西方大陆。Li Haoattacksunceasingly.李皓不断出击。Powerfulsword intent, covers the four directions.
强大的剑意,笼罩四方。At this moment, in the world, the energydensityincrease, Ying Hongyuewithin the body, the strengthconstantlyis also growing stronger, at this timewas somewhat dirty.
此刻,天地之间,能量浓度提升,映红月体内,力量也不断在增强,这时候有些灰头土脸。On the face, isdignifiedincomparable.
脸上,更是凝重无比。Li Haois serious!李皓玩真的!According tohisidea, Li Haowill not really killhis, Li Haois a smart person, is the smart person, morewill not killhis, whycanallchange?
A swordpierces the world, the Ying Hongyuecomplexionfluctuates, in a flash, a longwhippasses throughvoid, Zheng Familyninewhips.
The longwhipwas sweptdirectlyflies, the rear area, Li Haosearches the handto grasp, the longwhipstrugglesfiercely, was firmly heldbyLi Hao.
长鞭被直接扫飞,后方,李皓探手一抓,长鞭剧烈挣扎起来,却是被李皓牢牢抓住。Eight Great Familiesdivine weapon, Wind Chasing BootsandZhang Familystone blade, Starry Sky Sword and Hong Familyhammerwas been stavebyLi Hao, remainingZheng Familyninewhips, profoundcarapace of Wang Family, Zhao Family's fistwrap/sets, Zhou Family's spear, except forprofoundcarapace, in the Ying Hongyuehand.八大家神兵,追风靴、张家石刀、星空剑、洪家锤都被李皓破碎,剩下的郑家九节鞭,王家的玄龟甲,赵家的拳套,周家的枪,除了玄龟甲,都在映红月手中。At this moment, ninewhipswere heldbyLi Haostubbornly, gavesomeYing Hongyueopportunities, flees in disorderrapidly.
此刻,九节鞭被李皓死死抓住,也给了映红月一些机会,迅速窜逃。Front, the queenrunsis quicker than him.
前方,女王跑的比他还快。Ying Hongyue is also the complexionfluctuates , to continue to flee, bringssomepuzzled, thenlooked atLi Hao, acts in a play...... orreally?映红月也是脸色变幻,继续遁逃,带着一些不解,回头看了一眼李皓,是做戏……还是真的?Justthinking, suddenly, the worldis reappearingradiantradiance.
刚想着,忽然,天地浮现一道道璀璨光华。At this moment, Li Haoappearssuddenlymanyforms, divine writing, change intoLi Hao, variousdivine abilityget together, Li Haooneselfamqi and bloodsoar to the heavens, under drinksseverely, bang, crushes the Zheng Familyninewhipsdirectly, integratedinbrokenStarry Sky Swordin a flash.
这一刻,李皓忽然浮现出许多身影,一枚枚神文,化为李皓,各种神通齐聚,李皓本人更是气血冲天,一声厉喝之下,轰隆一声,直接将郑家的九节鞭粉碎,一瞬间融入了残破的星空剑中。slashed out with a sword!一剑斩出!Bang!
The dreadfulloud soundspreads.
滔天巨响传出。Meanwhile, the Ying Hongyuebodytrembles, a bloodspews out, sky overSilver City, ineight trigrams diagram, belongs to the side ofZheng Familyeight trigrams (gossip), instantaneouslow-spirited.
At this moment, Jufeng City.
就在此刻,飓风城中。In a flash, ZhengYucloneto reappeartogether, changes intoqi and bloodinstantaneously, integratedineight trigrams diagram, ZhengYu in city, the complexionwas somewhat ugly.
一瞬间,郑宇又是一道分身浮现,瞬间化为气血,融入了八卦图中,城中的郑宇,脸色有些难看了。Li Hao...... reallyiron coremustkillYing Hongyue . Moreover, iron coremustbreak the seal.李皓……真的铁了心要杀映红月,而且,铁了心要破了封印。Hisshatterfirstseveraldivine weapon, shouldknow,breakseach time, is the opportunities that a sealweakens.
