SG :: Volume #4

#369 Part 1: All test of strength

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( After 12 points, monthly ticket double, selects monthly ticket) (12点后,月票双倍,来点月票吧) The place of northwest common border. 西北交界之地。 The war cry soars to the heavens. 喊杀声冲天。 Million Great Li army, go to battle again, but these changed the opponent time, the opposite, the followers in god country's are also crazy incomparable, under the summons of several Spiritual God, rushes ahead unceasingly. 百万大离军,再次出征,只是这一次换了对手,对面,神国的信徒们也是疯狂无比,在几位神灵的号召下,不断冲杀。 However, these followers, eventually are not the god country elite. 然而,这些信徒,终究不是神国精锐。 True elite, died. 真正的精锐,都死了。 The queen grasps the scepter, the complexion is somewhat ugly. 女王手持权杖,脸色有些难看。 The next quarter, the scepter brandishes. 下一刻,权杖挥舞。 Two Spiritual God appear instantaneously, one is the god of misfortune, one is the god of disaster. 两位神灵瞬间浮现,一位是厄运之神,一位是灾难之神。 In a flash, suddenly pitiful yell sound penetrating world. 一瞬间,忽然惨叫声响彻天地。 The disaster arrives! 灾难降临! The land split suddenly, ruins tens of thousands of Great Li army, the misfortune also arrived, countless Great Li soldiers, threw down and hit the companion suddenly, mistakenly recognized the enemy, killed mistakenly the opponent...... 大地忽然裂开,葬送了成千上万的大离军,厄运随之降临,无数大离军人,忽然摔倒、撞到了同伴,错认了敌人,杀错了对手…… At this moment, the glow of a sword twinkle world...... 就在此刻,一道剑芒闪烁天地…… Bang! 轰! A sword passes through void. 一剑贯穿虚空而来。 The next quarter, a golden big tree, carries some chaos aura, sweeps across the world, the innumerable branches pass through the four directions, slaughters lots of followers. 下一刻,一尊金色大树,携带一些混沌气息,席卷天地,无数枝条贯穿四方,杀戮大量的信徒。 The queen complexion is ugly: Really!” 女王脸色难看:“果然!” Knows, Great Li will not go on a punitive expedition against the West with no reason at all. 就知道,大离不会无缘无故征伐西方。 Li Daozong and Sequoia Tree one, she know, is Li Hao controls inevitably in secret, damn bastard. 李道宗和红杉木一来,她就知道,必然是李皓暗中操控,该死的混蛋。 Prophet!” “先知!” Side, silver-haired old person, closing eyes moment, complexion slightly obviously dignified: Is more careful, your majesty, powerhouse!” 身旁,白发苍苍的老人,闭目片刻,面色稍显凝重:“小心一些,陛下,还有强者!” The queen nods. 女王点头。 If Li Hao controls in secret, inevitably not only then so. 若是李皓暗中操控,必然不会只有如此。 She is also very heavy. 她也很沉重。 What can Li Hao make?” 李皓要做什么?” Goes on a punitive expedition against the West, useful? 征伐西方,有用吗? Does fellow present enemy one pile, what significance attack the god state-owned? 那家伙现在的敌人一堆,攻伐神国有什么意义? Both armies go on an expedition, Great Li loses also big. 双方大军征战,大离损失也不小。 Western follower is numerous, although does not beat Great Li, but Great Li is the elite army, once loses seriously...... also no good end. 西方信徒众多,虽然不敌大离,可大离都是精锐大军,一旦损失惨重……也没什么好下场。 At this moment, the prophet god watched opposite of a meeting, in the heart sighed lightly. 此刻,先知神看了一会对面,心中轻叹。 Li Hao...... emperor! 李皓……帝王之相啊! Drives the wolf to swallow the tiger! 驱狼吞虎! The Great Li king such overlord, also has to be pulled by Li Hao, Great Li and god country slaughters, even if died completely, that will not care probably, just two Via Sacra Spiritual God went to battle, struck to add up totals ten thousand officers in a minute. 