Great Wilderness, chaosregion.大荒,混沌区域。Li Haostartsto practice martial arts.李皓开始演武。
The Five Beasts Techniquemethod, is the core of thisdrilling, butwith the Five Beasts Techniquecomparison of Yuan Shuo, manysomechanges, fused other inheritancetactical rules.五禽术法,是此次演练的核心,而和袁硕的五禽术比较,又多了一些变化,融合了一些其他传承战法。Five Beastsis a base, ten thousandlawsareauxiliary.五禽为基,万法为辅。
The innumerableenergystonecombustion, in the Li Haostanding erectchaos, by the strength of Dao Fusion, trainssomeCuts TenBreaks Hundredsmartial mastercultivationmeritmethods.
无数能源石燃烧,李皓屹立混沌之中,以合道之力,演练一些斩十破百武师修炼的功法。Galloping, jump, just likewild animal.
奔腾,跳跃,宛如野兽。Myriad thingsten thousandlaws, ten thousandlawten thousand, ten thousandten thousandpotential......
万物万法,万法万道,万道万势……If the dragonsnakeoccupies, such as the phoenixspreads the wings.
The fierce tigersemerge, tiger potentialhowlingworld.
猛虎出笼来,虎势啸天地。Li Haoat this moment, as then, just likebeginning studiesMartial Way, the earnestsensibility, the potential of sensibilityworld, senses the potential of Martial Way.
The researchto the potential, put downveryfor a long time......
对势的研究,放下了很久……Butis not strange, Five Beastsis a base, is the key of sensibilitypotential, breath law that the long timedoes not use, starts the tremblingmortal body, dao lineageappear, situationspresent.
“吼!”Suddenly, Li Haosuch as the wild animalroared, void, just likepresenting a cheetah, swift and violentagile, killingwas void!
The cheetahchanges into the situation, probablywants to connect the source, chaosdeep place, voidshake.
猎豹化为大势,好像欲要连接本源,混沌深处,虚空震荡。At this moment, in the Li Haoeyenonetwinkle, as ifsaw the remotedeep place, thatvoidcrack, connects the chaos outside Silver Moon, the sourceuniverse...... alsoin!
真的还在!In, thisrepresents, New Martialalso, notdestruction.
在,这就代表,新武还在,并未覆灭。Althoughearlysomeexpectations, butthis, actuallyprovedthis point, New Martialhas not perished, perhapsnaturally, wasRed MooncapturedNew Martial, has not actually exterminatedsourceGrand Dao.
虽然早有预料,可这一幕,却是更加证明了这一点,新武并未灭亡,当然,也许是红月夺取了新武,却是没有灭绝本源大道。ButsourceGrand Daodoes not extinguish, New Martialdoes not extinguish, theseNew Martialpowerhouses, the sourcestarsin the sourceuniverse, the universedo not extinguish, the starsdo not extinguish, New Martialnaturally remains.
果然!In the Li Haoheartmoves slightly, at this moment, saw that leopardShichao the chaosdeep placesweeps across, was somewhat worriedactually,canconnectsourceGrand Dao.李皓心中微动,此刻,看到豹势朝混沌深处席卷,倒是有些担心,会不会连接本源大道。Beforesuchtrouble, has not beenheis small and weak, thisisitsone.
之前没这样的麻烦,是他弱小,这是其一。Second, is very farfrom the worldedge.
第二,是距离天地边缘很远。At this moment, he can also be away fromgoes far awayvery muchcultivation, butthen, the speed of sensibilitypotential, will slow down, butLi Hao, needsto race against timewithsomepeople.
此刻,他也可以距离很远去修炼,可如此一来,感悟势的速度,会变慢许多,而李皓,需要和一些人抢时间。Heis somewhat disturbed.
他有些忐忑。However the factproof...... hewants.
不过事实证明……他想多了。When the potential of cheetah, unprecedented, might break through the chaos, breaks through the universe, connectsthat moment of source...... nextquarter, bang a loud sound, the worldbarriershakes, allchange intoinvisible.
当猎豹之势,一往无前,好像要冲破混沌,冲破宇宙,去连接本源的那一刻……下一刻,轰隆一声巨响,世界壁垒震荡,一切化为无形。Somesources that just the sensationarrived, instantaneousdissipation.
The potential of cheetahshiversfiercely, the nextquarter, lost and contact of sourcethoroughly, not willingbringssomegeneral, roared, but, returnedLi Haowithin the body.
