IronVenerable Emperor, thatis notbeginning the military, wasNew Martial!
什么情况?At this moment, itwas also confused, whichbeginningWuqiang is this?
这一刻,它也迷茫了,这是哪位初武强者?Recovered the strength of sage, unexpectedlyroutedseveralVia SacraSpiritual Godwith ease, thisfellowwas too strong.
只是复苏了圣人之力,居然轻松击溃了几位圣道神灵,这家伙太强了。„Thisissaidextremely! The pinnacletogether, said the powerhouseextremely! Thisperson...... the strengthis extremely strong! The mortal bodyevenmustsurpassme, fearfulfellow!”
“这是极道!极致一道,极道强者!此人……战力极强!肉身甚至要超过我,可怕的家伙!”Li Hao is also stern-faced.李皓也是一脸凝重。Initially the god of military, suchpowerful?
……At this moment, Jufeng City.
这一刻,飓风城。ZhengYualsosawthisprobably, since the sagecanwalk, Li Haois not fiercetotheirblockades, although the communication is unusable, mayto the Via Sacrapowerhouses, the methodbemany.
郑宇好像也看到了这一幕,自从圣人可以走出来,李皓对他们的封锁就没那么厉害了,虽然通讯还是不能用,可对圣道强者而言,手段还是很多的。At this moment, healsosawthis, the complexionchanges.
此刻,他也看到了这一幕,脸色微变。Who is thisperson?
此人是谁?To this god of military, heknows the opposite partyto existinitially, butopposite partyexisted...... extremelyhas the feelingdefect, far away from the centralmainland, in the northend, has built a smalltemple, probably100,000years ago...... not, moreyears ago, arrived atSilver Moonfromeveryone, thisis sinking the dormancyto sleep.
对这位初武之神,他知道对方存在,可对方的存在……太过存在感缺失了,一直远离中央大陆,就在北方尽头,搭个小庙,好像从十万年前……不,从更多年前,从所有人来到银月,这位就在沉眠睡觉。As if the calamity , there is nothing to dowithhim!
仿佛天塌地陷,都和他无关!At this moment, the opposite partyacted!
The strength of Via Sacra, but, is the samestepis powerful, thisis not the average personcanachieve.
只是圣道之力,可是,却是同阶强悍无比,这可不是一般人能做到的。„Who is thisperson?”
“此人是谁?”Helookstobehindthesepowerhouses, the sinkingsound said: „Did somepeoplerecognize?”
他看向身后的那些强者,沉声道:“有人认出来了吗?”Thisplace, the powerhouseare many.
此地,强者很多。EvenincludingZhou Family and Liu Familypowerhouse, at this time, actuallyshook the head, somepeoplesaiddignifiedly: „Possiblyis the Capital MartialthatVenerable Emperorsuccessor......, but, tonoton! Ifthatsuccessor, does not needwith the name of beginningmilitary! Thisperson of mortal bodyis powerful, qi and bloodunparalleled...... possibly is really beginning the powerhouse of militarytime.”
郑宇心中暗骂一声!Howcanhave the trick?
怎么会出幺蛾子?This, low-keymake the blood boil!
这位,低调的让人发指!At this time, suddenlyjumped, hedares saying that oneselfcloneto go out...... to supportalsoonthissituation, hewashalfemperor!
这时候,忽然跳了出来,他敢说,自己分身走出……撑死了也就这个地步,他可是半帝!Thisperson, looks at the situation, least is also a Son of Heaven.
此人,看情况,最少也是一位天王。At this moment, evendoes not know that does cloneor the main body.
可恶!Hesomewhatis even more agitated, recently, looked likemore and more,uncontrolled, was only a microcosm, Sword Venerablewalked, the Eight Great Familiespowerhouse, almostwalked.
他愈发有些烦躁,最近,好像越来越觉得,不受控制了,只是一个小世界,剑尊走了,八大家的强者,几乎都走了。Butonsuchmicrocosm, is actually some feelings of out-of-control.
为何?Felt,thisrecovery, oneselfcontrols the microcosm, the biggestenemy, isRed MoonVenerable Emperor, but the powerhousebraves, makinghimsomewhatuncomfortable.
……Heis uncomfortable, the queenwasdifficultto receive the pinnacle.
