The truenon-traitor, absolutelyis not the Li Haoopponent, even ifsage, withoutcompletely the restoration, has the abilityandLi Haohas madeone, thatdid not sink the New Martialperson of dormancy.
真正的非背叛者,绝对不是李皓对手,哪怕圣人,也没完全恢复,有能耐和李皓做过一场的,那就不是沉眠的新武人了。Twoelderssighedonelightly: „Do wefollow the department head...... are only...... big of the world, what course to follow?”
二长老轻叹一声:“我们跟处长走……只是……天下之大,何去何从?”„Alwayshas the stopping overplace.”
“总有落脚的地方。”Zhang Antranquilsay/way: Person who „is willingto leave behind, Iwill not manage, Fighting Heaven Cityhas offered services toLi Hao, youhave the idea, canstay behind! The peopleare ambitiousrespectively, New Martialvanished for 100,000years, does not need to followIto walk...... me to carry off, is onlytheseis not willingwith the Li Haotogetherperson! Perhapsthis was also an opportunity, new Waycontrol, the leader of new times, the worldjustrecovered, allstartedfrom the beginning, was the opportunity...... the choice, lay inyou!”张安平静道:“愿意留下的人,我不会管,战天城已经投效了李皓,你们有想法,也可以留下!人各有志,新武消失了十万年,也没必要非要跟着我走……我想带走的,也只是那些不愿意和李皓一起的人!这也许也是一次机会,新道的掌控者,新时代的领袖,天地刚复苏,一切从头开始,都是机会……选择,在于你们!”Incity, powerhouses, silent.
城中,一位位强者,都沉默了下来。Now, orfollowsZhang Anto walk, orstays behindturns toLi Hao.
如今,要不跟着张安走,要不留下投靠李皓。Did not haveotherroad.
没有别的路了。As forturning toZheng Family...... is also a road, butthisismost people are unable to accept.
至于投靠郑家……也是一条路,可这是大多数人无法接受的。For a long time, twoelderopens the mouth: „Ianddepartment headwalk...... others...... the free choice!”
“我也走!”„I am also!”
“……”Powerhouses, rapidlymade the choice.
一位位强者,都迅速做出了选择。Maywait for a long time, twoelderslooked atGuardianmonster clan in city, the tree of Sageperson, is somewhat bitter and astringent.
可等待了许久,二长老看了一眼城中的守护妖族,那尊圣人之树,有些苦涩。This...... has not said.
这位……没接话。Itwantsto stay behind.
它想留下。Zhang Analsolooked atone, is not too accidental/surprised, asMonster Plant, is actually not deepto the New Martialsentiment, nowfollowsZhang Anto walk, has not knownwhat course to follow.张安也看了一眼,不算太意外,作为妖植,对新武的感情其实没那么深厚,如今跟着张安走,还不知道何去何从呢。MoreoverMonster Plantrecovers, the difficultyis bigger.
Can Zhang An, recovertothem?张安,能给它们复苏吗?„Everyoneremains...... will say goodbyein the future, thendoes not need scrupleswhatformer friendship!”
“那各位留下来的……日后再见,便无需顾忌什么旧情了!”Zhang Ansaidin a soft voice: „100,000yearsremain, enoughrepaidall!”张安轻声道:“十万年留守,足够偿还一切了!”
The wordsfall, turn the headto looktoLi Fuhai: „Everyone who Fuhai, keeps...... youdistinguish, hopes that cannotdisappointthem!”
话落,转头看向力覆海:“覆海,留下来的各位……你们自己辨别,希望不会让他们失望!”Then, havingseveralpeopleto vanishinstantaneously.
说完,带着几人瞬间消失。Li Fuhailooks, withoutspeech.力覆海只是看着,没有说话。Zhang Anappeared!张安出现了!Thisisheafter the Wubian Citydestruction, appearsbeforeotherhuman eyes for the first time.
这是他从无边城覆灭之后,第一次出现在其他人眼前。But the appearance, thentook away some powerhouses of martial worldpledge.
The person who the martial worldpledgerecoversdoes not calculatetoo, probably about 30, there aretwoeldersuchsages, seveneldersuchImmortal, minorityspiritsalsoinmilitary officerand a bureau chiefkind of powerhouse.武林盟复苏的人不算太多,大概30位左右,有二长老这样的圣人,七长老这样的不朽,还有少数精神还在的军官、署长一类的强者。Butremains, close to1/3, Monster Plantforfocus.