他破碎前几件神兵,就该知道,每次破碎一个,都是一次封印削弱的机会。Maybe inthissituation, Li Haois unexpectedly stave.
可到了这地步,李皓居然还在破碎。This can only explain,Li Haowas really crazy!
……Ying Hongyue was also thoroughLi Haonot to killhisthoughts.映红月也彻底死了李皓不会杀他的心思。Hewill kill!
他会杀的!This momentYing Hongyue, has not roared, notdesperate, is onlydignifiedincomparable, fleesrapidly, bringsFlying Sword ImmortalandClear Sky Mountain Lordas before, even iftothis time, hehad not given uptwo people......
这一刻的映红月,没有吼叫,没有绝望,只是凝重无比,迅速遁逃,依旧带着飞剑仙和昊天山主,哪怕到了这时候,他也没放弃两人……Eightbigbloodlines, are unceasingly turbulent.
八大血脉,不断动荡。Li Hao, broke the Zheng Familyninewhipsunexpectedly.李皓,居然破了郑家的九节鞭。Heshouldunderstand,nowcontinuesshatterdivine weapon, what will influence have.
后方。Li Haobrokeninewhips, smiles, saidin a soft voice: „Ying Hongyue, Zhao Family's fist, does Zhou Family's spear, why nottake? Right, when do youcontinuouslysolook aftertoFlying Sword ImmortalandClear Sky...... prepareto taketheirlife?”李皓破碎了九节鞭,笑了笑,轻声道:“映红月,还有赵家的拳,周家的枪,何不都拿出来呢?对了,你一直对飞剑仙和昊天如此照顾……准备何时取他们性命呢?”Bytwo people who Ying Hongyueholds, the complexionchanges.
被映红月抓住的两人,脸色微变。Ying Hongyueescapesintovoid, the soundis indistinct: „Li Hao, tokillme, youalsocalculatedto stop at nothing, Ikilledtheir two people, from wherementioned?”映红月遁入虚空,声音缥缈:“李皓,为了杀我,你也算无所不用其极了,我杀他们二人,从何说起?”Li Haois unhurriedly, traces.李皓不慌不忙,一路追踪。Saidin a soft voice: „How would I know! Ionlyknow,in your color the devil, oneselfwomandieddid not care, how manybut alsocared aboutto hold back? Ionlyknow,theywithyoutogether, in the firstrecovery, participated in the recovery...... being corrodedby the Red Moonpowerhouse......”
轻声道:“我哪知道呢!我只知道,你这色中恶魔,连自己女人死了都不在乎,还在乎几个拖后腿的?我只知道,他们都和你一起,在第一次复苏中,参与了复苏……被红月强者侵蚀过……”„Ionlyknow, Three Big Organizations, united in spirit, perhapsisfourbigorganizations!”
“我只知道,三大组织,同气连枝,哦,也许是四大组织!”„Ialsoonlyknow, these two, participatedto recoverpast, shouldbe changed the physique, perhaps, is more suitableto save the strength of Red Moon, but the strength of toomanyRed Moon, will makeyoupresentsomeout-of-control......, but, the critical momentcanbe usedto save a life.”
“我也只知道,这两人,昔日参与复苏,应该被改变过体质,也许,更适合存储红月之力,而太多的红月之力,会让你出现一些失控……但是,关键时刻可以用来救命。”„Are they, strength of memoriesyourRed Moon? Said,Iwantto be many, butfell in love withthempurely?”
“他俩,是你的红月之力存储器吗?还是说,我想多了,只是单纯的爱上了他们?”Such remarks, two peoplechange color.
此话一出,两人都是变色。Ying Hongyue is still actually unhurriedly, soundtonegentleas always: „Li Hao, with a wish to incriminatehas no lack of a pretext, youwant is too many, theirtwo, are only the strength of Sun and Moonintermediate stage, the strength of how manyRed Mooncansave? Regardsto save the appliancewiththem, did youunderestimateme?”
