SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1090: Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince

Rustle!” “沙沙!” In the bamboo grove, the cool breeze sways. w 竹林中,清风吹拂。w w. w. vm) vm) Under dracena, only then an this lofty one grave is situated, appears especially miserable sad Wan, who once thinks that the female in grave once was a beautiful woman of peerless grace and talent, the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, countless people regarded her for the goddess, 青竹下,只有一座孤坟坐落,显得格外凄凉悲惋,谁曾想到坟的女子曾经乃是一位风华绝代的佳人,倾国倾城,无数人视她为女神,、 Also who can think that the female in grave, once was peerless Holy Saint, put out a hand, cloud open/start fog has lifted \; Snaps fingers, the earth was shattered. 又有谁能够想到坟中的女子,曾经乃是一位绝世圣灵,一伸手,云开雾散\;一弹指,大地破碎。 Holy Saint falls from the sky, is only a grave. 圣灵陨落,也不过只是一座坟。 The bamboo leaves fell gently, dropped the common people disconsolately more than several. 竹叶飘落,落下了世人几多惆怅。 In the Feng Feiyun heart a little has doubts, said: Since you in her side, how you do not know at that time her old age bitter experience, you and she are anything relate, who that heartless man is!” 风飞云心中有一点疑惑,道:“既然你当时并不在她的身边,那你又是如何知道她晚年的遭遇,你和她又是什么关系,还有那个负心的男人又是谁!” The azure gauze female pondered for a long time, then shook the head, has not replied the Feng Feiyun words. 青纱女子沉思了许久,然后摇了摇头,并沒有回答风飞云的话。 She gives to put down the broom, then passes through Qingshiqiao, enters in the Daoist temple, from beginning to end has not spoken a few words. 她将扫帚给放下,然后便穿过青石桥,走进道观之中,从始至终都沒有说过一句话。 Her what is this. 她这是什么意思。 Some things really make people unable to pass, for example, the heart of woman. 有些东西实在让人无法想透,比如,女人的心。 The sound that in that Daoist temple, spreads the azure gauze female, I must close up on the 3rd, the training injury, every bit of property above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain you should better not to move, will not burst, otherwise there is a danger of falling from the sky, to unearth the efficacious medicine, after can go, in the Chinese yam field picks!” 那道观之中,传出青纱女子的声音,“我要闭关三日,修养伤势,青莲灵山之上的一草一木你们都最好不要触碰,也不会乱闯,不然有陨落的危险,若是想要挖掘灵药,可以去后山药田之中采摘!” The gate of Daoist temple is closed. 道观的门关闭上。 Latter Chinese yam field.” Mao Wugui heard these characters, lifted at once, changed into a white ray, turned toward the Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain back side of the mountain to dash to go directly. “后山药田。”茅乌龟听到这几个字,头旋即抬了起來,化为一道白色的光芒,径直向着青莲灵山的后山飞奔而去。 The Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain back side of the mountain is the medicine field, some float in airborne, some crustifications in other space, some present on the cliff. 青莲灵山的后山是大片大片的药田,有的悬浮在空中,有的镶嵌在别的空间,有的就呈现在崖上。 Spirit Spring flow, irrigates the medicine field, plants mostly is the rare efficacious medicines, almost grew for over ten thousand years, even 100,000 years, hundreds of thousands of years. 一条条灵泉流淌出來,灌溉药田,其中栽种的大多都是稀世灵药,几乎都生长了上万年,甚至100000年,数十万年。 Feng Feiyun also picked several to turn over to this to cultivate the Yuan the efficacious medicine, not excessive selecting and adopting, under after clothing/taking efficacious medicine, the condition of body was stabilizes initially. 风飞云也去采摘了几株归本培元的灵药,并沒有过度的采择,服下灵药之后,身体的状况算是初步稳定下來。 