而留下来的,接近三分之一,妖植为主。Zhang Antook awaytwoeldersthey, the army but who has not carried off the martial worldpledge, thesearmies, arereadremnantly, carry off, perhapsdied, remains, perhapsopportunity of resurrecting.张安带走了二长老他们,但是并未带走武林盟的大军,这些军队,很多都是残念,带走,也许就是死亡,留下来,也许还有复活的机会。At this moment, Liu Yancannot bearbe low and deep: „Madehimtake awaythesepeople?”
此刻,柳艳忍不住低沉道:“就这么让他带走了那些人?”Qian Wuliangsmiles: „Generalwillow, the multi-incidentis inferior tofewincident! Thisis also good, otherwise, probably...... must eruptsomeconflicts, althoughdid not fear,mayalsomakeJiangYingliseveralfellow daoistdifficultto do, will makeSea Suppressing Envoytheydifficultto do...... now, perhapsis the bestresult!”乾无亮笑了笑:“柳将军,多一事不如少一事!这样也好,要不然,也许……还要爆发一些冲突,虽然不怕,可也会让蒋盈李几位道友难做,也会让镇海使他们难做……现在,也许是最好的结果!”Zhang Antook awaysomepowerhouses, exempted the battleactually.张安带走了一些强者,倒是免去了争斗。
Several other Lordcities, hewill go.
想必,其他几座主城,他都会去的。Then, perhaps the entireNew MartialLordcitycaretaker personnel, will analyze, partstays behind, partfollowsZhang Anto walk, perhapspart...... wherewill not go, butbrings the Lordcity, ranwithJufeng City.
The Qian Wulianginference, the Zhou FamilyLordcity, Xinghe City, 99%had been takenby the opposite party.乾无亮推断,周家主城,星河城,90%九已经被对方拿下。Hehas not managedthese, quick, looksthatbig treeto the city, the smileis bright: „The Guardiansenioris willingto stay behind, the luck of Heavenly Star! The marquiseshave the mattertoday, is unable to approach, when the marquisfinished, meets after the weddinginevitablygreets the seniororiginally, joinsHeavenly Star, conspires the great undertaking! GeneralHuaiandChinese larchgeneralseveral, anticipateoncoming of seniorinevitablyvery much!”
他也没管那些,很快,看向城中那棵大树,笑容灿烂无比:“守护前辈愿意留下,天星之福!侯爷今日有事,无法来临,等侯爷忙完了,必然会亲自来迎接前辈,加入天星,共谋大业!槐将军、红杉将军几位,必然都很期待前辈的来临!”Were many a sage, probablyalsogoodappearance.
多了一位圣人,好像还不错的样子。Moreover, martial worldpledgecity, fell into the hand of Heavenly Star, althoughnoenergy, is unable to start, but...... the Lordcitysucceeded in obtaining, whoalsocares aboutthatenergy?
而且,武林盟这座城,落入了天星之手,虽然没什么能量了,也无法启动,可是……主城到手了,谁还在乎那点能量?More importantly, in whicharmament, in whichinstrumentkind.
重要的是,其中的军备,其中的器械一类的。Qian Wuliangknows, then, quickmustcarry out thoroughlytocarving up that New Martialleaves behind.乾无亮知道,接下来,很快就要彻底完成对新武遗留的瓜分了。Zhang Ancrops up, hisactuallydidn't expect.张安冒头,他倒是没想到。However, the appearance of opposite party, actuallytoHeavenly StarandNew Martial, kept a stair, thisis the good deed, otherwise, can only make war, byLi Haothis timeidea, hewill not really maketheseNew Martialpowerhouseseasilyleave.
……On this day, Li Haoincultivation, Ying Hongyuetheyincultivation, the queenresurrected the Spiritual God, butNew Martial, startedto have the change.
这一日,李皓在修炼,映红月他们在修炼,女王复活了神灵,而新武,也开始出现了变化。Such that just likeQian Wuliangguessed, Zhou FamilyXinghe City, appearedinSilver Citydirectly, was starteddirectly.
正如乾无亮猜测的那样,周家星河城,直接出现在了银城,直接被人启动了。Thisalsorepresents, Zhou Familyorbetrayed, orwas takenby the traitor.
