SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1095: After the monster, child?

That Half Monster came out. “那个半妖出來了。 The day wind both arms launch, fly to fall to the azure stone platform step above, the body moves, next quarter already mounts the top of Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, stands in the Feng Feiyun opposite, stared at his one eyes, said: I present life of Tyrant the imperial prince, comes to beg Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince.” 天风子双臂展开,飞落到青石台阶之上,身体一动,下一刻已经登上青莲灵山之顶,站在风飞云的对面,盯了他一眼,道:“我奉霸皇子之命,前來讨要金乌四皇子。” Feng Feiyun shoots a look at his one eyes gently, said: Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince ungentleness, I teach for the Golden Crow Monster Clan elder, if must take the person, goes to invite the Golden Crow Monster Clan head of the clan, making him talk to me personally.” 风飞云轻轻的瞥他一眼,道:“金乌四皇子缺乏教养,我替金乌妖族的长辈管教,若是要來取人,去将金乌妖族的族长请來,让他亲自跟我谈。” The vision of day wind sinks, is leading several points of cold severe, said: I urged you to know when to stop, Golden Crow Monster Clan was not you can stir up, today you kneel to welcome four imperial princes, I can keep your entire corpse.” 天风子的目光一沉,带着几分冷厉,道:“我劝你适可而止,金乌妖族不是你惹得起,今天你将四皇子跪迎出來,我可以留你全尸。” Said for quite a while, who you are.” Feng Feiyun said. “说了半天,你到底是谁。”风飞云道。 Day wind is listening to the chest, said arrogantly: My that is the gale Monster Clan imperial prince, the day wind, is Tyrant imperial prince Senior Brother.” 天风子听着胸膛,倨傲道:“我那是大风妖族的皇子,天风,也是霸皇子的师兄。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: I thought that you are one for the leg that the tyrant imperial prince travels, goes to call Tyrant the imperial prince, making him bring a prisoner before a court personally, I may give him several points of face, as for you...... Also unqualified.” 风飞云笑道:“我看你就是一个替霸皇子跑路的腿子,去将霸皇子叫來,让他亲自來提人,我或许会给他几分面子,至于你……还不够资格。” A Feng Feiyun arm move, knelt Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince in front of Female Saint Qing Lian grave then flew, the knee rubbed through. 风飞云的手臂一招,原本跪在青莲女圣墓前的金乌四皇子便飞了过來,膝盖都磨破了。 You have knelt for three days, may have the consciousness.” Feng Feiyun asked. “你跪了三天,可有觉悟。”风飞云问道。 The Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince vision sinks coldly, full is the stern countenance, I, once gets out of trouble, extinguishes your entire clan surely.” 金乌四皇子目光沉冷,满是厉色,“我一旦脱困,必定灭你全族。” It seems like you also need to kneel again for several days.” “看來你还需要再跪几天。” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince was put near the cliff by Feng Feiyun, these member of surface outside toward Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, has supported with bamboo his head. 金乌四皇子风飞云放到崖边,面朝青莲灵山外的那些修士,将他的头用竹枝撑了起來。 Four emperor's sons' heart humiliations are incomparable, by this grade of insult, how from now on also to have gained never ground to cultivate the behavior. 四皇子的心头屈辱无比,从未遭过这等侮辱,今后还如何抬起头來做人。 Day wind Senior Brother, has killed this bastard to me.” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince was given suppression by 49 star light, the neck is supported by bamboo, all faces lost completely, but closed one's eyes, the anger of clenching jaws was howling. “天风师兄,给我杀了这混蛋。”