SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1081: The 30,000 years ago first talent

Day major road habitat however was given to kill by him.” “天官道人居然被他给杀死了。” „The Jiulong Town soul, Long Aotian these nine spears/guns are give to cut to kill the previous generation and this life of day major road person, is true extinguishing said, was really too formidable.” “九龙镇魂,龙傲天的这九枪算是将天官道人的前世、今生都给斩杀,算是真正的灭道,真是太强大了。” ...... …… Saint courtyard Long, some hidden world powerhouses, in abundance came at this time. 圣庭龙家,还有一些隐世强者,这个时候也纷纷现身。 This is the genuine decisive battle time. 这是真正的大决战的时候到了。 I must fight, fight above this stretch of earth, is flowing my blood, cultivates to fight the sword, pulls the dignity, cuts the evildoer, seizes Ronghuan, Long person undying, Long Jia people soul does not extinguish......” “我要战,战得这一片大地之上,都流淌着我的鲜血,修战剑,挽尊严,斩贼子,夺荣桓,龙家人不死,龙家人的魂不灭……” Also one crowd wears the Long member of golden gown to return, they loudly sang the battle song, hid in the mountains and plains wild forest, the living incognito hidden surname, made the symbol hand over in their hands until some people one, these people then gathered, must fight for the honor, must fight for the blood that in own body flowed. 又有一群身穿金色袍子的龙家修士归來,他们高唱战歌,原本都隐藏在山野荒林,埋名隐姓,直到有人将一块令符交到他们的手中,这些人便都聚集了起來,要为荣誉而战,要为自己身体之中所流淌的鲜血而战。 Master Shen Tianjue stands above the shatter palace, float in indistinct void, smiling of clear and resonant voice: Good, good, since came back, happen to catches the whole lot in a dragnet, today no one must walk.” 神天爵爷站在破碎的宫殿之上,悬浮在缥缈虚空,朗声的笑:“好,好,既然都回來了,正好一网打尽,今天谁也不要走了。” The arm of Master Shen Tianjue wields, makes a piece of invisible air wave, like tsunami the time great waves, fly to the bang dozens the characters of Ascension sage ranks, their bodies in the air wave sends out village the sound, exudes dozens to wail, finally changes into the dried blood powder. 神天爵爷的手臂一挥,打出一片无形的气浪,像海啸的时候的浪涛,将数十位羽化贤者级别的人物给轰飞,他们的身体在气浪之中发出“嘎查”的声音,发出数十声哀嚎,最后化为血粉。 Dozens Ascension sages fall from the sky, this may be the elite of Long, each does not train easily. 数十位羽化贤者陨落,这可都是龙家的精英,每一位都培养不易。 The god Tianjue mansion has many allies, is not only only sixth Yang Dynasty these nobility masters, other Yang Dynasty some great people, stands this side the god Tianjue mansion, the strength of overall by far high these member of Long, has the overwhelming superiority. 神天爵府有很多盟友,不仅只是第六中央王朝的那些爵爷,还有别的中央王朝的一些大人物,也站在神天爵府这一边,总体的实力远远高过龙家的那些修士,有着压倒性的优势。 Likes a moth to the flame, today was Long Jia people exterminates the clan the date.” “飞蛾扑火,今日就是龙家人灭族之日。” Many powerhouses suppressed at this time get rid spicily, like the sixth Yang Dynasty sword Lord, a 12 th Yang Dynasty nobility master...... They have the transaction in benefit with Master Shen Tianjue, at this moment naturally must help the Master Shen Tianjue suppression rebellion , helping Master Shen Tianjue becomes the Saint courtyard controls. 很多强者这个时候都狠辣出手,像第六中央王朝的剑主,第12中央王朝的一位爵爷……他们都和神天爵爷都有利益上的交易,此刻自然要帮助神天爵爷镇压叛乱,助神天爵爷成为圣庭主宰。 Blood incarnadine this void, scores an elegy. 鲜血染红这一片虚空,谱成一曲悲歌。 