The martial worldpledge, divides into two.武林盟,一分为二。Zhang FamilyDingtian City, presented the fiercerebellion, in the city the bellowcontinuedto be very long, finally, Zhang Family, went out ofa fewpowerhouses, whenZhang Anrushed, leftwithZhang Antogether.张家的定天城,出现了剧烈的暴动,城内轰鸣声持续了很久,最终,张家这边,走出了少数几位强者,在张安赶到的时候,跟着张安一起离开了。Waits forQian Wuliangtheyto enterDingtian Cityto look,vibratesvery much.
等乾无亮他们进入定天城一看,都很震动。Incity, GuardianMonster Plantdirectlyhitbeing split up!
城内,守护妖植直接被打的四分五裂!ButZhang Anpicked the remainingpeople, representative...... possiblywasGuardianMonster Plantbetrayed, in the Zhang Familypersonwithcityfought, butendedoverallGuardianMonster Plant, unexpectedlywas defeated, was executeddirectly!
而张安接走了剩下的人,代表……可能是守护妖植背叛了,和城内的张家人战斗了起来,只是完整体的守护妖植,居然被击败了,直接被格杀了!Thus it can be seen, the Zhang Familypersonstrengthisextremelypowerful.
由此可见,张家人战力还是极其强悍的。Hence, eightbigLordcities, onlyhaveHong Familynot to reappear.
……EightbigLordcities, the seal of seal, carved upcarving up.
八大主城,封印的封印,瓜分的瓜分。Arrivedthissituation, entireSilver Moon, the situationthoroughwas clear.
到了这地步,整个银月,局势彻底明朗了。Li Hao, ZhengYu, Red MoonVenerable Emperor, Zhang An, thisfour directions, many powerhouses.李皓,郑宇,红月帝尊,张安,这四方,都有不少强者。As forYing Hongyue, loner.
至于映红月,孤家寡人。That sidequeen, althoughfiveSaintstepSpiritual God, mayknow that the backgroundLi Hao, has not been serious.
……Great Wildernessend.大荒尽头。Li Haoalsoreceived the message, at this moment, showedsomesmile.李皓也收到了消息,此刻,露出了一些笑容。Interesting!
有意思!Zhang Anappeared.张安出现了。Alsotook awaysomepeople, thisgroup of people, representedNew Martialtruly.
还带走了一些人,这群人,才真正代表了新武。Zhang An......张安啊……Twittering, tofinally, Zhang Anhas not come itselfin a soft voice, butbelievesNew Martialas before, poursdoes not miscalculate, but...... the hopecannotdisturbme.
轻声呢喃一声,到最后,张安还是没有来自己这边,而是依旧相信新武,倒也不算错,只是……希望不会干扰我。Thisis also good!
这样也好!Fighting Heaven Cityafter all is the New Martialperson, reallymustsuppresstheseNew Martialpowerhouses, Fighting Heaven Citywantseven, perhapssomewhatis still uncomfortable.战天城毕竟都是新武人,真要镇压那些新武强者,战天城就算愿意,也许也有些难受。Then, New Martialbythreepoints.
如此一来,新武被三分了。Oneselfdividedonebatch, Zheng Familydividedonebatch, Zhang Antook awaya group ofpeople.
自己分走了一批,郑家分走了一批,张安带走了一批人。At this moment, the Li Haowhole bodyaurais turbulent.
这一刻,李皓浑身气息动荡。Peripheral, divine writingcircle.
周边,一枚枚神文盘旋。Heturned headto look atGreat Wilderness, shouldstartto take action, these, the migrationworkhas been continuing on , everyonewas busyrespectivelyvarious, the movement was actually not slow.
他扭头看了一眼大荒,该开始行动了,这几日,迁徙工作一直在持续,大家各忙各的,动作倒是不慢。Looks up the day, Silver Moonis hanging.
李道恒……Youknow that whatIdo wantto make?
你知道我要做什么吗?Oryouknow, butisn't ableto stop?
或者说,你知道,但是无法阻拦?Alsoor...... do youstopindifferently, perhapsIopen the day of Great Wilderness, is the result that youmustsee?
又或者……你无所谓阻拦不阻拦,也许我开大荒之天,也是你要看到的结果?If...... you were really so fierce.
若是如此……你就真厉害了。Before the Great Wildernessworldrecovers, oneself must do a matterto be good.
但是在大荒天地复苏之前,自己还要做一件事才行。At this moment, Li Haovanishedinstantaneously.
这一刻,李皓瞬间消失了。Condensedmanydivine writingas forhim, no oneknows.
