SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1085: Also sees the azure clothes

Mo Yaoyao has simple and beautiful of fairy maiden, there is a beautifulness of fox, that fine jade nose like jade peak, red lip clear book sleek/moist, the milk-white bosom stands tall and erect clearly. 墨瑶瑶有仙子的清丽,也有狐妖的妖艳,那琼鼻就像玉峰,红唇晶莹书润,酥胸高耸圆润。. If changes a person, perhaps at this moment was cancelled the soul by her. 若是换一个人,恐怕此刻都被她勾走了魂。 Feng Feiyun said: I have been very curious, why you will initially appear in Divine Jin Dynasty.” 风飞云道:“我一直很好奇,你当初为何会出现在神晋王朝。” Mo Yaoyao said with a smile: In this world everyone some secrets, resemble you to be the same, your body does not have many secrets, these secrets I should know that you naturally can tell me, I should not know that I asked that you will not tell me.” 墨瑶瑶笑道:“这世上每个人都有一些秘密,就好像你一样,你的身上不也有很多秘密,这些秘密我该知道的,你自然会告诉我,我不该知道的,我就算问了,你也不会告诉我。” Feng Feiyun nodded, says with a smile: Young Lady Mo said the pole pair, friendship pale like water, I took the liberty actually.” 风飞云点了点头,笑道:“墨姑娘说得极对,君子之交淡如水,倒是我冒昧了。” Pours does not take the liberty, this secret can also tell you actually, but must wait last several days.” Mo Yaoyao element is slender, the carrying teacup gently, has drunk tea carefully, the red lip by in the teacup, has filled the ball surname and jade Ze. “倒也不冒昧,这个秘密其实也可以告诉你,不过还得等上几天。”墨瑶瑶的素手纤纤,轻轻的端起茶杯,细细的品茗了一口,红唇挨在茶杯上,充满了弹姓和玉泽。 , Then set out to leave, Mo Yaoyao has delivered her. 了一阵,然后便起身离开,墨瑶瑶将她送了下去。 In the spice jade palace of fox clan the fragrant wind winds around, not only because of here spice, female who because comes to purchase these spices. 狐族的香料玉殿之中香风缭绕,不仅只是因为这里的香料,更因为前來购买这些香料的女子。 As long as is the female, regardless of cultivation base is high, regardless of the status is much arrogant, surely will like to look good. 但凡是女子,无论修为多高,无论身份多傲,都必定会爱美。 Female of beauty-loving, how can also be short decorates itself with the fragrance. 爱美的女子,又怎能少得用芳香來修饰自己。 Female who can come the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, mostly is not the common female, more likes to look good. 能够來丹鼎鬼市的女子,又大多都不是一般的女子,也就越是爱美。 Well, when fox clan black ink recorded came a such beautiful female, before had not actually seen.” Is throwing over the blue long hair, is growing the blue skin, the female of blue eye, is looking at Feng Feiyun and Mo Yaoyao that passes through from the great hall. “咦,狐族墨记什么时候來了这么美丽的一位女子,以前却是从來都沒有见到过。”一个披着蓝色长发,长着蓝色皮肤,蓝色眼睛的女子,望着正从大堂之中走过的风飞云墨瑶瑶 Your she does not know, heard she is greatly a Luo boundary seductress.” “你连她都不知道,听说她乃是大罗界的一位妖女。” Hehe, the female of fox clan, several are not the seductively attractive girls.” “呵呵,狐族的女子,又有几个不是妖女。” But she is actually not the general monster, do not say her, so as to avoid being heard by her.” “但是她却不是一般的妖,还是不要说她了,免得被她听到了。” Also some people asked: „That human of her side is any background, the feeling is also quite good-looking, hehe.” 又有人问道:“那她身边的那个人类又是什么來头,感觉还比较俊俏,呵呵。” That is not human, is only Half Monster.” Is growing three eyes beautiful women, the Feng Feiyun Half Monster status seeing through. “那不是人类,只是一个半妖。”有一个长着三只眼的丽人,将风飞云半妖的身份给识破。 Originally is Half Monster.” “原來是个半妖。” In this jade palace many females interests lack, no longer stares at the vision on the body of Feng Feiyun, even many people reveal the mock the look. 这玉殿之中很多女子都兴趣缺缺,不再将目光盯在风飞云的身上,甚至有不少人露出讥诮的眼神。 Half Monster this living thing, in Human Race, is in Monster Clan, is the humblest synonyms. 半妖这种生物,无论是在人族,还是在妖族,都是最低贱的代名词。 Feng Feiyun already becomes accustomed. 风飞云已经习以为常。 