SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1087: Clever gate demon soldiers

Aiya! This is the blue lotus dun air/Qi, cannot bump.” In the bamboo basket, the Xue Jiao sound somewhat trembles, a pair of small claw tight pinches the bamboo basket, the tooth is keeping vibrating. “哎呀!这是青莲沌气,碰不得。”竹篓之中,血蛟的声音有些颤栗,一双小爪子紧紧的捏着竹篓,牙齿在不停抖动。 Feng Feiyun is raising the bamboo basket, the body erupts radiant gold/metal, wraps the body, looks into that azure light wave, said: That tattered dangerous day is stone door, where?” 风飞云提着竹篓,身上爆发出璀璨的金芒,包裹住身体,眺望那青色光浪,道:“那破烂的悬天石门,到底是什么地方?” „A clever family status pass/test.” “鬼门第一关。” An eye of Xue Jiao exploded raised, discussed: Day has Heaven, has nine seriously. The hell has the dwelling place of the dead, the connection day and place. This place is not we can rush, walks quickly, walks quickly, if makes the clever gate demon soldiers kill, we died.” 血蛟的一双眼睛爆凸了出来,念道:“天有九重天,地有九重地。地狱有九泉,连接天与地。这地方不是我们可以闯,快走,快走,若是让鬼门阴兵杀出来,我们就死定了。” Feng Feiyun naturally has heard the legend about hell, that is one has not the place of returning, oneself present arrived at out the hell unexpectedly truly, this was too simply inconceivable. 风飞云自然听过关于地狱的传说,那是一处有去无回之地,自己现在竟然真正的来到了地狱门外,这简直太不可思议了。 This arrives at hell with previous soul, has in a big way differently, exactly said that is a completely different feeling. 这和上次灵魂来到地狱,有很大的不同,确切的说是一种完全不一样的感觉。 Feng Feiyun is not anxious, said: Why does she want to go through Gate of Death?” 风飞云并不急,道:“她为何要闯鬼门关?” Xue Jiao is also anxious must shout 'motherfucker', said: Your his mother, your few idle talk, we are the friends. Can't walk?” 血蛟急得又要骂娘,道:“你他妈,你少点废话,我们还是朋友。到底走不走?” Feng Feiyun is staring at the great volatility remote place, the meaning of immediately not having retreated. 风飞云只是盯着波动极大的遥远处,并没有立即退走的意思。 Xue Jiao must spit blood anxiously, said: Good! I told you truth, she was a lunatic, cannot weigh with the thought of normal person, we were the smart people, cannot be a companion with the lunatic. Asked you, Big Brother, do not look, how to walk! Looked again, she did not come back...... Your his mother, cannot walk, you do not walk, gives to turn on the seal of blue lotus god bamboo, making Sir I walk.” 血蛟急得吐血,道:“好吧!我告诉你实话,她就是一个疯子,不能用正常人的思维来衡量,我们都是聪明人,不能跟疯子为伍。求你了,大哥,别看了,咋们走吧!再看,她也回不来了……你他妈,到底走不走,你不走,将青莲神竹的封印给打开,让大爷我走。” Xue Jiao becomes angry out of shame finally, displays unparalleled murderous aura of monster king, severe Howl, exudes dragon Yinban the resounding sound, shakes the eardrum of Feng Feiyun to send to hurt. 血蛟终于恼羞成怒,表现出妖王的盖世杀气,厉啸一声,发出龙吟般的高亢声,震得风飞云的耳膜发疼。 This Xue Jiao cultivation base is not general, even if by the seal in the bamboo basket, were erupted the overwhelming strength as before, almost shook Feng Feiyun to fly away. 这条血蛟修为不是一般的强,就算被封印在了竹篓里面,依旧爆发出翻江倒海的力量,差一点震开了风飞云手飞走。 Five fingers of Feng Feiyun like iron bolt, tight pinches the bamboo basket, both eyes is narrowing the eyes tightly, the body flies lightly, the foot steps on void, flies toward the azure light wave that in that surges vigorously. 