SG :: Volume #4

#373 Part 2: Greedy my body

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First is Forbidden Sea opens, is the world recovers, is the sage falls from the sky, the energy overflowing powder, the strength of Grand Dao fills the air...... also has regional Martial Way schools, the capital construction can make the energy stone...... 先是禁忌海开启,接着是天地复苏,然后是圣人陨落,能量溢散,大道之力弥漫……还有各地的武道学院,还有基建就能挣能量石…… All these, are promoting the development of entire Martial Way. 这一切,都在促进整个武道的发展。 new Way, has become the world's mainstream. 新道,已经成为世界主流。 Does not need to pat my horse buttocks, these are unimportant! Let alone, each other needs to help, I give them the opportunity, they actually also helped my several times, killing the Son of Heaven is also good, this time deals with the sage, kills Heaven's Will...... the popular sentiment available! Naturally, cannot leave your propagandas and makes the god...... not to need actually so, but the popular sentiment helps my several times now, my not artificial anything.” “不用拍我马屁,这些不重要!何况,彼此需要帮助罢了,我给他们机会,他们其实也帮了我几次,杀天王也好,还是这次对付圣人,杀天意……民心可用!当然,也离不开你们的宣传和造神……其实不需要如此,不过现在民心帮了我几次,我也不矫情什么。” If not the popular sentiment, this time, deals with these sages, so will not be relaxed. 若非民心,这一次,对付那些圣人,不会如此轻松。 Under a war, killed 12 sages. 一战之下,就杀了12位圣人。 Without the say/way of popular sentiment, how chaotic Heaven's Will instantaneous? 没有民心之道,如何混乱天意瞬间? Lin Hongyu has not spoken again, but the doubts...... Li Hao leads itself to come the Grand Dao universe, for what? 林红玉没再说话,只是疑惑……李皓带自己来大道宇宙,到底为了什么? Gives the advantage? 给自己好处? Compensates itself? 补偿自己? But...... Li Hao Grand Dao broke, was not busy restoring at this time, leading oneself to come, what can give itself to help? 可是……李皓自己大道都断裂了许多,这时候不忙着去恢复,带自己来,能给自己什么帮助呢? During the thought twinkles, Li Hao said suddenly: Many people want to become Human King, I never have actually considered, oneself must become Human King.” 念头闪烁间,李皓忽然道:“很多人想成为人王,我却是从未考虑过,自己要成为人王。” Lin Hongyu is startled. 林红玉一怔。 I do not wield the world the clothing material...... naturally, this time, the military force is supreme!” “我不是执掌天下的料子……当然,这个时代,武力至上!” Li Hao said with a smile: Has the military force, actually enough, enabled everyone to develop his talents then! You and Superintendent Zhao, are actually the objects who I favor, Superintendent Zhao is properly speaking more intimate is right, after all is the Silver Moon people!” 李皓笑道:“有武力,其实就够了,人尽其才即可!你和赵署长,其实都是我看好的对象,赵署长按理说更亲近一些才对,毕竟都是银月人!” „......” “不过……” Li Hao said in a soft voice: Also because just Superintendent Zhao is also the Silver Moon person, I am thinking, if Superintendent Zhao wields the world, might present some drawbacks, the Silver Moon person were too many, not necessarily is the good deed! Moreover a little, Superintendent Zhao...... old, actually also calculates the awe to me, was actually short of a feeling.” 李皓轻声道:“也正因为赵署长也是银月人,我想着,若是赵署长执掌天下,很可能会出现一些弊端,银月人太多了,不见得是好事!而且还有一点,赵署长……年纪稍大,对我其实还算敬畏,却是少了一种感觉。” Lin Hongyu did not speak. 林红玉不语。 Talks about Silver Moon martial master, she will not say anything generally. 谈及银月武师,她一般不会多说什么。 Li Hao smiles: Did not say this, this time leads you to enter, is my some ideas, my former cultivation, was extremely disorderly, I want to comb to Grand Dao, actually I have combed several times, but, was randomly!” 