怎么可能!Said that...... the Grand Daouniverse, may be borntwomasters?
这么说……大道宇宙,可能会诞生两位主人?That...... said that so long as the feeble pulse, openedspiritualdao lineage, everyonedoes have the opportunity?
那……岂不是说,只要开了虚脉,开了精神道脉,大家都有机会?At this moment, even ifZheng does Yu of boundary of halfemperor, feelinconceivable, the sohugesecret, Li Haowill somewhat tellthem?
这一刻,哪怕半帝之境的郑宇,都觉得有些不可思议,如此巨大的秘密,李皓会告诉他们?Is impossible!
不可能的!Is certainly false, trap!
一定是假的,陷阱!Ying Hongyue is also the complexiontransformsunceasingly, false...... will Li Haotell others thissecret?映红月也是脸色不断变换,假的……李皓会将这种秘密告诉他人?Wholetter/believes!
谁信啊!Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „Very dangerous, spiritualdao lineage, Ionlydiscoveruntil now, wantsto open the feeble pulseuniverse, mustopen over manyat least, Ithink that...... not over ten, the hopeis not probably big!”李皓轻声道:“很危险,精神道脉,我至今只发现了一条,想开虚脉宇宙,最少要开多条以上,我想想……没有十条以上,希望大概不大!”„Openedmistakenly, oropenedrandomly, the dead end...... Ihopeactuallyyouattempted, wasgivesmeoneto learn from another's mistakes, opens itself, Iwas gladto seevery much!”
“开错了,或者乱开,死路一条……我倒是希望你们去尝试,算是给我一个前车之鉴,开死了自己,我很乐意见到!”„Moreover, Isuspected,somepeopleopened the feeble pulseuniverse!”
“另外,我怀疑,有人开了虚脉宇宙!”ZhengYucomplexionchanges: „Is impossible! Youhave not opened, whowill open the feeble pulseuniverse?”Valley
郑宇脸色微变:“不可能!你都没开,谁会开虚脉宇宙?”谷AlthoughLi Haosaidnot necessarilyreal, thing that but, Li Haocannot achieve, others do not understand the feeble pulse, canopen the feeble pulseuniverse?
尽管李皓说的未必是真的,可是,李皓都做不到的事,他人连虚脉都不懂,能开虚脉宇宙?Li Haothinks deeply about a say/way: „Notguessedfor no reason! Ithink that isyouopensin secret, therefore said that isn't?”李皓思索一番道:“并非无端猜测!我原以为是你们暗中开的,所以才说了出来,难道不是?”Heknits the browsslightly: „For example the prophetgod, hisdao lineage, is actually a feeble pulse! Onedao lineage on mental layeropens...... menot to discoverhislifestars! Ithink,isbecauseIhad not found, the universeis so big, starscould not find, verynormalmatter!”
“可是……”Li Haoshakes the head: „Iknowquickly,was notIcould not find, butwas the lifestars of opposite party, notin my side! The previoustime, yourseveralattemptsresurrectthisfellow, has not actually succeeded, right?”李皓摇头:“我很快就知道,不是我找不到,而是对方的本命星辰,不在我这一面!上次,你们几个尝试复活这家伙,却是没成功,对吗?”Ying Hongyuenods, hehas attemptedto resurrectbeforethisSpiritual Godwith the queen, indeedhas not succeeded, theyalsothink that the opposite partywas cutthorough that killsbyLi Hao, thereforecausesso.映红月点头,他之前和女王一直尝试复活这位神灵,的确没成功,他们还以为对方被李皓斩杀的彻底,所以才导致如此。Li Haoalsosaid: „Youresurrecthe, actuallyIam glad to see him succeed! Evenlooks forward toyouto attempt, perhapsIcanlockhisposition...... the result, youattemptto summon, with the strength of beliefresurrectshistime, Idiscovered the strength of belief an issue...... theseconsume, has not entered the Grand Daouniverse! Orhas not entered the Grand Daouniverse of my side!”李皓又道:“你们复活他,其实我乐见其成!甚至巴不得你们去尝试,也许我可以锁定他的位置……结果,你们尝试呼唤,用信仰之力复活他的时候,我发现了一个问题……那些消耗掉的信仰之力,并未进入大道宇宙!或者说,没有进入我这一面的大道宇宙!”Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „At this time, Ihad a guess...... thisperson, thislifestarsare not in mycontrol area! Evenis not in mysideGrand Daouniverse, butenteredother aspectGrand Daouniverse!”李皓轻声道:“这时候,我就有了一种猜测……此人,本命星辰不在我的管辖范围之内!甚至不在我的这一面大道宇宙之中,而是进入了另外一面大道宇宙!”„Continueshe!”