他难受,女王更是难受到了极致。Backs upunceasingly, flies upside downunceasingly.
不断倒退,不断倒飞。Depressedwantsto spit blood!
郁闷的想要吐血!Whycanlike this?
为何会这样?Sincelost toLi Hao, probablyruns into a person, candefeather.
自从败给了李皓,好像遇到一个人,就能打败她。ZhengYu, Li Hao, Ying Hongyue, the god of military...... bravingcomes outinitiallyone after another, thistime, resurrectedfourGreat SageSpiritual God, in additionshe, fivepowerhouses, was routedunexpectedly.
郑宇,李皓,映红月,初武之神……一个接连一个的冒出来,这一次,复活了四大圣道神灵,加上她自己,五位强者,居然都被击溃了。But that does not have the thoughtsto continueto hitprobably, the soundis tranquil: „Retreat, withdrawal of troops, otherwise...... mustdie! Great Lineedshalf ofgodcountryterritory......”
而那位,好像也没心思继续打下去,声音平静:“后退,撤军,否则……必死!大离需要一半神国领土……”„Youare having a dream!”
The fistarrivesagain, the earth-shattering, severalSpiritual Godunceasingrouts, the prophetgodsuddenlycomplexionchanges, quicklyexclaimed: „Withdraw!”
The wordsfall, severalSpiritual Godback uprapidly.
An opposite partyfistbroke the sky, the innumerablespacecracksappear, whateverseveralpeopleretreat, has not pursued.
对方一拳砸碎了天空,无数空间裂缝浮现,任由几人退走,并未追赶。Under, the Great Liarmyare excited, butGreat Liking, is the complexionchanges, very powerful!
The Great Likingwere not manysaid,called outone, pushed to the front, leading the armyto chargerapidly, cutsto kill the innumerablefollowers, invaded the godcountrydomain!大离王也不多说,暴喝一声,一马当先,率领大军迅速冲锋,斩杀无数信徒,侵占神国领域!Butat this moment, as the Great Liarmywin, invades the territory, in the world, lightHeaven's Willcoversto come, probablywas even more rich.
而此刻,随着大离军获胜,侵占领土,天地之间,一股淡淡的天意覆盖而来,好像愈加浓郁了。But the emptyshadowlooked upHeaven's Will, looked at the Great Liking...... to vanishinfinallyinstantaneouslysame place.
而虚影抬头看了看天意,又看了看大离王……最后瞬间消失在了原地。Ninth Division CommanderandSequoia Treealsowantto go forwardto probe, greeted, finally the opposite partywalked.九师长和红杉木还想上前试探一下,打个招呼,结果对方就这么走了。Probablyall these, are onlyfor the proof, the god of Great Lialso, is very strong, do not provoke.
……Great Wilderness.大荒。
The Li Haolookglittered, interesting.李皓眼神闪烁了一下,有意思。Verystrong!
很强!„HowSea Suppressing Envoy...... do youfeelthisperson of strength?”
“镇海使……你觉得此人实力如何?”„Very strong! Now the worldlimits, cannot lookconcretely, but...... thispersonis not certainly weaker than me.”
“很强!只是现在天地限制,看不出来具体的,但是……此人一定不比我弱。”Li Haoslight nod.李皓微微点头。Is a hard to deal withopponent.
是个难缠的对手。Great Li, is really interesting.大离,真有意思。„Great Li , the fire of eight trigrams (gossip)...... beginning does the militaryhave the fire god?”
“大离,离,八卦之火……初武有火神吗?”„Has, buthas died!”
“有,只是早就死了!”Li Fuhaisinkingsound said: „Dyingearly is very very early, the marquissuspected that the opposite partyis the fire god? Shouldnot possible......”力覆海沉声道:“死的很早很早,侯爷怀疑对方是火神?应该不可能……”„Is Great Lithisgiven name, since the ancient times is so?”
“大离这名号,是自古以来便是如此吗?”„Does this...... seem like?”
“这……好像是吧?”Li Fuhainottoodefinitesay/way: „At that timeactuallydid not have the division of country, is the New Martialsubordinateterritory, but...... calledto...... to beprobablyprobably.”力覆海不太确定道:“当时其实也没国家之分,都是新武下属领地,但是好像……好像叫离……应该是。”Li Haonods: „To, belongs toeight trigrams (gossip)properly speakingsouth, but the opposite partyis inSilver Moonnorth...... looks like, wasIwants.”李皓点头:“离,按理说属于八卦之南,可对方又处于银月之北……看来,是我想多了。”However, the eight trigrams (gossip)position, is not necessarily consistentwith the reality, sometimeswill invert the position.
