Thisflash, Li Haoswallows up the world, the strength of massivesourcewere derivedbyhim, thisisZhengYugives, in a flash, hedisappeared in same place, „Iwent tofourextremely, the say/way of cultivationsourcehad a look, ZhengYu, yourstableseal, so as to avoidcame outbyRed MoonVenerable Emperor!”
这一瞬间,李皓鲸吞天地,大量本源之力被他汲取,这都是郑宇给的,一瞬间,他消失在了原地,“我去四极之地,修炼一下本源之道看看,郑宇,你稳固一下封印,免得被红月帝尊出来了!”ZhengYuknits the browsslightly.
郑宇微微皱眉。Really is the bastardthing!
真是个混蛋东西!These, thisfellowinthis, makinganythingwas not convenient on , nowhewalked, unexpectedlyalsowent to the stablesealbyoneself, was really...... gets more mad!
这几日,这家伙在这,做什么都不方便,现在他走了,居然还让自己去稳固封印,真是……越想越气!Also, severalSpiritual Godrecovered......
还有,几位神灵复苏了……Westernthat side, the queendid not seem willingto come backagain, becausefourbigSpiritual God, recoveredat this moment, had the strength of Via Sacra, fiveSpiritual God, the strengthwere the sagelevel, perhapsthesefellows, do not wantto come backagain.
西方那边,女王好像不愿意再回来了,因为四大神灵,此刻都复苏了,都有圣道之力,五位神灵,战力都达到了圣人层次,这几个家伙,恐怕不想再回来了。Li Hao, reallyrancultivationsourceGrand Dao?李皓,也真的跑去修炼本源大道了吗?Ifso...... can only say,thisfellowwas somewhat fascinated.
若是如此……只能说,这家伙有些入魔了。At this moment, ZhengYuanythinghad not said that butreturned to owntreasure palace, the nextquarter, in the treasure palacepresentsanotherZhengYu, exactly the same, is only the aurastrong and weakis different, thissmall and weakZhengYu, is straightening out, inturbulentpsychic force.
这一刻,郑宇什么也没说,只是回到了自己的宝殿中,下一刻,宝殿中出现另外一个郑宇,一模一样,只是气息强弱不同,这个弱小的郑宇,正在开窍,也在动荡精神力。TwoZhengYu, looks at each otherone, the intentionis interlinked, a personcultivates the source, a personcultivatesnew Way.
两个郑宇,对视一眼,心意相通,一人修本源,一人修新道。For a long time, sourceZhengYusaidin a soft voice: „Youfelt......, if the emptysay/wayuniverseexists, whowill cultivate?”
许久,本源郑宇轻声道:“你觉得……若是虚道宇宙存在,谁会去修呢?”new WayZhengYuwas ponderingprobably,long timesaid: „Canbe the Li Familyperson?”新道郑宇好像在思考,半晌才道:“会是李家人吗?”„LiDaoheng?”
“李道恒?”„Perhapsyes, perhapsisother...... except for the Li Familyperson, could not think ofothers.”
The sourceZhengYuslight nod, somelookcoldsevere, saidfor a long time: „Ying Hongyueis weak, perhapsbyhim, is unable to go tothat side the Zhenxing Cityvestige, captures something, the fatherSon of Heavenstrengthis insufficient, hiseightlineage/veinunite, at leastalsoneeded the Son of Heavenstrength the line...... to be possiblereallyto promote the Son of Heavenhim, canraise the tigerto create disaster?”
本源郑宇微微点头,眼神有些冷厉,许久才道:“映红月还是不够强,靠他,恐怕无法去镇星城遗迹那边,夺取一些东西,父亲天王战力都不够,他八脉合一,起码也需要天王战力才行……可真将他提升到了天王,会不会养虎为患?”„Youtake responsibility.”
“你做主。”SourceZhengYuqingsighedone: „Do Itake responsibility? Aren't youI? new Way, the source, at the present, Isomewhatwas confused, thatLi Hao, is very interesting, thistimecomesSilver City, makingme feel not quite same, is only the strength of sage, I was actually feel the pressure, Emperorto become, was so difficult?”
本源郑宇轻叹一声:“我做主?你不就是我吗?新道,本源,而今,我都有些错乱了,那李皓,也很有意思,此次来银城,让我感受不太一样,只是圣人之力,我却是感受到了压力,成帝,真的这么难吗?”„Self-confidentpoint...... perhapssomepeopleplanare more! However, at the presentwehave the advantage...... to find the wayto promoteYing Hongyue, is dangerous, is notVenerable Emperor, if the villain of new timesis not even ableto fightto win...... thatus is really the waste! Hewill not always compareVenerable Emperorto be harder to deal with!”
“自信一点……也许有人谋划的更多!但是,而今我们还是占据优势……想办法提升映红月吧,再危险,也不是帝尊,若是连新时代的一个小人都无法斗赢……那我们就真的是废物了!他总不会比帝尊更难缠!”SourceZhengYunods: „Alsoright! Ying Hongyuedoes not walk, perhapsalsohasthisthoughts, whenIhelphimpowerful...... thispersonverybe also interesting, takes advantage of opportunityto grow, unexpectedlyhad not dropped out, everyone, giveshimto booston the potential! IncludingthatLi Hao, killedhimto be defeatedseveraltimes, insteadmadehimstronger...... Li Hao, perhaps must copebyhim.”
本源郑宇点头:“也对!映红月不走,恐怕也有这心思,等我帮他强大……此人也很有意思,顺势而成长,居然一直没有被人抛下,所有人,都应势给他助力!包括那李皓,几次杀他都失败了,反而让他更强……李皓,也许还要靠他来对付。”new WayZhengYuno longerspoke, closed eyescultivation.新道郑宇不再说话,闭目修炼。Butat this moment, sourceZhengYualsocloses eyesdoes not speak, is lost in thought.
李道恒吗?No matter, musttryto know.
不管是谁,都要试试才知道。ThatLi Hao, the cultivationsource, is not very necessarily simple, good, thatcame.
……Butthis momentLi Hao, has strided inGreat Wildernessagain, has been thorough, has arrived in the place of Great Wildernesslimit.
而这一刻的李皓,已经再次跨入大荒,一直深入,一直抵达了大荒极限之地。Thisplace, reallyinduced the strength of littleweaksourceunexpectedly.
此地,居然真的感应到了一点点微弱的本源之力。InLi Haoheartonehappy!李皓心中一喜!Hason the line, as forwhether to become enlightened...... the hopedo not become enlightened, reallybecame, I must cry, partlybecomesinadequate, after the failure, changing into the potentialis the result that need.
The potential, isoneproduct of Grand Daofailure, is extremely special, perhapsthisplace, isreverses the aspect the treasure trove.
势,就是大道失败的一种产物,极其特殊,此地,也许是自己扭转局面的宝地。This momentLi Hao, startedcultivationin the true sense.
这一刻的李皓,开始了真正意义上的修炼。Thistime, hemustbecome aware the potential!
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