Likes a moth to the flame must fight, the person who only then died in battle, has not fought the soul that extinguishes.” “飞蛾扑火也要战,只有战死的人,沒有战灭的魂。” The juniors of Long from return in all directions, some hide in Divine Jin Dynasty this far away small country, some live incognito in the barren mountains and untamed rivers, some have established own influence in other Yang Dynasty, but returned at this time, changed into a piece of stream of people. 龙家的子弟从四面八方归來,有的藏身在神晋王朝这种偏远小国,有的埋名在穷山恶水之中,有的在别的中央王朝建立了属于自己的势力,但是这个时候都归來了,化为了一片人流。 Loudly sang the battle song, went to generously. 高唱战歌,慷慨赴死。 In their bodies already has warm-blooded, there is a courage, a solemnness and stirring. 他们的身体之中既有热血,也有肝胆,还有一股悲壮。 The half Saint in Feng Feiyun hand made the symbol probably split completely, the strength of half Saint was passing fast, he also fought with more than ten powerhouses, had the character of nobility master rank, was away from one piece void to get rid to him. 风飞云手中的半圣令符都要完全裂开,半圣的力量在快速流逝,他与十多位强者同时大战,其中更是有爵爷级别的人物,隔着一片虚空对他出手。 Feng Feiyun, I help your helping hand.” 风飞云,我來助你一臂之力。” A plain pagoda across the sky flies, above the pagoda spreads the air/Qi of Holy Saint, erupts the chaos ray, gave to take in the tower that more than ten powerhouses, fell into the hand of Demoness. 一尊古朴的宝塔横空飞來,宝塔之上传出圣灵之气,爆发出混沌光芒,将那十多位强者都给收进了塔中,落入女魔的手中。 Bang, bang, bang.” “轰,轰,轰。” The day Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower in fierce shivering, that more than ten powerhouses shell in the tower, have bangs, tattered tower, must be given to open by them likely. 天尊无量塔在剧烈的颤抖,那十多位强者在塔中轰击,发出一声声巨响,破烂的塔子,像是要被他们给撑开。 Suppresses to me.” “给我镇压。” The Demoness snow white tooth bites tightly, Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower the day to holding down stubbornly, the body erupts the terrifying the air/Qi of demon ghost, the continuous suppression in tower, inside powerhouse to squashes, changes into the flesh and blood skeleton. 女魔雪白的牙齿紧咬,将天尊无量塔给死死的按住,身上爆发出恐怖的魔煞之气,源源不断的镇压到塔子之中,将里面的强者给一个个压碎,化为血肉尸骨。 No one is able to suppress me.” A character of nobility master rank cried loud and long in the tower, the day Venerable/revered the immeasurable tower to inflate one time immediately. “谁也无法镇压我。”一位爵爷级别的人物在塔中长啸,天尊无量塔立即膨胀了一倍。 I can suppress you.” “我就能镇压你。” The arm of Demoness is slender, such as White Jade carves, puts in the tower entrance directly, spars with that nobility master, finally that nobility master cannot resist the day Venerable/to revere the strength of immeasurable tower, had been broken to pieces the head by a Demoness palm of the hand to the racket. 女魔的手臂纤细,如白玉雕成,直接伸进塔门之中,与那一位爵爷斗法,最终那一位爵爷抵挡不住天尊无量塔的力量,被女魔一巴掌给拍碎了脑袋。 Too violence. 太暴力了。 The both arms of Feng Feiyun are blood, spreads out the palm, inside pinches -and-a-half Saints to make the symbol, making on the symbol already have nine cracks, was tattered looks awful, mixed in the blood together, must turn into the jade dregs simply. 风飞云的双臂都是鲜血,将手掌摊开,里面捏着一块半圣令符,令符上面已经有九道裂纹,破烂得不成样子,与血液混合在一起,简直都要变成玉渣了。 