SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1084: Nighttime market old friend

Dim light of night slightly cool, the blood river flows. 夜色微凉,血河流淌。 The mist is thick, the beautiful woman crosses the boat, in a water side. 雾气浓浓,美人渡舟,在水一方。 Feng Feiyun loud calling out: Girl, this river bank is dangerous, feared that has the cultivation base profound ominous evil conceals in the river bottom, you may are more careful.” 风飞云大声的叫道:“姑娘,这条河上危险得很,怕是有修为高深的凶邪藏在河底,你可要小心些。” On the river surface, the singing sound stops. 河面上,歌声停下。 Azure gauze female of that putting on turns around slightly, stared at Feng Feiyun one from afar, the double pupil is bright, in the pupil has two groups of azure flame, then continued to paddle the small boat to walk. 那个穿上的青纱女子微微转身,远远的盯了风飞云一眼,双眸明亮,瞳孔之中有两团青色的火焰,然后便继续划动小舟行走了。 The melodious sound, conveys from the small boat, her sound is very beautiful, small and weak human, this place is not the place that you should come, where comes, where goes back.” 悠扬的声音,从小舟之上传來,她的声音很美,“弱小的人类,这地方不是你该來的地方,从哪里來,就从哪里回去吧。” Mao Wugui and Mao Laoshi have laughed, others girls do not buy the Feng Feiyun account. 茅乌龟茅老实都哈哈大笑了起來,人家姑娘根本就不买风飞云的账。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” Above the blood river, raises the giant vortex, most starts also be only diameter one meter, has then been ten meters and hundred meters and kilometers...... 血河之上,掀起巨大的漩涡,最开始还只有直径一米,然后达到了十米、百米、千米…… The small boat wanders in the surrounding of blood river, from time to time was raised by the great waves to several hundred meters high wave end, from time to time sinks to several hundred meters deep bottom, is momentarily must tilt likely, by spray ripping fragment. 小舟就游荡在血河的外围,时而被浪涛掀到数百米高的浪端,时而又沉入数百米深的底部,像是随时都要倾覆,被浪花给撕成碎片。 Bang.” “轰。” The center of that vortex, departs a blood red flood dragon, the body is sturdy, the scale is bigger than the dust pan, the body has 80 miles to be long fully. 那漩涡的中心,飞出一头血红色的蛟,身体粗壮,鳞片比簸箕还要大,身体足有80里长。 In the mouth of flood dragon sends out a long and loud cry, resounds through the nighttime sky, the evil spirit that these shouted was roared by this flood dragon shaking is frightened out of one's wits, turbulent Monster Qi stuffs the void, innumerable truth and rule gathers to its body. 蛟的口中发出一声长啸,响彻夜空,那些正在嘶吼的厉鬼都被这一声蛟吼给震得魂飞魄散,一股汹涌的妖气充塞虚空,无数的道理和规则都向它身体之中汇聚。 In this river really has Xue Jiao.” The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, although already had the sensation to the river in ominously occupies evilly, but as before by this Xue Jiao aura fearing. “这河里面竟然有一头血蛟。”风飞云的脸色一变,虽然早就感知到河里面有凶邪盘踞,但是依旧被这头血蛟的气息给惊住。 Xue Jiao Monster Clan is one of the Antique Saint Monster Clan, the innate physique is very formidable, exceeds others in ability the kind, especially their bloodthirsty becomes second nature, blood energy is more formidable than other Monster Clan. 血蛟妖族乃是太古圣妖族之一,先天体质就很强大,远超人类,特别是它们嗜血成性,血气远比别的妖族强大。 This Xue Jiao cultivation base is extremely formidable, is not the general Ascension boundary so is absolutely simple, has the earth-shaking magical powers. 这一条血蛟修为极其强大,绝对不是一般羽化境那么简单,有翻天覆地的神通。 