SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1089: Female Holy Saint

Piercing cold air sways. 一阵刺骨的寒气吹拂过來。 In the opposite shore of Qingshiqiao, presents a taoist nun of wear azure Daoist robe, said that is the taoist nun is not actually old, instead is very young, on 20 -year-old appearances, is very beautiful. 在青石桥的对岸,出现一个穿着青色道袍的道姑,说是道姑其实并不算老,反而还很年轻,也就20來岁的样子,十分美丽。 Her double pupil such as azure apricot, the flesh is exquisite, plays musical instruments to break, the snow cheek is simple and beautiful, waist pierced a Zi Qing waistband, the body of exquisite beautiful and graceful is simply perfect, the spacious Daoist robe is also very difficult to block from it. 她的双眸如青杏,肌肤细腻,吹弹可破,雪腮清丽,腰上扎着一根紫青腰带,玲珑婀娜的身体简直完美无瑕,宽大的道袍也很难将其遮住。 Feng Feiyun has seen the female are many, but little saw that some people can look like this female so to be at present elegant elusively and like the water, perhaps also only has Shui Yueting to be able with her to compare. 风飞云见过的女子不少,但是很少见到有人可以像眼前这个女子这般气质优雅、空灵如水,或许也只有水月婷才能和她比拟。 In her hand holds a bronze small cauldron, cauldron inside is planting bamboo shoots, her vision is gentle, careful protects the bamboo shoots in that cauldron, that resembles the water the tender feelings, makes any male heart simply numb, cannot help protecting her, holds her in the palm, supports in the bosom. 她的手中捧着一只青铜小鼎,鼎里面栽种着一株竹笋,她的目光温柔,细心的呵护那鼎中的笋,那似水的柔情,简直让任何男子都心都为之酥麻,忍不住要去呵护她,将她捧在手心,拥在怀中。 This should be the same side Senior Sister younger sister of azure gauze female.” The Feng Feiyun heart so thinks, he in the sensation of this Daoist robe female to with the azure gauze female same aura, is a merit law of common origin should cultivation. “这应该是青纱女子的同门师姐妹吧。”风飞云的心头如此想到,他在这个道袍女子的身上感知到和青纱女子一样的气息,应该修炼的都是一种同源的功法。 Although Feng Feiyun now is wu 、 liushi-year- old appearance, but cups one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance, said: Younger generation, pays a visit the senior!” 风飞云现在虽然是五、六十岁的苍老模样,但还是拱手一拜,道:“晚辈,拜见前辈!” cultivation base of this Daoist robe female is as deep as a well, Feng Feiyun in her sensation to huge pressure, therefore then poses as the younger generation. 这个道袍女子的修为高深莫测,风飞云在她的身上感知到巨大的压力,所以便以晚辈自居。 However that Daoist robe female as if simply has not actually heard the Feng Feiyun words, oneself are carrying the bamboo shoots azure cauldron in hand, the front surface from the bridge walks, she as if simply has not seen Feng Feiyun, hit directly on the body of Feng Feiyun. 但是那道袍女子却似乎根本沒有听到风飞云的话,自己端着手中的竹笋青鼎,从桥上迎面走來,她似乎根本沒有看到风飞云,直接撞在了风飞云的身上。 Feng Feiyun wants to draw back, but eventually was late one step, that Daoist robe female already hit on his body. 风飞云本來想退开,但终究是迟了一步,那道袍女子已经撞在了他的身上。 However the strange matter appeared. 但是奇异的事情出现了。 Feng Feiyun besides some feeling body rounds cool, had not felt that has anything to hit on own body, resembles the piece of water curtain to pass through own body. 风飞云除了感觉身体有些发凉以外,并沒有感觉到有任何东西撞在自己的身上,就好像有一片水幕穿过自己的身体。 