SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1079: Half the showdown of Saint rank

On Xue Song Zi must be floating white/in vain, five must depart white/in vain, gave to tie down five swords, has towed, took the beard as to direct, extended dozens heads, five swords cutting. 雪松子头上的白须飘飘,其中,五根白须飞出,将五剑给缠住,拖了回來,以胡须为引,延伸出数十里长,将五剑给斩出。 Five swords that Xue Song Zi cuts, compared with the it five sword holes main do not know that fierce many times, the Formation barrier of Saint courtyard control palace cutting broken, gives to cut once more broken the Master Shen Tianjue method. 雪松子斩出的五剑,比之五剑洞主不知厉害多少倍,将圣庭主宰宫的阵法屏障给斩破,再次将神天爵爷的法相给斩碎。 Since deodar cedar senior, wants with this nobility war, then the nobility accompanies.” The Master Shen Tianjue main body comes, stands in the crown of control heavenly palace, wears fights the armor, tiger sinks coldly, shows disdain for the vault of heaven. “既然雪松前辈,想要与本爵一战,那么本爵就奉陪到底。”神天爵爷的本尊现身,站在主宰天宫的顶部,身穿战铠,虎目沉冷,傲视苍穹。 His top of the head has dragon Huxu the shade to circle, presents gods and ghosts, but aggressive picture. 他的头顶有龙虎虚影在盘旋,呈现出一幅神异而霸气的画面。 Master Shen Tianjue must with a Xue Song Zi war. 神天爵爷要和雪松子一战。 God, this was also too self-confident. 天呐,这也太自信了。 Must know what that four highly respected people represent is the sixth Yang Dynasty most formidable four people, few people dare to challenge them, even if were wants to find to catch a they move of person, almost not obvious. 要知道那四位泰斗代表的是第六中央王朝最强大的四个人,很少有人敢挑战他们,就算是想要找到接住他们一招的人,几乎都不可见。 Already heard, Master Shen Tianjue from outside returns, cultivation base strives, a palm gives to defeat five sword hole hosts, this is the best proof.” “早就听说,神天爵爷从界外归來,修为又有精进,一掌将五剑洞主给击败,这就是最好的证明。” „The time that Master Shen Tianjue practices although is inferior to that four highly respected people, but now world, already nobody can fight with him, perhaps already has achieved the ranks of four big highly respected people.” 神天爵爷修行的时间虽然不如那四位泰斗,但是当今之世,已经无人能够与他一战,或许已经达到了四大泰斗的级别。” Really makes the person anticipate.” “真是让人期待。” Master Shen Tianjue stands remarkably, the body is straight, above the top of the head tiger's roar dragon cry, an eternal truth undefeated war-god, said that must fight Xue Song Zi. 神天爵爷卓然而立,身体笔直,头顶之上虎啸龙吟,真如一尊不败战神,放话要战雪松子 Xue Song Zi gently sighed, said: My already was old, blood energy already could not follow your young people, the war not to need, if you can catch my sword, but undying, obsolete returned five celestial mountains immediately, no matter again also world battle.” 雪松子轻轻的一叹,道:“我已经老了,血气已经跟不上你们年轻人,战都不必了,你若是能够接住我一剑而不死,老朽立即就退回五台仙山,再也不管世间争斗。” Xue Song Zi aura suddenly becomes sharp, a withered old hand has extended, the index finger and middle finger pinch the sword Secret Art, therefore the ray condenses a handle white sword. 雪松子身上的气息突然变得锐利起來,一只干瘪苍老的手伸了出來,食指和中指捏成剑诀,所以的光芒凝聚成一柄白色的剑。 „.” “唰。” The body of Xue Song Zi, from vanishes suddenly same place. 雪松子的身体,突然从原地消失。 