( After 12points, monthly ticketdouble, selectsmonthly ticket)
The place of northwestcommon border.
The war crysoars to the heavens.
喊杀声冲天。MillionGreat Liarmy, go to battleagain, butthesechanged the opponenttime, the opposite, the followers in godcountry's are also crazyincomparable, under the summons of severalSpiritual God, rushes aheadunceasingly.
百万大离军,再次出征,只是这一次换了对手,对面,神国的信徒们也是疯狂无比,在几位神灵的号召下,不断冲杀。However, thesefollowers, eventuallyare not the godcountryelite.
然而,这些信徒,终究不是神国精锐。Trueelite, died.
The queengrasps the scepter, the complexionis somewhat ugly.
The nextquarter, the scepterbrandishes.
下一刻,权杖挥舞。TwoSpiritual Godappearinstantaneously, oneis the god of misfortune, oneis the god of disaster.
两位神灵瞬间浮现,一位是厄运之神,一位是灾难之神。In a flash, suddenlypitiful yellsoundpenetratingworld.
The disasterarrives!
The landsplitsuddenly, ruinstens of thousands ofGreat Liarmy, the misfortunealsoarrived, countlessGreat Lisoldiers, threw downandhit the companionsuddenly, mistakenly recognized the enemy, killedmistakenly the opponent......
At this moment, the glow of a swordtwinkleworld......
A swordpasses throughvoid.
The nextquarter, a goldenbig tree, carriessomechaosaura, sweeps across the world, the innumerablebranchespass through the four directions, slaughterslots offollowers.
The queencomplexionis ugly: „Really!”
女王脸色难看:“果然!”Knows,Great Liwill not go on a punitive expedition against the Westwith no reason at all.
就知道,大离不会无缘无故征伐西方。Li DaozongandSequoia Treeone, sheknow,isLi Haocontrolsinevitablyin secret, damnbastard.
“先知!”Side, silver-hairedold person, closing eyesmoment, complexionslightlyobviouslydignified: „Is more careful, your majesty, powerhouse!”
The queennods.
女王点头。IfLi Haocontrolsin secret, inevitablynotonly thenso.
若是李皓暗中操控,必然不会只有如此。She is also very heavy.
她也很沉重。„What can Li Haomake?”
“李皓要做什么?”Goes on a punitive expedition against the West, useful?
Does fellowpresentenemyonepile, whatsignificanceattack the godstate-owned?
那家伙现在的敌人一堆,攻伐神国有什么意义?Botharmiesgo on an expedition, Great Lilosesalsobig.
双方大军征战,大离损失也不小。Westernfolloweris numerous, althoughdoes not beatGreat Li, butGreat Liis the elitearmy, oncelosesseriously...... alsonogood end.
西方信徒众多,虽然不敌大离,可大离都是精锐大军,一旦损失惨重……也没什么好下场。At this moment, the prophetgodwatchedopposite of a meeting, in the heartsighedlightly.
此刻,先知神看了一会对面,心中轻叹。Li Hao...... emperor!李皓……帝王之相啊!Drives the wolfto swallow the tiger!
The Great Likingsuchoverlord, alsohas tobe pulledbyLi Hao, Great Li and godcountryslaughters, even ifdiedcompletely, thatwill not careprobably, justtwoVia SacraSpiritual Godwent to battle, struckto add up totalsten thousandofficersin a minute.大离王这样的霸主,也不得不被李皓牵着走,大离和神国厮杀,哪怕全部死光了,那位大概都不会在意,刚刚两位圣道神灵出战,片刻间击杀数万将士。But the Chinese larchandNinth Division Commander, do not havefirstto act.
可红杉和九师长,却是没有第一时间出手。Obviously, thesetwo, has not been serious the Great Liarmylife and death.
……At this moment, someJiang Lifacial colorsare ugly, pass on the sound said: „King, the opposite partyfollower, fiercedoes not fear! Someare only the ordinaryfollowers, strikesto killuselessly, myGreat Liarmy, the lossis actually serious! Even ifkills the Westernten millionpeople, cannot trademyGreat Li1 millionelite!”