The Li Haolookmoves slightly, yes.李皓眼神微动,也是。Thesetwopeoplehave the strength of Red Moon, buthas not imaginedis so rich.
这两人身上有红月之力,可也没想象中的那么浓郁。Buthecannot find out, whyYing Hongyuehas ledthem.
可他也想不出,映红月为何一直带着他们。Heguessedbefore,these twoare the Ying Hongyuecritical momentare possibly usedto derive the appliance of strength of Red Moon, finally, guessedwrong?
他之前猜测,这两人可能是映红月关键时刻用来汲取红月之力的器具,结果,是猜错了?Ying Hongyuethiswordsare not groundless.映红月此话也不无道理。Naturally, Li Haoaffirmed,these twohave the function, as forisanythingaffects, heis not a god, cannot achieveomniscient, the godcannot achieve.
当然,李皓肯定,这两人有作用,至于是什么作用,他不是神,也做不到无所不知,神也做不到。Heis also disinclinedto guess.
他也懒得去猜。Continuesto chase down, Ying Hongyueto the dead end, will definitely start.
The Li Haospeedis getting more and more fast.李皓速度越来越快。Ying Hongyuethis momentformis also unreal, the speed is also quicker and quicker, has chased the queen, the queensawhimto pursue, the complexionchanges, turns the head to leavethisfellow.映红月此刻身影也虚幻起来,速度也是越来越快,已经追赶上了女王,女王见他追来,脸色一变,转头就想离开这家伙。Li Haokillshisheart, killingoneselfis heavier.李皓杀他之心,比杀自己要重。She was just bornsuchidea, Ying Hongyuepasses message: „Do not run! YourIcollaborate, but can also resist a meeting, unsurprisingly, some quickpeoplewill saveus, oncedisperses...... isyourmytime of death! Li Haoreallymustkill peoplenow...... notescapes by luckcertainly!”
她刚诞生这样的想法,映红月传音:“别跑!你我联手,还能抵挡一会,不出意外,很快会有人来救我们,一旦分散开……才是你我死期!李皓现在真要杀人……绝无幸免!”In the queenheartmoves slightly.
女王心中微动。Ying Hongyuealsosaid: „Continuesto transfer the strength of Silver Moon, Silver Moonis the foundation of the whole world, the strengthis inexhaustible! By the strength of queen, reallymustrecovercompletely, in years past, only thenVenerable Emperorcankillyou...... Li Hao to killus, withoutis so simple!”映红月又道:“继续调动银月之力,银月乃是整个世界的根基,力量无穷无尽!以女王之力,真要完全复苏,昔年,也只有帝尊才能杀你……李皓想杀我们,也没那么简单!”Then, turns aroundto look, inheartslightly shakes, Li Haobeyondseveralchi (0.33 m)!
说罢,转身看去,心中微震,李皓就在几尺之外!In a flash, in the Ying Hongyueheartin great surprise, suddenly, eight trigrams diagramappears, is ordinarylike the seal, eight-part essayqi and bloodare turbulent, strength of overflowingpowderRed Moon, directly soarsLi Haoto go!
一瞬间,映红月心中大惊,忽然,一张八卦图浮现,如同封印一般,八股气血动荡,一股红月之力溢散,直奔李皓而去!Li Haouses the sword, slashed out with a sword, bang a loud sound, eight trigrams diagramunexpectedlyfiercetremor, actuallynotshatter.李皓出剑,一剑斩出,砰地一声巨响,八卦图居然只是剧烈颤动,却是没有破碎。eight trigrams diagramcoverstowardLi Haodirectlyunder.八卦图直接朝李皓笼罩而下。Meanwhile, the strength of queenwithin the bodySilver Moonrises sharply, isoneshouts angrily, a scepterpasses throughvoid, bang, poundsdirectlytoLi Hao, Li Haofights with the fists, scepterflying upside down, Li Hao is also onestaggersslightly, nextquarter, eight trigrams diagramagaintowardhisseal.
