Li Haoslight nod, said: „The Great Wildernessend, have yougone?”李皓微微点头,又道:“大荒的尽头,你去过吗?”„Has gone, chaos! Beforewas the dwellingplace of wildbeast, likevoid...... it is said the endwas the limit of the world, is unable to span.”
“去过,一片混沌!以前是荒兽的栖居地,如同虚空……据说尽头就是天地的极限,无法跨越。”Guessedwithoneself was the same.
和自己猜测的一样。It seems like that was the worldbarrier.
看来,那就是世界壁垒所在了。„Iknew, the place of Great Wilderness, hasanything to carry off, carries off! Letyour daughterandthatwhite horsecomes, thesedate and time, followtemporarilyI......”
“我知道了,大荒之地,有什么能带走的,都带走吧!让你女儿和那匹白马过来,这些时日,暂时跟着我……”„Marquis, this......”
“侯爷,这……”Great Wildernesskingsomewhathave doubts, butis quick, in the heartmoves slightly, nod: „Good!”大荒王有些疑惑,不过很快,心中微动,点头:“好!”Li Hao, has not marriedprobably.李皓,好像还未婚配。Marries?
联姻?At this moment, emittedsuchthought.
此刻,冒出了这样的念头来。Li Hao, at this momentis the king of the world.李皓,此刻就是天下之王。ZhengYuis also good, Red MoonVenerable Emperoris also good, at this momentcannot come out, heis the worldKing.
郑宇也好,红月帝尊也好,此刻都出不来,他就是天下王者。SinceGreat Wildernesshas turned, ifreallycanmarryalsowell.大荒既然已经投靠,若是真能联姻也不错。No matterhowLi Haohegoesto think, is disinclinedto care aboutthese, the ideas of thesepeople, can never in online.李皓不管他怎么去想,也懒得在意这些,这些人的想法,永远不会和自己在一条线上。Vulgar!
庸俗!Hemustfirstabsorb the Great Wildernesschaosstrength, compresses some chaos, quitemakes the domaincover, presentZhengYuthey, is finding the wayto kill itselfprobably, butperhapsThat sideLiDaoheng, is thinkingmeanspowerful, catchesHeaven's Will...... Li Haoalso to race against time.
他要先汲取大荒的混沌之力,将混沌压缩一些,好让领域覆盖,现在的郑宇他们,大概都在想办法杀死自己,而李道恒那边,也许在想办法强大自己,捕捉天意……李皓也要抢时间。Firstintegratesin the systemto be goodGreat Wilderness.
……Great Wildernesskingto comerapidness, walkedalsoquick, quick, arranges the matter of migration.大荒王来的快,走的也快,很快,去安排迁徙之事了。Butshortly, cameincluding the princessandthatwhite horse.
The white horsesomewhatis probably weak, is actually not timidincluding the princess, somewhatlooks atLi Haocuriously, high and lowsizes up, tothis, sheis not familiar, is very curious, what can person, depressthesearrogant troopsbrave warriors?
白马好像有些虚弱,珺公主倒是不胆怯,有些好奇地看着李皓,上下打量,对这位,她不熟悉,也很好奇,到底什么样的人,能压下那些骄兵悍将?Silver Moon, the arrogant troopsbrave warriorare many.银月这边,骄兵悍将不少。Shehas not contactedseveral, thesepeople who maycontact, is not the goodstubble.
The smileis gentle, likeneighborelder sister'sLin Hongyu, ruthless character behind a gentle appearance.
The studentspirit, refinedincomparableQian Wuliang, looked that the personinfiltrates the personextremely, look at itselfseveraltimes, shesomewhatis fearful and apprehensive.
书生意气,斯文无比的乾无亮,看人极其渗人,几次看自己,她都有些胆战心惊。Gentleold personZhaoShuguang, seeminglybenign countenance, is with a laugh laughable, letspersonscalp tingles.
慈祥老人赵曙光,看起来慈眉善目,笑呵呵的,可笑起来,也是让人头皮发麻。TheseNew Martialpowerhouses, are extremely arrogant.
