SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1094: Eight days of lifespan

The Feng Feiyun sound is forceful, spreads several tens of thousands miles far, likely was a thunder trundle in the past, shook the eardrum to send to hurt many Monster Clan powerhouses. 风飞云的声音铿锵有力,传出数万里远,像是一阵雷霆滚动过去,将很多妖族强者都震得耳膜发疼。 Outside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, an ebullition, the swallow 3000 were also defeated! 青莲灵山外,一片沸腾,燕3000也被击败了! But this time the people saw, that Half Monster is too strong, absolutely is in history strength first Half Monster, is powerful makes the person heart tremble. 这一次可是众人都看见了,那个半妖实在太强势,绝对是有史以来战力第一的半妖,强悍得让人心头颤栗。 Some people immediately, have fed in the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market this news, causes the giant mighty waves once again. 有人在第一时间,将这个消息传回了丹鼎鬼市,再次引起巨大波澜。 This wasn't Half Monster will break through the Ascension boundary?” The Monster Clan wise so guessed. “这半妖不会是突破羽化境了吧?”有一位妖族的智者如此猜测。 Must know that Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince and swallow 3000 are the top heroes in Monster Clan, can surmount the boundary forcing match, but actually successively suffers defeat in a hand of Half Monster, this regarding Golden Crow Monster Clan and Xue Jiao Monster Clan naturally is the great shame, but is also cause one to think deeply. 要知道金乌四皇子和燕3000都是妖族之中的顶尖英杰,可以跨越境界力压对手,但是却先后在一个半妖的手中败北,这对于金乌妖族血蛟妖族自然是奇耻大辱,但是也引人深思。 Can't break through Half Monster of Ascension boundary, the strength can achieve really such strongly? 一个不能突破羽化境的半妖,战力真的能够达到这么强? Next day, there is a bigger elite sage to hurry to Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, above Spirit Mountain the war again and again, the sound of fight floods the expansive sky, often then the member suffers defeat to run away, say/way of shivering: That Half Monster war is stronger, simply is a anomaly.” 第二天,又有更大的精英贤者赶去青莲灵山,灵山之上大战连连,战斗的声音充斥长空,不时便又修士败北逃回来,颤抖的道:“那半妖越战越强,简直就是一个变态。” Do not go to provoke him, he absolutely is in history strength first Half Monster, two palms oppressor Monster Clan certainly generation of heavenly talent patting, refine blood pill.” “千万别去招惹他,他绝对是史上战力第一的半妖,两掌就将虎狼妖族的一位绝代天骄给拍死,炼成了血丹。” ...... …… On this day some member ran away, some member lose one's life above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, was built up blood pill, making many people not think, this you at all are not the matter that Half Monster can achieve, if changes makes Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince, Phoenix Monster Clan phoenix day female, white tiger Monster Clan undying not too, dragon clan dragon 13 crown princes, these people do such great writer, may to admire. 这一天有的修士逃了回来,有的修士在青莲灵山之上送命,被炼成了血丹,让很多人都觉得不真实,这你根本不是一个半妖能够做到的事,若是换做金乌妖族的“霸皇子”,凤凰妖族的“凤凰天女”,白虎妖族的“不死不太”,龙族的“龙13太子”,这几人干出这样的大手笔,或许会更加让人佩服。 Half Monster does such earthshaking matter, instead makes people feel strangely. 一个半妖干出这么惊天动地的事,反而让人感觉到怪异。 Feng Feiyun stands in the summit of Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, under bird's eye view various clan member, the appearance is old, the vision is very overbearing, you go back! Today my already fought enough, does not want to kill people again. You want to rush to the mountain, tomorrow will come again! Regardless of comes many people, I 11 receive.” 风飞云站在青莲灵山之巅,俯瞰下方的各族修士,容颜苍老,目光却很霸道,“你们都回去吧!今日我已经战够了,不想再杀人。你们想要闯山,明日再来吧!无论来多少人,我都11接下。” These member outside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain clench jaws, thought that this Half Monster is too rampant, was haughty not side. 青莲灵山外的那些修士都咬牙切齿,觉得这个半妖太嚣张,狂傲得没边了。 He also the strength is powerful, any challenged his people who to defeat, even some people died in battle. 偏偏他又实力强悍,凡是去挑战他的人都败了,甚至有人战死。 A news comes, Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince already to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market.” 