SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1096: Tyrant imperial prince

A long and loud cry transmits from void, the sound is very overbearing: „After phoenix monster, child? I must look at reverently, from ancient to present after this is first time has the monster, gives birth to the Half Monster heir.” 一声长啸从虚空之外传来,声音很霸道:“凤凰妖后之子?那我可得瞻仰一下,从古至今这还是第一次有妖后生下半妖子嗣。” Breaks a slit void automatically, in the slit projects the white light, a dense track extends. 虚空自动破开一道缝隙,缝隙之中射出白光,一条氤氲的小道延伸出来。 A handsome man of wear golden color long gown goes out from the void slit, the cheeks are hale and hearty, frown like peak, eye cold, if the nose suffers any hardship in order to achieve revenge, on the corners of the mouth has the happy expression that several points are selecting lightly, directly walks. 一个穿着金色长袍的英俊男子从虚空缝隙之中走出,脸颊硬朗,双眉如峰,眼睛冷峭,鼻若悬胆,嘴角上带着几分轻挑的笑意,径直的走过来。 On him that overbearing and dignified aura, compelling various clan young heroes to retrocede. 他身上那一股霸道而威严的气息,逼得各族年轻英杰都纷纷后退。 This person of float scarlet-red rosy clouds, the body golden light is radiant, god rosy cloud everywhere, an eye is very fearful, almost nobody can look at each other with him. 这人的身后悬浮着一片赤红云霞,身体金光璀璨,神霞漫天,一双眼睛无比慑人,几乎没人能够与他对视。 He treads every time one step, the body likely is void superposes, unifies with Heavenly Dao. 他每踏出一步,身体都像是与虚空相重合,与天道相结合。 „The quantity of heat of this person good terrifying, he also stands in the distant place, I almost must by his temperature roasting.” A Ascension 1st-layer Monster Clan hero retrocedes fast, the body skeleton in sound, such as must be crushed. “这人身上好恐怖的热量,他还站在远处,我几乎就要被他身上的温度给烤化。”一位羽化第一重妖族英杰快速后退,身体骨骼在“”响动,如要被压碎。 Is the Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince, only then he such terrifying.” “是金乌妖族的霸皇子,也只有他才如此的恐怖。” The powerhouses of older generation start to retrocede, that several monster kings have also restrained several points, does not dare to fight with Tyrant the imperial prince. 就连老一辈的强者都开始后退,那几位妖王也都收敛了几分,没敢与霸皇子争锋。 This is a monster king not the character who is willing to provoke. 这是一个连妖王都不愿招惹的人物。 Tyrant imperial prince temperature is too high, must melt the profound iron, the clothes self-ignitions of many person get up. 霸皇子身上的温度太高,将玄铁都要融化,很多人身上的衣服都自燃起来。 Feng Feiyun also feels this rushing the imposing manner, looks into the distant place, there resembles has a round hot sun to rise, the entire space is burning. 风飞云也感受到这一股滂湃的气势,眺望远处,那里像是有一轮烈日升起来,整个空间都在燃烧。 In the hot sun center, is standing a man, has an imposing appearance, turns toward him to walk step by step. 在烈日的中央,站着一个男子,器宇轩昂,一步步向着他走来。 Simply on such as god of the Sun. 简直就如一位太阳之神。 Feng Feiyun day wind to suppression in three taste real stoves, has not built up him temporarily, flies to fall to Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain above, is staring at the tyrant imperial prince in distant place, said: „After I am not phoenix monster , the child, everybody may not misunderstand, so as to avoid being censured.” 风飞云将天风子给镇压在三味真火炉之中,暂时没有将他炼化,飞落到青莲灵山之上,盯着远处的霸皇子,道:“我并不是凤凰妖后之子,大家可千万别误会,免得遭来非议。” But actually radically nobody believes that when the people only he is concealing. 