SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1091: Strongest Half Monster

Unexpectedly hitting to fly three fork god halberds, this how formidable strength. 竟然将三叉神戟给打飞,这得多么强大的力量啊。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the place, faintly said: You are three blood wing cow Monster Clan member.” 风飞云盘坐在地,淡淡的道:“你是三眼血翅牛妖族的修士。” That grows in three eyes the eyes of tall and strong man to have the complex look, looked the palm of own as before also very ache, three fork god halberds pulling out, has pinched in the hand, said: Right, I am the good sovereign's son.” 那长着三只眼睛的魁梧男子的眼中带着复杂的神色,看了看自己依旧还很疼痛的手掌,将三叉神戟给拔了出來,捏在手中,道:“沒错,我就是牛皇之子。” Feng Feiyun said: Good, looks in the face of good sovereign, today forgives your life, the treasure that you will take stays behind, then goes back, here is not the place that you should come.” 风飞云道:“好吧,看在牛皇的面子上,今日就饶你一命,你们将所取的宝物都留下,便回去吧,这里不是你们该來的地方。” Really is the joke, you think that who you are, this imperial prince only had used a moment ago a strength, you also really think that you can give to repel me.” Both eyes of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince brilliant, the body sent out more powerful flame strength, the body changed into a round scorching sun likely. “真是笑话,你以为你是谁,刚才本皇子不过只用了一层力量,你还真以为你能将我给击退。”金乌四皇子的双目灼灼,身上发出更加强盛的火焰力量,身体像是化为了一轮骄阳。 God Yang Zhaoshi.” “神阳照世。” Above the body of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince gives birth to the endless flame, the flame gathers a circular curve, burning twists the air. 金乌四皇子的身体之上生出无尽的火光,火焰汇聚成一个圆形的弧度,将空气给烧得扭曲。 The Feng Feiyun vision sinks, here is the dying in a sitting posture place of Holy Saint senior, can it be that your this grade of young child can disturb.” 风飞云的目光一沉,“这里乃是圣灵前辈的坐化地,岂是你这等小儿可以捣乱。” Place that a base and low human, here some you spoke, even if were your old ancestor came, saw this imperial prince, must kneel down to kowtow.” In the Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince eye had the look of despising, above the arm to grow the wing, the finger changed into the sharp claws, sent out the sun the songs and calls. “一个卑微的人类,这里有你说话的地方,就算是你的老祖來了,见到本皇子,也要下跪磕头。”金乌四皇子的眼中带着鄙夷的神色,手臂之上长出羽翼,手指化为了利爪,发出金乌的鸣叫声。 „.” “唰。” The Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince claw stretches out together, tearing in the past. 金乌四皇子一道爪子伸出,撕裂过去。 Above the arm of Feng Feiyun was given the package by Fokuang, likely is the palm that the gold refining up to make, touches with Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince hardly, erupts the great sound that thunders. 风飞云的手臂之上被佛光给包裹,像是黄金炼造的手掌,与金乌四皇子硬碰,爆发出轰鸣的巨声。 Demon butterfly Monster Clan that day the arrogant female shook the head, sighed: „The Golden Crow Monster Clan mortal body is fierce, this human unexpectedly bare-handed resists the claw of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, definitely will be torn.” 魔蝶妖族的那位天之骄女摇了摇头,叹道:“金乌妖族的肉身何等厉害,这个人类竟然徒手抵挡金乌四皇子的爪子,肯定会被撕裂。” The bright hawk Monster Clan little princess stares at Feng Feiyun to look, the beautiful pupil blinks, always thought that this human man somewhat is at present familiar, where as if has seen. 慧鹰妖族的小公主则盯着风飞云看,美眸眨巴,总觉得眼前这个人类男子有些熟悉,似乎在哪里见到过。 