……Great Li.大离。
The water cloudandGreat WildernessintegratedHeavenly Star, the godcountrySpiritual Godcasualtyare innumerable, Great Li, losesactually not in a big way, is still prosperous.
水云、大荒先后融入了天星,神国神灵死伤无数,倒是大离,损失不大,依旧还算昌盛。Great Liimperial palace.大离皇宫。Broadincomparable!
恢宏无比!Nothingresplendent in gold and jade green, onlyhas the boundlessatmosphere, hassomewildaura.
没有什么金碧辉煌,唯有磅礴大气,也带着一些蛮荒气息。Great Likingat this momentincultivation, in a flash, the complexionchanges, fights with the fists.大离王此刻正在修炼,一瞬间,脸色一变,一拳打出。Bang!
轰!Covers a domainvoid, the Great Likingfights with the fists, the domainis turbulent, the Great Likingcomplexionfluctuates, is low and deep: „Li Hao!”
虚空笼罩一层领域,大离王一拳打中,领域动荡,大离王脸色变幻,低沉道:“李皓!”Li Haoappearsbaseless.李皓凭空浮现。Looked at a Great Liking, smiles, towardlooking aroundto look, nod: „Goodplace!”
The Great Likingis unemotional, butvisitshim.大离王面无表情,只是看着他。Li Haolooked atonetoward the distant place, saw throughall, saw a giantincomparablepalace, opens the mouth saying: The god of beginningmilitary„Great Libelieves, iswhich? Let alonewhatYangGod...... not possiblematter.”李皓又朝远处看了一眼,看穿了一切,看到了一座巨大无比的殿堂,开口道:“大离信奉的初武之神,到底是哪位?别说什么阳神……不可能的事。”„Does not know.”
The Great Likingknits the brows: „Does not know that iswhich! In any caseisbeginning the god of military, the opposite partyhad not come, howIknow that is.”大离王皱眉:“不知道是哪位!反正是初武之神,对方一直又没现身,我怎么知道是谁。”Alsoyes.
也是。„Do youbelieve inrandomly?”
“那你们就乱信奉?”„Notbe considered as, in any caseisbeginning the god of military, believes inwhoonetype!”
“也不算是,反正都是初武之神,信奉谁都一个样!”Li Haolaughs in spite of trying not, this...... is speechless.李皓失笑,这……无话可说。Hedoes not care aboutthis, butlooked atseveral, feltboundlessauraindistinctly, butwas very weak, possibly the opposite party is really sinking the dormancy, henotmultibarreled, opened the mouth saying: „Great Liking, recentlyexcept forself-torture, noidea?”
他也不在乎这个,只是看了几眼,隐约感受到了一股磅礴气息,但是很微弱,可能对方真在沉眠,他也没多管,开口道:“大离王陛下,最近除了苦修,就没什么想法吗?”Compared withevacuationtime, thiswas stronger.
比起撤离的时候,这位更强了。In additionForbidden Searecovers, source here, Great Lihereenergyat this momentextremelyrich, canseeseveralpowerhouses, is extractingenergycultivationcrazily.
加上禁忌海复苏,源头就在这边,大离这边能量此刻极其的浓郁,可以看到几位强者,正在疯狂抽取能量修炼。Thisworldinaugurates, the strength of Forbidden Seaoverflowingpowder, probablyis more suitablebeginningtheirthesemilitarylineage/veincultivation.
The Great Liking, arrives atSun and Moonnowprobablysevenfold.大离王,现在大概都到了日月七重了。Even!
甚至更强一些!Walkedbefore, thisalsoonSun and Moon56heavy, Superintendent Zhaotheytobe promotedSun and Moonsevenfold, paid a bigprice.
The Great Likingdoes not know that Li Haomustmakeanything, is very vigilant.大离王不知道李皓要做什么,很是警惕。Li Haosmiles: „How do Igive a Great Likingopportunity?”李皓笑了笑:“我给大离王一个机会如何?”„Said.”
“说。”„Initially the military, a more suitableworldto inauguratecultivation, inevitablyprogressamazingly quick...... is right?”
The so-calledbeginningmilitary, is the chaosworld, firstbatch of cultivator, underthatenvironment, naturallywill progressamazingly quick.
所谓初武,就是混沌化天地,第一批修炼者,那种环境下,当然会进步神速。Youmetold that thesedo do?
