SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1080: The Saint courtyard is disillusioned

A Saint courtyard control palace silence, these cultivation over ten thousand years of giants some gods. 圣庭主宰宫一阵寂静,就连那些修炼上万年的巨头们都有些愣神。 Did the two heir apparents of god Tianjue mansion such die? 神天爵府的二世子就这么死了? This is the Master Shen Tianjue future successor, in the hand has the power, the previous quarter, receives ten thousand people to respect. 这可是神天爵爷未来的继承人,手中掌握大权,前一刻,都还受万人尊敬。 At this moment, then changed into the flying ash. 这一刻,便化为了飞灰。 Kills well! Haha.” “杀得好!哈哈。” A Ascension sage of Long tied up above the copper column, the body is entangling ten iron locks, sends out the length of clear and resonant voice to smile, swings the copper column keeps rocking. 一个龙家的羽化贤者被绑在铜柱之上,身上缠着十多道铁锁,发出朗声的长笑,将铜柱摇得不停晃动。 The Master Shen Tianjue long hair shawl, tiger is solemn, stares is standing in top of palace Feng Feiyun, good, this nobility has not really misread the person, worthily is the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» successor.” 神天爵爷长发披肩,虎目冷峻,盯着站在殿宇之顶的风飞云,“好,本爵果然没有看错人,不愧是《金蚕经》的传人。” Feng Feiyun, you know that what you are making?” Before forest Gelao died the sword air/Qi making into the severe wound by Xue Song Zi, the body is almost split up, has been recuperating the injury a moment ago, until at this moment the injury suppressing, has stood up suddenly. 风飞云,你知道你在做什么?”林阁老被雪松子死前的剑气给打成重伤,身体差点四分五裂,刚才一直在调养伤势,直到此刻才将伤势给压制了下去,豁然站起身来。 Feng Feiyun said: I and Long have not the small causes and effects, cannot look helplessly Long Jia people dies certainly. The pavilion was old, sorry.” 风飞云道:“我与龙家有不小的因果,不能眼睁睁的看着龙家人死绝。阁老,对不起了。” Originally is this.” forest Gelao wears simple cotton garment, the waistband likely rattan, sends out a sigh, you after all are the person who the old man settles on, looked at you to be driven to death after suffering an injustice here, truly somewhat was a pity. In your hand grasps half Saint to make the symbol, can the short time display half Saint rank the strength, but also absolutely will not be the match of nobility master. You made the symbol stay behind half Saint, made reparations the merit, I can ask favor for you in the front of nobility master, forgave your life.” “原来是这样。”林阁老穿着朴素的布衣,腰带像藤条,发出一声叹息,“你毕竟乃是老夫看中的人,看你枉死在这里,确实有些可惜。你就算手中掌握着半圣令符,能够短时间发挥出半圣级别的力量,但也绝对不会是爵爷的对手。你将半圣令符留下,将功赎罪,我可以在爵爷的面前为你求情,饶你一命。” forest Gelao step by step walked toward Feng Feiyun, on the face is hanging the anxiety, is one is educating the ordinary old person of younger generation likely. 林阁老一步步的向着风飞云走了过去,脸上挂着忧虑,像是一个正在教育晚辈的平凡老人。 Feng Feiyun said: I, since decides to get rid, does not have the truth of regret. Pavilion old good intention, I can only decline with thanks.” 风飞云道:“我既然决定出手,也就没有后悔的道理。阁老的好意,我只能心领了。” You die!” “那你就去死吧!” forest Gelao already arrives at the Feng Feiyun about ten steps, the vision suddenly becomes cold severe, but is cruel, exudes one to sneer. 林阁老已经走到风飞云的十步开外,目光豁然变得冷厉而残忍起来,发出一声冷笑。 Ten steps distances, regarding the character of forest pavilion old this rank, 1/10 can stretch across instant. 十步的距离,对于林阁老这种级别的人物而言,1个刹那就能横跨。 