SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1092: The dantian is broken

Naturally nobody will be convinced, what after all stands in the front is only Half Monster, has is not the Antique Saint Monster Clan imperial prince, how possibly to make the person be convinced. 自然沒有人会服气,毕竟站在面前的只是一个半妖,有不是太古圣妖族的皇子,怎么可能让人服气。 „The Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince must arrive at the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, this that is a Golden Crow Monster Clan not Shiying talent, if he gets rid, is away from a piece void to be able your suppress and kill.” 金乌妖族的霸皇子就要來到丹鼎鬼市,此那是金乌妖族的一位不世英才,他若是出手,隔着一片虚空就能将你镇杀。” Feng Feiyun smiled, said: „The Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince, is any bird, has not listened.” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“金乌妖族的霸皇子,是什么鸟,沒有听过。” On bright hawk Monster Clan the face of little princess's is having the worship and yearned, also very much awes to the Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince, said: Your this Half Monster is too bold, dares saying that unexpectedly the Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince is the bird.” 慧鹰妖族的小公主的脸上带着崇拜和向往,同时对金乌妖族的霸皇子也很敬畏,道:“你这个半妖实在太大胆,竟然敢说金乌妖族的霸皇子是鸟。” He is not the bird.” Feng Feiyun said. “难道他不是鸟。”风飞云道。 This......” “这……” The bright hawk Monster Clan little princess closely is nipping a snow white tooth, very hates at present this Half Monster, simply and pulled out her wool that human to be equally hateful couple days ago, said: Dominates the imperial prince is four emperor's sons' biological elder brother, will be the Golden Crow Monster Clan future head of the clan successor, the cultivation is less than 1000, will become world-famous on already, the monster kings of these older generations, must awe his three points.” 慧鹰妖族的小公主紧紧的咬着一口雪白的牙齿,挺恨眼前这个半妖,简直跟前几天拔她毛的那个人类一样可恶,道:“霸皇子乃是四皇子的亲兄长,亦是金乌妖族未來的族长继承人,修炼不到1000年,就已经扬名天下,就连那些老一辈的妖王,都要敬畏他三分。” Feng Feiyun to the Golden Crow Monster Clan not slightly favorable impression, previous generation or this life. 风飞云金乌妖族沒有丝毫好感,无论是前世还是今生。 You told him, his younger brother here thinks of faults now, asking him do not think of, you were also gawking doing, is it possible that you also want to think of faults here for three days.” The Feng Feiyun vision stares. “那你们就去告诉他,他弟弟现在就在这里思过,叫他不要想念,你们还愣着干嘛,莫非你们也想在这里思过三天。”风飞云的目光一瞪。 These Monster Clan young powerhouses were mad tremble, thought that Feng Feiyun is too rampant, was simply lawless. 那些妖族的年轻强者都被气得哆嗦,觉得风飞云实在太嚣张,简直无法无天了。 Must teach well. 必须要好好教训一番。 Half Monster also dares to shout to drink us.” “一个半妖也敢将我们呼來喝去。” Three young powerhouses collaborate simultaneously to get rid to Feng Feiyun, they are the Ascension 1st-layer boundary, in the hand grasp Spirit Artifact in clan to fight the soldier. 有三位年轻强者联手同时对风飞云出手,他们都是羽化第一重的境界,手中掌握着族内的灵器战兵。 However these three young powerhouses were suppressed by Feng Feiyun, kneel in front of the jade tablet, their spiritual energies fight the soldier also to be given to take away by Feng Feiyun, pinch in the hand hold appreciatively. 但是这三位年轻强者都被风飞云镇压,跪在了玉石碑前,他们的灵气战兵也都被风飞云给收走,捏在手中把玩。 