李皓笑了笑:“不说这个,这次带你进入,是我有一些想法,我之前修炼,太过杂乱,我想对大道重新梳理,其实我已经梳理过几次,可是,还是乱!” Because we have made rapid progress, but every will forget or omit something one time......” “因为我们进步很快,可每一次都是会遗忘或者遗漏一些东西……” Lin Hongyu nods, said in a soft voice: Marquis is hopes that I do help the marquis transport the stars?” 林红玉点头,轻声道:“侯爷是希望我帮侯爷搬运星辰?” This, Li Hao has raised actually. 这个,李皓倒是提过。 Before, Fighting Heaven City many people, helped Li Hao transport. 之前,战天城很多人,也都帮着李皓搬运过。 „It is not!” “不是!” Li Hao shakes the head, said: I want to conduct to Grand Dao again, combing of wide scope! Is the transporting is so no longer simple!” 李皓摇头,又道:“我想对大道进行重新,大范围的梳理!不再是搬运那么简单!” Li Hao opens the mouth: I some harvests, you still remember recently, initially we combed dao lineage time, has discovered, 360 will dao lineage, compose a sword?” 李皓开口:“我最近有些收获,你还记得,当初我们梳理道脉的时候,发现过,360条道脉,会组成一把剑吗?” Lin Hongyu nods, naturally remembers! 林红玉点头,当然记得! This is the new Way foundation! 这是新道根基! Who will forget? 谁会忘记呢? Moreover, now everyone cultivation, comes according to such order. 而且,如今大家修炼,都是按照这样的顺序来的。 She is just thinking, Li Hao opens the mouth saying: My this time, had some new ideas! I must entire universe Grand Dao, be divided into 360 regions, corresponds 360 dao lineage . Moreover, I must have attribute dao lineage, fills in attributeless dao lineage......” 她正想着,李皓开口道:“我这一次,有了一些新想法!我要将整个宇宙大道,划分为360个区域,对应360条道脉,而且,我要将一些有属性道脉,填充到无属性道脉之中……” The Lin Hongyu doubts, look to Li Hao: Marquis what intent?” 林红玉疑惑,看向李皓:“侯爷何意?” Is the present division, inappropriate? 现在的划分,不合适吗? Li Hao explained: Simply speaking, 360 dao lineage, as 360 basic points, takes each basic point as the regional center, no longer is various attribute separates, but is...... the mix! Various dao lineage mixes, are not the disorderly mixes, but is the ordered mix, reorganizes!” 李皓解释道:“简单来说,就是将360条道脉,作为360个基点,以每个基点为区域中心,不再是各种属性分开,而是……混合!各种道脉混合,不是无序混合,而是有序混合,进行重组!” Like this, the huge incomparable advantage...... arrive finally, can fuse smoothly!” “这样,有一个巨大无比的好处……到最后,可以顺利融合!” The Li Hao smile is bright: In other words, I must a galaxy, pass through completely, change into the ordered chaos! Naturally, on, I will also maintain the current attribute division outwardly......” 李皓笑容灿烂:“也就是说,我要将一条星河,完全贯穿,化为有序混沌!当然,明面上,我还会维持目前的属性划分……” Lin Hongyu hesitates, too does not understand the Li Hao thoughts. 林红玉迟疑,不太理解李皓的心思。 Li Hao sees that has also saying: Simply speaking, I must change into two parts the galaxy! The region that the first part, sees at present, the second part...... I must make the source of galaxy, is the rivers in galaxy! Ten thousand return to the birth family!” 李皓见状,只好又道:“简单来说,我要将星河化为两个部分!第一个部分,就是目前看到的区域,第二个部分……我要制造星河之源,就是星河中的河流!万道归宗!” „The entire galaxy, is divided into two, first, is various attribute regions of present, the five elements region, the wind and thunder region, the sword and spear sword halberd......, but the stars are the embellishment, I must make chaos rivers, includes the galaxy!” “整个星河,分为两层,第一层,就是现在的各种属性区域,五行区域,风雷区域,刀枪剑戟……而星辰是点缀,我要制造一条混沌河流,囊括星河!” Lin Hongyu one startled: Why?” 林红玉一惊:“为什么?” Why can do that? 为何要这么做? As the matter stands, very troublesome did not say, is a huge incomparable project, she too did not understand why Li Hao doesn't defer to the beforehand division to continue? 这样一来,很麻烦不说,还是一个巨大无比的工程,她不太理解,为何李皓不按照以前的划分继续前行? At this time, suddenly must comb. 