Silver City.银城。Sky over the city, Li Haostudiescultivation, the holeholeis also opening, two, three......
城市上空,李皓读书修炼,窍穴也在开启,一个,两个,三个……Strength of the Grand Daoemerge , the partwas extracted.
一股股大道之力涌现,也有一部分被抽取。Naturally, ZhengYudefends, gave the Li Haoenergystone.
It is not hemustsupport the enemy......, butisLi Haosupports the enemy.
不是他要资敌……而是李皓自己资敌。Whennew Wayappears, the energystone, is inferior to the strength of Grand Dao.
在新道出现的时候,能源石,是不如大道之力的。Energystonetostraightening outadvantage, but the effectindeedwas inferior that the strength of Grand Dao, Li Hao, absorbssomeenergystonesevery day, remaining, somepeoplecantakeevery day, ZhengYualsoarranged the personto investigateone...... reallyheto take awayto pay out the wages!
能源石对开窍有好处,可效果的确不如大道之力,李皓这边,每日也只是吸收一些能源石,剩下的,每日都有人会来取走,郑宇也安排人去探查了一下……真他么拿去发工资了!This, onwhomputs, finds ithard to believe.
这一幕,搁谁身上,都觉得不可思议。Li Haorunsto negotiatewithhebiggestlife and deathfoe, supports the enemy the strength of Grand Dao, traded a wealth, howtakes awayto pay out the wages...... thisfellowactuallyto think?李皓跑来和他最大的生死仇敌谈判,资敌大道之力,换了一点钱财,拿去发工资……这家伙到底怎么想的?
It is bewildered!
The 3rd day.
第三日。Li Hao that had not spoken, suddenlyclosed the books, reveals some meanings of doubts, saidslowly: „Zheng is Yu, willingto exchangeGrand Daowithme?”
“什么?”Alwaysconfessed the heartto be broad, talentZhengYuextremely, was really shockedat this time.
向来自认心胸宽阔,天赋绝顶的郑宇,这时候真的愣住了。ButLi Hao, does not care, said: „Ying Hongyuealsointhis? Inwords, canparticipate, yourmythree parties, althoughintense and deep-seated hatred, butGrand Daodoes not have the enmity, exploresGrand Dao, new Wayis also good, the oldsay/wayis also good, the say/way of cultivation, finallyisten thousandnormalizing!”
而李皓,也不在意,又道:“映红月还在这吗?在的话,也可以参与一番,你我三方,虽然血海深仇,可大道无仇,探索一下大道,新道也好,旧道也好,修炼之道,最终都是万道归一!”„Iam very deepto the new Waysensibility, almostdoes not have the sensibilitytosourceGrand Dao, toinitially the say/way of military, does not havetoomanyfeelings...... ZhengYu, youarehalfemperor, fully realizes the charm of Grand Daoinevitably, interested?”
The peoplewere shocked!
众人都惊呆了!At this moment, whocanbelieve?
这一刻,谁敢相信?Ying Hongyueisindifferentincomparable, elegant bearing, today, pulls the hair, feltownwhole personwas ignorant, cannotunderstand the Li Haothoughtscompletely.映红月一直都是淡然无比,风度翩翩,今日,也是抓了抓头发,觉得自己整个人都懵了,完全没能弄懂李皓的心思。
Is Grand Daobrutal?大道无情吗?
Does the remote antiquityforgets kindness?
After Li Haosince the masterdies, whatsentimentdoes not have, is only correctin the heart?李皓自从师父死后,已经没了什么感情,只有道在心中吗?ButLi Hao, musttake the new Waystory, as the price, discussed the oldsay/waywiththem!
而李皓,要拿新道见闻,作为代价,和他们论旧道!Big of thisperson of pattern, the worlddoes not place the stance in eye, makinginZhengYuxinmove slightly, for a long time, the emptyshadowappears, sets up the void, faintsay/wayarrogantly: „Do youwantto discuss?”
“对……”„Ok, what...... can yousay? Whatis willingto say?”