“好手段!”Li Haois somewhat surprised, universeeight trigrams (gossip)grand formation of simplified version.李皓有些惊讶,简化版的乾坤八卦大阵。Thisthing, was used forsealVenerable Emperorin years past.
这东西,昔年用来封印帝尊的。ThisYing Hongyue, unexpectedlysuchmethod.
轰!At this moment, a bigcity, the directsuppression, „Fights Heaven”twocharacters, the twinkleray, came from the Grand Daouniversesuppressionprobably, bang a loud sound, eight trigrams diagramdirectsmashing!
这一刻,一座大城,直接镇压而下,“战天”二字,闪烁光芒,好像从大道宇宙镇压而来,砰地一声巨响,八卦图直接粉碎!Ying Hongyuespits bloodto continue, at this time, reallychanged the complexion.映红月吐血不止,这时候,真的变了脸色。Thiseight trigrams diagram, ishemanyyears of painstaking care.
Before Li Hao, was prevented the way, evenis unable to break, proved the powerfulplace of thischart, finally, Fighting Heaven Cityarrives, brokeeight trigrams diagramdirectly!李皓之前被阻挡去路,甚至无法打破,就证明了此图的强悍之处,结果,战天城降临,直接就将八卦图震碎了!„Li Hao!”
The Ying Hongyuesoundwas somewhat indifferent: „Iguess,perhapsyouknow a pointwhat, does killme...... youreallyto achieve? YourIam the board game piece...... shouldjointly......”映红月声音有些冷漠了起来:“我猜,你也许知道了一点什么,杀我……你真的可以做到吗?你我都是棋子……本该联手……”„no, no, no, Iam not a board game piece, youare, Iambothering!”
“不不不,我不是棋子,你才是,我是搅局者!”Li Haochuckle: „Sincedecidesto bother, thatkilledyou, is certainly more interesting, Ialso want to take a look, to killyou, whatconsequencehas? Ialsowantto know,youkillmy parents, killsmyfriend, canhavea littleregret, shouldkillmeearlier, rather thanwaits till the present.”李皓轻笑一声:“既然决定搅局,那杀了你,一定更有意思,我也想看看,杀了你,到底有什么后果?我也想知道,你杀我父母,杀我朋友,会不会有那么一点后悔,应该早点杀我,而不是等到现在。”Ying Hongyue felt speechlesswithLi Hao.映红月觉得,和李皓无话可说。Yuan Shuodies, thisperson was unable to persuade by reasoning.袁硕一死,此人已经无法理喻。BeforehandLi Hao, full of wisdom, the bigwisdom, thisfellowcancompletely understand the lots, there is an idea, sowill not be risky, reallymustkillhim, perhapswill emitVenerable Emperor.
以前的李皓,是有智慧的,大智慧,这家伙能看透很多东西,也有想法,不会如此冒险,真要来杀他,也许会放出帝尊。ButpresentLi Hao...... hereallydoes not careprobably.
可现在的李皓……他好像真不在乎。Meetsperson who thistypedoes not care about, said that many were again useless.
遇到这种不在乎的人,说再多都没用了。eight trigrams diagramoneshatter, Ying Hongyuedoes not counter-attack, runs awaywholeheartedly.八卦图一破碎,映红月也不反击了,一心逃窜。
The queenhas a mindto counter-attackactually, feels the strength in within the bodypowerfulSilver Moon, turn roundto strikeseveraltimes, ispowerfulincomparable, evenhas been close to the strength of Via Sacraindistinctly.
女王倒是有心反击,感受到体内强大的银月之力,几次都回身一击,也是强悍无比,甚至隐约已经接近圣道之力。ButLi Hao, kills the Saint, the first time is not.