这时候,忽然要进行梳理。 Li Hao explained again: Ten thousand normalizing! I swallowed the Great Wilderness world before, some sensibility, the chaos, are very complex! Great Wilderness appears some disorder, because this is the disorderly chaos, the ordered chaos and world, should be able to nourish ten thousand! Even nourishes the world and universe!” 李皓再次解释道:“万道归一!我之前吞噬大荒天地,有些感悟,混沌,很复杂!大荒显得有些无序,因为这是无序混沌,有序的混沌和天地,应该是可以滋养万道的!甚至滋养世界和宇宙!” Reason that shouted you to come, compensating you were, second, I wanted you to help me do a matter......” “之所以喊你进来,补偿你是一点,第二,我要你帮我做件事……” Marquis told although!” “侯爷尽管吩咐!” The Lin Hongyu hurried response, is somewhat surprised, what can I help your? 林红玉急忙回应,有些意外,我能帮你什么? Now, under Li Hao, the sage are also many. 如今,李皓麾下,圣人也不少。 Own strength slides, what but also there is can help his? 自己实力下滑,还有什么是自己能帮他的? Li Hao said with a smile: You excel at the public opinion very much, is good at misleading the popular sentiment very much......, provokes the popular sentiment...... is not, is grasps the popular sentiment...... is not right, is...... glib......” 李皓笑道:“你很擅长舆论,也很擅长蛊惑民心……咳咳,挑动民心……也不是,是掌握民心……不对,就是……能说会道……” Lin Hongyu does not know whether to laugh or cry. 林红玉哭笑不得。 This saying said that how do I meet? 这话说的,我怎么接? Li Hao said with a smile: I have to comb the idea of Grand Dao, but was too difficult, needs your help! But this, needs you to help my helping hand!” 李皓笑道:“我有梳理大道的想法,但是太难了,需要你的帮忙!而这,就需要你来帮我一臂之力!” „Does marquis, how I...... help?” “侯爷,我……怎么帮?” Li Hao hesitated: Difficulty is very big! I want to comb Grand Dao, fuses Grand Dao, needs the common people to coordinate, is...... cannot be extremely obvious, was detected my goal! In brief, complex very! For example, when I need to extract the strength of some hot lines, possibly needs 10,000 or 100,000 opens the dao lineage member, erupts fire category dao lineage together, along with me transfers...... is nothing more or less, other dao lineage people, do not move......” 李皓迟疑了一下:“难度很大!我想重新梳理大道,融合大道,需要万民配合,可是……又不能太过明显,被人察觉到我的目的!总之,复杂的很!比如说,当我需要提取一些火行之力,可能需要一万或者十万开道脉的修士,一起爆发火系道脉,随我挪移……不多不少,其他道脉的人,不要动……” I need wind category, possibly also needs the wind category isolated operation......” “我需要风系,可能也需要风系单独运行……” In brief, is one that all the people coordinate time combs!” “总之,就是全民配合的一次梳理!” Li Hao explained: I give an example simply, in fact is more complex, I need the common people to coordinate, to need ten thousand balanced, forms the ordered chaos, actually does not coordinate also good, but, will be very in that case frail!” 李皓解释道:“我只是简单举个例子,实际上更复杂,我需要万民配合,需要万道平衡,形成有序混沌,其实不配合也行,可那样一来,就会很脆弱!” I need a stable river, needs millions of people are all of one mind, the fault-tolerant rate/lead is too low!” “我需要一个稳固的长河,就需要万众一心,容错率太低!” I think it over, perhaps Qian Wuliang can also achieve......, but, he does, possibly is not this . Moreover, he can only control few people, big of the world, is not he can control!” “我思来想去,乾无亮也许也能做到……可是,他做,可能不是这样,而且,他只能掌控一部分人,天下之大,不是他都能掌控的!” However you, wielded Heavenly Star some time, now the populace are also familiar with you, knew you, trusts...... me to comb in the Grand Dao universe you very much when the time comes, can only depend on you, directed outside!” “而你,执掌天星一段时间了,现在大众也都熟悉你,知道你,对你很是信任……我到时候会在大道宇宙中进行梳理,只能靠你,在外进行指挥!” Lin Hongyu was shocked, directs the common people? 