeddirectly, does not say a word.
不过,也有不少人直接走了出来,不发一言。As forZhang An, theirteachers...... everyonehasvariouschoicesrespectively, the road of teacher, not necessarilyis right, to them, the teacheris honourable, notnecessarilyto wantallfollowingteacher.
至于张安,他们的老师……大家各有各的选择,老师的路,未必就是对的,对他们而言,老师值得尊敬,可不一定非要一切都跟着老师。Godcountry, is notNew Martial.
神国,又不是新武。Whathasto be worthcaring?
有什么值得在意的?Slaughtering is!
杀戮便是!Lin Hongyulooked atone, but also are many, was close tohundredpeopleprobably.林红玉看了一眼,还不少,大概接近百人了。
The Yuan PingMartial Science Universitystudent, are actually many, is close to400people, is onlymany, wantsto remain , to continue to wait forZhang An.圆平武科大学的学员,其实不少,足足接近400人,只是很多,都想留下来,继续等待张安。Shedoes not care.
够了!Is close tohundredpeople, has almost the strength of Sun and Moon, was enough.
接近百人,几乎都具备日月之力,足够了。Now, ifseveralSpiritual Godwalked...... the godcountry is not possibleto fear.
如今,若是几位神灵都走了……神国根本不可惧。Even ifleaves behind a sage...... so manypuppets, in additiononeselfSun and Moonsevenfoldstrength, even ifcould not kill the sage, stillnot necessarilyfeared the opposite party.
就算留下一位圣人……这么多傀儡在,加上自己日月七重之力,就算杀不了圣人,也未必怕了对方。„Thatputs in great inconvenience to...... the personto be conspicuous, the body of compressionpuppet, entersdrills the shuttle, leaveswithme......”
The puppetshave not saidanything, takes the lead, is a machinecat.
傀儡们也没多说什么,领头的,也是一位机器猫。Lin Hongyuwas familiarwiththem, shoutedone: „LiSenior!”林红玉对他们还算熟悉,喊了一声:“李前辈!”Thatmachinecatturned the headto look atheroneeyes.
那机器猫转头看了她一眼。Lin Hongyupolitesay/way: „Can senior...... alsowith?”林红玉客气道:“前辈……也要跟去吗?”This, before sheis very early, has seen.
这位,她很早之前就见过。It is said that at that time was JiangYinglicomes outtogether, afterwardJiangYinglichoseturned toLi Hao, thishad not made the decision, howtodayto chooseto join?
据说,当时是和蒋盈李一起出来的,后来蒋盈李选择了投靠李皓,这位一直没做出决定,今日怎么选择加入了?Li Shengzhangsilent a meeting, opens the mouth saying: „Cleans upodd/surplusevil! Zheng Family, Zhou FamilyandLiu FamilyareZhenxing Citycome out, beforeIdo not know that theyrebelled, now, the teacherhas not intendedto cope withtheserebels, Ido not know how the teacherthinks, but...... thesepeople, tarnishedZhenxing Cityto me! Zhenxing City, is not the place of betrayal, is the New Martialsacred place, is the New Martialnucleus!”李胜张沉默了一会,开口道:“清理余孽!郑家、周家、刘家都是镇星城出来的,之前我不知道他们反叛了,如今,老师一直没有出手对付这些叛逆,我不知道老师如何想的,但是对我而言……这些人,玷污了镇星城!镇星城,不是背叛之地,是新武的圣地,也是新武中坚力量!”„InZhenxing City, went out of the innumerablepowerhouses, hasto openNew MartialShen, ChentwoVenerable Emperor, there areother of Guardianhuman raceinnumerableyears, the Li Familyoldancestor of establishing a capital cityworld...... is also my familyancestor! Zhenxing City, issacred place, is the place of glory, rather than the rebel in Silver Moonpersoneyes!”
“镇星城中,走出了无数强者,有开启新武的沈、陈二位帝尊,也有守护人族无数岁月的其他各家,还有定鼎天下的李家老祖……也是我家先祖!镇星城,是圣地,是荣耀之地,而不是银月人眼中的叛徒!”Sheindeeddoes not wantto joinLi Hao.
她的确没想加入李皓这边。But...... the Zhenxing Citythreehomeshoweverbetrayed!
可是……镇星城三家居然都背叛了!This point, tocomingZhenxing City the person, isonetypesufferswith the shamesimply.
