SG :: Volume #4

#366 Part 1: The matter may to the criticism/human language

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The place of Great Wilderness. 大荒之地。 The dust sand flies, the wilderness spreads, the air/Qi of chaos is scattered in disorder, as the wild beast was killed, the chaos dissipated, however the meaning of chaos also, if as before attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, becomes on a Silver Moon world malignant tumor. 尘沙飞起,荒漠蔓延,混沌之气散乱,随着荒兽被杀,混沌消散了一些,然而混沌之意还在,依旧如附骨之疽,成为银月天地身上的一块毒瘤。 As Li Hao enters Great Wilderness, Heaven's Will sweeps across, agitation four directions. 随着李皓进入大荒,天意席卷,搅动四方。 Li Hao knit the brows slightly, looks up sky agitation Heaven's Will. 李皓微微皱眉,抬头看了一眼上空搅动的天意 The world was born the consciousness, Great Wilderness seems like opposite party malignant tumor, at this moment enters this place, is very uncomfortable. 天地诞生了意识,大荒好像是对方身上的毒瘤,此刻进入此地,很是难受。 Fierce that such may mix, very easily by person sensation. 可搅动的这么厉害,很容易被人感知到的。 How to make Heaven's Will law-abiding? 如何让天意安分下来呢? The next quarter, 11 divine writing appear, covers the world, around Li Hao, Heaven's Will is still mixing, but, lost the Li Hao whereabouts gradually probably, could not find Li Hao. 下一刻,11枚神文浮现,笼罩天地,李皓四周,天意还在搅动,可渐渐地,好像失去了李皓的行踪,找不到李皓了。 Domain, isolation world! 领域,隔绝天地! Naturally also isolated Heaven's Will. 自然也就隔绝了天意 At this moment, could not find Li Hao, Heaven's Will treats in this is being very uncomfortable, wants expel also does not have the means that Heaven's Will it does not have the battle efficiency at this moment, can only affect the people of these Heaven's Will favors. 此刻,找不到李皓,天意在这待着很难受,想驱逐又没办法,天意此刻本身是不具备战斗力的,只能影响那些天意青睐之人。 Could not find Li Hao...... soon, Heaven's Will retreated gradually...... 找不到李皓……很快,天意渐渐退去…… Because is treating in this, was too uncomfortable. 因为在这待着,太难受了。 Li Hao has not managed again, one step stepped Great Wilderness. 李皓也没再管,一步踏上了大荒 The yellow sand flies. 黄沙飞起。 The domain, the place of thorough Great Wilderness, starts to proliferate gradually, the earth potential appears, like the mountain peak suppression, will sweep across the yellow sand of the world to suppress gradually. 领域,渐渐深入大荒之地,开始扩散,土势浮现,如同山峰镇压而下,将席卷天地的黄沙渐渐镇压下去。 Li Hao passes through one step, then the suppression returns to normal place. 李皓走过一步,便镇压平复一地。 In wilderness, some corpses. 荒漠中,还有一些尸体。 Also some wild animals, like the this solitary one wolf, almost walk alone in the wilderness. 也有一些野兽,如同孤狼,几乎都是独自行走在荒漠之中。 Here wild animal, came under the chaos aura influence, is very powerful, but general monster clan is different, lacks the spirit wisdom, this is the drawback of wild beast, the wild beast only had the top, hopeful birth spirit wisdom. 这里的野兽,受到了混沌气息影响,都很强悍,可又和一般的妖族不同,缺乏灵智,这就是荒兽的弊端,荒兽唯有到了顶级,才有希望诞生灵智。 But monster clan, even if very small and weak , the having mystical powers wisdom will exist. 妖族,哪怕很弱小,也会有灵智存在的。 Black Panther follows Li Hao, observes these small and weak wild beasts very much curiously. 身后,黑豹跟着李皓,也很好奇地观察这些弱小的荒兽。 The monster beast and wild beast, is actually one kind. 妖兽和荒兽,其实都算是一类。 