SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1088: Broken dantian, congealing Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality

In dark and chaos void, a azure small boat is fluttering. 黑暗而混沌的虚空中,一只青色的小舟在飘荡。 The bow, sits cross-legged the outstandingly beautiful female who is putting on the azure gauze, the body is full the faint Fokuang, Fokuang sneaks in the shining white in unceasingly the skin. 船头,盘坐着一位穿着青纱的绝色女子,身上充盈着淡淡的佛光,佛光不断钻进莹白的皮肤中。 Feng Feiyun sits in the stern, in the hand is holding appreciatively „a day clever bottle, above this clever bottle is carving the clever mark, appears very ancient, pinches in the hand, can the sensation to piercing cold air. 风飞云坐在船尾,手中把玩着“天一鬼瓶”,这鬼瓶之上刻着很多鬼纹,显得十分古老,捏在手中,能够感知到一股刺骨的寒气。 already left a clever family status pass/test, on returning to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market homeward journey. 已经离开了鬼门第一关,在返回丹鼎鬼市的归途上。 The might of this clever bottle also is really not generally big, has recruited that many demon soldiers, can actually give to break open it. 这一只鬼瓶的威力还真不是一般大,吸收了那么多的阴兵,竟然都能够将它给撑破。 This jar above writing, closes the writing on above signboard with the clever family status, seems the same character.” Feng Feiyun deep knitting the brows, „a day clever bottle, is the thing in hell.” “这瓶子上面的文字,与鬼门第一关上面的牌匾上的文字,似乎是同一种字。”风飞云深深的皱眉,“难道天一鬼瓶,乃是地狱之中的东西。” Feng Feiyun has pondered for a long time, called from the heaven Yao Ji, inquired her origin about a day clever bottle. 风飞云沉思了许久,将姚吉从天国之中叫了出來,询问她关于天一鬼瓶的來历。 This clever bottle has grasped in her hands, wants to come her definitely to know some and clever bottle related thing, if a day clever bottle is really the treasure in hell, then is too extraordinary. 这鬼瓶一直掌握在她的手中,想來她肯定知道一些与鬼瓶相关的东西,若是天一鬼瓶真的是地狱之中的宝物,那么就太了不得。 In the remote past, Great God existence, opened Yin World and Yang World in Divine Jin Dynasty.” “在遥远的过去,有一位大神通的存在,在神晋王朝开辟了阴界阳界。” But Yin World and Yang World also merely are only one pass Dao Sect household that's all, in the deep place, will lead to another place, said according to that Great God that place is very vast, but had to be full of the bad risk.” “但是阴界阳界也仅仅只是一个通道门罢了,在更深处,会通往另一个地方,根据那位大神通者所说,那个地方无比浩瀚,但是却有充满了凶险。” I turned toward the Yin World deep place to inquire about, but does not dare to penetrate, once moves toward the Yin World deep place, will meet the formidable lifeform, I have drawn finally back.” “我曾经向着阴界的深处探寻过,但是并不敢深入,一旦走向阴界的深处,就会遇到很多强大的生物,我最终还是退了回來。” Yao Ji glances gently beautifully, gently by in the bosom of Feng Feiyun, told: This clever bottle is that Great God keeps Yin World, is used to guard Yin World.” 姚吉的眼波柔美,轻轻的靠在风飞云的怀中,讲诉道:“这一只鬼瓶就是那位大神通者留在阴界,用來镇守阴界。” Feng Feiyun has shown look of thinking deeply once more, Divine Jin Dynasty is hiding any secret, why some that many inconceivable matters occur there, in the future it is necessary is going back to step onto.” 风飞云再次露出了深思的神色,“神晋王朝到底隐藏着什么秘密,为何有那么多不可思议的事情发生在那里,将來有必要在回去走上一趟。” Feng Feiyun gently is stroking the Yao Ji sending silk, has given her a day clever bottle, said: You just crossed the fourth clever tribulation, the clever body is unstable, in this clever bottle accumulated the massive demon soldiers clever air/Qi, if you are mad the absorption these ghosts, cultivation base definitely will promote a stride.” 风飞云轻轻的抚摸着姚吉的发丝,将天一鬼瓶递给了她,道:“你刚刚渡过第四次鬼劫,鬼体还不稳定,这一只鬼瓶之中积累了大量的阴兵鬼气,你若是将这些鬼气吸收,修为肯定会提升一大步。” Yao Ji returning to the heaven, Feng Feiyun also started to cultivate. 姚吉给送回了天国,风飞云也开始修炼起來。 Strength already in Feng Feiyun body is getting more and more formidable, strength already that the properties of various spirit gathering treasure medicines before took, now release gradually, has surmounted the present boundary. 风飞云身体之中的力量已经越來越强大,以前服用的各种灵萃宝药的药性,现在都渐渐的释放出來,所拥有的力量已经超越了现在的境界。 