Does not know that iswhichfamily/home, felt that the bloodlinesare rich, in a flash, hisbloodlineswere extracted, integratesineightlight beamsinstantaneously, the unstableeightlight beams, stabilizedin a flash.
不知道是谁家的,感觉血脉还算浓郁,一瞬间,他血脉被抽取,瞬间融入八道光柱之中,原本不稳定的八道光柱,一瞬间稳定了下来。Ying Hongyueseverehowl, fights with the fists, changes intoinnumerableeight trigrams diagramdirectly, goestowardthatlong swordsuppression!映红月厉吼一声,一拳打出,直接化为无数八卦图,朝那长剑镇压而去!Bang!
The long swordbroke, second, third, fourth......
长剑破碎了一张,第二张,第三张,第四张……Has arrivedshatterfinally, bang, strikesto flyYing Hongyue, actuallyalso the ample forceexhausts, was brokenby a queenfist.
一直破碎到最后,砰地一声,将映红月击飞,却也余力耗尽,被女王一拳打破。sword glowdissipates.剑芒消散。Ying Hongyuespits bloodto continue, on the facepresentstogether the deepbloodstain, somelingering fear, have not actually died, butlived.映红月吐血不止,脸上呈现出一道深深的血痕,有些后怕,却是没死,而是活下来了。Li Haosaidin a soft voice: Person who „...... the firstparticipationrecoversso that's how it is, is the bloodlines of Eight Great Families! Theyare, youare, Superintendent Zhao is also! They, originallyfor the key that to letyourconsolidatedeightlineage/veinunites...... interesting!”李皓轻声道:“原来如此……第一次参与复苏的人,都是八大家的血脉!他们是,你是,赵署长也是!他们,原来是为了让你巩固八脉合一的关键……有意思!”Then, vanishesinstantaneouslyon the spot: „Do not separate, Iwill also come backagain! ZhengYu, wantsto killme, come!”
说罢,瞬间消失在原地:“别分开,我还会再回来的!郑宇,想杀我,来!”In a flash, heescapesintoto disappearvoid.
一瞬间,他遁入虚空消失。ButZhengYu, arrivesinstantaneously, several other sages, rush over.
而郑宇,也是瞬间降临,其他几位圣人,迅速赶到。At this moment, ZhengYucloneto look atYing Hongyue, the lookglittered.
好手段!Justthatflash, the Li Haostrength, was the sagepeaklevelabsolutely, a swordgot down, unexpectedlycannotkillhim, eightlineage/veinunited!
Under the Ying Hongyueeightlineage/veinunite, unexpectedlyblocked the opposite party to killstrikes!映红月八脉合一之下,居然挡住了对方必杀一击!Naturally, it is thus apparent that Li Haoreallymustkillhim, as long as the Ying Hongyuemethodlittle, mustdiewithout doubt , to continue he, the queenwill also die.
当然,由此也可以看出,李皓真的要杀他,但凡映红月手段少一点,必死无疑,不止他,女王也会死。ThisYing Hongyue...... the methodis not weak.
这映红月……手段可不弱。ButYing Hongyue, the complexion is also somewhatpaleugly, Flying Sword Immortal that the sideleaves behind, is the complexionis paler!
而映红月,脸色也是有些苍白难看,身旁留下的飞剑仙,更是脸色铁青!So that's how it is!
The firstrecoveryparticipant, unexpectedlyis the Eight Great Familiesbloodlines, theyare not clear, Flying Sword Immortalis also good, Clear Sky Mountain Lordis also good, does not knowoneselfare the Eight Great Familieslater generation.
第一次复苏参与者,居然都是八大家血脉,他们自己都不清楚,飞剑仙也好,昊天山主也好,根本不知道自己是八大家的后人。Untilthis moment, Ying Hongyueexposed, withClear Sky Mountain Lord, blockedmustkillstrikes.
直到这一刻,映红月才暴露了出来,用一个昊天山主,挡住了必杀一击。ButYing Hongyue, did not say a word.
而映红月,一言不发。Whatwordsdid not say.
什么话都不说。Ineye, revealsreluctantlysome.