猎豹之势剧烈颤动,下一刻,彻底失去了和本源的联系,带着一些不甘心一般,咆哮一阵,无奈之下,退回了李皓体内。ButLi Hao, criticizesone.
而李皓,也是暗骂一声。Thissuccess, oneselfwere worriedvery much.
这成功了吧,自己很担心。Butthishas not succeeded...... solelyhas not succeeded, even the sourceuniversehas not contacted, appears itselfto be defeatedvery much, is very incompetent.
可这没成功……不单单是没成功,甚至连本源宇宙都没接触到,又显得自己很失败,很无能。Been able to obtainis in a tumult!
得不到的在骚动!IfreallyconnectedsourceGrand Dao, Li Haomustcry, has not connected, even the woolhas not traced, Li Haothought that sourceGrand Daolooks down upon itself, mysotalentextremely, your sideGrand Daouniverse, shouldbreak through the worldbarrierto connectmeto be righton own initiative.
若是真连接了本源大道,李皓得哭,可没连接,甚至连毛都没摸到,李皓又觉得本源大道看不起自己,我如此天赋绝顶,你这一方大道宇宙,应该主动突破世界壁垒来连接我才对。„Does not have the vision!”
“没眼光!”Li Haoat this moment, complainedone, inthisunmannedregion, showedsomesmilesuddenly.
The sourceuniverse, Iam not rare.
本源宇宙,我还不稀罕呢。ThatsideGrand Daouniverse, the powerhouseare too many, Human King and dark greenemperor, supreme...... the New Martialpowerhousesare repairing the source, whocherishesto use another's words and present them as one's own?
那一方大道宇宙,强者太多,人王、苍帝、至尊……新武强者都在修本源,谁稀罕拾人牙慧?Whocherishesworks asphoenix tail?
谁稀罕给人当凤尾?Imustwork as the foxnut!
我要当鸡头!Even if the new Wayuniverse is very small and weak, thathaswhatrelations, inthis, I am an eldest child, to the sourceuniverse, I am the little brother...... is not rare!
The potential of cheetah, meltsinenter the body.
猎豹之势,融入体内。However, paces back and forthslightly, does not seemto knowwhere do oneselfbelong to?
The potentialmeltsdao lineage, if the conjunction, canintegratewith ease.
势融道脉,若是契合,可以轻松融入。Butat this moment, the potential of thischeetah, paces back and forthslightlyobviously, the somewhathelplessappearance, somedo not knowitssay/way, feeling that itis.
可此刻,这猎豹之势,稍显徘徊,有些不知所措的样子,有些不知其道,其属的感觉。Li Haois not but actually accidental.李皓倒也不意外。
The potential of nowsensing, purepotentialbyyoung male warrior, althoughthere is a potential, butis the potential of shortcut, is not the potentialbyhaving.
如今感悟的势,纯粹的势由武生,虽然有势,但是算是捷径之势,并非势由心生。In the heart, did not have a deepersensation.
心中,还没有更深的感知。Needsto sense, cansubstitute itself the potential.
需要自己去感悟,才能将势代入自身。„Cheetah...... the speedis fast, actsagilely, lackeysharp...... such asnightkiller......”
“猎豹……速度快,出手敏捷,爪牙锋利……如黑夜杀手……”In the Li Haomindappearsall these, butmeritlawfoundation that the opposite partyis born, Five Beasts Techniqueis a base . Moreover the meritlaw of potential of birthcheetah, thenoriginates«NightinSilver Moonmartial masterinheritanceKillsTechnique», isnottoowell-knownmartial masterremains.李皓脑海中浮现这一切,而对方诞生的功法基础,五禽术是基,另外诞生猎豹之势的功法,则是来源于银月武师传承中的《夜杀术》,是一位不太知名的武师所留。
The killerslikecultivationthissecret technique.
The Li Haothoughtsfluctuate, within the body, the potential of cheetahalsointurbulent, probablyis strugglingto intertwine, belongs toinHeshi?李皓心思浮动,体内,猎豹之势也在动荡,好像在挣扎纠结,归属于何势?„Speed...... the wind is the freedomandspeed...... the cheetah......”
瞬间的爆发吗?metal category, actuallyalsoerupts, the metal potentialexplosive forceis very powerful.金系,其实也是爆发,金势爆发力很强大。But the eruption of cheetah, lies ininstantaneous, will lie ininstantly, not being able to hitwill then retrocede, thiswill conform to the attitude of killer.