此刻,姜离有些面色难看,传音道:“大王,对方信徒,悍不畏死!有些只是普通信徒,击杀无用,倒是我大离军,损失惨重!哪怕杀西方千万人,也换不来我大离百万精锐!”From the battle loss, the firstwar, killed the Westto be close to100,000peopleat least, but the Great Liarmylost more than ten thousandpeople, tentimes!
从战损来看,第一战,起码杀了西方接近10万人,而大离军损失不过万余人,十倍!But...... useful?
可是……有用吗?Suchfollower, the godcountrywere too many.
这样的信徒,神国太多了。But the Great Lielitearmy, howtrades the lives of thesepeople...... to see that to be how unworthy!
The Great Likingis unemotional.大离王面无表情。
Does hewant?
他愿意吗?Does not want.
不愿意。But...... thiswas the bestresult, ifherejected, Li Haowill perhaps not startimmediately, butsoon, did Great Li remain, was an issue.
The homebelieves inbeginningperhaps the god of military, is not willingto surrender.
国内信奉初武之神的,恐怕都不愿意投降。At this moment, Great LiWang Pingjingis incomparable: „Simple, making the Spiritual Godcope with the Spiritual God! Initially hasn't the god of military, the Spiritual God of New Martialtime, beaten the Spiritual God of microcosm?”
此刻,大离王平静无比:“简单,让神灵对付神灵!初武之神,新武时代的神灵,难道还不敌小世界的神灵?”TheseSpiritual God, isbeginningmilitarySpiritual God.
这些神灵,也算是初武神灵。Naturally, oneis the Silver MoonSpiritual God, before oneis the innumerableyears, the Spiritual God of New Martialtime.
当然,一个是银月的神灵,一个是无数岁月前,新武时代的神灵。Jiang Lihearsthissaying, the complexionchanges.姜离听到这话,面色微变。Thisisdisrespectsto the Spiritual God!
这是对神灵不敬!Naturally, heknows, far more than Great Liking, nowadays, does not awe the Spiritual Godwere many, ifLi Haothatboyinthis, perhapssaidis coarser.
当然,他知道,何止大离王,这年头,不敬畏神灵的多了,若是李皓那厮在这,也许说的更难听。Jiang Lisinkingsound said: „King, thathas not recoveredcompletely......”姜离沉声道:“大王,那位还没完全复苏……”
The Great Likingnods: „Didn't recoveragaincompletely, deals with a sagenot to have the issue? Recoveredcompletely, insteadis not good, perhapsis unable to appearin the world, right?”大离王点头:“再没完全复苏,对付一位圣人没问题吧?完全复苏了,反而不好,说不定无法出现在天地之间,对吗?”Alsoisthistruth.
也是这个道理。Jiang Lihad nothing to say in reply.姜离无言以对。
The Great Likingalsosaid: „MyGreat Li, believes inopposite partyso manyyears, nowneedsto help,...... hasn't been willingto act?”大离王又道:“我大离,信奉对方那么多年,现在需要帮助,难道……还不愿出手吗?”„This......”
“这……”Jiang Liis speechless.姜离无言。But the Great Liking, the sonorous voice, the shakeworld, calls out the soundto resound through the four directions: „War! Continuesto go forward, the rush, extinguishes the country! The god of myGreat Li, will soon enter the war, will sweep awaythesefalseSpiritual Godsurely! The falsegodmustdie! Mygodinvincibleworld!”
The Great Liarmyeruptinstantaneously, excitedincomparable.大离军瞬间爆发,兴奋无比。
The god of Great Limustappear!大离之神要出现了!
The innumerableyears, Great Lihas believed inoneinitially the god of military, the templeinfluence, muststrongin the royal power, even iftotoday, the templeinfluencewere still powerful, looks atJiang Liapparent.
无数岁月来,大离一直信奉一位初武之神,神殿势力,一直要强于王权,哪怕到了今日,神殿势力依旧强大,看姜离便知。Even ifGreat Likingskill in fine arts and in military arts, in the same old wayalsoquenchlesstempleinfluence.
哪怕大离王文韬武略,照样也难压制神殿势力。At this moment, Great Likingsaidbeginning the god of militaryis goingto enter the war, slaughtering the falsegod...... the peoplewere excited the incomparable, instantaneousmoralerise sharply.
此刻,大离王说出初武之神将要参战,屠戮伪神……众人都兴奋无比,瞬间士气大涨。ButGreat Liking, is calm.