“不止他一人!”Li Haoalsosaid: „Alsosomepeople are also so, for exampleTyrant Blade, cultivates the psychic force, cultivates the blade of spirit! ButIin the Grand Daouniverse, foundthelifestars that others corresponded, withoutfindingTyrant Blade, this is very strange, everyone, himwhynotin?”李皓又道:“还有人也是如此,比如说霸刀,修精神力,修精神之刀!可我在大道宇宙中,找到了其他人对应的本命星辰,没找到霸刀的,这就很奇怪,大家都在,他为何不在?”„Also, does not know whether youstillremember, several in Spiritual God, the god of misfortune, the god of destiny...... these, have not fallen from the skythoroughly! Ion the same day, cutto killmassiveSpiritual God, manySpiritual Godlifestarswere findable, the sun god and darkgods of sagelevelwere no exception, only the Spiritual God of thesespecialsystems, unexpectedlyhad not been utterly destroyeddirectly!”
“……”Two peoplecomplexionfluctuates.
两人脸色变幻。At this moment, recalls.
The Spiritual Goddeath, the worldchanged color, somechanges, theycanknow,whichSpiritual Goddiedthoroughly, thesepeople, representedto be cutthislifestarsbyLi Hao.
神灵死亡,天地变色,有些异动的,他们可以知道,哪些神灵彻底死亡了,这些人,代表被李皓斩掉了本命星辰。Butseveral that Li Hao said that indeedhad not diedprobablythoroughly.
The specialnature,...... had not been discoveredwithmental layerrelateddao lineage.
特殊性质,和精神层次有关的道脉……都没被发现。Oneis the exception, twoare the coincidences, threefour...... coincidence?
一个是例外,两个是巧合,三个四个……还是巧合吗?At this moment, two peopleactuallybelieved.
这一刻,两人其实都相信了。Only if, the Li Haoarrange/cloth a general situation, fromkilling the Spiritual Godstarted, didintentionallythis, otherwise, will not havethisphenomenon.
除非,李皓布了一个大局,从杀神灵开始,就故意如此做,否则,不会出现这种现象的。Li Haospeaking ofthis, said: „IfIspeculateamreal, thenon the representative, the Grand Daouniversehasboth sides, this pointtwo don't have the question? ButIam puzzling, evenIandmyteacher, discoveredmassiveentitydao lineage, whocandiscovermassiveemptybodydao lineage? Only if, thispersonknewaboutnew Wayvery much, researchtomental layer, to a limit, inconceivablesituation! Moreover, withsomemental layerSpiritual God, there is a contact research...... Ito think it over...... Moon Godto havesuchpossibility! You said that can Moon God, graspother aspectuniversein secret?”李皓说到这,又道:“如果我推测是真,那就代表,大道宇宙存在两面,这一点二位没有疑问吧?可我百思不得其解,连我和我老师,都只是发现了大量实体道脉,谁能发现大量的虚体道脉?除非,此人对新道很了解,对精神层次的研究,到了一个极限,不可思议的地步!而且,和一些精神层次的神灵,也有接触研究……我想来想去……月神才有这样的可能!你们说,月神,会不会暗中掌握了另外一面宇宙?”Helookstotwo people: „Ortwo, go backto capture the queen, investigates12, perhapswill havesomeharvests! Twoare the smart people, has a look, can investigatesomeclue, thustakesher......”
他看向两人:“要不二位,回去擒拿女王,探查一二,也许会有一些收获!或者,二位都是聪明人,看看,能否探查到一些端倪,从而将她拿下……”Thissaying, two peoplehave not paid attention.
这话一出,两人都没理会。Reallythis matterinheart.