大离王这样的霸主,也不得不被李皓牵着走,大离和神国厮杀,哪怕全部死光了,那位大概都不会在意,刚刚两位圣道神灵出战,片刻间击杀数万将士。 But the Chinese larch and Ninth Division Commander, do not have first to act. 可红杉和九师长,却是没有第一时间出手。 Obviously, these two, has not been serious the Great Li army life and death. 可见,这两位,也没把大离军生死当回事。 ...... …… At this moment, some Jiang Li facial colors are ugly, pass on the sound said: King, the opposite party follower, fierce does not fear! Some are only the ordinary followers, strikes to kill uselessly, my Great Li army, the loss is actually serious! Even if kills the Western ten million people, cannot trade my Great Li 1 million elite!” 此刻,姜离有些面色难看,传音道:“大王,对方信徒,悍不畏死!有些只是普通信徒,击杀无用,倒是我大离军,损失惨重!哪怕杀西方千万人,也换不来我大离百万精锐!” From the battle loss, the first war, killed the West to be close to 100,000 people at least, but the Great Li army lost more than ten thousand people, ten times! 从战损来看,第一战,起码杀了西方接近10万人,而大离军损失不过万余人,十倍! But...... useful? 可是……有用吗? Such follower, the god country were too many. 这样的信徒,神国太多了。 But the Great Li elite army, how trades the lives of these people...... to see that to be how unworthy! 大离的精锐大军,换这些人的性命……怎么看怎么不值得! The Great Li king is unemotional. 大离王面无表情。 Does he want? 他愿意吗? Does not want. 不愿意。 But...... this was the best result, if he rejected, Li Hao will perhaps not start immediately, but soon, did Great Li remain, was an issue. 可是……这是最好的结果了,若是他拒绝,李皓也许不会马上发动,可用不了多久,大离还存在不存在,都是个问题了。 Surrender? 投降吗? The home believes in beginning perhaps the god of military, is not willing to surrender. 国内信奉初武之神的,恐怕都不愿意投降。 At this moment, Great Li Wang Pingjing is incomparable: Simple, making the Spiritual God cope with the Spiritual God! Initially hasn't the god of military, the Spiritual God of New Martial time, beaten the Spiritual God of microcosm?” 此刻,大离王平静无比:“简单,让神灵对付神灵!初武之神,新武时代的神灵,难道还不敌小世界的神灵?” These Spiritual God, is beginning military Spiritual God. 这些神灵,也算是初武神灵。 Naturally, one is the Silver Moon Spiritual God, before one is the innumerable years, the Spiritual God of New Martial time. 当然,一个是银月的神灵,一个是无数岁月前,新武时代的神灵。 Jiang Li hears this saying, the complexion changes. 姜离听到这话,面色微变。 This is disrespects to the Spiritual God! 这是对神灵不敬! Naturally, he knows, far more than Great Li king, nowadays, does not awe the Spiritual God were many, if Li Hao that boy in this, perhaps said is coarser. 当然,他知道,何止大离王,这年头,不敬畏神灵的多了,若是李皓那厮在这,也许说的更难听。 Jiang Li sinking sound said: King, that has not recovered completely......” 姜离沉声道:“大王,那位还没完全复苏……” The Great Li king nods: Didn't recover again completely, deals with a sage not to have the issue? Recovered completely, instead is not good, perhaps is unable to appear in the world, right?” 大离王点头:“再没完全复苏,对付一位圣人没问题吧?完全复苏了,反而不好,说不定无法出现在天地之间,对吗?” Also is this truth. 也是这个道理。 Jiang Li had nothing to say in reply. 姜离无言以对。 The Great Li king also said: My Great Li, believes in opposite party so many years, now needs to help,...... hasn't been willing to act?” 大离王又道:“我大离,信奉对方那么多年,现在需要帮助,难道……还不愿出手吗?” This......” “这……” Jiang Li is speechless. 姜离无言。 But the Great Li king, the sonorous voice, the shake world, calls out the sound to resound through the four directions: War! Continues to go forward, the rush, extinguishes the country! The god of my Great Li, will soon enter the war, will sweep away these false Spiritual God surely! The false god must die! My god invincible world!” 