金乌四皇子被49道星光给镇压,脖子被竹枝撑住,所有的脸都丢尽了,只是闭着眼睛,咬牙切齿的怒嚎。 Aura of day wind one cold, the cold current spreads together from his under foot, in the ground condenses the white thick ice, the Feng Feiyun both legs freezing. 天风子的身上气息一寒,一道寒流从他的脚下蔓延出去,地面上凝聚出白色的玄冰,将风飞云的双腿给冻结出。 Day wind is the gale Monster Clan imperial prince, grows perceptibly at the speed, in an instant appears before the body of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, plans first rescuing Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, then gives it all, cuts this Half Monster. 天风子乃是大风妖族的皇子,以速度见长,刹那间就出现在金乌四皇子的身前,打算先将金乌四皇子给救走,然后再放手一搏,斩这个半妖 Bang.” “嘭。” The arm of day wind according to the body of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, Eight Trigrams (gossip) had not said that seal shells on the front surface, compelling him to retrocede. 天风子的手臂还沒有按在金乌四皇子的身上,一枚八卦道印就迎面轰击过來,逼得他不得不后退。 A day wind child both hands show, haunches palm purple electricity thunder net, said seal blocking the Eight Trigrams (gossip). 天风子双手一展,撑起一掌紫电雷网,将八卦道印给挡住。 The index finger and middle finger of Feng Feiyun pinch the established law Secret Art, in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said above seal, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that seal inflated ten times at once, changed into a black and white vortex, day wind curling. 风飞云的食指和中指捏成法诀,点在八卦道印之上,八卦道印旋即膨胀了十倍,化为一座黑白漩涡,将天风子给卷了进去。 This is ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact might, the manpower is very difficult to resist. 这是十五品灵器的威力,人力很难抵挡。 Feng Feiyun both hands gather, above the palm condenses two groups of sacred glow, must gossipping saying that seal to thorough suppression, gives in dire straits day wind in inside. 风飞云双手一合,手掌之上凝聚出两团圣芒,要将八卦道印给彻底的压制住,将天风子给困死在里面。 Bang, bang......” “轰,轰……” The Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that seal fierce tumbling, inside sends out the great hammer bombardment mountain the sound. 八卦道印剧烈的翻滚,里面发出巨锤轰击大山的声音。 Gives me to break.” “给我破。” The black and white two rays were opened, said that seal was torn a slit, a azure big bird of paradise departs from the seal, spreads the wings, the wing blocks the sky \; Sounds, the sound resounds through horizon. 黑白两道光芒被撑开,道印被撕裂出一道缝隙,一只青色的大风鸟从道印之中飞出,一展翅,羽翼遮天蔽日\;一声鸣叫,声音响彻天际。 This day wind very powerful big strength, was stranded, in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said in seal, unexpectedly by homicide. 这个天风子好强大的力量,被困在了八卦道印之中,竟然都被他杀了出來。 3000 and the others result in compared with it Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince and swallow is not the tiny bit, feared that was already strided in Ascension 3rd-layer. 比之金乌四皇子、燕3000等人强得不是一星半点,怕是已经跨入了羽化第三重 Day wind child incarnation is big bird of paradise, in the mouth puts out the one breath, strong winds have then swept across, blowing to have flown beyond Feng Feiyun several thousand miles. 天风子化身为大风鸟,口中吐出一口气,一阵狂风便席卷了过來,将风飞云给吹飞到了数千里之外。 Trivial Half Monster also dares to fight with me, was extinguished the world astral wind to blow by me, the flesh and blood is not surely connected.” Day wind changes into the human form, falls to Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain above, plans carrying off Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince. “区区一个半妖也敢与我相斗,被我灭世罡风一吹,必定骨肉不相连。”