SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1086: Question

Each race, always has the person who such several can haunch a day, otherwise this race is impossible to continue. 每一个种族,总有那么几个能够撑起一片天的人,不然这个种族也不可能延续下去。 Feng Feiyun is not strange to Sky Witch Great God, has listened to his name in Divine Jin Dynasty, this absolutely is Spiritual God general existence. 风飞云天巫大神并不陌生,在神晋王朝就听过他的名字,这绝对是一尊神灵一般的存在。 The azure gauze female said: Sky Witch Great God is several that Human Race have several one of people makes Monster Clan awe, has done many earthshaking important matters in the recent antiquity years, recent one time happens more than 10,000 years ago, once after a phoenix monster had an unrivalled war, disintegration void outside territory. Finally after Sky Witch big Divine General that phoenix monster, gives to repel, after having blocked that phoenix monster, crusades against the Human Race great misfortune.” 青纱女子道:“天巫大神算是人族有数的几个让妖族敬畏的人之一,在近古年间干了不少惊天动地的大事,最近的一次发生在10000多年前,曾与一位凤凰妖后发生了一次旷世大战,在域外崩碎一片虚空。最后天巫神将那一位凤凰妖后给击退,挡住了那位凤凰妖后讨伐人族的大劫。” But, after that fights, Sky Witch Great God again has not appeared, some people suspected that he was seriously injured with the phoenix monster latter war, already falls from the sky.” “不过,那一战之后,天巫大神就再也没有出现过,有人怀疑他与凤凰妖后一战受了重伤,已经陨落。” He really fell from the sky, actually does not damage his prestige, after all after can a phoenix monster, gives to repel, this already was shocks the world the matter, prompted forward a stride the Human Race status. But the strength of this person, although is strong, moral behavior...... It is bad......” “就算他真的陨落了,其实也并不损他的威名,毕竟能够将一位凤凰妖后给击退,这已经是震惊天下的事了,将人族的地位又向前推进了一大步。只不过此人的力量虽强,人品……却很差……” In the eyes of azure gauze female is having several points of resentment, obviously does not admire to Sky Witch Great God this person completely, instead also somewhat hatred. 青纱女子的眼中带着几分怨气,显然对天巫大神这个人并不是完全佩服,反而还有几分恨意。 Feng Feiyun has not actually noted these, knit the brows, mutters: „More than 10,000 years ago......” 风飞云却没有注意到这些,皱了皱眉,喃喃自语:“10000多年前……” Where thinking of Feng Feiyun instinct has does not suit. 风飞云本能的觉得有什么地方不对劲。 If at that time Feng Feiyun or Phoenix Monster Clan head of the clan, then definitely has heard this matter, but Feng Feiyun absolutely does not have the reflection. 若是那个时候凤飞云还是凤凰妖族的族长,那么就肯定就听说过此事,但是风飞云却完全没有映像。 Occurs, in oneself do die after the Shui Yueting hand? 难道发生在自己死在水月婷手中之后? Also a little, listens to the tone of azure gauze female, as if Sky Witch Great God fame also above Shui Yueting, but Shui Yueting should already be the achievement a Holy Saint position, how could it not be then Sky Witch Great God is also existence of Holy Saint rank. 还有一点,听青纱女子的口气,似乎天巫大神的名气还在水月婷之上,但是水月婷应该已经是成就了圣灵尊位,那么天巫大神岂不也是圣灵级别的存在。 If Sky Witch Great God is existence of Holy Saint rank, how also injured in the hand after phoenix monster. 若是天巫大神圣灵级别的存在,又怎么会在凤凰妖后的手中受伤。 In the Feng Feiyun memory, after seven phoenix monsters, then cultivation base should be the Ascension 9th-layer boundary. 风飞云的记忆之中,七位凤凰妖后当时的修为应该都是羽化第九重的境界。 Even if the physique of phoenix compared with human, absolutely impossible by the Ascension 9th-layer boundary Holy Saint wounding. 就算凤凰的体质比人类强,也绝对不可能以羽化第九重的境界将圣灵给击伤。 What boundary Sky Witch was Great God at that time?” Feng Feiyun asked hastily. 天巫大神当时是什么境界?”风飞云连忙问道。 Nobody knows that he has achieved any boundary, but definitely is a Holy Saint position.” The azure gauze female said. “没有人知道他达到了什么境界,不过肯定位列圣灵尊位。”青纱女子说道。 Feng Feiyun also said: „After that phoenix monster, what boundary is?” 