After monster clan is enters the world, removed the body of wild beast, did not have the chaos aura, transformed the monster beast gradually, but the wild beast, has actually survived in the chaos, from the beginning to finally, took the chaos as to dwell. 只是,妖族是进入天地之后,褪去了荒兽之身,没了混沌气息,渐渐转变成了妖兽,而荒兽,却是一直生存在混沌之中,从始到终,都是以混沌为栖居地。 Li Hao side looked at Black Panther: Wild beast will speak, the intelligence quotient is low, you now were Sun and Moon intermediate stage, endured compared with some Immortal, hasn't monster clan of this level, been able to speak?” 李皓侧头看了一眼黑豹:“荒兽都会说话,智商低下,你如今都是日月中期了,也堪比一些不朽了,这个层次的妖族,还不能说话?” woof woof woof! “汪汪汪! „......” “……” Li Hao sighed: Inborn mute? Was the psychic force also mute?” 李皓叹息:“难道天生哑巴?精神力也哑了?” monster clan that endures compared with Immortal, will not send greetings, will not speak, is really strange. 一只堪比不朽妖族,不会传音,不会说话,真是古怪啊。 So was fierce, you even are really a mute pug-dog, passes message does not meet? 都这么厉害了,你就算真是一只哑巴狗,传音会不? Does not send greetings, that psychic force vibration meeting? 传音不会,那精神力震动会吗? Hasn't been able? 还不会? That qi and blood shakes, abdomen language...... these meetings? 气血震荡,腹语……这些会吗? Always felt, Black Panther can speak, did not say, can maintain the mystery? 总觉得,黑豹可以说话,就是不说,难道要保持神秘感? woof woof woof! “汪汪汪! Can woof Woof woof, unable to say human speech?” “都能汪汪汪,不能说人话?” Black Panther swung wagged the tail close to, has not paid attention again, doing the proper business was important. 黑豹摇了摇尾巴,没再理会,干正事要紧。 Li Hao walks above the land, the desert creep, he looks to the deep place, chaos, are the world newborn appearance, here can maintain the chaos, represents here, could leave Silver Moon...... not necessarily to pass Star Gate.” 李皓行走在大地之上,沙漠蔓延,他看向深处,“混沌,是天地初生的模样,这里能保持混沌,代表这里,也许可以离开银月……不一定非要通过星门。” Naturally, is only a small slit, the normal person is not possibly able to come and go out......” “当然,可能只是一个小小的缝隙,正常人无法出入……” He said in a soft voice: „The New Martial person also knows that this place is the chaos, but they also know, the chaos are the product in universe, is not in a world, the chaos can spread, Great Wilderness, likely has a world slit, was the world cracks!” 他轻声道:“新武人也知道此地是混沌,而他们也知道,混沌是宇宙中的产物,并非天地中的,混沌能一直蔓延,大荒,很可能存在一个天地缝隙,就是世界开裂了!” But no one said, leaves Silver Moon from this, why? 可没人说,从这离开银月,为何? Definitely has the reason. 肯定有原因的。 Or is extremely dangerous, or is unable to leave from the start. 要不太过危险,要不就是压根无法离开。 However, this place, can certainly absorb the chaos strength outside Silver Moon. 但是,此地,一定可以汲取到银月之外的混沌之力。 Sequoia Tree wants to major in the chaos, in this cultivation, perhaps is a good idea. 红杉木想要主修混沌,在这修炼,也许是个不错的主意。 Li Hao also no one can speak, the conversation are too many, at this moment, has to the son of a bitch, to say in a soft voice: „To expel the Great Wilderness chaos strength, needed my domain to cover Great Wilderness the line...... the Great Wilderness range too to be big, I have seen from the map although, may endure the ratio five province range sizes at least, a additional over ten thousand li (0.5 km) wilderness, the total area probably more than 10 province sizes, can with a four directions mainland side comparison......” 