林红玉愣住了,指挥万民? How this...... can this I guarantee? 这……这我怎么敢保证? You are cracking a joke! 你在开玩笑! She cannot bear say: Marquis, this was too difficult, in the event of out-of-control...... I...... I cannot shoulder such responsibility!” 她忍不住道:“侯爷,这个太难了,一旦出现失控……我……我承担不起这样的责任!” Do not be noisy! 你可别闹了! Marquis, the common people are small and weak, might as well look for some powerful member, controls, these people, gathered one, 1 million member lines......” “侯爷,万民弱小,不如寻找一些强大的修士,进行控制,这些人,聚集到了一起,百万修士都行……” That is not good!” “那不行!” Li Hao flatly refuses, shakes the head: I must be the strongest member, must cast the strongest galaxy, can 1 million member...... compare favorably with 3 billion member? Without opening dao lineage, straightens out the hole, the hole hole can also affect the Grand Dao universe...... I to need all member, wholehearted......” 李皓一口回绝,摇头:“我要做最强修士,要铸最强星河,百万修士……能比得上十亿二十亿的修士吗?哪怕没开道脉的,也开了窍穴,窍穴也能影响大道宇宙……我需要所有修士,一心一意……” You...... think anything! 你……想什么呢! Lin Hongyu exploded! 林红玉头都炸了! This gives me the advantage, wants me dead? 这是给我好处,还是要我去死? The Li Hao seduction said: You, if helped me make, I can give you a golden opportunity! Is the Qian Wuliang say/way very fierce? Dower! You helped me make, I cast new Way to you! The common people said!” 李皓诱惑道:“你若是帮我做成了,我可以给你一个绝佳的机会!乾无亮的道是不是很厉害?小道尔!你帮我做成了,我给你铸新道!万民道!” The Li Hao seduction said: Actually is young 1st person Sovereign Dao! I your say/way, passed through the galaxy...... at that time, I held the galaxy, although you control, may could become the Grand Dao universe No. 2 character...... such opportunity, I most intimate several people have not given, give you, Lin Hongyu, you looked, I took seriously you!” 李皓诱惑道:“其实就是小一号的人皇道!我将你的道,贯穿星河……那时候,我掌星河,你虽然掌控不了,可也许能成为大道宇宙的二号人物……这样的机会,我连最亲近的几人都没给,给你了,林红玉,你看,我多重视你!” Lin Hongyu had nothing to say in reply. 林红玉无言以对。 Attaching great importance to? 重视吗? Sounds has the attraction very much. 听起来很有诱惑力。 But...... 可是…… Her some headaches said: Marquis, the will of the people are difficult to predict! Usually fortunately, let the common people at this time suddenly wholeheartedly, you want them to make anything to make anything, these are the person, is the member, is not the machine, is not the procedure/program, is not the puppet...... I do not have this assurance, perhaps gives me three years five years......” 她有些头疼道:“侯爷,人心难测!平时还好,这时候忽然让万民一心,你要他们做什么就做什么,这些是人,是修士,不是机器,不是程序,不是傀儡……我没这个把握,也许给我三年五年……” Most one month!” “最多一个月!” „......” “……” Lin Hongyu was about to collapse, the whole person was ignorant, long time said: Most one month?” 林红玉都快崩了,整个人都是懵的,半晌才道:“最多一个月?” In fact...... is possibly shorter! I must seize this month of opportunity, because one month later, some people must come out, at that time, I made anything again, could not hide the truth from others!” “实际上……可能更短!我要抓住这一个月的机会,因为一个月后,有人要出来了,那时候,我再做什么,就瞒不住别人了!” Li Hao said earnestly: I cannot fight them! From the strength, in the preparation, I am inferior to them! Only has to try another method is good, why this also time is this I must so renounce, must the reason that they close!...... Missed this opportunity on one month, all my, under others control, including this Grand Dao galaxy, actually under others' control!” 李皓认真道:“我斗不过他们!从实力上,准备上,我都不如他们!唯有另辟蹊径才行,这也是这一次我为何要如此决绝,非要将他们关起来的原因!