SG :: Volume #4

#364 Part 3: Two points of the world

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His complexion changes, meaning that this Li Hao...... this moment heaviness of murderous aura, some really must be ruthless actually! 他脸色微变,这李皓……此刻杀气之重,倒是有些真要赶尽杀绝的意思! Runs!” “跑!” Ying Hongyue drinks severely, Li Hao attacks again, had broken his some ideas, he is no longer thinking probably was deserted by friends and allies by oneself, probably...... is to kill itself! 映红月一声厉喝,李皓再次出击,已经破了他的一些想法,他好像不再想着让自己众叛亲离,好像……就是要杀自己! Bang! 轰! sword qi soars to the heavens, the world changes color. 剑气冲天,天地变色。 Behind, Li Hao treads to empty to come, in the hand, a breaks the sword presents, the body malignant influences soar to the heavens, on the face is actually very temperate. 后方,李皓踏空而来,手中,一柄断剑呈现,身上煞气冲天,脸上却是很是温和。 Perhaps several...... cannot run away!” “几位……恐怕逃不了了!” Li Hao chuckle: Ying Hongyue, plays today, almost should start off, seal one broken, perhaps is more interesting! I somewhat was actually impatient......” 李皓轻笑一声:“映红月,玩到今日,也差不多该上路了,封印一破,也许更有趣!我倒是有些迫不及待了……” At this moment, Ying Hongyue did not say a word, fled rapidly. 此刻,映红月一言不发,迅速遁逃。 The queen is also angry incomparable, clenches jaws: Li Hao, you killed us, Red Moon Venerable Emperor broken seals, is this result that you want?” 女王也是愤怒无比,咬牙切齿:“李皓,你杀了我们,红月帝尊破封而出,这是你想要的结果吗?” Killed, knows whether broken to seal, how did not kill...... to know that certainly will broken seal?” “杀完了,才知道能否破封,不杀……怎么知道一定会破封而出呢?” The Li Hao smile is gentle, laughter as before. 李皓笑容柔和,笑声依旧。 A long sword, sweeps across the world to come, at this moment, several people are intense incomparable, counter-attacks to stop unceasingly, escapes unceasingly, the queen felt the strength of many Silver Moon to well up in enter the body, breathes a sigh of relief secretly. 一柄长剑,席卷天地而来,此刻,几人都是紧张无比,不断回击阻拦,也不断逃跑,女王感受到了更多的银月之力涌入体内,暗暗舒了口气。 Before the accident, making her be worried, is unable to transfer the strength of Silver Moon again. 之前变故,让她担心,无法再调动银月之力了呢。 But Ying Hongyue, the complexion actually constantly changes. 映红月,脸色却是不断变化。 How can? 怎么会呢? Why can Li Hao...... at this moment, kill him wholeheartedly? 李皓……为何会在此刻,一心要杀他? Really the fearless seal was shattered, there are other reasons? 是真的无惧封印破碎,还是有其他原因? Because of this time Li Hao, probably real thing, vanishes instantaneously, in all directions, appears Li Hao, various Grand Dao divine ability appear, during is void splits, even appeared indistinctly Fighting Heaven City! 因为这时候的李皓,好像动真格了,瞬间消失,四面八方,浮现出一个个李皓,各种大道神通浮现,虚空之中裂开,甚至隐约浮现了战天城 Suppression world! 镇压天地! This does not give people the means of livelihood! 这是不给人活路啊! The strength of Red Moon sweeps across, but at this moment, the north, Forbidden Sea shakes suddenly, Forbidden Sea rebellion! 身上红月之力席卷,而这一刻,北方,忽然禁忌海震荡起来,禁忌海暴动了! ...... …… Forbidden Sea passes through the world. 禁忌海贯穿天地。 But at this time, probably everyone received the message ahead of time, Silver Moon powerhouses, appear above a giant incomparable sea route, Forbidden Sea sweeps across the four directions, innumerable energy bursts! 而这时候,好像大家提前收到了消息,一位位银月强者,浮现在一条巨大无比的海道之上,禁忌海席卷四方,无数能量爆发而出! The place of Cangshan, massive monster clan were swallowed suddenly, in pitiful yell sound penetrating world. 苍山之地,大量妖族忽然被吞噬,惨叫声响彻天地之间。 Great Li, in unceasingly turbulent, hills avalanche. 大离,也在不断动荡,群山崩塌。 The Forbidden Sea grow like a weed, corrodes all. 禁忌海迅速蔓延,腐蚀一切。 Great Li king complexion is ugly, the angry roaring sound is unceasing, suppresses Forbidden Sea. 大离王脸色难看无比,怒吼声不断,镇压禁忌海 Actually Central Region area, although also appeared Forbidden Sea, passed through the world, but at this time, Li Fuhai actually appeared in Wubian City, control old city, in suppression world Forbidden Sea of rebellion! 倒是中部地区,虽然也浮现出了禁忌海,贯穿天地,可这时候,力覆海却是在无边城中浮现,驾驭古城,镇压天地之间暴动的禁忌海 Energy, instantaneous rich incomparable. 能量,瞬间浓郁无比。 At this moment, the backdrop appears, the Lin Hongyu sound resounds through the world, a self-confidence and indifference of face: Feels strongly about in the world, new Way cultivating increases, undercapacity, to let the member has better cultivation environment, Li Houye...... is Li Commander, the opening world seal, opens the Forbidden Sea territory, overflows to disperse the energy , helping the world common people, still further, everyone like dragon! Does not need to be worried, relieved cultivation is, but do not stride in the Forbidden Sea territory, this place, has the effect of corrosion myriad things!” 