可猎豹的爆发,在于瞬间,在于刹那,一击不中便会后退,这更符合杀手的作风。„Eruption, isone type of potential?”
“爆发,也是一种势吗?”Ifpotential, whatdao lineage will also belong to?
若是势,又会归属于什么样的道脉呢?At this moment, Li Haohad not considered that the dao lineagematter, the mindopens wide, fuses the potential of cheetah, the strength of eruption, shouldbe the potential of eruptioninstantly.
这一刻,李皓没去考虑道脉的事,心神敞开,融合猎豹之势,刹那爆发之力,应该属爆发之势。Quick, the potential of cheetahapproved the idea of Li Haoprobably.
, The potentialmeltswithin the bodygradually.
渐渐地,势融体内。Butat this time, Li Haoabsorbed the qi and blood, lifeandGrand Daostrength, blendedwith the potential, suddenly, divine writing, startedto outline, circlesin the mortal bodies.
“爆!”Exploding of eruption, is notexploding of explosion.
爆发的爆,并非爆炸的爆。divine writingpresents!神文呈现!
The Li Haoaurais feebler, even moreis reserved, like the nightkiller, suddenly, fights with the fists, metal potentialandexploded the potentialto fuseoneinstantaneously, the bang!李皓气息衰弱一些,愈加内敛,如同黑夜杀手,忽然,一拳打出,金势和爆势瞬间融合到了一起,轰!Chaosblasting open!
混沌炸裂!InLi Haoeyeonehappy, became.李皓眼中一喜,成了。First, the speedwantsto be slower.
第一枚,速度要慢一些。He must trymanythings, appearsslow, mayhandlefirst, behindshouldbe quick.
他还要尝试许多东西,显得缓慢一些,可搞定了第一枚,后面应该就快了。„Really, the potentialis the specialproduct that the sourceis unable to connect, but the potentialcanconnectnew Way...... thison behalf, new Way and source, the relationsareveryclose.”
The thoughtappears, Li Haocontinuescultivation.
念头浮现,李皓继续修炼。Heat this moment, does not go toothermanagespeople, howdoes not goto manageYing Hongyuethey, heby all means that evendoes not go tomanagesthese people ableto walk, kills the four directionsgreatly.
此刻的他,不去管其他人,不去管映红月他们如何,他只管自己,甚至不去管这些人会不会走出来,大杀四方。Li Haoreallydoes not care.李皓真的不在乎。Becauseheonlyknows, ifIcanwieldGrand Dao, thatcan be the same withHuman King, resurrectsall the people of dying.
因为他只知道一点,我若是能执掌大道,那就可以和人王一样,复活所有死去的人。IfIcannot...... thatI unable to protecteveryonefor a lifetime.
The life and deathlooksto be paler is.
生死看淡一些便是。Corepoint, but alsolies, butZhengYutheirgoals, tonot extinguishworld, buttowieldworld, therefore, the murder, is actually unrecommendable.
核心点,还在于自己这边,而郑宇他们所有人的目的,都不是为了灭世,而是为了执掌天地,所以,杀人,其实不可取。Let alone, noweveryonecultivation, helpingmorepowerhouseswalk, ZhengYuperhapsdid not have the thoughtsto slaughteragain.
何况,如今大家修炼,有助于更多的强者走出来,郑宇恐怕也没心思再杀戮了。divine writingappears, in additionbefore, Li Haohad12.
一枚神文浮现,加上之前的,李皓拥有了12枚。But12, wantto construct the domain, absolutelyinsufficiently.
可12枚,想构建领域,绝对不够。Li Haohas investigatedGreat Wilderness, wantsto coverGreat Wilderness, even ifcompressespart the chaosaura, leastleastalsotakes over 20, and even more, had better be ablesufficiently collect36.李皓探查过大荒,想笼罩大荒,哪怕将混沌气息压缩一部分,最少最少也要20枚以上,甚至更多一些,最好能凑够36枚。
……Great Wildernessend, Li Haoinwholeheartedlycultivation.大荒尽头,李皓在一心修炼。No matterworldmatter.
不管天下事。Butworldat this moment, actuallymetten thousandyears of the prosperoustime that is difficultto meet.
而此刻的天下,却是遇到了万年难遇的昌盛时代。Several millionsuperpower, are completing the capital constructionworkcrazily, broadincomparablemain roads, are passing throughentireHeavenly Star.