Feng Feiyun made the symbol give to take out that -and-a-half Saint, this -and-a-half Saints made above the symbol already have nine slits, can only use again one time. 风飞云将那一张半圣令符给取出,这一张半圣令符之上已经有九条缝隙,只能再用一次。 He planned that uses this -and-a-half Saints to make the last time opportunity of symbol, that azure gauze female rescuing. 他打算使用这一张半圣令符的最后一次的机会,将那个青纱女子给救回來。 That azure gauze female sits above small boat, how sweeping across to great waves, she sits as before well organized, is flying Xue Jiao above the vault of heaven to look at one to that said: Punctures the flood dragon king, when you must run away.” 那青纱女子坐在小舟之上,任凭浪涛如何的席卷,她依旧坐得四平八稳,对着那飞在天穹之上血蛟看一眼,道:“刺蛟王,你还要逃到何时呢。” Azure clothes, this King already has hidden for 300 years in this blood river, you looked, you have gone too far, today we fight to the death.” “青衣,本王已经在这血河之中藏了300年,你还是找來了,你欺人太甚了,今天我们就决一死战吧。” Punctures flood dragon king to cry loud and long, in the mouth puts out a sea of fire, instantaneously the blood river evaporating, ten thousand miles earth burns the flaming flame, the rock and mountain massif burns, quick changed into the magma. 刺蛟王长啸一声,口中吐出一片火海,瞬间就将血河给蒸发掉,万里大地燃烧去熊熊火焰,岩石和山体都燃烧起來,很快就化为了岩浆。 This thorn flood dragon king is a Monster Clan King, any existence that can confer the title of prince upon in Monster Clan, endures compared with the human tribal group in Great Sage, has the earthshaking magical powers, let alone punctures the flood dragon king or Antique Saint Monster Clan, is more formidable than it general monster king. 这个刺蛟王乃是一个妖族的王者,凡是能够在妖族封王的存在,都堪比人类族群之中的“大贤者”,都有惊天动地的神通,更何况刺蛟王还是太古圣妖族,比之一般的妖王更加强大。 Mother, on this day ghost is really not the place that the person treats, within one day saw two monster kings, powerhouse how these many.” Mao Wugui shouted abuse, sits in carrying on the back of Sacred Fruit, escaped by far, pill by a mountain of collapse pounding on the body, buried in earth. “妈的,这天鬼界真不是人待的地方,一天之内见到两尊妖王了,强者怎么这么多。”茅乌龟破口大骂,坐在圣实果的背上,远远逃开,丹还是被一座倒塌的大山给砸在身上,埋进土里。 That azure clothes female stands above the small boat, slowly extends a slender hand, will puncture the flood dragon king seizing directly, like seizing a loach is ordinary. 那青衣女子站在小舟之上,缓缓的伸出一只纤细的手,直接将刺蛟王给擒住,就像擒住一条泥鳅一般。 Punctures the body of flood dragon king changes is unceasingly small, finally really becomes, only then the loach is so long, is all over the body red, sends out the flame, by azure clothes female loading into a bamboo basket, hung on the bow. 刺蛟王的身体不断变小,最后真的变得只有泥鳅那么长,通体赤红,散发出火光,被青衣女子给装进了一个竹篓里面,挂在了船头上。 The small boat flies, flies above mist, vanishes in the curtain of night. 小舟飞起,飞在云烟之上,消失在夜幕之中。 In the Feng Feiyun hand pinches half Saint to make the symbol, looks direction that small boat is flying away, touches the chin, for a very long time, smiling of the interest lacks, then made the symbol receiving half Saint. 风飞云手中捏着半圣令符,望着那小舟飞走的方向,摸了摸下巴,久久之后才兴致缺缺的笑了笑,然后将半圣令符给收了起來。 