只是,真的将此事记在了心中。Ifreallyhas the emptysurfaceGrand Daouniverse, ifsomereallypeoplewielded, whocanbe?
若是真的存在虚面大道宇宙,若是真有人执掌了,会是谁呢?Ifno onewields...... represents, theydo have the opportunity?
若是没人执掌……是否代表,他们有机会呢?Thisneeds the psychic forceintrepidly...... ZhengYupsychic forceto be intrepidenough, halfemperor!
这需要精神力强悍……郑宇精神力足够强悍,半帝呢!ButYing Hongyue, is actually not weak.
而映红月,其实也不弱。All of a sudden, two peopleare lost in thought that Li Haosaid with a smile: „Thissecret, enoughrepaymentbeforehandissue?”
一下子,两人都陷入了沉思中,李皓笑道:“这个秘密,足够偿还之前的问题了吧?”Two peoplenod, has not saidgood.
两人点头,也没说不行。No matter the genuine and fake, is a possibility.
不管真假,都是一种可能性。Li Haoalsosaid with a smile: „Also, two, ifreallyinvestigatedsomespiritualdao lineageto be, canreceive in exchange forsomeentitydao lineagewithmein the position, everyoneeach otherexchanged, canmakenew Wayimprove! Was improved, thisiscultivation, counted on that a personimprovesGrand Dao, is very difficultto achieve! Moreover, entitydao lineage, is a sword, thatspiritualdao lineage, whether is also a sword? Said,isother? This point, canbetworeferences, yourpsychic forceis in any case intrepid, triesseveraltimes, being able dead person......”李皓又笑道:“还有,二位若是真探查到了一些精神道脉所在,可以和我换取一些实体道脉所在位置,大家彼此交流,才能让新道完善!道被完善,这才是修炼,指望一个人完善大道,是很难做到的!另外,实体道脉,是一把剑,那精神道脉,是否也是一把剑?还是说,是其他的?这一点,可以作为二位的参考,反正你们精神力强悍,多试几次,死不了人……”„Li Hao!”
“李皓!”At this moment, a Ying Hongyuefaceis complex: „Whatno matteryousaidwas is really false...... you make ussomewhatvacillate, you, were almost Ilookto grow up, IstudiedmanyyearstoEight Great Families, butnowlooks like, has not completely understoodyou.”
这一刻,映红月一脸复杂:“不管你说的是真是假……你都让我们有些动摇了,你这人,几乎是我看着长大的,我对八大家研究很多年,可现在看来,并未看透你。”Li Haochuckle: „Was extinguished the family feudpersonto lookto grow up, is honoredvery much! Ying Hongyue, whenIkilled your day, Iwill satisfy your desire...... to let the Eight Great Familiesbloodlines, thoroughandyoufused a body! Mybloodlines, youkeep thinkingvery much, ifyoudie, Iwill helpyour, withmyblood, fuseswithyoulittle, swallowsyou, fusesyou, grinds the meatfrothyou, grinds the blood threads, is good?”李皓轻笑:“被灭家仇人看着长大,很是荣幸呢!映红月,等我杀你的那一天,我会满足你一个愿望……让八大家血脉,彻底和你融合一体!我的血脉,你很惦记,你若死,我会成全你的,用我的血液,一点点地和你融合,吞噬你,融合你,将你碾成肉沫,碾成血丝,好不好?”„......”
“……”Ying Hongyuelooked athisoneeyes, vanishesinstantaneouslyon the spot.映红月看了他一眼,瞬间消失在原地。This momentLi Hao, the speechis superficial, is to make hisinstantaneouspressurerise suddenly, anyis more serious, evenfeels the aura that deathandperished.
这一刻的李皓,说话轻描淡写,却是让他瞬间压力暴涨,比任何一刻都要严重,甚至感受到了那种死亡和灭亡的气息。Thisfellow...... reallycanachieve!
这家伙……真能做到!Even ifZhengYu, selects the eyebrowslightly, looked atLi Hao, vanishesinstantaneouslyon the spot.
哪怕郑宇,也是微微挑眉,看了一眼李皓,也瞬间消失在原地。Thisfellow, istranquil, theymoredreaded.