The remaining these Monster Clan young powerhouses this time were daunted, gives to put out the efficacious medicine, places the ground, lets depart fast. 剩下的那些妖族年轻强者这次是真的被吓住了,纷纷将灵药给拿出,放在地上,让快速离去。 Mao Wugui dashes after the Chinese yam field, looks to kneel five Monster Clan heroes in front of jade tablet, an eye stares the Boss, I heard any bird to call out pitifully a moment ago probably, will not be this sun.” 茅乌龟从后山药田飞奔回來,看着跪在玉石碑前的五位妖族英杰,一双眼睛瞪得老大,“刚才我好像听到了什么鸟在惨叫,不会是这一只金乌吧。” Is the Golden Crow Monster Clan four imperial princes.” Bamboo basket inside Xue Jiao spoke. “是金乌妖族的四皇子。”竹篓里面的血蛟说到。 The bamboo basket raises in the hand of Mao Wugui. 竹篓就提在茅乌龟的手中。 The Golden Crow Monster Clan four imperial princes were given to recognize, the complexion becomes flushed at once, clenches jaws, bastard, my brother, if comes, is your time of death.” 金乌妖族的四皇子被人给认了出來,脸色旋即涨红,咬牙切齿,“混蛋,我哥若是前來,就是你的死期。” Feng Feiyun as in perceiving through meditation Holy Saint on jade tablet said, said: His mouth blocking.” 风飞云依旧在参悟玉石碑上的圣灵道,道:“将他的嘴巴给堵上。” Mao Wugui picks up a stone on the ground, has forced in the mouth of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, gave to abrasion the Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince remaining two teeth. 茅乌龟在地上捡起一块石头,塞进了金乌四皇子的嘴里,将金乌四皇子剩下的两颗牙齿也给磨掉了。 Xue Jiao knits the brows, said: His elder brother is the Golden Crow Monster Clan tyrant imperial prince, was located when the birth the Golden Crow Monster Clan future head of the clan, heard that is a talent of inborn legendary rank, at age 30, in Golden Crow Monster Clan on the already reputation big chirp, has cut the Ascension sage, now several hundred years pass by, no one knows that he has achieved the what kind of boundary now.” 血蛟皱眉,道:“他哥乃是金乌妖族的霸皇子,在出生之时就被定位了金乌妖族未來的族长,听说乃是一位天生的传奇级别的天才,30岁之时,在金乌妖族已经名声大噪,斩过羽化贤者,如今数百年过去,谁都不知道他现在又达到了何等境界。” Feng Feiyun opens the eye, said: Golden Crow Monster Clan had a such tyrannical character unexpectedly.” 风飞云睁开眼睛,道:“金乌妖族竟然出了一位这么强横的人物。” Golden Crow Monster Clan and Phoenix Monster Clan generation is an enemy, even can press a Phoenix Monster Clan head when the antiquity sometimes, until the antique later period, Antique God Phoenix is born, thoroughly suppressed Golden Crow Monster Clan. 金乌妖族凤凰妖族世代为敌,在太古之时有些时候甚至能够压凤凰妖族一头,直到太古的晚期,太古神凤出世,才将金乌妖族给彻底的打压了下去。 However Golden Crow Monster Clan is very as before formidable, cannot be underestimated, is the Phoenix Monster Clan biggest enemy. 不过金乌妖族依旧十分强大,不容小觑,乃是凤凰妖族的最大敌人。 Xue Jiao said: You have suppressed his blood brother, he will definitely come to cut you, does not need his true body to arrive, does several things at the same time to come together, you possibly are not his match, this will be true one will be supreme in the future, but the means can actually cope with him.” 血蛟道:“你镇压了他的亲弟,他肯定会前來斩你,根本就不需要他的真身降临,一道分身前來,你都不可能是他的对手,这是真正的一位未來至尊,但是有一个办法却能对付他。” Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged there , to continue to perceive through meditation Holy Saint saying that like has not heard the Xue Jiao words. 风飞云只是盘坐在那里,继续参悟圣灵道,像是沒有听到血蛟的话。 Xue Jiao some are impatient, said: You, so long as gives to turn on the seal on blue lotus bamboo basket, this King can help you block Tyrant the imperial prince surely, believes me, I will not deceive you, believes me really............ Paralysis, comes......” 血蛟有些不耐烦,道:“你只要将青莲竹篓上的封印给打开,本王必定能够帮你挡住霸皇子,相信我,我不会骗你,真的,相信我啊……啊……麻痹的,又來……” Bang.” “嘭。” Sacred Fruit has flown into the bamboo basket directly, Xue Jiao knocking down. 圣实果直接飞进了竹篓里面,又将血蛟给打晕了过去。 Feng Feiyun has practiced a double-hour, opens the eye slightly, thought that the matter is not very normal, how the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market came these many various clan heroes suddenly. 风飞云修炼了一个时辰,微微睁开眼睛,觉得事情很不正常,怎么丹鼎鬼市突然來了这么多的各族英杰。 Definitely has the important matter to occur. 肯定有大事发生。 Under the interrogation of Feng Feiyun, finally in a mouth of Monster Clan hero has known the answer. 风飞云的盘问下,终于在其中一个妖族英杰的嘴里得知了答案。 Great Saint essence and blood.” Feng Feiyun deep inspiration. 大圣精血。”风飞云深深的吸了一口气。 Has the news to spread, soon, drop Great Saint essence and blood in crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market auction. 有消息传出,不久之后,有一滴“大圣精血”在丹鼎鬼市拍卖。 This news already has spread over various large clans, the hero and King of already various clans catches up, the oath must obtain this drop of Great Saint essence and blood. 这个消息已经传遍了各大族,各族的英杰和王者都已经赶來,誓要得到这一滴大圣精血。 Since the ancient times, only then three people may seal Great Saint, essence and blood that they leave behind, is in the world the most precious thing, may be called the priceless treasure. 自古以來,也就只有三人可封“大圣”,他们遗留下來的精血,乃是天地之间最为宝贵的东西,堪称无价之宝。 Naturally regarding the topest young talent, „the Great Saint essence and blood was more precious, can for their succinct body, making the aptitude promote a big stair again, even may comprehend the Great Saint say/way from the Great Saint essence and blood. 当然对于最顶尖的年轻才俊而言,“大圣精血”就更加宝贵了,能够为他们洗练身体,使资质再提升一个大的台阶,甚至有可能从大圣精血之中领悟到大圣的道。 No wonder so many young heroes will arrive at the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market. 难怪会有这么多的年轻英杰來到丹鼎鬼市。 Feng Feiyun longs to „the Great Saint essence and blood, this is resurrecting young person one of the three taste main medicines, after thinking is antique, already again cannot see the Great Saint essence and blood, has not thought that now had to him has hoped. 风飞云对“大圣精血”更加渴望,这可是复活红颜的三味主药之一,本來以为太古之后,已经再也见不到大圣的精血,沒想到现在有给了他希望。 In any event, must the Great Saint essence and blood obtaining. 无论如何,都要将大圣精血给得到。 The Feng Feiyun vision is firm, tight is pinching both hands, now own strength is too small and weak, must become more formidable, possible the Great Saint essence and blood seizing. 风飞云的目光坚定,紧紧的捏着双手,现在自己的力量还太弱小,必须变得更加强大,才可能将大圣精血给夺到手。 Original Feng Feiyun also plans to wait for several days to break again dantian, but now, his already could not wait. 本來风飞云还打算再等几天才破碎“中丹田”,但是现在,他已经等不及了。 Now must start dantian shatter, cultivation base can formidable one point be a point, can be in a more advantageous status in competition of Great Saint essence and blood, although on said outwardly is the auction, but the treasure of this rank, once is born, definitely will stir the giant wind and cloud. 现在就要开始破碎“中丹田”,修为能够强大一分是一分,在大圣精血的争夺之中才能占据更加有利的地位,虽然明面上说是拍卖,但是这种级别的宝物,一旦出世,肯定会搅去巨大的风云。 