Great Li and expedition of godcountry's, but also is continuing.大离和神国的征战,还在持续。Because ofthat the appearance of god of military, Great Lilike a hot knife through butter, attacksin being enthralledborderinitially, invadedmanyterritories.
因为那位初武之神的出现,大离势如破竹,攻入神国境内,侵占了不少领土。But the queen, is dogged by defeat at every step.
而女王这边,一败再败。Firstlost toHeavenly Star, elitecompletelyloses, was cutto killmassiveSpiritual GodbyLi Hao, then , was hitby the god of militaryinitially, at the present, can only look at the godcountryterritoryhelplessly, was embezzledunceasingly.
先是败给了天星,精锐尽失,接着又被李皓斩杀了大量神灵,再接着,又被初武之神打了一顿,而今,只能眼睁睁地看着神国领地,不断被人侵吞。Although the followersare wild, fiercebrave, buteventuallyis not the regular army, retreats in defeat again and again.
信徒虽然狂暴,悍勇,可终究不是正规军,节节败退。Great LikingRenshao, attack a cityall the waypullZhai, for the rear area not chaotic...... slaughtersmuch, the followeris extremely frantic, is not goodto cope, forby the never recurringtrouble, the king of thatbarbariandesolate, reallyopenedslaughtering of wide scope, evenis...... massacres city!大离王人少,一路上攻城拔寨,为了后方不乱……杀戮不少,信徒太过狂热,不好对付,为了以绝后患,那位蛮荒之王,是真的开启了大范围的杀戮,甚至是……屠城!All these, Li Haoknows, evenlooksin the eye.
这一切,李皓都知道,甚至看在眼中。Hehas not managed.
他没管。Myclanpeople, whydo not manage?
非我族民,为何要管?LetGreat Liattack the godcountry, sparsforboth sides, weakensboth sides, thiswarended, both sidesbecame the deadenmity, moreoverGreat Lilosesalsomuch, butharvest...... except forterritory, withoutother.
让大离进攻神国,就是为了双方斗法,削弱双方,此战结束,双方成了死仇,而且大离损失也不少,而收获……除了领土,也没其他了。What can also have?
The godcountry, the strength of beliefare actually many, the energy is actually not many, the strength of beliefcannotabsorbrandomly, othersbelieve is notyou, a wargets down, actuallyalsohas no harvest.
神国这边,信仰之力倒是不少,能量却是不多,信仰之力也不能乱吸收,人家信奉的不是你,一场战争下来,其实也没什么收获。Suchwar, is notall partiespursues......
这样的战争,也不是各方所追求的……ButtoletHeavenly Staris relieved, the Great Likinghas tolaunchsuchattack, even if the god of strengthmilitaryis powerfulinitially, after maymake a movetimeone, has not actedagain.
可为了让天星安心,大离王不得不发起这样的攻击,哪怕初武之神战力强悍,可出手一次之后,就再也没有出手过。Where the Great Likingdaresto count onthatfellowcompletely.大离王哪敢全部指望那家伙。Heare rather powerful, has the qualificationsto participate inthiscontention, has the opportunity, makingGreat Limaintain the independence, rather thanmerges intoHeavenly Star, becomes the Heavenly Starpossession.
The waris still continuing.
战争还在持续中。However, the Great Likinghas been ready that leftquietly.
不过,大离王已经做好了悄然离开的准备。Tendays of times, drew near.
……Great Wilderness.大荒。Worldchaos, Great Wildernessresident, lastbatchalso was migrated, after today, Great Wildernessbecamecertainly, did not have the habitationagain.
天地一片混沌,大荒居民,最后一批也在被迁移中,今日之后,大荒就成了绝地,再无人烟了。Manypeople, are not willingto walkactually.
许多人,其实不愿意走。Is forced to leave native place, suddenlygoes to the Central Plainarea, that not familiarplace, is a stranger, actually the Great Wildernesspersondoes not wantto walk.