还有那些新武强者,一个个都极其高傲。Has doubtsincluding the princess, thesepeople, are being the Li Haopotencies, butLi Hao...... at this momentin her opinion, probablyalsothere is no specialplace, except for a powerfulpoint, butso, the New Martialsage, stillnot necessarilyis even worse than him.
珺公主疑惑,这些人,都在为李皓效力,可李皓……此刻在她看来,好像也没什么特殊的地方,除了实力强大一点,可就算如此,新武圣人,也不见得比他差。WhytheseNew Martialsages, is willingto submit to?
为何那些新武圣人,也愿意臣服呢?„Do youname?”
“珺!”„Whatis surnamed?”
“姓什么?”„Does not have the surname!”
“无姓!”Li Haois startled, including the princessknows that hedoes not understand, explained: „Great Wildernessnames the custom and Central Plainis different, is quite optional, actuallyalsohas the surname, but...... weare not willingto mention, transliteratingis very complex, withsomewildbeastalsoconnections.”李皓一怔,珺公主知道他不懂,解释道:“大荒取名风俗和中原不同,比较随意,其实也有姓,只是……我们不太愿意提及,音译很复杂,和荒兽也有些关联。”Li Haoclearlybecomes aware.李皓明悟。Perhapsis surnamed the race of wildbeast?
也许姓荒兽的种族?horse? Monkey? Tiger?
马?猴?虎?Hedid not get to the root of a matter, looked at a thatwhite horse, asked: „Thishorse, having mystical powerswisdom?”
“有一些。”Nodsincluding the princess: „Itcalled the white clouds.”
珺公主点头:“它叫白云。”White clouds?
白云?Li Haosmiled: „Goodname, myside, to callBlack Panther, canbe intimate withactually.”李皓笑了:“好名字,我身边这位,叫黑豹,倒是可以亲近一下。”Black Pantheris turning the dogeye, whoandthisthingis intimate with?黑豹翻着狗眼,谁和这玩意亲近?Looked atBlack Pantherincluding the princess, is somewhat curious: „Is it the dog? WhycalledBlack Panther?”
“……”Li Haosmiled: „Ihopebeforeit and leopardare equally fierce! Afterwarddiscovered, since the ancient times, the dogstrove to excelcompared with the leopard, actuallytaking a rash step, New Martialtian gouVenerable Emperor, it is saidpowerfulincomparable, leopardclandid not haveVenerable Emperoractually.”李皓笑了:“我以前希望它和豹子一样勇猛!后来发现,自古以来,狗比豹子要强,倒是失策,新武天狗帝尊,据说强大无比,豹族倒是没有帝尊。”Chattedseveral, Li Haoopened the mouth saying: „Did your fatherandyousay? Ihopethiswhite horse, derives the chaosaura of Great Wildernesshuman racewithin the body, do not lead into the autochthonous zone, can youcompletethistask?”
“可以。”Nodsincluding the princess, thinks,suddenlysaid: „Will kingkill the white clouds?”
珺公主点头,想了想,忽然道:“大王会杀白云吗?”At this moment, under the place the white horse, somewhatmoves restlesslyprobablyanxiously.
此刻,座下白马,好像有些躁动不安。AschaosHeaven's Will, the wildbeastis killednow, Heaven's Willsweeps across, itknowsprobablyoneselfdestiny, will diesooner or later.
作为混沌天意,如今荒兽被杀,天意席卷,它好像知道自己的命运,迟早会死。Li Haolooked at a white horse, long timesaid: „The meaning of chaosbroken, broke, itdid not die, Iwill not manage, itdied...... Ialsoto have no alternative.”李皓看了一眼白马,半晌才道:“混沌之意要破,破了,它不死,我不会管,它死了……我也无可奈何。”Is somewhat depressedincluding the princess, mayalsoknow,thiswasLi Haorepliessincerely.
“我知道了。”Then, said: „Iamin the wilderness the strongestcavalry! Ido not wantto become the cageling in Central Plainpopulation, Icanjoin the Demon Huntingarmy, orleadsmyGreat Wildernessarmy, participates in the combat?”
