SQRIJWTFIP :: Volume #5

#424: Surrendering

Like Lin Yi so single-minded instead is in cultivation world quite alternative existence. 林易这般专一的反而是修仙界中比较另类的存在。 Generally this situation, will only appeared approaching a bitter member wholeheartedly, or on female strong male weak member. 一般这种情况,只会出现在一心向道的苦修士,或者女强男弱的修士身上。 Although the Qingmu Daoist have wallowed in the say/way of spirit plant, when leisure also developed dozens female friends, established the immortal cultivation family. 青木道人虽然一直沉迷于灵植之道,闲暇之余也发展出了数十位红颜知己,建立起了修仙家族。 The Lin Yi main body definitely can only accept Zhao Wanting, but the incarnation, does not need to do is so special. 林易的本体肯定只能接受赵婉婷,但化身嘛,就没必要搞那么特殊了。 After all the bitter member in immortal cultivator, is very few, not near female sexual attractiveness is very easy to create the gaps and omissions to concealing of incarnation status. 毕竟修仙者中的苦修士,还是十分少的,不近女色很容易给化身身份的掩饰造成缺漏。 Lin Yi will not control the incarnation deliberately to look, if some people deliver, he will not reject. 林易不会控制化身刻意去找,但一旦有人送上门来,他也不会拒绝。 After Mo Jiaying breaks through gold/metal pill period, the life grew for 500 years, although she now already thirty, but compared she entire 500 years of lives, thirty -year-old she, was only equivalent to ordinary human 17-18 years old. 莫嘉颖突破金丹期之后,寿元增长到了五百年,虽然她现在已经三十几,但相比她整个五百年的生命来说,三十几岁的她,只相当于普通人类的17-18岁。 Mo Jiaying experienced to regain one time, has definitely wanted to understand, in now this crisis-ridden time, the life is similar to worthless, when did not know, oneself died. 莫嘉颖经历了一次失而复得,已经完全想明白了,在当今这种危机四伏的时代,生命如同草芥,不知道什么时候,自己就死去了。 Expressed the affections of idea and innermost feelings of innermost feelings naturally, made merry while one can, even if like this will die in the next second, will not feel sorry. 大方的表达自己内心的想法、自己内心的爱意,及时行乐,这样即使在下一秒就会死去,也不会觉得遗憾。 The worry possibly presented this mentality, Zhou Yuquan concealed to the public the Gods World matter. 正是担心可能出现这种心态,周玉泉才将神灵世界的事情向公众隐瞒了下来。 Mo Jiaying this mental powerful generation, after facing the powerful Gods World lifeform, presented shortly after the life, idea of making merry while one can. 就连莫嘉颖这种心智强大之辈,在面对强大的神灵世界生物后,也出现了命不久矣,及时行乐的想法。 Without how many general public of strength, flustered to what situation? 没有多少力量的普通民众,又会慌张到什么地步? Therefore can conceal the truth to conceal the truth, cannot conceal the truth gradually to let loose, lets everyone a little reaction time. 所以能瞒就瞒,瞒不住就逐步放开,让大家有一点反应时间。 This evening, is Shi Feiguang sends the efficacious medicine Mo Jiaying, was not only Shi Feiguang treated the flesh wound of shallow table, while convenient, but also treated an injury of Shi Feiguang body interior backlog thoroughly. 这一晚,为施飞光送来灵药的莫嘉颖,不光为施飞光治疗了浅表的外伤,顺带着,还深入治疗了一番施飞光身体内部积压的伤势。 The mentality is mature, the look is young, the skin fair and clear makes one forget to return like the cream. 心态成熟,相貌年轻,皮肤白净如凝脂般让人流连忘返。 The bringing body is fragrant, the endurance is lasting, breathes such as the kitten to call near the ear tenderly slightly gently continually. 自带体香,耐力持久,娇喘微微如小猫在耳边轻轻连叫。 Two member gold/metal pill, in people front solemn impressive and dignified manner, is powerful, now sincerity, rival in chess, will really meet the good talent. 