“可以,只是……你能说什么?愿意说什么?”„Saidnothing which is not, the mattermay to the criticism/human language!”
“无所不说,事无不可对人言!”ZhengYuraises the eyebrowslightly, at this moment, Ying Hongyuealsoappearsdirectly, naturalfree, the smileis gentle: „Li Hao, is yourwhatreally willingto say?”
“自然。”„Do youhave the plot?”
“你有阴谋?”„Thisdid not say.”
“这不是道。”Ying Hongyueis speechless.映红月无言。Li Haoopens the mouth saying: „Each other other, is too untrustworthy difficultby, each otherelaboratedGrand Dao, definitelywill think that hadto owe, might as wellinquiremutually. Yourmythree parties, a person of issue, ifthreetimes, cannot answer...... to withdrawone after another, bysaying, onlydiscussedwith the experiencedgeneration!”李皓开口道:“彼此信不过彼此,论道太难,彼此阐述大道,必然会觉得有亏有得,不如互相提问吧。你我三方,一人一个问题,若是接连三次,都答不上来……自己退出好了,论道,也只和见多识广之辈去论!”Two peoplecame the interest.
两人来了兴趣。At this moment, in the vestige, the queenalsosomewhatworriesprobably, becauselistens totheirmeanings, the bystandercannot hearprobably, sheurgentlysaid: „I......”
此刻,遗迹中,女王好像也有些着急,因为听他们的意思,外人大概听不到,她急切道:“我……”„Youare not good!”
“你不行!”Li Haotranquilsay/way: „Whatsay/way do youunderstand? Youranythingdoes not understand! Spiritual Godtosayinborn, is actually non-sensationGrand Dao, does not repairGrand Dao, the lightrests on one's laurels, youdo not havethisqualifications.”李皓平静道:“你懂什么道?你什么都不懂!神灵天生为道,却是不感知大道,不修大道,光吃老本,你没这个资格。”Such remarks, the queenis angry!
此话一出,女王大怒!Thisisto the utmostalltaunts and shame!
这是极尽一切的嘲讽和羞辱!No matterLi Haoshe, the strength of Grand Daofills the four directions, in a flash, in the world, probablyonly thentheir three peopleare common.李皓不管她,大道之力弥漫四方,一瞬间,天地之间,好像只有他们三人一般。Li Haolookstotwo people: „Youcanfirstask.”李皓看向两人:“你们可以先问。”Ying HongyueandZhengYulook at each otherone, at this moment, somewhatis inconceivable.映红月和郑宇对视一眼,此刻,都有些不可思议。Li Hao, thatis the enemy who theymustkillwholeheartedly.李皓,那可是他们一心要杀的对头。
The keyis, thisfellow is also so far, new Wayexploresmany, most thoroughnew Waycultivator, evenis the ancestor of new Wayclearing the way, is thisperson...... willingto sharenew Waywiththem?
关键是,这家伙也是目前为止,新道探索最多,最深入的新道修炼者,甚至算是新道开道之祖,此人……愿意和他们分享新道?Holds the attitude that gives a try, ZhengYuis taking the leadto open the mouth: „new Way, can New Martialalsocultivate/repair?”
“可以!”Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „Youaskedwas too simple, Idid not occupyyouto be cheap, saidsimplyhowNew Martialcultivated/repairednew Way, New Martialdividesinitially the military and source, initially the militarywas wicked, transformed the mortal body, remouldeddao lineage, butthendirectcultivationnew Way! The sourcehassourceGrand Dao, dividestwosituations, first, the gravity headstarts, remoulds the mortal body, remouldsdao lineage, starting from nothing! Second, sourceGrand Daotransplants, passes throughLuminous Star Universe, the manufacturing costlifestars, the strengthstartsagainis very high, is only the difficultyis bigger!”李皓轻声道:“你问的太简单,我也不占你便宜,简单说说新武如何修新道,新武分初武和本源,初武无道可言,改造肉身,重塑道脉,便可直接修炼新道!本源有本源大道,也分两种情况,第一,重头开始,重塑肉身,重塑道脉,从零开始!第二,本源大道移植,贯穿皓星宇宙,再造本命星辰,实力起步很高,只是难度更大!”ZhengYulookglittered.