Feng Feiyun returns to under the bamboo grove, looks at that jade tablet, walked slowly, to tombstone respectful three do obeisance, I plant the bamboo shoots that not live you give, then can only bury itself!” 风飞云又回到竹林下,看着那一座玉石碑,徐徐的走了过去,对着墓碑恭敬的三拜,“我种不活你给的笋,便只能埋了自己!” This line of characters are the Holy Saint quarter character, above contains a Holy Saint say/way, interweaves a Heavenly Dao rule, Feng Feiyun more is looking is more lost, finally fortunately sits cross-legged in front of the tombstone, starts to perceive through meditation the say/way on that jade tablet. 这一行字乃是圣灵刻下的字,上面蕴含一位圣灵的道,交织着一种天道的规律,风飞云越看越出神,最后所幸盘坐在墓碑前,开始参悟那玉石碑上的道。 A here grass, a wood, a stone, a small patch of land, was very uncommon, has contaminated the air/Qi of Holy Saint, has left behind Holy Saint before death say/way. 这里的一草,一木,一块石,一寸土,都很不凡,沾染了圣灵之气,留下了圣灵生前的道则。 Especially that jade tablet, as if radically is not the jade carves together, but has a Holy Saint essence to condense, when you immerse the mind on it, you will discover that it seems vast boundless void, has the inexhaustible mysticalness. 特别是那一块玉石碑,仿佛根本就不是玉石雕琢而成,而是有圣灵的一口精气凝聚而成,当你将心神沉浸在它身上的时候,你会发现它仿佛就是一片浩瀚无垠的虚空,拥有无穷无尽的神秘。 Feng Feiyun within the body, a Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality float, releases air/Qi of the Holy Saint, breaks in both eyes of Feng Feiyun, perceives through meditation say/way that on that jade tablet leaves behind, the body as if had the resonance with the jade tablet, became motionless. 风飞云的体内,一枚圣灵内丹悬浮,释放出一道道圣灵之气,冲入风飞云的双眼,参悟那玉石碑上留下的道则,身体仿佛与玉石碑发生了共鸣,变得一动不动了起來。 In the world, faint trace Holy Saint starts to be ready to make trouble, in passes toward his body. 天地之间,一丝丝圣灵道则开始蠢蠢欲动,在往他的身体之中流转。 The Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality in within the body, starts to grow slowly, the ray is getting more and more bright. 体内的圣灵内丹,也开始缓缓成长,光芒越來越明亮。 When Feng Feiyun perceives through meditation Holy Saint on jade tablet said that one group of young people arrived under Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, they were the talents of various clans, the clothing are attractive, brocade clothes spirit robe, even had Antique Saint Monster Clan heavenly talent extremely, the imposing manner like the mountain torrent, was exceptionally formidable. 风飞云参悟玉石碑上的圣灵道的时候,一群年轻人來到了青莲灵山下,他们乃是各族的才俊,衣衫光鲜,锦衣灵袍,其中甚至有太古圣妖族的绝顶天骄,气势如山洪,异常强大。 Said is the young people, in fact already is not young, is only young below 1000 years old, cultivation base actually already strided in the Ascension boundary, the character who the strength may suppress the older generation. 说是年轻人,实际上都已经不年轻了,只是年轻都在1000岁以下,修为却都已经跨入了羽化境,战力可镇压老一辈的人物。 Legend Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain once Holy Saint lived in seclusion, is the unsurpassed treasure trove, everybody may not clamor, do not alarm here Holy Saint senior.” An demon butterfly Monster Clan day the arrogant female walks in the crowd, carries on the back steadily pair of seven color thin airfoils, the tender body is slender, the milk-white bosom is very arrogant, the jade neck is slender, seven color long hair drags in the wind, making several Monster Clan elite powerhouses look askance, by her beautiful appearance attraction. “传说这一座青莲灵山曾经有一位圣灵隐居,乃是无上宝地,大家可千万别喧哗,别惊扰了这里的圣灵前辈。”魔蝶妖族的一位天之骄女走在人群之中,背上长着一对七彩薄翼,娇躯纤细玲珑,酥胸挺傲,玉颈纤长,七彩的长发在风中摇曳,让好几位妖族的精英强者都为之侧目,被她的美貌吸引。 