SV :: Volume #8 鬼市迷情

#1083: Two hawk Mao Re calamities

The sunlight beautiful day, above the sky-blue sky, is fluttering several sluggish white clouds. 正是阳光明媚的日子,蔚蓝色的天空之上,飘着几朵懒散的白云。 Above the mountain range of standing tall and erect, a black hawk launches the both wings, hovers above the sky, the wing has three zhang (3.33 m) width fully, the feathers send out the metal general gloss, a keen eye bird's eye view the earth, is being is searching the prey likely. 高耸的山峦之上,一只黑鹰展开双翅,在天空之上翱翔,翅膀足有三丈宽,毛羽发出金属一般的光泽,一双敏锐的眼睛俯瞰着大地,像是在寻觅猎物。 At this time, a giant shadow, appeared above its top of the head. 这时,一个巨大的黑影,出现在它的头顶上方。 Is a giant palm. 是一只巨大的手掌。 In the eye of black hawk flashes through the panic-stricken look, fierce struggling, but finally by that great hand seizing. 黑鹰的眼中闪过惊恐的神色,剧烈的挣扎,但是最终还是被那一只巨手给擒住。 Then, was seized one float above the clever ship above vault of heaven. 然后,被捉回一艘悬浮在天穹之上的鬼船之上。 Haha, for a long time has not broken a meatless fast, this hawk is actually fat, does the saintess, you eat.” “哈哈,好久沒有开荤了,这只鹰儿倒是肥,圣女,你吃不吃。” Above crystal red clever ship, Feng Feiyun both hands give to hold down the black hawk, must pull out its wool. 晶红鬼船之上,风飞云双手将黑鹰给按住,就要去拔它身上的毛。 This black hawk struggles unceasingly, the squeal that actually sends out the female, suddenly, turned into a 13 and four -year-old young girl, black armor was torn into shreds two bulks, reveals two bulk snow white skins. 这只黑鹰不断挣扎,却发出女子的尖叫声,突然,变成了一个13、四岁的少女,身上的黑色铠甲都被撕碎了两大块,露出两大块雪白的皮肤。 Bold, your human member is too extremely arrogant, but here day ghost, you, if dares to eat me, our brightness hawk Monster Clan powerhouse will hit your god shape entirely to extinguish.” The young girls closely are covering the chest, shrinks one group, is wrinkling the eyebrow, somewhat timid is staring at Feng Feiyun. “大胆,你们人类修士实在太狂妄,这里可是天鬼界,你若是敢吃我,我们慧鹰妖族的强者会打得你神形俱灭。”少女紧紧的捂着胸口,缩成一团,皱着眉毛,有些怯弱的盯着风飞云 Two hawk wools that in the hand of Feng Feiyun pulls, turn into two shatter armor, some being in a daze stared at this young girl one eyes, two pieces of armor losing on the ground, said with a smile: Haha, originally already entered day of ghost.” 风飞云的手中扯下來的两根鹰毛,变成两块破碎的铠甲,有些发愣的盯了这个少女一眼,将两片铠甲给丢在了地上,笑道:“哈哈,原來都已经进入了天鬼界。” The young girl sees Feng Feiyun not to do things recklessly to her again, then changed into a black hawk, departed the crystal red clever ship. 那少女见风飞云沒有再对她毛手毛脚,便又化为了一只黑色的鹰,飞出了晶红鬼船。 The meat of Feng Feiyun to female monster, the big interest, then has not put actually her to depart. 风飞云对女妖的肉,倒是沒有多大兴趣,便放她离去。 The black hawk circles in the place above of crystal red clever ship, in sharp hawk is bringing strong mean, then flies like the cloud layer, vanishes does not see. 黑鹰盘旋在晶红鬼船的上方,锐利的鹰目之中带着浓烈的阴狠,然后飞如云层,消失不见。 Crystal red clever ship flies in expansive sky, the speed is extremely fast, looks from the ground, likely is red ray. 晶红鬼船飞在长空,速度极快,从地面望去,像是一道红色的光线。 Since already to day ghost, then leaves the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market not to be far.” Say/Way that Feng Feiyun thought aloud. “既然已经到天鬼界,那么离丹鼎鬼市也就不远了。”