SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1082: The wall people push but actually

This piece of earth already becomes the sores all over the eye, formerly the bountiful fertile place, at this moment, already turned into the bleak desert, many places also gush out the magma, turned into the death place. 这片大地都已经变得满目疮痍,先前都还是富饶肥沃之地,此刻,已经变成荒凉的沙漠,很多地方还涌出岩浆,变成死亡地。 These two are really fierce, I probably must complete the sixth sudden rising, can with fight by them.” Demoness is holding half tower, the white clothing is floating, show contains the smoke, likely is a day female near the highest heaven. “这两人还真厉害,我或许要完成了第六次尸变,才能与以他们争锋。”女魔托着半座塔子,白衣飘飘,秀目含烟,像是一位天女临九霄。 Running over of Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai trace secretly. 毕姥爷毕宁帅偷摸摸的跑了过來。 I scratch, god Tianjue so is unexpectedly strong, early knows that formerly should not expose the status, if he will protect the Saint war-god to give to defeat, how to meet with a disaster.” Grandfather Bi is nipping grasping, somewhat regretted, thought oneself formerly opened the high-sounding talk. “我擦,神天爵竟然这么强,早知道先前就不该暴露身份了,万一他将护圣战神给击败,咋们就遭殃了。”毕姥爷咬着手持,有些后悔,觉得自己先前开高调。 Feng Feiyun said: Master Shen Tianjue is the shocking talent, ten thousand years are difficult a person, cultivation base should compared with protecting the Saint war-god also want on strong some, he formerly was given the puncture wound by a Xue Song Zi sword, now has not recovered, therefore fights well-matched.” 风飞云道:“神天爵爷属于惊世之才,万年难出一人,修为应该比护圣战神还要强上一些,他先前被雪松子的一剑给刺伤,现在还沒有恢复元气,所以才战得旗鼓相当。” Anything, that what to do, if god Tianjue bides one's time for punishment, how could it not be we must but actually the blood mildew.” The Bi Ningshuai complexion becomes very fierce. “什么,那怎么办,若是神天爵秋后算账,那我们岂不要倒血霉。”毕宁帅的脸色变得很厉害。 Feng Feiyun said: Protects the Saint war-god in hand to grasp the control cauldron imperial seal, once offers a sacrifice to this town god soldier, should be able forcing Master Shen Tianjue.” 风飞云道:“不过护圣战神的手中掌握着主宰鼎玺,一旦祭出这一件镇界神兵,应该能够力压神天爵爷。” Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai have patted the chest hastily, long air vent, that is good.” 毕姥爷毕宁帅连忙拍了拍胸口,长长的出了一口气,“那就好。” Feng Feiyun also said: But, cultivation base has been Master Shen Tianjue this level, so long as blood energy can follow, the cultivation base disparity is not too big, even if cannot win the opposite party, can run away, if he must cope with you intentionally, your Bi......” 风飞云又道:“不过,修为达到了神天爵爷这个层次,只要血气跟得上,修为差距不是太大,就算打不赢对方,也可以逃走,他若是要存心对付你,你们毕家……” Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi complexion once more changed. 毕宁帅毕姥爷的脸色再次变了。 Bang.” “轰。” Nine foot ancient cauldrons raise from void, haunch thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, the innumerable air/Qi silk depart from the ancient cauldron, walk randomly in the world, erupts to stuff the strength in space. 一尊九足古鼎从虚空之上升起,撑起千丈高,无数气丝从古鼎之上飞出,游走在天地之间,爆发出充塞宇内的力量。 Master Shen Tianjue has flown upside down, set up beyond ten thousand miles in a flash, the air waves of all people took back his body, as before steady standing in void, the complexion was invariable, is staring at that ancient Cauldron, the say/way of clenching jaws: Control cauldron imperial seal.” 