Haha, Feng Feiyun, you want the hero to rescue beautiful, has not actually thought that others are fiercer than you, then knows in this world many women is very actually formidable, does not need the man to rescue.” Mao Wugui crawled from the soil, has shaken the body, exposes the silt on the ground. “哈哈,风飞云,你想要英雄救美,却沒有想到别人比你都要厉害,这下知道这世上很多女人其实都很强大,并不需要男人來救。”茅乌龟从泥土之中爬了出來,抖了抖身体,将泥沙抖落在地上。 She is a woman. ” 她是女人。” She is a man is inadequate.” Mao Wugui said. “难道她还是一个男人不成。”茅乌龟道。 Mao Laoshi also drills from the soil, said: If a man, uncle will not stare absolutely that for a long time.” 茅老实也从泥土之中钻出來,道:“若是一个男人,二大爷绝对不会盯那么久。” Feng Feiyun said: She is a female monster.” 风飞云道:“她是一个女妖。” Female monster, how I have not felt Monster Qi on her body.” Mao Wugui surprised say/way. “女妖,我怎么沒有在她的身上感觉到妖气。”茅乌龟惊讶道。 Feng Feiyun has also revealed the color/look of thinking deeply, but shook the head finally. 风飞云也露出了深思之色,但最终还是摇了摇头。 Crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, not in ground, but in underground. 丹鼎鬼市,并不在地面上,而是在地下。 If a person first time goes to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, perhaps spends for several hundred years, could not find the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market the entrance. 一个人若是第一次去丹鼎鬼市,说不定花费几百年的时间,都找不到丹鼎鬼市的入口。 Common people said that day ghost is to the hell recent place, they actually do not know that the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market leaves the hell to be nearer.” “世人都说天鬼界乃是离地狱最近的地方,他们却不知道丹鼎鬼市离地狱更近。” Feng Feiyun walks in a jet black space, in this jet black space has a narrow float road, has extended to the dark deep place, goes nonstop to the hell likely. 风飞云走在一个漆黑空间之中,这漆黑的空间中有一条狭窄的悬浮路,一直延伸向黑暗的深处,像是直通地狱。 This road naturally does not lead to the hell, but is the channel bottom crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market. 这条路自然不是通往地狱,而是通道地底的丹鼎鬼市。 If you think that the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market buries in the day ghost place bottom, you made a mistake. 若是你认为丹鼎鬼市就埋在天鬼界的地底,那你又错了。 The Ascension sage who once, came to seek for the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, the bottom will have thrown eight thousand li (500 km) depth, crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market digging. 曾经,有一位前來寻找丹鼎鬼市的羽化贤者,将地底抛了八千里深,也沒有将丹鼎鬼市给挖到。 In brief, this is an incomparably mysterious place, ancient times these Holy Saint of time, what existence did not understand this is. 总而言之,这是一处无比神秘的地方,就连远古时期的那些圣灵,都弄不懂这到底是一处什么样的存在。 Quick, the front road were getting more and more, the member on road were also getting more and more, from the line, the major Monster Clan member has in all directions, even some cloudy evil member, do not have the entity, is a wisp of ghost flies likely generally in airborne. 很快,前面的路越來越多了,路上的修士也越來越多了,从四面八方行來,各大妖族的修士都有,甚至有一些阴邪修士,并沒有实体,像是一缕鬼魂一般飞在空中。 Wants the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, first pays wormhole Spirit Stone.” One crowd is binding the blood robe, passes the blood energy member, the hand is grasping the long halberd, stands outside the nighttime market front door. “想要进丹鼎鬼市,先交纳一枚虫洞灵石。”一群裹着血袍,透着血气的修士,手握长戟,站在鬼市的大门外。 This group of blood blister member, does not know that is what existence, in any case inhuman is not the monster, to person a formidable constriction. 