风飞云自言自语的道。 Demoness sits cross-legged above crystal red clever ship cultivates, after hearing the Feng Feiyun words, at once opens the double pupil, in a pair of eyes pupil sends out the demonic nature appearance, said: You had gone to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market.” 女魔盘坐在晶红鬼船之上修炼,听到风飞云的话之后,旋即睁开双眸,一双眼眸之中散发出魔性的神采,道:“你曾经去过丹鼎鬼市。” Feng Feiyun has selected the eyebrow, said with a smile: How possible, but had heard many about there hearsay, hearsay there is the world biggest trading market, the powerhouses of various from all walks of life and clans purchase the thing that oneself want to there, in the meantime, if there is anything to not exposed to the light the treasure want to get rid, can bring to sell to there, there is the world biggest black market.” 风飞云挑了挑眉,笑道:“怎么可能,只是听说过不少关于那里的传闻,传闻那里乃是天下最大的交易市场,各界、各族的强者都到那里购买自己想要的东西,同时,若是有什么见不得光的宝物想出手,也可以带到那里去卖,那里可谓是天下最大的黑市。” Demoness nodded, said: Crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market indeed is the disposing stolen goods good place, I had gone several times.” 女魔点了点头,道:“丹鼎鬼市的确是销赃的好地方,我曾经去过几次。” Sweat. 汗。 Feng Feiyun thinks immediately Demoness dares to steal including «Ancestor ancient scripture», she before living time, definitely has not been short to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market disposes stolen goods. 风飞云顿时就想到女魔连《道祖古经》都敢偷,她以前活着的时候,肯定沒少到丹鼎鬼市來销赃。 No wonder she knows that the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market can buy the antique demon earth. 难怪她知道丹鼎鬼市可以买到太古魔土。 Crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market that Feng Feiyun this time comes, naturally also has own goal, for example quantity tribulation ancient medicine, soul Spirit Stone, „the Great Saint real blood, wants to resurrect the young person thoroughly, these things are essential, only then the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market possibly buys. 风飞云这次來的丹鼎鬼市,自然也有自己的目的,比如“量劫古药”,“灵魂灵石”,“大圣真血”,想要将红颜彻底复活,这些东西必不可少,也只有丹鼎鬼市才可能买到。 Meanwhile, Feng Feiyun will soon attack the Ascension boundary, must purchase some treasures to prepare. 同时,风飞云即将冲击羽化境,也要购买一些宝物做准备。 Feng Feiyun truly has naturally not gone to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, but he, if said oneself have gone to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market, certainly must annoy at present a suspicion of this succuba and saintess, why moves unnecessarily. 风飞云自然不是真正沒有去过丹鼎鬼市,只不过他若是说自己去过丹鼎鬼市,肯定又要惹來眼前这一个魔女和一个圣女的怀疑,何必多此一举。 Xuanyuan Yiyi also above crystal red clever ship. 轩辕一一也在晶红鬼船之上。 She wears the white bamboo hat as before, the white clothing is floating, does not have the flaw holily, has been full of a mysterious flavor. 她依旧戴着白色的斗笠,白衣飘飘,圣洁无瑕,充满了一种神秘的韵味。 Feng Feiyun has wanted to give to throw off her, but she actually can with coming up, Feng Feiyun also follows by her finally. 风飞云一直想要将她给甩掉,但是她却总是能够跟上來,最后风飞云也就由她跟着了。 Feng Feiyun said: Since day ghost, will definitely run into the powerhouses from various clans, I thought that receive the crystal red clever ship to well, so as to avoid makes the trouble that does not need.” 