SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1078: Five celestial mountain deodar cedars stand

The finger of Demoness is slender, the fingertip grows jade referring to clamp, is pinching the neck of Feng Feiyun, said: You think that you also deceived me, this place looked at you are a talented person, therefore repeatedly tolerated you, you left, when my anything does not know.” 女魔的手指纤细,指尖长着玉色的指夹,捏着风飞云的脖子,道:“你以为你还骗得了我,本座看你是个人才,所以才多次纵容你,你别当我什么都不知道。” You know anything.” Feng Feiyun calms down, felt that on the neck froze ice dregs, this Demoness as if real thing. “你知道什么。”风飞云冷静下來,感觉脖子上冻上了一层冰渣,这次女魔似乎是动真格了。 Demoness cold sound said: You said that is my envoy, but you obtained the treasure and god soldier each time, has not given to me, but was hides.” 女魔冷声道:“你自称是我的使者,但是你每次得到了宝物和神兵,都沒有献给我,而是自己藏了起來。” Key is you had not asked that I have wanted.” Feng Feiyun said. “关键是你沒有问我要过。”风飞云道。 You give me Sacred Fruit.” Demoness said. “那你将圣实果交给我。”女魔道。 This does not have.” Feng Feiyun said. “这个真沒有。”风飞云道。 You , if not hand over, I personally took.” “你若是不交出來,那我就亲自來取了。” The hand of Demoness grasps toward the Feng Feiyun body, at this moment that Spirit Stone idol on Feng Feiyun waist sends out the white ray, exudes a clear delightful female voice, Female Monster, cannot injure him.” 女魔的手向着风飞云身体之中抓去,就在这时风飞云腰上的那一尊灵石神像发出白色的光芒,发出一声清脆悦耳的女声,“女魔头,不许伤害他。” The Spirit Stone idol lived, a white palm has hit toward Demoness. 灵石神像活了过來,一只白色的手掌向着女魔打了过去。 „A young god is evil, dares with me for the enemy.” A Demoness palm gives the disintegration white palm, then gave to take the Spirit Stone idol on Feng Feiyun waist, pinches in the hand. “一只小神邪,也敢与我为敌。”女魔一掌将白色的手掌给崩碎,然后便将风飞云腰上的灵石神像给取走,捏在了手中。 The Spirit Stone idol feels on Demoness formidable Demon Qi, immediately has been afraid, exudes wū wū weeping sound. 灵石神像感受到女魔身上强大的魔气,顿时害怕了起來,发出“呜呜”的哭声。 The eye of Feng Feiyun turns into the blood red, cold severe is staring at Demoness, the sinking sound: Cannot injure her.” 风飞云的眼睛变成血红色,冷厉的盯着女魔,沉声:“不许伤害她。” Demoness shot a look at Feng Feiyun one, said: Gives me Sacred Fruit, otherwise do not blame this crumb her state of mind.” 女魔瞥了风飞云一眼,道:“将圣实果给我,不然别怪本座捏碎她的神魂。” Feng Feiyun both hands pinch tightly, the tooth bites tightly, in his opinion Sacred Fruit now already and family member have not distinguished, naturally cannot give Demoness to eat. 风飞云双手捏紧,牙齿紧咬,在他看來圣实果现在已经与亲人沒有区别,自然不会交给女魔吃掉。 Since Sir Demoness is so aggressive, that do not blame me and you goes all out.” “既然女魔大人如此咄咄逼人,那就别怪我与你拼命了。” Feng Feiyun made the symbol give to take out half Saint, in any event must Tai Wei rescuing. 风飞云将半圣令符给取出,无论如何都要将太微给救回來。 On the face of Demoness has shown the look of ponder suddenly, air/Qi of retreat demon slowly, the eye pupil becomes more and more limpid, the flesh is exquisite and pure white, sends out the holy spiritual energy, looked at the Spirit Stone idol in hand, say/way that thought aloud: I recall to mind suddenly, probably a short time ago went to Saint courtyard treasure house, already obtained enough many Spirit Stone, arrives at the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to purchase the antique demon earth sufficiently, had the antique demon earth naturally to attack the sixth sudden rising, probably had Sacred Fruit not to matter.” 