这一群血泡修士,也不知是什么样的存在,反正非人也非妖,给人一种强大的压迫感。 Arrived at the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, even if these Monster Clan King, Human Race nobility master, must according to here custom management, everyone not dare to cause trouble. 來到了丹鼎鬼市,就算是那些妖族的王者,人族的爵爷,也都要按照这里的规矩办事,谁都不敢生事。 Feng Feiyun has paid wormhole Spirit Stone, then, entered the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market. 风飞云缴纳了一枚虫洞灵石,然后,走进了丹鼎鬼市。 This nighttime market, the Feng Feiyun previous generation has come, but already passed for more than 10,000 years, already the thing was the person not. 这一座鬼市,风飞云前世就來过,只是已经过去了10000多年,早已物是人非。 This is from the dragon clan treasure that year delivers, your excellency, or comes to have a look.” An old ghost stands outside of haunted house, clothes robe is rotten, in the clothes robe is crossing one group of black fog, the hair following float this group of spirit fires. “这是从至岁界送过來的龙族瑰宝,阁下,要不进來看看。”一个老鬼站在鬼屋的外面,身上的衣袍腐烂,衣袍之中过着一团黑雾,头发下面悬浮这一团幽灵火。 In the old ghost illusory hand, pinches a wood/blockhead, above the wood/blockhead is growing dragon scales, sends out the faint delicate fragrance. 老鬼虚幻的手中,捏着一块木头,木头之上长着一块块龙鳞,散发出淡淡的清香。 Feng Feiyun shot a look at one merely, sees that quick wood/blockhead in old clever hand is ten thousand years of dragon wood, only then produces to year, but the quality is too bad, in the range of Feng Feiyun consideration, did not look at one, directly leaves. 风飞云仅仅只是瞥了一眼,就看出老鬼手中的那快木头乃是“万年龙木”,只有至岁界才有产,不过品质太差,不在风飞云考虑的范围之内,看了一眼,就径直离开。 „The spice of big Luo Jiehu clan, the Human Race little brother must come to see, so long as slightly sprinkles little on the body, can maintain the body millennium delicate fragrances, buys, gives female who oneself admire.” Is growing a young seductress of small tail, stands in the jade step, wears sexy pink Qiu clothes, the snow white milk-white bosom almost must push from Qiu clothes. “大罗界狐族的香料,人族的小兄弟要不要來看看,只要稍稍的洒一点点在身上,就能维持身体千年清香,买一点,送给自己心仪的女子吧。”一个长着一条小尾巴的小狐狸精,站在玉阶上,穿着性感的粉色裘衣,雪白的酥胸几乎要从裘衣之中挤出來了。 Her body is sending out the faint delicate fragrance, the long eyelash keeps blinking, gave to cancel the souls of many member. 她的身上散发着淡淡的幽香,长长的睫毛不停眨巴,将很多修士的魂都给勾了过去。 Feng Feiyun interested walked, hung the young seductress in several sachets takes to smell smelling, suddenly, has pressed firmly between the fingers a sachet, said with a smile: This fragrance, where I have smelled probably.” 风飞云饶有兴趣的走了过去,将小狐狸精挂在身上的几个香囊都拿起來嗅了嗅,突然,捏住了其中一个香囊,笑道:“这个香味,我好像在哪里闻到过。” Is here.” “是不是在这里啊。” A female of wear white fox fur coat goes out from the jade palace, black sends pulling with the White Jade hairpin, in the hand hugs a snow white furry pug-dog, the jade waist is swinging, the going down stair slowly, stood in Feng Feiyun. 一个穿着白色狐裘的女子从玉殿之中走出,黑色的发丝用白玉簪子给挽着,手中抱着一只雪白的毛茸茸的狮子狗,玉腰摇摆,徐徐的走下台阶,站在了风飞云的身后。 That pug-dog also languid lying in her bosom, suddenly gained ground, becomes very energetic. 那一只狮子狗原本还懒洋洋的卧在她的怀里,突然抬起头來,变得很精神。 The young seductress saw this female who goes out of after the jade palace, at once was good a ritual. 