眼中,也流露出一些无奈。Justthatinstantaneous, hereallyfelt the crisis of death, borrowedLi Hao of strength of common people, the strengthrose suddenly a section, ifdid not needeightlineage/veinto unite, hemustdiewithout doubt!
刚刚那瞬间,他真的感受到了死亡的危机,借用万民之力的李皓,实力又暴涨了一截,若是不用出八脉合一,他必死无疑!ZhengYusweptYing Hongyue, looked at the queen, has not saidanything.
郑宇只是扫了一眼映红月,又看了看女王,并未多说什么。These two, Li Haocankill, the homicide can not.
这两人,李皓可以杀,他杀不得。Cancontroltwo people, thatis the bestresult.
能控制两人,那是最好的结果。At this moment, the urgent matteris notthey, butisLi Hao, hislookglitters, looksto the distant place, the soundis indifferent: „Li Hao, the worldcanhold the sagenow, might as wellstay behind, trieswhether to striketo killus, otherwise......”
The Li Haolaughtertransmitsin a soft voice: „Otherwiseyou, whenslaughters the world? KillsmySilver Moonmartial master? BreaksmyHeavenly Star Dynasty? Iand othersyou! ZhengYu, Iand othersyoukilledthem, makingthemfirstaccompanymyteacher, whenmymarvelous abilityaccomplishment, Iresurrectagainthey! Also, otherlightsaiddoes not do, thisSilver Moon, youbestslaughter, Ialso want to take a look, is an unmannedworld, youwants, Ianticipatedvery much...... do not intimidateme, Iquitefeared!”李皓笑声轻声传来:“否则你当屠戮天下?杀我银月武师?破我天星王朝?我等你!郑宇,我等你杀了他们,让他们先去陪我老师,待我神功大成,我再复活他们!还有,别光说不做,这银月,你最好屠戮一空,我也想看看,一个无人的世界,是不是你想要的,我很期待……别恫吓我,我好怕!”ZhengYucomplexionchanges, has not spokenagain.
郑宇脸色微变,没有再说话。Isa little thoughts of intimidation.
是有一点恫吓的心思。But...... Li Haodoes not eatthisset.
可是……李皓不吃这一套。Orsincehis parentsdied, the brothersdied, the masterdied, the saviordied...... thisfellowalmostnot to have the weakness!
The remainingpeople, youkillcasually!
剩下的人,你随便杀!Killsmany, isyourskill!
杀多少,是你的本事!ButZhengYuzhen is willingto slaughter the world?
可郑宇真的愿意屠戮天下吗?Reallymustkill off the worldperson...... the Silver Moonworld, but can also recoveragain?
真要杀光了天下人……银月天地,还能再次复苏吗?Now, the worldpersoncultivates oneself according to religious doctrine, insteadwas the key that theirmain bodycame out!
如今,天下人修道,反而是他们本尊出来的关键了!Ifkilled offworldcultivating, the worldperhapsstops, no longerrecovered, thatis sorrowful.
若是杀光了天下修者,天地也许就到此为止,不再复苏了,那才悲哀。Ying Hongyue is also a sigh, saidin a soft voice: „Should notkillYuan Shuo!”映红月也是一声叹息,轻声道:“不该杀袁硕的!”ZhengYudid not say a word, the complexionwas indifferent!
Don't Iknow?
我不知道吗?Butat that time, howto process?
可那时候,如何处理?TheyenteredWubian Cityon own initiative, ZhengGongfaced with the deathcrisis, mustcontrol itself, doesn't killYuan Shuo?
他们主动杀入了无边城,郑功面临死亡危机,难道还要控制自己,不去杀袁硕?Ying Hongyuethissaying, pureto talk nonsense, belated action!映红月这话,纯粹的放屁,马后炮了!Ialsoknow,Li Haodoes not die, killingYuan Shuois not the good deed!
我也知道,李皓不死,杀袁硕不是好事!But...... the presentsaysusefullythese?
可是……现在说这些有用吗?Heshot a look atYing Hongyue, has not goneto pursueLi Hao, butcoldlysaid: „Yourcalculations, bestreceive! YouandMoon God, bestgo toJufeng Cityalong withmenow, evadeslies low until something blows over!”