Bang.” “嘭。” .” “噗。” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince has flown upside down, in the mouth the big mouth coughs up blood, roaring flame armor was hit tattered, numerous throwing down on the ground. 金乌四皇子倒飞了回來,口中大口咳血,身上的烈焰铠甲被打得破破烂烂,重重的摔倒在地上。 Feng Feiyun sinking sound said: You , if ignorant of current affairs again, then cuts your sun claw.” 风飞云沉声道:“你若是再不识时务,便剁掉你的金乌爪子。” A human is threatening the Golden Crow Monster Clan imperial prince unexpectedly, this...... This stems from these Monster Clan heavenly talent simply expects. 一个人类竟然在威胁金乌妖族的皇子,这……这简直太出乎那些妖族天骄的所料。 Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince was mad to tremble, turns over/stands up, in the mouth puts out the big piece the roaring flame, must by the sun god fire, burn to refine at present this hateful human. 金乌四皇子被气得哆嗦,翻身而起,口中吐出大片的烈焰,要以金乌神火,焚炼眼前这个可恶的人类。 A Feng Feiyun palm of the hand has flung, carries the air/Qi of Holy Saint, pulling out flies Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, mouth inside tooth fell one in a big way, these sun flame were also hit to swallow. 风飞云一巴掌甩了过去,携带圣灵之气,将金乌四皇子给抽飞,嘴里面的牙齿都掉了一大把出來,那些金乌火焰也都被打得吞了回去。 God, Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince was flung the palm of the hand.” 天呐,金乌四皇子被甩了巴掌。” Demon butterfly Monster Clan female heavenly talent, the good sovereign's son, the bright hawk Monster Clan little princesses is startled incomparably, is staring at that human. 魔蝶妖族的女天骄,牛皇之子,慧鹰妖族的小公主都吃惊无比,怔怔的盯着那个人类。 „.” “嗷。” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is greatly howling, the body of human started to rise suddenly, the person the skin disrupts, bunch of scarlet-red feathers grow, change into a three zhang (3.33 m) three full sun, expresses a great cry, threw. 金乌四皇子大嚎一声,原本人类的身体开始暴涨起來,人皮碎裂开,一团团赤红羽毛长出,化为一只三丈长的三足金乌,发出一声巨鸣,扑了过去。 He appears the main body, the claw looks like the sharp sword simply. 他显出本体,爪子简直像利剑。 „The universe is in charge the world.” “乾坤掌印天地。” Feng Feiyun made a Buddha to be in charge, above the palm was holding a Buddhist doctrine world, flew to the bang Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, hit to fly directly several hundred miles far, rumbled Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain. 风飞云打出了一记佛掌印,手掌之上托着一片佛法世界,将金乌四皇子给轰飞了出去,直接打飞了数百里远,轰出了青莲灵山 The Feng Feiyun vision sinks coldly, is staring at the expansive sky: Really is lawless, dares here to disturb.” 风飞云的目光沉冷,盯着长空:“真是无法无天,竟敢到这里來捣乱。” „.” “嘎。” The sky of distant place, transmits sounding of sun. 远处的天空,传來一声金乌的鸣叫。 A blazing flame raises, gives the heat the half void. 一片炽热的火光升起,将半边虚空都给烧红。 The body of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is inflating unceasingly, the wing becomes has 60 miles to be long fully, each feather looks like a handle day blade, a claw is huger than the mountain massif, hateful, gives me dead.” 金乌四皇子的身体在不断膨胀,翅膀变得足有60里长,每一根羽毛都像一柄天刀,一根爪子比山体还要庞大,“可恶,给我去死。” A giant sun claw, the racket from the expansive sky has pressed, gives the package entire Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain. 一只巨大的金乌爪子,从长空之上拍压了下來,将整个青莲灵山都给包裹。 