风飞云又道:“那凤凰妖后又是什么境界?” Azure gauze female faint stared at Feng Feiyun one, said: „After seven phoenix monsters, is the characters of merit ginseng good fortune, should the already concise Saint embryo, an achievement Holy Saint position. After any monster is born, can sweep away the world, ten thousand clans worship.” 青纱女子淡淡的盯了风飞云一眼,道:“七位凤凰妖后都是功参造化的人物,应该都已经凝练圣胎,成就圣灵尊位。任何一位妖后出世,都能横扫天下,万族朝拜。” !” “噗!” In the Feng Feiyun mouth a blood has spat, the headache wants to crack, both hands are holding the head, tumbles above the small boat, thrashes own head. 风飞云的口中一口鲜血吐了出去,头痛欲裂,双手抱着头,在小舟之上翻滚,不停的捶打自己的脑袋。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? How can like this? 怎么会这样? After seven phoenix monsters, why is the Holy Saint boundaries? 七位凤凰妖后为何都是圣灵的境界? Why in own memory, after seven phoenix monsters, is the Ascension 9th-layer peak boundaries? 为何在自己的记忆之中,七位凤凰妖后都是羽化第九重巅峰的境界? Why I remember that during the thing, is completely different from the thing that the azure gauze female did narrate? 为何我记忆之中的东西,与青纱女子所讲述的东西完全不一样? Why my previous generation Holy Saint had not seen, any relates the Holy Saint thing not to meet? 为何我前世一个圣灵都没有见到,任何关系圣灵的东西都没有遇到? Why is this? 这到底是为什么? After I Shui Yueting has killed, by Bronze Ancient Vessel is delivered to another world, isn't my original that world? 难道我被水月婷杀了之后,被青铜古船送到了另一个世界,并不是我原来的那个世界? However why all sorts of previous generation, this world also has, radically is the same world. 但是为何前世的种种,这个世界也有,根本就是同一个世界。 The Feng Feiyun headache was fiercer. 风飞云的头痛得更加的厉害了。 You how?” The azure gauze female sits above the small boat, looks the pain is tumbling Feng Feiyun. “你怎么了?”青纱女子坐在小舟之上,看着痛苦翻滚着的风飞云 The azure gauze female extends an ice-cold and thin slippery hand, according to the Feng Feiyun wrist/skill, after long time, opens the double pupil, in body, how to have such chaotic aura? The blood of person, demon blood, the blood of dragon, the bone of phoenix, the soul of phoenix, the soul of dragon............ Thoughts of 108,000 thousand Holy Saint...... God! He can also live unexpectedly now, who is this layout on him?” 青纱女子伸出一只冰冷而细滑的手,按在了风飞云的手腕上,半晌之后,才睁开双眸,“身体之中,怎么会有这么乱的气息?人的血,魔的血,龙的血,凤的骨,凤的魂,龙的魂……还有……还有108000千圣灵的意念……天呐!他居然还能活到现在,这都是谁在他身上布局啊?” In the double pupil of azure gauze female is burning the azure fire, assigns forcefully Feng Feiyun, pair of slender and beautiful white hands, have pressed firmly between the fingers the Feng Feiyun palm, azure fog ran out from her body, have crashed in the body of Feng Feiyun. 青纱女子的双瞳之中燃烧着青火,强行将风飞云给定住,一双纤细而美丽的玉手,捏住了风飞云手掌,一片青色的云雾从她的身体之中冲出,冲进了风飞云的身体。 Circulatory flow of two people double palm relative, azure air currents in two people bodies. 两人双掌相对,青色的气流在两人的身体之中循环流动。 Feng Feiyun gradually is tranquil, so was no longer painful, on the face also restored the blood-color. 风飞云渐渐的平静下来,头不再那么痛了,脸上也恢复了血色。 The azure gauze female all azure rosy cloud air/Qi taking back within the body, has then taken back the exquisite soft white hands, sat has met the bow, was looking at the dark space profoundly, said: You have practiced Phoenix Monster Clan apex calcining body merit law «Undying Phoenix Physique», simultaneously in the body also some dragon blood, in the mind have one group of phoenix souls.” 青纱女子将所有的青色霞气给收回体内,然后又收回了小巧柔软的玉手,坐会了船头,望着深邃了黑暗空间,道:“你修炼了凤凰妖族的顶尖煅体功法《不死凤凰身》,同时身体之中又有龙血,脑海之中还有一团凤凰灵魂。” Why regardless of this is, dragon clan will not see that exists with Half Monster of dragon blood in this world. Phoenix Monster Clan «Undying Phoenix Physique» was truant, will definitely not make this person live in the world. You were give to offend dragon clan and Phoenix Monster Clan, you can live now, was really a miracle.” “无论这是出于什么原因,龙族不会看到有身带龙血的半妖存在于这个世界上。凤凰妖族的《不死凤凰身》被人偷学去,也肯定不会让这人活在世上。