李皓也没人可以说话,交谈太多,此刻,只好对着狗子,轻声道:“想要驱逐大荒的混沌之力,需要我领域笼罩大荒才行……大荒的范围太大了,我尽管只是从地图上看到过,可起码堪比五个行省范围大小,加上万里荒漠,总面积大概有十多个行省大小了,堪堪能和四方大陆一方比较……” Such big range, was extremely huge. 这么大的范围,太过庞大了。 Now, the Li Hao domain, unified 11 divine writing, the limit expanded, can expand to covering more than hundred li (0.5 km) range, divine writing were more, the domain was stronger, the coverage scope was bigger. 如今,李皓的领域,结合了11枚神文,极限扩张下去,大概能扩张到覆盖百多里范围,神文越多,领域越强,覆盖范围越大。 To complete to coverage of Great Wilderness, does not have 350 divine writing, that is not possible. 想完成对大荒的覆盖,没有三五十枚神文,那是不可能的。 It is not the overlay to several hundred several thousand, 350 divine writing, sensed the strength of 350 Grand Dao on behalf of Li Hao, sensed the potential, will present a development by leaps and bounds. 并非叠加到几百几千,三五十枚神文,代表李皓感悟了三五十种大道之力,感悟了势,会呈现出一种跨越式发展。 May from cultivation until now, he have 11 divine writing. 可从修炼到如今,他也只有11枚神文而已。 To cover Great Wilderness, catches Heaven's Will, has sole possession of the Great Wilderness world, to Li Hao, the difficulty is very very big. 想覆盖大荒,捕捉天意,独吞大荒世界,对李皓而言,难度很大很大。 May not have the means. 可没办法。 Others plan for many years, you do not have an ability, how to break the plan of opposite party? 人家谋划多年,你没点能耐,如何打破对方的计划? divine writing, potential......” 神文,势……” Li Hao knits the brows slightly, five elements wind and thunder these said that was element divine ability of foundation, now was almost sensed a cleanness by him, to continue to sense other potentials, can only start from other directions. 李皓微微皱眉,五行风雷这些好说,都是基础的元素神通,如今几乎被他感悟了个干净,若想继续感悟其他势,只能从其他方向入手了。 Actually are also many. 其实也不少。 For example the potential of weapon, refers from Silver Moon martial master on the line, the sword and spear sword halberd, fist potential these, is the potential. 比如兵器之势,从银月武师身上参考就行,刀枪剑戟,拳势这些,都是势。 Really wants to sense, the difficulty may be big. 只是,真想去感悟,难度可不小。 However Hong Yitang had once said that the potential actually invisible does not have the division of element without the nature, the day after tomorrow will form, in other words, oneself sensed sword potential, could a law will be general, the sword potential rotary cutter potential, the blade potential will transfer spear potential...... 不过洪一堂曾说过,势其实无形无质无元素之分,后天形成的,也就是说,自己感悟了剑势,也许可以一法通用,剑势转刀势,刀势转枪势…… All sorts of thoughts, appear again. 种种念头,再次浮现。 The Li Hao vanguard, spanned the wilderness, quick, ran into the living person. 李皓前行,跨越了荒漠,很快,遇到了活人。 The person of Great Wilderness. 大荒之人。 Distant place, there is a city, is only the city is not big, is extremely actually low, probably half thorough underground, half appear above the ground, the place of Great Wilderness, year to year yellow sand everywhere. 远处,也有城市,只是城市并不高大,倒是极其低矮,好像一半深入地下,一半浮现在地面之上,大荒之地,常年黄沙漫天。 Sand storm, attacks frequently. 沙尘暴,也经常来袭。 Outside the city, the person of equitation nomadic are many, this is the oasis in wilderness, Great Wilderness is the nomadic nation, but so many years later, stabilized the domain, gradually nationality development toward fixed base. 城市之外,骑马游牧的人很多,这算是荒漠中的绿洲,大荒算是游牧民族,不过这么多年下来,也稳定了地盘,渐渐朝固定根据地的民族发展。 The Great Wilderness king brings 1 million crack troops to dispatch troops to the Central Plain, has not turned over, here boundary city, slightly obviously flurried. 