“对!”Flies upwardsincluding the princesslong hair, somewild naturesending out: „With a Heavenly Starwar, is not happy, Iwantto participate inmorewars!”
珺公主长发飞扬,有些野性散发:“和天星一战,一点也不痛快,我想参与更多的战争!”Li Haolooked atheroneeyes, nods: „Solved the Great Wildernessproblem, youcanlook forMarshalHuang Yu, makingherarrange, youbringthat10,000elite, maybe the whole, joins the Demon Huntingarmy, is onlynow, the squarepowerful enemieswere solved, reallymustbattle...... youropponents, perhapsno longeris the army, butis...... the powerhouse!”李皓看了她一眼,点了点头:“解决了大荒的问题,你可以自己去找黄羽元帅,让她安排,你带的那一万精锐,可作为整体,加入猎魔军,只是如今,四方强敌都被解决了,真要交战……你们的对手,也许不再是大军,而是……强者!”„Iknow, many thanksking!”
“我知道,多谢大王!”Li Haodoes not have the conversion of interesthername, beckons with the hand saying: „Goes!”李皓也没兴趣改变她的称呼,摆摆手道:“去吧!”„?”
“啊?”„Derives the strength of chaos!”
“去汲取混沌之力!”Somewhathas doubtsincluding the princessvisitshim, withoutsayingwhat, controls the white horseto leaverapidly, is onlysomewhatstrange, the white horseis very important, was Li Hao, walkedbyoneself?
珺公主有些疑惑地看着他,没说什么,迅速驾驭白马离开,只是有些古怪,白马很重要,李皓,就这么让自己走了?No matter?
不管?Hasn't sent peopleto monitor itself?
没有派人监视自己?Did not fear that...... good, probablycannot do tohim.
就不怕……好吧,好像也奈何不得他。Soonbrings the white horseto vanishincluding the princess, deriveson the Great Wildernesshuman racechaosstrength.
……This timeLi Hao, thenlooked atBlack Panther, sat cross-leggedto sit down, opens the mouth saying: „Youshouldinherit some of your ancestors the strength and power of thunder of swallowing, the thunderpursuitdirtis evil, swallowingispurifiesall......”
这时候的李皓,则是看了一眼黑豹,盘膝坐下,开口道:“你应该继承了一些你先祖的吞噬之力和雷霆之力,雷霆驱逐污邪,吞噬则是净化一切……”Black Panthergawked, is swallowing the purification?黑豹愣了一下,吞噬是净化?Good, swallowing, indeedpurified.
好吧,都给吞了,的确是净化了。„YouandIwent out ofSilver Citytogether, arrivesfrom the family/hometogethertoday...... now, everyonestrengthis increased, youjuststrided inSun and Moonfourheavily, strided inImmortalreluctantly, the levelis not high, takesyou, isbecausedoes not hateto throw downyou, butyou...... are very dangerous.”
“你和我一起走出了银城,从家中一起走到今日……如今,所有人战力都在提升,你刚跨入日月四重,勉强跨入了不朽,层次不高,带上你,也是因为舍不得丢下你,可你……很危险。”Black Pantheris somewhat depressed.黑豹有些沮丧。Li Haoalsosaid: „Ihave an idea......”李皓又道:“我有个想法……”„woof?”
“汪?”„Human Kinghas the dark greenemperor, Heavenly Emperorhas the seed, LiDaohenghasMoon God, a personholds the world, meaning of the agentworld......”