他瞥了一眼映红月,并未去追李皓,而是冷冷道:“你那些小算盘,最好都收起来!你和月神,如今最好随我去飓风城,避一避风头!”Theywere impossibleto protectthesetwofellows, the outside worldcanhold the sage.
他们不可能一直保护这两个家伙,外界是能容纳圣人了。Butalso is actually very dangerous!
可其实也很危险!Independentsage, even2-3, are not the Li Haoopponents.
单独一位圣人,甚至2-3位,都不是李皓对手。Let alone2-3, Fighting Heaven Citycarriesin additionalong, being less thanfivesagesis unsafe, but the sages, have crowded together, waits forLi Haoto kill?
The queenis somewhat aggrieved, is low and deep: „Whether to initiate an attack, killedhim?”
女王有些憋屈,低沉道:“能否主动出击,杀了他?”ZhengYuknits the browsslightly: „Worldrecoverydegreeis insufficient, even ifI, candisplay the sagelate stagestrength, butLi Haoalsoalmostso, Iandhisspeedis equivalent, he can also escapeinto the Grand Daouniverse, wantsto pursuetohim...... is very difficult!”
The queenknits the brows, said: „Thathas pursued, cannottohim the time, keepinghimfromappearingin the world!”
女王皱眉不已,又道:“那就一直追,不能给他时间,让他无法出现在天地之间!”„Hecancome and go out the Grand Daouniversemomentarily!”
“他能随时出入大道宇宙!”ZhengYuaggravated the tone, second-generationMoon God, the brainis not quite sober!
郑宇加重了语气,第二代月神,脑子不太清醒!Hasn't understoodmymeaning?
The opposite partyescapemomentarilyinto the Grand Daouniverse, is not necessarily ableto appearsame place, thisis the Li Haobiggestenergy, youcaught up, heescapes into , perhaps the nextquarter, appearedinotherplace.
懂了吗?Moreover, dispersesslightly, the thunder that possiblyfaces the opposite partystrikes!
而且,稍微分散开,就可能面临对方的雷霆一击!Chasing downLi Hao...... is not a goodway.
The truegoodwayis, enters the Grand Daouniverse, the converging attack, cutsto killhimdirectly.
真正的好办法是,进入大道宇宙,前后夹击,直接斩杀他。HelookstoYing Hongyue: „Can enter the Grand Daouniverse?”
The Ying Hongyuecomplexionchanges, opens the mouth saying: „Difficult! Iam not possibly good, the queencould...... the premiseis, shecanfind the means......”映红月脸色微变,开口道:“难!我可能不行,女王陛下也许可以……前提是,她能找到办法……”
The queenis startled: „Mythislifestarsnotin the Grand Daouniverse......”
女王一怔:“我本命星辰不在大道宇宙之中……”Howto go in?
如何进去?Ying Hongyuesaidin a soft voice: „No matter is not, yourinbornSpiritual God, isGrand Daopresents, ifseekscarefully, there is a verybigopportunity, so long as the queenis willingto put down the arrogantheart, goes to the method of cultivationnew Wayon own initiative, couldlocateto the Grand Daouniverse!”映红月轻声道:“不管在不在,你们天生神灵,都是大道呈现,若是仔细寻找,还是有很大机会的,只要女王愿意放下高傲之心,主动去修炼新道之法,也许能定位到大道宇宙!”Ok?
可以吗?Shelooked atYing Hongyue, knits the browsslightly.
她看了一眼映红月,微微皱眉。ZhengYutranquilsay/way: „Gives a try! Li Haois even more hard to deal with, the keylies in the Grand Daouniverse, is unable to enter the Grand Daouniverse, perhaps...... is hardto killhim!”
郑宇平静道:“试试看!李皓愈加难缠,关键还是在于大道宇宙,无法进入大道宇宙,恐怕……难以杀他!”Ying Hongyuesaidsuddenly: „Siris powerful, hasn't thought the Grand Daouniverse? Has not thought that transformsnew Way?”映红月忽然道:“大人强大无比,就不曾想过大道宇宙?不曾想过,转换新道?”ZhengYulooked athisoneeyes, the toneis cold and gloomy: „All these...... areyoushouldask?”