一则消息传来,“金乌妖族的霸皇子已经到了丹鼎鬼市。” This news spreads, at once causes the huge stir, everyone knows Tyrant the imperial prince, since arrived, definitely will operate with this Half Monster. 这一则消息传出,旋即引起巨大的轰动,每个人都知道霸皇子既然到了,就肯定会拿这个半妖开刀。 Finally some people can suppress this Half Monster. 终于有人可以镇压这个半妖了。 Dominates the imperial prince to be supercilious, some monster kings not necessarily were paid attention to by him, are not necessarily able bends Shenjiang expensively to cope with Half Monster, this and his status is incompatible.” “霸皇子心高气傲,就连一些妖王都未必被他放在眼里,未必会屈身降贵对付一个半妖,这与他的身份不符。” Four imperial princes after all are Tyrant imperial prince blood brother, four imperial princes encounter the shame, kneels above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, Tyrant the imperial prince will come surely.” “四皇子毕竟乃是霸皇子的亲弟,四皇子遭到羞辱,跪在青莲灵山之上,霸皇子必定会来。” Actually looks like Tyrant imperial prince that and other characters, only needs to do several things at the same time to arrive together, can cutting to kill this Half Monster, does not need the main body to come.” “其实像霸皇子那等人物,只需要一道分身降临,就能够将这个半妖给斩杀,根本不需要本尊前来。” ...... …… These defend member in Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain surrounding retreat finally, anticipated that tomorrow Tyrant the imperial prince will kiss/close to Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, will cut to kill in that history most formidable Half Monster, this war will be worth anticipating. 那些守在青莲灵山外围的修士终于还是退走,期待明天霸皇子亲至青莲灵山,斩杀那个史上最强大的半妖,这一战值得期待。 Above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, under the bamboo grove, the bank of small stream, is burning pair of bonfire. 青莲灵山之上,竹林之下,小溪之畔,燃烧着一对篝火。 A snow white turtle, in hand raises a bamboo basket, in the bamboo basket is thinking of Xue Jiao. 一只雪白的乌龟,手里提着一只竹篓,竹篓之中装着一只血蛟 It sits on the stone of bank of small stream, from time to time bamboo basket admitting in water, from time to time bamboo basket raising, then bamboo basket admitting in water, then raises...... 它坐在小溪之畔的一块石头上,时而将竹篓给放进水里,时而又将竹篓给提起来,然后又将竹篓给放进水里,接着又提起来…… Xue Jiao in bamboo basket air/Qi shouts 'motherfucker', said: „Do you, dare stopping a while, this King to sleep so are difficult?” 竹篓之中的血蛟气得骂娘,道:“你忒么,敢不敢消停一会儿,本王只是想要睡个觉就这么难?” Turtle bamboo basket admitting in water, pavilion long time , the bamboo basket raising, said: Flood dragon does not like the water! The old man is feared that you were thirsty.” 乌龟又将竹篓给放进水里,阁了半晌,又将竹篓给提了起来,道:“蛟不都喜欢水嘛!老夫是怕你渴着了。” Was thirsty your Sir, this King does not depend to drink water to live 10,000 years ago.” Xue Jiao has never seen such bored turtle, it pledged, once gets out of trouble, must chop the two claw of this turtle. “渴你大爷,本王早在10000年前就不靠喝水过日子了。”血蛟从未见过这么无聊的乌龟,它发誓一旦脱困,一定要剁了这只乌龟的两只爪子。 Good! I put in the fire to roast you.” Mao Wugui has thought of other slighting the law. “那好!我把你放到火里面去烤。”茅乌龟想到了别的玩法。 Xue Jiao has cried immediately, turtle master, how plays in the water! Left the water, I die......” 血蛟顿时哭了起来,“龟爷,咋们还是在水里玩吧!离开了水,我死的……” In small stream, Feng Feiyun sits, 18 blood pill arranging in together, each blood pill is glittering and translucent carving, sends out the graceful unusual brightness, is containing incomparable spiritual intelligence. 小溪边上,风飞云席地而坐,将18枚血丹给排列在一起,每一枚血丹都晶莹剔透,散发出盈盈宝光,蕴含着无匹的灵性 Xuanyuan Yiyi wears the non- flaw white clothing, at the back of Ancient Sword, stands in the small stream bank, the back to the body, has the cool breeze to sway, blows the corner/horn of bamboo hat, reveals half beautiful peerless immortal face, moving that could not say. 轩辕一一穿着无瑕白衣,背着古剑,站在小溪畔,背对着身体,有清风吹拂过来,吹起斗笠的一角,露出半张美丽绝伦的仙颜,说不出的动人。 This type has maintained quietly for a long time. 这种静谧维持了许久。 Xuanyuan Yiyi opens the mouth suddenly, said: You such unscrupulous enrages various clan powerhouse heroes, does not have the advantage to you harmfully, if murders excessively, perhaps the Monster Clan King annoying.” 轩辕一一突然开口,道:“你这么肆无忌惮的激怒各族强者英杰,对你有害无利,若是杀伐过度,说不定会将妖族的王者给惹出来。” Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged to sit, the body Saint light and Fokuang interweave, say with a smile: I think that the saintess will ask why first I turned into a bad old man.” 风飞云盘膝而坐,身上圣光和佛光交织,笑道:“我以为圣女会最先问我为何变成了一个糟老头。” Young also good, old also good, is the conditions that a person can experience surely. I do not know that what road you have taken, but I thought that what road anyone you should be clearer than to take, therefore had not asked.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. “年轻也好,苍老也好,都是一种人必定会经历的状态。我不知道你到底走上了一条什么样的路,但是我觉得你应该比谁都清楚自己要走什么样的路,所以并没有问。”轩辕一一说道。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: I am very repugnant with you sometimes chat, because I had thought you are not a normal person. However today I thought chatted with you actually is also a very happy person, why because you will not always ask me.” 风飞云笑道:“我有些时候很讨厌和你聊天,因为我一直觉得你不是一个正常人。但是今天我觉得和你聊天其实也是一件挺愉快的人,因为你总是不会问我为什么。” Xuanyuan Yiyi has turned around, is staring at Feng Feiyun, was very difficult to imagine his already now this appearance, unexpectedly can also smile, for a long time, said: How long can you also live?” 轩辕一一转过身,盯着风飞云,很难想象他都已经现在这个样子了,居然还能笑得出来,顿了许久,道:“你还能活多久?” The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head of slightly, finger pinches, after long time , the deep putting out one breath, said: Lifespan also has eight days.” 风飞云微微的皱了皱眉头,手指掐动,半晌之后深深的吐出一口气,道:“阳寿还有八天。” Goes Moonwater Wonderland with me, perhaps Holy Spirit can continue the life for you.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. “跟我去水月天境,或许圣神可以为你续命。”轩辕一一道。 Feng Feiyun shook the head with a smile. 风飞云笑着摇了摇头。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: Your natural talent extremely, the unusual person can through the ages, should not die young.” 轩辕一一道:“你天资绝顶,古往今来少有人能及,不应该短命。” Feng Feiyun 11 received 18 blood pill of ground, said with a smile: You do not want to know why I do want to fight? Why can kill? Now I can tell you, because I must to fight body refining, I must collect these to come to kill blood energy of my powerhouse , helping me to attack the Ascension boundary.” 风飞云将地上的18枚血丹11收了起来,笑道:“你不是想要知道我为什么要战?为什么要杀?现在我可以告诉你,因为我要以战来炼体,我也要收集这些前来杀我的强者的血气,助我冲击羽化境。” Ascension boundary?” Red lip opening of Xuanyuan Yiyi gently, in the star pupil is having several points of surprise. 羽化境?”轩辕一一的红唇轻轻的张开,星眸之中带着几分诧异。 Feng Feiyun incomparably prudent nod, said: My already has calculated, in four days, will not have the moonlit night, when the time is the rule between world is weakest, is I breaks Heavenly Dao to curse, attacks the only opportunity of Ascension boundary. The impact in the past, was then boundless \; Does not overrun, then changes into the dust.” 风飞云无比慎重的点了点头,道:“我已经推算过了,再过四天,就是无月夜,当时候就是天地之间的规则最薄弱的时候,也是我打破天道诅咒,冲击羽化境的唯一机会。冲击过去,便海阔天空\;冲不过去,便化为尘土。” The Feng Feiyun vision is very firm, is staring at the fire of high-piled firewood of combustion, the facial expression tranquil, dignified and leisurely and carefree. 风飞云的目光很坚定,就盯着燃烧的火堆,神情平静、泰然、悠闲。 Xuanyuan Yiyi double pupil closing gently, gives to take down head bamboo hat, reveals a peerless moving appearance, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is slender, fine jade nose clear, handsome, the body does not have one not to be imperfect. 轩辕一一双眸轻轻的闭上,将头上的斗笠给取下,露出一张绝世动人的容颜,黛眉修长,琼鼻晶莹,唇红齿白,身上没有一处不完美。 Her sitting down slowly, gives to take out a pale golden branch, only has in half foot, fragrance that sends out clear fragrant. 她徐徐的坐下,将一枝淡金色的树枝给取出,只有半尺上,散发出清馨的香味。 This is Moonwater Wonderland one nine Yuan ancient medicine an above branch, although with complete nine Yuan ancient medicine the efficacy is also far from, but should be helpful to you. This was I can help your maximum limit.” Xuanyuan Yiyi has given Feng Feiyun the pale golden branch. “这是水月天境的一株‘九元古药’上面的一根树枝,虽然与完整的‘九元古药’的药力还相差甚远,但是对你应该有帮助。这是我能帮你的最大限度了。”轩辕一一将淡金色的树枝递给了风飞云 Nine Yuan ancient medicine, is referred to surviving nine Yuan ancient Yao. “九元古药”,是指存活了“九元”的古药。 