神天爵爷倒飞了出去,转瞬间就立到了万里之外,所有人的气浪都收回他的身体,依旧平稳的站在虚空,脸色不变,盯着那一尊古鼎,咬牙切齿的道:“主宰鼎玺。” Protects the Saint war-god to go out from void, both hands are holding ancient Cauldron, golden armor was reflected the brilliance more eye-catching, sinking sound said: Dignity of control cannot affront, god Tianjue, you should receive the hand.” 护圣战神从虚空之中走出,双手托着古鼎,身上的金色铠甲被映得更加光辉夺目,沉声道:“主宰的威严不可冒犯,神天爵,你该收手了。” Joke, even if you have the control cauldron imperial seal, this nobility does not fear you.” Master Shen Tianjue said. “笑话,就算你有主宰鼎玺,本爵也并不惧你。”神天爵爷道。 Protects the holy war shintoism: Your already was controlled the strength of cauldron imperial seal to give to injure, but also wants to fight again.” 护圣战神道:“你已经被主宰鼎玺的力量给打伤,还想再战吗。” The average people naturally cannot see any clue, so long as is the cultivation base top person, can feel that said the Master Shen Tianjue aura weakened, this received the extremely heavy wound, situation that can have, not, but the self-recovery ability of half Saint, will not present the matter that the aura weakened. 一般人自然看不出任何端倪,但是只要是修为顶尖的人,都能感觉道神天爵爷的气息变弱了,这是受了极重的伤,才会出现的情况,不然以半圣的自愈能力,根本不会出现气息变弱的事。 Although Master Shen Tianjue is injured, but is without turning a hair as before, displays the overlord style. 神天爵爷虽然受伤,但是依旧面不改色,表现出霸主风范。 Master Shen Tianjue tight is pinching the palm, both eyes heavy, cultivation base of this nobility when you, brings I recover, once more conquers by killing the date of Saint courtyard, the person of god Tianjue mansion, follows me.” 神天爵爷紧紧的捏着手掌,双目沉沉,“本爵的修为在你之上,带我伤愈之时,就是再次血洗圣庭之日,神天爵府的人,都跟我走。” Master Shen Tianjue has finally chosen bearing patiently, the rash, shy accident, has not given to take in the clothes robe these member of god Tianjue mansion, then, then turns toward beyond the day to fly. 神天爵爷最终还是选择了隐忍,沒有冒失,怕生变故,将神天爵府的那些修士都给收进衣袍之中,然后,便向着天外飞去。 Whish.” “哗。” Sword light front surface, has cut toward Master Shen Tianjue together, the sword air/Qi almost divides two halves the world. 一道剑光迎面,向着神天爵爷斩了过來,剑气几乎将天地分割成两半。 A Master Shen Tianjue fist is broken to the bang the sword air/Qi, stops the footsteps, straight is staring at the dead ahead, said: Bestows, you dare to get rid for the Master unexpectedly.” 神天爵爷一拳将剑气给轰碎,停下脚步,笔直的盯着正前方,道:“赐儿,你居然敢对为师出手。” In end of that day, a man wears the cotton garment, the cloth shoes, wears the montera, in the hand is holding Ancient Sword, slowly arrives at the Master Shen Tianjue opposite, an eye filled was faint and heartless. 在那天尽头,一个男子穿着布衣,布鞋,戴着布帽,手中抱着一口古剑,徐徐的走到神天爵爷的对面,一双眼睛充满了淡漠和无情。 That is Saint boundary boundary Lord, dragon Ci.” “那是圣境境主,龙赐。” „A boundary Lord of entire sixth Yang Dynasty biggest boundary, the hearsay he has been very mysterious, little makes an appearance, has not thought that he so is unexpectedly young.” “整个第六中央王朝最大的一境的境主,传闻他一直都很神秘,很少露面,沒想到他竟然如此年轻。” He is not only the boundary Lord of Saint boundary, is the god Tianjue's disciple, some people passed on a message, he recognized god Tianjue to be the adoptive father.” “他不仅是圣境的境主,也是神天爵的弟子,更是有人传言,他认了神天爵做义父。” ...... …… Bi Ningshuai is staring at that wear cotton garment, the cloth shoes, man who wears the montera, he is the Saint boundary boundary Lord, did not mistake an enemy for a friend.” 毕宁帅盯着那个穿着布衣,布鞋,戴着布帽的男子,“他就是圣境境主,不是认贼作父了吗。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Sometimes, a mean villain of mistaking an enemy for a friend, drilled the past coward from others crotch, in fact was actually indomitable spirit compared with the people of many thinking oneself infallible, endures the insult, could withstand the ridicule, can exercise a tenacious heart, what some people cultivated was the body, what some people cultivated was the heart.” 