郑宇看了他一眼,语气森冷:“这一切……是你该问的吗?”Ying Hongyuesmiles, has not saidanythingagain.映红月笑了笑,没再说什么。ZhengYu, inevitablyalso some preparations.
郑宇,必然也有一些准备。Does not facilitate the exposition.
只是,不方便暴露罢了。new Way, anybodywill not give upstudying, perhapsZhengYu, has startedto studynew Way.新道一出,任何人都不会放弃研究的,也许郑宇,也早就开始研究新道了。Thistime...... hesighed.
The losswas too big!
损失太大了!Lostseveraldivine weaponnot saying that diedClear Sky Mountain Lord, was short of an opportunity of eightlineage/veinfusions.
At this moment, ZhengYusaidsuddenly: „Youreightlineage/veingatherings, are extremely unstable! Perhaps...... Ihave the means that makingyoustabilize.”
“大人是说……”„stone doorinheritance!”
“石门传承!”ZhengYusaidlightly: „Eight Great Families, has the stone doorinheritance! NeedsEight Great Familiesdivine weaponto open......, butIactuallyknow, means that can also open, eightcityCity Lordseal! Thisis the Eight Great Familiesdignity, dignified, the symbol of right! Sometimes, canbe equal toEight Great Familiesto inheritdivine weapon! After enteringstone door, couldhelpyourstableeightlineage/veinunite.”
郑宇淡淡道:“八大家,都有石门传承!需要八大家神兵去开启……但是我却知道,还有一个办法,也可以开启,八城城主印!这是八大家的尊严,威严,权利的象征!有些时候,可以等同八大家传承神兵!进入石门之后,也许可以帮你稳固八脉合一。”„Whatprice does Sirneedmeto pay?”
“大人需要我付出什么代价?”Ying Hongyuehas also once thought after enteringstone door, but, opensstone door, the sounddid not say very much, moreoversomestone door, could not find the place.映红月也曾想过进入石门之后,可是,开启石门,动静很大不说,而且有些石门,根本找不到地方。Perhaps, ZhengYuknowscompletely.
也许,郑宇是全部知道的。After all, heisEight Great Familiesis in direct line.
毕竟,他就是八大家嫡传。ZhengYulooked athisoneeyes, smilesonepale: „Simple, youwere powerful, extracts the strength of someRed Moonto be able, Ying Hongyue, you are a smart person, not?”
郑宇看了他一眼,淡笑一声:“简单,你强大了,多抽取一些红月之力便可,映红月,你是聪明人,不是吗?”Ying Hongyuethinks, nod: „Eightlineage/veinunite, myeightlineage/veinare thicker, canwithstand the strength of manyRed Moon! Indeedhelps the cooperationmutually, at that time, the sealstrengthened, the queen can also extract the strength of manySilver Moonto come out...... ourpresentenemies, wasLi Hao! Even ifRed MoonVenerable Emperor, actuallyalsowantsLi Hao dead, Li Hao, canuse the strength of Grand Daoprobably, purifies the strength of Red Moon!”映红月想了想,点头:“八脉合一,我八脉更浓,可以承受更多的红月之力!的确是互帮互助,那时候,封印强化,女王也可以抽取更多的银月之力出来……我们如今的敌人,都是李皓!哪怕红月帝尊,其实也希望李皓死,李皓,好像可以用大道之力,净化红月之力!”ZhengYuno longersaidanythingmuch, opens the mouth saying: „Walks!”
郑宇不再多说什么,开口道:“走吧!”Queensomedo not abandon, the Westerngodcountry, thislosswas too serious.
女王还是有些不舍,西方神国,这一次损失太惨重了。Beforebelievedis routed, the templeblasted open, diedcountlesspeople.
之前信仰被击溃,神庙炸裂,死了无数人。Now...... do alsowantto continueto escape?
现在……自己还要继续逃吗?„Keeps the mountain not to worrynot to have the firewoodfever!”
“留得青山在不愁没柴烧!”Ying Hongyueurgedone, remains, useless.映红月劝了一句,留下来,没用的。ButLi Hao, will not go crazywith no reason at all, slaughtersseveral hundreds of millionscivilians.