One Yuan, was equal, 129,600 years “一元”,等于,“129600年” Nine Yuan, were equal, 1,166,400 years. 九元,等于,1166400年。 A nine Yuan ancient medicine at least must grow for 1 million years, can be mature, ancient Yao of this rank, rare rare, is the rarely seen (weirdo) between world, even if only a leaf is priceless. 一株九元古药至少要生长1000000年,才能够成熟,这种级别的古药,稀世罕见,乃是天地之间的奇葩,哪怕只是一片叶子都价值连城。 Feng Feiyun has not rejected the Xuanyuan Yiyi good intention, thought that this saintess your highness is actually a good person. 风飞云并没有拒绝轩辕一一的好意,觉得这位圣女殿下其实还是一个不错的人。 Xuanyuan Yiyi then departed in the evening, tells Feng Feiyun to have a drop of Great Saint essence and blood before departure in the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market auction, if the time with enough time, obtains the Great Saint essence and blood, perhaps attacks the Ascension boundary to have very big help to him. 轩辕一一当晚便离去了,在离去之前告诉风飞云有一滴大圣精血将会在丹鼎鬼市拍卖,若是时间来得及,得到大圣精血,或许对他冲击羽化境会有很大的帮助。 These Feng Feiyun naturally know, but he thought that perhaps oneself could not wait at that time. 这些风飞云自然都知道,但是他觉得自己或许等不到那个时候了。 That night, Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in front of the Female Saint Qing Lian tombstone, perceived through meditation to leave some outlines the Holy Saint say/way above tombstone, the body restored, but the life has not actually increased. 这一夜,风飞云盘坐在青莲女圣的墓碑前,将墓碑之上的圣灵道参悟出了一些轮廓,身体又恢复了一些,但是寿元却并没有增加。 When arrives next day, beside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, the already sea of people, many people hear the news to catch up simply, the powerhouses of various large clans have, even the character arrivals of some monster king ranks. 当第二天到来之时,青莲灵山之外,简直已经人山人海,有很多人都闻讯赶来,各大族的强者都有,甚至有一些妖王级别的人物驾临。 The characters of monster king ranks sit above carriage collapses, they have not planned to get rid, but comes for the later generation berm in clan, feared this clan outstanding later generation cutting by that savage Half Monster. 这几位妖王级别的人物都坐在辇塌之上,他们并没有打算出手,只是前来为族中的后辈护道,怕本族杰出的后辈被那个凶残的半妖给斩了。 Dominated imperial prince Junior Brother day wind to come.” “霸皇子的师弟天风子来了。” Hanger-on who day wind and Tyrant imperial princes once did obeisance into the same worthy people of former times, is the unrivalled rare talents, definitely is Tyrant the imperial prince asks day wind to suppress this Half Monster.” “天风子与霸皇子都曾经拜入同一位先贤的门下,都是旷世奇才,肯定是霸皇子请天风子来镇压这个半妖。” Today is third day, various clan powerhouse already arrive, does not know that Half Monster also does dare to fight.” “今天乃是第三天,各族强者都已经到来,也不知那个半妖还敢不敢战。” ...... …… Very early in the morning, beside Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain seethes with excitement on already, various clan powerhouses all appear here, naturally also has overlord in Human Race and Half Monster. 一大早,青莲灵山之外就已经沸腾开,各族强者皆出现在这里,其中自然也有人族半妖之中的霸主。 Few days ago sixth Yang Dynasty evildoer/monstrous talent Half Monster appeared, here presented one unexpectedly.” A Human Race nobility master stands in void, one group of servants follow. “前些日子第六中央王朝才有一个妖孽半妖横空出世,这里居然又出现了一位。”人族的一位爵爷站在虚空之中,身后有一群仆人跟随。 This nobility master came from indistinct god toward, sixth Yang Dynasty to the matter that has heard. 这位爵爷来自缥缈神朝,对第六中央王朝发生的事有所耳闻。 Half Monster is the minority groups, can the birth evildoer/monstrous talent be the good fortune, but actually should not so make a great show of one's talents, in the Antique Saint Monster Clan front, even if our Human Race must restrain, Half Monster will actually dare the unscrupulous suppression Antique Saint Monster Clan imperial prince, how Antique Saint Monster Clan that group of arrogant people will let off him?” Human Race Great Sage strokes white Xu lightly, is having the look of several points of being as deep as a well. 半妖乃是弱势群体,能够诞生妖孽乃是幸事,但是却不该如此锋芒毕露,在太古圣妖族的面前,就算是我们人族都要收敛,一个半妖却敢肆无忌惮的镇压太古圣妖族的皇子,太古圣妖族那群高傲之徒岂会放过他?”人族的一位大贤者轻捋白须,带着几分高深莫测的神色。
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