背井离乡,忽然去中原地区,那个不熟悉的地方,都是陌生人,其实大荒人不想走。But...... does not walkgood.
The innumerablepowerhouses, enterGreat Wildernessunceasingly, even the Great Wildernesskingscame, expostulatesall parties, the rapidevacuation, stays behind, only thendead end.
无数人愤恨。Hates the Great Wildernessking, hatingLi Hao...... Li Haonot to care.
The migration of Heavenly Staris easy, everyoneexperienced the Li Haomighty force.天星的迁徙还容易,大家见识到了李皓的伟力。Great Wildernesshateshim, hedoes not care aboutall these.大荒恨他,他也不在乎这一切。Waited forthesepeopleto enterCentral Region, severalyearslater, anythingwill forget.
等这些人进入了中部,几年之后,什么都会忘记的。BesideGreat Wilderness.大荒之外。Li Haocirclesinspatially, all around, the increasing number of peoplegatherto come, fourbigLordcitieshavefoursagesto assume personal command, at this momentdistributesacross the world, notinthis.李皓盘旋在空,四周,越来越多的人汇聚而来,四大主城有四位圣人坐镇,此刻分布在天下各地,并不在此。However, thisplacegatheredmanypowerhouses.
The soundis big.
动静不小。Li Haothese, crazycultivation, the strength of extractionworld, has been extracting the strength of Grand Dao on , Heaven's Willhas also been moving restlessly, probablywantsto enterGreat Wilderness, eliminatesGreat Wilderness.李皓这几日,一直都在疯狂修炼,抽取天地之力,抽取大道之力,天意一直也在躁动,好像想要进入大荒,消灭大荒。„Windgets up!”
“风起!”Li Haotwittering, the nextquarter, the galeflies upwardsin a soft voice, yellow sandeverywhere.李皓轻声呢喃一声,下一刻,大风飞扬,黄沙漫天。Worldchanges countenance.
The dark cloudobstructs the day, during the entireworldfell intoinstantaneouslywas dim, the place of blustery, entireGreat Wilderness, enteredin the middle ofhalfdarkness.
乌云遮天,整个天地瞬间陷入了昏暗之中,风起云涌,整个大荒之地,都进入了半黑暗当中。Obstructs the cloudto block out the sun.
遮云蔽日。Li Haolooks up the day, moon, startedto falltowardhereprobably.李皓抬头看天,月亮,好像又开始朝这边落下了。
The soundis big, LiDaoheng, canguess correctlywhat are oneselfmaking?
动静不小,李道恒,能猜到自己在做什么吗?Said, butfelt,oneself are compressingGreat Wilderness?
还是说,只是觉得,自己是在压缩大荒?Heis unable to analyze whether the opposite partyknows.
他无法判断对方是否知晓。Top of the headHeaven's Will, at this moment, evenformedindistinctly, thatprobably...... is a sword!
The sword of day!
天之剑!Severalsword cultivator, are very at this moment dignified, Heavenly Sword, Hong YitangandLight Swordseveralpeople, are serious, thisHeaven's Will...... the accumulationcomes, probablyformed a sword, thisworld, is everywhere relatedwithSword Dao.
几位剑修,此刻都无比凝重,天剑、洪一堂、光明剑几人,都面色凝重,这天意……聚集而来,好像形成了一把剑,这个世界,处处都和剑道有关。Mixed the wind and cloudHeaven's Will, unexpectedlycanappearindistinctly the sword-shaped, obviously, thesedate and time, Heaven's Will was also actually stronger.
原本只是搅动风云的天意,居然隐约都能浮现出剑形,可见,这些时日,天意其实也壮大了许多。Butnow, Li Haoexposes, mustsolve the stance of trouble of Great Wilderness.
而现在,李皓又展露出,要解决大荒之患的姿态。Heaven's Will that the worldcangather, majoritygatheredto come.
天下能汇聚来的天意,大部分都汇聚而来了。If notHeaven's Willhas not staked everything on a single throw of the dice, perhapsat this moment, shouldgive up others, completegatheringandthis.