大荒王带着百万精兵出兵中原,至今未归,这边境城市,稍显慌乱。 Probably was worried, the Great Wilderness king is gone. 好像在担心,大荒王一去不回。 If these powerhouses, are unable to return, perhaps this place, in less than many years, will be buried by the yellow sand. 若是那些强者,都无法归来,此地,也许用不了多少年,就会被黄沙掩埋。 Great Wilderness......” 大荒……” The chaos dissipate, the world rebuilds, perhaps Great Wilderness will evolve the world to reopen again, several hundreds of millions Great Wilderness people, perhaps if the stay in this, will have died. 混沌消散,天地重造,也许大荒会再次演化天地重开,数亿大荒民众,若是一直逗留在这,也许会死。 Had the previous experience, now Li Hao are actually many some ideas. 有了上次的经历,如今李皓倒是多了一些想法。 Quick, passed on a message: Informs the Great Wilderness king, the preparation migration Great Wilderness resident! The reclamation epeirogenic, the Great Wilderness people are numerous, is different from the Central Plain person, the custom and custom somewhat are different, cannot gather, must disperse the housing, the person were too many, the south water cloud and Central Plain also calculate quite......” 很快,传讯出去:“通知大荒王,准备迁徙大荒居民!填海造陆,大荒民众众多,和中原人不同,习俗、习惯都有些不同,不能聚集,要分散居住,人太多了,南方水云和中原还算相当……” To Great Wilderness, Li Hao is separated. 大荒,李皓要分开。 Great Wilderness is clever in fighting, the common social practice is valiant. 大荒善战,民风彪悍。 To these Great Wilderness people, must conduct to distribute across Heavenly Star, conducts the slow fusion. 对这些大荒人,要进行分布在天星各地,进行缓慢融合。 Receives the communication, is Lin Hongyu. 接到通讯的,是林红玉 At this moment, immediately the headache wants to crack. 此刻,顿时头疼欲裂。 Matter, cannot finish forever. 事情,永远也忙不完。 The front leg just finished this, the back leg came more duties immediately, often is a migration of country, if not the transcendent time, she thinks very much a palm of the hand claps dead Li Hao. 前脚刚忙完这个,后脚马上来了更多的任务,动不动就是一个国家的迁徙,若非超凡时代,她很想一巴掌拍死李皓 Naturally, this is also only thinks. 当然,这也只是想想。 At this moment, Lin Hongyu prompt response: Marquis, requires time, but now is also the good time, entire day under is moving, rebuilds the Luminous Star mainland, this moment choice migration fusion, everyone is moving, randomly also on chaotic a while, but needs massive transcendent to participate in the construction capital construction...... present capital construction superpower, has 1 million numerous, is...... insufficient.” 此刻,林红玉迅速回应:“侯爷,需要一点时间,不过现在也是好时机,全天下都在迁徙,重造皓星大陆,此刻选择迁徙融合,大家都在迁徙,乱也就乱一阵子,不过需要大量超凡参与建设基建……如今的基建超能,已有百万之众,可是……不够。” City of Superpower superpower, was almost done the capital construction by drawing. 超能之城超能,几乎都被拉去干基建了。 This probably is also historically, later impracticable, how said again, is one crowd of bodies has innate dao body superpower . Moreover, is also first group of powerhouses who awaken superpower. 这大概也是历史上,以后难以实现的一幕,再怎么说,都是一群身具先天道体超能,而且,也是第一批觉醒超能的强者。 Now, was done the capital construction by drawing. 如今,都被拉去搞基建了。 The Li Hao Demon Hunting army, are almost in the army come, or the martial master family background, too many superpower have not joined. 李皓猎魔军,几乎都是军中出身,或者武师出身,并没有太多的超能加入。 Heard Lin Hongyu saying that million superpower were insufficient, Li Hao was also flabbergasted. 