风飞云道:“进入天鬼界,肯定会遇到來自各族的强者,我觉得还是将晶红鬼船收起來为好,免得惹來沒必要的麻烦。” Demoness also thought that is very reasonable, the crystal red clever ship receiving, one line of three people of governing spatial flights, the speed will have drawn near the extreme. 女魔也觉得很有道理,将晶红鬼船给收了起來,一行三人御空飞行,速度也快到了极点。 Suddenly, the front flies dark clouds, endless Monster Qi surges, exudes „” the cry. 突然,前方飞來一片黑云,无尽的妖气涌动,发出“吱吱嘎嘎”的叫声。 The quick, entire sky got dark, tens of thousands of black hawks flood the vault of heaven, gives surrounding the Feng Feiyun three people in the center. 很快,整个天空都黑了下來,成千上万的黑鹰充斥天穹,将风飞云三人给包围在中央。 Grandfather, is he, that human, bullied me a moment ago, added that must give to eat me.” A young girl of wear black armor walks from the black hawk group, indifferent vertical stroke eyebrow is pointing at Feng Feiyun. “爷爷,就是他,那个人类,刚才欺负我,还说要将我给吃掉。”一个穿着黑色铠甲的少女从黑鹰群之中走出來,冷眼竖眉的指着风飞云 The innumerable black hawks fan the wing, withdraws toward two sides, a several hundred miles big hawk nest presents, float in cloud layers, in the hawk nest sends out huge Monster Qi, Monster Qi condensed the monster to say directly. 无数的黑鹰扇动翅膀,向着两方退避,一个数百里大的鹰巢呈现出來,悬浮在云层间,鹰巢之中散发出庞大的妖气,妖气直接凝聚成了妖云。 That hawk nest has ironwood gold thread cane knitting, above the black rattan, flows this golden trace, sends out the intermittent fearful imposing manner. 那鹰巢乃是有一根根铁木金线藤编织而成,黑色的藤条之上,流动这金色的纹路,发出阵阵慑人的气势。 Is a bright hawk Monster Clan ghost king.” “是慧鹰妖族的一位老妖王。” Xuanyuan Yiyi Ancient Sword of carrying on the back sends out nine sword air/Qi, her slender tender body wrapping, resists that huge Monster Qi. 轩辕一一的背上的古剑发出九圈剑气,将她纤细的娇躯给包裹住,抵挡那一股庞大的妖气 Bright hawk Monster Clan is not White Spider Monster Clan and oppressor Monster Clan that small Monster Clan, this is formidable Monster Clan, even if cannot compare Antique Saint Monster Clan, but compared with Human Race, actually already differs are not many. 慧鹰妖族可不是白蛛妖族、虎狼妖族那种小妖族,这可是一个强大的妖族,就算比不上太古圣妖族,但是与人族相比,却已经相差不多了。 Feng Feiyun has coughed two, said: I said the youngest sister, I have pulled out your two root hair, as for such drags in lots of people.” 风飞云干咳了两声,道:“我说小妹妹,我只是拔了你两根毛而已,至于这么兴师动众。” The young girl reveals a snow white tooth, the eye is very bright, said: Gives me to give to take this human, I must eat him.” 那少女露出一口雪白的牙齿,眼睛无比明亮,道:“给我将这个人类给拿下,我要将他吃掉。” „.” “吱吱嘎嘎。” The innumerable black hawks fly toward Feng Feiyun, is not the ordinary black hawk, some bodies are giant, fully dozens meters, their Niaozui Jian sharply like the sharp sword, the claw sharply like the iron hook, on the bird mouth and claw interweaves is dazzling the mark, a pecking, a mountain was pierced gently. 无数黑鹰向着风飞云飞來,都不是普通的黑鹰,有的身体巨大,足有数十米长,它们的鸟嘴尖锐就像利剑,爪子锋利就像铁钩,鸟嘴和爪子上都交织着炫纹,轻轻一啄,一座大山都被洞穿。 The Feng Feiyun complexion sinks, early does not know that such many matters, formerly should not put her to leave. 风飞云的脸色一沉,早不知会这么多事,先前就不该放她离开。 .” “噗。” Feng Feiyun Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall calling, changes into several thousand handle small swords, gives to pierce the big piece black hawk, pinion everywhere flies, the flesh and blood turned into, like rain general falls toward the ground. 风飞云天髓兵胆给唤出,化为数千柄小剑,将大片黑鹰给洞穿,鸟羽漫天飞,血肉变成了一块块,就像雨一般的往地上掉。 However the quantity of black hawk are too really many, kills radically kills endlessly. 但是黑鹰的数量实在太多,根本杀都杀不尽。 Demoness and Xuanyuan Yiyi have also encountered bright hawk Monster Clan the attack of powerhouse, was involved in the hawk group, the body complete superposition covers. 女魔轩辕一一也遭到了慧鹰妖族的强者的攻击,被卷入了鹰群之中,身体完全被覆盖住。 Gives me dead.” “统统都给我去死。” Demoness calls the day Venerable/to revere immeasurable tower, several tens of thousands black hawks taking in tower, sky emptying. 女魔唤出天尊无量塔,将数万只黑鹰给收进塔中,将一片天空给清空。 That float ghost king in cloud layer, exudes one to call out in alarm, Holy Saint Container.” 那一座悬浮在云层中的老妖王,发出一声惊呼,“圣灵器皿。” At once, this ghost king exudes quack the big laughter, today hit really has transported greatly, the heaven bestowed me Holy Saint Container.” 旋即,这个老妖王发出“嘎嘎”的大笑声,“今天真的撞大运了,上天都将圣灵器皿赐给我。” A pair of bright hawk ghost king eagle-eyed in departs two handle small swords, presents the azure and red two colors, has cut toward Demoness. 慧鹰老妖王的一双鹰眼之中飞出两柄小剑,呈现出青、红两色,向着女魔斩了过去。 Endless Monster Qi sweeps across. 无尽的妖气席卷而來。 cultivation base of this ghost king is very terrifying, Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi turn toward two directions to escape, these shadows also turned toward two people to pursue, was ordinary like the locust, gave to wrap two people in inside. 这个老妖王的修为很恐怖,风飞云轩辕一一都向着两个方向逃逸,那些黑影也都向着两人追了上去,就像蝗虫一般,将两人给包裹在里面。 You hit today really transport greatly.” “你今天是真的撞大运了。” A pair of pupil of Demoness turned into the blood-color, body Demon Qi is steaming, the evil fog one continuously dissipates from the body, Venerable/revered the immeasurable tower shelling the past the day. 女魔的一双瞳孔变成了血色,身上魔气腾腾,邪雾一缕缕从身体之中逸散出來,将天尊无量塔给轰击了过去。 Feng Feiyun by innumerable shadows wrapping, kills is the muddy darkness bottom, does not know how long has fought, ran away from the pile of black hawk, distant fleeing. 风飞云被无数黑影给包裹住,杀得是浑天黑底,也不知战了多久,才从黑鹰的堆里逃了出來,远远的遁走。 Weather already was completely dark, above the earth is blowing the gloomy and cold cold wind. 天色已经完全暗了下來,大地之上吹着阴冷的寒风。 In the darkness, hears an intermittent clever howl, that is not the Feng Feiyun misconception, but is the true evil spirit is crying loud and long. 黑暗之中,传來一阵阵鬼啸声,那不是风飞云的错觉,而是真正的厉鬼在长啸。 Hearsay day ghost is to the hell recent place, to the evening, many evil spirits and ominous evil will crawl from the place bottom, swallows the night Yang spirit, hopes one day to be able with the Yang spirit to cast Yang body, like this they in daytime, can arrive at the world of the living. 传闻天鬼界乃是离地狱最近的地方,一到晚上,很多厉鬼和凶邪都会从地底爬出來,吞噬夜间的阳气,希望有一天能够用阳气铸成一具阳身,这样它们就算是在白天,也能够來到阳间。 Daytime they naturally do not dare to come out, because the daytime Yang spirit is too abundant, they cannot withstand that strength. 白天它们自然不敢出來,因为白天的阳气太盛,它们根本承受不住那股力量。 