天风子又化为人形,落到青莲灵山之上,打算将金乌四皇子给带走。 When he arrives at the cliff, discovered that Half Monster stood in same place. 但是当他走到崖边之时,发现那个半妖又站在了原地。 Day wind rubbed the eyes, thinks oneself were dazzled, that Half Monster body moves suddenly, a fist has shelled, above the fist the golden light is shining, carries the infinite great strength. 天风子揉了揉眼睛,以为自己看花了眼,忽的,那半妖身体一动,一拳轰击了过來,拳头之上金光灿灿,携带无穷巨力。 Shakes the day of shield stone.” The day wind child offers a sacrifice to a giant stone, toward that Half Monster to bang in the past. “撼天盾石。”天风子祭出一块巨石,向着那半妖对轰过去。 Bang.” “嘭。” The giant stone disrupts. 巨石碎裂开。 A Feng Feiyun fist bombardment in the chest of day wind, this fist likely was the bombardment above Tieshan, shook the arm of Feng Feiyun to tingle with numbness, sky wind the place of chest, shone a piece of ancient trace, interwove a god article, has blocked the fist of Feng Feiyun. 风飞云一拳轰击在天风子的胸口,这一拳像是轰击在了铁山之上,震得风飞云的手臂发麻,天风子的胸口之处,亮起一片古老的纹路,交织成一篇神文,挡住了风飞云的拳头。 Day wind laughs: Trivial Half Monster also wants to break my protecting body god mark, this is the classical Chinese literature under half Saint worthy people of former times' in clan writing on me, even if I am standing motionless, you also strike not but actually me.” 天风子大笑:“区区一个半妖也想破开我的护体神纹,这可是族中的半圣先贤在我身上书写下的古文,就算我站着不动,你也击不倒我。” Right.” “是吗。” Feng Feiyun both hands gather, above the palm the air/Qi of ten Holy Saint shuttle back and forth, then turned toward day wind to cut. 风飞云双手一合,手掌之上十多道圣灵之气穿梭,然后向着天风子斩了过去。 The day wind child naturally cannot stand there really gives Feng Feiyun to divide, the sensation to the Feng Feiyun palm above Holy Saint air/Qi, has carried on the back to grow a pair of wing, soaring, must avoid. 天风子自然不会真的站在那里交给风飞云劈,感知到了风飞云手掌之上的圣灵之气,背上长出一对羽翼,腾飞而起,要躲避开。 Carrying on the back of Feng Feiyun also grows a pair of wing, above the wing has the flame to burn, the speed is faster than it day wind, the hand air/Qi of Holy Saint has cut, is one crosses the laser of universe likely, cutting to fall a wing of day wind, sprinkles the next blood rain. 风飞云的背上也长出一对羽翼,羽翼之上有火焰在燃烧,速度比之天风子更快,将手中的圣灵之气斩了过去,像是一道横贯天宇的激光,将天风子的一只翅膀给斩落,洒落下一篇血雨。 Day wind bites the tooth tightly, the wing regeneration, tears into shreds void, shuttled back and forth. 天风子紧咬牙齿,羽翼再生,撕碎虚空,穿梭了进去。 Feng Feiyun void will also destroy, follows close on to pursue. 风飞云也将虚空打碎,紧跟着追进去。 In Monster Clan also has some wise extremely, including white-haired old men, the beard has three hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be long fully, stands in void, muttered, said: Phoenix feather, this cultivates the phoenix real wing that «Undying Phoenix Physique» possibly cultivates, this evildoer/monstrous talent general Half Monster, within the body is having the honored bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan.” 妖族之中也有一些绝顶的智者,其中有一位满头白发的老者,胡须足有三百丈长,站在虚空之中,喃喃自语,道:“凤凰羽,这是修炼《不死凤凰身》才可能修炼出來的凤凰真翼,难道这个妖孽一般的半妖,体内拥有着凤凰妖族的尊贵血脉。” This old man of noble character and high prestige, has very high prestige in Monster Clan, after he makes this guess, at once has created the huge stir. 这个老者德高望重,在妖族之中有很高的声望,当他做出这个猜测之后,旋即引起了巨大震动。 