The queenclenches teeth, the nod, clenches jaws: „And other sealswere stable, Iextract the strength of manySilver Moon...... thenam the Li Haotime of death, ifcanenter the Grand Daouniverse, Iwill certainlycutto break to pieceshislifestars!”
可恨的家伙!At this moment, as ifLi Haois the world's largest unprincipled person.
这一刻,仿佛李皓才是世界上最大的坏人。Thesepeople, evenwas worried that Li Haoslaughters the civilians, forcesqueen.
……Onegroup of people, evacuatedunhurriedly.
It is not quick, there is the thoughts of waiting for the Li Haosurprise attack.
不算快,也有等待李皓突袭的心思。However, Li Haodoes not havethisidea.
不过,李皓却是没这个想法。Almostis11sages, henotinsane, whycanattackthem?
差不多是11位圣人,他又没疯,干嘛要去突袭他们?Thistime, the Starry Sky Swordfragment, directlyabsorbedthreedivine weapon, the sealwas frailer, ZhengYufor the stableseal, will pay a bigprice, butYing Hongyuelostdivine weapon, but alsolostClear Sky Mountain Lord, is good.
这一次,星空剑碎片,直接吸收了三枚神兵,封印脆弱了许多,想必郑宇为了稳固封印,会付出不小的代价,而映红月丢了神兵,还丢了一个昊天山主,也不错。That side the queen, Li Haois disinclinedto care.
女王那边,李皓懒得在意。Heaven's Will, was short ofpart, thisenough.天意,少了一部分,这就够了。Win total victories!
大获全胜!Allgoals, almostachieved.
所有目标,几乎都达成了。„Yamadies, Ying Hongyuehas not borrowedhimto erupt...... to hideunexpectedlyonetimeintentionally, said that Yamadies, hecollected the bloodlines, therefore, heactually can also eruptagainonetime?”
“阎罗死的时候,映红月居然没有借用他爆发一次……是故意隐藏,还是说,阎罗死的时候,他收集了血脉,所以,他其实还能再次爆发一次?”Li Haothought ofthis point, passed on a message: „Qian Wuliang, after Yamadies, where the corpse?”李皓想到了这一点,传讯出去:“乾无亮,阎罗死后,尸体哪去了?”„Was robbedbyYing Hongyue!”
果然!In the Li Haoheartmoves slightly, whydoes not use the Yamacorpseas forthistime, butusedClear Sky Mountain Lord, probably is also becausethese twosomewhathesitatedandsuspected, killsone, but alsofewchild in such an arrangement.李皓心中微动,至于为何这一次不用阎罗尸体,而是用了昊天山主,大概也是因为这两人有些迟疑和怀疑了,弄死一个,还少一个拖油瓶。„Said, ifFlying Sword Immortaldoes not run away, perhaps, thisfellow can also erupttwice...... the premiseis, eightlineage/veinalsonotstable!”
“这么说,若是飞剑仙不逃走,也许,这家伙还能爆发两次……前提是,八脉还没稳固!”EruptionYing Hongyue, isverypowerful.
爆发的映红月,还是很强大的。Evencan a sealsage!
甚至可以封印一位圣人!Oneselfhave promoted, thisfellow, has followedto promote, Li Haosmilessuddenly, thisfellow, somewhat the method, oneselfbecamehisinvaderactually, raises the invaderdead weight, said is Ying Hongyue.
自己一直提升,这家伙,也一直跟着提升,李皓忽然一笑,这家伙,真有点手段,自己倒是成了他的寇,养寇自重,说的便是映红月。Heevensuspected,Ying Hongyuehad the opportunityto kill itselfbefore, butdoes not killintentionally, forispresentsoneto threatenallcharacters, cangivehimmoreopportunities.
他甚至怀疑,映红月以前有机会杀死自己,只是故意不去杀,为的就是出现一个威胁一切的人物,也能给他更多的机会。Otherwise...... hiswhereis so quick, strides inVia Sacra.
否则……他哪有那么快,跨入圣道。Thesegets downtime, Ying HongyuecanenterVia Sacrainevitably!