If not find the way to break through the Ascension boundary, perhaps he will unable to control the strength in body like Demoness. 若是再不想办法突破羽化境,恐怕他也会像女魔那样控制不住身体之中的力量了。 Stave dantian, the concise Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, this road predecessor has not passed through, should walk.” “破碎丹田,凝练圣灵内丹,这条路前人都沒有走过,到底该不该走呢。” The road of cultivation, is extremely long, must face many choices, sometimes one step walked right, can soar, sometimes one step has gone astray, will be beyond redemption. 修炼之路,极其漫长,要面临很多选择,有时候一步走对了,就能够一飞冲天,有些时候一步走错了,就会万劫不复。 Especially the Feng Feiyun present situation, has filled unknown, has been permeated with the challenge, has to be prudent. 特别是风飞云现在的情况,充满了未知,充满了挑战,不得不慎重。 Does not have other road to walk, then also can only open a new road.” “沒有别的路走,那么也只能自己开辟一条新的路。” The Feng Feiyun vision strengthens suddenly, since decided that must such do, then cannot hesitate, hell Yama and Qilin king putting, has protected by own body, then enters the cultivation. 风飞云的目光豁然坚定起來,既然决定要这么做了,那么也就不能再犹豫,将“地狱阎罗”和“麒麟王”给放了出來,守护在自己的身体两边,然后进入修炼。 Feng Feiyun planned gradually refining up dantian friendly, dantian resolution for the upper , middle and lower three parts, upper dantian that from will most start will start to cultivate. 风飞云打算一步一步的融炼丹田,将“丹田”拆分为上、中、下三部分,从最开始的上丹田开始修炼。 Broken dantian, congealing Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality. 碎丹田,凝内丹。 In 80 Phoenix Bones in Feng Feiyun body runs out of flame together, collects one group of fireballs, turned toward upper dantian to attack the past directly. 风飞云身体之中的80一块凤骨之中都冲出一朵火苗,汇集成一团火球,直接向着上丹田冲击了过去。 If some people know that Feng Feiyun crazy procedure at this moment, certainly must think that he is a lunatic. 若是有人知道风飞云此刻的疯狂做法,肯定要觉得他是一个疯子。 But the dantian the member is most vulnerable , the most important place, who indeed destroys the dantian, that is not courting death. 丹田可是修士最为脆弱,也最为重要的地方,谁敢自毁丹田,那不是在找死。 Bang.” “轰。” The fireball is broken to the bang upper dantian, changes into fragments. 火球将上丹田给轰碎,化为一块块碎片。 The body of Feng Feiyun shivered fiercely, essence fast outflow, the vitality in within the body is also draining, above the skin covers dying embers, the whole person fast senility. 风飞云的身体剧烈的颤抖了一下,身上的精气快速的流失,体内的生机也在流失,皮肤之上蒙上一层死灰,整个人都快速的衰老。 Is one 20 years old year young people, in several in an instant, becomes like a 40-year-old middle-aged person. 本來是一个20岁來岁的年轻人,在几个刹那之间,变得就像一个40岁的中年人。 Un.” “嗯。” Feng Feiyun exudes one to remain silent, corners of the mouth overflow blood. 风飞云发出一声闷声,嘴角溢出一丝血液。 He bites the tooth tightly, suppression forcefully body the essence of outflow, transfers the Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality to absorb these shatter upper dantian fragments. 他紧咬牙齿,强行的压制住身体之中的流失的精气,调动圣灵内丹吸收那些破碎的上丹田碎片。 The Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality originally only then the grain of rice is so big, after absorbing the upper dantian fragment, starts unceasing strength, although expands extremely slowly, the naked eye almost cannot look, but Feng Feiyun can actually indeed inflate the sensation to the Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality. 圣灵内丹原本只有米粒那么大,在吸收上丹田的碎片之后,开始不断的壮大,虽然壮大得极其缓慢,肉眼几乎都看不出來,但是风飞云却能够感知到圣灵内丹的确在膨胀。 Meanwhile, Feng Feiyun is also continuing senilly, the essence in within the body continues to drain, quick becomes fully has the 50-year-old age, the temple also grew continuously white silk. 同时,风飞云也在继续衰老,体内的精气继续在流失,很快就变得足有50岁的年龄,鬓角还长出了一缕缕白丝。 Concentrates to me.” “给我凝。” Cannot wait again, otherwise the dantian fragment has not absorbed, perhaps completely die on the essence outflow. 不能再等下去,不然丹田碎片还沒有吸收完毕,恐怕自己就精气流失殆尽而死。 