The Son of Heavenhave engaged in fierce battle!
天王都鏖战过!InFighting Heaven City, twosagesexistat this moment, even ifshehas the strength of sage, how can also?战天城中,此刻还有两位圣人存在,就算她有圣人之力,又能如何?„Broken!”
“破!”Hēlowly, the voidshake, bright moonlightdrops from the cloudsprobably, throughqueen'shand, directly soarsLi Haoto come, suppressionworld, suppressionfour directions, even the Grand Daouniverseentranceis sealing up, might lock in the Grand Daouniverse.
一声低喝,虚空震荡,一轮明月好像从天而降,通过女王之手,直奔李皓而来,镇压天地,镇压四方,甚至大道宇宙入口都在封闭,好像要锁住大道宇宙。Li Haolooks up the day.李皓抬头看天。Thisis the method of queen,...... do somepeopleusequeen'shand?
很强!Suddenly, Heaven's Willtumbles, in all directions, the Heaven's Willagitation, suppressesthatbright moonlight, Li Haolightnan: „Executes the demon, the strongworld, thissideworld , helping me!”
The Heaven's Willagitationfour directions, the Silver Moonemptyshadowwas shattered, queensilverbloodspews out, bringingsomenot to dareto believe that shejustsurprise, oneselfthismove of strengthextremelypowerful.天意搅动四方,银月虚影破碎,女王一口银色血液喷涌而出,带着一些不敢置信,她刚刚自己都诧异,自己这一招力量极其的强悍。Finally, wasby the Li Haodirectsuppression!
结果,还是被李皓直接镇压了!Incessantlyso, favored her someHeaven's Will, probablyfelt the strength of more powerfulHeaven's Will, probablyfelt,Li Haobe worthinvestingcompared withher, at this moment, Heaven's Willmustgotoher, went toLi Hao.
不止如此,原本青睐她的那一些天意,好像感受到了更强大的天意之力,好像觉得,李皓要比她更值得投资,此刻,天意都要离她而去了,投奔了李皓。Heaven's Will, ignorant.天意,懵懂。Therefore, dispersedmanyparts, has not gathered a body, across the world, had the consciousness of Heaven's Willto exist, thiswas a whole, actuallydispersed the innumerableindividuals.
所以,分散成了很多部分,并未聚集一体,天下各地,都有天意的意识存在,这是一个整体,却又分散成了无数的个体。Li Hao, gatheredbiggestone.李皓,聚集了最大的一块。Many of alsoqueenactuallyaccumulation, butat this time, actuallydivergedgradually, meltstoLi Hao, withLi Haoseveralbattles, is defeatedseveraltimes, makingHeaven's Willfeel, the queenis far-fetched.
女王其实聚集的也不少,可这时候,却是渐渐散去,融向李皓,和李皓几次交战,几次落败,让天意觉得,女王已经不靠谱了。ButLi Hao, looked atone, looks up the dayagain.
The Heaven's Willaccumulationcomes!天意聚集而来!Actuallyis not the good deed, gatheredone, perhaps, is keeping in line withsomebody'swish.
其实不是好事,聚集到了一起,也许,正符合某人的心意。Butdoesn't matter!
可是没关系!Does not wait foryouto begin, ItheseHeaven's Willcaptives.
不等你动手,我就会将这些天意俘虏的。At this moment, perhapsyouare also gladto seethis, Heaven's Willismature, moreisgatherstogether, moreis caughteasily, right?
此刻,也许你也乐于见到这一幕,天意越是成熟,越是聚集到一起,越是容易被捕获,对吗?Atthis time, Li Haolookedsuddenlytoward the distant place.
就在这时候,李皓陡然朝远处看去。Intrepidaura, pass through the world.
天地动荡。Justrecoveredsome, at this moment, heldVia Sacrato appearsufficiently, ZhengYuwas impatientto help.