不过,八卦方位,和现实未必一致,有时候会颠倒方位。Then...... can also be passablesituated in the north.
那处于北方……也能说得过去。Who is thisperson?
为何一直籍籍无名?Whycanbuild the temple?
为何要建立神殿?Whynotwithreal namenumberconduct?
It is not nownotwith the real namenumber, butfrom the beginningnotwithreal namenumberconduct, continuouslysomewhatstealthyfeeling, orlow-key...... in any case, youare restlessyour, Iam treatinginGreat Li.
古怪!Li Fuhaicannot understandat this moment, could not completely understand,for a long timesaid: „It is not quite clear, the marquisdoes not needextremelyto care, just likejust the opposite party said that perhapsinitiallymartialcultivate, the opposite partynotembezzles the heart of the world! Sword Venerablehad not embezzled the microcosmin the past, perhaps...... alsohasthisthoughts, according to the opposite party said that Sword Venerabletracedthischapter of source, perhapsalsotook the roads of oneselften thousandsay/way...... inswallowingSilver Moonhas no interest, thispersonsounderstood, wasunusual!”力覆海此刻也看不懂,看不透,许久才道:“不太清楚,侯爷倒也不用太过在意,正如刚刚对方所言,初武修自身,对方也许并无侵吞世界之心!剑尊当年没侵吞小世界,也许……也有这种心思,按照对方所言,剑尊溯本回源,也许也走自身万道之路……对吞噬银月没兴趣,此人如此了解,也算是非同寻常了!”Li Haoshakes the head: „No matter how, mustcare!”李皓摇头:“不管如何,还是要在乎的!”However, nowdoes not needextremelyto go into seriously.
不过,现在倒也不用太过深究。Knowsexistence of opposite partyon the line.
知道对方的存在就行。At least, knows that had this person.
起码,知道有这个一个人了。Hesaidquickly: „No matteropposite partyhow! So long asdoes not askmeto trouble, thatsaid! Shouldbe worried that is notI, butis others!”
他很快道:“不管对方如何!只要不来找我麻烦,那就好说!更应该担心的,不是我,而是其他人!”Speaking ofthis, helookstocontaining the princess: „Leftperson, did the chaosauraabsorb?”
说到这,他看向珺公主:“离开的人,混沌气息都吸收了?”Nodsincluding the princess: „Has absorbed!”
珺公主点头:“已经吸收!”Li Haolooked at a white horse, at this moment, the white horsefeels the vision, somewhatmoved restlesslyslightly the anxiousappearance, Li Haolooked atone, has not saidanything, lookedtoBlack Panther: „Black Panther, did youprepare?”李皓看了一眼白马,此刻,白马感受到目光,稍微有些躁动不安的样子,李皓看了一眼,没说什么,又看向黑豹:“黑豹,你准备好了吗?”Black Panthernods.黑豹点了点头。„Makes the Chinese larchcome back, doesn't itcultivate/repair the air/Qi of chaos? Byitsroot, stablenewday! Alsoisgivesit the opportunity......”
“让红杉回来,它不是修混沌之气吗?以它之根,稳固新天!也算是给它机会……”Li Fuhaicannot bearsay: „Doesn't marquischooseEmperor's Guardto come?”力覆海忍不住道:“侯爷不选帝卫过来?”Suchopportunity, is perhaps more appropriatetoEmperor's Guard.
这样的机会,也许给帝卫更合适。„Enables everyone to develop his talents, makes the best use of things! Opens a planetarium, is not the realday, does not make the life, butsteals a Silver Mooncorner/horn, Emperor's Guardwalks the lifetogether, does not needto create the life, itcomes, useless!”