若非天意没有孤注一掷,此刻,也许都该放弃其他人,全部汇聚与此了。However, Heaven's Willdisperseseventually.
不过,天意终究还是分散的。Heaven's Will that thisplace, the gatheringcomes, althoughare many, is actually notcompleteHeaven's Will, Heaven's WilldistributedentireHeavenly Star, rather thanplace.
此地,汇聚而来的天意,虽多,却也不是完整的天意,天意分布整个天星,而不是一地。Li Haoraised the headagain, is away from the dark cloud, was indistinctsawthatbright moonlight.李皓再次抬头,隔着乌云,隐约间看到了那轮明月。LiDaoheng will, be actingat this moment, capturesHeaven's Will?
李道恒,会在此刻出手,夺取天意吗?CatchesHeaven's Will?
捕捉天意?Heaven's Will, canhelphimgo a step further, is easierto wield the world, is easierto wieldGrand Dao, is easierto go out ofmoon, will hemake a move?天意,可以帮他更进一步,更容易执掌天地,更容易执掌大道,更容易走出月亮,他会出手吗?Li Haodoes not know.李皓不知道。
At this moment, the distant place, severalperson's shadowsappears.
就在此刻,远处,数道人影浮现。Great Likingto come.大离王来了。IncessantlyGreat Liking, water cloudqueen mother, Jiang Li, even the Great Wildernesskingscame, the squareking monarch sovereign, except for the queen, remainingthreearrived.
不止大离王,还有水云太后,还有姜离,甚至大荒王都来了,四方国主,除了女王,剩下三位都到了。Li Haois waiting forsilently, has not greetedanyone.李皓默默等待着,也没招呼谁。Continuesto floatspatialcultivation.
只是继续浮空修炼。In the top of the head, Heaven's Willevencondensed a swordquickly.
头顶上,天意甚至都快凝聚成一把剑了。ButinGreat Wilderness, the white horsemoves restlesslyanxiously.
而大荒之内,白马躁动不安。At this moment, feels the total destruction, comfortedincluding the princessunceasingly, toohas not in a big way affected, the white horseappearedindistinctly the meaning of chaos, is mixingGreat Wilderness, might resistHeaven's Will.
此刻,也是感受到了灭顶之灾,珺公主不断安抚,也没太大作用,白马身上隐约浮现出了混沌之意,也在搅动大荒,好像要对抗天意。„Heaven's Will......, oncewere embezzled, certaincan rebelthrows.”
“天意……一旦被侵吞,一定会反扑。”In the Li Haoheartis thinking, looked above a top of the headthatsword.李皓心中想着,看了一眼头顶上方的那把剑。Here, is onlypart.
这里,只是其中一部分。OnceHeaven's Will of thisplacewere exterminatedbyoneself, remainingHeaven's Willcertaincan rebelthrow, butHeaven's Willdoes not have the energy of murder, certainlythroughotherperson of hands, will counter-attack.
一旦此地的天意被自己剿灭,剩下的天意一定会反扑的,而天意本身是不具备杀人之能的,一定会通过其他人之手,进行反扑。Asstealingday, ifthisis not clear, thatunderestimatedLi Hao.
作为偷天者,若是连这点都不清楚,那太小看李皓了。„QueenandYing Hongyue, thesetwomodernmartial master, are easiestto obtain the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, onceIsolvedHeaven's Will, might makeHeaven's Willfocustwo people, makingthemcontrolworldpartrapidly, actuatingthemto killme......”
“女王、映红月,这两位现代武师,最容易获得天意加持,一旦我解决了天意,很可能会让天意聚焦两人,让他们迅速掌控天地一部分,驱动他们杀我……”At that time, oneselfwieldedGreat Wildernessactually, is, perhapsremainingHeaven's Will, will be carved upbythese two.