Hell Yama and Qilin king flies once more, protects by the body of Feng Feiyun, for his berm. “地狱阎罗”和“麒麟王”再次飞出來,守护在风飞云的身体两边,为他护道。 After the entire day of training and controlling one's breathing, Feng Feiyun body condition already stabilizes, can attempt to attack the second step. 经过整整一天的修养和调息,风飞云的身体状态已经稳定下來,可以尝试冲击第二步。 upper dantian is „the mansion of concealed god, the dantian is „the mansion of concealed air/Qi, in other words Feng Feiyun cultivation base condenses in dantian, has the mistake slightly, Feng Feiyun probably turns into the disabled person who cultivation base all loses. 上丹田乃是“藏神之府”,中丹田乃是“藏气之府”,也就是说风飞云的一身修为都凝聚在中丹田,稍有差池,风飞云就可能变成一个修为全失的废人。 Therefore the shatter dantian, compared with shatter upper dantian, needs to be careful, has the mistake slightly, then true was beyond redemption. 所以破碎中丹田,比破碎上丹田,更需要小心谨慎,稍有差池,便真正的万劫不复了。 In the dantian, is depositing Bronze Ancient Vessel and Ascension stage, this different thing by Feng Feiyun taking and putting away heaven. 中丹田之中,存放着青铜古船羽化台,这两样东西都被风飞云给收放进天国。 Feng Feiyun in controlling one's breathing as far as possible, causes own breath and blood stream is at the steadiest condition. 风飞云在尽可能的调息,使自己的呼吸和血流都处于最为平稳的状态。 80 Phoenix Bones combustion slowly, overflow faint trace flame together, condenses 81 flame rivers, unceasing strength, the flame unceasing inflation, finally simultaneously has also attacked toward dantian. 80一块凤骨徐徐的燃烧起來,溢出一丝丝火焰,凝聚出81条火焰河流,不断的壮大,火焰也不断的膨胀,最后同时向着中丹田冲击了下去。 Bang.” “嘭。” Body of Feng Feiyun fierce in a flash, the whole body ache wants to crack, the brain must split sorely. 风飞云的身体剧烈的一晃,浑身都疼痛欲裂,大脑都要疼裂开。 However the dantian is very stable, split several slits merely, has not broken to pieces. 但是中丹田无比稳固,仅仅只是裂开了几道缝隙,并沒有碎开。 Feng Feiyun bites the tooth tightly, transfers 81 flame rivers once more, fiercer dashing in the past, continually had shelled six times, every time likely in the autonomy, in the mouth the big mouth spits blood, the essence and life in body also in crazy passing. 风飞云紧咬牙齿,再次调动81条火焰河流,更加凶猛的冲撞过去,一连轰击了六次,每一次都像是在自残,口中大口吐血,身体之中的精气和寿命也在疯狂的流逝。 Is only several instant time, Feng Feiyun from the 50-year-old appearance, turned into the 70-year- old appearance, the whole body is the wrinkle, the hair almost wants white Jin. 仅仅只是几个刹那的时间,风飞云就从50多岁的模样,变成了70多岁的苍老样子,浑身都是皱纹,头发几乎都要白尽。 Finally when the sixth hit, dantian breaks, changed into fragments. 终于在第六次撞击之时,“中丹田”破碎开,化为了一块块碎片。 Feng Feiyun old body quick disintegration, in each pore was also flowing the blood, almost changed into a blood person. 风飞云苍老的身体也快崩碎了,每一个毛孔之中都在流淌鲜血,几乎化为了一个血人。 He as in fast then old, does not dare to delay slightly, concentrates.” 他依旧在快速的便老,不敢丝毫耽误,“凝。” These broke the dantian fragment, starts to condense toward the Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, like meteorite hits above the stars, finally and stars condenses for a body, but this process incomparable pain, each instant likely ruthlessly was actually hit by the heavy item in the head. 那些破碎了的丹田碎片,开始向着圣灵内丹凝聚,就像一块块陨石撞击在星辰之上,最终和星辰凝聚为了一体,但是这个过程却无比痛苦,每一个刹那都像是被重物给狠狠撞击在头上。 The Feng Feiyun biting tooth stubbornly, making oneself maintain sober, once for fear that fainted, again could not wake up. 风飞云死死的咬住牙齿,使自己保持清醒,生怕一旦自己晕厥了过去,就再也醒不來了。 