Only can use last time, Bi Ningshuai and Ms. complete(ly) these two bastards, go to the Saint courtyard treasure house to invite the person, needs such for a long time.” Both eyes of Feng Feiyun were red, scolded one, thought this grandparent and grandchild two management same was not reasonable. “只能用最后一次了,毕宁帅和毕老妪这两个王八蛋,去圣庭宝库请人,需要这么久吗。”风飞云的双眼通红,骂了一句,觉得这祖孙两办事都一样的不靠谱。 Feng Feiyun just scolded, above already broken quadrangle star, spreads bright atmosphere, stuffs the vault of heaven, the light gate opens together, the innumerable member depart from the place bottom, will protect the garrison of Saint courtyard treasure house killing one does not remain, then during charges into is void, the place visited, only leaves behind blood rain. 风飞云刚刚骂完,已经被打破的中庭星之上,传出一股煌煌大气,充塞天穹,一道光门打开,无数修士从地底飞出,将守护圣庭宝库的驻军给杀得一个不剩,然后又冲向虚空之中,所过之处,只留下一片血雨。 Protects a Saint clan management, as long as the person of rebel, submits to punishment entirely.” “护圣一族办事,但凡叛逆之人,通通伏法。” The Saint courtyard treasure house opened. 圣庭宝库打开了。 Protects six big elders of Saint clan to walk in the front line, is old looks awful, the body is throwing over the white robe, is wrapping golden armor, is six rounds golden scorching sun departs likely. 护圣一族的六大长老走在最前方,都苍老得不成样子,身上披着白袍,套着金甲,像是六轮金色的骄阳飞出。 Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi follow in six elders, raised the head to throw out the chest, the vision is arrogant, slanting pi all people. 毕宁帅毕姥爷就跟在六位长老的身后,抬头挺胸,目光傲气十足,斜睥所有人。 Protects a Saint clan to arrive, you have not handed over in the head/number of people.” Grandfather Bi for fear that others cannot see him, the sound sound such as the bull was calling general. “护圣一族降临,尔等还不交出项上人头。”毕姥爷生怕别人看不见他,声音响得如公牛在叫一般。 The old ancestor of god Tianjue mansion cannot get used to seeing Grandfather Bi that rampant appearance very much, gets rid to suppress him, but was actually protected an elder of Saint clan to kill to the bang. 神天爵府的一位老祖很看不惯毕姥爷那嚣张的样子,出手镇压他,但是却被护圣一族的一位长老给轰杀。 Grandfather Bi stares powerhouse one eyes that another plan has gotten rid, is pointing at the nose of opposite party with the finger, said: You give me, later tidy up you carefully.” 毕姥爷瞪了另一个打算出手的强者一眼,用手指指着对方的鼻子,道:“你给我小心点,待会收拾你。” That powerhouse pinched the palm has pinched, finally has not gotten rid, after all protected six elders of Saint clan too to be formidable, each was the aura of Great Sage rank. 那一位强者将手掌捏了又捏,最终沒有出手,毕竟护圣一族的六位长老都太强大了,每一个都是大贤者级别的气息。 Protects an emergence of Saint clan, making these elites of Long be overjoyed, they already heard that Long has such an inside story, is the protector of Long. 护圣一族的出现,让龙家的那些精英都喜出望外,他们早就听说龙家拥有这么一支底蕴,乃是龙家的守护者。 The young generation of member's to protecting Saint clan is very strange, but the characters of these older generations have actually shown the dignified look, this is generally the formidable strength, has protected the Long more than 1 million years, changed the course of events upper level the history several times, rewrites the sixth Yang Dynasty national destiny. 年轻一辈的修士对护圣一族还十分陌生,但是那些老一辈的人物却都露出了凝重的神色,这可是一般强大的力量,守护了龙家1000000多年,在历史上层数次扭转乾坤,改写第六中央王朝的国运。 If not for 30,000 years ago, this group of people vanishes suddenly does not see, Long will not decline that quickly. 若不是在30000年前,这一群人突然消失不见,龙家也不会沒落得那么快。 