女魔的脸上突然露出了沉思的神色,身上的邪魔之气缓缓的退去,眼眸变得越來越清澈,肌肤细腻而洁白,散发出圣洁的灵气,看了看手中的灵石神像,自言自语的道:“我突然记起,好像前不久去了圣庭宝库一趟,已经得到了足够多的灵石,足以到丹鼎鬼市去购买太古魔土,有了太古魔土自然就能冲击第六次尸变,好像有沒有圣实果也无所谓。” Feng Feiyun cold sound said: You are up to mischief.” 风飞云冷声道:“你到底在搞什么鬼。” Demoness turns around suddenly, on immortal Yan Zhi reveals a faint smile, said: Feng Feiyun, goes to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market along with me together, when I complete the sixth sudden rising, I help you to break through the Ascension boundary.” 女魔豁然转身,仙颜之上露出一丝浅笑,道:“风飞云,随我一起去丹鼎鬼市,待我完成第六次尸变,我助你冲破羽化境。” You must do.” Feng Feiyun said. “你到底要干什么。”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in not far away, feels bewilderedly, passes message said to Feng Feiyun: „The strength in her body is very huge, is very chaotic, should be already has surpassed fifth sudden rising the strength of peak, this strength including her not necessarily to control, thus caused her train of thought to be chaotic.” 轩辕一一站在不远处,也感觉莫名其妙,传音给风飞云道:“她身体之中的力量很庞大,也很混乱,应该是已经超过了第五次尸变的巅峰的力量,这股力量连她自己都未必控制得住,从而导致她思绪混乱起來了。” Feng Feiyun is crazy. 风飞云狂汗。 Demoness refine to melt in the crystal red clever ship Evil Qi, should step into the peak of fifth sudden rising on already, in the urgent seeking turning point, broke through the sixth sudden rising. 女魔炼化了晶红鬼船之中邪气,应该就已经踏入了第五次尸变的巅峰,在迫切的寻找契机,突破第六次尸变。 However this in the period, has swallowed many treasures that she has not controlled, for example, the Holy Saint phoenix bloodstone that snatches from Mao Wugui, definitely by her complete absorption altogether. 但是这在期间,她又沒有节制的吞服了很多宝物,比如,从茅乌龟那么抢去的圣灵凤凰血晶,肯定都被她一股脑的全部吸收。 That is Holy Saint the crystal stone of blood condensation, even if refining up the same place, has the energy of no small matter, sufficiently Great Sage supporting, but she actually altogether refining up completely, has not exploded the body to perish already is very fierce. 那可是圣灵的鲜血凝聚的晶石,哪怕只是炼化一块,都有非同小可的能量,足以将一位大贤者给撑死,但是她却一股脑的全部炼化,沒有爆体而亡都已经很厉害了。 Even if so, she as before has not controlled, a moment ago a nobility master swallowing. 就算如此,她也依旧沒有节制,刚才又将一位爵爷给吞噬了。 This is the greedy fate. 这就是贪心的下场。 Feng Feiyun plans to give to stand firm Demoness first, said: You give back to me Tai Wei first, goes to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market the matter, how to discuss again slowly.” 风飞云打算先将女魔给稳住,道:“那你先将太微还给我,去丹鼎鬼市的事,咋们再慢慢谈。” Good, gives back to you.” Demoness the Spirit Stone idol in hand, but also in the hand of Feng Feiyun, on the face was having the Dandan smiling face, is chaste like a human and animals harmless angel. “好,还给你。”女魔将手中的灵石神像,还到了风飞云的手中,脸上带着淡淡笑容,纯洁得就像一个人畜无害的天使。 She likely suddenly changed a person. 她像是突然变了一个人。 Feng Feiyun hastily the Spirit Stone idol receiving, so as to avoid being given to overtake by Demoness again, said: I must go to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to purchase something actually, but after this must wait till Saint courtyard chaos caused by war to end.” 