就一个月……错过了这次机会,我的一切,都在别人掌控之下,包括这大道星河,其实都在别人的掌控之下!” Now, in Grand Dao universe no one!” “现在,大道宇宙中没人了!” Now, the outside world no one monitored me...... . Moreover, Qian Wuliang these people, I worried that they were controlled in secret! You......, are Sequoia Tree have helped you promote actually not making a sound...... actually instead are the good deed.” “现在,外界没人监控我了……而且,乾无亮这些人,我担心他们暗中被人控制!倒是你……不声不响的,一直都是红杉木帮你提升……其实反而是好事。” Li Hao also said: You helped me make, I had the opportunity to be successful! Not only need make, but also wants everyone not to suspect......” 李皓又道:“你帮我做成了,我才有机会成功!不但要做成,还要大家不怀疑……” The Lin Hongyu headache wants to crack! 林红玉头疼欲裂! Marquis, I...... cannot achieve.” “侯爷,我……做不到。” This really cannot achieve. 这真的做不到。 Li Hao knits the brows: How can? Your idea are many! Each time, you have the means that you looked, City of Superpower was taken instantaneously, each you can reverse the aspect time, easily the control public opinion and will of the people, Forbidden Sea recovers, you can talk into are my presenting, you can dying said survive...... Qian Wuliang was been repugnant by Silver Moon martial master, you are actually two flatter, Silver Moon martial master feels you to be good, Qian Wuliang is closing up...... you toward you compared with Qian Wuliang, has the qualifications of working as the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator!” 李皓皱眉:“怎么会呢?你想法很多的!每一次,你都有办法的,你看,超能之城瞬间被拿下,每一次你都能扭转局面,轻易操控舆论和人心,禁忌海复苏,你都能说成是我的馈赠,你能把死的说成活的……乾无亮银月武师讨厌,你却是两头讨好,银月武师觉得你不错,乾无亮都在朝你靠拢……你比起乾无亮,更有当幕后黑手的资格!” „......” “……” Is this praises or censures? 这是夸还是贬? Lin Hongyu does not know suddenly unexpectedly said anything is good. 林红玉一时间居然不知道说什么才好。 Li Hao solemn and respectful say/way: This matter, the relations are major, relations in the future! I make all today, then to the powerful enemy, lock in secret completely for a month, making them lose to my control, loses to my grasping! I must in this moon/month, make the huge change, changes the course of events! Solely is not they, even Red Moon Venerable Emperor, this month, will not have thoughts manages anybody...... Heaven's Will also to ambush, can say, this is in history, world cleanest instantly!” 李皓肃穆道:“此事,关系重大,关系未来!我今日所做一切,便是为了将暗中强敌,全部锁住一个月,让他们失去对我的控制,失去对我的掌握!我要在这一个月中,作出巨大的改变,扭转乾坤!不单单是他们,连红月帝尊,这一个月,都不会有心思管任何人……天意也潜伏了起来,可以说,这是有史以来,天地最干净的刹那!” Only has one month! 只有一个月! A month later, Heaven's Will will perhaps appear again, Li Daoheng, Moon God, Zheng Yu, Ying Hongyue, Red Moon Venerable Emperor...... this group of fellows, may appear again. 一个月后,天意也许会再次出现,李道恒,月神,郑宇,映红月,红月帝尊……这群家伙,可能都会再次出现。 He has not cracked a joke. 他没开玩笑。 He makes all, one month later. 他所做一切,都是为了一个月后。 During this, he must change himself comprehensively, lets everyone, loses to his control and understanding, at that time......, if also regards present Li Hao his Li Hao, has their suffering to eat. 在这个期间,他要将自己全面改变,让所有人,失去对他的掌控和了解,那时候……谁要是还把他李皓当成现在的李皓,有他们苦头吃的。 As for looking for Lin Hongyu...... does not have the means. 至于找林红玉……也是没办法。 Just like Li Hao said that now, except for Li Hao, is this woman, is strongest to the world control. 正如李皓说的,如今,除了李皓,便是这女人,对天下掌控力最强。 On Lin Hongyu was about to sweat. 林红玉头上都快冒汗了。 For a long time said: Marquis, is very difficult! The time was also too short, you also said that the fault-tolerant rate/lead very low...... I am awkward!” 许久才道:“侯爷,很难!