听到林红玉说,百万超能都不够,李皓也是咋舌。 Could superpower, go against 20-30 labor forces? 一个超能,顶得上20-30个劳动力了吧? Least is also so? 最少也是如此吧? This said, used tens of millions people to do the capital construction, but also insufficient...... 这岂不是说,动用了数千万人干基建,还不够…… Then on a adding people!” “那就加人!” But......” “可是……” Lin Hongyu sighed: Marquis, must pay money, the marquis, you do not recruit forcefully, but is the employment! Needs to pay the energy stone , to continue they, the Demon Hunting army, the Heavenly Star official, actually needs to pay the energy stone.” 林红玉叹息一声:“侯爷,要付钱的,侯爷,你不是强行征召,而是雇佣!需要支付能源石的,不止他们,还有猎魔军,还有天星官员,其实都需要支付能源石的。” Perhaps if not the marquis disarmament,...... we could not have supported! But so, the Heavenly Star big ore almost consumes to empty even now, the marquis...... we did not have money quickly.” “若非侯爷裁军,也许……咱们早就撑不住了!可就算如此,现在天星大矿几乎耗空了,侯爷……咱们快没钱了。” Li Hao gawked. 李皓愣了一下。 He has not considered this point. 他没考虑过这一点。 Since took the Heavenly Star big ore, he felt, can use a world series, finally, this how long? 自从拿下了天星大矿,他觉得,可以用到天下一统了,结果,这才多久啊? Then big mineral lode! 那么大的矿脉呢! Although oneself also know, digging were more, but...... was this about not to have? 虽然自己也知道,挖了很多很多,可是……这就快没了? Is insufficient? 不至于吧? Marquis...... Fighting Heaven City consumed . Moreover, Wubian City each start also consumes many , Fighting Heaven Army recovers, the sage recovers, Immortal recovery......” “侯爷……战天城就消耗了许多,另外,无边城每一次启动也消耗很多,还有,战天军复苏,圣人复苏,不朽复苏……” „The backdrop system lays down again in addition, the Martial Way school begins, many Monster Plant switching energy cultivation sacred paddy rice......, now, the Heavenly Star big ore almost consumed in the course of contacts spatially!” “再加上天幕体系铺设,武道学院开建,多位妖植转换能量培育神圣稻米……一来二去的,现在,天星大矿几乎耗空了!” Naturally, the marquis can not give money...... as the emperor of unification world, the world has not put down, these weak ones, do not give money, must work......” “当然,侯爷可以不给钱……作为统一天下的帝王,天下未平,这些弱者,不给钱,也得干活……” Now, is the founding time. 如今,算是开国时代。 Does pioneering work despite great hardships, does not give money, making you do exactly? 筚路蓝缕,不给钱,让你干点活怎么了? The time of law of the jungle...... really does not give, gives you, as soon as stuttered, you must do! 弱肉强食的时代……真不给,给你一口吃的,你也得干! The Li Hao present prestige, is simply unequalled, strength, is the lid presses the world, who dares to revolt? 李皓如今的威望,简直无与伦比,实力之强,更是盖压天地,谁敢反抗? But...... Li Hao is actually chuckle one: That does not use! Others work laboriously, not on a chart advantage? Did not have the energy stone......” 可是……李皓却是轻笑一声:“那倒不用!人家辛辛苦苦干活,不就图点好处吗?没有能源石了是吧……” He pondered, let alone, does not have the energy stone now, but also is very difficult to get so far as. 他思考了一番,别说,如今没有能源石,还真的很难弄到。 The world mineral lode did not have, although the world recovered, but the energy did not have to form the mineral lode richly again the situation . Moreover the cultivation person are too many, everyone in cultivation. 天下矿脉都没了,虽然天地复苏了,可能量还没浓郁到再次形成矿脉的地步,而且修炼的人太多,大家都在修炼 Where has the opportunity to precipitate to you, forms the mineral lode? 