这一次下去,映红月必然可以进入圣道!Including the queen is also.
包括女王也是。These two, actuallyshouldthank itselfto be right.
这两人,其实都应该感谢自己才对。Oneself, theyhave not simply had the hopeshorttime, strides inVia Sacra, the queendoes not know the circumstances of the matter, thinksownMoon Godreincarnation, butYing Hongyue...... verypossibleto knowanything.
没有自己,他们俩根本没希望短短时间,跨入圣道,女王是不知情,自认为自己月神转世,而映红月……很可能是知道一些什么的。Side, Ninth Division Commanderappearsagain: „Nowwhat to do? The worldcanhold the sage...... mymain bodyalsoto go out, but can also continueto pursuewiththem?”
身边,九师长再次浮现:“现在怎么办?天地可以容纳圣人了……我本尊也可以出去了,还要继续和他们追逐下去吗?”Hefelt likeat this moment,Li Haokept the hand.
他此刻隐约觉得,李皓还是留手了。Did not say that the strengthkeeps the hand, butis the time.
不是说实力留手,而是时机。He, uses the strength of common peoplecompletelyagainearly, perhapshas the opportunityto killseveralpeople, buthedoes not have, butwhenZhengYutheywill draw near, whentheywill arrive, used the strength of common people.
他完全可以,再更早一点,动用万民之力,也许有机会杀死几人,可他没有,而是等到郑宇他们快到了,在他们到来的时候,动用了万民之力。Thus, thenmissed the besttime!
这样,便错过了最佳时机!Moreover, but alsoexposed the completestrength, is actually not the gooddecision, sawthemto come, perhapsLi Haoshouldkeep the strengthto be right.
而且,还暴露了全部实力,其实不是什么好决定,看到他们来了,也许李皓更应该保留实力才对。„SeveralFang Qiang, gatheredone!”
“几方强者,都汇聚到了一起!”„On this day , the tumultuous timeswere about to end!”
“这天下,乱世快结束了!”Li Haosaid with a smilesuddenly: „Theirthree partiesgatheredone, must havemistrusts each other! Perhaps the present stage, theywantthroughentering the Grand Daouniversekillme......”李皓忽然笑道:“他们三方汇聚到了一起,少不了尔虞我诈!现阶段,他们也许想通过进入大道宇宙来杀我……”Ninth Division CommanderlookstoLi Hao, then?九师长看向李皓,然后呢?Li Haothinks, opens the mouth saying: „Givesthem the opportunity!”李皓思索一番,开口道:“给他们机会!”Then, selects, void, gloomystarsappear, Li Haoselectedstarsinstantaneously, the starsshivered, glitteredlittlebrilliance, the strength of Grand Daoswept across.
After the moment, the starssomewhatglitterluminously.
片刻后,星辰有些光亮闪烁出来。SomeNinth Division Commanderdoubts, Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „Thisis the mortal bodydao lineagestars of queen......”九师长有些疑惑,李皓轻声道:“这是女王的肉身道脉星辰……”„Un? The Spiritual Godis notonly thentogether?”
“嗯?神灵不是只有一道吗?”Li Haosmiled: „Queenis special, perhapsMoon God, the first under heavengod, has! Nowhelpshercatalyze, perhapsis quick, shecanbreak opendao lineage, at that time, thencan the sensationto the Grand Daouniverse, makingFighting Heaven Citystakethisstars!”李皓笑了:“女王特殊,月神,天下第一神,也许有很多呢!现在帮她催化一下,也许很快,她可以自己破开道脉了,那时候,便能感知到大道宇宙了,让战天城盯死了这颗星辰!”Ninth Division Commanderunderstandsindistinctly the Li Haothoughts, nod.九师长隐约明白了李皓的心思,点点头。
Is this...... fishesthemto swallow the bait?
这是……钓他们上钩吗?In order tokillLi Hao, once the queenreallycanlocateto the Grand Daouniverse, perhaps, thesepeoplewill pay the enormousprice, sends inmorepowerhousesto enter the Grand Daouniverse, at that time, perhapswas a huge harvest!