When he has turned around, that Daoist robe female already in him behind, walks toward the bamboo grove. 当他转过身去的时候,那道袍女子已经在他身后,向着竹林之中走去。 The Feng Feiyun whole body starts to break into sweat, is cold the bone somewhat to turn sour, she passed through from my body a moment ago!” 风飞云的浑身都开始冒冷汗,冷得骨头都有些发酸,“难道她刚才从我的身体之中穿过去了!” Mao Wugui and Mao Laoshi, even was bamboo basket inside Xue Jiao is daunted. 茅乌龟茅老实,甚至是竹篓里面的血蛟都被吓住了。 Nyima, this radically is a clever shadow, radically is not the person.” Xue Jiao called out. “尼玛,这根本就是一个鬼影子,根本就不是人。”血蛟叫道。 Is unlikely, I felt that she is a living person.” Mao Wugui said. “不太可能吧,我感觉她就是一个活生生的人。”茅乌龟道。 Feng Feiyun also thinks incomparably shocks, after all achieves his present boundary, the opposite party is a person, is the projection, can look, but this Daoist robe female...... He actually completely cannot look...... 风飞云也觉得无比震撼,毕竟达到他现在的境界,对方到底是人,还是投影,一眼就能看出來,但是这个道袍女子……他却完全看不出來…… Perhaps is opposite party cultivation base is too high. 或许是对方的修为太高。 That Daoist robe female enters in the bamboo grove, takes out from the bronze small cauldron the bamboo shoots, then plants under the soil. 那道袍女子走进竹林之中,就将竹笋从青铜小鼎之中取出,然后种在泥土下面。 In her eyes full is anticipation, has been full of the brilliance, but that bamboo shoots have not actually grown in the soil, instead actually rotted, finally changed into the dust. 她就眼中满是期待,充满了光彩,但是那竹笋在泥土之中却并沒有生长,反而却烂掉了,最后化为了尘土。 At this moment, her world likely was the avalanche, above the sky the dark clouds lid pressed, thunder, ten rounds electricity months float in expansive sky, some innumerable electricity snakes interwove in the entire Spirit Mountain. 这一刻,她的世界像是崩塌了,天空之上黑云盖压过來,电闪雷鸣,十轮电月悬浮在长空,有无数电蛇在整个灵山之中交织。 Bang!” “轰!” The entire sky probably must press. 整个天空都好像要压下來了。 Why, why, like this, why will die, why will change into the dust, you are deceiving me intentionally, no, not......” “为什么,为什么,会这样子,为什么会死掉,为什么会化为了尘土,难道你是在故意骗我,不,不……” Her mouth in unceasing talking over, the facial expression is more and more unstable, the lightning above vault of heaven is also getting more and more chaotic, ten giant electricity balls, arrange in together, revolve unceasingly, likely is moon that ten rounds lightnings gather, sends out the dazzling ray. 她的嘴里在不断的念叨,神情越來越不稳定,天穹之上的闪电也越來越混乱,十个巨大的电球,排列在一起,不断旋转,像是十轮闪电汇聚成的月亮,发出刺目的光芒。 A terrifying pressure arrives at Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, Feng Feiyun, Mao Wugui, Mao Laoshi and Xue Jiao, can feel this to swallow the day to bite the place the aura, this at all is not the strength that a manpower can contend with, the entire earth probably wants the disintegration. 一股恐怖的威压降临到青莲灵山,风飞云茅乌龟茅老实血蛟,都能够感受到这一股吞天噬地的气息,这根本不是一股人力可以抗衡的力量,整个大地都好像要崩碎。 Shivering that tooth of Xue Jiao keeping, makes thump thump the sound, said: This woman was also too terrifying, but her mood fluctuates, brings in so fearful thunder tribulation, she is the day!” 血蛟的牙齿在不停的打抖,发出“噔噔”的声音,道:“这女人也太恐怖了,只是她情绪波动,就引來如此可怕的雷劫,难道她是天!” Gives to frighten a monster king shivers, obviously sky fearfulness above thunder tribulation. 