The place of four seas, powerhouses, liftingbigcityline.四海之地,一位位强者,正在托举大城而行。
The sages, canwalk.
圣人,可以走出来了。Incessantlyis the Jufeng Citysage, sagesincludingotherplaces.
不止是飓风城的圣人,包括其他地方的圣人。Bigcities, were lifted.
一座座大城,被托举。Levels the place of four seas!
与此同时。Severalold cities, somechanges.
几座古城,也有些变化。Hong Familythunderstormcity, Zhou FamilyXinghe City, Zhang FamilyDingtian City, Zhao Familymartial worldpledge.洪家的雷暴城,周家的星河城,张家的定天城,赵家的武林盟。ThesefourbigLordcities, had the soundat this moment.
这四大主城,此刻也有了动静。Beyondmartial worldpledge.武林盟外。Because the sagecango out, Demon HuntingGuards Army that at the present, Liu Yanleads, has been hardto suppress.
The opposite partydoes not wantto get into a deadlockprobably.
只是,对方好像也不想闹僵了。Does not havehim, Li Haodeterrent force.
无他,李皓的威慑力。Before, the backdropappeared, Li Haoseveralpeoplecut the Son of Heaven, Li Haoare being in front ofZhengYu, killedZheng Hongyuan, killed a Son of Heaven, was so intrepid, was so indifferent, even ifNew Martialsage, will be affected.
之前,天幕浮现,李皓几人斩天王,李皓当着郑宇的面,杀了郑宏远,杀了一尊天王,如此强悍,如此冷漠,哪怕新武圣人,也会受到影响。At this time, twoeldermain bodywent out, as the sage of martial worldpledge, healsoexposed the appearance/portraittoLiu Yan.
这时候,二长老本尊走出,作为武林盟的圣人,他也对柳艳展露出了真容。Somecomplexionblanches, the hairalsoappearsdrywhite.
面色有些发白,头发也显得枯白。Manyyearslater, becauseprobably the energy consumptionis too big, the mortal bodyis only the recast.
多年下来,好像因为能量消耗太大,肉身都只是重铸而成的。„Generalwillow! Now the worldhas been ableto withstand the sageto appear, although the radicaltworecoveries, may notalsodifferare not big, ourknownZheng Familyrebels, will not collaboratewithZheng Family......”
“柳将军!如今天地已经可以承受圣人出现,虽未彻底二次复苏,可也相差不大了,吾等已知郑家反叛,绝不会和郑家同流合污……”Twoeldersare quite polite: „Zheng Family, includingLiu FamilyandZhou Family, wewill guardincessantly, will reverefrom the Heavenly Starregulation, whetherto make the martial worldpledgeblockadeuntie?”
二长老相当客气:“不止郑家,包括刘家、周家,我们都会多加防范,也会尊从天星律法,可否让武林盟封锁解开?”Outside the city, has been guarded, is equivalentimprisonedthem.
城外,一直被人镇守,相当于囚禁了他们。Theymanyyearshave not come out.
他们已经很多年没有出来过了。Now, the worldrecoversmany, canwalk, gets downagain, the citywivesmustsuppressinsanely, butLi Hao, if notreallydreaded,theyhave gotten angry.
The Liu Yancomplexionis indifferent.柳艳面色冷漠。Just about tosaysanything, preparedgetting angry, at this moment, the person's shadowcomestogether, the Qian Wuliangsmileis bright: „martial worldpledgeseniormustworrynot , should not be angry, marquisalsobeforeeveryonesafe...... the marquisworried that everyonewill be assassinatedbyZheng Family, sincenow the worldhas been ableto go out of the sage, the worry of marquiswas also short.”
刚要开口说什么,做好了翻脸的准备,就在此刻,一道人影飘然而来,乾无亮笑容灿烂:“武林盟前辈莫要着急,也勿生气,侯爷也是为了大家安全……之前侯爷担心大家会被郑家暗杀,如今既然已经天地可以走出圣人,那侯爷的担心也就少了许多。”„Marquismakesall, toprotect, protectsto take the New Martialsenior......”
“侯爷所做一切,都是为了保护诸位,保护作为新武前辈……”Twoeldersare also politer: „Thenformemany thanksLiHouye.”
二长老也客气一些:“那替我多谢李侯爷了。”„Should, the marquisnot needanythingto thank......”