而大离王,也一脸平静。Ialso want to take a look, god who webelieve, whois, whatstrength, muchis powerful......
我也想看看,我们信奉的神,到底是谁,到底什么实力,到底多强大……Ifthiswaropposite partydid not present...... thiskingto reveal to the public, ifyoudid not appear, then, youalsodo wantGreat Lito believe inyou?
若是此战对方不出现……本王都这么公之于众了,你若不出现,接下来,你还想让大离人信奉你吗?Regardless of the opposite partyisappearsordoes not appear...... to him, is the good deeds.
无论对方是出现还是不出现……对他而言,都是好事。Thistime, the opposite party, the Shintoisminfluence, will wipe outthoroughly!
此次,对方不出,神道势力,会被彻底拔除!Jiang Lithesesacrificial offerings, the little darlingjoins the deliberation hall.姜离这些祭祀,乖乖加入朝堂。Ifappears...... alsojusthas a look, withthesefalsegods, whowhois weak?
若是出现……也刚好看看,和那些伪神,到底谁强谁弱?Great Liking, is attempting the throne.大离王,也是在逼宫。Li Haoonlysupportedtwosages, hedoes not have the means that the godcountrysagesare many, initially the god of militarydoes not appear, heandJiang Li, canblock the nextsageat this moment.李皓只支援了两位圣人,他也没办法,神国圣人多,初武之神不出现,他和姜离,此刻也就能拦下一位圣人。
……At this moment, the opposite, queenseveralare the complexionchanges.
这一刻,对面,女王几位都是脸色微变。Initially the god of military!
The god of so-calledbeginningmilitary, thatwas said that beginningfirst generationmartial artist.
所谓初武之神,那是说,第一代初武者。Initially the martial artistdescendantdoes not calculate, only thenbeginningfirst generationmartial artist, went out ofownGrand Dao, isbeginning the god of military, Great Lihas declaredto the outside, believe inYangGod...... fewindividualsto believe.
初武者的后代不算,只有第一代初武者,走出了自己的大道,才算是初武之神,大离一直对外宣称,信奉阳神……没几个人会相信。Understoodtruly the New Martialpeopleknow, YangGod, is not weakinHuman King and dark greenemperor.
The New Martialtime, threebigtop powerhouse, are YangGod, Human King, the dark greenemperor.新武时代,三大至强者,便是阳神、人王、苍帝。Underthesethreebigtop powerhouse, Supreme Zhang and town/subduesSon of HeavenandDihuangtheseheaded list of successful candidates.
在这三大至强者之下,张至尊、镇天王、地皇这几位独领风骚。Butunderthem, massiveVenerable Emperor, has the ancientninesovereignpowerhouses, hasancientcastingVenerable Emperor, hasBlood Emperor Venerableandiron that Venerable Emperorthisgroup of peopleafterwardrose.
而在他们之下,还有大量帝尊,有古老的九皇强者,有古老的铸造帝尊,有后来崛起的血帝尊、铁头帝尊这群人。Butunderthis, manyVenerable Emperor, mustbe worse, for exampleyamaandBattle Kingthisgroup of people.
而在这之下,还有很多帝尊,要更差一些,比如冥王、战王这群人。Later...... isthatwater powerandstrength is not again wonderfultheseVenerable Emperor.
再之后……才是那水力、力无奇这些帝尊。It can be imagined, even ifVenerable Emperor, dividedmanylevels, butinitially the god of military...... actuallyeveryonedoes not believe,herehas the god of truebeginningmilitary, in the pastwas killedonebyHuman Kingin large numbers, god of fewremainingbeginningmilitary.
可想而知,哪怕帝尊,也分了很多层次,而初武之神……其实大家不相信,这里有真正的初武之神,当年被人王杀了一大批,剩下的初武之神没几个。Moreover, the remainingthesepeople, the strengthis extremely intrepid.
而且,剩下的这些人,实力极其强悍。Weakest, nowperhaps is also halfemperor.
最弱,现在恐怕也是个半帝。Possiblyhowalsoto stay here?
怎么可能还留在这边?Moreover, the god of beginningmilitarylives, is well-known, whowill pretend to beYangGod, doesthisnotmatter?
The queen they do not believe.