Feng Feiyun already expected forest pavilion is never any good man, has the guard to him, while he gets rid, Feng Feiyun immediately three taste real stoves rumbling. 风飞云早就料到林阁老不是什么善人,对他有防范,在他出手的同时,风飞云就立即将三味真火炉给轰了下去。 Day potential to direct, topography, but the base, cuts.” “天势为引,地势而基,斩。” forest Gelao practicing above treasure hunt technique achieved the unusual person to be able and altitude, has brought in a flash in a day of potential and topography, day potential partial clouds downward were sinking likely, the topography looked like a mainland, to surfacing the boat. 林阁老在寻宝术之上的修行达到了少有人能及的高度,弹指之间就引来了天势和地势,天势像一片云在往下沉,地势像一块大陆,在向上浮。 Sinks, floats. 一沉,一浮。 Feng Feiyun clamping in center. 风飞云给夹在了中央。 Bang!” “轰!” Three taste real stove fierce dashing, give the bang to be broken the day potential and topography, rip the fragmentation, the stove bombardment above the forest pavilion old body, flew to the bang forest Gelao, flesh and blood caved in a big piece, numerous pounding in ground. 三味真火炉剧烈的冲撞,将天势和地势都给轰碎,撕裂成碎片,火炉轰击在林阁老的身体之上,将林阁老给轰飞了出去,身上的血肉都塌陷了一大片,重重的砸在地面上。 Saint courtyard control palace fierce in a flash, presents a giant opening, starts to split toward the two sides. 圣庭主宰宫剧烈的一晃,出现一道巨大的裂口,开始向着两边分裂。 Several thousand miles palace group is collapsing, the pillar break, the wall has the dense and numerous spider marks, finally collapses loudly. These Formation of protection Saint courtyard control palace also in abundance shatter, a dust-shower base splits, stands tall and erect such as a cloud tower also to collapse. 数千里的宫殿群都在倒塌,柱子断裂,墙壁生出密密麻麻的蛛纹,最后轰然倒塌。守护圣庭主宰宫的那些阵法也都纷纷破碎,一座座阵基都裂开,高耸如云的阵塔也随之而倒塌。 Saint courtyard control palace already cannot withstand this grade of rank the confrontation of strength, the entire control heavenly palace must break to pieces.” “圣庭主宰宫已经承受不住这等级别的力量的交锋,整个主宰天宫都要碎了。” Since the ancient times, nobody can give to destroy the control heavenly palace, this is the first time.” “自古以来,都没有人能够将主宰天宫给打碎,这是第一次。” Many Formation already were ruined, withstands radically does not know the strength of half Saint rank.” “很多阵法已经被毁掉,根本承受不知半圣级别的力量。” ...... …… The powerhouses who comes to feast in abundance retreat, is not willing to mix the battle of god Tianjue mansion and in Saint courtyard Long, this is going on an expedition that will decide sixth Yang Dynasty the situation to move toward in the future, once will mix, possibly beyond redemption. 前来赴宴的强者都纷纷退走,不愿意搀和到神天爵府和圣庭龙家的争斗之中,这是决定第六中央王朝未来大势走向的征战,一旦搀和进去,就可能万劫不复。 Naturally also some related extremely intimate nobility master to remain with Master Shen Tianjue, they and Master Shen Tianjue had the treaty of alliance, was the relations of mutual cooperation. 当然其中也有一些与神天爵爷关系极其亲密的爵爷留了下去,他们和神天爵爷有盟约,乃是相互合作的关系。 After forest Gelao by Feng Feiyun to defeating, then has the character of nobility master rank to stand. 林阁老被风飞云给击败之后,便有爵爷级别的人物站出来。 This nobility master is the boundary Lord of herd boundary, seems also the 30-year-old appearance, before the body, rides the White Jade tiger, the Purple Gold profound robe is adding the body, carries on the back to fly upwards the golden cloak. 这位爵爷乃是牧境的境主,看上去也就30多岁的样子,身前骑着白玉老虎,紫金玄袍加身,背上飞扬着金色的披风。 Go away!” “滚开!” Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to him is a nobility master, at this time wanted to cut Master Shen Tianjue wholeheartedly. 风飞云并不理会他乃是一位爵爷,这个时候一心想要斩掉神天爵爷 Master Shen Tianjue was injured by Xue Song Zi, at this moment is restoring the injury, Feng Feiyun naturally does not hope that saw the Master Shen Tianjue injury restores, had better be able striking to kill Master Shen Tianjue while this opportunity. 神天爵爷雪松子所伤,此刻正在恢复伤势,风飞云自然不希望看到神天爵爷伤势恢复,最好能够趁这个机会将神天爵爷给击杀。 Herd boundary boundary Lord sneers: „Does yellow mouth young child, depend on you also to dare to this nobility to be so dissolute?” 牧境境主冷笑一声:“黄口小儿,就凭你也敢对本爵如此放肆?” Meanwhile , two characters of boundary main ranks go out from void, respectively be greatly Hao boundary Lord, Tianmu boundary Lord. 于此同时,又有两位境主级别的人物自虚空之中走出,分别为大昊境主,天目境主。 Three nobility masters Feng Feiyun encircling in central, each one bursting with life, fights intent to be steaming, does not want to make Feng Feiyun disturb Master Shen Tianjue at this time. 三位爵爷将风飞云给围在中央,个个都神采奕奕,战意腾腾,不想让风飞云这个时候去打扰神天爵爷 Feng Feiyun without delay, the air/Qi of Holy Saint will have cut together, greatly a Hao boundary main piece of armor cutting broken, leaves behind a blood-stained mouth above the chest. 凤飞云二话不说,将一道圣灵之气斩了出去,将大昊境主的一片铠甲给斩破,在胸膛之上留下一道血口。 The Tianmu boundary advocating peace herd boundary boundary main calls ancient Spirit Artifact respectively, is the peerless war soldiers. 天目境主和牧境境主各自唤出一件古老的灵器,都是绝世战兵。 It looks like the bead of eyeball to depart from the backdrop boundary main hand, blooms boundless radiance, likely is one round scorching sun overhead float. 一颗长得像眼球的珠子从天幕境主的手中飞出,绽放出无边光华,像是一轮烈日当空悬浮。 The herd boundary boundary officiates a thin Qilin whip, is whip that is built up by the skin sacrifice of ten thousand years of teng snake, inside is binding the chaerocampa oldenlandiae silk, a whip wields, the whip becomes has 300 miles to be long fully, has the water jar to be so thick fully, dozens palaces in tattered control heavenly palace will give the disintegration. 牧境境主祭出一根细麟鞭子,乃是由万年螣蛇的皮祭炼的鞭子,里面裹着天蛾丝,一鞭子挥出,鞭子变得足有300里长,足有水缸那么粗,将破烂的主宰天宫中的数十座宫殿给崩碎。 Three boundary hosts are extremely the character, Feng Feiyun , if no half Saint to make the symbol, is not in them any person of match. 三位境主都是绝顶人物,风飞云若是没有半圣令符,不是他们中任何一人的对手。 Three boundary hosts collaborate, sweeps away a stretch of world sufficiently. 三位境主联手,足以横扫一片天地。 Little friend, I fights them, you cope with Master Shen Tianjue, cannot make him restore the injury absolutely.” The Palace Master foot of non- longevity god palace steps on the Big Dipper lotus flower, the top of the head is floating star light, looks like the exiling immortal that goes out of the starry sky. “小友,我来战他们,你去对付神天爵爷,绝对不能让他恢复伤势。”无寿星宫的宫主脚踩七星莲花,头顶漂浮着一片星光,就像是一位从星空之中走出的谪仙。 Palace Master of non- longevity god palace is the Xue Song Zi disciple, has practiced for over ten thousand years, but as before is young such as a 20 -year-old young fellow. He simultaneously makes three god soldiers, fights with three nobility masters. 无寿星宫的宫主乃是雪松子的弟子,修炼了上万年,但是却依旧年轻得如一位20来岁的少年人。他同时打出三件神兵,与三位爵爷争锋。 