However in these females, the azure gauze female from beginning to end has not actually looked at Feng Feiyun one, she in looking at float sachets above void, regardless of Feng Feiyun is the handsome Human Race youngster, is humble base and low Half Monster, as if cannot make her have the slightest bit attention. 但是在这些女子之中,却有一个青纱女子从始至终都沒有看风飞云一眼,她只是在看悬浮在虚空之上的一个个香囊,无论风飞云是俊朗的人族少年,还是低贱卑微的半妖,似乎都不能让她产生半分注意力。 On her the azure gauze is very thin, some wrinkled post on the body, is passing the jade waist, some appear dim, has filled the mysterious air/Qi. 她身上的青纱很薄,有的皱巴巴的贴在身体上,透着玉色的腰,有的又显得朦朦胧胧,充满了神秘之气。 Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps, stared at vision on her body. 风飞云停下了脚步,将目光盯在了她的身上。 Also saw her. 又见到了她。 Mo Yaoyao looked following the Feng Feiyun vision, covers the mouth to smile, said: You will not have a liking for her.” 墨瑶瑶顺着风飞云的目光看了过去,掩嘴嗤嗤一笑,道:“你不会看上她了吧。” „A man has a liking for a pretty woman, this is not a very normal matter.” “一个男人看上一个漂亮的女人,这不是一件很正常的事。” Mo Yaoyao said with a smile: In this jade palace the attractive female little said that also eight and nine, including have the angel to descend to earth the same beautiful appearance, why you had a liking for her.” 墨瑶瑶笑道:“这玉殿之中漂亮的女子少说也有八、九个,其中有的更是有天仙下凡一样的美貌,你为何就偏偏看上了她。” Feng Feiyun said: „The beautiful woman in this world are always many, but can not ridicule Half Monster are not many.” 风飞云道:“这世上的美人总是不少,但是能够不嘲笑半妖的却不多。” I may result in remind you, she has not ridiculed Half Monster, not necessarily will actually think highly of Half Monster.” Mo Yaoyao said. “那我可得提醒你了,她沒有嘲笑半妖,却也不见得会看得起半妖。”墨瑶瑶道。 That azure gauze female is choosing the sachet as before, the vision is clear, not by the matter disturbance of outside. 那青纱女子依旧在挑选香囊,目光澄澈,并不被外界的事干扰。 Feng Feiyun has put in order the front piece, smiled, then has arrived at that azure gauze female, said with a smile: Actually beautiful woman like girl, even if not use the sachet, equally beautiful moving, nobody can.” 风飞云整了整衣襟,笑了笑,然后走到了那青纱女子的身后,笑道:“其实像姑娘这样的美人,就算不用香囊,也一样美丽动人,无人能及。” That azure gauze female hears the Feng Feiyun sound, has turned the head, stared at his one eyes, does not have any mood, then at will a sachet will give to take down, pinches during the slender jade has referred, then inquired Mo Yaoyao, many Spirit Stone.” 那青纱女子听到风飞云的声音,转过头,盯了他一眼,不带任何情绪,然后随意将其中一个香囊给取下來,捏在了纤细的玉指之中,然后询问墨瑶瑶,“多少灵石。” Mo Yaoyao sees Feng Feiyun to admit defeat, then smiled, said: 500 Spirit Stone.” 墨瑶瑶风飞云吃瘪,便是笑了笑,道:“500界灵石。” I gave for her.” Feng Feiyun takes out five dragon Spirit Stone, first one step has handed over in the hand of Mo Yaoyao. “我替她给了。”风飞云取出五枚龙灵石,抢先一步交到了墨瑶瑶的手中。 Mo Yaoyao naturally accepted Feng Feiyun Spirit Stone, said with a smile: Now looks like you such natural man really not to be many, refuels Oh.” 墨瑶瑶自然是将风飞云灵石收下了,笑道:“现在像你这么大方的男子还真不多,加油。” The black eyebrow coloring eyebrow of that azure gauze female wrinkled the wrinkle slightly, stared at Feng Feiyun one once more, then slowly went out of the fox clan spice jade palace, enters the stream of people shuttle on the nighttime market street. 那青纱女子的黛眉微微皱了皱,再次盯了风飞云一眼,然后便徐徐的走出了狐族香料玉殿,走进人流穿梭的鬼市街道上。 The nighttime market street is very dim, like the night field track. 鬼市的街道十分昏暗,就像夜间的田野小道。 Occasionally, will have some cloudy corpses and ghosts to pass through evilly, the appearance is fierce, is very scary. 偶尔,会有一些阴尸、鬼邪走过,长相狰狞,十分骇人。 This nighttime market is not only the place that various clan powerhouses trade, is some greatly ominously greatly wicked seeking asylum places. 这鬼市不仅是各族强者交易的地方,也是一些大凶大恶的避难地。 Because of so, therefore the nighttime market were many several points of gloomy terrifying, are many for several points to stimulate. 正是因为如此,所以鬼市才多了几分阴森恐怖,同时也多了几分刺激。 You are best to leave again with me, I do not have the favorable impression to human.” Azure gauze female icy saying. “你最好别再跟着我,我对人类沒有好感。”