“人尽其才,物尽其用!开个假天,也不是真天,又不是制造生灵,只是窃取银月一角,帝卫走生命一道,又不需要创造生命,它来,无用!”Li Haosaid with a smile: „Ifsome day, Ihave the ability, opens the newdayin the chaos, at that time...... canlook forEmperor's Guardactually, creates the life, thatistrueepoch-making! Now, buton the ground of Silver Moon, steals a scrapdomain, said that opens the day, in fact...... isclever, pastes a gold/metaltooneself.”李皓笑道:“若是有朝一日,我有能耐,在混沌中开新天,那时候……倒是可以找帝卫,创造生命,那才是真正的开天辟地!如今,不过是在银月之地上,偷取一小块地盘,说是开天,实际上……就是偷天换日,给自己贴点金罢了。”Li Fuhaismiled.力覆海都笑了。Said, is right.
这么说,也对。However, dares saying that alsoonLi Hao.
不过,敢这么说的,也就李皓自己了。Even if clever, is not the average personcanachieve.
哪怕是偷天换日,也不是一般人可以做到的。„Marquis, ifreallycango out ofSilver Moon, epoch-making, Ithought that...... is also a cinch.”
“侯爷若是真能走出银月,开天辟地,我觉得……也不在话下。”„Thatanticipatesarrivalof that day! Silver Moon, Ihave not familiarized.”
“那就期待那一天的到来吧!银月,我还没摸透呢。”Li Haosmiledone, quick, said: „No matterthey, Imuststartto arrange!...... Thistimewill perhaps havesomemutations, does not fear others, feared that...... somepeopleare not glad, thisSilver Moonworld, was stolenonebyme!”李皓笑了一声,很快,又道:“不管他们了,我要开始布置了!还有……此次也许会有一些异变,不怕其他人,就怕……有人不乐意,这银月的天地,被我窃取了一块!”Li Fuhaisinkingsound said: „Wewill protect the lawfor the marquis!”力覆海沉声道:“吾等会为侯爷护法!”„...... Does not use.”
“不……不用。”Li Haoshakes the head: „Gathersinthis, insteadis conspicuous! Youonlyneedto helpmedo a matteron the line! Now, the powerhouse who Wubian City, Fighting Heaven City and martial worldpledge and Dingtian Cityfourcitiesin our hands, Ineedfoursagelevels, assumesfourcities, the agitationworld!”李皓摇头:“都聚在这,反而显眼!你们只需要帮我做一件事就行!如今,无边城、战天城、武林盟、定天城四城都在我们手中,我需要四位圣人层次的强者,坐镇四城,搅动天地!”„Fighting Heaven City, will arrive at the world...... eachbigcityto start, is very troublesome...... GeneralHuaito controlFighting Heaven City, the martial worldpledgehasthatGuardianMonster Plantcontrolto assume personal command, Wubian Citygivesyouto control, Dingtian City...... makesNinth Division Commanderdo!”
“战天城,也会降临天地……每一座大城启动,都很麻烦……槐将军操控战天城,武林盟有那位守护妖植操控坐镇,无边城交给你来操控,定天城这边……让九师长去做!”Nowhim, the sageare not many.
The old tortoiseis still assuming the Zhenxing Cityvestige.
老乌龟还在坐镇镇星城遗迹。FourbigLordcities, mustarrange a sage, in addition the Chinese larchmustcomethisplace, even ifGuardianMonster Plant of martial worldpledge, sixsages, had the arrangementin addition.
四大主城,都要安排一位圣人,加上红杉要来此地,哪怕加上武林盟的守护妖植,六位圣人,都有了安排。Hemustmix the world, the disturbanceworld, disturbsHeaven's Will.
他要搅动天地,干扰天地,干扰天意。AlsoincludingdisturbingZheng Family, disturbsLiDaohengthesepeople.
也包括干扰郑家,干扰李道恒这些人。Candisturb, thatdid not say,firstdidsaidagain.
能不能干扰,那不说,先做了再说。Li Fuhaihearsword, is somewhat dignified: „That, only thenmarquisandChinese larchtwoDao Fusionstrengths! Once...... oncebrought to the Zheng Familyattention, or...... orZhang Anthat sideattention...... the dangeris very big!”力覆海闻言,有些凝重:“那这边,只有侯爷和红杉两位合道战力!一旦……一旦引起了郑家注意,或者……或者张安那边的注意……危险很大!”Eventhat sideFighting Heaven City, Li Haowants the opposite partyto arrive, thiswas more dangerous.