将一位妖王都给吓得颤抖,可见天空之上的雷劫的可怕。 Feng Feiyun naturally also looked, these thunder and lightning in sky, were controlled by the mood of this female, this female was the pain and anger, the thunder and lightning above sky is fearful. 风飞云自然也看出來了,天空之中的那些雷电,受这个女子的情绪而控制,这个女子越是痛苦和愤怒,天空之上的雷电便越是可怕。 Sacred Fruit said: This seems crosses Holy Saint Heaven Disaster the time thunder tribulation who can present, named, electrical fire ten day!” 圣实果道:“这似乎乃是渡圣灵天劫的时候才会出现的雷劫,名叫,电火十日!” thunder tribulation who crosses the Holy Saint tribulation. 圣灵劫的雷劫。 Hears this saying, Xue Jiao and Mao Wugui is frightened half dead, but his mother the Holy Saint tribulation, only needs to fall a faint trace, can give the deducting flying ash all people. 听到这话,血蛟茅乌龟都被吓得半死,这他妈可是圣灵劫啊,只需要降下來一丝丝,就能够将所有人都给劈成飞灰。 On Feng Feiyun forehead at this moment also overflowed the cold sweat, pressure is getting more and more heavy, as if must crush the body. 风飞云此刻的额头上也都溢出了冷汗,身上的压力越來越重,仿佛要将身体压碎。 That Daoist robe female stands under the bamboo grove, the beautiful pupil like the smoke, is looking at the vault of heaven in darkness, is you intentionally deceives me, I also wait for you, the azure bamboo shoots peel off the shell, a bamboo leaves show time, you will definitely return, accompany me to enjoy looking at the moon in Takeshita together...... I and others you......” 那道袍女子站在竹林下方,美眸如烟,望着黑暗之中的天穹,“就算是你存心骗我,我也等你,青笋脱壳、竹叶展枝的时候,你肯定就会归來,陪我一起在竹下赏月……我等你……” The Daoist robe female puts out a hand, gives to pinch the ten rounds electricity months above vault of heaven in the snow white palm, the depressing atmosphere, has to return to at once normal, her corners of the mouth have raised a serene and beautiful curve, simply beautiful to the extreme. 道袍女子一伸手,将天穹之上的十轮电月都给捏在雪白的手心,原本压抑的气氛,旋即有恢复了平静,她嘴角扬起了一丝幽美的弧度,简直美到了极点。 Put out a hand to take away electrical fire ten day, who she was, this was the Holy Saint tribulation, how by her to be made like was plays.” Mao Wugui has grown up the mouth. “伸手就收走了‘电火十日’,她到底是谁啊,这可是圣灵劫啊,怎么被她弄得像是玩一样。”茅乌龟长大了嘴巴。 This definitely is Holy Saint of hidden world.” In the heart of Feng Feiyun full is excited, before merely had heard the Holy Saint legend, this time is sees live. “这肯定是一位隐世的圣灵。”风飞云的心中满是激动,以前都仅仅只是听闻过圣灵的传说,这次算是见到活的了。 Holy Saint. 圣灵啊。 Xue Jiao lies in the bamboo basket, in eye is having the look of thinking, suddenly the eye must protrude from the eye socket, the mouth trembled two, said: „It is not that person!” 血蛟趴在竹篓里面,眼中带着思索的神色,突然眼睛都要从眼眶之中凸出來了,嘴巴哆嗦了两下,道:“不会是那个人吧!” Well, she disappears!” “咦,她不见了!” Where went to!” “去哪里了!” Does not know, has not seen clearly, a moment ago also there!” “不知道,沒有看清,刚才都还在那里!” That Daoist robe female disappears, how Feng Feiyun has not seen her to leave, this rather also too panic-stricken common custom. 那道袍女子不见了,就连风飞云都沒有看见她是如何离开,这未免也太惊骇世俗了。 The azure gauze female to cool breeze, falls gently to Feng Feiyun, the sound is very beautiful, said: You saw her!” 青纱女子向一阵清风,飘落到风飞云的身后,声音无比美丽,道:“你看见她了!” She is also looking at the direction of bamboo grove. 