The person sees his time in the presence of everyone once more, his already stood in the Master Shen Tianjue front, the sword of white sword was sharp, already pricked Master Shen Tianjue forehead one inch depth, punctured the skull, a little bit blood drops from the Master Shen Tianjue forehead. 当众人再次看到他的时候,他已经站在了神天爵爷的面前,白色的剑的剑尖,已经刺入神天爵爷的眉心一寸深,刺破头骨,一滴滴鲜血从神天爵爷的眉心滴了出來。 Quite quick. 好快。 Very powerful. 好强。 War-god broken.” “战神不破。” Master Shen Tianjue both hands advance, the palm condenses two rushing the strength, revolved the pinnacle «War-god Secret Art», wanted to resist the Xue Song Zi sword air/Qi. 神天爵爷双手向前推,掌心凝聚两股滂湃的劲气,将《战神诀》运转到了极致,想要抵挡雪松子的剑气。 However the sword in Xue Song Zi hand, in cuns (2.5 cm) pushes toward his forehead. 但是雪松子手中的剑,还是在一寸寸的向着他眉心之中推送。 So to be how strong.” “怎么会这么强。” The complexion big change of Master Shen Tianjue, in the vision full is with amazement, the Xue Song Zi sword air/Qi was too formidable, «War-god Secret Art» is unable to resist, the sword air/Qi already to sneak into his within the body. 神天爵爷的脸色大变,目光之中满是骇然,雪松子的剑气实在太强大了,《战神诀》都无法抵挡,剑气已经窜入他的体内。 Today must die under his sword. 难道今天就要死在他的一剑之下。 Feng Feiyun said: This old club so is unexpectedly strong, added any old, cannot follow blood energy of young people, Nyima, this is not installing to compel, wanting a sword killing states clearly intentionally Master Shen Tianjue.” 风飞云道:“这老棒子竟然这么强,还说什么年纪大,跟不上年轻人的血气,尼玛,这不是在故意装逼,想要一剑将神天爵爷给干掉就明说嘛。” Xuanyuan Yiyi shook the head, said: blood energy indeed already in Xue Song Zi senior body starts to dry up, now already marched into the old age, if in his prosperous time, will be more formidable than the present, kills Master Shen Tianjue not to look like strenuously now so.” 轩辕一一摇了摇头,道:“雪松子前辈身体之中的血气的确已经开始枯竭,现在已经步入了晚年,若是在他老人家鼎盛时期,将会比现在更加强大,杀神天爵爷不会像现在这般的吃力。” How regardless to say Master Shen Tianjue, this time was dead.” “无论怎么说神天爵爷,这次是死定了。” Feng Feiyun naturally can see under two people high, Xue Song Zi already has controlled the entire general situation, controls the angry field, pierced the Master Shen Tianjue war manner, was equal to sentencing the death penalty to Master Shen Tianjue. 风飞云自然能够看得出两人的高下,雪松子已经掌控了整个大局,控制所有气场,洞穿了神天爵爷的战神气,也就等于是给神天爵爷判了死刑。 „Not good......” Xuanyuan Yiyi to make noise suddenly. “不好……”轩辕一一突然出声。 Feng Feiyun also saw, in Master Shen Tianjue and Xue Song Zi two people, forest Gelao goes out from void, uses the valuable technique, inspires the rusticity, the light beam shot up to the sky from the ground together, shells on the body of Xue Song Zi. 风飞云也看到了,就在神天爵爷雪松子两人的下方,林阁老从虚空之中走出,施展宝术,引动地气,一道光柱从地面冲天而起,轰击在了雪松子的身上。 The head of Master Shen Tianjue must be separated, but at this moment, the body of Xue Song Zi was always given the sneak attack by the forest pavilion, by the air/Qi of earth shelling, the body rich sword air/Qi disperses immediately, in the mouth puts out a blood, body fast old getting down. 神天爵爷的头颅都要被分开,但是就在这时,雪松子的身体被林阁老给偷袭,被大地之气给轰击了一下,身上浓郁的剑气顿时散开,口中吐出一口鲜血來,身体快速的苍老的下去。 forest Gelao also suffered on Xue Song Zi the counter-attack of that sword air/Qi, experienced personally the heavy losses, above the body presented many cracks, was almost split up. 