风飞云的五指就像铁栓,紧紧的捏着竹篓,双目紧眯,身体翩然飞起,脚踩虚空,向着那浑厚激荡的青色光浪之中飞去。 Bronze Ancient Vessel departs from his body, originally only then the grain of rice is so big, instant, becomes fully has the mountain ridge to be so huge, sends out endless ancient Wei, changes into a plain mysterious tattered god ship. 一艘青铜古船从他的身体之中飞出,本来只有米粒那么大,刹那之后,就变得足有山岭那么庞大,散发出无尽的古味,化为一艘古朴神秘的破烂神船。 On the ship, 18 bronze pillars look like the mountain peak to be common, 18 iron arrange/cloth Mofan already are tattered. 船上,18根青铜柱子都像山峰一般,18张铁布魔帆都已经破破烂烂。 This Bronze Ancient Vessel does not know how many years ago constructs, rottenly will become this? 这一艘青铜古船不知是建造于多少年前,才会烂成这样? Feng Feiyun flies to fall to Bronze Ancient Vessel above, such as is controlling a spirit clever ship, goes toward clever family status pass/test flying, meaning that do not turn head. 风飞云飞落到青铜古船之上,如驾驭着一艘幽灵鬼船,向着鬼门第一关飞去,没有丝毫要回头的意思。 „...... day...... Gate of Death is not we can rush, Uncle Half Monster, we go back! If you turn head, we are friend......” “啊……日啊……鬼门关不是我们可以闯,半妖大爷,我们回去吧!你若是回头,我们还是朋友……” Xue Jiao in bamboo basket in loud cursing, tumbles in inside like a blood loach. 竹篓之中的血蛟在大声的咒骂,像一只血泥鳅在里面翻滚。 Feng Feiyun bamboo basket hanging on waist, the finger has shot the bamboo basket, said: You, if called in the ghost, I later threw into Gate of Death you.” 风飞云将竹篓给挂在了腰上,手指弹了弹竹篓,道:“你若在鬼叫,我待会将你扔进鬼门关。” The body of Xue Jiao runs out of malignant influences, exclaimed: I am the Xue Jiao Monster Clan thorn flood dragon king, faces retribution for a life of crime, kills people like the hemp, is afraid by everybody, the boy, you dares so to speak to this King, once this King gets out of trouble, eats you three to live third surely.” 血蛟的身上冲出一股煞气来,吼道:“我乃是血蛟妖族的刺蛟王,恶贯满盈,杀人如麻,人见人怕,小子,你敢如此对本王说话,本王一旦脱困,必定吃你三生三世。” Feng Feiyun light shoots a look at its one, heard that the turtle likes eating the loach, does not know that is really the vacation.” 风飞云轻飘飘的瞥它一眼,“听说乌龟喜欢吃泥鳅,也不知是真是假。” Haha! The boys, you feared! If you have feared, this King putting, we are the good friend...... Where comes a turtle!” Xue Jiao sound, shrank one group in the bamboo basket, turtle that place above that extending. “哈哈!小子,你是不是怕了!你若是怕了,将本王给放出来,我们还是好朋友……靠,哪里来得一只乌龟啊!”血蛟的声音一顿,在竹篓里面缩成了一团,警惕着上方那一只将头给伸进来的乌龟。 Mao Wugui crawls in the bamboo basket, a snow white little turtle. The head has put in the bamboo basket, stared in a big way the eye, has sized up Xue Jiao curiously quite a while, has added the lip, said: „! Big loach!” 茅乌龟爬在竹篓上,将一只雪白的小龟。头伸进了竹篓里面,瞪大了眼睛,好奇的打量了血蛟半天,添了添嘴唇,道:“哇!好大一只泥鳅!” You are the loach, your whole family are the loach. Your his mother, adds a lip to try again.” Xue Jiao does not fear but actually, is not a turtle, the father is not the genuine loach, why is afraid a turtle. “你才是泥鳅,你们全家都是泥鳅。你他妈,再添一下嘴唇试试。”血蛟倒也不惧了,不就是一只乌龟,老子又不是真正的泥鳅,何必害怕一只乌龟。 this King what kind of character, how by a turtle frightening softly. 本王何等人物,岂会被一只乌龟给吓软了。 The mouth of Xue Jiao increased, changed into the big mouth. 血蛟的嘴巴变大,化为了血盆大口。 