着,但是却根本没有人相信,众人只当他是在掩饰。 Tyrant imperial prince both eyes likely are two golden light beams, stared on the body of Feng Feiyun, a dreadful imposing manner has pressed toward Feng Feiyun, said: Your little darling submits to my, making me examine, naturally knows you are the heir after phoenix monster.” 霸皇子的双目像是两道金色的光柱,盯在了风飞云的身上,一股滔天的气势向着风飞云压了下去,道:“你乖乖臣服在我脚下,让我检验检验,自然知晓你是不是凤凰妖后的子嗣。” In the Feng Feiyun double pupil projects two dazzling flame, in the pupil has two phoenixes to occupy, looks at each other with Tyrant imperial prince sun god pupil, imposing manner not weak slightest bit, you, if kneels on the ground asks me, I may put four imperial princes.” 风飞云的双瞳之中射出两道刺目的火焰,瞳孔之中有两只凤凰在盘踞,与霸皇子的金乌神瞳相对视,气势只是不弱半分,“你若是跪在地上求我,我或许会放了四皇子。” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince kneels near the cliff, puts on a long face, said: Elder Brother, has cut this bastard, lets his personal appearance entirely to extinguish.” 金乌四皇子跪在崖边,哭丧着脸,道:“哥,斩了这混蛋,让他身形俱灭。” The old wise in that Monster Clan calls out in alarm said: What he uses is giving up study of Phoenix Monster Clan Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, he cultivated on to peep the day, under to peep the place unexpectedly the boundary, if did not have Phoenix Monster Clan taught him for the powerhouse certainly, how possibly to rely on itself to cultivate this degree?” 那一位妖族之中的老智者又惊呼道:“他使用的乃是凤凰妖族的绝学‘凤凰天眼’,他竟然修炼到了上窥天、下窥地的境界,若是没有凤凰妖族的绝代强者教导他,怎么可能凭借自己修炼到这个程度?” „After he definitely is a phoenix monster, with the heir of human man without doubt, then Phoenix Monster Clan must lose a big face.” “他肯定是一位凤凰妖后与人类男子的子嗣无疑,这下凤凰妖族要丢一个大脸了。” Phoenix Monster Clan thinks is in the world noblest existence, disdains to marry with any race radically, after has not actually thought of a monster, unexpectedly and human man gou. About was born a Half Monster bad child.” 凤凰妖族自认为乃是天地之间最高贵的存在,根本不屑与任何种族联姻,却没有想到一位妖后竟然与一个人类男子媾。合,诞生了一个半妖孽种。” Tyrant the imperial prince sneers: What bad child? Is the bastard. Phoenix Monster Clan is also mediocre, any four big Monster Clan, I look at their this crowd of female living thing, already should be substituted by our sun clan.” 霸皇子冷笑一声:“什么孽种?是杂种。凤凰妖族也不过如此,什么四大妖族,我看她们这群雌性生物,早就应该被我们金乌一族取代了。” Feng Feiyun vision one cold, in eye flashes through together killing intent, said: My already had said my within the body has not flowed the blood of Phoenix Monster Clan, you should better put cleanly the mouth, bastard two characters, is you can call?” 风飞云的目光一寒,眼中闪过一道杀意,道:“我已经说过我的体内并没有流淌凤凰妖族的血液,你最好将嘴巴放干净点,‘杂种’两个字,也是你可以叫?” Tyrant the imperial prince disdains smiles, said: Half Monster is not the bastard. How your parents have the skill to give birth to you, you do not have the skill to acknowledge that you yourself are the bastard?” 霸皇子不屑的一笑,道:“半妖不就是杂种。怎么你父母有本事生下你,难道你就没有本事承认你自己就是杂种?” Feng Feiyun naturally knows that Tyrant the imperial prince is enraging him intentionally, but he has gotten angry, has not restrained the anger of oneself within the body, dragon Linfeng the leather clothing putting in the body, the body inflates, turns into a wing 9000 miles long phoenix, huge stuffing vault of heaven. 