青纱女子冷冰冰的说道。 Feng Feiyun follows in her, at the back of both hands the line, said with a smile: First, I can only be Half Monster, next, we happen to the way.” 风飞云就跟在她的身后,背着双手而行,笑道:“首先,我只能算是一个半妖,其次,我们正好顺路。” The azure gauze female no longer pays attention to Feng Feiyun, only works as this is a bored person. 青纱女子不再理会风飞云,只当这是一个无聊的人。 In the darkness, goes out of six body tall and strong wolf clan big monsters, the height two zhang (3.33 m), has the body of human, actually grows the head of wolf, both eyes is sending out the bone green ray, azure gauze female encircling in center. 黑暗之中,走出六个身躯魁梧的狼族大妖,身高两丈,有着人类的身体,却长着狼的头颅,双眼发出骨绿绿的光芒,将青纱女子给围在了中央。 Haha, Big Brother, this young girl dares a person to come the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market unexpectedly, she really does not know here dangerously.” “哈哈,大哥,这个小妞竟然敢一个人來丹鼎鬼市,她真是不知道这里有多危险。” We told her here dangerously.” “那我们就告诉她这里到底有多危险。” And a wolf clan big monster extends the furry hand to hug the waist of azure gauze female, but that soft slender crisp waist has not actually fallen into his hand, touches is actually a man. 其中一个狼族大妖伸出毛茸茸的手就去搂青纱女子的腰,但是那柔软纤细的酥腰却并沒有落入他的手中,摸到的却是一个男人。 This man naturally is Feng Feiyun. 这个男人自然是风飞云 Wolf clan big monster look immediately ice-cold, has taken back the hand, the sinking sound said: Damn Half Monster, boils to me.” 狼族大妖的眼神顿时冰冷起來,收回了手,沉声道:“一个该死的半妖,给我滚开。” Feng Feiyun is holding both hands, said with a smile: What should boil is you, my several three, if you have not rolled to me, I break your hands, breaks your legs again.” 风飞云抱着双手,笑道:“该滚开的是你们,我数三声,若是你们还不给我滚,我就打断你们的手,再打断你们的腿。” Hateful.” “可恶。” Two wolf clan big monsters roared, simultaneously attacked to Feng Feiyun, but has not moistened to the Feng Feiyun lower hem corner, was hit to fly by Feng Feiyun, two sturdy arms by disjunction stiffly. 两个狼族大妖咆哮一声,同时向风飞云攻击过來,但是还沒有沾到风飞云的衣角,就被风飞云打飞了回去,两条粗壮的手臂被硬生生的折断。 Very powerful big Half Monster. 好强大的半妖 The big monster of that six wolf clans saw that Feng Feiyun is not affable, retreated hastily, vanishes in the darkness. 那六个狼族的大妖都看出风飞云不好惹,连忙退走了,消失在黑暗之中。 That azure gauze female stands in Feng Feiyun, in a pair of eyes pupil is leading several points of strange Cai, in the pupil presents the shadow of two groups of azure flame: You want to do.” 那一个青纱女子就站在风飞云的身后,一双眼眸之中带着几分奇彩,瞳孔之中呈现出两团青色火焰的影子:“你到底想要干什么。” Feng Feiyun said: I am helping you destroy person, naturally I also know that by cultivation base of girl, does not need me to help, degenerate but who this type does not know the good and evil likely, if also needs the girl you to get rid personally, dirty the white hands of girl.” 风飞云道:“我在帮你打坏人,当然我也知道以姑娘的修为,根本不需要我帮助,只是像这种不识好歹的败类,若还需要姑娘你亲自出手,岂不是脏了姑娘的玉手。” You want to help me destroy the person.” The azure gauze female said. “你真的想要帮我打坏人。”青纱女子道。 Feng Feiyun said: Naturally.” 风飞云道:“当然。” The azure gauze female said: Good, I am just about to deal with an bad person now, but I also did not have many assurance to cope with him.” 青纱女子道:“那好吧,我现在正要去对付一个坏人,但我又沒有多少把握能够对付得了他。” How I need to help you.” Feng Feiyun said. “那我需要怎么帮你。”风飞云道。 The azure gauze female said: If I died, you gather up dead bodies for me.” 青纱女子道:“若是我死了,你为我收尸。” The azure gauze female draws on a azure small boat, she and Feng Feiyun arrives above the small boat, the small boat flies immediately, then turns toward in the darkness to fly. 青纱女子招來一条青色的小舟,她和风飞云都走到小舟之上,小舟立即飞起,然后向着黑暗之中飞去。 This small boat only has three meters probably, is very narrow, Feng Feiyun cannot judge this is with the boat that any material quality sacrifice refining up becomes, is very special, likely is the wood/blockhead, but is Feng Feiyun has not seen the wood/blockhead \; Is the metal, Feng Feiyun has not seen this metal likely \; Is the stone carves likely, Feng Feiyun has not seen this type of stone. 