甚至战天城那边,李皓都要对方降临,这就更危险了。Oncesomepeopleintrudethisplace...... is not unsafe.
一旦有人闯入此地……不安全。Li Haosilentmeeting, after the moment, said: „All right, in the riches and honordangerasked! Counts on the commonmethod, how do youpursuehalfemperor? Copes withVenerable Emperor? Only by doing so, risks, have the opportunity!”李皓沉默一会,片刻后才道:“没事,富贵险中求!指望寻常手段,你如何去追逐半帝?去对付帝尊?唯有如此,一次次冒险,才有机会!”„Youdoyouron the line! Moreover, the chaosworld, will present the energybigeruption!...... Ihave not so experiencedprobably, butguessed, therefore, Iwill take others, can lookpick up a bargain! Thistime, severalsagesnot, Sea Suppressing Envoyfelt,canmakeeveryonebe discontented?”
“不会!”Li Fuhaisaidimmediately: „Marquisdoesalthough is! IfcanseveralDao Fusion, insteadbeouropportunities......”力覆海马上道:“侯爷尽管做便是!若是能多出几位合道,反而是我们的机会……”Li Haosaid the sage, itsaysDao Fusion.李皓说圣人,它却是说合道。Dao Fusion, is the Li Haoname.合道,是李皓命名的。But the sage, is the New Martialname.
而圣人,是新武的名称。Has saying that Li Fuhaiis very interesting, thisgreat monster, evenwantsintelligentmanycompared withgeneralhuman.
Doesn't suchperson...... suchmonster, wholike?
这样的人……这样的妖,谁不喜欢呢?Li Haoshows the smile: „Todayhas revealed itself, clever, whenIreallymustopen the day...... thatam the truechance! At that time, will not forget!”李皓露出笑容:“今日只是小试牛刀,偷天换日,等我真要开天……那才是真正的机缘!那时候,不会忘了诸位的!”Li Fuhainods, had not said.力覆海点头,并未多说。Thissomewhatremote.
先不急着这些。„That...... saidaccording tomedoes!”
“好!”Li Fuhaivanishesquickly, itstrength, actuallystrongercompared with the presentworldlimit, butitsmain bodygoes outat this moment, withouttoolimits, Heaven's Will, has been followingit, thatis the Li Haooperation, howto achieve, itactuallydoes not know.力覆海很快消失,它自身实力,其实比现在的天地极限要强,不过此刻它本尊走出,也没太多限制,一直有一股天意,追随着它,那是李皓操纵的,怎么做到的,它其实也不知道。ButLi Hao, startsto get readyrapidly.
而李皓这边,也开始迅速准备。divine writing, vanished in same place.
The place of Great Wilderness, in all directions, divine writingfallunderground.大荒之地,四面八方,一枚枚神文落入地下。
, Specialstrengthgush outgradually, is ordinarylike the strategy, startsto wrap the place of entireGreat Wilderness, but, somewhatcreakies.
渐渐地,一股股特殊之力涌出,如同阵法一般,开始包裹整个大荒之地,只是,有些摇摇欲坠。Until the Chinese larchhurries backrapidly, with the innumerableroot hair, takes root in the place of Great Wilderness , helping the Li Haostableworld, thismaintained the domainbroken.
直到红杉迅速赶回,以无数根须,扎根大荒之地,帮助李皓稳固天地,这才维持了领域不破。„Say/Way”characterdivine writing, float in the world center.
“道”字神文,悬浮在天地中央。Strength of the Grand Dao, like the chains, blocked the place of Great Wilderness.
一股股大道之力,如同锁链,封锁了大荒之地。InGreat Wilderness, the white horsesomewhathas moved restlesslyanxiously.大荒中,白马一直有些躁动不安。Itknowsprobably,oneselfmustfaceanything.
它好像知道,自己要面临什么了。Butbeyond the domain, Heaven's Will, the accumulationcomesslowly.
而领域之外,一股天意,缓缓聚集而来。Li Haooneself, thenwent out ofGreat Wilderness, besideGreat Wilderness, to the Heaven's Willfocus.李皓本人,则是走出了大荒,在大荒之外,任由天意聚焦而来。Incessantlyso, healsostartsto circlevoid, startscultivation.
The strength of Grand Dao, overflowingloosefour directions.大道之力,溢散四方。
A channel, appearsin the sky.