风飞云连忙将灵石神像给收好,免得再被女魔给抢了过去,道:“我其实也要去丹鼎鬼市购买一些东西,不过这得等到圣庭这一场战乱结束之后。” Demoness becomes speaks very well, claimed when necessary can lend a hand to help the Feng Feiyun helping hand, with formerly must kill the Feng Feiyun appearance, acts like a different person simply. 女魔变得很好说话起來,声称在必要时候可以出手助风飞云一臂之力,与先前要杀风飞云的样子,简直判若两人。 When Feng Feiyun, Demoness and Xuanyuan Yiyi, return to the Saint courtyard once more, the Saint courtyard fought already to the last act. 风飞云女魔轩辕一一,再次返回圣庭之时,圣庭大战已经到了尾声。 , Can see that by far a huge law stands the peak in Saint courtyard control palace, shows disdain for the vault of heaven, one group of motley crew, collapse at the first blow.” 远远的,就能看到一尊巨大的法相站在圣庭主宰宫的顶端,傲视苍穹,“一群乌合之众,不堪一击。” Ning Shidao, do not think your already thorough has won, our Long people with outstanding ability pour forth, will never admit defeat.” 宁师道,你别以为你已经彻底的赢了,我们龙家英才辈出,永不认输。” Long Yingjie who this time comes to attack the Saint courtyard control palace, overwhelming majorities were cut to kill, only then the powerhouses of extremely few part are also living, but also tied up above the copper column, in the copper column is burning the flaming flame, burns fiery red the copper column, must burn to refine their bodies. 这次前來攻打圣庭主宰宫的龙家英杰,绝大多数都被斩杀,只有极少部分的强者还活着,但是也都被捆绑在铜柱之上,铜柱之中燃烧着熊熊火焰,将铜柱烧得火红,要焚炼他们的身体。 The Master Shen Tianjue method presents in the top of control palace, is dignified and indifferent, said: Your Long destiny completely, must why make struggling of futile effort, after today, sixth Yang Dynasty does not have the Long person again.” 神天爵爷的法相呈现在主宰宫殿之顶,庄严而冷漠,道:“你们龙家气数已尽,何必还要做徒劳的挣扎,今日之后,第六中央王朝再无龙家人。” These words, entire Saint courtyard has seethed with excitement. 这句话一出,整个圣庭都沸腾了起來。 Although many people know that Master Shen Tianjue must ascend a height to get a broad view today the control position, becomes the sixth Yang Dynasty master, when this saying said from the Master Shen Tianjue mouth, made the heart of person unassuageable as before. 虽然很多人都知道神天爵爷今天要登临主宰位,成为第六中央王朝的主人,但是当这话从神天爵爷的口中说出來的时候,依旧让人的心难以平静。 This was must cloud over. 这是要变天了。 Bold, Saint courtyard control can it be that you said that the substitution can substitute.” “大胆,圣庭主宰岂是你说取代就能取代。” Beside the vault of heaven, explodes drinks to transmit, white beard flies from void, is away from void, gives to cut off the Master Shen Tianjue method. 天穹之外,爆喝传來,一根白色的胡须从虚空之外飞來,隔着一片虚空,将神天爵爷的法相给斩断。 White-haired, the old man of white Xu, white robe goes out from void, the body sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) white glow, punctures the person eyes unable to open. 紧接着,一个满头白发、白须、白袍的老者从虚空之中走出,身上散发出万丈白芒,刺得人眼睛都睁不开。 Old man, with two young people, a man and a woman, is the 20-year-old appearance, male handsome, but the scholarly, the female beauty and holiness, on the face are bringing the white veil, likely is pair of young boys and girls, has been full of the immortal rhyme. 那老者的身后,跟着两个年轻人,一男一女,都是20多岁的样子,男的俊朗而儒雅,女的美丽而圣洁,脸上带着白色的面纱,像是一对金童玉女,充满了仙韵。 Actually some people can cut off god Tianjue's law, this old man is any background. 竟然有人能够斩断神天爵也的法相,这个老者是什么來头。 