刚复苏一些,此刻,足以容纳圣道出现了,郑宇就迫不及待来援了。Reallysufficesto be positive!
真是够积极的!Evidently, feelingSilver Moonisbelongshis, the sealwas shattered, heis damagedin a big way.
看样子,觉得银月是属于他的,封印破碎,他受损最大。Ying Hongyueseveralpeople , the sensationto the aura, relaxed.映红月几人,也感知到了气息,都松了口气。Came the person!
来人了!Does not come the person, two peoplereallycould not support, Li Haoexpectedis more powerful, thisfellowabsolutelyis notgeneralDao Fusion, eveninlate stagecompared withsomesageswantshard to deal withmany.
再不来人,两人真撑不住了,李皓比预期的还要强大,这家伙绝对不是一般的合道,甚至比一些圣人中后期都要难缠的多。„Li Hao...... wantsto killus, it seems likeyouare not good!”
The queenturns roundto lookat this moment, the complexionis indifferent: „Youare also mediocre!”
女王此刻回身看去,面色冷漠:“你也不过如此!”Li Haoshowssomesmile, has a look at the distant placeagain, voidshatter, in a flash, severalperson's shadowswith the potential of the world, suppress the intent of the world, catches uptowardhere.李皓露出一些笑容,再看看远处,虚空破碎,一瞬间,数道人影携天地之势,镇压天下之意,朝这边赶来。Two, three......
The Li Haolookglittered, many.李皓眼神闪烁了一下,好多。9!
九位!Takes the lead, shouldbeZhengYuclone, the worldwas stabler, thisfellowcloneto dareto come out.
领头的,应该是郑宇的分身,天地稳固了许多,这家伙分身都敢出来了。Hehas the strength of halfemperor, hisclone, even if onlysageinitial stage, perhapsis harder to deal with than somelate stage.
他有半帝之力,他的分身,哪怕只是圣人初期,也许比一些后期都要难缠。Thisis a powerhouse!
这就是强者!Ninesages, are not in addition weakinYing Hongyue and queen of sage......
九位圣人,加上不弱于圣人的映红月和女王……Suchstrength, Li Haomet , does not beat, will be instead killed.
The queenopens the mouthat this moment, stimulatesintentionally, evenhopes that Li Haodo not run away, was just chased down, pursuedwas too distressed, ifLi Haodoes not walk...... onlyneeds the moment, insteadkillsLi Haohopefully, avenges a grievance!
女王此刻开口,也是故意刺激,甚至希望李皓不要逃走,刚刚被追杀,被追的太狼狈了,若是李皓不走……只需要片刻,就有希望反杀李皓,报仇雪恨!Li Haolooked at a distant place, perhapsexposesLiDaoheng, is a goodidea, perhapswill makeZhengYuknow......李皓看了一眼远处,也许暴露李道恒,是个不错的想法,也许会让郑宇知道……ButZhengYuis arrogant, perhapsdoes not believe that no, the bigprobabilitydoes not believe.
可郑宇自大无比,也许不会相信,不,大概率不会相信。At that time, wasowntrouble.
那时候,就是自己的麻烦了。LiDaoheng doesn't, likesomepeopledisclosing the game ruleprobablyahead of time?
李道恒,大概不喜欢有人提前透露出游戏规则吧?Moreover, will spoilownplan.
而且,也会破坏自己的计划。Therefore, actuallyhad nothingto saywithZhengYu.
走吗?Has not receivedenoughadvantage.
还没拿到足够的好处呢。Looked atStarry Sky Sword in hand, succeeded in giving upmanypieces, at this moment, had restored, moreoverjustswallowedninewhips, restoredwere more.
看了一眼手中的星空剑,原本断成了很多片,此刻,已经恢复了许多,而且刚刚吞噬了九节鞭,恢复的更多了。Li Haoanythinghad not said.李皓什么也没说。At this time, in all directions, appearedagain more than 10Li Hao, Li Haomutteredone: „Worldmembernew Way , helping myhelping hand!”