一条通道,浮现在上空。Big dragons, circlesideLi Hao, even the universegalaxy, is circling.
一条条巨龙,盘旋在李皓身边,甚至宇宙星河,都在盘旋。Big of sound , makes one look askance.
动静之大,也让人侧目。Withhissobigsound, many of more and moreHeaven's Willalsogathering.
随着他如此大动静,天意也汇聚的越来越多。ZhengYusoonalsoobtained the news, does not know that whatLi Haocanmake?
郑宇很快又得到了消息,不知道李皓又要做什么?At the Great Wildernesssobigsound...... toeliminate the Great Wildernesschaosair/Qi?
在大荒如此大动静……难道是为了消灭大荒的混沌之气?Thatis actually meddlesome!
The chaosdissipate, the worldwill certainly recoversomeagain, even ifcannot go out ofhalfemperor, going out of the Son of Heavenis also good.
虚空月亮之上。At this moment, mooncirclessky overGreat Wilderness, probablywith the time, falls intothisplaceautomatically, Great Wilderness, Easternend, the place of sunrise, is the place of moonset!
此刻,月亮盘旋在大荒上空,好像随着时间,自动落入此地,大荒,东方的尽头,日出之地,也是月落之地!Heaven's Willshakes, Grand Daovertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered.天意震荡,大道纵横。Onmoon, carries the swordmanto sayin a soft voice: „dao lineageopens48! Reallypeerlesstalent! cultivationshortoneyear, thenhassuchachievement...... indeedis the God's favored one of the time!”
月亮上,背剑男子轻声道:“道脉开启48条!真是绝世天才!修炼不过短短一年,便有如此成就……的确是这个时代的天之骄子!”Thatstatuesaidin a soft voice: „What does hewantto make? Pursues the chaos of Great Wilderness? Oncecango out of the Son of Heaven...... Jufeng City to have the Son of Heavento exist? Jufeng City, should the Red Moonthat side...... have oneSon of Heaveneventwo...... to hideinotherplacesincessantly?”
身后,那雕像轻声道:“他要做什么?驱逐大荒之混沌吗?一旦可以走出天王……飓风城应该有天王存在吧?不止飓风城,红月那边……应该也有一位天王甚至两位……藏在其他地方吧?”At that time, Li Haomaytrouble.
Isn't he extent that the non-wisdom?
他不至于如此不智吧?Beforetopreventtworecoveries, hepaid a bigprice.
之前为了阻止二次复苏,他可是付出了不小的代价。Butcarries the swordman, thinks, saidslowly: „Great Wilderness...... dao lineage...... chaos...... domain...... Heaven's Will......”
而背剑男子,思索一番,缓缓道:“大荒……道脉……混沌……领域……天意……”„Has a look, perhaps the new acquisitions, Li Haoeven morewill be interesting, perhaps...... muststeal the day!”
“什么?”Carried the swordmanto smile: „Clever! Has a lookagain, toohad not affirmed,looks atsome timeagain, having a look at the Great Liking to comethis......”
背剑男子笑了:“偷天换日!再看看吧,还不是太肯定,再看一段时间,看看大离王会不会来此……”„Has the relationswith the Great Liking?”
“和大离王有关系?”„The Great Likingalsohas the Heaven's Willfavor......”
“大离王也有天意青睐……”Speaking ofthis, is somewhat regrettable: That that „wechoose...... probably...... notTaihang! After allwas shortdisciplined, was short ofmanyexperiences, withthesecompletelyby the fellow who oneselfcrawled, the disparitywas somewhat big! HoweversomeHeaven's Willgatherings...... youtry to find the solution, shiftssomememoriesto giveher, orlets the prophetgod, knows in advance something, has a lookwhether to pick up a bargain......”
The statueis somewhat surprised, thinks, opens the mouth saying: „Isomewhatunderstoodyourmeaning, but...... didn't prevent? Even iftwogenerations, grabbed a bargain, is still only the soup, wecouldseize......”
雕像有些意外,思索一番,开口道:“我有些明白你的意思了,只是……不阻止吗?就算二代来了,捡点便宜,也只是汤汤水水,我们也许可以自己去夺下……”„Does not worry, is only the littledomain, his time such a does, is goodtous! Also, Ilettwogenerations, does not makeherpick a soup, youunderstoodwrong!”