她也望着竹林的方向。 There does not have the Daoist robe female, does not have the bamboo shoots. 那里沒有道袍女子,也沒有竹笋。 Feng Feiyun said: Who she is!” 风飞云道:“她是谁!” All people very much cared that this topic, after all this is Holy Saint, most people are hard to see the Holy Saint trail for a lifetime. 所有人都很关心这个话題,毕竟这可是一尊圣灵啊,绝大多数人一辈子都难以见到圣灵的踪迹。 The sleeves of azure gauze female wield, in the air invisible mist flutter, opened fine gauze likely, formerly the Daoist robe female planted the bamboo shoots the position, presented a grave, before the grave, is setting up together the jade tablet. 青纱女子的衣袖一挥,空气中一片无形的云烟飘走,像是揭开了一层轻纱,先前道袍女子种下竹笋的位置,出现了一座墓,坟前立着一块玉石碑。 There also stood in a Daoist robe female a moment ago, at this time presented a grave, this made all people be moved. 刚才那里还站在一个道袍女子,这时却出现了一座坟墓,这让所有人都为之动容。 Thing that you saw a moment ago, is more than 10,000 years ago projection that leaves behind, is more than 10,000 years ago matter that has, what at this moment you see is the real picture!” “刚才你们所看到的东西,都是10000多年前留下的投影,是10000多年前发生的事,此刻你们看到的还是真实的景象!” The azure gauze female entered the bamboo grove, stands in front of the jade tablet, then kneels on the ground respectfully three do obeisance, then, takes up the broom, gives to sweep the bamboo leaves before grave. 青纱女子走进了竹林,站在玉石碑前,然后跪在地上恭恭敬敬的三拜,接着,又拿起扫帚,将墓前的竹叶都给扫走。 „More than 10,000 years ago projections!” “10000多年前的投影!” In the Feng Feiyun mind is imagining for more than 10,000 years ago, an outstandingly beautiful female holds the bronze small cauldron to pass through from the bridge, then the bamboo shoots in small cauldron planting in soil, she has stood by the bamboo shoots, waiting bamboo shoots growth. 风飞云的脑海之中想象着10000多年前,一个绝色女子从桥上抱着青铜小鼎走过,然后将小鼎之中的竹笋给种在了泥土之中,她就一直站在竹笋旁边,等待竹笋成长。 Her stands is dozens years, rots until the bamboo shoots, changed into the dust, her heart starts desperately. 她这一站就是数十年,直到竹笋烂掉,化为了尘土,她的心才开始绝望。 That that had a moment ago so real, made people be hard to imagine that simply is the matters that more than 10,000 years had. 刚才发生的那一幕是如此的真实,简直让人难以想象那都是10000多年发生的事。 Really is only the projections. 真的都只是投影。 Really exists obviously. 明明都真实存在。 Feng Feiyun also entered in the bamboo grove, is staring at that jade tablet, said: Then that senior, now where!” 风飞云也走进了竹林之中,盯着那玉石碑,道:“那么那位前辈,现在又在什么地方!” The azure gauze female stopped the hand, is looking at the present grave, said: 300 years ago, dies in a sitting posture on already!” 青纱女子停下了手,望着眼前的墓,道:“300年前,就已经坐化!” Feng Feiyun changes countenance, said: „ That senior is also at the prosperous young condition more than 10,000 years ago, at the Holy Saint life, how possibly only to live the trivial 10,000 years dead in a sitting posture. 风飞云动容,道:“那位前辈在10000多年前都还处于鼎盛年轻的状态,以圣灵的寿元,怎么可能只活了区区10000年就坐化了。 Feng Feiyun is unable to accept this fact. 风飞云无法接受这个事实。 The azure gauze female said: When losing hope of woman, to is not far, high cultivation base is useless, she can live for 10,000 years, already is in her heart is rigid going on living that makes her try hard!” 