郑宇眼神闪烁了一下。Had not askedagain.
没有再问。Ying Hongyue is also in the heartmoves slightlyat this moment, opens the mouth saying: „Do new Waythislifestars, situated in the Grand Daouniverse, howdistinguish?”映红月此刻也是心中微动,开口道:“新道本命星辰,都处于大道宇宙之中,如何辨别?”„The Grand Daostarsare innumerable, are hardto distinguish......, ifoneself, enter the universestarry sky, canvoluntarily the sensation! Besides, others , ifdistinguishes, can only judgethrough the strong and weak, glossandattribute.”
“大道星辰无数,难以辨别……若是本人,进入宇宙星空,可以自行感知!其外,他人若要辨别,只能通过强弱、光泽、属性去判断。”Speaking ofthis, Li Haoknits the brows: „Yourissues...... are notsaid!”
说到这,李皓皱眉:“你们的问题……不算道!”Then, does not pay attention, says: „Yourowesme an issue!”
说罢,也不理会,开口说道:“你们一人欠我一个问题!”Then, lookstoZhengYu: „Inlegend, the say/way of Venerable Emperor, Grand Daofusion, even ifloses the source, canmaintainthisstrength, does not needto addholds......”
说罢,看向郑宇:“传说中,帝尊之道,大道融合,哪怕失去本源,也能保持本力,无需加持……”ZhengYugangwantsto nod, listens toLi Haoto ask: „Howto fuse?”
郑宇暗骂一声!Ialsothink that youasked the genuine and fake, finallyyouasked how Idid fuse?
我还以为你问真假,结果你问我如何融合?Heknits the brows, suddenlyfeltownissue, askedwas not cost-effective.
他皱了皱眉,忽然觉得自己的问题,问的不划算。If we had known, should notask.
早知道,不该那么问。Thinks, ZhengYuopens the mouth: „Sourceuniverse, is the starsis densely covered, New Martialhuman race, hasSanjiao Gate, has the bridge of the world, finallystartsto step ontosourceGrand Daofromninth grade, brokenthree, hold the stars, acceptsstarsenter the body, forVenerable Emperor! Starsenter the body, thenfuses, brokenthreesee the starsto be good!”
思索一番,郑宇开口:“本源宇宙,也是星辰密布,新武人族,有三焦之门,有天地之桥,最后从九品开始走上本源大道,破三门,掌星辰,纳星辰入体,是为帝尊!星辰入体,便是融合,得破三门见星辰才行!”Brokenthree do see the stars, starsenter the body?
The stars...... are actually a say/waypresents.
星辰……其实是道的呈现。new Way is also so.新道也是如此。SourceGrand DaoandLuminous StarGrand Dao, some differences, the biggestdifferenceis, the sourceGrand Daostars, only haveone, needsto expandunceasinglythis.
本源大道和皓星大道,有一些区别,最大的区别在于,本源大道星辰,只有一颗,需要自己不断去扩张这一颗。Butnew Way, innumerablestrip.
而新道,无数条。Thislifestars, incessantly, butismany.
本命星辰,也不止一个,而是很多。Bothhavesimilar , some differences.
两者有类似,也有一些区别。Swallowsstarenter the body, forVenerable Emperor.
吞星入体,是为帝尊。Li Haois lost in thought that can the stars in thatGrand Daouniverse, swallowstarenter the body?李皓陷入了沉思中,那大道宇宙中的星辰,可以吞星入体吗?But...... the stars, the itself/Benis the dao lineagestars in within the body.
可是……星辰,本就是体内的道脉星辰。Thereforefrom the beginning, in within the body.
所以一开始,道就在体内啊。Gives up affectation?