Four people of form strange Kuai, the average person almost cannot see clearly their shadows, in a flash, during they fly are void, sends out to thunder the unceasing thunderclap. 四人的身影奇快,一般人几乎看不清他们的影子,转瞬间,他们就飞到虚空之中,发出轰鸣不绝的雷声。 After instant, their four people of already flew seven around the quadrangle star, edge war, if not for the quadrangle star is different from other star, perhaps already was already given to destroy by them. 一个刹那之后,他们四人已经围绕中庭星飞了七圈,边飞边战,若不是中庭星有别于别的星球,恐怕早就已经被他们给打碎。 Is the Xue Song Zi senior most favorite disciple, the strength can actually worthily the forcing three nobility masters.” “不愧是雪松子前辈最得意的弟子,力量竟然能够力压三位爵爷。” Many overlords stand in the distant place, the looking out into the distance quadrangle star, saw that Palace Master of non- longevity god palace is pursuing three nobility master wars, incomparably will admire, in the future lifts Palace Master of non- longevity god palace becomes one of the sixth Yang Dynasty topest characters. 很多霸主都站在远处,远眺中庭星,看到无寿星宫的宫主追着三位爵爷大战,都无比佩服,举得无寿星宫的宫主将来会成为第六中央王朝最顶尖的人物之一。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, a loud sound passes on. 突然,一声巨响传过来。 The center of Saint courtyard quadrangle star, half stars disrupt, creates a magnificent and magnificent picture above the vault of heaven, is very stirring. 圣庭的中心“中庭星”,半个星辰都碎裂开,在苍穹之上造成一种瑰丽而壮观的景象,十分震撼人心。 Palace Master and herd of boundary boundary Lord and Tianmu boundary boundary Lord non- longevity god palace, Hao boundary boundary Lord, these four great people were also flown greatly to the bang by this strength, besides Palace Master of non- longevity god palace can also reluctant resisting, another three boundary hosts be given to injure by that strength, in the mouth is spitting blood unceasingly. 无寿星宫的宫主、牧境境主、天目境境主、大昊境境主,这四位大人物也都被这一股力量给轰飞出去,除了无寿星宫的宫主还能勉强的抵挡,另外三位境主都被那一股力量给打伤,口中在不断吐血。 Draws back quickly, this is the strength of true half Saint rank, stains, can the deceased person.” “快退,这是真正的半圣级别的力量,沾上一点,就会死人。” Stands in member several tens of thousands miles away, was given to daunt by this strength, turns toward the distant place to run away in abundance, but as before some strength slightly weak people, because runs away, by that strength rumbling dregs. 站在数万里之外的众修士,都被这一股力量给吓住,纷纷向着远处逃窜,但是依旧有一些力量稍弱的人,因为逃窜不及,被那一股力量给轰成了渣。 The quadrangle star rotted half, many stars fragments float above vault of heaven, drifts away toward the four directions. The center of star flows the boiling hot magma, gives the heat the horizon, burns the red sunset glow. 中庭星都烂掉了半个,有很多星辰碎片都悬浮在苍穹之上,向着四方游离。星球的中央流淌出滚烫的岩浆,将天边给烧红,燃烧起通红的晚霞。 That is red looks like in the flame common sunset glow, exudes the dreadful war sound, shakes the air looks like the mighty waves to be ordinary, air wave spreads toward ten thousand miles beyond piece by piece. 那红得像火焰一般的晚霞之中,发出滔天的战声,将空气震得像波澜一般,一片片空气波向着万里之外蔓延。 Even if stands beside remote void, can see Master Shen Tianjue that huge incomparable war-god law. 即便是站在遥远的虚空之外,都能看到神天爵爷那庞大无比的战神法相。 Is very young with the member who that war-god law fights relatively, like the grain of rice of illumination flies together generally in the war-god law the surroundings, the stove in hand becomes looks like flame stars, hits the difficult minute of difficult shed with the war-god law. 