林阁老也遭受了雪松子身上的那一股剑气的反冲击,身受重创,身体之上出现了很多裂纹,差一点就四分五裂。 Haha, Xue Song Zi, you could not kill me, dies.” “哈哈,雪松子,你也杀不了我,去死吧。” The head of Master Shen Tianjue closes fast, in mouth sends out to laugh wildly the sound, a palm the Xue Song Zi old body puncturing. 神天爵爷的头颅快速合上,口中发出狂笑声,一掌将雪松子苍老的身体给打穿。 Teacher.” “师尊。” Five sword holes advocate peace the Palace Master complexion emergency in non- longevity god palace. 五剑洞主和无寿星宫的宫主都脸色急变。 Master Shen Tianjue battle soul is very powerful, a palm bombardment in the Xue Song Zi top of the head, gives to destroy the head of Xue Song Zi, the state of mind changes into the fragment, fell the ground. 神天爵爷的身上战魂无比强盛,一掌轰击在雪松子的头顶,将雪松子的头颅给打碎,神魂都化为碎片,掉落到了地上。 Five sword holes advocate peace Palace Master of non- longevity god palace to fly to fall to the Xue Song Zi front, gives to help up the old man who the blood drippings, but old man already was also given thorough suppress and kill by god Tianjue, the body is tattered, the aura cuts off. 五剑洞主和无寿星宫的宫主飞落到雪松子的面前,将鲜血淋淋的老者给扶起,但是老者已经被神天爵也给彻底镇杀,身体破烂,气息断绝。 Mean, gets rid to sneak attack teacher unexpectedly.” “卑鄙,竟然出手偷袭师尊。” Five sword hole hosts clench jaws, wield a sword to cut forest Gelao, but was actually actually flown by a Master Shen Tianjue palm to the racket by her, a Master Shen Tianjue foot stepped in her body, enabling her to move. 五剑洞主咬牙切齿,挥剑就去斩林阁老,但是却被她却被神天爵爷一掌给拍飞了出去,神天爵爷一脚踩在了她的身上,使她不能动弹。 Master Shen Tianjue cold sound say/way: Defeated has defeated, can look without any excuse, in this world only then the person believed the result, the process was unimportant.” 神天爵爷冷声的道:“败了就是败了,沒有任何借口可以找,这世上只有人信服结果,过程并不重要。” Palace Master of non- longevity god palace displays to ban the technique, draws on 18 stars the strengths, light of collections 18 stars are one bunch, has shelled toward Master Shen Tianjue. 无寿星宫的宫主施展禁术,招來18颗星辰的力量,18道星辰之光汇集为一束,向着神天爵爷轰击了下去。 Master Shen Tianjue extends a hand, palm erupts fights the air/Qi lost, gives the cradling the light of 18 stars, icy stared at Palace Master one of the non- longevity god palace, said: Your teachers are not my match, you also want to fight with me.” 神天爵爷伸出一只手,手掌心爆发出神战气,将18道星辰之光给托住,冷冰冰的盯了无寿星宫的宫主一眼,道:“就连你们师尊都不是我的对手,你还想与我交手。” Fights a war, pours might also as well.” “战一战,倒也无妨。” Palace Master of non- longevity god palace displays very indifferently, the body star light is luxuriant, in the forehead departs a say/way chart, Master Shen Tianjue wrapping in the chart. 无寿星宫的宫主表现得很淡然,身上星光蔼蔼,眉心之中飞出一张道图,将神天爵爷给包裹在道图之中。 Bang.” “嘭。” The chart was torn into shreds, Master Shen Tianjue goes out from inside, cold sound drinks: Underestimated you actually, has not thought that your cultivation base already achieves this region, if makes you cultivation again for several thousand years, perhaps also really has with the strength that this nobility fights.” 道图被撕碎开,神天爵爷从里面走出,冷声一喝:“倒是小看了你,沒想到你的修为已经达到这个境地,若是再让你修炼几千年,说不定还真有与本爵一战的力量。” Palace Master already of non- longevity god palace five sword holes main hugging, changed into star light, has flown the horizon, then turns toward the horizon to fly to run away. 