Mao Wugui had a scare, hastily necking, but was actually given to catch by the bamboo basket, is anxious the entire body the chaotic tread above the bamboo basket. 茅乌龟被吓了一跳,连忙缩头,但是却被竹篓给卡住,急得整个身体都在竹篓之上乱蹬。 Bang!” “嘭!” Sacred Fruit flies into the bamboo basket, pounded in the head of Xue Jiao, pounding to faint this goods. 圣实果飞进竹篓里面,砸在了血蛟的头颅,将这货给砸晕厥了过去。 Mao Wugui finally shrinking, has shaken the head, said: Whose his mother said that this is a loach, obviously is the strip flood dragon.” 茅乌龟终于还是将头给缩了回来,抖了抖脑袋,道:“谁他妈说这是一只泥鳅,明明是条蛟。” „!” “嘘!” Feng Feiyun keeps silent. 风飞云噤声。 The distant place, dark clouds throw the volume to come from void, swallow the day to bite, exudes the grating severe howl. 远处,一片阴云从虚空之中扑卷过来,吞天噬地,发出刺耳的厉啸声。 In the dark clouds, there is a mighty force shouting sound, is having the ghost of shackle, puts on the skeleton of armor, stands in the flag that the bone dragon carries on the back...... 阴云之中,有千军万马的嘶吼声,带着铁链的鬼魂,穿着铠甲的骷髅,立在骨龙背上的大旗…… This is an extremely terrifying picture. 这是一幅极其恐怖的画面。 The gate of hell was opened, innumerable cloudy evil gushes out from inside, these demon soldiers places visited, anything was destroyed. 地狱之门被打开,无数阴邪从里面涌出,那些阴兵所过之处,任何东西都被毁灭。 In hearsay, clever gate demon soldiers will little be born, is in the clever gate the spirits of trillion malicious ghosts, to cloudy to evil thing, not having the member can resist on them that cloudy evil air/Qi.” “传闻之中,鬼门阴兵很少会出世,乃是鬼门之中亿万恶鬼的精魂所化,是至阴至邪之物,没有修士能够抵挡它们身上的那一股阴邪之气。” Clever gate demon soldiers, once sends out, then also represents the important matter to occur, that azure gauze female also really can be restless, the clever gate demon soldiers send out...... Wasn't Gate of Death is broken?” “鬼门阴兵一旦出动,那么也就代表有大事发生,那个青纱女子还真能闹腾,就连鬼门阴兵都为之出动……不会是鬼门关被打破了?” Mao Wugui bamboo basket hanging on neck, a claw puts in the bamboo basket, a ball on the tail of Xue Jiao, fainted past Xue Jiao waking of slowly. 茅乌龟将竹篓给挂在脖子上,一只爪子伸进竹篓里面,在血蛟的尾巴上一弹,原本晕厥过去的血蛟徐徐的醒了过来。 Who is that azure gauze female? Does she want to do?” “那青纱女子是谁?她到底要干什么?” Xue Jiao has rubbed the big blood package of top of the head, feels the head to be murky, when saw that the distant place throws the clever gate demon soldiers who curls, at once shrinks one group, sobs: Your Sir some, then died, this King hero first, how will meet your idiots......” 血蛟揉了揉头顶的大血包,感觉脑袋昏昏沉沉,当看到远处扑卷过来的鬼门阴兵,旋即又缩成了一团,呜咽道:“你大爷些,这下死定了,本王英雄一世,怎么会遇上你们这几个白痴……” Knocks down it.” Feng Feiyun three taste real stoves calling. “将它打晕。”风飞云将三味真火炉给唤出来。 Sacred Fruit flies into the bamboo basket, proceeds along no particular course in all directions, scurries about, in Xue Jiao kills in the duck pitiful yell sound, gave to knock down it, the paralysis of softly lying in bamboo basket. 圣实果飞进竹篓,四处乱撞,上蹿下跳,在血蛟杀鸭子般的惨叫声中,将它给打晕了过去,软趴趴的瘫在了竹篓里面。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” The clever gate demon soldiers carry the boundless malignant influences and in the Bronze Ancient Vessel contact, gave to wrap entire Bronze Ancient Vessel, world dark, near the ear full was the ghost crying god is howling. 