The queenis followingto evacuate, suddenlysomeare not quite comfortable, the body, strength of the lightGrand Daoappears, letssome of hermortal bodytremors, herrapidsensation, in the eyeflashed throughwipes the unusual look.
女王正跟着撤离,忽然有些不太自在,身上,一股淡淡的大道之力浮现,让她肉身有些颤动,她迅速感知了一下,眼中闪过一抹异色。This...... dao lineage?
这……道脉?Region that ownwithin the body, was almost impossibleto discover, suddenlypresentsverysmall and weakdao lineage.
Doesn't the Spiritual God, only havedao lineage?
The nextquarter, in the heartmoves slightly, is uncertain, IamMoon God, the first under heavenSpiritual God, perhapsis more special, incessantly, perhapsjust like others, there areinnumerablestrip.
下一刻,心中微动,也不一定,我是月神,天下第一神灵,也许特殊一些,不止一条,说不定和其他人一样,有无数条。This...... was really comesto deliver the pillowsleepily.
这……真是瞌睡来了送枕头。I have a headache, my lifestarsin the Grand Daouniverse, are unable to findLi Hao, is unable to cope withhim.
The result...... inthiscrucial point, appearedunexpectedlydao lineage.
结果……这节骨眼上,居然浮现出了一条道脉。Really the Heavenly Daodoes not wantLi Haoto go on living!
真是天道都不要李皓活下去!Ownwithin the bodybirthdao lineage, heralsoreallydidn't expect, thisisartificial, does dao lineageinownwithin the body, havewhatrelationswith others?
自己体内诞生道脉,她还真没想到,这是人为的,道脉在自己体内,和其他人有何关系?At this moment, shehas not raised.
偷偷的修炼!According to the method of cultivationnew Waypasses on, cultivatesthisreappearingdao lineage.
按照新道传出来的修炼之法,去修这条浮现的道脉。Perhaps, oneselfcanlocateto the Grand Daouniversequickly, Li Haocanenter, Iwhynot?
也许,自己很快可以定位到大道宇宙,李皓能进入,我为何不可以?Inhereyeflashes throughwipes the cool color!
她眼中闪过一抹冷色!WhenIlocated the Grand Daouniverse, canenter, evencanlead the personto enter...... perhaps, at that timeLi Haoagainalsorampant!
等我定位到了大道宇宙,能进入其中,甚至可以带人进入……也许,那时候李皓就再也嚣张不了了!Thiscurrent, but must be carefulZhengYuthesepeople.
只是,这当前,还要小心郑宇这些人。Be not givento controlbythemwas good!
别被他们给控制了才好!Shedepressesin the heart the thought that is somewhat delighted, opens the lineage/vein, canhelp itselfbe more powerful, the strength of Silver Moonpulls outleaves, thesepeopleknow, is, cultivationnew Way, thesepeopledo not know!
她压下心中念头,有些欢喜,开脉,也能帮自己更强大,银月之力抽离,这些人都知道,可是,修炼新道,这些人是不知道的!„The Silver MoonfirstSpiritual God, withoutwas so easyto be finished, Li Hao...... youunderestimatedthisking!”
“银月第一神灵,没那么容易完蛋的,李皓……你太小看本王了!”In the queenheartis thinkingsilently.
……Butat this moment, Li Haohas vanishedfrom the Grand Daouniverse.
而这一刻,李皓已经从大道宇宙中消失。Thatseveralfellowswalked, hedoes not stay in the West, thistime, destroyedmassiveMoon Godpalaces, is one of his plans, hopes that LiDaoheng above spacethatmoon, will not mind.
那几个家伙走了,他也不留在西方,此次,一举捣毁了大量月神殿,也是他的计划之一,希望天上那月亮之上的李道恒,不会介意。TrueMoon God, perhapscontinuouslyalsothroughtemple, the strength of absorptionbelief.
真正的月神,恐怕一直还在通过神殿,吸收信仰之力。Thistime, destroyedall these...... not to know that probablyaccidentallytheycanbe angry.
The Li Haosmileis bright, directly soarsGreat Wildernessto go.李皓笑容灿烂,直奔大荒而去。Youhave a headache, Ishouldgo toGreat Wildernessto have a look.
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