那时候,自己倒是执掌了大荒,可是,剩下的天意,也许会被这两人瓜分。Although the Heaven's Willfocus, is not necessarily safe, butcurrently speaking, will bring the enormousadvantagetothese two.
The Li Haocorners of the mouthriseslightly.李皓嘴角微微上扬。Eachpromote, thesepeoplewill gain the advantage, particularlyYing Hongyue...... thesepeopleoneselfthisinvader, whatraisedisreallyproper.
每一次自己提升,这些人都会获得好处,尤其是映红月……这些人把自己这个寇,养的是真到位。Raising the invaderis self-possessed...... perhapsistheircurrentconditions.
养寇自重……也许就是他们目前的状态。Manypeople, hope that thesepeoplesuppress themselves, copes with itself, thereforeeachpromote, others wantto catch up, the countless sufferings and hardships, Ying Hongyuethesepeople, actuallyrise highsuccessively, relaxedincomparable.
The entireworld, severalchess players, are usingthem, when the board game piece, beginsunceasingly, suppressesLi Haothisfellow who wantsto jump out of the checkerboard.
整个天地,几位棋手,都在用他们当棋子,不断落子,压制李皓这个想要跳出棋盘的家伙。At this moment, Li HaolookstoBlack Panther.
此刻,李皓又看向黑豹。Then, looked atsword of the Heaven's Willagain.
接着,再次看了一眼天意之剑。Heis pondering an issue, Black PantherswallowsHeaven's Will, does Heaven's Willknow that isIincites?
他在思考一个问题,黑豹吞天意,天意知不知道是我授意的?Heaven's Willis very immature, does not have the completespiritwisdom.天意很稚嫩,没有完整的灵智。Now, but alsojust like the child, is very immature.
如今,还和孩子一样,很幼小。IfHeaven's Willdoes not know that isincites, Black PantherswallowsHeaven's Will...... thatHeaven's Will to killme, cankillBlack Panther?
若是天意不知道是自己授意的,黑豹吞天意……那天意到底是要弄死我,还是要弄死黑豹?Ifonlywantsto killBlack Panther...... perhaps, I am also the goal of Heaven's Willfavor, totake revenge, perhaps, will continueto favorme, addstomeholdsHeaven's Will?
若是只想弄死黑豹……也许,我也是天意青睐的目标,为了复仇,说不定,会继续青睐我,给我加持天意呢?Naturally, thiscompletelyHeaven's Will, when the fooltreated.
当然,这完全就是把天意当傻子对待了。Once the opposite partya littlespiritwisdom, feltBlack Pantherandonegroup...... the bigprobabilitywill copeown.
一旦对方有一点灵智,觉得黑豹和自己一伙的……大概率还是会对付自己的。However, perhaps is really the fool?
不过,也许真是傻子呢?Li Haoshows a faint smile.李皓微微一笑。At this moment, the Lin Hongyuflyinggoes forward, passes on the sound said: „Marquis, arranged.”
此刻,林红玉飞身上前,传音道:“侯爷,安排好了。”Li Haoslight nod.李皓微微点头。Looked atoneLin Hongyuseveralpeople, thinks, passes on the sound said: „Heaven's Willpeople's desires, man will conquer nature! Naturally, said that said that can the realman will conquer nature, not say. IfHeaven's Willis very silly, thatdoes not needyouto meddle...... , if not silly, Ithink of every means that does not make the bridal clothesto others!”
看了一眼林红玉几人,思索一番,传音道:“天意既人意,人定胜天!当然,说是这么说,能不能真的人定胜天,不好说。天意若是很傻,那就不需要你们插手……若是不傻,我费尽心思,可不是给他人做嫁衣的!”Speaking ofthis, said: „...... Will really bring to the attention of Zheng Familytothat timeprobably, perhapsZhengYucandisturb, nowhethinksme to solveGreat Wilderness, withoutmanagingme!”