返璞归真?Li Haopondered a meeting, lookstoYing Hongyue: „Silver Moonmartial master, pays great attention to the potential! The potential, somepeoplesaid,isperson and the connectionline of say/way, can youhave the idea?”李皓沉思了一会,看向映红月:“银月武师,注重势!势,有人说,是人与道的连接线路,你可有想法?”Ying Hongyueraises the eyebrowslightly.映红月微微扬眉。Potential!
势!He is also Silver Moonmartial master, is one of the Silver Moon36 Heroes, in years past, isexistence of being the top position.
他也是银月武师,还是银月三十六雄之一,昔年,也是排名前列的存在。Li Haohas not askedother, butasked the potential.李皓没问其他,而是问起了势。Heconsiders, saidslowly: „Potential...... in my opinion, ismanifestation of will! Said,does not have the traceindistinctly, the potential is also so, the potentialand said that in my opinion, is actually a body! Source Daois also good, new Wayis also good, ifpotential, thenin! Even ifnew Wayvanishes, hasnew Wayagain, the potentialcansayfriendly! Even...... the potential energyincluding the say/way of Red Moon!”
他考虑一番,缓缓道:“势……在我看来,是一种意志的体现!道,缥缈无踪,势也是如此,势和道,在我看来,其实是一体的!本源道也好,新道也好,势若在,道便在!哪怕新道消失,再出新道,势还是能融道!甚至……势能连红月之道!”HelookstoLi Hao: Specialproduct that „potential, Grand Daovanishes, perhapsonly thenmySilver Moonhuman race, cancultivation, orbe onlythistimecancultivationcome out! Placesanyuniverse, anyworld, the potential, possiblyconnectsnew Way, asintermediaryproduct.”
The Li Haolookglittered, connectsanyGrand Dao?李皓眼神闪烁了一下,连接任何大道?Healsowantsto askagain, thinks,stopped the thoughts, lookstohim: „Youaskedme.”
他还想再问问,想了想,打住了心思,看向他:“你问我。”Ying Hongyueis impolite: „Besidesyou, others, canenter the Grand Daouniverse?”映红月也不客气:“除你之外,其他人,可入大道宇宙吗?”Li Haoknit the brows, looked athisoneeyes: „Youaskedwassome...... with the issue that the say/wayhad nothing to do with! Ok, as you like is, yourutilitarianis too heavy......”李皓皱眉,看了他一眼:“你问的都是一些……与道无关的问题!算了,随你便是,你功利性太重……”Ying Hongyueis speechless.映红月无言。HeunexpectedlybyLi Haoteaching, said that hisutilitarianis too heavy, laughablefellow.
“可以!”Li Haonods: „IenterLuminous Star World, the difficultyis not big, the bystanderwantsto enter...... the difficulty is very big! BecauseIam the firstentrant, orfirstnew Waycultivator that the systemconforms with, the worldbecomes a writing, this is actually Ienters the Luminous Star Universekey......”李皓点头:“我入皓星界,难度不大,外人想入……难度会很大!因为我是第一个进入者,或者说,第一个将体系整合出来的新道修炼者,天地自成一枚文字,这其实是我入皓星宇宙的关键……”Hepresents„say/way”article, in a flash, two peopleaurafluctuated, the nextquarter, said the articleto vanish, Li Haosaidslowly: „Do not wantto rob, useless, in my handsis the key that enters, youtake awayare the waste.”
他呈现出“道”文,一瞬间,两人气息浮动了一下,下一刻,道文消失,李皓缓缓道:“别想抢夺,没用的,在我手中是进入的钥匙,你们拿走就是废物。”Then, heno longersaid.
说完,他不再说。Ying Hongyueis somewhat annoyed, lookstoZhengYu, the ZhengYuinstantaneousopens the mouth: „How does the bystanderenter?”映红月有些恼火,看向郑宇,郑宇瞬间开口:“那外人如何进入?”Li Haosmiled: „To enter the Grand Daouniverseto killme? Suchimpatient?”李皓笑了:“想进入大道宇宙杀我?这么迫不及待?”Two peopledid not speak.