你算是将龙族和凤凰妖族都给得罪了,你能够活到现在,真的是一个奇迹。” Both eyes of Feng Feiyun open, in the eye is having several points slightly red, said: „Will you say all these?” 风飞云的双目睁开,眼睛之中带着几分微红,道:“你会将这一切都说出去?” Azure gauze female faintly said: You and I meet by chance, the name does not need to record, why said these.” 青纱女子淡淡的道:“你和我只是萍水相逢,名字都不必记,又何必将这些说出去。” The azure small boat flies in the dark space, probably is general of stay still, but its speed is in fact fast just like light, quick stopped in ruins. 青色的小舟飞在黑暗的空间,就好像是静止不动的一般,但实际上它的速度快得宛如光,很快就在一处废墟之中停了下来。 Here is as before dark, is hard to see up. 这里依旧黑暗,难以见到光。 The azure gauze female the small boat receiving, falling gently gently to an float giant stone above, was looking at the distant place. 青纱女子将小舟给收了起来,轻轻的飘落到一座悬浮的巨石之上,望着远处。 In the end of her vision, the tattered palaces, the left and right is setting up nine giant stone columns, the stone column is thick just like the mountain massif, on the facial cast flood dragon marks, are winding through the scarlet red flame from time to time. 在她目光的尽头,有一座破烂的殿宇,左边和右边都立着九根巨大的石柱,石柱粗得宛如山体,上面盘着一条条蛟纹,时而流过赤红色的火光。 That palace looks like the crustification in the darkness, can only see together the desolate gateway, above is recording the clever mark god chart, the flashing cold glow. 那一座殿宇就像是镶嵌在黑暗之中,只能看到一道苍凉的门户,上面刻录着鬼纹神图,闪动寒芒。 Good piercing cold air!” “好刺骨的寒气!” Feng Feiyun cultivation base is not weak, but actually as before freezing the bone tingles with numbness by here cold air. 风飞云修为并不弱,但是却依旧被这里的寒气给冻得骨头发麻。 The azure gauze female stares at the inscribed horizontal tablet above that leaf of great gate to look that inscribed horizontal tablet likely is common that the blade axe makes, above is chiselling two characters. 青纱女子只是盯着那一扇巨门之上的匾额看,那匾额像是刀斧造出来的一般,上面凿着两个字。 It is not Feng Feiyun has seen any character. 不属于风飞云所见过的任何字。 However, these two characters have one to compel the aura of person, the vision stares in above, the soul probably must by these two characters taking away. 但是,这两个字却带着一股迫人的气息,目光盯在上面,灵魂就好像要被这两个字给收走。 „Isn't here Gate of Death in legend?” “这里不会是传说之中的鬼门关吧?” Feng Feiyun launched Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, the vision just shot on the inscribed horizontal tablet above that great gate, gave a thought to the huge gloom then to rebound from the inscribed horizontal tablet, sends out fierce that howled. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,目光刚刚射到那巨门之上的匾额上,一顾庞大的阴气便从匾额之上反弹了回来,发出呼啸的厉声。 Feng Feiyun gives to open Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain hastily, the body changes into a huge golden silkworm egg, blowing to fly more than 80,000 miles by that cold wind, deep fell into the infinite darkness. 风飞云连忙将金蚕佛域给撑开,身体化为一个巨大的金色蚕卵,被那一股阴风给吹飞了80000多里,深深的陷入了无穷黑暗之中。 When Feng Feiyun flies once more, azure gauze female already stood under a stone column outside huge stone door, the azure gauze clothes fluttered, the long hair was given to curl up by the gloom, the slender body outlined had to concave-convex the beautiful curve in the cold wind. 风飞云再次飞回去的时候,青纱女子已经站在了巨大的石门外的一根石柱下面,青色的纱衣飘飞,长发被阴气给卷起,纤细的身体在阴风之中勾勒出凹凸有致的美丽曲线。 She walks extremely slowly, has thought for a long time, can go out one step. 她走得极其缓慢,想了许久,才能走出一步。 Feng Feiyun actually knows, is nearer to that stone door, more fills the profound and abstruse principles, in the world all rules and magic arts as if here collect, every step steps forward, it is estimated that already took in so to be surely far. 风飞云却知道,离那石门越近,就越是充满玄机,天地之间所有的规则和道法似乎都在这里汇集,每一步跨出,估计都已经迈出了千万里那么远。 The boundary, cannot arrive at outside that stone door. 境界不到,根本都走不到那石门外。 „The future halts.” In tattered stone door spreads a vigorous and hoarse sound. “来者止步。”破烂的石门之中传出一个浑厚而沙哑的声音。 