说到这,又道:“不过真到了那时候……大概会引起郑家的注意,郑宇也许会来捣乱,现在他以为我是为了解决大荒,没有管我!”„Once the opposite partymeddles, the sagemayleave, now the opposite partyhasmanysagesnot saying that butIat that time, does not have the meanseasilyto enter the Grand Daouniverse, at this time, I will be very dangerous!”
“一旦对方插手,圣人可出,如今对方有多少圣人不好说,而我那时候,又没办法轻易进入大道宇宙,这时候,我会很危险!”Lin Hongyuis slightly dignified: „That...... ifreallytothat time, marquisgeneral situationforheavy, giving up is, keeps the mountain not to worrynot to have the firewoodfever!”林红玉略显凝重:“那……真若是到了那时候,侯爷大局为重,放弃便是,留得青山在不愁没柴烧!”Allsmooth, thatisbest.
一切顺利,那是最好的。Smoothlyclever, thatis the bestresult.
顺利地偷天换日,那是最好的结果。Once but where offendedHeaven's Will...... is so smooth, even ifZhengYuzhenhad not detected,Heaven's Willwill also makethemdetect, thiswas the Heaven's Willstrength, will guideyouto discover.
可一旦得罪了天意……哪有那么顺利,哪怕郑宇真的没察觉,天意也会让他们察觉到,这就是天意的力量,会引导你去发现。„Un, Icanconsider...... naturally, did not saythese, the critical moment, youmustmake the arrangement! Perhaps, thisis a war of people's desiresFights Heavenintent...... the hopecan the man will conquer nature!”
“嗯,我会考虑的……当然,不说这些,关键时刻,你们要做好安排!也许,这是一次人意战天意的战争……希望能人定胜天!”Li Haourgedseveraltohim, looked upskyagain.李皓对他叮嘱了几句,再次抬头看了一眼天空。Thought, consideredone, passes on the sound said: „YounowareHeavenly StarCommandermansionCommander, is a sideleader, actuallyalso some Heaven's Willfavors......”
The Lin Hongyulookmoves slightly.林红玉眼神微动。
The Li Haohesitationmoment , to continue saying: „Are youwillingto walk? Lets gothisopportunity, perhapswill welcomeanotheropportunity, perhaps...... other, Heaven's Willwill not be in a tumult, the queenwill perhaps come, even ifshedoes not come, perhapsotherswill also makehercome.”李皓沉吟片刻,继续道:“你愿意走出去吗?放弃这次机会,也许会迎来另一次机会,也许不会……另外,天意骚动,女王也许会来,哪怕她自己不来,也许别人也会让她来。”„Does marquismakemeambush the queen?”
The Lin Hongyulookglittered, shenowis onlySun and Moonsevenfold, queenweakestnineheavy, evenwas the Dao Fusionlevel, the disparityhad.林红玉眼神闪烁了一下,她如今只是日月七重,那女王最弱九重,甚至是合道层次了,差距还是有一些的。Let alone, but alsohasseveralVia SacraSpiritual God.
何况,还带着几位圣道神灵。Ambushes the opposite party...... difficultlysuch asto ascend to heaven, was not instead killedby the opposite partyis good.
“怎么会!”Thatisbrings death.
那是送死。„FourbigLordcities, thenmeet the rebellion, the extractionworldenergy, the agitationworld, cuts off the worldcommunication...... myperson, everyoneis staring! Butonegroup of people, no oneare staring, underHeavenly Star Townvestige, onegroup of students, the partis willingto joinour!”
“四大主城,接下来会暴动,抽取天地能量,搅动天地,断绝天下通讯……我的人,大家都在盯着!可有一批人,没人盯着,天星镇遗迹下方,还有一群学员,其中,有一部分是愿意加入我们的!”Li Haovisitsher, passes on the sound said: „Youreturn toHeavenly Star City, shouted that thesepeople, several hundredstudents, the minimumhundredpeopleare willingto joinus, althoughnowispuppet'sbodies, has the strength of Sun and Moon!”李皓看着她,传音道:“你回天星城,喊上这些人,数百学员,其中起码百来人愿意加入我们,如今虽然都是傀儡之身,却也有日月之力!”„Ifmesmooth, youranythingdoes not serve as, if not smooth......”