Continuous growth of Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality in his body, from most starts the grain of rice that most, inflated the several fold, is the pill size. 圣灵内丹在他的身体之中不断壮大,从最开始的米粒大半,膨胀了数倍,达到药丸大小。 Finally, absorption completely all dantian fragments, have stabilized. 最终,吸收尽所有的丹田碎片,稳定了下來。 At this time, Feng Feiyun already was old looks awful, the essence in body drained most probably, seemed an resembles 90-year- old person, the hair and eyebrow white Jin, the skin sagging, the rickets the body, likely was being momentarily must walk into the tomb pit. 这个时候,风飞云已经苍老得不成样子,身体之中的精气流失了大半,看上去像一个90岁的老人,头发和眉毛都白尽,皮肤下垂,佝偻着身体,像是随时都要步入墓穴之中。 All along knows very well that Feng Feiyun Mao Wugui and Sacred Fruit, almost quickly could not recognize him. 就连一贯熟知风飞云茅乌龟圣实果,几乎都快将他认不出來了。 Kneels five Monster Clan heroes in front of jade tablet also astonished inexplicable, does not know that this Half Monster powerhouse falls to the ground to be up to mischief, how to do this appearance. 跪在玉石碑前的五位妖族英杰也都惊异莫名,不知道这个半妖强者倒地在搞什么鬼,怎么会将自己搞成这个模样。 This is in the autonomy. 这是在自残吗。 The Mao Wugui long sigh one, yeah, Half Monster is the inborn inexpensive life, by the world was not allowed, to break the curse of world, can only open the new road, but this road is doomed to believe compared with others, is more dangerous, perhaps cannot pass for several days he to fall from the sky, such as Female Saint Qing Lian is ordinary, was buried by yellow-earth, thousands of years later, all honor or disgrace will be given to forget.” 茅乌龟长长的叹息了一声,“哎,半妖就是天生的贱命,不受天地所容,想要打破天地的诅咒,就只能开辟新的路,但是这一条路注定比别人更加坚信,更加危险,或许过不了几天他就要陨落了,就如青莲女圣一般,被黄土掩埋,千万年后,所有的荣辱都将被人给遗忘。” Sacred Fruit said: Why the uncle must open the new road, on the present this is not very good.” 圣实果道:“为何二大爷非要开辟新的路,就现在这样不是很好。” Mao Wugui said: In this world has a person, incessantly will only go forward, is impossible to retrocede, will not stop their footsteps, this person...... This person is called Immortal Cultivation, genuine Immortal Cultivation.” 茅乌龟道:“这世上有一种人,只会不断的前进,绝不可能后退,也不会停下他们的脚步,这一种人……这一种人被称为‘修仙者’,真正的修仙者。” Feng Feiyun such as dry old rotten wood, sits cross-legged in front of the jade tablet, permanent ancient motionless, the corners of the mouth have emerged a curve gradually. 风飞云如一根枯老的朽木,盘坐在玉石碑前,恒古不动,嘴角渐渐的浮出了一丝弧度。 He smiled. 他笑了。 Because he knows that oneself takes road to be correct, if can really the breaking dantian, is concise the Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, steps a new path to Ascension boundary, then endures ratio simply tenth Nirvana. 因为他知道自己走得路是正确的,若是真的能够破碎丹田,凝练出圣灵内丹,踏上一条通往羽化境的新路,那么简直堪比“第十次涅槃”。 Since the ancient times, nobody in the Nirvana boundary Nirvana ten times, but he now in this road. 自古以來,都沒有人在涅槃涅槃十次,而他现在就在走这条路。 This road his already walked half. 这条路他已经走了一半。 Only then takes the road that others do not dare to take, possibly breaks the curse that ascends the sky. 只有走别人不敢走的路,才可能打破上天的诅咒。 Broken then stands, Nirvana rebirth. 破而后立,涅槃重生。 Naturally this road also being doomed incomparable bad risk, likely true falling from the sky, can only spell with the surname life. 当然这条路也注定无比凶险,很可能会真正的陨落,只能拿姓命去拼。
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