Feng Feiyun rises straight from the ground, rushes to the clouds, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall condenses a handle nine meters sword, like one handle silver moon/month, a blade gives to cut off in which claw of sun, the crimson blood flows swiftly from the sky. 风飞云拔地而起,冲上云霄,天髓兵胆凝聚成一柄九米长的战刀,像一柄银月,一刀将金乌的其中一只爪子给斩断,绯红的鲜血从天空之上泻下。 The sun was shouting miserably. 金乌在惨呼。 Also is a series of bang bang sound. 又是一连串“嘭嘭”的声音。 Bang.” “嘭。” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince crashes from the backdrop, throws down in front of the jade tablet, the kneel on one knee place, in the mouth coughs up blood, was hit black and blue, the wrist/skill was also cut one, can only be well-grounded with another hand brace. 金乌四皇子从天幕之上坠落下來,摔倒在玉石碑前,单膝跪地,嘴中咳血,被打得鼻青脸肿,手腕也被斩掉了一只,只能用另一只手撑着地。 Feng Feiyun falls from the day, a foot steps in his shoulder, which Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince withstands formidable strength such, was stepped on the both legs to kneel, lay on the ground. 风飞云从天落下,一脚踩在他的肩膀上,金乌四皇子哪承受得这么强大的力量,被踩得双腿跪地,趴在了地上。 Your arrogance is too rampant, definitely is since childhood deficient teaches, oneself kneel here for three days, is thinks of faults.” Feng Feiyun said. “你的气焰太嚣张,肯定是从小缺乏管教,自己在这里跪三天,算是思过。”风飞云道。 Too humiliation. 太屈辱了。 Was hit by a human kneels on the ground. 被一个人类打得跪在地上。 Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince tight is nipping the tooth, the body erupts the huge strength, wants to stand up. 金乌四皇子紧紧的咬着牙齿,身上爆发出庞大的力量,想要站起身來。 Bang.” “轰。” A Feng Feiyun direction to the sky, uses the fifty technique, above the vault of heaven, drops 49 star light, Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince suppression stubbornly. 风飞云一指点向天空,施展大衍术,天穹之上,落下49道星光,将金乌四皇子死死的镇压住。 He is the Golden Crow Monster Clan four imperial princes, the natural talent extremely, you dare to suppress him, will have the Golden Crow Monster Clan powerhouse to walk to cope with you surely.” Good sovereign's son sinking sound say/way. “他可是金乌妖族的四皇子,天资绝顶,你敢镇压他,必定会有金乌妖族的强者找上门來对付你。”牛皇之子沉声的道。 Feng Feiyun vision one slanting, stared at his one eyes, said: Golden Crow Monster Clan how, even if their most prosperous time, had not been killed nine Holy Saint by nine arrow Great Saint on the 1st.” 风飞云目光一斜,盯了他一眼,道:“金乌妖族又如何,即便是它们最鼎盛时期,还不是被九箭大圣一日射杀九尊圣灵。” Demon butterfly Monster Clan that day on the arrogant female has seven pink clouds light, the flesh shining white, show is gentle, handsome, said: Nine arrow Great Saint are the antique big energies, in world, is not we are conceivable, but your Human Race was too weak, cannot stir up Golden Crow Monster Clan, once gives to enrage Golden Crow Monster Clan, will give you Human Race to come the catastrophe badly.” 魔蝶妖族的那一位天之骄女身上有七彩霞光,肌肤莹白,秀目柔媚,唇红齿白,道:“九箭大圣乃是太古大能,天地之间的至强,不是我们可以想象,但是你们人族太弱了,根本惹不起金乌妖族,一旦将金乌妖族给激怒,会给你们人族糟來大祸。” I am the Human Race member. ” 我是人族修士。” On you have the aura of human, if not for you Human Race member, is Half Monster is it possible that inadequate.” The bright hawk Monster Clan little princess purses the lips, she naturally does not believe that at present this member is Half Monster, after all Half Monster is absolutely impossible to defeat Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince. “你身上有人类的气息,你若不是人族修士,莫非是半妖不成。”