两人不语。Looks atLi Hao, youknowwell.
Do youdareto reply?
你敢回答吗?Li Haoconsidered that an opens the mouthsaid: „First, by the strongincomparablestrength, tears the Grand Daouniverse...... Venerable Emperorto be hopefuldirectly, both of you...... washto rest!”李皓考虑一番开口道:“第一,以强大无比的实力,直接撕裂大道宇宙……帝尊有希望,你们俩……洗洗睡吧!”„Second, locatesownlifestars, so long asnew Waycultivationis deep, can the sensation, at this moment, so long aspasses through the universe, you can also enter...... are very easyto lose, needsliferelateddivine weaponis the introduction, asthing of the localization, returnshopefully, otherwise, went, youcould not come out.”
“第二,定位自己的本命星辰,只要新道修炼深厚,是可以感知到的,此刻,只要贯穿宇宙,你也可以进入……只是很容易迷失,需要一柄性命相关的神兵为引子,作为外界定位之物,才有希望回归,否则,进去了,你出不来了。”„Third, obtainsenoughHeaven's Willin additionto hold!”
“第三,获得足够的天意加持!”Two peoplecomplexionmoves slightly, Li Haoopens the mouth saying: „Oris not the Heaven's Willin additionholds, butobtainsSpiritual Godin additionto hold......”
“什么?”ZhengYustare, Li Haosaid with a smile: „Thisalsocalculates an issue! The Spiritual God, raisesinborn, Grand Daoonedirectlymanifests, evencanbe the child of Grand Dao, if the Spiritual Godhas the enoughdeepsensibilitytoGrand Dao, evencantowsomepeople, enters the Grand Daouniverseon own initiative!...... The presentSpiritual Godalmostallfalls from the sky, but the queen...... is onlytwogenerations of Moon God, is not deepto the Grand Daosensibility, is the cultivationidiot, butabsorbedsomepredecessorgracious favors, in factitselfhas no sensationtoGrand Dao, youwere hopelessprobably.”
郑宇两人一愣,李皓笑道:“这也算一个问题!神灵,天生地养,大道的一种直接体现,甚至可以算是大道之子,神灵若是对大道有足够深厚的感悟,甚至可以牵引一些人,主动进入大道宇宙!只是……如今神灵几乎全部陨落,而女王陛下……只是二代月神,对大道感悟不深,是个修炼白痴,只是汲取了一些前人恩泽,实际上本身对大道没有什么感知,你们大概没戏了。”Two peoplethink, inLi Haowordsgenuine and fake.
可行吗?Does not know!
不知道!Li Haowas not necessarily ableto tell the truth, butwas impossibleto say the falsecompletely.李皓未必会说真话,但是不可能全部说假的。At this time, Li Haoalsosaid: „After New Martialtactical rulescultivationtoninth grade, sensibilitysource does Grand Dao, have the shortcut?”
“……”ZhengYuknits the brows, do youreallywantcultivationsourceGrand Daoto be inadequate?
郑宇皱眉,你真要修炼本源大道不成?„This point, yousubduedFighting Heaven City, doesn't know?”
“这一点,你收服了战天城,难道不知道?”Li Haoshakes the head: „It is not does not know, butissomemethods that they said that nowhas more than enough! Because the sourcewas isolated, Iwantto ask, now, at this moment, whether some shortcuts, otherwise, butcultivates the mortal body, qi and bloodandspirit, does not repair the source!”李皓摇头:“不是不知道,而是他们说的一些方法,现在用不了!因为本源被隔绝了,我是想问,现在,此刻,能否有一些捷径,否则,只是修肉身、气血、精神,并非修本源!”Li Haoalsosaid: „Simply speaking, is the presenthas the means that makingmeconnect the New Martialsourceagain?”李皓又道:“简单来说,就是现在有没有办法,让我再次连接新武本源?”ZhengYuknits the brows.