鬼门阴兵携带无边煞气与青铜古船接触上,将整个青铜古船都给包裹了起来,天地暗了下来,耳边满是鬼哭神嚎。 Above Bronze Ancient Vessel Longma River Diagram erupts the dazzling ray, the demon soldiers who crazy rotation, any close Bronze Ancient Vessel give to twist broken, changes into a continuously azure smoke. 青铜古船之上的“龙马河图”爆发出刺目的光芒,疯狂转动,凡是接近青铜古船的阴兵都给绞碎,化为一缕缕青烟。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun three taste real stoves hitting, a scarlet-red sea of fire spread, any demon soldiers ghost self-ignition that contacts is really hot to three tastes gets up, exudes a more frigid cry. 风飞云将三味真火炉给打了出去,一片赤红的火海蔓延开,凡是接触到三味真火的阴兵鬼魂都自燃起来,发出更加惨烈的叫声。 Three tastes are really hot to the demon soldiers have the innate restraint ability, where three taste real stoves fly, where demon soldiers by heat. 三味真火对阴兵有先天的克制能力,三味真火炉飞到哪里,哪里的阴兵就被烧红。 Suddenly, bang of a giant clever hand from the darkness has pressed, above the clever hand is the scale, is clouds so is likely huge. 突然,一只巨大的鬼手从黑暗之中轰压了过来,鬼手之上全是鳞片,像是一片云彩那么庞大。 Bang!” “嘭!” Three taste real stoves by clever hand to collapse flying, the innumerable flame had been splashed, changed into hot rain. 三味真火炉被鬼手给崩飞,无数的火焰溅了出来,化为了一片火雨。 Good terrifying strength. 好恐怖的力量。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” A huge incomparable clever shadow, walks, does not know that many thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, the body is very fuzzy, the head is growing an opposite angle, was roaring to Bronze Ancient Vessel one, blowing backward flew Bronze Ancient Vessel. 一尊庞大无比的鬼影子,走出来,不知多少千丈高,身体很模糊,头上长着一对角,对着青铜古船一声咆哮,将青铜古船给吹得向后飞。 Clever shadow! 鬼影子! This is a clever shadow, belongs to Gate of Death a projection of powerhouse. 这是一个鬼影子,属于鬼门关内一位强者的投影。 Feng Feiyun departs Bronze Ancient Vessel directly, flies toward that clever shadow, both eyes ice-cold, the vision is calm. 风飞云直接飞出青铜古船,向着那一尊鬼影子飞去,双目冰冷,目光沉稳。 That is the clever shadow! On behalf of a will of unsurpassed powerhouse, the boy died, died.” Xue Jiao woke. “那是鬼影子!代表了一位无上强者的意志,那小子死定了,死定了。”血蛟又醒了过来。 That huge clever shadow, saw that tiny Half Monster kills unexpectedly to it, immediately the violent anger, in the body sends out a terrifying peerless gloom. 那庞大的鬼影子,见到一个渺小的半妖竟然向它杀来,顿时暴怒,身体之中散发出一股恐怖绝伦的阴气。 In the hand of Feng Feiyun are many a clever bottle, gives to open the bottle cap, in the clever bottle sends out a huge suction at once, clever shadow taking in clever bottle. 风飞云的手中多出一个鬼瓶,将瓶盖给打开,鬼瓶之中旋即发出一股巨大的吸力,将鬼影子给收进了鬼瓶之中。 Feng Feiyun „a day clever bottle will take in the hand, has flown then back to Bronze Ancient Vessel, turns on the clever bottle, continued to take away these clever gate demon soldiers, quick empties a side world, Bronze Ancient Vessel continued to fly. 风飞云将“天一鬼瓶”重新收进手中,然后又飞回了青铜古船,打开鬼瓶,继续收走那些鬼门阴兵,很快就清空了一方天地,青铜古船继续飞了出去。 Xue Jiao looks at the god, tight is staring at the clever bottle in Feng Feiyun hand, said: This jar is good to look familiar, probably is I 500 years ago that loses, the little brother, this jar is our family the family heirloom, my mother hands over in my hand personally, thousand ding the ling ten thousand injunctions, wants me to put away, in the future will give her future wife. However...... Wū wū...... However I 500 years ago, has lost it, you helped me look luckily, otherwise...... I do not know how should go back to see family's that old person......” 