慧鹰妖族的小公主噘着嘴,她自然不相信眼前这个修士乃是半妖,毕竟半妖是绝对不可能击败金乌四皇子 But Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince Nirvana 7th-layer breaks through the Ascension boundary, then cultivated Ascension 2nd-layer, if so the character defeated in a hand of Half Monster, that is the present age biggest joke. 金乌四皇子可是涅槃第七重突破羽化境,而后又修炼到了羽化第二重,若是如此人物败在一个半妖的手中,那才是当世最大的笑话。 Feng Feiyun no longer goes into hiding Monster Qi, releases, said: I am Half Monster.” 风飞云不再隐匿身上的妖气,释放出來,道:“我就是半妖。” Bang.” “轰。” Then is explodes overturns the heavens. 这下算是炸翻天。 Unexpectedly is really Half Monster, Half Monster unexpectedly Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince defeating. 竟然真的是一个半妖,一个半妖居然将金乌四皇子给击败。 God, this is cracking a joke. 天呐,这是在开玩笑吧。 .” “噗。” After Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince hears the Feng Feiyun words, puts out a blood once more, held together to faint, oneself hero first, was difficult to meet with the match in Golden Crow Monster Clan, thought to be able the looking disdainfully talent powerhouse, but actually here defeated in a hand of Half Monster, this was simply exasperating. 金乌四皇子听到风飞云的话之后,再次吐出一口鲜血,直接气晕了过去,自己英雄一世,在金乌妖族难遇对手,自认为可以睥睨天才强者,但是却在这里败在一个半妖的手中,这简直就要气死人了。 The demon butterfly Monster Clan day the arrogant female, the bright hawk Monster Clan little princesses are dumbfounded, stare are sitting cross-legged the member in front of jade tablet, he unexpectedly is really Half Monster. 魔蝶妖族的天之骄女,慧鹰妖族的小公主都目瞪口呆,盯着盘坐在玉石碑前的修士,他竟然真的是一个半妖 Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is my good friend, who no matter you are, today I must lead him to leave.” A whole body binds youngster cold sound of black gown to say. 金乌四皇子乃是我的好友,不管你是什么人,今日我都要带他离开。”一个浑身裹着黑色袍子的少年冷声说道。 This youngster besides the face, other skin is very withered, like the bark, the hair is the subtilis general yellow, sends among the silk to flow a faint trace none remaining. 这少年除了脸以外,别的皮肤都很干枯,就像树皮,头发乃是枯草一般的黄色,发丝间流动着一丝丝精光。 Feng Feiyun stared at its one slightly, said: You are the witch tung Monster Clan member, sets up the monster not to lead a pious life easily, I do not want to cut you, you walk.” 风飞云微微的盯了它一眼,道:“你是巫桐树妖族的修士,树妖修行不易,我不想斩你,你走吧。” You think that you cut me, Half Monster also dares so to boast shamelessly.” That black robe youngster stands in the ground, air plants, is entirely still. “你以为你斩得了我,一个半妖也敢如此大言不惭。”那黑袍少年立在地面上,落地生根,纹丝不动。 Feng Feiyun said: Witch wu sets up Monster Clan is also the large clan of tree sect, had had several saints of noble character and high prestige actually, I do not want to cut their later generations.” 风飞云道:“巫梧树妖族也算是树宗的大族,曾经倒是出过几位德高望重的圣者,我不想斩它们的后辈。” Black robe youngster sinking sound said: My Wu Mingxing already has cultivated for 800 years, in witch wu sets up in the Monster Clan peer already not to have the rival, you dare to claim that unexpectedly I am the later generation, boasts shamelessly simply, gives me dead.” 黑袍少年沉声道:“我巫命星已经修了800年,在巫梧树妖族的同辈人中已经无敌手,你竟然敢声称我乃是后辈,简直太大言不惭,给我去死。” Both hands of Wu Mingxing inspire, change into two black branches, the branch grows crazily, quick grew 8000 zhang (3.33 m), has the bucket to be thick fully, likely is two giant vines. 