哪有机会给你沉淀,形成矿脉? At this moment, perhaps, only then in Zheng Yu hand has many ores, moreover is Li Daoheng, may be the hard to deal with incomparable role, is not really easy to do. 事到如今,也许,只有郑宇手中有不少矿石,另外就是李道恒,可都是难缠无比的角色,真不好办。 Before used...... the present...... some to be not quite crisp actually crisply. 之前用起来倒是爽……现在……有些不太爽了。 Naturally, Li Hao thinks, if the Great Wilderness chaos dissipate, changes into world part, the chaos world, the Heaven's Will focus, the energy sweeps across, unmanned absorption, may form the new mineral lode. 当然,李皓想了想,若是大荒混沌消散,化为天地一部分,混沌化天地,天意聚焦,能量席卷,无人吸收的话,可能会形成新的矿脉。 First using, with some time also?” “先用着,用一段时间还可以吧?” Ok.” “可以。” That is using......” “那就用着……” „Doesn't marquis, remain spare?” “侯爷,不留一点备用吗?” Lin Hongyu is somewhat disturbed, using up, which as before, the instantaneous dissipation energy, that this time, returned daily again for 100,000 years ago. 林红玉有些忐忑,都给用完了,哪天天地再和以前一样,瞬间消散能量,那这个时代,就回到十万年前了。 Does not use!” “不用!” Li Hao said firmly: This round of wages pay out the wages, I, the entire life most repugnant back pay does not give! Wants initially, to work in Inspection Division, one month towed my three days of wages, I had to raise the blade to cut the Inspection Division Division Head thoughts at that time!” 李皓坚定道:“该发工资发工资,我这人,生平最讨厌欠薪不给的!想当初,在巡检司干活,有一个月拖了我三天工资,我当时都有提刀去砍巡检司司长的心思!” „......” “……” Lin Hongyu is speechless. 林红玉无言。 Li Hao said with a smile: Therefore, does not want the back pay, others superpower relieved is the labor to us, to not make money? Otherwise...... transcendent to, but also doesn't have the mouth food to eat? Moreover, lets Great Wilderness king to come Great Wilderness, accompanies me to have a look at...... you to continue to do everywhere your, wields the world, is cultivation, one type practices......” 李皓笑道:“所以,不要欠薪,人家超能安安心心给咱们当劳工,不就是为了挣点钱吗?否则……超凡到哪,还没口饭吃?另外,让大荒王来大荒一趟,陪我四处看看……你继续做你的,执掌天下,也是一种修炼,一种修行……” Lin Hongyu has not said anything. 林红玉没多说什么。 Since Li Hao said that that deferred to the Li Hao thoughts to complete. 李皓既然这么说了,那就按照李皓的心思去做好了。 ...... …… The Great Wilderness king is also a powerhouse. 大荒王也是强者。 Come quick. 来的很快。 It is not one person comes, but some people accompany are coming together, moreover strength extremely strong Superintendent Zhao accompanies is coming together, obviously, everyone does not feel relieved the Great Wilderness king. 只是,并非一人前来,而是有人陪着一起来的,而且还是实力极强的赵署长陪着一起来的,显然,大家不放心大荒王。 Although the Great Wilderness king has complied to cooperate, joins Heavenly Star, may regarding the king of this foreign land, everyone also hold the extremely strong vigilance. 虽然大荒王已经答应合作,加入天星,可对于这位异国之王,大家还抱有极强的警惕性。 Continues he, that side water cloud queen mother, although Li Hao gave the enormous autonomy, but in fact, some people have been paying attention, that side Great Li, similarly so. 不止他,水云太后那边,虽然李皓给了极大的自主权,可实际上,也有人一直在关注,大离那边,同样如此。 The Great Wilderness king these, was probably older on. 大荒王这几日,好像苍老了许多。 Before was also old, but essence, qi and spirit was very full. 之前也老,但是精气神很足。 Now, solved the wild beast, Great Wilderness was peaceful, but the Great Wilderness king thoroughly was probably obsolete, Li Hao has not given him to assign what government position and duty, he actually does not care, but...... saw that 1 million crack troops were divided, part is still continue be imprisoned...... the future to be fearful. 