“人王有苍帝,天帝有种子,李道恒有月神,一人掌天地,一位代理天地之意……”Black Pantheris somewhat vacant.黑豹有些茫然。Li Haocontinues saying: „Iwantto refineGreat Wilderness, becomesmyworld! Imust the meaning of the world, the meaning of chaos, the completecapture, striketo kill...... ordo not striketo kill, butswallows the fusion! Youare just good atswallowing the thunder, the purificationis also good, exorcisesalsowell, is an opportunity!”李皓继续道:“我想将大荒炼化,成为我的天地!我要将天地之意,混沌之意,全部捕捉,击杀……或者不是击杀,而是吞噬融合!你刚好擅长吞噬雷霆,净化也好,驱邪也好,都是一个机会!”Li Haothensaid: „At that time, youhad the possibility, becameHeaven's Will of thissidelittle world...... naturally, youwereyou, but...... may havesomedangers, LiDaohengwas also good, others were also good, perhapswantsto killyou......”李皓接着道:“那时候,你有可能,成为这方小天地的天意……当然,你还是你,只是……可能会有一些危险,李道恒也好,其他人也好,也许都想杀了你……”Black Pantherblinks, shaking the head, is not the rejection, butfelt, no matter.黑豹眨了眨眼,摇头,并非拒绝,只是觉得,无所谓。Li Haosmiled: „Another point, ifreceivedthismess...... yourfutureopponent, the bigprobabilityisMoon God, robs the worldcontrolwith the opposite party! Youhad confidence that copes with the world'sfirstgod?”李皓笑了:“另外还有一点,若是接下了这个烂摊子……你未来的对手,大概率是月神,和对方抢夺天地掌控权!你有把握对付天地第一神吗?”
It is not the queen, butistrueMoon God.
A main bodyis powerful, evenSword Venerablehas not struckexistence that kills, perhapsnaturally, is disinclinedto striketo kill, the main body of opposite partyismoon, killed the opposite party, mooncollapsed, toSilver Moonnot necessarilywas the good deed.
一位本尊强大无比,连剑尊都没击杀的存在,当然,也许是懒得击杀,对方的本体是月亮,杀了对方,月亮崩溃了,对银月未必是好事。„woofwoof woof!”
“汪汪汪!”Black Pantherwas sayingprobably, itfearless!黑豹好像在说,它无惧!Li Haonods: „You, ifcomplies, needsto domanypreparatory work! Ineedto sense the potential, coversGreat Wilderness, butyoumustdo, there are! First, contacts the meaning of chaos, second, contactsHeaven's Will! Third, finding the wayto temptmanyHeaven's Willgatherings......”李皓点头:“你若是答应,也需要做很多准备工作!我需要感悟势,去笼罩大荒,而你要做的,也有很多!第一,接触混沌之意,第二,接触天意!第三,想办法引诱更多的天意汇聚……”
The Black Pantherinstantaneousheadache, how does thistempt?黑豹瞬间头疼,这怎么引诱?„Therefore...... youmustgang up with the white horse! Bringsit, transfers the revolutionseverywhere, the meaning of Heaven's Willrepugnantchaos, the white horseis, will causepart of Heaven's Willto pay attention!”
“所以……你得去勾搭白马!带着它,四处转转,天意讨厌混沌之意,白马所在,都会引起一部分天意关注!”Black Pantherunderstood, nod.黑豹懂了,点头。Li Haoalsosaid with a smile: „Alsoa little, can youdivine writing?”李皓又笑道:“还有一点,你会神文吗?”Black Pantherhas not spoken.黑豹没吭声。„The words of meeting, youshouldknowdomainhas...... you to form a domain! No matter the strong and weak, mustform a domain, yourselffromHeaven's Will, hidden, only in this way, has the opportunityto catchthem!”
“会的话,你应该知道领域的存在……你要形成一个领域!不管强弱,要形成一个领域,将你自己从天意之下,隐藏起来,只有如此,才有机会捕捉它们!”„woof woof!”
“汪汪!”Black Panthernodsagain.黑豹再次点头。Li Haopatteditshead, said with a smile: „Speaking ofthis, whatyoualsogawkedis making? Goes! At present, everyonevisiononme, is not on you, youhelpedmepreparethese...... Isucceeding, wecanbe populardrankspicily! Was defeated...... thatto look for the masterthey.”李皓拍了拍它脑袋,笑道:“都说到这份上了,你还愣着做什么?去吧!目前,大家目光都在我身上,不在你身上,你帮我做好这些准备……等我成功了,咱们就能吃香的喝辣的了!失败了……那就去找师父他们了。”Black Pantherhearsword, were not manysaid,leftthisplaceinstantaneously, lookswhite horse.黑豹闻言,也不多说,瞬间离开此地,去找白马了。WhenBlack Pantherwalked, Li Haospits the one breathlightly.