Beginning of message bom spreads, in the body of this Half Monster is flowing the honored bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan, is descendant who Phoenix Monster Clan and human live.” 消息开始传开,“这个半妖的身体之中流淌着凤凰妖族的尊贵血脉,乃是凤凰妖族与人类所生的后代。” No wonder so the evildoer/monstrous talent, 3000 were defeated by him including Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince and swallow, originally in his body is flowing the blood of Phoenix Monster Clan unexpectedly.” “难怪如此妖孽,连金乌四皇子、燕3000都被他击败,原來他的身体之中竟然流淌着凤凰妖族的血液。” Phoenix Monster Clan forbids to be related through marriage with Human Race, never listens to have such matter occurrence.” 凤凰妖族禁止与人族通婚,从未听过有这样的事发生。” You have not heard, does not represent such matter not to occur.” “你沒有听说过,并不代表这样的事沒有发生过。” This stir of cause is not small, after all Phoenix Monster Clan was too noble, impossible to be related through marriage with human. 这一次引起的轰动不小,毕竟凤凰妖族实在太高贵了,不可能与人类通婚。 This news passed to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, some people first send greetings to Tyrant the imperial prince. 这个消息传到了丹鼎鬼市,有人第一时间传音给霸皇子。 Within the body is flowing the bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan, haha, then became interesting, I decided that must capture alive this Half Monster, whose blood having a look at this humble living thing to flow.” Tyrant imperial prince voice spreads from a jade palace, the power and influence is threatening, has not had scruples, making in the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market many people hear. “体内流淌着凤凰妖族的血脉,哈哈,这下变得有意思了,我决定要活捉这一只半妖,看看这低贱的生物到底流淌着谁的血。”霸皇子的声音从一座玉殿之中传出,威势逼人,沒有丝毫顾忌,让丹鼎鬼市之中很多人都听到。 This is words that Tyrant imperial prince says. 这是霸皇子放出的话。 All people know that Golden Crow Monster Clan and Phoenix Monster Clan are the world enemy, Tyrant the imperial prince must seize to seize this Half Monster, definitely is to shame Phoenix Monster Clan. 所有人都知道金乌妖族凤凰妖族乃是世敌,霸皇子要擒捉这一只半妖,肯定是想要羞辱凤凰妖族 Then contradictory promotes , to promote to Phoenix Monster Clan and in the Golden Crow Monster Clan battle, even Human Race was also implicated, incautiously will have the bloodbath big turbulence. 这下矛盾升级,提升到凤凰妖族金乌妖族的争斗之中,甚至就连人族也被牵连了进來,一不小心会发生血流成河的大动荡。 Tyrant the imperial prince must be noisy matter, makes the bigger the better, best is makes entire day below people know that noble elegantly beautiful Phoenix Monster Clan also left Half Monster, like this he will be resigned. 霸皇子就是要将事情闹大,闹得越大越好,最好是让全天下的人都知道高贵冷艳的凤凰妖族也出了半妖,这样他才会甘心。 Some intelligent old person already had a premonition that a big disturbance will approach. 一些聪慧的老人已经预感到一场大风波将会來临。 On the same day, some people saw day ghost the south side, the hot rosy cloud all over the sky, a phoenix cried red, across the sky has flown, then vanished in the horizon. 就在当天,有人看见天鬼界的南边,火霞红满天,一只凤凰啼鸣,横空飞过,然后消失在了地平线上。 Then some people spread the news that has exploded, phoenix day female arrived at the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market. 接着有人传出了一个劲爆的消息,,“凤凰天女”來到了丹鼎鬼市。 Phoenix Monster Clan day female arrived, making all people believe firmly, Phoenix Monster Clan must meddle this matter. 凤凰妖族的天女的到了,让所有人都更加确信,凤凰妖族也要插手这件事了。 Time Tai Wei of phoenix day female arrival is really wonderful, definitely also comes because of that Half Monster.” “凤凰天女到來的时间实在太微妙,肯定也是因为那个半妖而來。” This disturbance has not subsided, instead was pushed higher and higher. 