If runs into Yang spirit specially heavy man, these formidable ghosts will change for the appearance sweet and pretty female, entices this man, absorbs his Yang spirit. 若是遇到阳气特别重的男子,那些强大的鬼魂就会变化为样貌娇美的女子,來勾引这个男子,吸收他身上的阳气。 Really was too unlucky, just now arrives at day ghost to experience like this bad luck matter, it seems like from now on long memory, not only the woman wool of cannot pull out, hawk wool cannot pull out.” “真是太晦气了,才刚到天鬼界就遇到这样的倒霉事,看來今后得长个记性,不仅女人身上的毛不能拔,鹰身上的毛也不能拔。” The body of Feng Feiyun is blood plasma, walks above the boundless not side wilderness, looks into the distance toward the four directions, but day ghost in dark night is much darker, he uses Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, merely can only see several miles far. 风飞云的身上全是血浆子,走在茫茫不边的原野之上,向着四方眺望,但是黑夜之中的天鬼界暗得出奇,他用凤凰天眼,都仅仅只能看到数里远。 With the bright hawk Monster Clan war, Feng Feiyun is lost with Demoness and Xuanyuan Yiyi, now also can only a person start off. 在与慧鹰妖族的大战之中,风飞云就与女魔轩辕一一走失,现在也只能一个人上路。 With great difficulty, met rivers, Feng Feiyun had planned that gave to wash off blood, however distant he smelled a smell of blood, when arrived at the riverside, has not seen the limpid river water, but was the mighty waves turbulent bloody water. 好不容易,遇到了一条河流,风飞云打算将身上的血液都给洗去,但是远远的他就闻到了一股血腥味,当走到河边的时候,沒有看到清澈的河水,而是波涛汹涌的血水。 In Feng Feiyun is disappointed, on the river surface hears the clear beautiful moving singing sound, is graceful and beautiful, then broadcasts the sound that the oar racket fetches water. 正在风飞云失望之时,河面上传來清美动人的歌声,优雅而美丽,接着传來船桨拍打水的声音。 During the dark fog is confused, a azure small boat fluttered from the water surface. 在暗雾迷茫之中,一只青色的小舟从水面上飘荡了过來。 Above the small boat, the wear azure Luo Shan female is relying on the ship, is sideways to sit. 小舟之上,有一个穿着青罗衫的女子倚着船,侧身微坐。 She is growing a beautiful cheek, skin generally is exquisite like the suet milk, on the face any plasters, Luo Shan some wrinkled post on the flesh, some falls gently in the water, outlined incisively that beautiful curve. 她长着一张美丽的脸蛋,身上的皮肤就像羊脂牛奶一般细腻,脸上不着任何粉饰,身上的罗衫有的皱皱巴巴的贴在肌肤上,有的飘落在水中,将那美丽的曲线勾勒得淋漓尽致。 Singing sound beautiful, the person is also beautiful. 歌声美,人也美。 The people, to the thing of beautiful, naturally can unable to bear look at several. 人嘛,对美的东西,自然会忍不住多看几眼。 Even wishes one could to be nearer looked, to the nearer the better. 甚至恨不得离近些看,离得越近越好。 Feng Feiyun stands in the shore, interested is looking in the river the azure gauze female above small boat. 风飞云站在岸边,饶有兴趣的望着河中小舟之上的青纱女子。 Mao Wugui stands by the Feng Feiyun bottom of pants leg, said: You will be uninteresting to her, how I saw that thought this female is not common.” 茅乌龟站在风飞云的裤脚旁边,道:“你不会对她有意思吧,我怎么看都觉得这女子不一般。” „Not common female, annoys the man to like.” The Feng Feiyun feeling chin gently, reveals a snow white tooth. “不一般的女子,才惹男人喜欢。”风飞云轻轻的摸着下巴,露出一口雪白的牙齿。 Mao Wugui and Mao Laoshi think the idea of man really quite strange. 茅乌龟茅老实都觉得男人的想法真的好奇怪。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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