郑宇皱眉。LooksagaintoLi Hao, silent.
再次看向李皓,沉默了起来。Li Haosaid with a smile: „Not? If, yourcultivationtohalfemperor, the puremortal body, qi and bloodandpsychic forceweren'tthislevel? Thatwaswhathalfemperor...... supports the sagelimit, could not be regardedhalfemperor, the Son of Heavendoes not calculate.”李皓笑道:“不可以吗?若是不可以,你怎么修炼到了半帝,纯粹的肉身、气血、精神力达到了这个层次?那算什么半帝……撑死了圣人极限,算不得半帝,天王都不算。”ZhengYuknits the browsunceasingly.
郑宇不断皱眉。For a long time, opens the mouth saying: „Youwantto know, Ok, Ineedto askyourseveralquestionsagain, otherwise...... is not cost-effective!”
“可以!”Li Haonods, butZhengYuthinks, told the opposite partyalsoto have nothing, Li HaoreallywantedcultivationNew MartialsourceGrand Dao...... thatis the good deed, thissaying, has had no way out!李皓点头,而郑宇思索一番,告诉对方也没什么,李皓真要修炼新武本源大道……那是好事,这条道,已经无路可走了!Even ifentered the source, hedoes not havemeanscultivationto get down.
就算入了本源,他也没办法修炼下去。Cannot derive the strength of source.
汲取不到本源之力。Thinks ofthis, heurgentlyis not askingLi Hao, butopens the mouth saying: „Methodhasseveraltypes, first, invadessourceGrand Dao of memberNew Martialdirectly! TheirsourceGrand Daoexist, does not break, caninvade! Thisneeds the method, actuallyFighting Heaven Cityshouldknow,New Martialinitial stage, seizing the person of say/wayare many, isthismethod.”
想到这,他也不急着问李皓,而是开口道:“方法有几种,第一,直接侵占新武修士的本源大道!他们的本源大道都存在,并非断了,可以侵占!这需要手段,其实战天城应该知道,新武初期,夺道之人很多,就是这种手段。”„Second, goes to the worldend...... the Silver Moonworld, althoughwas sealed up, Star Gateis the access, butworldend, squarebarrier, actuallysomegap junctionsbesideuniverse!”
“第二,去天地尽头……银月世界虽然被封闭了,星门是出入口,可天地尽头,四方壁垒,其实还有一些缝隙连接到了宇宙之外!”„Outside the Silver Moonworld, actually the sourceuniverseexists...... is only the difficultyis very big, derivesless than the strength of manysources, butcan...... youhave the ability the sensationtolittlesourceGrand Daoreluctantly, canintheseplaces, conduct with the connection of sourceGrand Dao, the price of but...... paying, mustsurpassnew Waytentimes of hundredtimes!”
“银月世界之外,其实本源宇宙还是存在的……只是难度很大,汲取不到多少本源之力,但是勉强可以感知到一点点本源大道……你有能耐,也可以在这些地方,进行和本源大道的连接,只是……付出的代价,要超出新道十倍百倍!”Completely not cost-effectivematter.
完全不划算的事。Helooks forward toLi Haoto tryactuallynow, the fellow who grasped the new Wayuniverse, wantsto go tocultivationsourceGrand Daounexpectedly...... the line, youwent.
他倒是巴不得李皓现在去试试,一个掌握了新道宇宙的家伙,居然想去修炼本源大道……行啊,你去好了。Hasthistime, yournew Waycanopenmanydao lineage.
有这时间,你新道都能开很多道脉了。Li Haois lost in thought that in the heart is actually onehappy.李皓陷入了沉思,心中却是一喜。Hewantsdoes not connect the sourceGrand Dao means that butis the New Martialtactical ruleschanges into the divine writing means that meltsdivine writing...... the sensibilitypotential, the potentialbecomesdivine writing, sourceGrand Daois probably simpler, is more relaxed.