“若是我这边顺利,你什么都不用做,若是不顺利……”„Here queencame, here Great Likingto come, everyonecame...... youto leadthesestudents, went to the West, extinguished the godcountry and Great Liarmycompletelykills, invadestheirdomains, merged into the Heavenly Starcategory!”
The Lin Hongyucomplexionchanges.林红玉脸色微变。
The split visionlooked at a Great Liking in not far away, passes on the sound said: „Thatinitially the god of military......”
余光看了一眼不远处的大离王,传音道:“那位初武之神……”„All right, the fellow, will perhaps not go out ofGreat Lirashly! Intendedenough...... naturally, really to meetonetime, that was also the life, unlucky, withoutmeans! Isaid that is only the eventuality! Is more careful, expelsGreat Lithen...... the godcountryresistancemember, strikesto killcompletely!”
“没事,那家伙,恐怕不会贸然走出大离!一次出手就够了……当然,真要遇到了,那也是命,倒霉,没办法!我说的,只是万一!或者小心一些,驱逐大离即可……将神国反抗分子,全部击杀!”„Captures the godcountryterritory, becomes a sideoverlord......, even, ifHeaven's Willdoes not favoryou, youstart own party, reconstructCity of Superpower......”
“夺取神国领地,成为一方霸主……甚至,如果天意不青睐你,你就自立门户,再造超能之城……”„Does not dare!”
“不敢!”InLin Hongyuheartin great surprise, hurriedsay/way: „Marquis......”林红玉心中大惊,急忙道:“侯爷……”„Was needlessto say! Isaid that is onlyinsituationby some chance, ifIwere really hostile tobyHeaven's Willat that time, youstart own party, deceiveHeaven's Will, Heaven's Willthatintelligent...... youhad not invaded the Westerngodcountry, the queenis a waste, how manyHeaven's Willcandivide? Compared with the talent, youare not worse than her, some of herpeoplehave helpedher, although the Chinese larchis also willingto helpyou, butitis unable to defend oneself, helpedlimited!”
The Lin Hongyutalent, will not compare the queento be badabsolutelymany.林红玉的天赋,绝对不会比女王差多少。Naturally, the slightlybigseveralyears old are.
当然,稍微大几岁便是。Li Haothinks, thisalsoprevents the eventuality, all have the possibility, LiDaohenghas the abilityeven, the person but who healmost...... canusenoware not many, person who thistime, crops uptruly, oneself.李皓思索一番,这也是预防万一,一切皆有可能,李道恒就算有能耐,可他现在差一点……能用的人不多,这个时代,真正冒头的人,都在自己这边。„Lin Hongyu, thistime, oryouhave achieved nothing, or...... youobtainmassiveHeaven's Willfavors, there arepossibilityonedaythreerises! Yourselfchoose, ifyoudo not want, IcanmakeQian Wulianggo, perhapsheis gladvery much......”
“林红玉,此次,要不你一无所获,要不……你就获得大量天意青睐,也有可能一日三升!你自己选择,你若是不愿意,我可以让乾无亮去,他也许很乐意……”Qian Wuliangpromotionwas too quick, the opposite partyhad strided insevenfold!
只是,乾无亮提升的太快了,对方已经跨入了七重!Li Hao, mustlimit a pointappropriately.李皓,还是要适当限制一点的。Cannotencouragehisdesire, thatharmedhim.
不能助长他的欲望,那是害了他。Do not need!
没必要!Iftobury aliveQian Wuliang, an opportunity, encourageshisdesireactuallyon the line, butLi Hao must usehim, thatdoes not need, timesmadehisambitioninflate, ifQian Wuliang, perhapswithout the accident, will also initiated an attack.