风飞云笑道:“有些时候,一个认贼作父的卑鄙小人,从别人胯下钻过去的孬种,实际上却比很多自以为是的人都更加顶天立地,忍受得了辱骂,承受得了嘲笑,才能锻炼出一个坚韧的心,有的人修炼的是身体,有的人修炼的是心。” Bi Ningshuai said with a smile: This truth I understand, others said that you is a coward, that is others does not understand you, so long as believe oneself are not, then natural can at an appropriate time thorough stands, before eruption selling, these ridiculed your person for the it panic-stricken strength.” 毕宁帅笑道:“这个道理我懂,别人说你是孬种,那是别人不了解你,只要自己坚信自己不是,那么自然能够在适当的时候彻底的站起來,爆发出让以前那些嘲笑你的人都为之惊恐的力量。” Probably is also such a meaning.” “大概也就是这么一个意思。” Saint boundary boundary Lord is holding Ancient Sword, three is doing obeisance to Master Shen Tianjue, then has stood the body, said: Today I have taken off the battle dress, the war boots and boundary Lord official headgear, three does obeisance to you, but also the graciousness of your raising, the graciousness of guidance, the graciousness of killing, I cannot use the sword to you now.” 圣境境主抱着古剑,对着神天爵爷三拜,然后站直了身体,道:“今日我脱下了战袍、战靴、境主官帽,对你三拜,还你养育之恩,教导之恩,不杀之恩,现在我可以对你出剑了。” The sword flew, like together startled great wild goose. 剑飞出來了,像一道惊鸿。 The Saint boundary boundary main sword pricked Master Shen Tianjue war armor, fought the sword to penetrate the body of Master Shen Tianjue. 圣境境主一剑刺入了神天爵爷的战甲,战剑穿透了神天爵爷的身体。 Master Shen Tianjue has not moved from beginning to end, but on the face exudes one to laugh wildly, said: Good, you can have today's achievement, making me feel gratified, but you think that depended on you to kill this nobility.” 神天爵爷从始至终都沒有动一下,只是脸上发出一声狂笑,道:“好啊,你能够有今天的成就,让我感到欣慰,但是你以为就凭你就能杀得了本爵。” The Master Shen Tianjue last long and loud cry, directly main shaking to fly the Saint boundary boundary. 神天爵爷最后一声长啸,直接将圣境境主给震飞了出去。 That passes through the sword mark of Master Shen Tianjue body together, sends out the azure ray, convalesces at the naked eye obvious speed. 那一道贯穿神天爵爷身体的剑痕,发出青色的光芒,也以肉眼可见的速度痊愈。 Protected the Saint war-god to control the cauldron imperial seal hitting once more, cut off the Master Shen Tianjue escape route. 护圣战神再次将主宰鼎玺给打了出去,斩断神天爵爷的退路。 Jiulong Town soul.” “九龙镇魂。” Long Aotian is raising nine long-barrelled guns, has killed, the body has innumerable dragon Qi to pester, changes into a piece of dragon to say. 龙傲天提着九根长枪,也杀了过去,身上有无数龙气纠缠,化为一片龙云。 The Saint boundary boundary main also kills in this, displays sword ten thousand swords magical powers. 圣境境主也在此杀过去,施展出“一剑化万剑”的神通。 Master Shen Tianjue disaster court discipline, the crime deserves to execute.” 神天爵爷祸乱朝纲,罪该当诛。” Three Tianjue one ghost Tianjue crosses comes, to ride void in carrying on the back of skull dragon, grasps ten thousand ghosts and gods sails, draws on 100,000 cloudy armed forces, the cold wind flap flap, such as the gate of hell was opened. 三位天爵之一的“鬼天爵”横渡虚空而來,骑在一头骨龙的背上,手持万鬼神帆,招來100000阴军,阴风猎猎,如地狱之门被打开。 Most was mysterious ghost Tianjue comes back. 就连最是神秘的鬼天爵都回來了。 Then three Tianjue has arrived in full, god Tianjue, Saint Tianjue, ghost Tianjue.” “这下三位天爵算是到齐了,神天爵,圣天爵,鬼天爵。” When are not many, there are to ask for the clever nobility mansion to appear, the spearhead aims at Master Shen Tianjue completely, the old ancestors of nobility government offices cross come void, gets rid to Master Shen Tianjue, the tactical rules magical powers interwove simply the mighty current. 