你跟我说这些干嘛?Li Haoalsosaid: „How do Igiveyouto make a stretch of newworld?”李皓又道:“我给你制造一片新天地如何?”„What?”
“什么?”„Opens the newworld...... the falsenewworld, is actually the olddayexchangingday!”
“开辟新天地……假的新天地,其实就是旧天换新天!”Li Haosaidlightly: „The price that youpay is very small...... youto haveHeaven's Willto care, paysHeaven's Willon the line!”李皓淡淡道:“你付出的代价很小……你有天意眷顾,付出天意就行!”At this moment, the domaincoversthem.
此刻,领域笼罩他们。Li Haodid not fear that was known, said with a smilelightly: „HoweverI, providetoyouam most suitableyourcultivationenvironment! At the present, Westernqueen, Ying Hongyuethatgroup of people, mustenter the Dao Fusionlevel, youwereSun and Moonsevenfold...... were too weak, the luckgoodwords, youenteredDao Fusion is not difficult.”李皓也不怕被人知晓,轻笑道:“而我,给你提供最适合你修炼的环境!而今,西方女王,映红月那批人,都要进入合道层次了,你还是日月七重……太弱了,运气好的话,你进入合道不难。”
The Great Likingknits the brows.大离王皱眉。Looked atLi Hao, for a long timesaid: „WithoutHeaven's Willcared, what will Ilose?”
看了一眼李皓,许久才道:“没了天意眷顾,我会失去什么?”Li Haolaughs in spite of trying not, shakes the head: „Will not loseanything, because......, even ifhasHeaven's Willto care, youcould not become the host of the world! Therefore...... to you, nodifference, the biggestdifferenceis, brokesomeownreadingto think.”李皓失笑,摇头:“不会失去什么,因为……就算有天意眷顾,你也成不了天地之主!所以……对你而言,没什么区别,最大的区别就是,断了一些自己的念想。”
The Great Likingcriticizesone!大离王暗骂一声!Thissaying, touched somebody's sore spot.
这话,太扎心了。Li Haosaidon the difference,youdo havedo not have the birdto use, youare not in any case good!李皓就差说,你有没有都没鸟用,反正你也不行!Great LikingZhoumei: „Can youexpelHeaven's Will?”大离王皱眉道:“你能驱逐天意?”„Almost.”
“差不多吧。”„How do youmakesuitsbeginning the cultivationenvironment of military?”
“你怎么制造出适合初武的修炼环境?”„Do youwantto know?”
“你要知道吗?”Li Haodeeplylooked athisoneeyes: „, Ithentoldyou!”李皓深深看了他一眼:“要知道,我便告诉你!”„......”
“……”Great Likingsomeembarrasedly, long timesaid: „Ok!”大离王有些讪讪,半晌才道:“算了!”Li Haosmiled.李皓笑了。But the Great Likingissomewhatanxious, „is dangerbig?”
可大离王还是有些不安,“危险大吗?”„Do youfear the danger?”
“你怕危险?”„Thiskingnaturallydid not fear,maynot bring deathfor no reasongood!”
“本王自然不怕,可无故送死不行!”Li Haonods: „Dangerdefinitelya little, as forbig, Iam not clear, triedto knowin any case . Moreover, after the matterbecame, you must helpmedo a matter.”李皓点头:“危险肯定有一点,至于多大,我不清楚,反正试试就知道了,另外,事成之后,你还要帮我做件事。”
The Great Likingknits the brows.大离王皱眉。
The requestwere getting more and more!
The Great Likingintertwined, long timesaid: „That...... that can Jiang Ligo?”大离王纠结了起来,半晌才道:“那……那姜离可以去吗?”„......”
A Li Haoreallysuchstance, the Great Likingthinkssame dayLi Hao said that the complexionchanges, is somewhat ugly.李皓一副果然如此的姿态,大离王又想到了当日李皓说的,脸色一变,有些难看。Thisbastard!
这混蛋!What is heactually thinking?
他到底在想什么?Li Haosaid with a smile: „Ok, Jiang Lievencantakebeginning the bone of military, if the opportunityis appropriate, integratesbeginning the bone of military, will perhaps have a biggerharvest! Butyou, besttake your pair of gauntlet/glove...... thisare the goodthing!”李皓却是笑道:“可以,姜离甚至可以带上初武之骨,若是机会合适,融入初武之骨,也许会有更大的收获!而你,最好带上你的一双拳套……这是好东西!”Speaking ofthis, said: „Does Jiang Lineed the recastmortal body?”