若是为了坑杀乾无亮,倒是个机会,助长他的欲望就行,可李皓还要用他,那就没必要,一次次让他野心膨胀了,若是乾无亮,哪怕没有变故,也许也会主动出击。Thisdoes not conform to the anticipation of Li Hao.
The Lin Hongyurapidponder, in the hearthas clearly become aware the meaning of Li Hao, onceherepresented the accident, Heaven's WillhostileLi Hao, will certainly look forpersonin additionto hold, the Ying Hongyuebigprobabilitydoes not dareto want, the queendaresactually, but if threw the godcountry, the domaindid not have, can Heaven's Willalsofavoryou?林红玉迅速思考,心中已然明悟李皓的意思,一旦这边出现了变故,天意敌对李皓,一定会找人加持,映红月大概率不敢要,女王倒是敢,可若是丢了神国,地盘都没了,天意还能青睐你?Butheresoundis big, perhapswill cover up the mutation in godcountry's.
而这边动静大,也许会遮掩住神国的异变。Moreover, the manpowerwereNew MartialYuan PingMartial Science Universitythatgroup of puppets, the person of attentionare less.
...... That time , if also hitting the Heavenly Stargiven name, no matterperhapsuses, starts own party?
只是……那时候若是还打着天星的名号,也许不管用,自立门户吗?In the heartthoughtsappear.
心中一个个念头浮现。Lin Hongyuquickbiographysound said: „Marquis, do I...... arrangesomepeopleagain?”林红玉很快传音道:“侯爷,就我……还是再安排一些人?”„Your! The peoplewalked, somepeoplecancare...... youreturn toHeavenly Star Citynow, startedto arrange, everywherearrangementbackdrop, careful, butdid not usetoocarefully, but, mustindicate that at least a meaning...... I may borrow the popular sentiment, defeated the Heaven's Willcounter-attack! This, isImustto the subsequent hand who the opposite partysees.”
“就你一人!人走多了,有人会关心的……你现在回天星城,开始布置,到处布置天幕,小心一点,但是也不用太小心,但是,起码要表明一个意思……我可能会借用民心,战胜天意反击!这,是我要给对方看到的后手。”Lin Hongyunodsunceasingly.林红玉不断点头。Li Hao is also walksonestepto look atthreepeople, can practice trickery, did not say.李皓也是走一步看三步之人,能否瞒天过海,不好说。
But if felt,Li Haois only the puredaysecretly, perhapseveryonemustsuffer a loss.
可若是觉得,李皓只是单纯的偷天,也许所有人都要吃亏。At this moment, Lin Hongyueven morefelt,thismarquis, is even more mature, is even more calm, was even more callous!
此刻,林红玉愈加觉得,这位侯爷,愈加成熟,愈加冷静,也愈加冷酷了!Justspoke, superficial, extinguishing the deicidecountryrevolted against the member...... thatperhapsis the field littered with corpses!
刚刚说话之间,轻描淡写,灭杀神国反抗分子……那也许就是尸横遍野!Also, Great LikingseveralKing, completelyinthis.
还有,大离王几位王者,全部在这。Moreover, will enterGreat Wilderness.
而且,都会进入大荒。Lin Hongyualsolookedat this moment, perhaps...... toeliminatetheirHeaven's Will, makingHeaven's Willnot have to elect the person, reduced the hidden danger.林红玉此刻也看出来了,也许……就是为了剥夺他们的天意,让天意无可选之人,减少隐患。Theseoverlords, has the heavento look upon with favor.
这几位各国霸主,也都是有上天垂青的。Whensheis thinkingthese, Li Haohas not sent greetingsagain, opens the mouth saying: „ForestCommander, thistimeyoumustgo backto assumeHeavenly Star, toguardHeavenly Starto be turbulent! Perhapswill missthisopportunity...... not to relate, is only a smallopportunity, cannot be regardedanything! Thistime, cedarQiis the key, cedarQi, ifcango a step further, naturallycould not treat unjustlyyou!”