血蛟看得愣神,紧紧的盯着风飞云手中的鬼瓶,道:“这瓶子好眼熟,好像是我500年前丢的那一个,小兄弟,这瓶子是我们家族的传家之宝,我妈亲手交到我手中,千叮呤万嘱咐,要我一定要放好,将来交给她未来的媳妇儿。但是……呜呜……但是我500年前,将它弄丢了,幸好你帮我找了回来,不然……我都不知道该如何回去见家里的那位老人家……” Xue Jiao said weeps with loud noise, but actually by Sacred Fruit knocking down! 血蛟说得声泪俱下,但却又被圣实果给打晕了过去! Over the next few days, Feng Feiyun has encountered the attacks of several waves of clever gate demon soldiers, the wave of clever gate demon soldiers are exceptionally formidable, the souls of including several terrors, day after day a clever bottle could not receive, the speed of bronze clever ship was luckily fast enough, broke through a tight encirclement to run away. 接下来的几天,风飞云又遭到了数波鬼门阴兵的攻击,有一波鬼门阴兵异常强大,其中有几尊恐怖的阴魂,连天一鬼瓶都收不了,幸好青铜鬼船的速度够快,才杀出重围逃走。 Naturally, this is not a day clever bottle is perhaps weak, but is Feng Feiyun cultivation base is weak. 当然,这或许并不是天一鬼瓶不够强,而是风飞云修为还不够强。 Until seventh day, Feng Feiyun in stretch of ancient ruins, found one to float the azure small boat on void, is ordinary like piece of azure bamboo leaves, flutters above void. 直到第七天,风飞云在一片古老的废墟之中,找到了一只漂浮在虚空上的青色小舟,像一片青色的竹叶一般,飘荡在虚空之上。 At that time, one group of demon soldiers also found here, must the azure gauze female above azure small boat swallowing. 当时,正有一群阴兵也找到这里,要将青色小舟之上的青纱女子给吞噬。 After Feng Feiyun these demon soldiers the bang kills, falls above the azure small boat, stares under, the mouth is sighing one lightly. 风飞云将那些阴兵给轰杀之后,落到了青色的小舟之上,盯着下方,嘴里轻叹一声。 The azure gauze female pours in the pool of blood, face whiten, air/Qi, if the gossamer, azure gauze changed into the blood gauze, tight pastes the jade body, above the body is having air/Qi of one group of cloudy ghost in float. 青纱女子倒在血泊之中,脸色苍白,气若游丝,身上的青纱化为了血纱,紧紧的贴着玉躯,身体之上有一团阴煞之气在悬浮。 Feng Feiyun sits to the small boat above, gave to hold her, her head by above own chest, condensed a Gold Silkworm pill, has admitted in her sandalwood mouth gently. 风飞云坐到小舟之上,将她给扶了起来,将她的头靠在自己的胸膛之上,凝聚出一枚金蚕佛丹,轻轻的放进了她的檀口之中。 Her body appears at once radiant Fokuang, the singings in praise of the Buddha of ten thousand Buddha resound in within the body, wounds heal in the according to naked eye obvious speed. 她的身上旋即浮现出璀璨的佛光,有万佛的梵音在体内响起,一道道伤口都在以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 How long also did not know in the past, she long and curving eyelash moving gently, the beautiful pupil has opened one, saw clearly the Feng Feiyun appearance, in the pupil had several points to be astonished however, has then closed the eye, the sound was weak, you unexpectedly...... Dares to come back......” 也不知多久过去,她长而弯曲的睫毛轻轻的动了动,美眸睁开了一丝,看清了风飞云的模样,瞳孔之中带着几分讶然,然后又闭上了眼睛,声音虚弱,“你居然……敢回来……” Good to come to gather up dead bodies to you, truth where cannot have? ” 好来给你收尸,哪有不回来的道理?”
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