大离王,声如洪钟,震荡天地,暴喝声响彻四方:“战!继续前进,冲杀,灭国!我大离之神,即将参战,定将横扫这些虚假神灵!伪神必死!吾神无敌天地!” Kills!” “杀!” The Great Li army erupt instantaneously, excited incomparable. 大离军瞬间爆发,兴奋无比。 The god of Great Li must appear! 大离之神要出现了! The innumerable years, Great Li has believed in one initially the god of military, the temple influence, must strong in the royal power, even if to today, the temple influence were still powerful, looks at Jiang Li apparent. 无数岁月来,大离一直信奉一位初武之神,神殿势力,一直要强于王权,哪怕到了今日,神殿势力依旧强大,看姜离便知。 Even if Great Li king skill in fine arts and in military arts, in the same old way also quenchless temple influence. 哪怕大离王文韬武略,照样也难压制神殿势力。 At this moment, Great Li king said beginning the god of military is going to enter the war, slaughtering the false god...... the people were excited the incomparable, instantaneous morale rise sharply. 此刻,大离王说出初武之神将要参战,屠戮伪神……众人都兴奋无比,瞬间士气大涨。 But Great Li king, is calm. 大离王,也一脸平静。 I also want to take a look, god who we believe, who is, what strength, much is powerful...... 我也想看看,我们信奉的神,到底是谁,到底什么实力,到底多强大…… If this war opposite party did not present...... this king to reveal to the public, if you did not appear, then, you also do want Great Li to believe in you? 若是此战对方不出现……本王都这么公之于众了,你若不出现,接下来,你还想让大离人信奉你吗? Regardless of the opposite party is appears or does not appear...... to him, is the good deeds. 无论对方是出现还是不出现……对他而言,都是好事。 This time, the opposite party, the Shintoism influence, will wipe out thoroughly! 此次,对方不出,神道势力,会被彻底拔除! Jiang Li these sacrificial offerings, the little darling joins the deliberation hall. 姜离这些祭祀,乖乖加入朝堂。 If appears...... also just has a look, with these false gods, who who is weak? 若是出现……也刚好看看,和那些伪神,到底谁强谁弱? Great Li king, is attempting the throne. 大离王,也是在逼宫。 Li Hao only supported two sages, he does not have the means that the god country sages are many, initially the god of military does not appear, he and Jiang Li, can block the next sage at this moment. 李皓只支援了两位圣人,他也没办法,神国圣人多,初武之神不出现,他和姜离,此刻也就能拦下一位圣人。 ...... …… At this moment, the opposite, queen several are the complexion changes. 这一刻,对面,女王几位都是脸色微变。 Initially the god of military! 初武之神! The god of so-called beginning military, that was said that beginning first generation martial artist. 所谓初武之神,那是说,第一代初武者 Initially the martial artist descendant does not calculate, only then beginning first generation martial artist, went out of own Grand Dao, is beginning the god of military, Great Li has declared to the outside, believe in Yang God...... few individuals to believe. 武者的后代不算,只有第一代初武者,走出了自己的大道,才算是初武之神,大离一直对外宣称,信奉阳神……没几个人会相信。 Understood truly the New Martial people know, Yang God, is not weak in Human King and dark green emperor. 真正了解新武的人都知道,阳神,不弱于人王和苍帝。 The New Martial time, three big top powerhouse, are Yang God, Human King, the dark green emperor. 新武时代,三大至强者,便是阳神、人王、苍帝。 Under these three big top powerhouse, Supreme Zhang and town/subdues Son of Heaven and Dihuang these headed list of successful candidates. 在这三大至强者之下,张至尊、镇天王、地皇这几位独领风骚。 