The Qian Wuliangsmileis bright: „Is only the marquiswas worried, the majorLordcities, possiblystillhavesomerebels...... naturally, did not certainly say, butsaid the possibility!”乾无亮笑容灿烂:“只是侯爷担心,各大主城,可能还存在一些叛徒……当然,不是说一定,只是说可能!”Hesaidin a soft voice: „The meaning of marquisis, everyonewantsto leave, canleave! To walk, walkscasually......, so long asobserves the regulation, is not the issue.”
The Liu Yancomplexionis ugly.柳艳脸色难看。Twoelderssomewhatare actually accidental.
二长老倒是有些意外。Listens toQian Wuliangalso saying: „...... Toprovide against contingencies, the meaning of marquisis, the City Lordseal and hostcity, cannotmove!”
“何意?”Twoeldersare startled, somewhatknits the brows.
二长老一怔,有些皱眉。Qian Wuliangsaid with a smile: „Maincity, oncestarts, is very easyto createheaven and earth turning upside down, moreovereveryoneundercapacity, is also hardto startat this moment, remainingsame placeis better!”乾无亮笑道:“主城一旦启动,很容易造成天翻地覆,而且大家能量不足,此刻也难以启动,留在原地更好一些!”„For the stableworld, stableSilver Moon...... eightbigLordcities, the hurricanedetermineswas occupiednowbyZheng Family, the swordcityin the seal, othersixbigLordcities, Fights Heaven still has enteredLuminous Star Universe, boundlesslyindoing an inspectionfour directions, therefore, the remaining4Lordcitiescannotmoveagain, movesagain, musthave an accident.”
“为了稳固天地,稳固银月……八大主城,如今飓风确定被郑家占据,剑城还在封印之中,其他六大主城,战天已入皓星宇宙,无边正在巡查四方,所以,剩下四座主城不能再动了,再动,就要出事了。”Qian Wuliangspeaking ofthis, saidin a soft voice: „In addition the city of non-rebel, the energyis insufficient, wantsto move is also difficult! The marquisesassign/lifemeto come, consultedwithsenior, the personcanwalk, the citystayed behind, moreovermustwalk...... to walk!”乾无亮说到这,轻声道:“加上非叛徒之城,能源不足,想动也难动!侯爷命我前来,和诸位前辈协商,人可以走,城留下,而且要走……全部都走出来!”Twoeldercomplexionsmove slightly: „Allwalks?”
“是的!”Qian Wuliangnods: „Marquis is also worried about a point, if the rebelis still ambushing, withoutstarting, once the powerhousedeparts, the rebelhasmassiveenergies, started the Lordcity, to trouble? Therefore...... allevacuates! Leaves behind the empty citythen!”乾无亮点头:“侯爷还担心一点,若是叛徒还在潜伏,没有发动,一旦强者离去,叛徒存有大量能量,启动了主城,岂不是麻烦了?所以……全部撤离!留下空城即可!”Twoeldershave not spoken, some people of angryquirks: „Saiddirectlywantsto seize the Lordcity is! Howpossibly! Peopleincityin!”
二长老还没说话,就有人恼火道:“直接说想夺主城便是!怎么可能!人在城在!”Qian Wuliangbeat around the bush, wasn'tto seize the city?乾无亮拐弯抹角的,不就是要夺城吗?
The sages in eightbigLordcities, Immortal, Li Haothathave not actually worriednow,mayadvocate the city...... not to allowto carry off.
八大主城的圣人,不朽,李皓现在其实也没那么担心,可主城……不允许带走。Once the Lordcitystarts, isextremelypowerful.
A Lordcity, if the reallymanysagesassume personal command, the start, the defensive power and striking power are extremely fully intrepid . Moreover, the Lordcityindeedhas the function of suppressionworld, eightbigLordcitiesentirewere chaotic, the worldwill be chaotic.
一座主城,若是真有多位圣人坐镇,全力启动,防御力、攻击力都极其强悍,而且,主城的确负有镇压天地的作用,八大主城全乱了,天地都会乱。In the martial worldpledge, recoversmanypeoplenow, hearsthisword, is very discontented.武林盟中,如今复苏了不少人,听闻此言,都很不满。Thishostcity, istheir.
The meaning of Li Haois very clear, orgoes out, keeps the city, oronewantsto go outindividually.李皓的意思很明确,要不都出去,将城留下来,要不一个别想出去。SeveneldersandLi Haohave had to do, at this timedrivingopens the mouth: „Is thisnotquiteappropriate? The Lordcityis the places of ourfoundations, the city, wewere the pastcaretaker personnel, onceabandoned the Lordcity, that and rebeldid havewhatdifference?”