这家伙,越是平静,他们越是忌惮。Even ifhalfemperor, thought that Li Haowill eruptat any time, is a bomb, suchfellow, mustkillas early as possible, does not kill, no oneis relieved.
“跑的真快!”Li Haosmiled, Isaidearnestly.李皓笑了起来,我说认真的。These wordsare incessantly earnest, the frontwordsare also earnest.
不止这句话是认真的,前面的话也是认真的。Also, LiDaoheng...... Iguessed, if, youcangrasp the emptysay/wayuniverse?
还有,李道恒……我猜测若是真的,你会不会已经掌握了虚道宇宙呢?If in a universe, whyIhasn't detected?
若是同在一个宇宙,为何我一点没察觉到呢?Althoughguessed, butLi Haofelt, words that oneselfspoke, reasonable.
虽然只是猜测,可李皓觉得,自己说的话,是有道理的。Actuallytospiritualdao lineage, few that everyonestudies.
对精神道脉,其实大家研究的很少。ButLiDaohengthatcharacter, perhapsif the attention, had long known the prophetgodearlytheirspecialness, since the soliduniversewere graspedbyLi Hao, underattitudebyhisbeing unwillingperson, will also continue a thoroughrealityuniverse?
可李道恒那种人物,若是早早关注,也许早就知道了先知神他们的特殊,既然实道宇宙被李皓掌握了,以他不甘人下的作风,还会继续深入实道宇宙吗?„Prophetgodhad not been reactivated...... reallydoes not have the meansto resurrect, said that...... youdon't reactivatetohim? Because, heresurrects, perhapswill expose the lots.”
“先知神一直不曾被复活……是真的没办法复活,还是说……你们不给他复活呢?因为,他复活,也许会暴露很多东西。”ZhengYu, youcangive a try.
郑宇啊,你可以去试试看。ToldZhengYudirectly, ZhengYunot necessarily believes that moreover, will go badLiDaohengplan, perhaps, at that timetroublesomewasLi Hao.
直接告诉郑宇,郑宇未必相信,而且,也会坏了李道恒的计划,也许,那时候麻烦的就是李皓了。Butnow, butreasonableguess......, ifZhengYuis interested, perhaps...... will havesomeinterestingmattersto happen.
而现在,只是合理猜测……若是郑宇感兴趣,也许……会有一些有趣的事发生呢。Li Haocontinuescultivation.李皓继续修炼。Hemustmanymeritlaws, cultivationto an pinnacle, at this moment, hiscultivationno longerisvariousat sixes and sevensmeritlaws, butiseachdao lineage, divine abilitydao lineageis also good, attributelessdao lineageis also good, tries the cultivationFive Beastssecret technique.
他要将很多功法,修炼到一个极致,这一刻,他修炼的不再是各种乱七八糟的功法,而是每一个道脉,神通道脉也好,无属性道脉也好,都去尝试修炼五禽秘术。Then, hemustgo to the Great Wildernessedge, attemptsto connectsourceGrand Dao, if failed, could the birthspecialproduct, the potential!
接下来,他要去大荒边缘,尝试连接本源大道,若是失败,也许能诞生特殊产物,势!Without the direction of teacher , are not related, enemy, candirect.
The advantage that so long asgivesare manyenough, enemy, will becomeyournourishment.
……Li Haoactuallyrelievedcultivation.李皓倒是安心修炼了。At this moment, Ying Hongyueseveralpeople, actuallycould not sit still.
此刻,映红月几人,却是坐不住了。Returned toJufeng City, Ying Hongyuelooks atseveralqueens, the queenknit the brows, Ying Hongyuehesitated, opened the mouthto ask: „Ihave been curious, the strength of Silver Moon, is the strength on mental layer, is the strength of attribute?”
回归飓风城,映红月多看了几眼女王,女王皱眉不已,映红月迟疑了一下,还是开口问道:“我一直好奇一点,银月之力,算是精神层次上的力量,还是属性之力?”„What do you mean?”
“什么意思?”Ying Hongyueseesherto be vigilant,has saying: „Is yourpsychic forcepowerfulenough?”映红月见她警惕,只好道:“你精神力够强大吗?”„Snort!”