此刻,天幕浮现,林红玉声音响彻天地,一脸的自信和淡然:“有感于天地之间,新道修者增加,能量不足,为了让修士们有更好的修炼环境,李侯爷……便是李都督,开启天地封印,开启禁忌海域,溢散能量,助天下苍生,更进一步,人人如龙!诸位,无需担心,安心修炼便是,不过不要跨入禁忌海域,此地,有腐蚀万物之效!” In a flash, across the world, resounded the cheers, the jumping for joy sound. 一瞬间,天下各地,响起了欢呼声,雀跃声。 Frantic! 狂热! Is again frantic. 再次狂热起来。 Commander, no, the marquis too took care of everyone, knows that our cultivation energy was insufficient, unexpectedly turned on what world seal, what Forbidden Sea...... the sound was so no wonder big! 都督,不,侯爷真的太照顾大家了,知道我们修炼能量不够,居然开启了什么天地封印,什么禁忌海……难怪动静这么大! The marquises are really the Daoist immortals, does not act , then by, acts, that is everything may become vulnerable! 侯爷果然是神人,不出手则以,一出手,那就是地动山摇啊! The entire world, is changing probably. 整个天地,好像都在变化。 The energy, was even more rich. 能量,愈加浓郁了。 Meanwhile, powerhouses, absorb the energy unceasingly, including the strength of some Red Moon. 与此同时,一位位强者,不断汲取能量,包括一些红月之力。 Ying Hongyue, once in Forbidden Sea, released the strength of massive Red Moon, but today, the strength of these Red Moon, starts to proliferate, the Silver Moon powerhouses know, is actually no one stops everyone to absorb the energy. 映红月,曾在禁忌海中,释放了大量的红月之力,而今日,这些红月之力,也开始扩散出去,银月强者都知道,却是无人阻拦大家吸纳能量。 This is also marquis's order...... as for whether will have an accident, the marquis will solve. 这也是侯爷的命令……至于是否会出事,侯爷自会解决。 ...... …… In Jufeng City. 飓风城中。 Zheng Yu complexion fluctuated, Forbidden Sea recovered! 郑宇脸色变幻了一下,禁忌海复苏了! But the person who sends, died! 而派出去的人,都死了! Obviously, had an accident. 显然,是出事了。 Even if are not related that side, he also knows, should be Li Hao does, the homicide everyone, now, is certainly chasing down Ying Hongyue, Ying Hongyue skids Forbidden Sea, was a news...... he cannot support! 哪怕还没联系到那边,他也知道,应该是李皓做的,他杀了所有人,现在,一定在追杀映红月,映红月撬动禁忌海,也是一种讯息……他撑不住了! Needs to support! 需要支援! Zheng Yu looks up the day, seal also, but is somewhat turbulent, his complexion moves slightly, is low and deep: World energy recovers, can hold some Via Sacra preliminarily...... I clone reluctantly, others, go to the West with me!” 郑宇抬头看天,封印还在,但是有些动荡,他脸色微动,低沉道:“天地能量复苏,勉强能容纳一些圣道初阶了……我分身而出,其他人,和我一起去西方!” Then, selected some people, in a flash, 8 sages, his own clone, leave in addition together, enough 9 Via Sacra strengths. 说罢,点了一些人,一瞬间,八位圣人,加上他自己的分身,一起离开,足足九尊圣道战力。 It is not does not are more, but walked too, he was worried about the seal to have problems, suppressed without enough time. 不是不想更多,而是走太多了,他担心封印出问题,来不及镇压。 Li Hao! 李皓 You were really insane! 你真疯了! You clearly know that Ying Hongyue cannot kill, Western Moon God cannot kill, you are actually act willfully...... look like, the death of your teacher, has made you thoroughly crazy! 你明知道映红月不能杀,西方月神不能杀,你却是一意孤行……看来,你老师的死,已经让你彻底疯狂了! This is perishes together! 这是同归于尽! At this moment, he has not grasped copes with Venerable Emperor, even if opposite party by seal many years, Li Hao this bastard! 此刻,他没有把握对付帝尊,哪怕对方被封印多年,李皓这混蛋! If can grasp Silver Moon, grasps new Way, oneself are not the extent that the passive, damn fellow! 若是能掌握银月,掌握新道,自己也不至于如此被动,该死的家伙! Nine powerhouses, left Jufeng City instantaneously, suddenly vanishes. 九位强者,瞬间离开了飓风城,眨眼间消失。 But Zheng Yu main body, in the standing and waiting for a long time city, raises head to look at the day as before, at this moment, Red Moon Venerable Emperor, is very probably happy. 而郑宇本尊,依旧伫立城中,仰头看天,此刻,红月帝尊,大概很开心吧。 He knits the brows unceasingly, gets down, the seal will be getting more and more small and weak, even if Ying Hongyue extracts the strength of Red Moon unceasingly, that is not good, he was somewhat urgent, thought of the Zhenxing City vestige. 他不断皱眉,这么下去,封印会越来越弱小的,哪怕映红月不断抽取红月之力,那也不行,他有些急迫了,又想到了镇星城遗迹。 Perhaps...... this/should sends some people again, goes to the Zhenxing City vestige to have a look. 也许……该再派一些人,去镇星城遗迹看看。 Fears feared, Fighting Heaven City several sages in that side, that also will be very troublesome. 怕就怕,战天城几位圣人都在那边,那也会很麻烦。 Zheng Yu rubbed the temples gently, in the heart sighed one lightly, was really troublesome, a young new times member, had a headache about unexpectedly incomparably by oneself this half imperial capital. 郑宇轻轻揉了揉太阳穴,心中轻叹一声,真麻烦,一个小小的新时代修士,居然让自己这位半帝都头疼无比。 Really is a bastard! 真是个混蛋啊!
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