不多时,又有讨贼的爵府出现,矛头全部都指向神天爵爷,一位位爵府的老祖都横渡虚空过來,纷纷对神天爵爷出手,战法神通简直交织成了洪流。 Kills Master Shen Tianjue.” “杀神天爵爷。” Cuts.” “斩狗贼。” ...... …… Looks that these kill powerhouse unceasingly, Xuanyuan Yiyi shake the head to sigh: Also is really the wall but actually people pushes.” 看着那些不断杀不过的强者,轩辕一一摇头叹道:“还真是墙倒众人推。” Feng Feiyun is holding both hands, said with a smile: „The people who at this time got rid of were a smart person, these people waited and saw in the one side, once Master Shen Tianjue has defeated, everybody collaborated to cope with Master Shen Tianjue, what once defeated protects the Saint war-god, then these person of companies had the person who the hand dealt with are these people of Long.” 风飞云抱着双手,笑道:“这个时候出手的人都是聪明人,这些人都在一旁观望,一旦神天爵爷败了,大家就联起手來对付神天爵爷,一旦败的是护圣战神,那么这些人连起手來对付的人就是龙家的那些人了。” Therefore , the battle between earthliness is senseless, except for slaughtering, slaughters.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said: „The turmoil in Saint courtyard looked like must drop the curtain, now you go Moonwater Wonderland with me.” “所以说,俗世之间的争斗最是无趣,除了杀戮,还是杀戮。”轩辕一一道:“圣庭的动乱看來是要落下帷幕了,现在你就跟我去水月天境。” Feng Feiyun is staring at that chaotic battlefield, shook the head. 风飞云盯着那混乱的战场,摇了摇头。 Bang.” “轰。” Master Shen Tianjue fights a bloody battle, goes out from the magical powers and magic arts of numerous powerhouse, the long hair hangs loose, clothes armor turned into the blood red, a palm flew to the bang dozens people, has destroyed void, then, during attacked was void. 神天爵爷浴血奋战,从众多强者的神通和道法之中走出,长发披散,衣甲变成了血红色,一掌将数十人给轰飞,打碎了虚空,然后,冲击了虚空之中。 Pursues, cannot make him run away.” “追啊,不能让他逃走。” An old say/way of Great Sage rank, stands in the place of void crack, makes Dao Divinity to practice. 一位大贤者级别的老道,站在虚空的破口之处,打出一道神练。 .” “噗。” Master Shen Tianjue gives to ask the price with no intention of buying an own tooth, gives to puncture the head of that old say/way by own tooth, cold snort/hum: My day is difficult to bury, is difficult to extinguish.......” 神天爵爷将自己的一颗牙齿给打落,以自身的牙齿将那老道的头颅给打穿,冷哼一声:“我天难葬,地难灭……咳咳。” Said that this saying, the body of Master Shen Tianjue then becomes fuzzy, then vanishes in void. 说完这话,神天爵爷的身体便变得模糊起來,然后消失在虚空之中。 Say/Way that the Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, thought aloud: World projects, Master Shen Tianjue runs away finally, sixth Yang Dynasty feared that was very difficult to be peaceful.” 风飞云皱了皱眉头,自言自语的道:“天地投影,神天爵爷最终还是逃走,第六中央王朝怕是很难安宁了。” This war, many people fall from the sky, the five main stars of Saint courtyard were beaten. 这一场大战,很多人都陨落,就连圣庭的五颗主星都被打烂。 Other Yang Dynasty powerhouse and Monster Clan King, in abundance leaves, has not stayed for a long time in the Saint courtyard. 别的中央王朝的强者和妖族的王者,也都纷纷离开,沒有在圣庭久留。 This war, the significance is profound, definitely will quickly spread over sixth Yang Dynasty, even is the entire human hundred clans. 这一战,意义深远,肯定会以迅雷不及掩耳之势传遍成个第六中央王朝,甚至是整个人类百族。 Although Master Shen Tianjue has defeated, but had not actually died in battle, if in the future returns, definitely is a reactionary reign of terror. 神天爵爷虽然败了,但是却沒有战死,将來若是归來,肯定又是一场血雨腥风。 Although Saint courtyard Long won, but the powerhouse and elites fell from the sky were too many, in addition these wrote off the hero in cradle by Master Shen Tianjue, in fact the Long present available person were not many, wants to restore to once the most prosperous condition, this also needed several generations of effort to be good. 