“哼!”Ying Hongyueis helpless, evidently, same.映红月无奈,看样子,一般般。Said,thiswas notmental layercultivator.
这么说,这位不算精神层次的修炼者了。Thinks ofthis, said: „Before the resurrectingprophetgod, has been defeated, perhapsisourstrengthinsufficient...... might as wellaskSirZhengto help, attemptsbyrevering of halfemperor , to continue he, Iknow that the destiniesandmisfortuneseveralSpiritual God, withoutfall from the skythoroughly, how does the attemptresurrectthey?”
想到这,又道:“之前复活先知神,一直失败了,也许是我们实力不够……不如请郑大人帮忙,以半帝之尊尝试一下,不止他,我知道命运、厄运几位神灵,都没彻底陨落,尝试复活他们如何?”In the queenheartmoves slightly, suchwith good intention?
“这……”„Resurrected, wein the Grand Daouniverse, hadmorecoordinates, coping withLi Haowas simpler......”
The queenthinks,has not losttooneself, is onlythatZhengYu, wants?
女王想了想,对自己也没损失,只是那郑宇,愿意吗?Justthinking, ZhengYuvoiceis comingindistinctly: „Needsallresources, althoughproposed that is! The enemy of enemy, is a friend! Ifneedsthisplaceto help, opens the mouthalthough!”
正想着,郑宇声音缥缈而来:“所需一切资源,尽管提出便是!敌人的敌人,便是朋友!若是需要本座帮忙,也尽管开口!”Such remarks, the queensomewhatis even more unusual, suchwith good intention?
此话一出,女王愈加有些异样,这么好心?Considers, the nod: „Good! Beforehandfailed, possiblyis the the strength, qi and bloodstrength and Grand Daostrength of beliefbecauseinputsare insufficient! The Spiritual Godcanrecoverinfinitely, so long asGrand Daodoes not extinguish the line......”
考虑一番,点头:“好!只是之前失败了,可能是因为输入的信仰之力、气血之力、大道之力不够!神灵可以无限复苏,只要大道不灭就行……”Sincethese twoscurry to help, shedoes not mindwiththeirhands, the resurrectingSpiritual God.
既然这两人上赶着帮忙,她也不介意借他们之手,复活神灵。Quick, shesetmanyrequests.
很快,她提出了许多要求。ButZhengYu, did not sayanything, oneshouldrequest, is completely satisfied!
而郑宇,也不说什么,一应要求,全部满足!Evenwhen the opposite partyneeds the strength of belief, ZhengYuwere not manysaid,madelots ofsageshaveJufeng Citydirectly, escortedthemtogether, rushed to the West, derives the strength of belief, even...... he himselfcloneto go outagainonetime.
甚至当对方需要信仰之力的时候,郑宇也不多说,直接让大量圣人出飓风城,一起护送他们,赶往西方,去汲取信仰之力,甚至……他自己分身都再次出去了一次。Followsthemto go to the Westtogether, the attemptresurrectsseveralSpiritual God.
The place of west.
西方之地。Altarswere raised, thistime, without the destruction of Li Hao, no onedestroys, varioustypesare resources-rich, magnanimousSpring of Life, a lot ofenergystones, including the strength of variousbeliefs, preparedcompletely.
During the innumerableenergies, the overflowingpowderenteredwas void.
无数的能量,溢散进入了虚空之中。Severalstatues, stand and wait for a long timeabove the altar.
...... Vanisheswith the innumerableenergiesdoes not see, buthow manySpiritual God, cannotrecover, thismakes the queenworry, isdepressed, whycan'tresurrect?
The Spiritual Godfalls from the sky, so long aswere not the thoroughdeath, shouldbe ableto resurrect.
神灵陨落,只要不是彻底死亡,应该是可以复活的。But...... is not good!
可是……不行!Massiveenergies, vanishedprobablybaselessgenerally.
……Silver City.银城。ZhengYumain body , still has observedLi Hao, Li Haoalsoincultivation, has not disturbed, has not madeanythingin secret.
郑宇本尊还在,一直观察李皓,李皓还在自顾自地修炼,也没捣乱,更没暗中做什么。But...... that side, severalSpiritual Godcannotresurrectat this moment.