A Golden Crow Monster Clan imperial prince walks in the front line, body blood energy is vigorous, sneers, listens to the elders in my clan saying that Holy Saint that above this Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain lives in seclusion, is a blue lotus, afterward seized the world essence, cultivated the body, changed into a peerless beautiful woman, was only a pity that this Female Saint Qing Lian was actually an idiot, unexpectedly loved one another with a human man, finally was actually given the deceit by that human man, elegant, but finally!” 金乌妖族的一位皇子走在最前方,身上血气浑厚,冷笑一声,“听我族中的长辈所讲,这一座青莲灵山之上隐居的圣灵,原本乃是一株青莲,后來夺天地精华,修炼出了身体,化为了一位绝世佳人,只可惜这位青莲女圣却是一个蠢货,居然与一个人类男子相恋,最后却被那个人类男子给欺骗,郁郁而终!” A bright hawk Monster Clan little princess, puts on the black armor, the elegant face condensation, said: Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, you dare to blaspheme Holy Saint unexpectedly, did not fear that was punished!” 慧鹰妖族的一位小公主,穿着黑色铠甲,俏脸冷凝,道:“金乌四皇子,你居然敢亵渎圣灵,也不怕遭到惩罚!” The Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince long sound said with a smile: Female Saint Qing Lian died on already 300 years ago, at that time the space had the blood rain, under the earth resounds the elegy, such phenomenon occurred fully for nine days, nine days later, the Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain spiritual energy then drained most probably, everybody then knows at that time Female Saint Qing Lian already fell from the sky, fell from the sky Holy Saint, had any fearfulness!” 金乌四皇子长声笑道:“青莲女圣在300年前就已经死了,当时天上降血雨,大地之下响起哀歌,这样的异象整整发生了九天,九天之后,青莲灵山的灵气便流失了大半,当时大家便知道青莲女圣已经陨落了,一位陨落了的圣灵,有什么可怕!” Female Saint Qing Lian, although falls from the sky, but here after all is Holy Saint had lived in seclusion the place, definitely stayed behind lost the treasure much, if can obtain one and two, that gained in a big way!” 青莲女圣虽然陨落,但这里毕竟乃是圣灵曾经隐居过的地方,肯定留下了不少遗宝,若是能够得到一、两件,那就赚大了!” Some people proposed that must go to above Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain to receive to blow the treasure that Holy Saint leaves behind, immediately then many people expressed the support, talent outstanding were excited. 有人提议要去青莲灵山之上收刮圣灵留下的宝物,顿时便有很多人表示赞同,一个个天才俊杰都兴奋了起來。 Demon butterfly Monster Clan that day arrogant female, knits the brows slightly, said: Here, but the Holy Saint dying in a sitting posture place, perhaps has the Holy Saint spirit not to extinguish, we do not disturb here tranquility, has alarmed the ghosts and gods, is not we can block!” 魔蝶妖族的那位天之骄女,微微皱眉,道:“这里可是圣灵的坐化地,说不定有圣灵的精魂不灭,我们还是不要去打扰这里的宁静,惊扰了鬼神,可不是我们挡得住!” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince puts on the roaring flame to fight armor, frown like the sword, said with a smile: Alarmed the clever body to be best, such imperial prince happen to the Female Saint Qing Lian skeleton digging, that was the Holy Saint corpse, the value is unable to weigh with Spirit Stone!” 金乌四皇子穿着烈焰战甲,双眉如剑,笑道:“惊扰了鬼身最好,这样本皇子就正好将青莲女圣的尸骨给挖出來,那可是圣灵的尸身,价值无法用灵石來衡量!” The demon iron Monster Clan day the arrogant female sighed gently, finally the fan seven color butterfly wings, were flying. 魔铁妖族的天之骄女轻轻的叹息了一声,最终还是扇着七彩蝶翼,跟着飞了上去。 Human form gold/metal Can!” “人形金参!” Seven color treasure irises!” “七彩宝芝!” ...... …… This group of talent outstanding are all uncommon, all has the Spirit Artifact treasure that in the clan bestows, will ban gives to drive out, gives to poach ten thousand years of efficacious medicines, each one belt-bag ballooning, lights up with pleasure. 