与那战神法相对战的修士十分年轻,就像一道发光的米粒一般飞在战神法相的周围,手中的火炉变得像一颗火焰星辰,与战神法相打得难分难舍。 This simply in picture like legend! 这简直就像神话传说之中的景象! Junior, I must hit your god shape entirely to extinguish.” The Master Shen Tianjue sound is very overbearing. “小辈,我要打得你神形俱灭。”神天爵爷的声音无比霸道。 I also think.” “我也是这么想的。” Feng Feiyun stands in void, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that seal hitting, changed into black and white bi-color circular sky, float in war-god law the top of the head, like turbine wheel general revolving, gives to break the war-god law. 风飞云站在虚空,将八卦道印给打了出去,化为一片黑白双色的圆形天空,悬浮在战神法相的头顶,像涡轮一般的旋转,将战神法相给震碎。 The Master Shen Tianjue main body sits cross-legged above tattered quadrangle star, both eyes explode open, the arm extends, a huge hand imprint rumbled, palm sufficiently crumb stars. 神天爵爷的本尊盘坐在破烂的中庭星之上,双目爆睁开,手臂一伸,一个巨大的手印轰了出去,手掌足以捏碎星辰。 Bang!” “嘭!” The half Saint in Feng Feiyun hand made the symbol split the sixth crack, almost wanted thoroughly broke to pieces. 风飞云手中的半圣令符裂开了第六道裂纹,差一点就要彻底的碎开。 Half Saint made the symbol, although was strong, but could not compare the true half Saint after all. 半圣令符虽强,但毕竟比不上真正的半圣。 The Feng Feiyun diving posture backs up, does not dare with the Master Shen Tianjue front impact. 风飞云飞身倒退,没敢和神天爵爷正面碰撞。 Junior, today is your time of death.” Master Shen Tianjue stands up suddenly, body divine light four shoot, the ray spreads from quadrangle star, dazzling, changes remote void, as before is very bright. “小辈,今天就是你的死期。”神天爵爷豁然站起身来,身上神光四射,光芒从中庭星之上传出,璀璨夺目,变出一片遥远的虚空,却依旧十分明亮。 With our Master Shen Tianjue for the person of enemy, kills without the amnesty!” “与我们神天爵爷为敌之人,杀无赦!” One group of old men cross come void, each aura rushing, the body is bringing a war-god general bracing cold. 一群老者横渡虚空而来,每一个气息都滂湃,身上带着一股战神一般的气劲。 The row old ancestor and sage of god Tianjue mansion are born, must help Master Shen Tianjue to suppress the rebel. The old people of these god Tianjue government offices, have are higher than it Master Shen Tianjue rank, is existences of some old undying. 神天爵府的列位老祖和贤者出世,要助神天爵爷镇压叛逆。这些神天爵府的老人,有很多比之神天爵爷的辈分都要高,都是一些老不死的存在。 Today the person of god Tianjue mansion, must die.” “今日神天爵府的人,都得死。” Long Aotian puts on the tattered silver armor, the long hair chaotic dance, the body blood drippings, the vision clank, in the hand is dragging a piece of corpse mountain, fully over ten thousand corpses, the crown of corpse mountain stands in a Daoist, is one of the Master Shen Tianjue most formidable subordinates day major road person. 龙傲天穿着破烂的银甲,长发乱舞,身上鲜血淋淋,目光铮铮,手中拖着一片尸山,足有上万具尸体,其中尸山的顶部站在一个道人,正是神天爵爷最强大的下属之一“天官道人”。 Day major road person by nine long-barrelled guns piercing body, including long spear/gun pierced his forehead, in both eyes, the blood keeps downward flowing! 天官道人被九根长枪给洞穿身体,其中有一根长枪洞穿了他的眉心,双目之中,鲜血不停往下流! This is the incomparably stirring picture, Long Aotian such as an demon god walks in void, is dragging out over ten thousand corpses, exudes the sinking sound big howls, Long juniors where? Kills to me!” 这是无比震撼人心的画面,龙傲天如一尊魔神行走在虚空之中,拖着上万具尸体,发出沉声的大啸,“龙家子弟何在?给我杀!”
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