这时候,四面八方,再次浮现出十多个李皓,李皓喃喃一声:“天下新道修士,助我一臂之力!”At this moment, dark, the worldhas the tremor.
这一刻,冥冥中,天地有颤动。Suddenly, innumerablemembernew Way, evenincludingYing Hongyueseveralpeople, appeared a personin the mind, wasLi Hao, the soundis great, resounds through the world.
忽然,无数新道修士,甚至包括映红月几人,都在脑海中浮现出了一人,正是李皓,声音宏大,响彻天地。„Helpsmyhelping hand!”
“助我一臂之力!”At this moment, cultivationnew Way, far more thanten million/countless?
此时此刻,修炼新道者,何止千万?Minimum1 billionpeopleincultivation!
起码十亿人都在修炼!Butopenslineage/vein, has.
而开脉者,都有许多。Li Hao, musthavemany of prestigecompared with the previoustime, the previoustime, hewas routedby the queen, becauseeveryonefears the Spiritual God, butnow, whileLin HongyupeopleunceasingmythLi Hao, Li Haoseverallive broadcasts, evenincludingshoulderingcitybut the line...... almostby the worldpersonis thoughtis in society'sfirstgod!李皓,比上次要有威信的多,上一次,他被女王击溃了,因为大家更惧神灵,可现在,在林红玉众人不断神话李皓的同时,李皓几次直播,甚至包括扛城而行……几乎被天下人认为是世间第一神!Soinsituation, thisflash, worldebullition.
如此情况下,这一瞬间,天地沸腾。Dark, countlesspeopleprayed.
冥冥中,无数人祈祷。„Is willingto execute the demonto offer the strengthforCommander!”
The boundlesssituation, sweeps acrossto come, the worldshakes, Heaven's Willebullition.
无边大势,席卷而来,天地震荡,天意沸腾。InLuminous Star World, glitters the innumerablerays.皓星界中,都闪烁出无数光芒。Ying Hongyuecomplexiondrastic change!映红月脸色剧变!
The queen is also the complexionbig change, appearssuddenly the scepter, at this moment, the Westerngodcountry, the strength of beliefappears, the innumerableWesterngodCountryPeople, prayed that the soundtransmits: „Worldis newborn, Moon Godnearworld......”
The strength of beliefsweeps acrossto come, previoustime, so, routedLi Hao.
信仰之力席卷而来,上一次,也是如此,击溃了李皓。Butthistime...... was entirely different.
A more powerfulstrength, sweeps across the world, the suppressionworld, rumble, panic-strickensoundstransmit, the innumerablegodcountrypraysoundis instantaneous, emptyshades, change into the fragmentpowder.
The strength of belief, was suppressedinstantaneously.
信仰之力,瞬间被镇压。Westerngodcountry, temples, in whichMoon Godstatue, rumblemakes noise, is unceasingly stave, templesblast opendirectly, the flashcasualtyare innumerable!
The queencomplexiondrastic change, spits bloodunceasingly.
女王脸色剧变,不断吐血。Bringssomenot to dareto believe!
The Li Haosoundis tranquil: „Westernhow manypeople? 300 million? 500 million? 1 billion? Youmayknow, how manynew Way does cultivatorhave? Iscultivating, worldarrange/clothmartial, everyoneletter/believesmyLi Hao, you...... alsothink are oneselfMoon God?”李皓声音平静:“西方多少人?三亿?五亿?还是10亿?你可知,新道修炼者有多少?都是修者,天下布武,人人信我李皓,你……还以为自己是月神?”Bang!
The Li Haoaurarises suddenlyinstantaneously, erupts an powerfulincomparablestrengthsuddenly, the handinterruptswordshakesfiercely, the distant place, ZhengYucomplexionalsochanges.李皓气息瞬间暴涨,陡然爆发出一股强悍无比的力量,手中断剑剧烈震荡,远处,郑宇脸色也是一变。
Did Human Kingsay?人王道?PersonSovereign Dao?