The body of Feng Feiyun erupts a piece of dazzling ray, air/Qi of the nine Holy Saint run out from both eyes, binaural and dantian, operates regarding the body, interweaves a giant net, his body wrapping. 风飞云的身上爆发出一片刺眼的光芒,有九道圣灵之气从双目、双耳、丹田之中冲出,围绕身体运行,交织成一张巨大的网,将他的身体给包裹住。 The air/Qi of this Holy Saint interweaves the net that becomes, in fast contracts toward the body, quick on post on the skin of Feng Feiyun. 这一张圣灵之气交织而成的网,在快速往身体之中收缩,很快就贴在了风飞云的皮肤上。 Bang.” “轰。” The air/Qi of Holy Saint takes back in the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality once more, gives the absorption all dantian fragments in inside. 圣灵之气再次收回内丹之中,将所有丹田碎片就给吸收在里面。 Body of Feng Feiyun once more fierce in a flash, the body on good to encounter hitting hard, the age was also senile several years old, the corner of the eye presented the wrinkle gloomily, the eyebrow also several points. 风飞云的身体再次剧烈的一晃,身体就好想遭遇了重击,年龄又衰老了好几岁,眼角出现了皱纹,眉毛也暗淡了几分。 His look actually became profound many, aura also became being as deep as a well. 只是他的眼神却变得深邃了不少,身上的气息也变得更加的高深莫测。 Finally gives concise upper dantian, was completes the first step, cultivation base increased close one time, was only............” “终于将上丹田给凝练,算是完成了第一步,修为增加了接近一倍,只是……咳咳……” Feng Feiyun gently touches own face, then looked in own hand old skin, which this likely is skin of young people, simply is wu 、 liushi-year- old person's skin. 风飞云轻轻的摸了摸自己的脸,然后又看了看自己手上苍老的皮肤,这哪像是一个年轻人的皮肤,简直就是一个五、六十岁的老人的皮肤啊。 Dantian disruption, is unexpectedly old such quickly, the life reduced one-third.” Feng Feiyun felt that own sound also becomes somewhat sinks thick, even is somewhat senile. “丹田碎裂,竟然老得这么快,寿命减少了1。”风飞云感觉自己的声音也变得有些沉厚,甚至有些衰老。 Then merely only broke upper dantian that's all, has paid such heavy price on already, if the dantian and lower dantian will break concise, oneself can therefore pass away.” “这才仅仅只破碎了上丹田罢了,就已经付出了这么重的代价,若是将中丹田、下丹田都破碎凝练,自己会不会就因此而老死。” Passes away must attack, even if can only live for day, I am also first break Half Monster of Ascension shackles.” “就算老死也要冲击一下,哪怕只能活一天,我也是第一个打破羽化桎梏的半妖。” The Feng Feiyun vision is very firm, has not retroceded and hesitated. 风飞云的目光很坚定,沒有后退和迟疑。 Feng Feiyun has not continued shatter dantian, planned to consolidate the body first, achieved the most flourishing condition, then went to the shatter dantian, concise more formidable Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality. 风飞云并沒有继续破碎中丹田,打算先巩固好了身体,达到全盛状态,然后再去破碎中丹田,凝练更加强大的内丹。 The essence and life lost to be too many, needing the massive efficacious medicines be able to make up. 精气、寿命都失去了太多,必须要大量的灵药才能补回來。 The common efficacious medicine natural use is not big, only then some rare ancient Yao, can turn over to this to cultivate the Yuan, this naturally must wait to return to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to purchase again. 一般的灵药自然用处不大,只有一些稀世古药,才能归本培元,这自然要等回到丹鼎鬼市再去购买。 The azure small boat, stops before a Daoist temple slowly. 青色的小舟,在一座道观前徐徐停下。 This Daoist temple establishes above a hanging Spirit Mountain, float in dark space, reaches as high as nine kilometers, is very palatial. 这一座道观建立在一座悬空灵山之上,悬浮在黑暗的空间之中,高达九千米,十分巍峨。 In place that this is infertile, naturally has filled the dead air/Qi, what however is strange, above this hanging Spirit Mountain has actually been covered with the azure bamboo. 在这寸草不生的地方,自然是充满了死气,但是诡异的是,这一座悬空灵山之上却长满了青色的竹子。 The light breeze blows, the bamboo leaves of full mountain are swaying, makes rustle the beautiful interesting to listen to sound. 轻风吹來,满山的竹叶都在摇晃,发出“沙沙”的美丽动听的声音。 Also there is a bamboo of delicate fragrance to float fragrant with the wind, to person body and mind happy enjoyment. 又有清香的竹香随风飘來,给人一种身心舒畅的享受。 