七长老和李皓打过交道,这时候主动开口:“这是不是不太合适?主城是我们各家的根基之地,城在人在,我们是当年的留守人员,一旦抛弃主城,那和叛逆有何区别?”Qian Wuliangsmiled, nod: „Ialsounderstand the difficulty of senior, butsenior, mustunderstand the pains of marquis! Seniorwantsto go out, the marquisunderstood, thereforeis willingto go out...... to seniorseveral, ifwent out, in the citypresents the accident, thatwas the disaster of the world.”乾无亮笑了,点头:“我也理解诸位前辈的难处,可诸位前辈,也要理解侯爷的苦心!诸位前辈想出去,侯爷理解,所以愿意给诸位前辈出去……可几位要是出去了,城池中出现变故,那就是天下的灾难了。”Twoelderssaidin a soft voice: „Ifonlygoes outfew people, Ido not go out, assumes personal commandas before, bymystrength, even ifreallyhas the rebel......”
二长老轻声道:“那若是只出去一部分人,我不出去,依旧坐镇,以我实力,哪怕真有叛逆……”„CommanderWu Pengrevolted, the Zheng Familyheads of householdrevolted, whocansayclear?”
“吴鹏军长都叛变了,郑家家主都叛变了,谁能说的清楚呢?”Qian Wuliangsaidin a soft voice: „Now, generally, a city, minimumtwotothreesagesassumes personal command, GuardianMonster Plant, the militarycommands, in additionchief executive. Only ifthreepeopledo not leave, as long asleavesone...... that is very easyto upset the balance!”乾无亮轻声道:“如今,一般情况下,一座城,起码两到三位圣人坐镇,守护妖植,军方统帅,外加一位行政长官。除非三人都不离开,但凡离开一位……那就很容易打破平衡!”„Zheng Family, ifplaced the rebel, generally, mostsage......, ifoverone, thatdoes not needto wait tilltoday, has taken the Lordcity!”
“郑家若是安插了叛徒,一般情况下,最多一位圣人……若是超过一位,那不需要等到今日了,早就拿下了主城!”„Therefore, thistripartitesage, orallwalks, or...... cannotwalk!”
“所以,这三方圣人,要不全部走,要不……一个不许走!”Twoeldersare serious.
二长老面色凝重。Qian Wuliang said that has the truth, but...... the sagedoes not go out, makingImmortalandAbsolute Peakgo out, thatwas too dangerous.乾无亮说的不是没道理,可是……圣人不出去,让不朽、绝巅出去,那太危险了。Moreover, the sagealsoneedsto restore, needs the chance, needs the opportunity.
而且,圣人也需要恢复,需要机缘,需要机会。Nowwalks, perhapshas the opportunity.
现在走出去,也许有机会。Has keptthis, possiblyreallywaited for death.
In thesepeopleare awkward, suddenly, glitteredvoid, a persongoes out, Qian Wuliangseveralpeople of facial colorschange.
就在这些人为难之际,忽然,虚空闪烁了一下,一人走出,乾无亮几人面色微变。Incessantlyso, at this time, void, somepeopleappear, the Li Fuhaicow eyeis somewhat dignified.
不止如此,这时候,虚空中,也有人浮现,力覆海牛眼有些凝重。Not far away, a personwearsblackarmoras before, isarmor of thateducational administrationdepartment head.
The Zhang Ancomplexionis tranquil, lookstoboth sides, the soundis not loud, is actually being clear that makesboth sideslisten to: „Did the martial worldpledge, revolt?”张安面色平静,看向双方,声音不大,却是让双方都听的清楚:“武林盟,叛了吗?”Twoelderseveralpeoplechange color, twoeldersquicklybow: „The martial worldpledgewill not betray, Department Head Zhangbright mirror!”
二长老几人都是变色,二长老急忙躬身:“武林盟绝不会背叛,张处长明鉴!”Zhang Anlooked athisoneeyes, saidslowly: „New Martialhas vanished, ifno longeracknowledgedNew Martial, then the freedomchose, do not play the New Martialsignboardagain! IfacknowledgedNew Martial, now, leading the numerousto leave the Lordcity, along withmeleft.”张安看了他一眼,缓缓道:“新武已然消失,若是不再承认新武,便自由选择,不要再打新武招牌!若是承认新武,现在,率众离开主城,随我离开。”„Department Head Zhang!”