人皇道?Li Hao, canborrow the strength of common peopleunexpectedly, beforealsohad hadonetime, but, sincethattimewas routed, Li Haoagainalsouselesssuchmethod.李皓,居然可以借用万民之力了,之前也有过一次,可自从那一次被击溃后,李皓就再也没用过这样的手段了。Today, heusedagain.
今日,他再次使用了。Butgets up, before snow the shame, previoustimeroutsownqueento believe the strength, defeatsinstantaneously.
The long sworderuptsradiantlybrilliance!
长剑爆发出璀璨光辉!Murderous auravertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the world, the whole world, probablyappears a greatsword!
“逃!”Ying Hongyuebellows, in a flash, threw the two kindstreasure, Zhou Family's spear, the Zhao Family's fistwrap/sets......映红月大吼一声,一瞬间,丢出了两样宝物,周家的枪,赵家的拳套……At this moment, which can also attend tothese?
此刻,哪还顾得上这些?This momentLi Hao, almost the worldis invincible!
这一刻的李皓,几乎人间无敌!Ifthisswordwere cutbyhim, theirseveralpeoplemustdie!
这一剑若是被他斩下,他们几人都要死!Whengets up, did Li Haoarrive atthis?
何时起,李皓走到这一步了?Moreover, common peoplereallyignorant, unexpectedlyreallysobelieves inLi Hao, hateful!
而且,万民真的愚昧,居然真的如此信奉李皓,可恶!That side, ZhengYuclonealsoto defeatinstantaneouslyvoid, comestowardhereair-splitting, the long swordfalls, rumble!
那边,郑宇分身也是瞬间击破虚空,朝这边破空而来,长剑落下,轰隆隆!heaven and earth turning upside down!天翻地覆!Preventsinfrontall, is in abundance stave, Zhou Familylong spearandZhao Familygauntlet/glove, was crushedinstantaneously, was swallowedbyStarry Sky Sworddirectly, patches itself, the long swordis still falling.
阻挡在面前的一切,纷纷破碎,周家长枪、赵家拳套,也是瞬间被击碎,被星空剑直接吞噬,修补自身,长剑还在落下。In the Ying Hongyuehandappearsagainsideeight trigrams (gossip), oneight trigrams diagram, the strength of innumerableRed Moonerupt, is hardto resistas before, was cutbrokenby the directsword!映红月手中再次浮现一方八卦,八卦图上,无数红月之力爆发,依旧难以抵御,被直接一剑斩破!
The queenscepter is also instantaneouslyshatter, the strength of Silver Moonsweeps across, is hardto preventas before.
女王权杖也是瞬间破碎,银月之力席卷而出,依旧难以阻挡。ZhengYuhas soon arrived!
Perhaps...... does not wait for the opposite partyto rush, theymustbe tornthoroughly.
可是……也许不等对方赶到,他们就要被彻底撕裂了。At this moment, in the Ying Hongyueeyerevealswipesreluctantly, clenches teeth, suddenly, the top of the heademitseightblood-colorlight beams, eightlight beams, change intoinstantaneouslytogether, butshiversfiercely, is unstable.
At this moment, himholdsClear Sky Mountain Lord, Clear Sky Mountain Lordhas feltstrange, wantsto flee, but...... alsohas the opportunity.
就在此刻,他一把抓住昊天山主,昊天山主早就觉得不妥,想要遁逃,可是……哪还有机会。Called out pitifullysuddenly!
陡然惨叫一声!Body, appearsblood-coloraura, Li Haoknits the browsslightly, mutters: „So that's how it is!”
身上,浮现出一道道血色气息,李皓微微皱眉,喃喃道:“原来如此!”Clear Sky Mountain Lord...... unexpectedlyis the Eight Great Familiesbloodlines!昊天山主……居然是八大家血脉!
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