这一群天才俊杰个个不凡,皆有族中赐下的灵器宝物,将很多禁制给轰开,将一些万年灵药给挖走,个个都腰包鼓胀,喜笑颜开。 Well, this is Spirit Spring, the good rich spiritual energy, can be used to irrigate ancient Yao.” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince laughs, takes out a azure treasured vase, will put in order Spirit Spring to give to take away. “咦,这是一条灵泉,好浓郁的灵气,可以用來灌溉古药。”金乌四皇子大笑一声,取出一只青色的宝瓶,将整条灵泉都给收走。 Finally, they arrived at outside of Daoist temple. 终于,他们來到了道观的外面。 A forehead grows three eyes, the top of the head is growing a handsome man of pair of buffalo and cow horns, above the both arms shows the incomparable terrifying the strength, steps uncovering, above this blue stone steps is carving mystique of one volume of precious books, altogether 84 pages, this is the top treasure, I may take away, haha!” 一个眉心长着三只眼,头顶长着一对牛角的俊朗男子,双臂之上展现出无比恐怖的力量,将一片阶梯给揭起,“这青石阶梯之上刻着一卷宝典的秘法,一共84页,这可是顶尖的宝物,我可就收走了,哈哈!” In that Daoist temple, definitely also has more treasures, everybody will collaborate to observe the gate to give to open, can perhaps find Holy Saint Container in legend!” “那道观之中,肯定还有更多的宝物,大家联手将观门给打开,说不定能够找到传说之中的圣灵器皿!” At this time, some people had discovered sat cross-legged Feng Feiyun under bamboo grove, there had a person to perceive through meditation Holy Saint to say!” 这个时候,有人发现了盘坐在竹林下方的风飞云,“那里有一个人在参悟圣灵道!” There has a grave, the tablet, will not be the Female Saint Qing Lian dying in a sitting posture place!” “那里有一座墓,有一块碑,不会是青莲女圣的坐化地吧!” The people looked at the past toward the bamboo grove under the vision, naturally they first stared on that tombstone. 众人纷纷将目光向着竹林下方望过去,当然他们第一时间都盯在那一座墓碑上。 Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is somewhat excited, said: That definitely is the Female Saint Qing Lian dying in a sitting posture place, on the jade tablet is keeping her say/way, this jade tablet inevitably is also a halidom!” 金乌四皇子有些激动,道:“那肯定是青莲女圣的坐化地,玉石碑上留着她的道,这一块玉石碑必然也是一件圣物!” Who that sits cross-legged human in front of jade tablet is.” Bright hawk Monster Clan little Princess said. “那个盘坐在玉石碑前的人类是谁。”慧鹰妖族的小公主道。 Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince cold snort/hum, said: This imperial prince always most repugnant Half Monster and human , he if dares to be in the way, I swallow him, seizes the shed to come his essence!” 金乌四皇子冷哼一声,道:“本皇子平生最讨厌半妖和人类,他若是敢碍事,那我就吞噬他,将他的一身精气都夺舍过來!” Some people thought that Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is too rash, wants to prevent him, but thinks that his unusual cultivation base and natural talent, the people do not think that necessity. 有人觉得金乌四皇子实在太冒失,想要阻止他,但是一想到他超凡的修为和天资,众人又觉得沒有那个必要。 After all by Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince cultivation base, indeed has the proud qualification. 毕竟以金乌四皇子修为,的确有自傲的本钱。 The Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince stride enters the bamboo grove, looked radically does not look at Feng Feiyun one, by iron armor covering the palm then turned toward the jade tablet to press, however his hand has not contacted the jade tablet, the armor above wrist/skill, by together air wave cutting broken, has left behind a bloodstain in the wrist/skill. 金乌四皇子大步走进竹林,根本看都不看风飞云一眼,被铁甲给覆盖的手掌便向着玉石碑按了下去,但是他的手还沒有接触到玉石碑,手腕之上的铠甲,就被一道气浪给斩破,在手腕上留下了一道血痕。 Bang!” “嘭!” The iron armor falls together on the ground. 