“不着急,只是一点点地盘,他此次这么一做,对我们有好处!还有,我让二代来,不是让她捡点汤汤水水,你理解错了!”Carries the swordmanto explain: „Li Hao, ifreallydefers tometo think,did that eliminatedpart of Heaven's Will, thatremainingHeaven's Will, will hatehim, was hostile tohim! At this moment, someperson and Li Haoopposes, will obtain the Heaven's Willin additionto hold! RemainingHeaven's Will, will choose some people in additionto hold...... for exampletwogenerations, for exampleYing Hongyuethisgroup of people, butYing Hongyueis a smart person, hedoes not dare! Therefore...... the bigprobabilitywastwogenerations!”
背剑男子解释道:“李皓若是真按照我所想,这么去做,剥夺了一部分天意,那剩下的天意,会仇恨他,敌视他!此刻,有人和李皓作对,会得到天意加持!剩下的天意,会选择一些人加持……比如二代,比如映红月这群人,而映红月是个聪明人,他不敢!所以……大概率是二代了!”Picks a soup, hedoes not care.
没啥用。Hemakes the queencome, tonot snatchwhatsuddenenergywithLi Hao, but, obtains the remainingHeaven's Willin additionto hold.
Is Great Wildernessbig?大荒才多大?Littlebig!
The Great Liking, Li Hao, thisgroup of peopleenterGreat Wilderness, when the time comes, Heaven's Willwill get angry, shears the meatfromHeaven's Will, remaining can Heaven's Willnot get angry?大离王,李皓,这群人都进入大荒,到时候,天意就会翻脸了,从天意身上割肉,剩下的天意能不翻脸?
Do't thatcanfind a personto attach?
那不得找个人依附?Moon Godthenclearlybecomes aware: „You......, arepurehuman race, thoughtare more!”月神这才明悟:“你……果然,还是纯正的人族,想的更多!”Beforewhatshe thought that the opposite partyshoutedtwogenerations, topickto order the residualfood left over that Li Haodid not want.
她之前想的是,对方喊二代来,是为了捡点李皓不要的残渣剩饭呢。Gathering, thisis thinkinginstantaneously the stratagemseizesremainingHeaven's Will.
The braintransfersis too quick, shehas almost not responded,othershave not done, hethought ofnext.
脑子转的太快,她差点没反应过来,人家还没做,他就想到了下一步了。Carries the swordmanto laugh in spite of trying not to: „Is only the category that the normal personponders, can only say,you...... lack the ability that oneselfponder, the multi-ponders...... consider as finished, does not ponderalsogood, the dark greenemperordoes not likeponderinganything, so long aspowerfulwere enough good, thoughtmany, is actually very tired!”
背剑男子失笑:“只是正常人思考的范畴,只能说,你们啊……缺乏自己思考的能力,多思考……算了,不思考也行,苍帝就不喜欢去思考什么,只要足够强大就行了,想的多,其实很累!”Moon Godhas not continuedthis, said: „Great Lithat side......”月神没继续说这个,又道:“大离那边……”„Does not needto manage, Iknow that the thoughts of thatfellow...... will unable to want the manages, how the opposite partynot to manageus, ourbenefits, toohave not in a big way conflictednow!”
“不用管,我知道那家伙的心思……只要不去管,对方不会管我们如何,我们双方的利益,现在还没太大冲突!”In the Moon Godheartmoves slightly: „Is the opposite partyvery strong?”月神心中微动:“对方很强吗?”„Quitepowerful!...... In brief, does not needextremelyto careon the linenow.”
“嗯。”Moon Godno longersaid.月神不再多说。
, Saidsuddenly: „Red Moonthatfellow, the sound was very recently small, has divedto cultivate/repairsilently.”
顿了顿,忽然道:“最近红月那家伙,动静很小,一直默默潜修。”„He? After all is Venerable Emperor, cannot be underestimated, the bigprobabilityisto look for the opportunity, breaks through the seal! Ying Hongyueis deriving the inheritance of Eight Great Families, perhapsstrides in the Son of Heavenlevelhopefully! To him, the sealpowerfulis not the good deed, was...... Ying Hongyuewas powerful, easierto contact...... the advantageswithhimhalf-and-half!”
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