这小舟大概只有三米长,也很狭窄,风飞云也判断不出这是用什么材质祭炼而成的舟,十分特殊,像是木头,但又是风飞云从來都沒有见过的木头\;像是金属,风飞云也从來沒有见过这种金属\;像是石头雕成,风飞云也从來沒有见过这种石头。 The boat is very small, two people leave very nearly, Feng Feiyun smells gently, as if can smell the body that on her sends out to be fragrant, even can feel on her the azure gauze to flutter on own face. 舟很小,两人离得很近,风飞云轻轻一嗅,仿佛都能闻到她身上散发出來的体香,甚至能够感受到她身上的青纱飘到了自己的脸上。 Feng Feiyun looked down above oneself pointed at Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring, above pulled refers to which ancient Chinese characters flashing slightly, sent out a faint trace bright. 风飞云低头看了看自己手指之上的淼鬼扳指,扳指之上的其中一个古字微微闪动着,发出一丝丝亮光。 The Feng Feiyun vision concentrates, then Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring receiving in dantian, has put above Bronze Ancient Vessel. 风飞云的目光一凝,然后将淼鬼扳指给收到了丹田之中,放到了青铜古船之上。 In that blood river bank of day ghost, Feng Feiyun first time sees this azure gauze female the time, Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring is flashing, but forcefully had actually been suppressed by Feng Feiyun. 在天鬼界的那一条血河畔,风飞云第一次见到这个青纱女子的时候,淼鬼扳指就在闪动,但是却被风飞云强行的镇压了下來。 After Feng Feiyun boards this small boat, the ray above Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring almost quickly cannot suppress, he can only put above Bronze Ancient Vessel it, covers its above aura with Bronze Ancient Vessel. 风飞云登上这一只小舟之后,淼鬼扳指之上的光芒几乎都快镇压不住,他只能将它放到了青铜古船之上,用青铜古船來掩盖它上面的气息。 Feng Feiyun sits at the end of small boat, lowering the head slightly, saw to hang the bamboo basket on bow, inside emitted the faint red light, inside had a scarlet red small flood dragon to fly. 风飞云坐在小舟的尾部,微微的低头,就看见了挂在船头上的竹篓,里面发出淡淡的红光,里面有一条赤红色的小蛟在飞。 Then, Feng Feiyun stared at the vision on the body of azure gauze female, carefully looks at her beautiful woman immortal face, the eyebrow clear fragrant nature, has not undergone the beautification, has not passed through to be able outlining, but also was neat serenely and beautifully, drew it pretty was more beautiful. 然后,风飞云又将目光盯在了青纱女子的身上,仔细的看着她的那一张倾城仙颜,眉毛清馨自然,沒有经过修饰,也沒有经过可以的勾画,但是却又整齐幽美,比之画上去的貌美更美。 Her flesh is glittering and translucent carving, fair moving, looks like the beautiful jade carving becomes. 她的肌肤晶莹剔透,白皙动人,就像是美玉雕成。 The common beautiful woman, had a liking for one is very shocking, looks for a long time, rather will be bored. 一般的美女,看上一眼会很惊艳,看久了,未免就会腻烦。 However azure gauze female, makes the life leave more looked thoughts that more wants to look, looks like forever looks does not tire, does not look greasily. 但是青纱女子,却让人生出越看越想看的心思,就像是永远都看不厌,看不腻。 The azure gauze female notes the Feng Feiyun vision, stared at his one eyes slightly, she was not as if talkative, has thought the moment, found the topic, your Human Race has had but actually also some unparalleled characters, including might be called is indomitable spirit.” 青纱女子注意到风飞云的目光,微微的盯了他一眼,她似乎并不健谈,想了片刻,才找到话題,“你们人族倒也出过一些盖世人物,其中有一些堪称顶天立地。” Feng Feiyun stares at her to look, says with a smile: Each clan can survive, definitely will have the powerhouse who some can haunch a day.” 风飞云只是盯着她看,笑道:“每一族能够生存下來,都必然会有一些能够撑起一片天的强者。” The azure gauze female said: In recent years, Human Race had an earthshaking character actually, making Antique Saint Monster Clan urgently await.” 青纱女子道:“近年來,人族倒是出了一个惊天动地的人物,让太古圣妖族都为之亟待。” The Feng Feiyun look somewhat is at once cloudy, but also flashes to pass, said: Holy Spirit, Shui Yueting.” 风飞云的眼神旋即有些阴沉,不过也是一闪而逝,道:“圣神,水月婷。” No, is Sky Witch Great God.” The azure gauze female said. “不,是天巫大神。”青纱女子道。
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