女王他们不相信。Even but if is not...... shouldstillbebeginningmartial artistone, perhapsistwogenerationsthreegenerations or more of generation of descendants, shouldnot be weak.
……At this moment, the queentheydreadsincomparably.
与此同时。Great Wilderness.大荒。
The backdropappears.
天幕浮现。Li Haois also observing.李皓也在观战。To the toppowerhouses of both sides, he is very clear, is very familiar, therefore the curiosity is actually not big, is...... beginning the god of military, heis very curious.
对双方的顶级强者,他都很清楚,很熟悉,所以其实好奇心不大,可是……初武之神,他很好奇。Daresto embezzlename of YangGod, thiswas not an average person.
The courageis notgeneralbig!
胆子不是一般的大!Also, the opposite partyhas been low-key, almostnevercomes, whatattempts?
还有,对方一直低调无比,几乎从不现身,图什么?On the chartincomfortable that thisdoes rest?
就图在这睡的舒服?That sideFig.Great Li is the environmenthappy?
还是图大离那边环境美好?Also, allSpiritual God, actuallyseekstrength of the belief, butGreat Lisomewhatis strange...... the Great Lipersonactuallyto believethis, is...... because of the opposite partyin the name of YangGod, everyonebelieves is actually YangGod.
还有,所有神灵,其实都谋求一个信仰之力,可大离有些奇怪……大离人其实信仰这位,可是……因为对方假借阳神之名,大家信仰的其实是阳神。Therefore, the strength of belief, does not seem absorbedby that butvanished.
所以,信仰之力,好像没有被那位吸收掉,而是消失了。This was very thought-provoking!
Was the strength of belief...... difficultto be inadequatebyYangGodto be absorbed?
信仰之力……难不成被阳神吸收走了?Othersspanned the universestarry sky, gaveto screen outyou?
人家跨越了宇宙星空,把你给抽走了?Li Haotothis, reallysomewhatcurious , the Spiritual Godrecovers, through the strength of belief, but here god of beginningmilitary, the bigprobabilityhas been living, initiallymartial artist, ormortal body, eitherqi and blood, either the spiritis powerful.李皓对这位,是真的有些好奇,还有,神灵复苏,是通过信仰之力,可这边的初武之神,大概率一直都活着,初武者,或者肉身,或者气血,或者精神强大。In brief, musthave a systemto be powerful.
The opposite partyhave actually been deriving the energy, the appearance that somejustrecovered...... is so pitiful, does not know that what's the matter, does not expose the realstatus, derives the strength of belief, Great Liperson, actuallybelieved a loneliness.
对方却是一直在汲取能量,有些刚复苏的样子……这么凄惨,也不知道怎么回事,又不暴露自己真实身份,去汲取信仰之力,大离人,其实信仰了个寂寞。Li Haolookssteadily.李皓目不转睛地看着。Healsowantsto have a look, whatwill have, can the opposite partyappear?
The opposite partiesdo not derive the strength of belief, perhapsdoes not care about the Great Libeliefnot to believehim, the actionis very strange, Li Haodid not haveextremelyto care, waitsto returnfrom the West, contrastedGreat Li, came the interest in thisinstantaneously.
对方都不汲取信仰之力,也许不在乎大离信仰不信仰他,行动很是诡异,李皓原本也没太过在意,等从西方回归,对比了一下大离,瞬间对这位来了兴趣。Doesn't derive the Spiritual God of strength of belief?
还有不汲取信仰之力的神灵?Youmake a temple, tosleep?
那你弄个神殿,就为了睡觉吗?To this god of military, Li Haonaturallyis the interest is very initially big, does not know that canbewhatvariable.
对这位初武之神,李皓自然是兴趣很大,不知道会不会是什么变数。At this moment, side, but alsosomepeople.
此刻,身边,还有人。Black Pantheris ganging up with the white horse, is also looking at the battlefieldincluding the princesscuriously, evenis somewhat ready to make trouble, sheactuallylongs forvery muchsuchbattlefield, what a pity, Great Wildernessseems the opportunity is not many.黑豹正在勾搭白马,珺公主也在好奇地看着战场,甚至有些蠢蠢欲动,她其实很渴望这样的战场,可惜,大荒好像机会不多了。
The Li Haofingertipis holding appreciativelyseveraldivine writing, suddenlysaid: „Sea Suppressing Envoyalsoin?”李皓指尖把玩着几枚神文,忽然道:“镇海使还在吗?”Void, Li Fuhaiappears.