两个金丹修士,在众人面前端庄威仪,气势十足,如今坦诚相见,真可谓棋逢对手、将遇良才。 The miraculous glow sparkles in the midair, to locates luxurious, two people all did not relax the beforehand limit voluntarily. 灵光在半空中闪耀,到得酣处,两人皆不自觉放开了之前的限制。 gold/metal pill period member acts full power, even if not foreign, is not a minor matter. 金丹期修士全力施为,就算不是对外,也不是一件小事。 Even if not the body cultivates, but there are more efficient soul in addition to hold, both's fight that is still earth-shaking and overwhelming, big of its sound, Shi Feiguang stays holds by talisman as well as a law in addition, it is said can the fancy villa room of hard anti- more than ten magnitude of earthquake shiver fiercely, talisman and strategy of above arranging, were activated completely, seems the earthquake to arrive general. 即使不是体修,但有更加高效的丹元加持,两者的搏斗那也是翻天覆地、倒海翻江,其动静之大,施飞光下榻的被符箓以及法阵加持,据说可以硬抗十余级大地震的高档别墅房都在剧烈颤抖,其上布置的符箓以及阵法,全部被激活,就好像地震已经到来一般。 But even so, this villa room seems the time to fall as before general. 但即使如此,这座别墅房依旧好像时刻要倾倒一般。 Complementary waves as well as say/way voice that in the villa room dissipate, even can make the low level member bloodlines spurt to open, vitality adverse current. 别墅房内逸散出来的余波以及道道声浪,甚至可以让低级修士血脉喷张,气血逆流。 Mo Jiaying arranged the sound-insulated strategy and protection strategy when the arrival outside the villa, this sound at least can alarm imperial capital inner city all regions. 要不是莫嘉颖在到来时在别墅外布置了隔音阵法和防护阵法,这番动静至少可以惊动帝都内城所有区域。 Next morning, Shi Feiguang refreshing opening eye. 第二天一早,施飞光神清气爽的睁开眼睛。 The average people handle this matter, is the so-called copulation, but their these immortal cultivator handle this matter, can summarize for double cultivates. 普通人做这种事情,是所谓交配,但他们这些修仙者做这种事情,就可以概括为双修。 ... In various Blue Star large amount inheritance, other inheritance have possibly cut off, but double cultivates the inheritance only, remains most entire. 蓝星各大宗门传承中,其它传承可能已经断绝,但唯独双修传承,留下来的最全。 The specific reason does not need to state clearly, everyone was clear. 具体原因不需要明说,所有人都清楚。 The Qingmu Daoist have dozens female friends after all, in his mind also several double amend the merit law, last night made the proper business time, although Shi Feiguang was a novice, but also had words at fingertips and wrote with facility, has not contained the lake. 青木道人毕竟拥有几十个红颜知己,他脑海中也有几部双修功法,昨晚做正事的时候,施飞光虽然是新手,但也是信手拈来,没有含湖。 An evening later, his cultivation base has not changed, on the contrary is Mo Jiaying cultivation base, grew directly almost 1/4. 一晚上下来,他的修为没有变化,反倒是莫嘉颖修为,直接增长了几乎四分之一。 Flying light, your cultivation base , was too rather powerful.” “飞光,你这修为,未免也太强大了。” After the absolute sincerity meets, two people relational direct ascents another level. 赤诚相见之后,两人的关系直接上升到了另一个层面。 Mo Jiaying lazy partly lies down in the bedhead, looks at Shi Feiguang to wear the clothes, while uses the somewhat soft glutinous tone to say. 莫嘉颖慵懒的半躺在床头,一边看着施飞光穿衣服,一边用着有些软糯的语气说道。 If makes Super Administration Bureau these people know that will always be capable woman personality Mo Jiaying also with the tone that will so act like a spoiled brat, has not known surprisedly to what situation. 要是让超管局那些人知道一向是女强人性格的莫嘉颖还会用如此撒娇的语气,还不知道会惊讶到什么地步。 