这一点,对出身镇星城的人而言,简直是一种折磨和羞辱。Therefore, shedecided,no longerwaits for the teacher.
所以,她还是决定,不再等待老师。Lin Hongyuhearsword, nods: „Marquisalso believes that alsoyes, thesepeoplecould not representZhenxing City!”林红玉闻言,点点头:“侯爷也相信,也明白,这些人代表不了镇星城!”Then, no longersaidanything.
说罢,不再多说什么。Leadsonegroup of people, entereddrilled the shuttle.
带着一群人,进入了钻地梭。Quick, drills the shuttleto start, onegroup of peopledisappear.
The remainingthesepuppets, somewhatare complex.
剩下的那些傀儡,都有些复杂。Alsowalkeda group ofpeople.
又走了一批人。In years pastschoolmate, now, went separate ways.
昔年的同学,如今,也分道扬镳了。Studentssilent, at this moment, suddenly, the formappearstogetherbefore the people, manypeopleare somewhat excited: „Teacher!”
学员们沉默了一阵,就在此刻,忽然,一道身影浮现在众人面前,不少人有些激动:“老师!”„Youcame back!”
“您回来了!”Zhang Anlooked aroundto look, became fewermanypeople, knowsprobablywasfollows the Li Haopersonto walk, has not saidanything, looked atpeople: „Alsois willingto followme?”张安四处看了看,见少了不少人,大概知道是跟着李皓的人走了,也没多说什么,看了一眼众人:“还愿意跟我走吗?”„Wants!”
“愿意!”Manypeoplequicklyreplied,somepeopleare unbearably anxious: „Teacher, heard that the teacherhad drawn insomeNew Martialpowerhouses, whydoes not initiate an attack, copes withZheng Familytheserebelinfluences......, even ifcould not killZhengYu, butZheng Family, currentlyhas the sageto appearprobably...... must utterly destroyit!”
不少人急忙回答,有人急不可耐:“老师,听说老师已经收拢了一些新武强者,为何不主动出击,对付郑家这几家叛徒势力……就算杀不了郑宇,可郑家,现在好像有圣人出现……也要将其斩尽杀绝!”„Relax, sooner or latermatter.”
“放心,迟早的事。”Zhang An said that opens the mouth saying: „Nowdoes not saythese, sinceis willingto follow...... thatto leavewithmeme! Recently, perhapswas not peaceful, Silver Moonwill perhaps soon have a clearresultto come out...... Ito restore the body of New Martialforyou, walked!”张安说了一句,开口道:“现在不说这些,既然愿意跟我走……那就跟我离开吧!最近,恐怕不太平,银月也许很快会有一个清晰的结果出来了……我会为你们恢复新武之身,走吧!”Then, the big handwields, booksappear, just like the battleship, the studentssteps onto.
The Zhang Anbooksclosed up, looked ataroundone, at this moment, Heavenly Starvestige, alreadyno one!张安书册合拢,看了一眼四周,此刻,天星遗迹,已经无人了!Inthis, hestops overafter a period of time.
在这,他还是逗留过一段时间的。Looked atone, had not said that quick, went out of the vestige.
看了一眼,并未多说,很快,走出了遗迹。Thentoward the eastlooked atone, entireEast, blustery, probably the thunderstormwill soon arrive.
接着朝东方看了一眼,整个东方,风起云涌,好像雷暴即将降临。„Great Wilderness...... domainstrength?”
“大荒……领域的力量吗?”Li Haoarrangedsomesubsequent hands, isnot necessarilyenough.李皓安排了一些后手,可是未必够的。Hisopponent, is very fearful.
他的对手,都很可怕的。At this moment, Zhang Anlooked atonetoward the sky, sawbright moonlight, that sidetoward the eastfell.
是那里吗?Evenin that should the shorttime unable to come out.
就算在那,应该短时间也出不来。In the heartis thinking, Zhang Anvanishesrapidly.
The direction, is notEast.
方向,并非东方。Sincethat side, Li Haodoes that he himselfsolves, butplace that at this moment, hemustgo, isnorth.
The Li Haosoundis so big, ZhengYuwill definitely pay attention.李皓动静这么大,郑宇必然会关注的。InJufeng City, ZhengYumain bodyalso.飓风城中,郑宇本尊还在。But...... closes upZhengYuZhou FamilyXinghe City, maynot haveZhengYumain body.