虚空中,力覆海浮现。Li Haoasked something already knownactually.李皓倒是明知故问了。Hecannot knowoneselfalsoin?
他能不知道自己还在?„Does marquishave the matter?”
“侯爷有事?”„It‘s nothing, issomewhatcurious, when8 th the greatlyLordcitystands in great numbers, howto makeGreat Lisurvive? Does Sword Venerableknow?”
“知道。”„Hasn't managed?”
“没有。”„Has mentionedGreat Lithisinitially the god of military?”
“未曾。”Li Haodoubts: „Opposite partycontinuouslyinSilver Moon?”李皓疑惑:“对方一直都在银月?”„Continuouslyin!”
“一直都在!”Li Fuhaithinksandsaid: „Early is very before very early, toconvenientinthisplace!...... Had not come! Wehave not managed, no matterSword Venerablealsothat side, wewere thinkingat that time, possiblytogive the militarylooks for a way outinitially.”力覆海想了想又道:“很早很早之前,对方便在此地!只是……一直不曾现身!我们也没管,剑尊也不管那边,我们当时都想着,可能是为了给初武找个出路。”„InitiallymartialShenlingwas killed, the Human Kingrecoveryworld...... had not recoveredseveralafterwardinitiallyWuqiang, if notlooksin the face of Yanggod, recoveringseveral...... beginning the militarywill be only more miserable! Alsobecausejust the face of Yanggod...... everyonewill not easily provokebeginningmilitary.”
“初武神灵被杀了许多,后来人王复苏天地……也没复苏几位初武强者,若非看在阳神的面子上,复苏了几位……初武只会更惨!也正因为阳神的面子……大家也不会轻易招惹初武。”YangGodface, verygreatly.
阳神的面子,很大。Arrived, Sword Venerable must givethreepoints.
大到,剑尊也要给三分。Thatis a naturalincomparablefellow, a personwalked randomly the chaosuniversealone, Li Haoonceintwocharacterslistened toHuman Kingto raiseonetimein„Fights Heaven”, YangGodwas injuredunexpectedly, probably the worldhosts by Red Moonworldwas wounded.
那是一个潇洒无比的家伙,一人独自游走混沌宇宙,李皓曾在“战天”二字中听人王提过一次,阳神居然受伤了,好像被红月世界的世界之主击伤了。But...... hostfacing a world, daresto invadeNew Martial the host of the world, the opposite partyis also injured, it can be imagined, is strong.
A world, Venerable Emperorismust have, onepile.
要知道,一个世界,帝尊是少不了的,一堆。Insuchsituation, others can also escape, but can also notify...... the powerfulplace, was needlessto say.
这样的情况下,人家还能逃回来,还能报信……强大之处,不用多说。Li Haonods: „At that time...... did the templehave?”李皓点头:“那时候……神殿就有了?”„Has.”
“有。”„At that timewasto also useYangGodgiven name?”
“那时候也是用的阳神的名号?”Li Fuhaiis somewhat unusual, long timesaid: „It is not, whatat that timeusedwas...... Dominating Heaven Emperor!”力覆海有些异样,半晌才道:“不是,那时候用的是……霸天帝!”„......”
“……”Li Haogawked.李皓愣了一下。„Is the previous generationbody of thatironVenerable Emperor?”
“这么大胆子?”„Because ofBlood Emperor Venerablethese, did not acknowledgeoneselfare the reincarnationbody, livedsecond, therefore......, only ifyoushamedthatseveralintentionally, otherwise, youusedto use, no onewill sayanything, includingFighting Heaven City, was the Fighting Heaven Emperorgiven name, butBlood Emperor VenerablegrantedFighting Heaven Citypersonally, no onewill sayanything.”
“因为血帝尊这几位,都不承认自己是转世身,活出了第二世,所以……除非你故意羞辱那几位,否则,你用就用,也没人会说什么,包括战天城,也是战天帝的名号,可血帝尊亲自赐予了战天城,也没人会说什么。”„No wonderDominating Heaven Emperorgauntlet/gloveinthat side......”