这一场风波并沒有平息,反而被推得越來越高。 But at this time above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, day wind and Feng Feiyun fight the difficult minute of difficult shed as before, two people speeds quickly arrive at the pinnacle, in an instant, shuttles back and forth several thousand miles to fight, the hanging mountain massif will give the disintegration. 而此时青莲灵山之上,天风子与风飞云依旧战得难分难舍,两人的速度都快到极致,刹那之间,穿梭数千里战斗,将很多悬空的山体都给崩碎。 Extinguishes the world astral wind.” “灭世罡风。” In the day wind spigot puts out the one breath, float the mountain massif in void will give to blow, hits the body of Feng Feiyun. 天风子口中吐出一口气,将悬浮在虚空之中的山体都给吹过去,撞击风飞云的身体。 Feng Feiyun carries on the back scarlet-red wing one leaf, a piece of hot wave rolled the past, cremated these mountain massifs completely, changed into a little bit rock bubble. 风飞云的背上赤红的羽翼一扇,一片火浪滚压了过去,将那些山体全部烧化,化为了一滴滴岩石液滴。 Three taste real stoves.” “三味真火炉。” Feng Feiyun called a god furnace, float nine days, inflated is high to three hundreds of zhang (333 m), above the god furnace the flame was billowing, void gave the heat this piece, reflected looks like one flame world. 风飞云唤出了一座神炉,悬浮九天,膨胀到三百丈高,神炉之上火焰滚滚,将这一片虚空都给烧红,映得像一片火焰世界。 Three taste real stove nose ovens get down, from the sky day wind backing off below, has loaded into the stove. 三味真火炉倒翻下來,从上空将天风子给倒扣在下面,装进了炉子之中。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Day wind dashes in three taste real stoves violently, sends out the metal bombardment the sound, shakes the air to tremble. 天风子在三味真火炉之中猛烈冲撞,发出金属轰击的声音,震得空气一颤一颤。 Useless, you cannot run away, the fifty technique, refining up to me.” Feng Feiyun uses the fifty technique, beyond reassignment day 49 star light, making three taste real stoves burn fiercely. “沒用的,你逃不出來了,大衍术,给我炼。”风飞云施展大衍术,调动天外49道星光,使三味真火炉燃烧得更加厉害。 That Monster Clan wise, stared float in the stove of expansive sky, the body was shivering, said: That is the Phoenix Monster Clan most precious object, three taste real stoves, only then after seven phoenix monsters, is grasping one respectively.” 那一位妖族智者,盯着悬浮在长空的火炉,身体颤抖了起來,道:“那是凤凰妖族的至宝,三味真火炉,只有七位凤凰妖后各自掌握着一尊。” Hearsay Antique God Phoenix, for the sacrifice refining up to offer to sell the axe, brings in eight side Tianhuo goblin with 81 three taste real stoves, refining up the plate axe to provide the fire hazard for the sacrifice, but these 81 three taste real stoves damage in the river of history, only then seven inherited, grasps separately in the hands after seven phoenix monsters.” “传闻太古神凤为了祭炼出盘蛮斧,用81尊三味真火炉引來八方天火地精,为祭炼盘蛮斧提供火源,而这81尊三味真火炉很多都损毁在历史长河之中,只有其中的七尊传承了下來,分别掌握在七位凤凰妖后的手中。” How the three real stoves in phoenix monster subsequent hand will appear on the body of this Half Monster,...... After this Half Monster is the monster , the child.” “凤凰妖后手中的三位真火炉怎么会出现在这个半妖的身上,难道……难道这个半妖乃是妖后之子。” This guess just a appearance, that person then immediately shut up, does not dare to say again, after all this matter involves too in a big way, after phoenix monster, no one dares to speak irresponsibly. 这个猜测刚一出现,那人便立即闭嘴,不敢再说下去,毕竟这件事牵扯太大,涉及道凤凰妖后,谁都不敢乱说。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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