等黑豹走了,李皓轻吐一口气。Has not continuedto keepGreat Wilderness, he must go toSilver City.
并未继续留在大荒,他也要去银城。Great Wilderness, the preparationalsoneedssome time,大荒,前期准备还需要一段时间,Goes toSilver City, but can also stimulatesomequeensthey, makingthemtry hardcultivation, will soon killme, will soon enter the Grand Daouniverse......
去银城,还能激发一些女王他们,让他们努力修炼,早日杀死我,早日进入大道宇宙……Moreover, perhapssomeunexpected benefitsare uncertain.
, Is going toSilver Citywhile convenient, wants the inheritance of variouscultivationSilver Moonmartial master, hemustsensemorepotentials.
……PresentLi Hao, the actionspeedis quick, elusive.
如今的李皓,行动速度很快,来无影去无踪。Silver City, whengoes on an expeditionwithGreat Li, evacuated.银城,早在和大离征战的时候,就搬空了。
The personnelevacuated.
The presentis only an empty city.
如今只是一座空城。Butat this moment, the person's shadowstands and waits for a long timesky overtogetherSilver City.
而这一刻,一道人影伫立银城上空。When the Li Haoformappears, in secret, somepeopleare ready to make trouble, somewantto curse at people, impulsion that alsosomewantto kill people.
当李皓的身影浮现,暗中,有人蠢蠢欲动,有些想骂人,也有些想杀人的冲动。Li Hao, is haunted by the ghost!李皓,阴魂不散!Hecame back!
他回来了!WhenLi Haolooks up the day, everyone felt that thisfellowwantsto break the seal, is very suspenseful.
当李皓抬头看天,所有人都觉得,这家伙是想打破封印,很是让人紧张。Via Sacraaura, fromperipheralascension.
一道道圣道气息,从周边升腾而起。ButLi Hao, has not actually moved.
The spaceappearsvoid, partly visible, feeling that mustwalkmomentarily.
The Li Haosoundpasses on: „ZhengYu, does not enter the Grand Daouniverse, youare difficultto killme! Only ifyourmain bodygoes out, by the strength of halfemperor, the instantaneoussealGrand Daouniverse, keepingmefromescapinginto...... at this moment, is onlysageinitial stageyou, could not killme!”李皓声音传荡:“郑宇,不入大道宇宙,你难杀我!除非你本尊走出,以半帝之力,瞬间封印大道宇宙,让我无法遁入……此刻,只是圣人初期的你,杀不了我!”„Icomethisplace, is nottobreak open the seal...... is also difficultto break open!”
“我来此地,也并非为了破开封印……也难破开!”„Icomethisplace, only has a goal!”
The Li Haosmileis bright: „Mycultivation resourceswas insufficient, every dayprovides100,000energystonesforme . Moreover, IwantNew Martial the activelaw! You must provide some strength of Via Sacraforme, the strength of Immortal, the strength of source, the strength of Red Moon......”李皓笑容灿烂:“我修炼资源不够了,每日为我提供十万能源石,另外,我要新武所有功法!你还要为我提供部分圣道之力,不朽之力,本源之力,红月之力……”At this moment, voidappearstogether the emptyshadow.
这一刻,虚空中浮现出一道虚影。ZhengYushouldersboth hands, lookstoLi Hao, the soundis tranquil: „Are youhaving a dream? IfIdo not give, howyoucan?”
郑宇背负双手,看向李皓,声音平静:“你在做梦吗?我若是不给,你又能如何?”Alsoall around, some Via Sacraauraeruptions.