The Li Haodoubtssaid: „Reallyisn'tDominating Heaven Emperor?”李皓疑惑道:“不会真的是霸天帝吧?”„Cannot.”
“不会。”Li Fuhaishakes the head: „Thatis impossible! Dominating Heaven Emperordied, reallydied, theirhow manydo not die, wherehadafterward how many? Let alone...... perhaps, ifrealDominating Heaven Emperor...... of thatstrength, whatRed MoonVenerable Emperor, a fistwere killed! Whichalsohadanythingto sink the dormancyto say.”力覆海摇头:“那不可能!霸天帝死了,真的死了,他们几位不死,哪有后来的那几位?何况……若是真的霸天帝……那战力之强,什么红月帝尊,一拳说不定就被打死了!哪还有什么沉眠之说。”Good.
好吧。However, intime that New Martialhas not isolated, daresto call, said that the Dominating Heaven Emperortemple...... reallyheis not an average person.
不过,在新武还没隔绝的时代,敢这么叫,自称霸天帝神殿……真他么不是一般人。Right now, Li Haohad the interest.
这下子,李皓更有兴趣了。Justthinking, on the voidbackdrop, is reappearingtogether the illusoryperson's shadow, cannot see clearly the appearance, probablyshieldedoneselfappearanceto be the same, the sound was also very tranquil, evencould not branch out the men and women, someneutralizations.
正想着,虚空中的天幕上,浮现出一道虚幻人影,看不清样貌,好像屏蔽了自身样貌一般,声音也很平静,甚至分不出男女,有些中性化。„Sincewantsto have a lookbeginning the strength of god of military...... thatthenmakesyouexperienceone is!”
“既然想看看初武之神的实力……那便让你们见识一番便是!”ProbablysaidtoGreat Liking, saidtoLi Haoprobably.
好像是对大离王说,也好像是对李皓说。At this moment, Li Fuhaistaredin a big way the eyeto look,probablyis identifying the opposite partystatus, recognized the opposite partyprobably...... but, Li Haois unable to conjectureitto recognize, thisfellowhas not saidanything.
这一刻,力覆海瞪大了眼睛看,好像在辨认对方身份,又好像认出了对方……可是,李皓也无法猜度它有没有认出,这家伙并未说什么。Li Haoalsolookssteadily.李皓也目不转睛地看着。
The prophetgodcomplexionchanges, the flashanddestinygod of alsoappear, probablyknew in advance that the making a movepath of opposite party, the prophetgodappearedin a regioninstantaneously, butanother side, destinygoddesstwittering: „Destiny...... variable!”
轰!Dizzy, at this moment, the person in entirebattlefield, thought that owndestinywas changed, is unable to reverse, probably the nextquarterwill die, diesunder the fightcomplementary waves of severalpowerhouses.
天旋地转,这一刻,整个战场上的人,都觉得自己的命运被改变了,无法逆转,好像下一刻都会死亡,死在几位强者的交手余波下。Terrified, anxious, fears......
The will of the peopleinstantaneousis scattered in disorder, theysawoneselfdeath, saw the destiny......
就在他们惶恐不安的瞬间。Thatillusoryperson's shadow, anythingdid not say,fights with the fists!
The vault of heavensplit!
The worldsplit!
The destinybroke, whatdestiny, anythingknew in advance,probablythere is no function, the prophetgodsaw the fist of opposite partyahead of time, is actually evadesnotto evade, severehowl, is a palmlays out!
The palmblasts opendirectly, the god of destinyisgoldenbloodspews outone after another, a giantgrinding pan, presentsininitially the top of the head of god of military, might reversehisdestiny.
手掌直接炸裂开,命运之神更是一口接连一口的金色血液喷涌而出,一个巨大的磨盘,呈现在初武之神的头顶上,好像要逆转他的命运。At this moment, beginningthisgod of chucklemilitary, bringsto ponder: „Powerhousecanchange the destiny of weak one, but the weak one...... cannot change the destiny of powerhouse! The change, thencourts destructionforcefully!”
The body of god of destiny, blasts opensuddenly.
The prophetgodcomplexiondrastic change, at this time, the queenkilledinstantaneously, the scepterdefeats the worlddirectly, isseriousincomparable.
A very powerfulperson!
好强的一人!Is the sagestages, but the strength of opposite party, surpassedallsagesprobably.