风飞云自然知道霸皇子是在故意激怒他,但是他还是怒了,没有克制自己体内的怒火,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿在身上,身体膨胀,变成一只翅膀9000里长的凤凰,庞大的充塞苍穹。 In his body not long feather, but is a piece by piece scarlet red dragon scale. 只是他的身体之中并没有长羽毛,而是一片片赤红色的龙鳞。 A terrifying phoenix aura erupts from his within the body, sweeps across this stretch of world, the remote crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market can feel his aura and anger. 一股恐怖的凤凰气息从他的体内爆发出来,席卷这一片天地,就连遥远的丹鼎鬼市都能够感受到他身上的气息和怒火。 Today, I must tear to pieces your mouth.” The Feng Feiyun sound spreads from in within the body of phoenix. “今天,我要撕烂你的嘴。”风飞云的声音从凤凰的体内传出。 This very scary, the body of phoenix is too huge, camouflages the entire sky, even if only a claw seems a scarlet-red hot cloud, an eye likely is the magma billowing sea. 这一幕十分骇人,凤凰的身体实在太庞大,遮蔽整个天空,哪怕只是一个爪子都仿佛是一片赤红的火云,一只眼睛都像是岩浆滚滚的海洋。 That is the aura of Ascension 9th-layer phoenix, gives to press many people lies on the ground. 那是属于羽化第九重凤凰的气息,将很多人都给压得趴在地上。 Bang!” “轰!” In the mouth of phoenix puts out the phoenix evil fire, the flame such as a magma waterfall flows swiftly from the sky, heat vault of heaven. 凤凰的口中吐出凤凰孽火,火焰如一条岩浆瀑布从天空泻下,烧红天穹。 Tyrant the imperial prince stands in void, body is straight, on huge the aura by the phoenix had not been given to crash, sneers saying: Added that your within the body hasn't flowed the blood of Phoenix Monster Clan?” 霸皇子站在虚空,身体笔直,并没有被凤凰身上庞大的气息给压垮,冷笑道:“还说你体内没有流淌凤凰妖族的血液?” Tyrant the imperial prince extended a hand, the hand turns into the claw instantaneously, above the claw has been interweaving three different magical powers, changed into three light beams counter to clash on, with magma waterfall that above the backdrop flowed swiftly to striking. 霸皇子伸出一只手,手瞬间变成了爪子,爪子之上交织着三种不同的神通,化为三道光柱逆冲而上,与天幕之上泻下的岩浆瀑布对击。 God Yang Baoyin.” “神阳宝印。” Tyrant imperial prince facial expression serene, in another palm, departs one group to burn the goal flame mark, the say/way between world turns toward in the flame mark to fly, the god who collects a flaming combustion is positive. 霸皇子的神情风轻云淡,另一只手掌之中,飞出一团灼目的火焰印记,天地之间的道则都向着火焰印记之中飞去,汇集成一座熊熊燃烧的神阳。 undying mark!” 不死印记!” Feng Feiyun has also launched Phoenix Monster Clan magical powers, the magical powers that after is «Undying Phoenix Physique» carries on seventh Nirvana, is born, the might terrifying is peerless. 风飞云也展开了一种凤凰妖族的神通,乃是《不死凤凰身》进行第七次涅槃之后诞生的神通,威力恐怖绝伦。 The position of Feng Feiyun chest departs a circular ancient seal, above ancient seal inscribes a strange character, this is most ancient phoenix the written way, has represented the source of phoenix inheritance. 风飞云胸口的位置飞出一个圆形的古印,古印之上刻有一个怪字,这是最古老的“凤”的书写方式,代表了凤凰传承的源头。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Tyrant the imperial prince was drawn back two steps by the undying mark to bang, the vision sank, cries loud and long. 霸皇子被不死印记给轰退了两步,目光一沉,长啸一声。 Melts the sun!” “化金乌!” Tyrant imperial prince body rises suddenly, the incarnation three full suns, the god feather is hot, the temperature rises once more, burns the air twists, will leave the melting that near member roast. 