说到这,又道:“姜离需要重铸肉身吗?”„Li Hao!”
The Great Likingcomplexionis cold and gloomy, „youarehost of the side, said that...... doesn't feelignominious?”大离王脸色森冷,“你乃一方之主,如此说……不觉得可耻吗?”Hatefulfellow!
可恶的家伙!Li Haolaughs in spite of trying not to: „Do not be angry, why, Iask,did not tradeeven! Moreover, recentlyyourHeaven's Willdrainedmuch, Heaven's Willfeelsyourwasteevidently, does not wantto favoryou, youdo a matterto come out, makesHeaven's Will, the north is not too farfrom the West, youcommand the armyto attack the Westerngodcountryto go to...... that side the queen, nowresurrectsseveralVia SacraSpiritual God, Iwill make one helpyourhelping hand...... yougetmanydomains, isyour.”李皓失笑:“别生气,何必呢,我就问问,不换就算了!另外,最近你天意流失不少,看样子天意觉得你废物,不太想青睐你了,你搞点事情出来,多弄一点天意,北方距离西方不算太远,你率军攻打西方神国去……女王那边,如今复活了几位圣道神灵,我会让人助你一臂之力……你打下多少地盘,都是你的。”
The Great Likingknits the brows.大离王皱眉。Hedoes not wantto dispatch troops!
...... Got off the subjectto the Westfrom the north is not too indeed remote, but, made a long and wearisome journey, overcame the Westerngodcountryalsoto havewhatusing?
从北方到西方……说远的确不算太遥远,可是,长途跋涉,打下了西方神国又有何用?Li Haosees that saidin a soft voice: „Godcountry1 millionarmydestruction, areelite! The water cloud1 millionarmiesabrogatedmost probably, onlyhad200,000to guardfour seas! The Great Wildernesscavalryare innumerable, now, will be only more reserved, asreserve force. The Great Liking, I, alwaysdoes not likebeing ruthless! But...... the side of bed, Ino matter, even if, somepeoplecanmanage.”李皓见状,轻声道:“神国百万大军覆灭,都是精锐!水云百万大军裁撤了大半,只剩下20万镇守四海!大荒骑兵无数,如今,也只会保留一些,作为机动力量。大离王,我这人,向来不太喜欢赶尽杀绝!可是……卧榻之侧,我纵然不管,也有人会管的。”
The Great Likingis silent.大离王沉默不语。Heknows the meaning of Li Hao.
他知道李皓的意思。Youdo not turn, Ido not force.
你不投靠,我不勉强。But, yourGreat Librave soldiersseveral millions, were too many, Qian Wuliangpreviouslyconsumedonebatch, now, Li Haocomes, makinghimdispatch troops to the godcountry, the stormgodcountry, resulting in the Heaven's Willin additionholdsis . Moreover, alsotoweakenGreat Li.
可是,你大离雄兵数百万,太多了,乾无亮先前来消耗了一批,现在,李皓又来了,让他出兵神国,强攻神国,得天意加持是一点,另外,也是为了削弱大离。That side the godcountry, the followerismany.
神国那边,信徒还是很多的。Reallymustengage in fierce battle...... to add onseveralVia SacraSpiritual God......
The Great LikinglookstoLi Hao, the sinkingsound said: „After Yuan Shuotheydied in battle, yourmethodwas more sinister!”大离王看向李皓,沉声道:“袁硕他们战死之后,你手段更毒辣了!”Li Haosmiled, shakes the head: „It is not, Iwas gentle! Youdo not understandme, do not think ofme, on the same daytocope withGreat Li, Ioncewantto bury alivethatseveral millionarmiesinCangshan...... at that time, mymasterurgedmeso, after mymastersank the dormancy, but...... no oneurgedmeagain.”李皓笑了,摇头:“不是,我更柔和了!你不懂我,也不要装着懂我,当日为了对付大离,我曾想将那数百万大军坑杀在苍山之中……那时候,我师父劝我不要如此,我师父沉眠之后,只是……没人再劝我了而已。”Youthink,youdo understandme?
可笑!InGreat Likingheartshakesslightly!大离王心中微微一震!No oneurgedhim!
没人劝他了!Heunderstood the meaning of Li Hao, thisishisnatural disposition, rather, because after Yuan Shuodies, hispersonalitytransformed, butwas...... no onecancalm downhe.