一块铁甲掉在地上。 Feng Feiyun opens both eyes, icy say/way: You, if dares to touch jade tablet again, I cut off your hand!” 风飞云睁开双眼,冷冰冰的道:“你若是再敢碰玉石碑一下,我斩断你的手!” Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince is pinching the wrist/skill, was immediately hot, this human dares to threaten him unexpectedly. 金乌四皇子捏着手腕,顿时就火了,这个人类竟然敢威胁他。 But Golden Crow Monster Clan Antique Saint Monster Clan, wants formidable many compared with it Human Race, the overlords in these human saw that he is respectful, at present this human dares to threaten him unexpectedly. 金乌妖族可是太古圣妖族,比之人族要强大的多,那些人类中的霸主见到他都要毕恭毕敬,眼前这个人类居然敢威胁他。 This is he absolutely intolerable matter. 这是他绝对不能容忍的事。 That looked at you to have that skill!” “那就看你有沒有那个本事了!” Above the body of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince burns the scarlet-red flame, the whole body is the air/Qi of Ascension is shuttling back and forth, a palm toward the Feng Feiyun bombardment in the past, the explosive force was extremely terrifying. 金乌四皇子的身体之上燃烧起赤红的火焰,全身都是羽化之气在穿梭,一掌向着风飞云轰击过去,爆发力极其恐怖。 This Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince already reaches the Ascension 2nd-layer peak the boundary, the strength is overbearing. 这个金乌四皇子已经达到羽化第二重巅峰的境界,力量霸道无比。 The finger of Feng Feiyun pinches a finger/refers of Buddha seal, direct in the palm of Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince, the endless Buddha article has attacked the past, collapsing to fly Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince. 风飞云的手指捏出一指佛印,直接点在了金乌四皇子的掌心,无尽的佛文随之冲击过去,将金乌四皇子给崩飞了出去。 The Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince palm ache wants to crack, as if must blast out generally, in the eye brings not to be possible the self-confident look, this human so will be how formidable. 金乌四皇子的手心疼痛欲裂,仿佛都要炸开了一般,眼中带着不可自信的神色,这个人类怎么会这么强大。 Definitely is reason that because had a low opinion of the enemy a moment ago. 肯定是因为刚才轻敌的原因。 These Monster Clan heavenly talent outside bamboo grove also astonished inexplicable, Golden Crow 4th Imperial Prince cultivation base they are clearer than anyone, that is the Ascension 2nd-layer peak, even if human the member of Ascension 3rd-layer, perhaps is not his match. 竹林外的那些妖族天骄也都惊异莫名,金乌四皇子修为他们比谁都清楚,那可是羽化第二重的巅峰,就算是人类的羽化第三重的修士,恐怕都不是他的对手。 Makes me try his depth.” That is growing the men of three eyes and two corners/horns, called three fork god halberds, a halberd pierced void, has pressed toward the Feng Feiyun back bang. “让我來试试他的深浅。”那一个长着三只眼和两只角的男子,唤出了一根三叉神戟,一戟洞穿虚空,向着风飞云的背后轰压了下去。 This is not the common three fork god halberds, but is ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact, inherited in the ancient times, the might fearfully, was three blood wing cows a Monster Clan powerful force war soldier. 这可不是一般的三叉神戟,而是一件十五品灵器,传承于远古,威力可怕至极,乃是“三眼血翅牛”妖族的一件威力强大的战兵。 The Feng Feiyun back presents together the Buddha link, three fork god halberds blocking. 风飞云的背后呈现出一道佛环,将三叉神戟给挡住。 The essence flew from the fingertip of Feng Feiyun together, immediately hitting to fly three fork god halberds, the oblique cutting in the ground, the strength that instead shook, shook three blood wing cow Monster Clan the hand of that powerhouse tingles with numbness. 一道精气从风飞云的指尖飞了出去,顿时将三叉神戟给打飞,斜插在了地面上,那一股反震的力量,将三眼血翅牛妖族的那位强者的手震得发麻。
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