现在,解决了荒兽,大荒太平了,可大荒王好像彻底老朽了,李皓没给他分配什么官职和任务,他其实也不在乎,只是……看到百万精兵被分割,一部分还在继续被囚禁……未来惶惶。 As the king of Great Wilderness, these date and time, his whole person is in a collapse condition. 作为大荒之王,这些时日,他整个人都处于一种崩溃状态中。 My Great Wilderness...... what course to follow? 大荒……何去何从? At this moment, sees Li Hao again, the Great Wilderness king facial expression is slightly disturbed, in heart anxious, does not know why Li Hao does come Great Wilderness? 此刻,再次看到李皓,大荒王神情略显忐忑,心中不安,不知李皓大荒为何? Looked at a city of distant place, he depresses in the heart to palpitate, slightly bends body, some sound vicissitudes: Crime feudal official......” 看了一眼远处的城池,他压下心中悸动,微微屈身,声音有些沧桑:“罪臣……” Ok.” “好了。” Li Hao breaks directly: On the same day I had once said that if you can achieve, I give you a Great Wilderness way out, the crime feudal official not crime feudal official, does not need saying that your non- official, I am not a emperor!” 李皓直接打断:“当日我曾说过,你若是能做到,我给你大荒一条生路,罪臣不罪臣的,无需多说,你非臣子,我也非帝王!” Li Hao looks to the distant place city: Asks you to come, wants to enter the Luminous Star mainland the Great Wilderness migration, but the Great Wilderness common social practice is valiant, I want...... to disperse across the country the Great Wilderness resolution, to guard Great Wilderness to rebel!” 李皓看向远处城池:“找你来,是想将大荒迁徙进入皓星大陆,但是大荒民风彪悍,我想将大荒拆分……分散到全国各地,以防大荒作乱!” The Great Wilderness king complexion changes, just about to opens the mouth, Li Hao said: You listened to me to say! Great Wilderness is also good, is four country other three, in my eyes, is actually same, since the ancient times, rebels also well, hostile also good, is the right desires of senior figure, coerced the following person.” 大荒王脸色一变,刚要开口,李皓就道:“你听我说!大荒也好,还是四国其他三家,在我眼中,其实都一样,自古以来,作乱也好,敌对也好,都是高层人物的权利欲望,裹挟了下面的人。” Common people, have a food to eat, who is willing to revolt?” “平民百姓,有口饭吃,谁愿意造反呢?” This is not a good time, but, this is also a good time!” “这不是一个好时代,但是,也这也是一个好时代!” Li Hao said in a soft voice: „It is not the good time , because the chaos caused by war are many, the powerhouse are many, chaotic order, chaotic, often will be extinguished the city! Said that he is the good time, because of four countries and Central Plain, several hundred years has not produced the war, even if had the hatred before, now actually still forgets, but four countries have not stormed into the Central Plain, was routed, although the common soldier somewhat damages...... may since the ancient times, the war breaks out, without non- deceased person, not because died some people, must extinguish the country......” 李皓轻声道:“不是好时代,是因为战乱多,强者多,秩序混乱,乱糟糟的,动不动就会被灭城!说他是好时代,是因为四国和中原,几百年没产生战争了,就算以前有仇恨,现在其实也遗忘了,而四国还没攻入中原,就被击溃了,虽然兵士有些损伤……可自古以来,战争爆发,没有不死人的,也不会因为死了一些人,就要灭国……” The Great Wilderness king relaxes. 大荒王松了口气。 Li Hao also said: Therefore, this is an extremely good big fusion time! At this time fused, because four directions mainland is also fusing, will therefore not create too big opposition psychology, because of the city change, perhaps was the strangers, everyone's repel feeling to the bystander, without was so strong.” 