他听懂了李皓的意思,这才是他的本性,而非因为袁硕死后,他性格转变了,而是……没有一个人可以劝住他了。Great Likingdeepinspires: „That sideyou, cancomeseveralsages?”大离王深吸一口气:“你那边,可以来几位圣人?”„Sageis insufficient...... Ninth Division Commanderto come.”
The Great Likingcomplexionchanges: „Oneperson?”大离王脸色一变:“就一人?”„Insufficiently?”
“不够?”Great Likingangry: „Theyhavefivesages, youcomeone, even ifIandJiang Licanresistone, remainingthreewhat to do? Li Hao, do youwantmyGreat Lidestruction?”大离王怒道:“他们有五位圣人,你来一位,哪怕我和姜离可以抵挡一位,剩下三位怎么办?李皓,你要我大离覆灭吗?”Li Haosmiled: „UnderestimatesmyNinth Division Commander?”李皓笑了:“小看我九师长?”
The Great Likingis in an uncontrollable rage, withoutspeech.大离王怒不可遏,没有说话。Li Haosees that alsosmiled: „ Cracks a joke...... makes the Chinese larchcomeagain, twoenough! Insufficient...... beginningyou doesn't the god of military, make a move12? If that is right, yourGreat Li, probablythere is no background, such being the case...... extinguishedextinguished! „李皓见状,又笑了:“开个玩笑……再让红杉前来,两位够了!不够……你初武之神,不出手一二?若是如此,你大离,好像没什么底蕴可言,既然如此……灭了就灭了吧!“Then, Li Haosoared, removed the domain, lookedto the distant placetemple, bowedslightly, says with a smile: „Seniorshouldrecover, saidbeginning the god of military, powerfulincomparable, thatwished the seniorto win victory!”
The wordsfall, the soundfalls into Great LikingEr: „Speedsome, Iactedafter10 th, yourHeaven's Willwas stronger, the opportunitywas bigger! Ifyoucanovercome the godcountry, Heaven's Willfavorsyouinevitably, at that time, you may stride inDao Fusionintermediate stageandlate stageto have the possibility! As the king, onedry...... myLi Haoentire familydid not have the meritboneby the tens of thousands, hadtoday...... the Great Liking, cultivates the behavior, gives up!”
话落,声音又落入大离王耳中:“速度一些,我在十日后出手,你天意越强,机会越大!你若是能打下神国,天意必然青睐你,那时候,你可能会跨入合道中期、后期都有可能!作为君王,一将功成万骨枯……我李皓的全家都没了,才有了今日……大离王,做人,舍得一些!”Then, Li Haovanishedthoroughly.
The Great Likingcriticizesone!大离王暗骂一声!Bastards!
混蛋!Thisfellow, toweakenGreat Li, tolet the god of militaryactsinitially, just likeLi Hao said that if the god of military, cannotcope the sagesinitially, whyGreat Li...... did exist?
这家伙,就是为了削弱大离,为了让初武之神出手,正如李皓所言,若是初武之神,连圣人都不能对付,大离……何必存在?Does not have the threat, might as wellexterminateddirectly!
毫无威胁,还不如直接剿灭了!Great Likingdeepinspires, thinksLi Hao said that Li Haospoke, generallywill not deliberately deceiveyou.大离王深吸一口气,又想到了李皓说的,李皓说话,一般不会刻意去欺骗你。Sincehe said that represents...... reallyhassuchopportunity.
他既然这么说了,代表……真有这样的机会。Thinks ofthis, the Great Likingorders: „Alltribeleaders, in the army the military officer, come at once the palaceto discuss official business!”
想到这,大离王一声令下:“所有部落首领,军中将领,速来宫廷议事!”Overcomes the godcountry!
打下神国!Ifcanhit, perhaps, Heaven's Willwill be richer.
After the moment, everyoneswiftlycatches up, even, Jiang Libehind, appearsindistinctlytogether the shadow, the Great Likingsaw, buthas not spoken.
片刻后,所有人迅速赶来,甚至,姜离身后,隐约浮现出一道影子,大离王看到了,但是也没吭声。Obviously, that the god of military, indeedrecoveredinitially.
显然,那位初武之神,的确复苏了。Butnow, audited.
After discussing official business, gets there first, shortly , the Great Liarmygo to battleagain, heard that thistimedoes not hitHeavenly Star, butattacks the godcountry, the Great Liarmyrelaxactually.
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