四周,又有一些圣道气息爆发。Li Haosmiles, „does not give, Icould not makeanything, can only have free timeon the turbulentseal! Silver City, after all is mydomain, butI, althoughdoes not haveEight Great Familiesallbloodlines, butI...... a little, IgraspedEight Great Familiesalldivine weapon......, althoughbroke, butin factis in Starry Sky Sword.”李皓笑了笑,“不给,我做不了什么,只能有空就动荡一下封印!银城,毕竟是我的地盘,而我,虽然没有八大家所有血脉,可我……有一点,我掌握了八大家所有的神兵……虽然破碎了,可实际上都处于星空剑中。”„Ievery dayturbulentseveraltimes, althoughis not necessarily ableto emit that butturbulent, youmustbe carefulregularly, carefulturbulentfierce, the sealreallybroken.”
“我每日动荡几次,虽然未必能放出那位,可隔三差五地动荡一下,你就得小心了,小心动荡的厉害,封印真破了。”ZhengYuis indifferent: „Youshould better notsoto provoke, tothat time, Iwill not really have scruplesanythingagain, the main bodygoes out of the hurricane, is yourtime of death!”
郑宇冷漠无比:“你最好不要如此挑衅,真到了那时候,我也不会再顾忌什么,本尊走出飓风,便是你的死期!”Li Haosmiled: „Iambarefoot, youput on shoes! Since the ancient times, isbarefootdid not fear that puts on shoes! Youare promotedVenerable Emperorhopefully, butI...... the presentjuststrided inDao Fusion, preliminarysage, fromVenerable Emperor, long distance!”李皓笑了:“我是光脚的,你是穿鞋的!自古以来,都是光脚的不怕穿鞋的!你有希望晋级帝尊,而我……如今只是刚刚跨入合道,初阶圣人罢了,距离帝尊,十万八千里!”Speaking ofthis, Li Haosaid with a smile: „Does not take something for freeyour, you are also halfemperor, there is a dignity of halfemperor! Iuse the strength of Grand Daoandyoutrade......”
说到这,李皓笑道:“不白要你的,你也是半帝,有半帝的尊严!我用大道之力和你换……”ZhengYuis startled, is Li Hao...... sick?
郑宇一怔,李皓……有病吗?Hemajors innew Way, actually received exchange for the strength of say/way of New Martialwith the strength of Grand Dao.
他主修新道,却是用大道之力换取新武之道的力量。What isn't this...... sickis?
这……不是有病是什么?What does thispersonattempt?
此人图什么?Whatschemes and trickshas?
有什么阴谋诡计?Hesomeare unable to determinesuddenlyunexpectedly, evencould not have completely understoodLi Hao.
他一时间居然有些无法确定,甚至已经看不透李皓了。Inhisheartgoesto thinkunceasingly, why?
Does Li Haodo that whatattempts?李皓这么做,图什么呢?Li Haosaid with a smilein a soft voice: „Do not think, Iwantthese, because...... the strength of Grand Daoare not many . Moreover, Imustpay out the wagesto the worldmember, now the Heavenly Starbigoreminesquickly, withoutmeans! Thinking it over, has...... the keyon you are, the strength of new Way, youcould not absorb, evenabsorbed a point, stillirrelevanted! Why not?”李皓轻声笑道:“别想了,我要这些,只是因为……大道之力不多,另外,我要给天下修士发工资,现在天星大矿快开采完了,没办法了!想来想去,也就你有……关键是,新道之力,你们吸收不了,就算吸收一点,也无关痛痒!何乐而不为?”„Amongyourme, the intense and deep-seated hatred...... are not related, this/shouldcooperation, this/shouldcompromisetime, yourIamhost of the side, the appropriatecompromise, isnecessary, Zheng does Yu, youfeel?”
“你我之间,血海深仇……没关系,该合作,该妥协的时候,你我都是一方之主,适当的妥协,还是有必要的,郑宇,你觉得呢?”ZhengYuvisitshim, did not speak.
郑宇只是看着他,不说话。Li Haoalsosaid: „That decided that Iinthiscultivation, provide the strength of someGrand Daoforyouevery day, beforeyou, butyou, needsto provideenoughmanyconsumptionsforme, withoutissue?”李皓又道:“那就这么定了,我就在此修炼,每日为你们提供一些大道之力,就在你们面前,而你们,也需要为我提供足够多的消耗,没问题吧?”At this moment, ZhengYuthoughts constantly welling up.