青纱女子道:“当一个女人的心死了的时候,离死也就不远了,多高的修为都沒用,她能够多活10000年,都已经是她心中的执着在让她努力的活下去!” Feng Feiyun sighed: Her why understanding dies!” 风飞云叹息道:“她为何会心死呢!” The azure gauze female said: In the past the man gave her bamboo shoots, told her, when the azure bamboo shoots peeled off the shell, bamboo leaves show, will return, accompanies her to enjoy looking at the moon in Takeshita together!” 青纱女子道:“当年有一个男子送给她一株笋,告诉她,当青笋脱壳、竹叶展枝的时候,就会归來,陪她一起在竹下赏月!” But afterward she discovered, the man gives her bamboo shoots is died, the basic type does not live, cannot peel off the shell, cannot grow the branches and leaves, afterward, she discovered, here year to year the total darkness, absolutely does not have moon!” “但是后來她才发现,那男子送给她的笋本來就是死的,根本种不活,脱不了壳,也长不出枝叶,再后來,她又发现,这里常年暗无天日,根本就沒有月亮!” Feng Feiyun deep inspiration, said: Cultivated the Holy Saint boundary so to be unexpectedly silly, no wonder will be deceived that miserably, funny, but, if I, even if here did not have moon, I also affirmed outside the territory to seize a round moon to come back!” 风飞云深深的吸了一口气,道:“修炼到了圣灵的境界居然还这么傻,难怪会被骗得那么惨,哏哏,不过,若是我的话,就算这里沒有月亮,我也肯定去域外捉一轮月亮回來!” When a person is moved, will turn into the deaf person, turns into the blind person, turns into the fool, you said her to be silly, perhaps is you truly has not been moved.” The azure gauze female said. “当一个人动情的时候,会变成聋子,变成瞎子,变成傻子,你说她傻,或许是你根本就沒有真正动过情。”青纱女子道。 In the heart of Feng Feiyun a pain, oneself once turned into the fool and blind person, how otherwise dead in the hand of Shui Yueting, such being the case, oneself have any qualifications to ridicule her. 风飞云的心中一痛,自己曾经又何尝不是变成了傻子和瞎子,不然又怎么会死在水月婷的手中,既然如此,自己又有什么资格嘲笑她。 The azure gauze female said: „The bamboo shoots are die, moon does not exist, but she actually as before here waits, she believes that he will come back, this first-grade, is 10,000 years, she dies, hair white Jin, at that time she alone standing under bamboo leaves, side anybody has not accompanied, the light breeze has packed off this life, all glorious and beautiful was buried under the soil!” 青纱女子道:“就算笋是死的,月亮是不存在的,但是她却依旧还是在这里等,她坚信他是会回來的,这一等,就是10000年,她死的时候,头发都白尽了,当时她就孤零零的站在竹叶下,身边沒有任何人相陪,轻风送走了她这一生,所有的荣耀和美丽都被埋葬在了泥土之下!” Person this lives also mediocre!” “人这生也不过如此!” In the heart of Feng Feiyun has given birth to dismal, can feel her in heart to despair and miserable at that time, for a very long time, he said: You at that time not side her!” 风飞云的心中生出了一丝悲凉,能够感受到她当时心中的那一股绝望和凄凉,久久之后,他才道:“你当时沒有在她身边!” Azure gauze female shaking the head of gently. 青纱女子轻轻的摇了摇头。 The Feng Feiyun vision fell on that jade tablet once more, above was carving one line of beautiful characters, I planted the bamboo shoots that not live you gave, then can only bury itself!” 风飞云的目光再次落到了那玉石碑上,上面刻着一行娟秀的字,“我种不活你给的笋,便只能埋了自己!” She has not blamed that man to that moment of dying, but sums up all mistakes to own body. 她到死的那一刻都沒有怪那个男人,而是将所有的过错都归结到自己的身上。
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