But under them, massive Venerable Emperor, has the ancient nine sovereign powerhouses, has ancient casting Venerable Emperor, has Blood Emperor Venerable and iron that Venerable Emperor this group of people afterward rose. 而在他们之下,还有大量帝尊,有古老的九皇强者,有古老的铸造帝尊,有后来崛起的血帝尊、铁头帝尊这群人。 But under this, many Venerable Emperor, must be worse, for example yama and Battle King this group of people. 而在这之下,还有很多帝尊,要更差一些,比如冥王、战王这群人。 Later...... is that water power and strength is not again wonderful these Venerable Emperor. 再之后……才是那水力、力无奇这些帝尊 It can be imagined, even if Venerable Emperor, divided many levels, but initially the god of military...... actually everyone does not believe, here has the god of true beginning military, in the past was killed one by Human King in large numbers, god of few remaining beginning military. 可想而知,哪怕帝尊,也分了很多层次,而初武之神……其实大家不相信,这里有真正的初武之神,当年被人王杀了一大批,剩下的初武之神没几个。 Moreover, the remaining these people, the strength is extremely intrepid. 而且,剩下的这些人,实力极其强悍。 Weakest, now perhaps is also half emperor. 最弱,现在恐怕也是个半帝。 Possibly how also to stay here? 怎么可能还留在这边? Moreover, the god of beginning military lives, is well-known, who will pretend to be Yang God, does this not matter? 而且,活下来的初武之神,都是有名有姓的,谁会冒充阳神,干这种没品的事? The queen they do not believe. 女王他们不相信。 Even but if is not...... should still be beginning martial artist one, perhaps is two generations three generations or more of generation of descendants, should not be weak. 可就算不是……应该也是初武者的一员,也许是二代三代或者更多代的后代,应该不会太弱。 ...... …… At this moment, the queen they dreads incomparably. 这一刻,女王他们忌惮无比。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Great Wilderness. 大荒 The backdrop appears. 天幕浮现。 Li Hao is also observing. 李皓也在观战。 To the top powerhouses of both sides, he is very clear, is very familiar, therefore the curiosity is actually not big, is...... beginning the god of military, he is very curious. 对双方的顶级强者,他都很清楚,很熟悉,所以其实好奇心不大,可是……初武之神,他很好奇。 Dares to embezzle name of Yang God, this was not an average person. 敢盗用阳神之名,这位也不是一般人了。 The courage is not general big! 胆子不是一般的大! Also, the opposite party has been low-key, almost never comes, what attempts? 还有,对方一直低调无比,几乎从不现身,图什么? On the chart in comfortable that this does rest? 就图在这睡的舒服? That side Fig. Great Li is the environment happy? 还是图大离那边环境美好? Also, all Spiritual God, actually seek strength of the belief, but Great Li somewhat is strange...... the Great Li person actually to believe this, is...... because of the opposite party in the name of Yang God, everyone believes is actually Yang God. 还有,所有神灵,其实都谋求一个信仰之力,可大离有些奇怪……大离人其实信仰这位,可是……因为对方假借阳神之名,大家信仰的其实是阳神。 Therefore, the strength of belief, does not seem absorbed by that but vanished. 所以,信仰之力,好像没有被那位吸收掉,而是消失了。 This was very thought-provoking! 这就很耐人寻味了! Was the strength of belief...... difficult to be inadequate by Yang God to be absorbed? 信仰之力……难不成被阳神吸收走了? Others spanned the universe starry sky, gave to screen out you? 人家跨越了宇宙星空,把你给抽走了? Li Hao to this, really somewhat curious , the Spiritual God recovers, through the strength of belief, but here god of beginning military, the big probability has been living, initially martial artist, or mortal body, either qi and blood, either the spirit is powerful. 李皓对这位,是真的有些好奇,还有,神灵复苏,是通过信仰之力,可这边的初武之神,大概率一直都活着,初武者,或者肉身,或者气血,或者精神强大。 