“张处长!”Twoeldershave not opened the mouth, Qian Wuliangsaidin a soft voice: „Senior Zhang, can youtake awaythem?”
二长老还没开口,乾无亮轻声道:“张前辈,你要带走他们?”Zhang Anlooked athisoneeyes, saidin a soft voice: „Not? Li Haowantsisn't the Lordcity? Thatleaves behind the Lordcity, Imusttake awaythem, isn't good?”张安看了他一眼,轻声道:“不可以吗?李皓要的不是主城吗?那留下主城,我要带走他们,难道不行?”Qian Wuliangknits the browsslightly.乾无亮微微皱眉。Li Fuhaiis depressedto saysuddenly: „Zhang An, youdo not have the posture of overlord, does not havebrave of Human King, notsupremestratagem...... might as wellhonest, assistsLi Familywithme, ascendsagainmagnificently! Why botherto meddlethisoutdoor shoprottenmatter......”力覆海忽然闷闷道:“张安,你无霸主之姿,也没人王之勇,更无至尊之谋……还不如老老实实,和我一起辅助李家,再登辉煌!何苦插手这一摊子烂事……”Zhang Anlooked atitsone, tranquilincomparable: „Li Fuhai, the goodbirdfoldwoodenroost, howyouchoose, no matterIyou, does not blameyou! The New Martialtraitor, deserves to be damned, Iwill not care. Butsomepeople, have not betrayedeventually, hasNew Martialas before, youaremonster clan, cannot care, butI...... amhuman race!”张安看了它一眼,平静无比:“力覆海,良禽折木而栖,你如何选择,我不管你,也不怪你!新武背叛者,死有余辜,我也不会在意。可有些人,终究没有背叛,依旧心存新武,你是妖族,可以不在乎,而我……是人族!”Li Fuhaiis speechless.力覆海无言。Itunderstands the meaning of Zhang An.
它明白张安的意思。Part of New Martialpeople, is not willingto surrender, is not willingto compromise, continuelike this, will be very troublesome, cannot do wellis put to deathbyLi Hao!
一部分新武人,还是不愿意投降,不愿意妥协,如此下去,很麻烦,搞不好会被李皓诛杀!Li Haoat this moment, did not havetoomanythoughtsmanages.
此刻的李皓,还没太多心思管这边。Butsooner or later, hecanmanage.
可迟早,他会管的。Will not be long!
不会太久!Solelyis notLi Hao, that sideZheng Family, canmanage, does not subdueisstrikesto kill, person who in any case, thesehaveNew Martial, person who has not been willingto surrender, the finalfatewill not be good.
不单单是李皓,郑家那边,也会管的,不是收服就是击杀,反正,这些心存新武的人,还不愿意投降的人,最终的下场不会太好。ButZhang An...... mustcarry off is thisgroup of people.
而张安……要带走的便是这群人。Thistime, itassumes the martial worldpledge, toprovide against contingencies, Zhang Anactedat this time, itpondered that an opens the mouthsaid: „Do not makemedifficultto do! The peoplecancarry off, the Lordcitystays behind, the Lordcity, in the city the building, factory, the sparearmor and military facility, muststay behindincessantly!”
此次,它来坐镇武林盟这边,也是为了以防万一,这时候张安出面了,它思考一番开口道:“那你也别让我难做!人可以带走,主城留下,不止主城,城中建筑、工厂、备用铠甲、军用设施,都要留下!”Zhang Anwatched its meeting, lookstoQian Wuliang.张安看了它一会,又看向乾无亮。Qian Wuliangsees that shows the smile: „The meaning of Sea Suppressing Envoy, is mymeaning...... the marquishas the command, alldefer to the thoughts of severalseniorsto do.”乾无亮见状,露出笑容:“镇海使之意,便是我的意思……侯爷有令,一切按照几位前辈的心思来做。”Such remarks, Li Fuhaisatisfiedmanyactually.
此话一出,力覆海倒是满意了不少。Zhang Anhas not saidanythingagain, lookstotwoelders: „You? Followsme,...... andHeavenly Starcontinuesto negotiate, isas for...... has done?”张安也没再说什么,看向二长老:“你们呢?是跟我走,还是……和天星继续交涉,乃至于……做过一场?”Twoelderswere silent.
二长老沉默了。Has done?
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