无寿星宫的宫主已经将五剑洞主给抱起,化为了一道星光,飞到了天际,然后向着天边飞逃过去。 Master Shen Tianjue cold snort/hum, „you have thought that you can also get away today.” 神天爵爷冷哼了一声,“你以为你们今天还走得了。” Master Shen Tianjue was in charge together has shelled the past, the penetration was void, will not have Palace Master and five sword hole main rackets of longevity god palace falls the ground. 神天爵爷一道掌印轰击了过去,穿透虚空,将无寿星宫的宫主和五剑洞主拍落到地上。 Master Shen Tianjue did goes too far.” Ancient Sword that Xuanyuan Yiyi of state of mind Old Well non- wave, at this moment deep knitting the brows, carries on the back resounds. 神天爵爷做得太过火了。”就连心境古井无波的轩辕一一,此刻都深深的皱眉,背上的古剑鸣响。 Feng Feiyun cussed out Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai in the heart, this grandparent and grandchild two really Taikeng fathers, asking them to go to the Saint courtyard treasure house to invite the person, went such for a long time unexpectedly not to come back. 风飞云则在心头臭骂毕姥爷毕宁帅,这祖孙两实在太坑爹,叫他们去圣庭宝库请人,去了这么久居然都沒有回來。 At this time Master Shen Tianjue was wounded by Xue Song Zi, killed his best opportunity. 这个时候神天爵爷雪松子击伤,正是杀他的最好时机啊。 Waited for the Master Shen Tianjue injury to recover, wants to kill him to be difficult once more. 神天爵爷的伤势复原,想要再次杀他就难了。 Master Shen Tianjue five sword hole main necks pinching in hand, cold Chen say/way: Happen to refining up a you essence to come, to restore my injury.” 神天爵爷将五剑洞主的脖子给捏在手中,冷沉的道:“正好炼化你一身的精气來,恢复我身上的伤势。” Master Shen Tianjue uses the mystique, absorbs the strengths in five sword hole main bodies, five sword holes main is a 20 -year-old beautiful woman, but actually starts at the naked eye obvious speed senilly, head black hair turning white hair gradually. 神天爵爷施展秘法,吸收五剑洞主身体之中的力量,五剑洞主原本乃是一个20來岁的美人,但是却以肉眼可见的速度开始衰老,头上的黑发渐渐的变成白发。 Nobody thinks that will have such accident, thinks Master Shen Tianjue died, the person but who dies now was actually character Xue Song Zi of highly respected person rank, if made god Tianjue also restore the injury, the sixth Yang Dynasty who can also kill him. 沒有人想到会发生这样的变故,本來都以为神天爵爷死定了,但是现在死的人却是泰斗级别的人物雪松子,若是让神天爵也恢复伤势,第六中央王朝谁人还能杀他。 Xuanyuan Yiyi changed into a spoken parts shade to fly, stood in the Master Shen Tianjue front, said: rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people, Xue Song Zi senior already died, five sword holes main should not die again.” 轩辕一一化为一道白影飞了出去,站在了神天爵爷的面前,道:“得饶人处且饶人,雪松子前辈已经死了,五剑洞主不该再死。” Who lives who dies, has a nobility to decide, is not exhausted your Moonwater Wonderland the person to worry.” Master Shen Tianjue overbearing saying. “谁生谁死,自有本爵说了算,不劳烦你们水月天境的人操心。”神天爵爷霸道的说道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi knits the brows again and again. 轩辕一一连连皱眉。 Bang.” “轰。” Air/Qi of-and-a-half Saint raise suddenly, spread the entire Saint courtyard. 一股半圣之气突然升起,蔓延整个圣庭。 Also there are to comes. 又有至强來了吗。 Bang of a huge stove from backdrop falls, pounds slantingly in the Master Shen Tianjue top of the head, collapsing flew dozens meters far the body of Master Shen Tianjue. 一个庞大的火炉从天幕之上轰落下來,斜砸在神天爵爷的头顶,将神天爵爷的身体给崩飞了数十米远。 