In brief, must have a system to be powerful. 总之,必有一种体系强大无比。 The opposite party have actually been deriving the energy, the appearance that some just recovered...... is so pitiful, does not know that what's the matter, does not expose the real status, derives the strength of belief, Great Li person, actually believed a loneliness. 对方却是一直在汲取能量,有些刚复苏的样子……这么凄惨,也不知道怎么回事,又不暴露自己真实身份,去汲取信仰之力,大离人,其实信仰了个寂寞。 Li Hao looks steadily. 李皓目不转睛地看着。 He also wants to have a look, what will have, can the opposite party appear? 他也想看看,会发生什么,对方会不会出现? The opposite parties do not derive the strength of belief, perhaps does not care about the Great Li belief not to believe him, the action is very strange, Li Hao did not have extremely to care, waits to return from the West, contrasted Great Li, came the interest in this instantaneously. 对方都不汲取信仰之力,也许不在乎大离信仰不信仰他,行动很是诡异,李皓原本也没太过在意,等从西方回归,对比了一下大离,瞬间对这位来了兴趣。 Doesn't derive the Spiritual God of strength of belief? 还有不汲取信仰之力的神灵? You make a temple, to sleep? 那你弄个神殿,就为了睡觉吗? To this god of military, Li Hao naturally is the interest is very initially big, does not know that can be what variable. 对这位初武之神,李皓自然是兴趣很大,不知道会不会是什么变数。 At this moment, side, but also some people. 此刻,身边,还有人。 Black Panther is ganging up with the white horse, is also looking at the battlefield including the princess curiously, even is somewhat ready to make trouble, she actually longs for very much such battlefield, what a pity, Great Wilderness seems the opportunity is not many. 黑豹正在勾搭白马,珺公主也在好奇地看着战场,甚至有些蠢蠢欲动,她其实很渴望这样的战场,可惜,大荒好像机会不多了。 The Li Hao fingertip is holding appreciatively several divine writing, suddenly said: Sea Suppressing Envoy also in?” 李皓指尖把玩着几枚神文,忽然道:“镇海使还在吗?” Void, Li Fuhai appears. 虚空中,力覆海浮现。 Li Hao asked something already known actually. 李皓倒是明知故问了。 He can not know oneself also in? 他能不知道自己还在? „Does marquis have the matter?” “侯爷有事?” It‘s nothing, is somewhat curious, when 8 th the greatly Lord city stands in great numbers, how to make Great Li survive? Does Sword Venerable know?” “没什么,就是有些好奇,当初八大主城林立,怎么会让大离生存下去?剑尊知道吗?” Knows.” “知道。” Hasn't managed?” “没有管?” No.” “没有。” Has mentioned Great Li this initially the god of military?” “有提及过大离这位初武之神吗?” Not.” “未曾。” Li Hao doubts: Opposite party continuously in Silver Moon?” 李皓疑惑:“对方一直都在银月?” Continuously in!” “一直都在!” Li Fuhai thinks and said: Early is very before very early, to convenient in this place!...... Had not come! We have not managed, no matter Sword Venerable also that side, we were thinking at that time, possibly to give the military looks for a way out initially.” 力覆海想了想又道:“很早很早之前,对方便在此地!只是……一直不曾现身!我们也没管,剑尊也不管那边,我们当时都想着,可能是为了给初武找个出路。” Initially martial Shenling was killed, the Human King recovery world...... had not recovered several afterward initially Wuqiang, if not looks in the face of Yang god, recovering several...... beginning the military will be only more miserable! Also because just the face of Yang god...... everyone will not easily provoke beginning military.” “初武神灵被杀了许多,后来人王复苏天地……也没复苏几位初武强者,若非看在阳神的面子上,复苏了几位……初武只会更惨!也正因为阳神的面子……大家也不会轻易招惹初武。” Yang God face, very greatly. 阳神的面子,很大。 Arrived, Sword Venerable must give three points. 大到,剑尊也要给三分。 