就在她想着这些的时候,李皓没再传音,开口道:“林都督,此次你要回去坐镇天星,以防天星动荡!也许会错过这次机会……不过没关系,只是一次小小的机会罢了,算不得什么!此次,杉岐是关键,杉岐若是能更进一步,自然亏待不了你!”Not far away, inSequoia Treeheartstartled, hurriedhuman form: „Marquischatted, allare the marquismap out strategic plans in an army tent......”
不远处,红杉木心中一惊,急忙化出人形:“侯爷说笑了,一切都是侯爷运筹帷幄……”Itwas worriedvery much,Li Hao will therefore be discontented.
它很担心,李皓会因此而不满。Itbecomes the Monster Plantarmyleadernow, subordinateMonster Plantare many, oneselfalsoarrived at the sagelevel, but the Lin Hongyuposition, evensaid,is next toLi Hao, becomes the heads of fivesideCommander!
它如今成了妖植军领袖,麾下妖植不少,自身也到了圣人层次,而林红玉的地位,甚至说,仅次于李皓,成为了五方都督之首!ItandLin Hongyu, isonegroup.
...... Actuallymanypeoplehad not a little said that Qian Wuliang, actuallycomesCity of Superpower, perhapsinitiallywas forcedto joinLi Hao, does not have the means that butnow, sincejoined, Qian Wuliang does not have the foundation, is actually also drawing close toCity of Superpowersubconsciously.
还有一点……其实很多人没说,乾无亮,其实出身超能之城,也许当初被迫加入李皓这边,是没办法,可现在,既然加入了,乾无亮也算是无根基,其实也在下意识地贴近超能之城这边。Lin Hongyu, Sequoia Tree, Qian Wuliang.
一个林红玉,一个红杉木,一个乾无亮。Onlywasthesethree...... was actually in the extremelyimportantposition.
光是这三位……其实就占据了极其重要的地位。NowLi Haosayssuddenlysuch, how couldwas not worried.
现在李皓忽然说这么一句,岂能不担心。Sequoia Treewas worried,someQian Wuliangcolor deteriorations, do not dareto look atLi Haoslightly, looked atLin Hongyucautiously, seeingheris quite tranquil, had not lookedagain,slightlywas actually relieved.红杉木担心,乾无亮都微微有些变色,没敢看李皓,小心翼翼看了一眼林红玉,见她比较平静,没再多看,倒是稍微安心了一些。Li HaoandSilver Moonmartial master, the friendship of someactuallymanyelderlater generations, withthesepeople, whatare actually moreis the high and lowhigh and low.李皓和银月武师,倒是多一些长辈后辈的情义,和这些人,倒是更多的还是上下尊卑。Sees the Chinese larchopens the mouth, smiles, Li Haoopens the mouth saying: „CedarQiSeniormisunderstood , helping the cooperationmutually, shouldmatter! Now, is not the resourcesequal distributions, the more pay for more work, youobtainmany, even ifwill see somebody off...... Inot to managecompletely! Everyoneisso! ButImustdo, the most suitableresources, gives the most suitableperson, youuseothersto use...... to look atyou, ifcannot follow, perhaps the nexttime, did not haveyouropportunities!”
见红杉开口,笑了笑,李皓开口道:“杉岐前辈误会了,互帮互助,应该的事!如今,又不是资源平均分配,多劳多得,你们获得多少,哪怕全部送人……我也不会管!大家都是如此!而我要做的,就是将最适合的资源,交给最适合的人,你们自己用还是别人用……看你们自己,若是跟不上来,下一次,也许就没有你们的机会了!”Saidsimplyseveral, helookstoGreat Likingseveralpeople: „Several, youfirstenter the Great Wildernessregion!”
The Great Liking, the Great Wildernessking, the water cloudqueen motherthreepeoplelooks at each otherone, has not saidanything, hurries totowardGreat Wildernessthat sidein abundance.大离王,大荒王,水云太后三人对视一眼,没多说什么,纷纷朝大荒那边赶去。
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