都是圣人阶段,可对方的实力,好像超过了所有圣人。Beginningthat the god of military, probablyanddoes not care, fights with the fists!
The goldenfist, in a flash, destroyed the world.
The strength of powerfulqi and blood, was showingprobably,thisismortal bodyqi and bloodcultivationtoexistence of pinnacle, is ordinaryjust liketrueDominating Heaven Emperor, bang!
强悍的气血之力,好像在说明,这是一尊肉身气血修炼到极致的存在,宛如真正的霸天帝一般,轰!Scepterdirectlyhitbeing split up!
权杖直接被打的四分五裂!„The god of belief...... is also the Spiritual God, but, is onlyweakestSpiritual Godonetype! Initially the god of military, does not dependto believe the god, butbyoneself, you are the heavenenjoys a foodto eat, butinitially the militarySpiritual God, is the heavensnatchesfoodto eat, got it?”
“信仰之神……也算是神灵,不过,只是最弱的神灵一种!初武之神,并非靠信仰成神,而是靠自己,你们是老天赏口饭吃,而初武神灵,是和老天抢一口饭吃,明白了吗?”Thissaying, laid bare the secret!
这话,一语道破天机!SeveralSpiritual God, are the complexionchange.
几位神灵,都是脸色一变。Enjoys a foodto eat, snatches a foodto eat!
The Silver MoonSpiritual God, issince birthpowerful, butinitially the god of military, is not since birth strong, is being struggled, risesstep by step, strikes out on one's own, askedGrand Dao, became the Spiritual God!银月神灵,是生来强大,而初武之神,是生来不强,在挣扎中,一步步崛起,自谋生路,自求大道,自成神灵!Bang!
轰!Asthisperson of wordsfall, the fistcovered the entirebattlefield, severalSpiritual God that in a flash, shakesback upin abundance.
随着这人的话语落下,拳头覆盖了整个战场,一瞬间,震的几位神灵纷纷倒退。That side, Ninth Division CommanderandSequoia Treesomewhatshock, in abundanceavoidance.
那边,九师长和红杉木都有些震撼,纷纷退避。At this moment, the misfortuneanddisastergod, alsoappearsinstantaneously, helping the queenresist.
A fistone after anotherfist.
一拳接连一拳。Beginning this god of military, the powerfulfearfulness, the soundalsocontinuesto shake the world: „Initiallymartialcultivate, do not cultivate/repairGrand Dao, thisisinitially the military! Initially the militaryspiritual cultivation, thatis the source! ThereforesourceGrand Daois also good, new Way, with the beginningmilitaryirrelevant!”
这初武之神,强大的可怕,声音也继续震荡天地:“初武修自身,不修大道,此为初武!初武修道,那是本源!所以本源大道也好,新道也罢,都和初武无关!”Did not seem saying that listenedto others, butsaidto the Li Haohear.
话里话外,好像并非说给其他人听,而是说给李皓听。I, am notyourenemy.
我,不是你的敌人。Youdo not needto testme, does not needto aim atme.
你无需试探我,无需针对我。„On this day the place, Sword Venerablewas once hopeful, the tracingreturns, walks the sourceentersbeginning the military, goes against heaven's willtransfers the life, ten thousandmeltinbody, therefore, Sword Venerabletoleratesbeginningmilitary......”
……Great Wilderness.大荒。
The Li Haocomplexionis dignified.李皓脸色凝重。Looking at steadily.
目不转睛。At this moment, somewhatregretted, perhaps, Ishouldhave a lookpersonally.
此刻,有些后悔,也许,我该亲自去看看。Has a lookat the scene!
在现场看看!On this day the place, can only hold the sageto be preliminary. Valley
这天地,只能容纳圣人初阶。谷Butthisperson...... a fistsage...... was too unexpectedly strong!
可此人……居然一拳一个圣人……太强了!Heunderestimatedthisinitially the god of military!
他小看这位初武之神了!Side, Li Fuhai is also the cow eyevibrates, „tyrantfist! Impossible...... possiblyis notDominating Heaven Emperor...... thispersonisDominating Heaven Emperorinheritance......, but...... is the Dominating Heaven Emperorhaving no childrenperson , without the apprentice............ ironVenerable Emperorinheritance? But why alsosaidisbeginningmilitary?”
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