霸皇子的身体暴涨,化身三足金乌,神羽炎炎,温度再次攀升,将空气烧得扭曲,将一些离得近的修士自己烤的融化。 A sun and a phoenix are battling, making these encircle the member outside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain to evade, only dares to wait and see from afar. 一只金乌和一只凤凰在交战,让那些原本围在青莲灵山外的修士纷纷逃避,只敢远远观望。 Bang!” “嘭!” Void , a barrier was given to break by two people, the sun and phoenix flew. 虚空之中,一道屏障被两人给打破,金乌和凤凰都飞了出去。 The next quarter, they appear in the day ghost sky. 下一刻,他们出现在天鬼界的上空。 At this moment, is high noon, some member are catching up with day ghost from other place, suddenly saw that the ground was torn a several tens of thousands miles long slit, one group of bright flames depart from the place bottom, burning hot temperature, instantaneously the soil in ground roasting. 此刻,正是正午时分,有一些修士正从别的地方赶来天鬼界,突然看到地面被撕裂出一个数万里长的缝隙,一团明亮的火光从地底飞出,炙热的温度,瞬间就将地面上的泥土给烤化。 „!” “嘎!” Another huge shadow departs from the place bottom, the body shakes, 800,000 miles earth disintegration, changes into the torn to pieces canyon and breaks the range. 紧接着,又一只更加庞大的影子从地底飞出,身体一抖,800000里的大地都崩碎,化为支离破碎的峡谷和断岭。 God! Is the phoenix and sun in legend, they fought in day ghost.” 天呐!是传说之中的凤凰和金乌,他们在天鬼界战起来了。” This among the narration with antique years is simply exactly the same, the hearsay phoenix and sun are old enemies, once had many earthshaking wars, sometimes will destroy one, trillion miles mountains and rivers were burnt to refine.” “这简直跟太古年间的叙述一模一样,传闻凤凰和金乌乃是宿敌,曾发生出很多次惊天动地的大战,有时候会毁灭一界,亿万里山河都被焚炼。” These member run away in abundance, frighten the both legs to become tender. 这些修士纷纷逃窜,吓得双腿发软。 Bang!” “轰!” The sun and phoenix hit the bottom, dislodges a several tens of thousands miles big hole in the ground, in the hole has the black steaming thick smoke to brave, likely is the mouths of two earth, is jet black and profound. 金乌和凤凰又撞进地底,纷纷在地面上撞出一个数万里大的窟窿,窟窿之中有黑腾腾的浓烟冒出来,像是两个大地的嘴巴,漆黑而幽深。 The sun and phoenix appear in the place bottom, float spars above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, makes frigid and magnificent war charts. 金乌和凤凰又出现在地底,悬浮在青莲灵山之上斗法,打出一道道惨烈而壮观的战图。 Above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain has the mark that Holy Saint leaves behind luckily, otherwise already could not withstand the attacking of sun and phoenix is torn to pieces. 幸好青莲灵山之上有圣灵留下的印记,要不然早就承受不住金乌和凤凰的攻伐支离破碎。 How in the body of this fellow is flowing the bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan really?” “这家伙的身体之中真的流淌着咋们凤凰妖族的血脉?” In the remote behind-the-scenes plotting, dozens miles long rock waste float is together void. Above the rock waste is standing a seven and eight -year-old lovable little girl. 在遥远的黑幕之中,一块数十里长的顽石悬浮在虚空。顽石之上站着一个七、八岁的可爱小女孩。 The body of this little girl was given the package by the flame, but can see an exquisite and shy cheek indistinctly, the eye pupil blinks, is really lovable. 这小女孩的身体被火焰给包裹,只是隐约可以看见一张小巧而青涩的脸蛋,眼眸眨巴眨巴着,甚是可爱。 Above rock waste, but also is standing a slender mysterious female. 在顽石之上,还站着一个窈窕神秘的女子。 