That is a natural incomparable fellow, a person walked randomly the chaos universe alone, Li Hao once in two characters listened to Human King to raise one time in Fights Heaven, Yang God was injured unexpectedly, probably the world hosts by Red Moon world was wounded. 那是一个潇洒无比的家伙,一人独自游走混沌宇宙,李皓曾在“战天”二字中听人王提过一次,阳神居然受伤了,好像被红月世界的世界之主击伤了。 But...... host facing a world, dares to invade New Martial the host of the world, the opposite party is also injured, it can be imagined, is strong. 可是……面对一位世界之主,一位敢入侵新武的世界之主,对方也只是受伤,可想而知,到底多强。 A world, Venerable Emperor is must have, one pile. 要知道,一个世界,帝尊是少不了的,一堆。 In such situation, others can also escape, but can also notify...... the powerful place, was needless to say. 这样的情况下,人家还能逃回来,还能报信……强大之处,不用多说。 Li Hao nods: At that time...... did the temple have?” 李皓点头:“那时候……神殿就有了?” Has.” “有。” At that time was to also use Yang God given name?” “那时候也是用的阳神的名号?” Li Fuhai is somewhat unusual, long time said: „It is not, what at that time used was...... Dominating Heaven Emperor!” 力覆海有些异样,半晌才道:“不是,那时候用的是……霸天帝!” „......” “……” Li Hao gawked. 李皓愣了一下。 Is the previous generation body of that iron Venerable Emperor?” “就是那位铁头帝尊的前世身?” Right.” “对。” Such big courage?” “这么大胆子?” Because of Blood Emperor Venerable these, did not acknowledge oneself are the reincarnation body, lived second, therefore......, only if you shamed that several intentionally, otherwise, you used to use, no one will say anything, including Fighting Heaven City, was the Fighting Heaven Emperor given name, but Blood Emperor Venerable granted Fighting Heaven City personally, no one will say anything.” “因为血帝尊这几位,都不承认自己是转世身,活出了第二世,所以……除非你故意羞辱那几位,否则,你用就用,也没人会说什么,包括战天城,也是战天帝的名号,可血帝尊亲自赐予了战天城,也没人会说什么。” No wonder Dominating Heaven Emperor gauntlet/glove in that side......” “难怪霸天帝的拳套在那边……” The Li Hao doubts said: Really isn't Dominating Heaven Emperor?” 李皓疑惑道:“不会真的是霸天帝吧?” Cannot.” “不会。” Li Fuhai shakes the head: That is impossible! Dominating Heaven Emperor died, really died, their how many do not die, where had afterward how many? Let alone...... perhaps, if real Dominating Heaven Emperor...... of that strength, what Red Moon Venerable Emperor, a fist were killed! Which also had anything to sink the dormancy to say.” 力覆海摇头:“那不可能!霸天帝死了,真的死了,他们几位不死,哪有后来的那几位?何况……若是真的霸天帝……那战力之强,什么红月帝尊,一拳说不定就被打死了!哪还有什么沉眠之说。” Good. 好吧。 However, in time that New Martial has not isolated, dares to call, said that the Dominating Heaven Emperor temple...... really he is not an average person. 不过,在新武还没隔绝的时代,敢这么叫,自称霸天帝神殿……真他么不是一般人。 Right now, Li Hao had the interest. 这下子,李皓更有兴趣了。 Just thinking, on the void backdrop, is reappearing together the illusory person's shadow, cannot see clearly the appearance, probably shielded oneself appearance to be the same, the sound was also very tranquil, even could not branch out the men and women, some neutralizations. 正想着,虚空中的天幕上,浮现出一道虚幻人影,看不清样貌,好像屏蔽了自身样貌一般,声音也很平静,甚至分不出男女,有些中性化。 Since wants to have a look beginning the strength of god of military...... that then makes you experience one is!” “既然想看看初武之神的实力……那便让你们见识一番便是!” Probably said to Great Li king, said to Li Hao probably. 好像是对大离王说,也好像是对李皓说。 