这一刻,郑宇思绪万千。Li Hao...... was too surprising!李皓……太让人意外了!Hesilentinstantaneous, saidslowly: „Ok!”
他沉默瞬间,缓缓道:“可以!”Li Hao, mustcultivationbeforethem, provide the strength of Grand Daotothemunexpectedly, thisfellowreallydid not fear,hepresentssomenew Waypowerhouses, then, locked the Grand Daouniverse?李皓,居然要在他们面前修炼,给他们提供大道之力,这家伙真不怕,自己一方出现一些新道强者,然后,锁定了大道宇宙吗?Heknits the browsunceasingly, has not saidanythingagain.
他不断皱眉,没有再说什么。Every dayprovidessomeenergystones, this is actually notanything.
每日提供一些能源石,这倒是不算什么。Hein the past, butgraspedmanyenergystones, becauseis preparedearly, stored upmaynot just the singlebe an energystone of Heavenly Starbigore.
他当年,可是掌握了许多能源石,因为早有准备,囤积的可不单单只是一点天星大矿的能源石。At this moment, both sidesreachedsomeshortpeace agreements for the first time.
交换力量。Butsincethis day, Li Haoreallystands and waits for a long timeSilver Cityto be void, opened the Grand Daouniverse, startscultivation, but the strength of Grand Dao, overflowsto be looser, was integratedvoid, screened out.
而这一日起,李皓真的伫立银城虚空,开启了大道宇宙,开始修炼,而大道之力,溢散一些,也被纳入虚空,被人抽走。As for a ZhengYuside, isZhengYutakes awaycultivation, the worryhas problems,...... Li Haodid not speculatetoYing HongyueorMoon God,bigprobabilityZhengYudoes not dareto use, Ying Hongyuethissmart personwill also be worriedto have the issuevery much.
The queen...... possiblydoes not want is too manyactually, finishes in a hast, finally the bigprobabilitywill fallto the queenthat side.
倒是女王……可能不会想太多,急于求成,最后大概率会落到女王那边。ButLi Haointhis, tosettletheirhearts.
而李皓在这,也是为了安他们的心。Letthempeacefully, do not do the mattereverywhere.
我人就在这!Myhowcultivation, cultivationtowhatsituation, youwatched.
我如何修炼的,修炼到了什么地步,你们都看在眼里。Butin fact, the peopleindeedhave also been observinghim.
而事实上,众人也的确一直在观察他。Observed for day, is very speechless.
观察了一天,都很无语。Li Hao, ignoring a proper occupationsomemartial master.李皓,一个有些不务正业的武师。Onewill have a look at the New Martialtactical rules, onewill openseveralholeholes, onewill processsometemporaryofficial business, sometimeswill also readsome and cultivationirrelevantbooks.
一会看看新武战法,一会开启几个窍穴,一会又会处理一些临时的公务,有时候还会读读一些和修炼无关的书籍。Howeverheincultivation, is only the speed...... was not indeed quick.
但是他的确一直都在修炼,只是速度……不快。Onegroup of powerhousesare staring athim, hisaurachanges, is actually very easyto be looked.
一群强者盯着他,他气息变化,其实很容易被看出来。At this moment, inJufeng City, ZhengYuis also good, Ying Hongyueis also good, thought that whatLi Haois certainly planning, maybreak the head, cannot think, does thisfellowactuallywantto do?
这一刻,飓风城中,郑宇也好,映红月也好,都觉得李皓一定在谋划什么,可打破脑袋,也想不出来,这家伙到底想干嘛?„Does hestudyso manyNew Martialtactical rules...... to transfercultivatesNew Martialto be inadequate?”
“他研究那么多新武战法……难道要转修新武不成?”Somepeoplehave doubts, Li Hao, lookedwhatare mostis the New Martialtactical rules, this was very strange!
有人疑惑,李皓,看的最多的还是新武战法,这就很奇怪了!If not the Grand Daouniversehas opened, canrunmomentarily, the peoplehave wantedto get rid ofLi Haoto consider as finished.
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