The characters of some nobility master ranks reveal the doubts the look. 就连一些爵爷级别的人物都露出疑惑的神色。 At this time, an age quite long old man, said: „That white hair old man behind man, is Palace Master of non- longevity god palace, 13,000 years ago, I once had seen one side him, at that time he is the present so is also young, seemed, only then over 20 years old, more than 10,000 years later, obsolete already was old looks awful, but he actually as before was that young.” 这个时候,一位年纪颇长的老者,道:“那白发老者身后的男子,乃是无寿星宫的宫主,13000年前,我曾见过他一面,当时他也是现在这么年轻,看上去只有20多岁,10000多年之后,老朽都已经苍老得不成样子,但是他却依旧还是那么年轻。” Also some people have recognized the identity of that wearing a mask female, that is the hole hosts in five sword dwelling places of Buddhist immortals, deep and clear hazy rain.” 又有人认出了那蒙面女子的身份,“那是五剑洞天的洞主,潇朦雨。” Many people are shocked, the hole Lord in Palace Master and five sword dwelling places of Buddhist immortals of non- longevity god palace may be the sixth Yang Dynasty great person, stamps stamps the feet, the earth can vibrate, but they actually must stand in that must white/in vain the old man. 很多人都震惊起來,无寿星宫的宫主和五剑洞天的洞主可都是第六中央王朝的大人物,跺一跺脚,大地都会震动,但是他们两人却还要站在那白须老者的身后。 This must the old man be any background white/in vain. 这白须老者又是什么來头。 The Master Shen Tianjue method once more presents, reaches as high as more than 1000 zhang (3.33 m), the clear and resonant voice long smiles, day mound ten thousand day red, the northern all free and unfettered sea, five celestial mountain deodar cedars stand, in spirit hole living corpse.” 神天爵爷的法相再次呈现出來,高达1000多丈,朗声长笑,“天丘万日红,北俱逍遥海,五台仙山雪松立,幽灵洞中活死人。” These words that Master Shen Tianjue recited, the sixth Yang Dynasty powerhouse mostly has listened, those who referred to was the sixth Yang Dynasty most formidable four mysterious characters. 神天爵爷朗诵的这几句话,第六中央王朝的强者大多都听过,指的乃是第六中央王朝最强大的四个神秘人物。 „The hole Lord in Palace Master and five sword dwelling places of Buddhist immortals of hearsay non- longevity god palace, once in five celestial mountain study corridor laws, that old man unexpectedly was of five celestial mountains.” “传闻无寿星宫的宫主和五剑洞天的洞主,都曾经在五台仙山学习过道法,难道那一位老者竟是五台仙山的那一位。” Five celestial mountain deodar cedars stand, in the spirit hole the living corpse, is Xue Song Zi.” “五台仙山雪松立,幽灵洞中活死人,难道是‘雪松子’。” Although the powerhouse on the scene are many, but hears four words that Master Shen Tianjue recited, was very difficult to be tranquil, that four seniors moved the world several tens of thousands years ago on already, was the sixth Yang Dynasty highly respected person, mysterious not obvious, was four Tienchu is likely ordinary, haunches entire sixth Yang Dynasty. 在场的强者虽然很多,但是听到神天爵爷朗诵的四句话,都很难平静,那四位前辈早在数万年前就已经名动天下,乃是第六中央王朝的泰山北斗,神秘不可见,像是四根天柱一般,撑起整个第六中央王朝 Is the sixth Yang Dynasty four mythical characters. 乃是第六中央王朝的四个神话人物。 Some nobility masters want to do obeisance into under their name, but actually can not its. 就连有些爵爷都想拜入他们的名下,但是却不得其门。 Master Shen Tianjue said with a smile: Deodar cedar senior is not already no longer manages world the battle, today this wind really blows is big enough, unexpectedly made you give to blow, it seems like five celestial mountains were too lonely, the deodar cedar senior unwillingly was also lonely.” 