To the woman, acting like a spoiled brat is the ability that carries inborn, some women seem like the domineering, actually has not met is occupied by their people who can press. 对女人而言,撒娇是天生携带的本领,一部分女人看起来强势,其实是还没遇到能压的住他们的人。 Mo Jiaying is so. 莫嘉颖就是如此。 Haha, after all so many years, does not practice in vain.” Shi Feiguang said with a smile. “哈哈,毕竟这么多年,也不是白白修炼的。”施飞光笑着说道。 When double cultivates, the cultivation base disparity is bigger, that a strength low side benefits is also bigger, Mo Jiaying can promote so many, explained that she and Shi Feiguang bad unusual is far. 双修时,修为差距越大,实力低的一方得到的好处也就越大,莫嘉颖能提升那么多,说明她和施飞光差的非常远。 However this, is actually unfair to Shi Feiguang, after all so the cultivation base disparity, Shi Feiguang fights a late harvest, possibly did not have many that the self-torture one comes late. 不过这样,对施飞光来说倒是不公平,毕竟这般修为差距,施飞光战斗一晚的收获,可能还没自己苦修一晚来的多。 Mo Jiaying thinks of this, although somewhat does not give up, but is firm saying: Flying, later I did not only delay you to cultivate, your so talent, must exceed Chief Zhou in the future surely, became the hopes of all our human, I cannot continue to delay you.” 莫嘉颖想到这,虽然有些舍不得,但还是坚定的说道:“飞光,以后我就不耽误你修炼了,你这般天赋,日后必定还要胜过周局长,成为我们所有人类的希望,我不能继续耽误你了。” Will not delay, how the incarnation cultivates again, is fixed cultivation base, will not increase, will not reduce. 根本不会耽误,化身再怎么修炼,都是固定的修为,不会增加,也不会减少。 Secretly thought/passage of Lin Yi in heart, but displays outside, is Shi Feiguang exceptionally affectionate turning the head returns said: I do not want me to protect human, such is extremely really lonely, is Jiaying, you willing with me, to fight side-by-side with me?” 林易在心中暗道,不过表现在外面,就是施飞光异常深情的转头回道:“我不想只有我一个人保护人类,那样实在太过孤单,嘉颖,你愿意和我一起,和我一起并肩作战吗?” The talk between lovers is most moving, particularly so sounds like the talk between lovers that is from the heart. 情话最为动人,尤其是这般听起来是发自内心的情话。 Although already 30 several, but works wholeheartedly busily, Mo Jiaying that has not been in love hears this saying, the entire heart was quick. 虽然已经三十好几,但一心忙工作,从来没有谈过恋爱的莫嘉颖听到这话,整个心都快化了。 She whiz, flies in the Shi Feiguang bosom from the bedhead, the body was like last night, piece wisp. 她嗖的一下,从床头飞到施飞光怀中,身上还是和昨夜一样,不着片缕。 She looks at Shi Feiguang that pair of charming eyes, saying with emotions: I want, flying light, so long as you do not shut out my cultivation base to be low, you make me be what me to want.” 她看着施飞光那双迷人的双眼,动情的说道:“我愿意,飞光,只要你不嫌弃我修为低,你让我做什么我都愿意。” cultivation base is all right lowly, has me to help, quick can promote.” 修为低没事,有我帮忙,很快就可以提升上来的。” Shi Feiguang smiles. 施飞光嘿嘿一笑。 Where Mo Jiaying can not understand that meaning of Shi Feiguang, her double cheek flood red, gently the mouth by near the Shi Feiguang ear, aspirates orchid such as: That must trouble you to help me promote cultivation base.” 莫嘉颖哪会不明白施飞光的意思,她双颊泛红,轻轻的将嘴巴靠在施飞光耳边,吐气如兰:“那就要麻烦你帮我提升修为喽。” Still waits for Shi Feiguang Zhou Yuquan that in the office comes to report, does not think. 还在办公室等待施飞光前来报道的周玉泉,怎么也不会想到。 Shi Feiguang just came shortly, to take his hand/subordinate great general. 施飞光刚来没多久,就拿下了他手下一员大将。
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