他要的不是连接本源大道的办法,而是新武战法化为神文的办法,化神文……感悟势,势成神文,本源大道好像更简单一些,更轻松一些。Because, Silver Moonmartial master of cultivationNew Martialtactical rules, the sensibilitypotential, relativelyis simpler.
因为,修炼新武战法的银月武师,感悟势,都相对简单一些。Thispossible and sourceuniversevanishes, is hardto contact, but, compromiseproduct of birth.
这可能和本源宇宙消失,难以接触,无奈之下,诞生的妥协产物。If one cultivationNew Martialtactical rules, attemptto connect the say/way of sourceagain, the bigprobabilitywill be defeated...... maybe defeated, is the good deed, thuspossiblybirthpotential.
自己若是修炼新武战法,再去尝试连接本源之道,大概率会失败……可失败,也是好事,从而可能会诞生势。Was held responsible the key questionfinally!
总算是问到了关键问题!Li HaolooksrapidlytoYing Hongyue, asked: „Can potentialpotentialmulti-potentials, Ilook atyoureightlineage/veineightpotentials, eightlineage/veinunite, meltingis a potential, somewhatis actually similar to myFive Beasts Sect the potential of Five Beasts...... how , but swordten thousandpotentials of Uncle-Master Hongsomewhatare similar...... youto achievecastrate, fusionpotential, but can also differentattribute?”李皓迅速看向映红月,问道:“势能不能一势化多势,我看你八脉八势,八脉合一,融为一势,倒是和我五禽门的五禽之势有些相似……但是又和洪师叔的一剑化万势有些类似……你是如何做到切割势,又融合势,还能不同属性的?”Ying Hongyueknits the browsagain, did not speak.映红月再次皱眉,不语。Thiswords, hedoes not wantto reply.
此话,他不想回答。Li Haosees that opens the mouth saying: „You , if willingto reply,Itoldyou a secret, toldZhengYu, wasalsojustissue.”李皓见状,开口道:“你若是愿意回答,我告诉你一个秘密,同时也告诉郑宇,算是还了刚刚的问题。”Two peopleare startled, whatsecret, is worth the Li Haoalsotwomajorproblems?
两人一怔,什么秘密,值得李皓还两个大问题?Ying Hongyuehesitated, opens the mouth saying: „Ifyoursecret, wedon't approve?”映红月迟疑了一下,开口道:“若是你的秘密,我们不认可呢?”„So long asdoes not find faultintentionally, cancasualaskmeagain.”
“只要不是故意找茬,可以随便再问我。”Sawhim saying that Ying Hongyuenodded: „Good, is actually not difficult, eightlineage/veineightcultivate/repair!”
“什么?”„Arteriescultivate/repair, haven't youtried?”
“一脉一修,难道你没试过吗?”Ying Hongyueimpolitesay/way: „Eightbloodlines, eightdao lineage, cultivationsamemeritlaw! Eightlineage/veinwithcultivating, eightlineage/veinwithbecoming aware, eightlineage/veincultivate/repairone type of potential, the lineage/vein of divine ability, oncebuilds, is the potentials of differentattribute......”映红月不客气道:“八种血脉,八种道脉,修炼同一种功法!八脉同修,八脉同悟,八脉修一种势,神通之脉,一旦修成,就是不同属性之势……”Li Hao does in a daze, amend the samemeritlaw?李皓怔神,修同一种功法?Hebefore, withdivine writingalonecultivation, but, tocorrespondattribute, cultivationnotanalogylaw.
他之前,也用神文单独修炼过,但是,为了对应属性,修炼的都是不同功法。Butat this moment, Ying Hongyue said that a cultivationmeritlaw.
可此刻,映红月却是说,修炼一种功法。divine abilitydao lineage, attributewas different, succeeded, is eight potentials of differentattribute.神通道脉,本就属性不同,成功了,就是八种不同属性的势。This...... Five Beasts Techniqueothervariant?