Five sword holes main from his flew, by Xuanyuan Yiyi catching. 五剑洞主从他的飞了出去,被轩辕一一给接住。 This accident, stems from the expectations of all people once more. 这一次变故,再次出乎所有人的预料。 Some people dare to get rid to Master Shen Tianjue unexpectedly, some powerhouses arrive. 竟然又有人敢对神天爵爷出手,难道又有强者降临。 Xuanyuan Yiyi was startled, looks toward the place above, sees only Feng Feiyun to pinch three taste real stoves, coquettish incomparable standing in the top of palace, the long hair is floating, the front piece is neat, the vision is elegant, was smiling to her, said: Saintess your highness, the light said that has any meaning, when should get rid, but must get rid.” 轩辕一一吃了一惊,向着上方望去,只见风飞云捏着三味真火炉,风骚无比的站在殿宇之顶,长发飘飘,衣襟整洁,目光飘逸,对着她笑了笑,道:“圣女殿下,光说有什么意思,该出手时,还得出手。” Xuanyuan Yiyi is startled dumbfoundedly, the chin must fall on the ground, the well-illuminated say/way heart is unassuageable, this fellow insane inadequate, dares to begin with Master Shen Tianjue unexpectedly. 轩辕一一惊得目瞪口呆,下巴都要掉在地上,通明的道心都难以平静,这家伙疯了不成,竟然敢和神天爵爷动手。 Participates in pledge rally state banquet Liu Suzi, Tiansuan Shusheng, You Ziling and the others of also to shock, sees Feng Feiyun to stand in the summit of palace, felt that was too inconceivable. 参加誓师国宴的琉苏紫天算书生游紫菱等人也都震惊住,看到风飞云站在殿宇之巅,都感觉太不可思议了。 This is stands in the confrontation of topest that group of people, his cultivated dozens years of fellow also to dare to go to the ginseng to gather. 这是站在最顶尖那群人的交锋,他一个才修炼了数十年的家伙也敢去参合。 Moreover, he smashes the head of Master Shen Tianjue with the stove unexpectedly. 而且,他居然用炉子砸神天爵爷的头。 On the Master Shen Tianjue sending crown was given the chop suey by three taste real stoves, the long hair chops to fall, both eyes heavy, in the vision full is the anger, stares is standing Feng Feiyun above palace, said: Your courage was too big.” 神天爵爷头上的发冠被三味真火炉给杂碎,长发劈落,双目沉沉,目光之中满是怒火,盯着站在殿宇之上的风飞云,道:“你的胆子太大了。” „It is not all along small.” “一贯都不小。” Feng Feiyun pinches half Saint to make symbol, air/Qi of-and-a-half Saint cover the whole body, aura becomes more and more powerful, covers the entire Saint courtyard, the back presents a huge dragon soul comes out. 风飞云手捏半圣令符,一股半圣之气笼罩全身,身上的气息变得越來越强盛,笼罩整个圣庭,背后呈现出一条庞大的龙魂出來。 Feng Feiyun, you dare to get rid to the nobility master unexpectedly, was really counter- you.” Near cold sound said. 风飞云,你竟然敢对爵爷出手,真是反了你。”宁嘉临冷声道。 Feng Feiyun slanting pi his eyes, above the finger have given birth to one group of flames, the fingertip becomes incomparably radiant, toward near one finger/refers. 风飞云斜睥了他一眼,手指之上生出一团火光,指尖变得无比璀璨,向着宁嘉临一指。 The column of flame departs together, likely is the meteorite crash horizon, body that is near piercing. 一道火柱飞出,像是陨石坠落天际,将宁嘉临的身体给洞穿。 .” “噗。” Near has not exuded one including the pitiful yell, the body is fired the powder powder, the soul flies to splash. 宁嘉临连惨叫都沒有发出一声,身体就被烧成了齑粉,魂飞泼洒。 ............ ………… Continues to propagandize the slightly letter public platform: jiudangjia90, or receives the rope: Nine manage a household. 继续宣传微信公众平台:jiudangjia90,或者收索:九当家。
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