The azure gauze female stops the footsteps, in hand is raising the bamboo basket, the physique is slender, is looking at stone door, said: I sought the soul.” 青纱女子停下脚步,手中提着竹篓,身姿纤细,望着石门,道:“我来求魂。” Nobody can carry off a soul soul from here.” That sound in stone door incomparably ice-cold, does not have a sentiment. “没有人可以从这里带走一魂一魄。”石门之中的那声音无比冰冷,没有一丝感情。 The azure gauze female the bamboo basket raising, in the bamboo basket has small Xue Jiao to hover, likely is a loach, by Xue Jiao blood energy, possibly received exchange a soul?” 青纱女子将竹篓给提起来,竹篓之中有一只小小的血蛟在游动,像是一只泥鳅,“以一条血蛟血气,可能换回一魂?” You were needless saying that went back! In this world any soul that entered this Dao Sect, then not the truth that is possible also to put.” “你不用多说,回去吧!这世上凡是进入了这道门的魂,便不可能还有放回去的道理。” The azure gauze female has placed the ground the bamboo basket, said: Was you have seized her soul obviously, otherwise she not old was so quick, dies early, you were working for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, will encounter should have the retribution.” 青纱女子将竹篓放在了地上,道:“明明是你夺走了她的魂,要不然她不会老的那么快,死得那么早,你这是在假公济私,会遭到该有报应。” Nobody can judge me, you such being the case do not know good from bad, then can die today.” In stone door transmits indifferently, but severe Chen voice. “没有人可以评判我,你既然如此不知好歹,那么今天就可以去死了。”石门之中传来冷漠而厉沉的声音。 The body of azure gauze female full is azure radiance, radiance changed into the flame, the innumerable say/way and topography turned toward her to gather the past, formed a huge halo. 青纱女子的身上满是青色的光华,光华化为了火焰,无数道则和地势都向着她汇聚过去,形成一个巨大的光晕。 Inflation that this halo keeping, finally becomes has the stars to be so big fully. 这光晕在不停的膨胀,最后变得足有星辰那么大。 Like azure stars, but she stands in the center of stars. 像一颗青色的星辰,而她就站在星辰的中央。 Azure stars crazy revolving, raises a dragon volume crazy cloud, is void the rule to give to disrupt during this piece. 青色的星辰疯狂的旋转起来,掀起一片龙卷狂云,将这一片虚空之中的规则都给打乱。 The void disintegration, these float giant stones turn into the powder in abundance. 虚空崩碎,那些悬浮的巨石纷纷变成粉末。 That azure ray, is the great waves above god sea, has swept across one after another, mammoth, extends 100000 miles away. 那青色的光芒,就是神海之上的浪涛,一波一波的席卷了出去,波澜壮阔,延伸到100000里之外。 The peak of that azure halo, a bamboo basket flew, inside Xue Jiao sends out to kill the pig general pitiful yell sound, saves a life! Does not close my matter, I am only a flood dragon......” 那青色的光晕的顶端,一只竹篓飞了出来,里面的血蛟发出杀猪一般的惨叫声,“救命啊!不关我的事,我只是一条蛟而已……” Azure bamboo basket sound. 青色的竹篓“噼噼”的响动。 Bit! 咬碎了! Feng Feiyun changes into a flame, fan the phoenix wing, azure bamboo basket raising. 风飞云化为一道火光,扇着凤凰羽翼,将青色的竹篓给提住。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” A piece of god wave has swept across, several tens of thousands meters high, as if must the body of Feng Feiyun embezzling fully. 一片神浪席卷了过来,足有数万米高,仿佛要将风飞云的身体给吞没。 Feng Feiyun is raising the bamboo basket, changed into a flame, speedily runs away toward the distant place, one instant is ten thousand miles remote, ran away beyond hundreds of thousands of miles, stopped the footsteps. 风飞云提着竹篓,化为了一道火光,向着远处疾速逃遁,一个刹那就是万里之遥,足足逃到了数十万里之外,才停下了脚步。 Looks behind, that piece is flooding azure divine light void, one ** the azure light wave sweeps across in the world, as if the world changing into the sea, anything will have been given to disappear by it. 回望身后,那一片虚空充斥着青色的神光,一**青色的光浪在天地之间席卷,仿佛是将天地给化为了大海,任何东西都将被它给泯灭。 Feng Feiyun together dragon Spirit Stone throwing into that azure light wave, bang! Hard incomparable dragon Spirit Stone by the disintegration, was changed into powder instantaneously. 风飞云将一块龙灵石给扔进那青色的光浪之中,嘭!坚硬无比的龙灵石瞬间就被崩碎,化为了一粒粒粉末。
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