At this moment, Li Fuhai stared in a big way the eye to look, probably is identifying the opposite party status, recognized the opposite party probably...... but, Li Hao is unable to conjecture it to recognize, this fellow has not said anything. 这一刻,力覆海瞪大了眼睛看,好像在辨认对方身份,又好像认出了对方……可是,李皓也无法猜度它有没有认出,这家伙并未说什么。 Li Hao also looks steadily. 李皓也目不转睛地看着。 ...... …… Above battlefield. 战场之上。 The prophet god complexion changes, the flash and destiny god of also appear, probably knew in advance that the making a move path of opposite party, the prophet god appeared in a region instantaneously, but another side, destiny goddess twittering: Destiny...... variable!” 先知神脸色微变,一瞬间和命运之神同时浮现,好像预知到了对方的出手轨迹,先知神瞬间出现在一个区域,而另外一边,命运女神呢喃一声:“命运……无常!” Bang! 轰! Dizzy, at this moment, the person in entire battlefield, thought that own destiny was changed, is unable to reverse, probably the next quarter will die, dies under the fight complementary waves of several powerhouses. 天旋地转,这一刻,整个战场上的人,都觉得自己的命运被改变了,无法逆转,好像下一刻都会死亡,死在几位强者的交手余波下。 Terrified, anxious, fears...... 惶恐,不安,惧怕…… The will of the people instantaneous is scattered in disorder, they saw oneself death, saw the destiny...... 人心瞬间散乱起来,他们看到了自己的死亡,看到了命运…… In their terrified instances. 就在他们惶恐不安的瞬间。 That illusory person's shadow, anything did not say, fights with the fists! 那虚幻人影,什么也不说,一拳打出! The vault of heaven split! 苍穹裂开了! The world split! 世界裂开了! The destiny broke, what destiny, anything knew in advance, probably there is no function, the prophet god saw the fist of opposite party ahead of time, is actually evades not to evade, severe howl, is a palm lays out! 命运破碎了,什么命运,什么预知,好像都没什么作用,先知神提前看到了对方的拳头,却是避无可避,一声厉吼,也是一掌拍出! Bang! 轰! The palm blasts open directly, the god of destiny is golden blood spews out one after another, a giant grinding pan, presents in initially the top of the head of god of military, might reverse his destiny. 手掌直接炸裂开,命运之神更是一口接连一口的金色血液喷涌而出,一个巨大的磨盘,呈现在初武之神的头顶上,好像要逆转他的命运。 At this moment, beginning this god of chuckle military, brings to ponder: Powerhouse can change the destiny of weak one, but the weak one...... cannot change the destiny of powerhouse! The change, then courts destruction forcefully!” 此刻,这初武之神轻笑一声,带着一些玩味:“强者可以改变弱者的命运,而弱者……改变不了强者的命运!强行改变,便是自取灭亡!” Bang! 轰! The body of god of destiny, blasts open suddenly. 命运之神的身躯,忽然炸裂开。 The prophet god complexion drastic change, at this time, the queen killed instantaneously, the scepter defeats the world directly, is serious incomparable. 先知神脸色剧变,这时候,女王瞬间杀来,权杖直接击破天地,也是面色凝重无比。 A very powerful person! 好强的一人! Is the sage stages, but the strength of opposite party, surpassed all sages probably. 都是圣人阶段,可对方的实力,好像超过了所有圣人。 Beginning that the god of military, probably and does not care, fights with the fists! 那初武之神,好像并不在意,又是一拳打出! The golden fist, in a flash, destroyed the world. 金黄色的拳头,一瞬间,砸破了天地。 The strength of powerful qi and blood, was showing probably, this is mortal body qi and blood cultivation to existence of pinnacle, is ordinary just like true Dominating Heaven Emperor, bang! 强悍的气血之力,好像在说明,这是一尊肉身气血修炼到极致的存在,宛如真正的霸天帝一般,轰! Scepter directly hit being split up! 