李皓又道:“所以,这是一个极其好的大融合时代!这时候融合,因为四方大陆也在融合,所以不会造成太大的反对心理,因为城市变迁,也许都是陌生人,大家对外人的排斥感,没有那么强。” The Great Wilderness king cannot bear say: Marquis also cared that these livelihoods of the people...... are really the outstanding person phoenix......” 大荒王忍不住道:“侯爷还关心这些民生……果然是人中龙凤……” Li Hao laughs in spite of trying not to: „Does this calculate the livelihood of the people? The livelihood of the people in your eye, wants superficially compared with me......” 李皓失笑:“这算民生吗?你眼中的民生,比我还要浅薄……” Great Wilderness king somewhat are awkward. 大荒王有些尴尬。 Li Hao does not pay attention: People actually arrange well, even if the person are many, the key also lies in high-level, I said one with you ahead of time, is hopes that you can coordinate, otherwise...... I will punish one as a warning to others! To you so, to the water cloud so, to Great Li so, to everyone is so......” 李皓也不理会:“民众其实好安排,哪怕人很多,关键还在于高层,我提前和你说一声,是希望你能配合,否则……我会杀鸡儆猴!对你如此,对水云如此,对大离如此,对所有人都是如此……” Does not dare!” “不敢!” Great Wilderness king Jimang said: At the present marquis strength unparalleled, the subordinate strong soldier brave warrior are innumerable, in the transcendent time, individual mighty force has surpassed all, who has dared hurriedly?” 大荒王急忙道:“而今侯爷战力无双,麾下强兵悍将无数,在超凡的时代,个人伟力已经超过了一切,谁敢造次?” Li Hao visits him, the Great Wilderness king did not speak. 李皓看着他,大荒王不吭声。 This is the fact. 这是事实。 Individual mighty force is powerful, in addition the subordinate powerhouse are also many, who dared to revolt at this time? 个人伟力强大,加上麾下强者也多,谁敢这时候造反? That is good! That is exhausted the Great Wilderness king, summoned that under you powerhouse, moves the Great Wilderness common people!” “那就好!那就劳烦大荒王,号召你麾下强者,对大荒百姓进行迁徙!” The Great Wilderness king nods, in the heart is helpless, is unable to say anything. 大荒王点头,心中再多无奈,也无法去说什么。 Superintendent Zhao, these matters, you must worry, do not divide is too clear, the difference treats, the water cloud people and Great Wilderness People and four directions mainland People, can mix the crosswise placement!” 赵署长,这些事,你们也要操心,不要分的太清,区别对待,水云民众、大荒民众、四方大陆民众,都可以混合交叉地安置!” Superintendent Zhao nods, this is also good, is only, the difficulty is still very big. 赵署长点头,这样也好,只是,难度依旧很大。 He also knows, wants to complete the task perfectly, oneself must much less hair, continue probably he, then, others must collapse. 他也知道,想要完美完成任务,自己大概要少很多头发,不止他,接下来,其他人都得崩溃。 But Li Hao, must do incessantly so. 李皓,要做的不止如此。 He looks to the Great Wilderness king: Before, me hopes that can eliminate on Great Wilderness people all chaos aura, has the means?” 他又看向大荒王:“在走之前,我希望能够剥夺大荒民众身上的所有混沌气息,有办法吗?” This......” “这……” The Great Wilderness king stares, long time said puzzled: This...... is very difficult! Naturally, uses the meaning of chaos, is not good, but...... is only then, getting an idea of chaos strengthens, may have some accidents/surprises...... that to trouble.” 大荒王一愣,半晌才纠结道:“这……很难!当然,利用混沌之意,也不是不行,只是……只是如此一来,混沌之意会增强,可能会出现一些意外……那就麻烦了。” Strengthen? Strong?” “变强?会有多强?” Is indefinite, may become the Saint beast?” Valley “不确定,可能会成为圣兽?”谷 Who knows that he has not experienced. 谁知道呢,他也没经历过。
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