可此刻……那边,几位神灵还是没能复活。Feltdisappearances of innumerableenergy, vanishedprobablybaseless.
感受到了无数能量的消失,就好像凭空消失了。At this moment, ZhengYucomplexionchanges.
The Spiritual Godcanrecover, this point, heis also clear.
神灵可以复苏的,这一点,他也清楚。Said that...... the lifestars of opposite party, possiblyreallyinanothersideGrand Daouniverse, butthat sideGrand Daouniverse, possibly...... hascontrol!
Like Li Hao!
“该死!”ZhengYucomplexionchanges, unknownis fearful.
郑宇脸色一变,未知才可怕。Reallyhassuchpersonto exist?
真有这样的人存在吗?Perhaps...... has!
……At the same time.
The templestands and waits for a long time.
The female voicespreads: „How do theywantto resurrect the prophetgodthey...... to process?”
女声传出:“他们要复活先知神他们……如何处理?”In the temple, shoulderscultivating of long sword, lookssilentlyto , the complexionis tranquil, lookingwas very long, for a long timesaid: „Probably...... a littlemeaning!”
“什么?”Carriesswordmen'schuckleone, somewhatponders: „ReactivatestheseSpiritual God, was discoveredbyLi Haovery mucheasily, finally, Li Haohas not managed, ZhengYudoes not care, Ying Hongyuewas also busy preparing...... reached the agreementprobablygeneral......”
背剑男子轻笑一声,有些玩味:“复活那些神灵,很容易被李皓发现,结果,李皓没管,郑宇不在乎,映红月也忙前忙后……好像达成了协议一般……”For a long time, said with a smile: „Whatwas...... is inferredbyLi Hao?”
许久,又笑道:“是不是……被李皓推断出了什么?”„Really is an interestingperson! Surnamed Li, is really very good...... since the ancient times, the Lipowerhouseare most, the New Martialtown/subduesSon of Heaven, yamaandSword Venerable...... from the surnamedissemination, LiVenerable Emperorare most.”
“真是个有趣的人呢!姓李,果然很不错……自古以来,李姓强者最多,新武的镇天王、冥王、剑尊……自姓氏传播,李姓帝尊最多呢。”Moon Godseemsdidn't expectheto saythis, long timesaid: „Iwantto ask how to process, iswhatevertheyrecover,...... continuesto suppress!”月神好像没想到他会说这个,半晌才道:“我是想问,如何处理,是任由他们复苏,还是……继续压制!”Whoaskedsurnamed Liyour?
谁问你姓李的如何了?„Do youfeel?”
“你觉得呢?”Moon Godis startledslightly, long timesaid: „Recovery! At the present, twogenerationswere too weak, in addition, but alsosinks intoJufeng City, no onelends a hand, Heaven's Willdeparts, making the prophets, misfortunes, destiniesanddisasterseveralrecover the highest sagepersonlevel, hasthese , can also assisther, sheis too young, the experienceare too few, is unable to resistthesepeople.”月神微微一怔,半晌才道:“复苏吧!而今,二代太弱了,不但如此,还陷于飓风城,没人帮衬,天意离去,让先知、厄运、命运、灾难几位复苏至圣人层次,有这几位在,也能辅助她,她太年轻,经历太少,根本无法抵挡那些人。”Carries the swordmen'ssilentmeeting, gentlynod: „Thatas you like then good, makingthemforget that allare then good, the recovery, forgets, is normal.”
“嗯。”Quick, wipes the strength of Grand Dao, partly visible, moonwas probably unreal.
很快,一抹大道之力,若隐若现,月亮好像虚幻了一些。Severalgiantstars, twinklebrilliance.
几颗巨大的星辰,闪烁光辉。At this moment, queensuddenlygreat happiness, pleasantly surprisedincomparable, excitedincomparable: „Started, theycanresurrect!”
开始了!Fourstatuetwinklebrilliance, the destiny, misfortune, disasterandprophet, thesemustresurrect!
四尊雕像闪烁光辉,命运、厄运、灾难、先知,这几位都要复活了!But the Ying Hongyuecomplexionmoves slightly, ZhengYuclone is also looks up the day.