时间也太短暂了,您又说容错率很低……我更是为难!” She somewhat clenches teeth, the silent meeting, opens the mouth saying: Marquis, to make me make these, I have a request...... to hope that the marquis complies!” 她有些咬牙,沉默一会,开口道:“侯爷,若是想让我做这些,我有个要求……希望侯爷答应!” Said!” “说!” I...... the marquis must close up, heals from a wound! But I, must be a villain, I want...... to declare to the outside, thinks means resurrecting Professor Yuan they!” “我……侯爷要闭关,养伤!而我,要做一回小人,我要……对外宣称,想办法复活袁教授他们!” She looks to Li Hao, the sinking sound said: Marquis first announced closes up therapy, the world power, gave me completely! Including several big Lord cities controls, including several sages, needs to listen my!” 她看向李皓,沉声道:“侯爷先宣布闭关疗伤,将天下大权,全部交给我!包括几大主城的掌控权,包括几位圣人,都需要听我的!” However I...... the hope to the marquis a pleasant surprise, control the common people, when the marquis closes up, is the marquis resurrecting teacher, resurrects others...... naturally, is actually not possible!” “而我……希望给侯爷一个惊喜,操控万民,在侯爷闭关期间,为侯爷复活老师,复活其他人……当然,其实是不可能的!” Lin Hongyu also said: I also want the world resources the control, I use at will, even is...... the official title, authority...... some people, if opposes me, I...... I think that...... punishes them, including...... Silver Moon martial master!” 林红玉又道:“我还要天下资源的掌控权,我随意使用,甚至是……官衔,权柄……一些人若是反对我,我……我想……对他们进行惩罚,包括……银月武师!” She also said: These, insufficiently! I also need a position......” 她又道:“这些,都不够!我还需要一个地位……” Said!” “说!” „The wife of Silver Moon marquis!” 银月侯的夫人!” Li Hao gawked, Lin Hongyu lowered the head: „Am I only a bystander, how Silver Moon martial master will listen my? The marquises close up, will they really care about me? Including these New Martial powerhouses, what they fear is the marquis, what they care is the marquis......, only if, I can really the representative marquis, the marquis wield the Grand Dao universe, but the marquis closed up, I have this to wield the world!” 李皓愣了一下,林红玉低着头:“我只是一个外人,银月武师岂会听我的?侯爷闭关,他们真的会在乎我吗?包括那些新武强者,他们怕的是侯爷,他们在乎的是侯爷……除非,我能真的代表侯爷,侯爷执掌大道宇宙,而侯爷闭关了,我有这个执掌天地!” Li Hao visits her. 李皓愣愣地看着她。 Lin Hongyu low was lower: I...... I need the marquis to announce to the public, the marquis...... will get married me, I, am Heavenly Star Commander, is the wife of Silver Moon marquis, therefore, during the marquis closes up, to be pleasantly surprised to the marquis, for the day of wedding, the Yuan Shuo senior can participate in the wedding...... I sparing nothing, resurrects they , has the ample reason!” 林红玉头低的更低了:“我……我需要侯爷对外宣布,侯爷……会迎娶我,我,是天星都督,也是银月侯的夫人,所以,侯爷闭关期间,为了给侯爷惊喜,为了大婚之日,袁硕诸位前辈能来参与婚礼……我不惜一切代价,复活他们,如此,才有足够的理由!” Li Hao opens mouth. 李皓张了张嘴。 Long time is speechless! 半晌无言! Do not be noisy! 别闹! I am make you help me comb Grand Dao, my goodness, you want to be my wife! 我就是让你帮我梳理大道,好家伙,你想做我老婆! At this moment, he ignorant, long time said: This...... I...... do I receive you for the disciple?” 这一刻,他懵了一下,半晌才道:“这样……我……我收你为徒?” „......” “……” Lin Hongyu lowers the head: Marquis thought that...... some people believe? Only has...... becomes the wife of marquis, has this qualifications! The apprentices, could not represent anything, instead was somewhat more exposed!” 林红玉低头:“侯爷觉得……有人会相信吗?唯有……成为侯爷的夫人,才有这个资格!