Thinks, carries the swordmanto open the mouth saying: „Venerable Emperorisverystrong, cannotreallythink that heis a deceased person, is the dead pigeon! Perhapsthisfellow, had judged that anythingcame, youprobeagain, suppresseswithSilver Moon!”
思索一番,背剑男子开口道:“帝尊还是很强的,不能真以为他是死人,是瓮中之鳖!这家伙,也许早就判断出什么来了,你再试探一下,用银月镇压!”„Good...... is only, recentlyheoverflowed the strength of looseRed Moonfew...... Ito extract the strength of massiveRed Moonvery muchdifficultlyagain.”
“好……只是,最近他溢散的红月之力很少……我已经很难再抽取大量红月之力了。”„All right, evidently, heindeedguessed correctly a pointanythingcame, butso manyyears, guessed correctly, the brain is not quite sober, does not usemultibarreled.”
“没事,看样子,他的确猜到一点什么来了,不过都这么多年了,才猜到,脑子也不太清醒,不用多管。”Talked, carries the swordmanto say with a smile: „Now, is actually more interesting! If ZhengYuthese people have bluffed and blustered, thatis senseless! A pleasuredoes not have, represents...... the Silver Moonworldpotential is too small! Does not haveincluding a counter-attacksign, howto go a step further? A world, is whether powerful, looked whether itcanbreed, enoughpowerfulHeaven's Chosen......”
对话了一阵,背剑男子笑道:“如今,其实更有趣了!若是一直都是郑宇这些人耀武扬威,那才无趣!一点乐趣都没,也代表……银月天地潜力太小!连一点反扑迹象都没,如何更进一步?一个世界,是否强大,看它是否能孕育出,足够强悍的天骄……”„But, as the matter stands, thatfilled with the variable.”
“可是,这样一来,那就充满了变数了。”Moon Godwas worried that saidone.月神担心地说了一句。Carries the swordmanto shake the head: „no, no, no, youare not clear! Fightswithonegroup of mediocre people, will be sooner or later mediocre! Onlyhasafter the tribulation, hopefullya level higher! If not the chaosare too strong, weare too weak, go to the chaos, hostwithworld, the host of Grand Dao, fights a victory and defeat, cango a step further! But, wehave not learnedto run, flying more difficult! Thistimesucceeded, wethencanfly!”
背剑男子摇头:“不不不,你还是不明白!和一群庸人斗下去,迟早也会平庸!唯有历经磨难,才有希望更上一层楼!若非混沌太强,我们太弱,去混沌,和各位世界之主,大道之主,斗个胜负,才能更进一步!可是,我们还没学会跑呢,飞就更难了!这次成功了,我们便能飞了!”Speaking ofthis, said with a smile: „Foughtwithonecrowd of Heaven's Chosen, won, will be stronger! Losing...... thatrepresented you are notHeaven's Chosen, without the means that can only accept fate! Ialsoregretted,Heaven's Chosen of thistimeare too few, crops uptruly, actuallyalsoonLi Haooneperson! Howeverthisfellow, the smallage, the thoughtsare deep, canbe more excellent, is good!”
说到这,又笑道:“和一群天骄去斗,赢了,会更强!输了……那代表你不算天骄,没办法,只能认命!我还遗憾,这个时代的天骄太少,真正冒头的,其实也就李皓一人!不过这家伙,小小年纪,心思深沉,一个能顶好些个了,也不错!”Moon Godhad not asked,todayasks: „ZhengYu?”月神一直没问,今日却是问道:“郑宇呢?”„He?”
“他?”Carries the swordmanto thinkfor a long time, smiles: „Good.”
不错?In the Moon Godheartmoves slightly, thinks that hewill say the trash, collapses at the first blow, heis very proud, unexpectedlywill say that ZhengYuis good.月神心中微动,以为他会说垃圾,不堪一击呢,他很骄傲的,居然会说郑宇不错。Carries the swordmanto knowprobablyherthoughts, said with a smilein a soft voice: „Isgood! It‘s nothingdifficulty, cultivationto the Son of Heavenpeak, talentfirst-class, thisunquestionable! Wisdom...... actuallyalsogood! At least, healsoknows,doesseemingly impossiblesomeplans...... the onlyshortcoming, the couragewas too small!”
背剑男子好像知道她的心思,轻声笑道:“是不错!没什么难度,修炼到了天王巅峰,天赋是一流的,这点不容置疑!智慧……其实还行!起码,他还知道,做一些看似不可能的谋划……唯一的缺点,胆子太小了!”He the appraisaltoZhengYu, is not probably low.
他对郑宇的评价,好像并不低。Felt, the opposite partycouragewas too small.
只是觉得,对方胆子太小了。Moon Godis still digestingall these, for a long timesaid: „HeandLi Hao, youthought that whocanbecome the futureenemy?”月神还在消化这一切,许久才道:“他和李皓,你觉得谁更有可能成为未来的敌人?”„55open!”
“五五开吧!”Carried the swordmanto smileone: „...... Alsohas a troublebesidesthem, Zhang Anhas been looking forme, perhapsfoundmequickly, thisfellow, is really idle!”
背剑男子笑了一声:“除了他俩……还有个麻烦,张安一直在寻找我,也许快找到我了,这家伙,真闲!”„Killing is......”
“杀了便是……”„Withoutis so easy, althoughreached the sagelimitreluctantly, the Son of Heavenare not...... maythisfellow...... not be affable! Beforewas thinking the waitingwith all one's heart, heknows that New Martialperhapsover the past several years, thereforehewithoutworried, butLi Haogot up is too quick, hethis/shouldworry, Li HaoswallowsSilver Moonto runnow, thatwould have no opportunityto retrieveNew Martial, nowis askingmeto troubleanxiously...... is really the slow or phlegmatic temperament!”
“没那么容易,虽然只是勉强走到了圣人极限,天王都不是……可这家伙……不好惹的!之前一门心思想着等待,他知道的,新武也许才过去几年,所以他没那么着急,可李皓起来太快,他现在该担心,李皓吞了银月就跑,那就没机会找回新武了,现在急着找我麻烦了……真是慢性子!”Then, said with a smile: „Ok, did not saythese, waited! At the presentLi Hao , is extremely immature, currently speaking, thatVenerable Emperorthreatensin a big way, theyare strong, the brainis easy-to-use, arrives atonestrengthto falltenmeetings!”
说罢,笑道:“好了,不说这些,等等吧!而今的李皓,也还太过稚嫩,目前来说,还是那位帝尊威胁最大,他们再强,脑子再好用,也抵不过一力降十会!”Moon Godno longersaidanything, buttries to find the solution, howto letthatstupidtwogenerations, gainsthisopportunity, each timeslowpersononestep, makeshersomewhathelpless.月神不再说什么,只是想办法,如何让那愚蠢的二代,去获取这次机会,每次都慢人一步,也让她有些无奈。
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