复活了!Right now, madethemsomewhathave doubts, did not resurrect, theywere assured, had the issueinevitably, but resurrectsnow...... inresurrected?
这下子,又让他们有些疑惑了,不复活,那他们笃定,必然有问题,可现在复活了……到底在哪复活的?ZhengYuinvestigates the energydisappearanceplaceunceasingly.
郑宇不断探查能量消失的地方。But, will lose the contactfinally.
可是,最终都会失去联系。Buthismain body, has been paying attention toLi Hao, Li Hao is actually continuouslyincultivationown, from the starthas not paid attention, has not managedall these, right now, was more confusing.
而他本尊,一直都在关注李皓,李皓却是一直在修炼自己的,压根没理会,也没管这一切,这下子,更加扑朔迷离了。Li Hao...... said the actual situationboth sidesuniverse, real?李皓……所说虚实两面宇宙,到底是不是真的?
……This timeLi Hao, turned the headtoward the westto look,healsofeltdifferentlysome.
这时候的李皓,也转头朝西方看去,他也感受到了一些不同。Probably the Spiritual Godstartedto recover.
好像神灵开始复苏了。Li Haosmilessuddenly, the galaxy of split visionintowardGrand Daouniverselooked atone, does not have anychange, nodifference, does not have anystars, inthis momenttwinklebrilliance.李皓忽然笑了笑,余光朝大道宇宙中的星河看了一眼,没有任何异动,没有一点异样,没有任何一颗星辰,在此刻闪烁光辉。Thatseveral, look atthisstance, looks at the aura, evenpossiblyrestoresVia Sacra.
The Via Sacrastars, areextremelyconspicuous.
圣道星辰,可是极其显眼的。But...... has not seen.
The Li Haovisiongoes to the Grand Daouniverse, beforeLi Fuhaisaid,found the Grand Daouniverse the center, takes the centerto be atasowncorelifestars, is thiscentral point, whereat?李皓目光投向大道宇宙,之前力覆海说,找到大道宇宙的中心,以中心为自己的核心本命星辰所在,这个中心点,到底在哪呢?
The emptysay/wayuniverse, shouldreallyexist.
虚道宇宙,应该真的存在吧。Shouldnot havemygreat strengthto be right, the cultivationspirittogether, after all is a few, but......, even ifwere inferior that myGrand Daouniverseis powerful, was still very hard to deal with, inplace, not killingis difficultto kill.
The actuallysoliduniverse, the opposite party may invadeto comemomentarily.
倒是实道宇宙,对方随时可能会入侵而来。„Are Qian Wuliangthelifestars, which? Calculates the solidsay/wayemptysay/way?...... Actual situationinteraction?”
“乾无亮的本命星辰,到底是哪一颗呢?算实道还是虚道呢?或者……虚实相间?”At this moment, hethinks a person, beforehad not questioned in detail, hedoes not likeinvestigatingothers'cultivationsecret, only ifothersare willingto sharepublicly, Qian Wuliangpublicizedsomedao lineageactually, cultivationgot up , some special effects, butwas inferior tohim.
这一刻,他想到了一人,之前并未细问,他不喜欢探查别人的修炼秘密,除非别人愿意公开分享,乾无亮倒是公开了一些道脉,修炼起来,也有一些特殊效果,可是都不如他。Ishe himselfhas not ravelled, said that...... heravelled, butdoes not dare saying that becausehehad not foundoneselflifestars.
是他自己也没弄明白,还是说……他弄明白了,但是不敢说,因为他没找到自己的本命星辰呢。If is really the emptysay/way, thatQian WuliangandTyrant Blade, may be controlled, isthattypeunknowingly, includingcontrol that oneselfcannot investigate, eventheydo not know.
若是真的属于虚道,那乾无亮、霸刀,都可能会被人掌控,还是那种不知不觉,连自己都探查不到的掌控,甚至他们自己都不知道。Because, theydo not have the strength of Red Moon, the freedomcomes and goes out the Grand Daouniverse, notaimed atthat.
因为,他们也没红月之力,自由出入大道宇宙,都不会被针对的那种。„Thiscalculates that...... beginsinmyside?”
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