神天爵爷笑道:“雪松前辈不是已经不再管世间的争斗,今天这风吹得还真是够大,居然让你老人家都给吹了过來,看來五台仙山着实太冷清了,雪松前辈也不甘寂寞了。” Master Shen Tianjue rises in nearly ten thousand years, compares in Xue Song Zi that and other characters, he also really can only be the younger generation. 神天爵爷是在近万年才崛起,相比于雪松子那等人物而言,他还真的只能算是晚辈。 Feng Feiyun and the others also already entered the Saint courtyard, distant then saw that group of white radiance, sighed: „The noise that this Saint courtyard makes also is really not general big, the old undying characters came out including this and other, Master Shen Tianjue does not know that can shoulder.” 风飞云等人也已经进入了圣庭,远远的便看到了那一团白色的光华,感叹道:“这次圣庭所闹的动静还真不是一般的大,连这等老不死的人物都出來了,神天爵爷也不知扛不扛得住。” The hole main deep and clear hazy rain cold sound tracks in five sword dwelling places of Buddhist immortals: Ning Shidao, you did extremely, dominated the court discipline, forced the control, disaster sixth Yang Dynasty, was tolerates the heir to be obscene. The chaotic harem, makes Saint courtyard fishy, your Lian cannot manage well, how to manage Dynasty, what sixth Yang Dynasty represents is the clan of human, if falls into your hand, will only deteriorate, this time I asked the teacher to become an official, must make you give way before difficulties, serious made own Master Shen Tianjue.” 五剑洞天的洞主潇朦雨冷声道:“宁师道,你做得太过了,把持朝纲,胁迫主宰,祸乱第六中央王朝,更是纵容子嗣淫.乱后宫,闹得圣庭一片乌烟瘴气,你连家都管不好,何以管理一个王朝,第六中央王朝代表的乃是人类的一族,若是落入你的手中,只会衰败下去,这次我请师尊出山,就是要让你知难而退,本分的做自己的神天爵爷。” Master Shen Tianjue said with a smile: Hole Lord, you rather managed widely, Long already already decayed could not withstand, this nobility was also takes advantage of opportunity, displaced, under the leadership of this nobility, sixth Yang Dynasty will be only more formidable.” 神天爵爷笑道:“洞主,你未免管得太宽了,龙家早就已经腐朽不堪,本爵也是顺势而起,取而代之,在本爵的带领之下,第六中央王朝只会更加强大。” Ning Shidao, you were too extremely arrogant.” 宁师道,你太狂妄了。” Five sword hole main both hands exhibitions, five handles fight the sword to depart, surround her body, has cut toward the Master Shen Tianjue method. 五剑洞主双手一展,五柄战剑飞出,环绕她的身体,向着神天爵爷的法相斩了下去。 The Master Shen Tianjue method stretches out a huge hand imprint, five swords arresting, has suppressed in the palm, then a palm main hitting to fly five sword holes. 神天爵爷的法相伸出一只巨大的手印,将五剑给拘了过去,镇压在手心,然后一掌将五剑洞主给打飞了出去。 Five sword holes main with existence that these nobility masters share the honor, five sword battlefields are famous, but actually by the Master Shen Tianjue method a palm defeating. 五剑洞主可是和那些爵爷齐名的存在,五剑战阵更是闻名天下,但是却被神天爵爷的法相一掌给击败。 Master Shen Tianjue sneers, this nobility does not kill the women and children easily, but the capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to run away, cuts your five souls.” 神天爵爷冷笑一声,“本爵不轻易杀妇孺,不过死罪可免,活罪难逃,斩你五魂。” The Master Shen Tianjue method gave to hit five swords, changed into five Jianhe, five sword holes main were compelled to be surrounded by perils, could not resist. 神天爵爷的法相将五剑又给打了回去,化为五条剑河,五剑洞主被逼得险象环生,根本招架不住。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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