She the scarlet red shadow, the body turns the distortion tune likely together, slurred, said: „After the monster, already has calculated, in the Tianchi water curtain, sees his origin indistinctly, should not be our Phoenix Monster Clan descendant....... After something continually monsters , the Sir cannot see clearly, therefore sends us to lead him to return to Phoenix Mountain.” 她像是一道赤红色的影子,身体扭扭曲曲,模糊不清,道:“妖后已经推算过了,在天池水幕之中,隐隐约约看到他的来历,应该不是我们凤凰妖族的后裔。只是……有些东西连妖后大人也看不清,所以才派遣我们来带他回凤凰山。” Day female elder sister, this fellow can make into the tie with the Golden Crow Monster Clan big bastard unexpectedly, but also is really not general fierce, is he really Half Monster?” The eye of small phoenix flashes to flash to throw, the finger is cancelling the phoenix day female white hands gently, is looking at the war of distant place. “天女姐姐,这家伙居然能够与金乌妖族的大坏蛋打成平局,还真不是一般的厉害,他真的是一个半妖吗?”小凤凰的眼睛闪扑闪扑,手指轻轻勾着凤凰天女的玉手,望着远处的大战。 The phoenix day female is gazing at far spatial, shaking the head of gently, a character had not said. 凤凰天女注视着远空,轻轻的摇了摇头,却一个字也没有说。 Outside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, a piece of hot wave falls in torrents, in the hot wave has a sun to call out in grief. 青莲灵山外,一片火浪倾泻下来,火浪之中有一头金乌在悲鸣。 Humble Half Monster, can you also injure me?” “低贱的半妖,你也能伤我?” Golden Crow Grand Imperial Prince angrily roars, within the body departs a circular gold/metal link, the gold/metal link increases unceasingly, toward the head hit of phoenix in the past. 金乌霸皇子怒吼,体内飞出一个圆形的金环,金环不断变大,向着凤凰的头颅撞击过去。 This was Golden Crow Monster Clan Spirit Artifact, the grade is extremely high, is the antiquity relic. 这是金乌妖族的一件灵器,品级极高,属于上古遗物。 I had said today must tear to pieces your mouth. Ten thousand beasts fight the Secret Art.” “我说过今天要撕烂你的嘴。万兽战诀。” Behind phoenix huge body presents the empty shades of 10,000 Great Desolate ominous beasts, the ominous beast exudes the shocking roaring sound, the shadow of ominous beast was filled with the sky, the rushing strength bang has pressed, displayed 10,000 times of strengths. 凤凰庞大的身体背后呈现出10000头洪荒凶兽的虚影,凶兽发出震天的咆哮声,凶兽的影子挤满天空,滂湃的力量轰压了下来,施展出10000倍的力量。 !” “噗!” The claw of phoenix sun living tearing, tears into shreds two halves. 凤凰的爪子将金乌活生生的撕裂,撕碎成两半。 Not......” “不……” Golden Crow Grand Imperial Prince bellows, but body was pushed aside, within the body drips dark red blood. 金乌霸皇子大吼一声,但是身体还是被扒开,体内淌出一片殷红的血液。 What? Was Golden Crow Grand Imperial Prince torn into shreds?” “什么?金乌霸皇子被撕碎了?” This is how possible, but Golden Crow Grand Imperial Prince invincible existence, ten thousand fight the undefeated, how possibly dead in a hand of Half Monster?” “这怎么可能,金乌霸皇子可是无敌的存在,万战不败,怎么可能死在了一个半妖的手中?” All people were shocked, like petrifying generally. 所有人都被震惊住,就像石化了一般。 Feng Feiyun changed into the human form, wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, in the hand pinches a drop of blood, the blood is actually looking like one group of fires, the vision looks into the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market the direction, said: Your does several things at the same time insufficiently to look radically, hasn't planned to get rid personally?” 风飞云又化为了人形,穿着龙鳞凤皮衣,手中捏着一滴血,血液却像一团火,目光眺望丹鼎鬼市的方向,道:“你的一具分身根本不够看,还不打算亲自出手吗?”
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