巫命星的双手一振,化为两根黑色的树枝,树枝疯狂生长,很快就长高了8000丈,足有水桶粗,像是两根巨大的藤蔓。 .” “呼。” Two branches curled, made the sharp broken wind sound in the wind. 两根树枝卷了过來,在风中发出锐利的破风声音。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” A piece of dracena by the branch to collapse broken, the bamboo pole was been stave, pours to press. 一片青竹被树枝给崩断,竹竿破碎,倒压下來。 Here bamboo is blue lotus bamboo, once with Holy Saint together path of cultivation, already is clever, after being divided, exudes wū wū wail. 这里的竹都是“青莲竹”,曾与圣灵一起修道,其中很多都已经通灵,被劈断之后,发出“呜呜”的哭泣声。 The Feng Feiyun sleeves wield, make the air/Qi of two Holy Saint, branch cutting off. 风飞云的衣袖一挥,打出两道圣灵之气,将树枝给斩断。 This branch is the both arms of Wu Mingxing, the branch break, the both arms of Wu Mingxing also accordingly breaks. 这树枝乃是巫命星的双臂,树枝断裂,巫命星的双臂也应声而断。 Un.” The mouth of Wu Mingxing exudes one to remain silent, speedily the retreat, must condense two arms to come out. “嗯。”巫命星的嘴里发出一声闷声,疾速后退,要重新凝聚两条手臂出來。 The Feng Feiyun speed was much faster than him, stands in his front instantaneously, has pressed firmly between the fingers his neck, has pulled out from the place bottom him, then threw to fly. 风飞云的速度却比他快得多,瞬间就站在了他的面前,一把捏住了他的脖子,将他从地底拔了出來,然后扔飞了出去。 Since you so are also innocent, then you also kneel before the grave of blue lotus senior for three days, is thinks of faults.” “既然你也这么不懂事,那么你也在青莲前辈的坟前跪上三天,算是思过。” Therefore, Wu Mingxing also knelt on the ground, he and Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince were the same, was suppressed. 于是,巫命星也跪在了地上,他与金乌四皇子一样,都被镇压住。 Accompanying also some Monster Clan powerhouses, but sees Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince and Wu Mingxing is suppressed, suddenly does not dare to get rid again. 随行的还有一些妖族强者,但是看见金乌四皇子巫命星都被镇压,一时间都不敢再出手。 This Half Monster was too powerful, may be called in history strongest Half Monster. 这个半妖实在太强悍了,堪称史上最强半妖 Feng Feiyun stared at their one eyes, said: Gives to stay behind in the efficacious medicine that on Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain digs you, then leaves, otherwise you also kneel to me think of faults here.” 风飞云盯了他们一眼,道:“将你们在青莲灵山上挖的灵药都给留下,然后离开,不然你们也都给我跪在这里思过。” In these Monster Clan powerhouses has some Antique Saint Monster Clan later generations, supercilious, thinks that is not anybody, they looked that Feng Feiyun is not feeling well very much, usually Half Monster in their opinion is the humblest lifeform, but this Half Monster makes them feel the taboo at present, this fellow simply is the incarnation of evildoer/monstrous talent. 这些妖族强者之中有一些太古圣妖族的后辈,心高气傲,自认为不属于任何人,他们都看风飞云很不爽,平时半妖在他们看來就是最低贱的生物,但是眼前这个半妖却让他们感到忌讳,这家伙简直就是妖孽的化身。 What's wrong, who you also refuse to accept.” Feng Feiyun said. “怎么,你们还有谁不服。”风飞云道。 Snort, Half Monster, you leave rampantly is too early, now heavenly talent already of various clans gather the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, has heavenly talent of legendary rank many, naturally some people can suppress you.” Carries on the back the wolf monster of wing to say steadily. “哼,半妖,你别嚣张的太早,现在各族的天骄已经聚集到丹鼎鬼市,其中不乏有传奇级别的天骄,自然有人能够镇压你。”一个背上长着羽翼的狼妖说道。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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