The azure gauze female stands under the mountain, show contains the smoke, is looking at that Daoist temple of summit, said: Here Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, is only merely separated by to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market Immortal Jump(s), was an antiquity paradise.” 青纱女子站在山下,秀目含烟,望着山顶的那一座道观,道:“这里‘青莲灵山’,离丹鼎鬼市仅仅只相隔一个仙人跳,乃是一处上古福地。” Feng Feiyun said: Why we must come to here.” 风飞云道:“我们为何要來这里。” Line of azure gauze female already above toward Spirit Mountain goes, walks in winding in the upward azure stone platform step, said: Because I live here.” 青纱女子已经向着灵山之上行去,走在蜿蜒向上的青石台阶上,道:“因为我住在这里。” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is very formidable, naturally can the sensation come here uncommonness, this Spirit Mountain is located in this void center, is the place of day interested friendship collection. 风飞云灵觉很强大,自然能够感知到这里的不凡,这座灵山就位于这片虚空的中心,乃是天势交集的地方。 Also a little, here leaves crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to be only separated by Immortal Jump(s), is not remotely, belongs to the geographical position extremely good cultivation treasure trove. 还有一点,这里离丹鼎鬼市只相隔一个仙人跳,算不上遥远,属于地理位置极佳的修炼宝地。 Such treasure trove had not been given to invade by bystander unexpectedly, explained that the Master gate of this azure gauze female is quite absolutely formidable. 这样的宝地竟然沒有被外人给侵占,说明这个青纱女子的师门绝对相当强大。 Feng Feiyun is having the having mind filled with question, has mounted Blue Lotus Spirit Mountain, passes through the azure stone platform step of winding, across two mountain waterfalls, walks in the bamboo grove track of silent nobody, but practicing disciples have not actually seen, is much more peaceful. 风飞云带着满腹疑问,也登上了青莲灵山,走过蜿蜒的青石台阶,穿过两条高山飞瀑,行走在寂静无人的竹林小道,但是却一个修行弟子都沒有看到,安静得出奇。 How can a person not have. 怎么会一个人都沒有。 Well, that is seven color treasure irises.” “咦,那是一株七彩宝芝。” In side of bamboo grove track, grows the spirit mushroom that is sending out seven color rays, has the grinding pan to be so big fully, does not know that grew many years. 在竹林小道的旁边,长着一株发出七彩光芒的灵芝,足有磨盘那么大,也不知生长了多少年月。 The eye illumination of Mao Wugui, turns toward seven color treasure irises to jump over directly. 茅乌龟的眼睛发光,直接向着七彩宝芝跳了过去。 However, it actually by dozens bowl mouth thick lightnings dividing, the paralysis on the ground, the whole body has belched smoke, the white turtle, was deducted the black, Feng Feiyun...... Saves me......” 但是,它却被数十道碗口粗的闪电给劈了回來,瘫在地上,浑身冒烟,白色的乌龟,都被劈成了黑色,“风飞云……救我……” Feng Feiyun shaking the head, unified a Gold Silkworm pill, feeds to it, it lived, but the mouth actually cannot close, by lightning dividing crookedly. 风飞云头了摇头,凝聚出一枚金蚕佛丹,给它喂下,它才又活了过來,只是嘴却合不上,被闪电给劈歪了。 Feng Feiyun looks at that seven color treasure irises, in the eye is having the deep taboo, the Mao Wugui defense capability, he is knows that was killed almost dividing by here ban including it, this Spirit Mountain definitely everywhere is passing the murderous intention, will not look like in the surface seems that gentle. 风飞云望着那一株七彩宝芝,眼中生出深深的忌讳,茅乌龟的防御能力,他是知道的,连它都差点被这里的禁制杀阵给劈死,这一座灵山肯定处处都透着杀机,不会像表面上看上去那么平和。 Here every bit of property, it seems like cannot move. 这里的一草一木,看來都动不得。 Finally has arrived at outside that Daoist temple, here cannot see a member as before, even cannot see including the bird beast, is peaceful exceptionally. 终于走到了那一座道观外,这里依旧看不到一个修士,甚至连飞鸟走兽都看不见,安静得异常。 Here has the issue.” “这里有问題。” Feng Feiyun stopped in a Qingshiqiao, was looking at that Daoist temple in mountain stream opposite shore, felt a piercing cool feeling. 风飞云停在了一座青石桥上,望着溪水对岸的那一座道观,感觉到一股刺骨的凉意。 Especially after stepping onto this Qingshiqiao, he felt that oneself walks every time one step, probably surmounted a space, which this is crossing a bridge likely, seems like taking road of the wormhole space simply. 特别是走上这一座青石桥之后,他感觉自己每走一步,都好像是跨越了一座空间,这哪像是在过桥,简直就像是在走一段虫洞空间之路。
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