小狐狸精见到这个从玉殿之中走出的女子之后,旋即行了一礼。 Feng Feiyun is infatuated with this fragrance, closes the eye, has turned around, smelled smelling on the body of that female, the corners of the mouth has emerged a happy expression to come, antipode, the antipode, was this fragrance.” 风飞云对这股香味十分陶醉,闭上眼睛,转身过,在那女子的身上嗅了嗅,嘴角浮出一丝笑意來,“对极,对极,就是这一股香味。” Feng Feiyun opens the eye, the vision fell on the Mo Yaoyao chest place, somewhat is at once awkward, raised the head hastily, laughs, said: Horizon where does not have the friend, arrives at the nighttime market also to see the old friend, but also was really wonderful.” 风飞云睁开眼睛,目光就落在了墨瑶瑶的胸口处,旋即有些尴尬起來,连忙抬起头,哈哈一笑,道:“天涯何处无知己,來到鬼市也能见到故人,还真是奇了。” In the Mo Yaoyao eye pupil full flatters the silk, the flesh is glittering and translucent carving, just like that beginning the early morning honey peach, in the red lip puts out a faint delicate fragrance, said: Divine Jin Dynasty leaves, several years, how you ran up to the nighttime market to come suddenly.” 墨瑶瑶眼眸之中满是媚丝,肌肤晶莹剔透,宛如那初晨的水蜜桃,红唇之中吐出一口淡淡的幽香,道:“神晋王朝一别,也有好几年了,你怎么突然就跑到鬼市來了。” The surroundings have many member to look vision, but they were given the attraction by the Mo Yaoyao charming beautiful appearance, but not because of Feng Feiyun this Human Race boy. 周围有很多修士都将目光望过來,不过他们都是被墨瑶瑶的娇媚美貌给吸引,而不是因为风飞云这个人族小子。 Naturally also some people ridicule, thought that this human boy definitely by the fox clan seductive women attracting, later certainly to have probably be deceived the stony broke. 当然也有人讥笑,觉得这个人类小子肯定是被狐族妖姬给魅惑住了,待会肯定是要被骗得身无分文。 Feng Feiyun naturally felt that the vision of these people, said with a smile: Or we borrow a speech.” 风飞云自然都感觉到了这些人的目光,笑道:“要不我们还是借一步说话。” Mo Yaoyao to smile, said: Why.” 墨瑶瑶呲呲一笑,道:“为什么呢。” You did not think that I with you said again several words, then some people will kill me.” Feng Feiyun said. “难道你不觉得我再和你多说几句话,便会有人來杀我。”风飞云道。 Mo Yaoyao smiles charming, gives the fan to turn the big piece member on nighttime market street. 墨瑶瑶笑得更加迷人,将鬼市街道上的大片修士都给迷翻。 She brings Feng Feiyun to enter above the pavilion of spice jade palace, has an appearance charming young seductress to carry a copper teacup, puts the Feng Feiyun front, is making eyes at to Feng Feiyun, Feng Feiyun has no scruples, has pinched on the tail of that young seductress, that young seductress looks like a frightened rabbit immediately, blushes running away to walk. 她带着风飞云进入香料玉殿的楼阁之上,自有一位样貌迷人的小狐狸精端着一个赤铜茶杯,放到风飞云的面前,对着风飞云暗送秋波,风飞云毫无顾忌,在那小狐狸精的尾巴上捏了一把,那小狐狸精顿时像一只受惊的兔子,红着脸“逃”走了。 On the same day Yama and Demoness have fought, has destroyed Five Great Dynasties most probably, I look at them to hit vigorously, as if am not needing me to help, therefore I first walked.” The matter that Mo Yaoyao at that time Divine Jin Dynasty will then have, said on and on to the Feng Feiyun hear, on the fine and gentle face, was having the smiling face throughout. “当日阎王女魔战了起來,将五大王朝毁灭了大半,我看他们打得正起劲,似乎也不需要我帮忙,于是我就先走了。”墨瑶瑶接着将当时神晋王朝发生的事,娓娓讲给风飞云听,精致而柔媚的脸上,始终都带着笑容。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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