圣庭龙家虽然胜了,但是强者和精英都陨落了太多,加上那些被神天爵爷抹杀在摇篮之中的英杰,实际上龙家现在的可用之人并不多,想要恢复到曾经最鼎盛的状态,这还需要数代人的努力才行。 Now Saint courtyard control died in battle, naturally, died in battle this also to two say, but in the history book of later generation indeed so writes. 当今的圣庭主宰战死,当然,到底是不是战死这还得两说,只是后世的史书上的确是如此写着。 Some people want to detain Long Aotian to make the new Saint courtyard to control, but was actually given to turn down by Long Aotian, this Long most had the courage and uprightness man to go to the indistinct god toward. 有人想要挽留龙傲天做新的圣庭主宰,但是却被龙傲天给婉拒,这个龙家最有血性的男子又去了缥缈神朝。 Although he walked, but actually gave sixth Yang Dynasty many people to leave behind the indelible influence, many people thought that his achievement did not stop this, in the future may in the indistinct god toward rushing out a piece of world. 他虽然走了,但是却给第六中央王朝的很多人都留下了不可磨灭的影响,很多人都觉得他的成就绝不止此,将來或许会在缥缈神朝闯出一片天下。 Also some people of wishes make Saint boundary boundary Lord dragon bestow make the Saint courtyard to control, but the dragon bestows the boundary hosts of Saint boundary not to be actually willing to do again, floating departs, leaves sixth Yang Dynasty, steps onto path that a pain has led a pious life. 又有人想要让圣境境主“龙赐”做圣庭主宰,但是龙赐却连圣境的境主都不愿再做,飘然离去,离开第六中央王朝,走上了一条苦修行的道路。 Then who makes Saint courtyard to control. 那么到底谁來做圣庭主宰。 Who is also qualified for Saint courtyard to control. 谁还有资格做圣庭主宰。 Until Saint courtyard war ends sixth day, a female of before wear black clothes arrives at the imperial city gate of new Saint courtyard control palace, claimed oneself are the direct descendant Long juniors. 直到圣庭大战落幕的第六天,一个穿着黑衣的女子走到新的圣庭主宰宫的宫门前,声称自己乃是嫡系龙家子弟。 Protects the Saint war-god personally for her baptism. 护圣战神亲自为她洗礼。 Before this , the obscure female, in seventh day, the name moves the world. 这个以前默默无闻的女子,在第七天,名动天下。 Because, she becomes the Saint courtyard new control. 因为,她成为圣庭新的主宰。 Naturally these are something to be talked about later, this time Feng Feiyun, already and Demoness stepped on the going crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market road. 当然这些都是后话,这个时候的风飞云,已经女魔踏上了前去丹鼎鬼市的路上。 Original Feng Feiyun wish makes Long Luofu make the Saint courtyard to control, planned that delivers to protect the Saint war-god her the front, by Long Luofu present cultivation base and natural talent, in addition cherishes the bright embryo, has the qualifications of competition Saint courtyard control sufficiently. 本來风飞云想要让龙萝浮做圣庭主宰,打算将她送到护圣战神的面前,以龙萝浮现在的修为和天资,再加上怀有神胎,足以有竞争圣庭主宰的资格。 However Feng Feiyun actually changed this decision, because Master Shen Tianjue has not died, if makes Long Luofu make the Saint courtyard to control, then was too dangerous. 但是风飞云却改变了这个决定,因为神天爵爷未死,若是让龙萝浮做圣庭主宰,那么就太危险了。 The sixth Yang Dynasty act drop falls, this will go to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to compose what kind of legend. 第六中央王朝的大幕落下,此去丹鼎鬼市又将谱写怎样的传奇。 The Feng Feiyun life has always filled strangely, has filled unconventionally, has filled unknown, this time is no exception. 风飞云的人生总是充满了离奇,充满了放荡不羁,充满了未知,这次也不例外。 Previous generation and this life truth, will make known in the next volume, looked Feng Feiyun and Shui Yueting ten thousand years later meets again, will collide what kind of spark, how also to take the following road. 前世、今生的谜底,也将在下一卷揭晓,看风飞云水月婷万年之后再相遇,又将碰撞出怎样的火花,又将如何走接下來的路。
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