这……五禽术的另外变种?Five Beasts Technique, is a meritlaw, can actually cultivationhavefivepotentials.五禽术,也是一种功法,却是能修炼出五种势。SomeLi Haomeaningsmove, is somewhat regrettable: „...... Knowsso that's how it isearlydid not ask, what a pitymyteacherwalked, otherwise, Iasked that suchissue, the teacherwill hitmy, hisdidn't expect, Isuchissuecanask the exit|to speak, isn't thiseightbirdtechniques?”李皓有些意动,有些遗憾:“原来如此……早知道不问了,可惜我老师走了,否则,我问出这样的问题,老师会打我的,他没想到,我连这样的问题都能问出口,这不就是八禽术吗?”Ying Hongyuedid not speak.映红月不吭声。That is true.
的确如此。ThisisFive Beasts Technique the law of variant, hiscultivation, actuallyaccording toFive Beasts Technique that Yuan Shuodisseminates, madesomeadjustmentsto change, ifYuan Shuo, reallymusthitLi Haoprobably.
这就是五禽术的变种之法,他修炼的,其实就是根据袁硕传播出去的五禽术,做了一些调整更改,袁硕若是在,大概真要打李皓。Ownspecial skill, yougaveto forget!
自家看家本事,你都给忘了!Li Haosighed, „really...... youwere the spiritual cultivationwaste, if the teacher, theseissues, were not worth mentioning! What a pity, Ialsoforgotthese, compared with the spiritual cultivationtalent, I am inferior to the teacher.”李皓叹息一声,“果然……你们都是修道废物,若是老师在,这些问题,都不值一提!可惜,我也遗忘了这些,比起修道天赋,我不如老师。”Two peopleare silent, Yuan Shuodied, Li Haohas sighed with emotion, won't thisfellowgo crazymomentarily?
两人沉默不语,袁硕死了,李皓一直感慨,这家伙不会随时发疯吧?Heself-ridiculessmiles, opens the mouth saying: „Ok, isIraisesby the say/way, Ithentoldyou a secret! Human body, incessantlyat the same time! Grand Daouniverse, incessantlyat the same time!”
他自嘲一笑,开口道:“行吧,论道是我提起,那我便告诉你们一个秘密!人体,不止一面!大道宇宙,不止一面!”„mental layer, Irarelystep, investigates, becausemypsychic forceis not strong! In the minddao lineage, Ialmost neveropen......, but, according to my estimation, the Grand Daouniverse, possiblyexiststwo-sided!”
“精神层次,我很少去涉足,去探查,因为我精神力不强!脑海中道脉,我几乎不曾开启……但是,据我推断,大道宇宙,可能存在双面!”„Sideis the attributelessdao lineagestars, is the divine abilitydao lineagestars, sideis the spiritualdao lineagestars!”
“一面是无属性道脉星辰,是神通道脉星辰,一面是精神道脉星辰!”Li Haoalsosaid: „Is the reality, isempty! Ihold the forceful pulseuniverse, the other aspectuniverse, shouldbe the feeble pulseGrand Daouniverse!”李皓又道:“一面为实,一面为虚!我掌实脉宇宙,另外一面宇宙,应该是虚脉大道宇宙!”Li Haoconsidered that onealsosaid: „The Grand Daouniversehas the center, thiscenter, is not the center in plane, butis the actual situationuniversecenter, now, Iwield the forceful pulseuniverse, the feeble pulseuniverse, does not know whether somepeoplewield.”李皓考虑一番又道:“大道宇宙有中心,这个中心,不是平面上的中心,而是虚实宇宙的中心,如今,我只是执掌了实脉宇宙,虚脉宇宙,不知是否有人执掌。”Two peoplewere shocked!
两人惊呆了!Forceful pulse?
实脉?Feeble pulse?
虚脉?Oneison the physical body, oneisspiritually.
真的假的?To the Grand Daouniverse, the nature that theyunderstanddoes not haveLi Haoto be many, butat this moment, a Li Haoopinion, shockedtwo people.
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