权杖直接被打的四分五裂! „The god of belief...... is also the Spiritual God, but, is only weakest Spiritual God one type! Initially the god of military, does not depend to believe the god, but by oneself, you are the heaven enjoys a food to eat, but initially the military Spiritual God, is the heaven snatches food to eat, got it?” “信仰之神……也算是神灵,不过,只是最弱的神灵一种!初武之神,并非靠信仰成神,而是靠自己,你们是老天赏口饭吃,而初武神灵,是和老天抢一口饭吃,明白了吗?” This saying, laid bare the secret! 这话,一语道破天机! Several Spiritual God, are the complexion change. 几位神灵,都是脸色一变。 Enjoys a food to eat, snatches a food to eat! 赏口饭吃,抢口饭吃! This perhaps is both biggest difference! 这也许是两者最大的不同之处! The Silver Moon Spiritual God, is since birth powerful, but initially the god of military, is not since birth strong, is being struggled, rises step by step, strikes out on one's own, asked Grand Dao, became the Spiritual God! 银月神灵,是生来强大,而初武之神,是生来不强,在挣扎中,一步步崛起,自谋生路,自求大道,自成神灵! Bang! 轰! As this person of words fall, the fist covered the entire battlefield, several Spiritual God that in a flash, shakes back up in abundance. 随着这人的话语落下,拳头覆盖了整个战场,一瞬间,震的几位神灵纷纷倒退。 That side, Ninth Division Commander and Sequoia Tree somewhat shock, in abundance avoidance. 那边,九师长红杉木都有些震撼,纷纷退避。 At this moment, the misfortune and disaster god, also appears instantaneously, helping the queen resist. 这一刻,厄运和灾难之神,也是瞬间浮现,帮助女王抵挡。 Bang! 轰! A fist one after another fist. 一拳接连一拳。 Beginning this god of military, the powerful fearfulness, the sound also continues to shake the world: Initially martial cultivate, do not cultivate/repair Grand Dao, this is initially the military! Initially the military spiritual cultivation, that is the source! Therefore source Grand Dao is also good, new Way, with the beginning military irrelevant!” 这初武之神,强大的可怕,声音也继续震荡天地:“初武修自身,不修大道,此为初武!初武修道,那是本源!所以本源大道也好,新道也罢,都和初武无关!” Did not seem saying that listened to others, but said to the Li Hao hear. 话里话外,好像并非说给其他人听,而是说给李皓听。 I, am not your enemy. 我,不是你的敌人。 You do not need to test me, does not need to aim at me. 你无需试探我,无需针对我。 On this day the place, Sword Venerable was once hopeful, the tracing returns, walks the source enters beginning the military, goes against heaven's will transfers the life, ten thousand melt in body, therefore, Sword Venerable tolerates beginning military......” “这天地,剑尊曾有希望,溯源而回,走本源而入初武,逆天转命,万道融于身,所以,剑尊能容初武……” ...... …… Great Wilderness. 大荒 The Li Hao complexion is dignified. 李皓脸色凝重。 Looking at steadily. 目不转睛。 At this moment, somewhat regretted, perhaps, I should have a look personally. 此刻,有些后悔,也许,我该亲自去看看。 Has a look at the scene! 在现场看看! On this day the place, can only hold the sage to be preliminary. Valley 这天地,只能容纳圣人初阶。谷 But this person...... a fist sage...... was too unexpectedly strong! 可此人……居然一拳一个圣人……太强了! He underestimated this initially the god of military! 他小看这位初武之神了! Side, Li Fuhai is also the cow eye vibrates, tyrant fist! Impossible...... possibly is not Dominating Heaven Emperor...... this person is Dominating Heaven Emperor inheritance......, but...... is the Dominating Heaven Emperor having no children person , without the apprentice............ iron Venerable Emperor inheritance? But why also said is beginning military?” 身旁,力覆海也是牛眼震动,“霸拳!不可能……不可能是霸天帝……此人难道是霸天帝的传承者……可是……霸天帝无后人,无徒弟……难道……是铁头帝尊的传承者?可为何又说是初武?”
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