Master Shen Tianjue stands above the shatter palace, the body armor is bright, is looking at the direction of quadrangle star, cold -ly snorted and said: Protects a Saint clan, if before you 1000, goes out from the Saint courtyard treasure house, perhaps this nobility must fear your three points, but now, cannot kill me Xue Song Zi, let alone is you.” 神天爵爷站在破碎的殿宇之上,身上铠甲鲜明,望着中庭星的方向,冷哼道:“护圣一族,若是你们1000年前从圣庭宝库之中走出,或许本爵还要惧你们三分,但是现在,就连雪松子都杀不了我,更何况是你们。” In the Saint courtyard treasure house, wears the old person of golden armor to walk, stands above the waterfall that the magma flows, looks into outside the territory the starry sky, in both eyes sends out yellow golden radiance, the body unceasing inflation, finally turned into a three zhang (3.33 m) high giant. 圣庭宝库之中,一个身穿黄金铠甲的老人走出來,站在岩浆流淌的瀑布之上,眺望域外星空,双目之中发出黄金色的光华,身体不断的膨胀,最后变成了一尊三丈高的巨人。 Protects the Saint war-god portable battle axe, stands there happily motionless, likely is the idol that a gold casts. 护圣战神手提战斧,站在那里怡然不动,像是一尊黄金铸成的神像。 The Master Shen Tianjue vision stared on this old person's body, tiger shrank slightly, bird stage mountain.” 神天爵爷的目光盯在了这个老人的身上,虎目微微一缩,“雀台岳。” The bird stage mountain, this name regarding presenting most people is very strange, only then some person also reflections. 雀台岳,这个名字对于在场绝大多数的人來说都很陌生,只有极少数的人还有些映像。 An old Wiseman grandmaster said: Bird stage mountain, once first heavenly talent of Saint courtyard.” 一位苍老的智师宗师道:“雀台岳,曾经圣庭的第一天骄。” First heavenly talent of any Saint courtyard, had never heard first heavenly talent of Saint courtyard has a bird stage mountain such person.” “什么圣庭的第一天骄,从未听说过圣庭的第一天骄有雀台岳这么一个人。” Every other dozens years, would the peerless talent being born, the war spreads around the world not to have the rival, regarding these young people, naturally is the extraordinary character, but regarding the powerhouses of these older generations, this does not have anything to be quite strange, after all every other dozens years can hear that a such name, gradually, did not have what to be quite surprised. 每隔几十年,总会有绝世天才出世,战遍天下无敌手,对于那些年轻人來说,自然是了不得的人物,但是对于那些老一辈的强者來说,这沒什么好稀奇,毕竟每隔几十年都能听说一个这样的名字,久而久之也就,沒有什么好惊讶了。 However regarding these Wiseman, naturally gives to write down these information, will not forget for a lifetime. 但是对于那些智师來说,会自然而然的将这些信息给记下來,一辈子都不会忘记。 That old Wiseman said: He is 30,000 years ago first heavenly talent of Saint courtyard.” 那一位苍老的智师道:“他是30000年前的圣庭的第一天骄。” „......” “……” All people could not speak. 所有人都说不出话來。 30,000 years ago first heavenly talent, 30,000 years ago, does not have the rival in the contemporaries, 30,000 years later how terrifyingly. 30000年前的第一天骄,30000年前,在同代人中无敌手,30000年之后又得多么恐怖。 30,000 years were too long, Vicissitudes, the thing is the person not, if a person can live for 30,000 years, then his contemporaries, feared that already died similarly. 30000年实在太久了,沧海桑田,物是人非,一个人若是能够活30000年,那么他的同代人,怕是都已经死得差不多了。 Let alone 30,000 years, in 3000 was too long. 别说30000年,3000年都太漫长了。 Protects Saint war-god say/way slowly: Has not thought that since still some people remember that my name, I almost forgot.” 