徒弟,代表不了什么,反而有些欲盖弥彰!” However the marquis must get married me...... to conform to everyone's thoughts, conforms to everyone's idea, to win over me, wins over Chinese larch senior sage, to win over intimate Qian Wuliang comes the City of Superpower powerhouse like this...... to balance Silver Moon martial master and an outside powerhouse's restriction, this also conforms to the say/way of emperor!” “而侯爷要迎娶我……才符合大家的心思,符合大家的想法,为了拉拢我,拉拢红杉前辈这位圣人,为了拉拢亲近乾无亮这样出身超能之城的强者……为了平衡银月武师和外地强者的一个制约,这也符合帝王之道!” For the consolidated marquis's rule,...... the marquis strength slides after all now, to rule consolidated, gets married me, conforms to the marquis goal! Meanwhile, I can, inform the common people frankly and uprightly, informs the world, when the marquis closes up, is the marquis prepares a huge pleasant surprise...... to resurrect several seniors!” “为了巩固侯爷的统治,毕竟如今……侯爷实力下滑,为了巩固统治,迎娶我,才是符合侯爷目的的!与此同时,我就可以正大光明地,通知万民,通知天下,在侯爷闭关期间,为侯爷准备一个天大的惊喜……复活几位前辈!” Li Hao is silent. 李皓沉默不语。 Lin Hongyu clenches teeth: Marquis, is only a name...... then, can...... the hopeful success! Otherwise, can only marquis go to the public goal, otherwise, is impossible to achieve! The common people believe is also the marquis, is not my Lin Hongyu! Silver Moon martial master, New Martial powerhouse, believed is the marquises, rather than I, I am only the spokesman of marquis, really did not have the control will of the people ability!” 林红玉咬牙:“侯爷,只是一个名义罢了……如此一来,才能……有希望成功!否则,只能侯爷自己去公开目的,否则,不可能做到的!万民相信的也是侯爷,并不是我林红玉银月武师,新武强者,相信的都是侯爷,而不是我,我只是侯爷的代言人,不是真的具备了操控人心的能力!” Li Hao grasps the head at this moment, first time reveals some young people anxious and moves restlessly. 李皓此刻抓了抓脑袋,第一次露出一些年轻人的不安和躁动。 High and low sized up one Lin Hongyu, long time said: What idea won't you...... have to me?” 上下打量了一下了林红玉,半晌才道:“你……不会对我有什么想法吧?” Lin Hongyu said hastily: Marquis misunderstood......” 林红玉连忙道:“侯爷误会了……” Li Hao knits the brows: Doesn't have the idea? I also think, in the world woman, will feel my charm, I after all am the world now the most powerful man!” 李皓皱眉:“没想法吗?我还以为,天底下的女人,都会感受到我的魅力呢,我毕竟是天下如今最有权势的男人!” „......” “……” Lin Hongyu wants to spit blood, what answer do you want? 林红玉想吐血,你想要什么样的答案? I said that has the idea to you, do you also want to find fault? 我说对你有想法,你是不是也要找茬? She is somewhat helpless: „Does marquis, how you feel...... my proposition?” 她有些无奈:“侯爷,您觉得……我的提议如何?” Li Hao knit the brows, pinches the head of Black Panther, looking fierce of Black Panther pain, Li Hao scratched the head again, some were not familiar with, too did not adapt, „you mean, did I want...... the circular world to be good?” 李皓皱眉,捏了捏黑豹的脑袋,黑豹痛的龇牙咧嘴,李皓再次挠头,有些不太习惯,不太适应,“你的意思是,我要……通告天下才行?” Naturally! Moreover...... must be clear about the wedding time, best one month later, then...... can also make everyone believe, I to give the marquis am pleasantly surprised, when the marquis closes up, made such decision, time-consuming strenuous, tires the people and squanders resources......” “当然!而且……还要明确大婚时间,最好就在一个月后,如此一来……也能让大家相信,我是为了给侯爷惊喜,才在侯爷闭关期间,做出了这样的决定,费时费力,劳民伤财……” Li Hao touches own ears and cheeks, didn't have other means?” 李皓抓耳挠腮,“没别的办法了?” Lin Hongyu shakes the head: Other means...... are the marquis expose to the public, you must cope with the powerhouse, combs Grand Dao in secret, combs different Grand Dao, needs everyone's coordination.” 林红玉摇头:“别的办法……就是侯爷对外公开,你要对付强者,暗中梳理大道,梳理不一样的大道,需要大家的配合。” Talk nonsense! 扯淡! In that case, what vigor do I also toss about? 那样一来,我还折腾什么劲?
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