可是……靠拢郑宇的周家星河城,可没有郑宇本尊了。In front, in the pageappearsperson's shadows.
The Zhang Ansoundresoundsin the books, thisbooks, just like a sideworld, onegroup of peoplestays, had not been suppressedby the world.张安声音在书册中响起,这书册,宛如一方世界,一群人在其中停留,并未受到天地压制。„TakesXinghe City! FirstexterminatesZhou Family! After capturingXinghe City,...... wemustgo to the seal...... to be very dangerous, if afraid, canwithdraw, joins the Li Haothat side......”
“拿下星河城!先剿灭周家!夺取星河城之后……我们要去封印之中……很危险,若是害怕,可以退出,加入李皓那边……”„Whowill fear? The New Martialpersonneverdreads! Department Head Zhangdares, what do wealsofear? The department headstatusis honored, settledanddepartment headtogether, New Martialpersonare solvedtroublesomeall!”
“谁会怕?新武人从不畏惧!张处长都敢,我们还怕什么?处长身份尊贵,定当和处长一起,新武人自己解决一切麻烦!”Quick, somepeopleresponded.
很快,有人回应。Zhang Ansmiles: „KillingVenerable Emperor...... is impossible! However, seizedSilver Moon, hopeful...... the swordcityis also one of them, shouldno one, seize the swordcitynow, takesXinghe City, seizingSilver Moon...... wewere hopeful, becomes the four directions!”张安笑了笑:“杀帝尊……不可能的!不过,夺了银月,还是有希望的……剑城也在其中,现在应该无人了,夺了剑城,拿下星河城,夺了银月……我们才有希望,成为第四方!”ThisSilver Moon, is notthisworld, butis...... the Moon Godmain body!
此银月,不是这个世界,而是……月神本尊!In the books, the peopleopen the mouthin abundance: „Allobey the command of department head!”
书册中,众人纷纷开口:“一切听从处长之令!”Zhang Anno longersaid,vanishesrapidly.张安不再多说,迅速消失。
The opportunityis rare!
机会难得!Whilethisopportunity, seizesXinghe City, controlsXinghe Cityto enter the seal, canmakeZhengYustimulate.
……At this moment, all partiesare planning.
这一刻,各方都在算计着。Butsky overGreat Wilderness, the Heaven's Willgathering, the thunderthunders, possiblyarrives atGreat Wildernessmomentarily, the bangkills the meaning of chaos.
而大荒上空,天意汇聚,雷霆轰鸣,随时都可能降临大荒,轰杀混沌之意。At this moment, Li Haois serious.
The success or failure, depends on this.
成败,在此一举。Sidelooked atnorthone, has a look at the sky, Li Haoto showsomesmile...... you...... to come the personagainsuddenly?
侧头看了一眼北方,再看看天空,李皓忽然露出一些笑容……你们……会来人吗?Silver Moon, eventuallySilver Moonperson.银月,终究还是银月人的。„Black Panther, preparation!”
“黑豹,准备了!”Li Haodrinksseverely, the nextquarter, the intentionmoves, above the top of the head, the sword of Heaven's Will, explodesto shootsuddenly, directly soarsinGreat Wildernessthatbatch of white horsesto go, the Li Haosoundresounds through the four directions: „Executes the chaos, seriesSilver Moon, Heaven's Willis absolute, kills!”李皓一声厉喝,下一刻,心意一动,头顶上方,天意之剑,忽然爆射而出,直奔大荒中那批白马而去,李皓声音响彻四方:“诛混沌,统银月,天意不可违,杀!”Bang!
轰!Heaven's Willsweeps across, four directionscloudDong, the innumerableenergiessweep acrossto come, in a flash, the entireGreat Wildernessregion, the energyalmostfilled upvoid.天意席卷,四方云动,无数能量席卷而来,一瞬间,整个大荒区域,能量几乎填满了虚空。Heaven's Willchanges into a long sword, killstoward the white horse!天意化为一柄长剑,直朝白马杀去!But an opening that Great Wilderness, thatdomainleft behind...... actuallystartsto close upgradually, Li Haoalldao lineagepresent, divine writingappear, „say/way”articleis hanging the world, hemustblockGreat Wilderness!
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