护圣战神徐徐的道:“沒想到,既然还有人记得我的名字,就连我自己都快忘了。” Protects the Saint war-god to stand above the waterfall, with Master Shen Tianjue looking at each other, they are separated by several thousand miles, but probably is also near at hand, god Tianjue, what the sixth Yang Dynasty need is stable and unified, only then such Human Race can be more powerful, resists the attack of Monster Clan, you should receive the hand.” 护圣战神站在飞瀑之上,与神天爵爷对视,两人相隔数千里,但是却好像又近在咫尺,“神天爵,第六中央王朝需要的是稳定和统一,只有这样人族才能更加强盛,抵挡住妖族的侵袭,你该收手了。” The Master Shen Tianjue clear and resonant voice long said with a smile: I want is stable and unified, once this nobility has made the control of sixth Yang Dynasty, sixth Yang Dynasty will be definitely more prosperous than the present.” 神天爵爷朗声长笑道:“我要的就是稳定和统一,一旦本爵做了第六中央王朝的主宰,第六中央王朝肯定会比现在更加繁盛。” Protects the Saint war-god to shake the head, said: But the sixth Yang Dynasty feudal lord stands in great numbers now, each one is a king, the evil people of netherworld dare to attack the Saint courtyard, this also called prosperously.” 护圣战神摇了摇头,道:“可是现在第六中央王朝诸侯林立,各自为王,就连阴间界的邪人都敢來攻打圣庭,这也叫繁盛。” This is sixth Yang Dynasty under stupid Saint courtyard control rule, because this nobility cannot get used to seeing the present pattern, cannot get used to seeing sixth Yang Dynasty to deteriorate, therefore only then supports oneself for the control, reconstructs more formidable sixth Yang Dynasty.” Master Shen Tianjue said. “这是昏庸的圣庭主宰统治下的第六中央王朝,本爵正是因为看不惯现在的格局,看不惯第六中央王朝衰败下去,所以才只有自立为主宰,重建一个更加强大的第六中央王朝。”神天爵爷道。 Protects the holy war shintoism: That had nothing saying that war, you, if can win me, discussed again into controlled these matters not to be late.” 护圣战神道:“那沒有什么可说了,战吧,你若是能够胜我,再谈成为主宰这些事也不迟。” Protects the Saint war-god, although already got old, but actually as before filled with warm-blooded, battle soul in body will not compare the young people few. 护圣战神虽然已经上了年纪,但是却依旧满腔热血,身体之中的战魂不会比年轻人少。 Although Master Shen Tianjue the injury has not convalesced, but he is the haughty self-confident person, will not flinch in anybody's front. 神天爵爷虽然伤势还沒有痊愈,但是他乃是狂傲自信的人,不会在任何人的面前退缩。 The surrounding these member actually started to draw back, this was fighting of half Saint rank, the destructive power is too strong, draws back the farther the better. 周围的那些修士却开始退了,这可是半圣级别的争锋,破坏力太强,退得越远越好。 Protects the Saint war-god to cry loud and long, the sound like the startling thunderclap, with the Master Shen Tianjue showdown, two people gets rid like the electricity instantaneously, personal appearance change, shatter void, has projected on the ground from the Saint courtyard. 护圣战神长啸一声,声音如惊雷,瞬间就与神天爵爷对决上,两人出手如电,身形变化,破碎虚空,从圣庭打到了地面上。 Nobody can see clearly their war shades radically, only sees in them some people of feet to step on the ground, immediately dozens mountain ridges stepping on. 根本沒有人能够看清他们的战影,只看见他们中有人一脚踩在地面上,顿时将数十座山岭给踩踏。 Feng Feiyun launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, transforms position unceasingly, from time to time is looking at the space, from time to time looks at the tread, but can only see two shadows as before. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,不断转换方位,时而望着天上,时而望着地面,但是依旧只能看到两个影子。 Too quick. 太快了。
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