SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1077: Counter- building up

Howling!” “嚎!” The three instruments of torture official titles were angry, scratches the blood on clean face. 三木人爵愤怒了,擦干净脸上的鲜血。 This is too simply hateful, unexpectedly by a junior hitting black and blue, a handle fights the sword to depart from his body, the sword air/Qi floods in the entire world. 这简直太可恶,居然被一个小辈给打得鼻青脸肿,一柄战剑从他的身体之中飞出,剑气充斥在整个天地之间。 This sword is unable to shunt, Divine Sense of three instruments of torture official titles gives locking Feng Feiyun completely. 这一剑根本无法躲开,三木人爵的神识完全将风飞云给锁定。 A sword flew to the bang Feng Feiyun. 一剑将风飞云给轰飞了出去。 Feng Feiyun also injures extremely heavily, the body is the sword mark, the blood drippings everywhere, even if there is Eight Trigrams (gossip) saying that the seal protection is also useless, cultivation base between both differed is too big. 风飞云也伤得极重,身上到处都是剑痕,鲜血淋淋,就算有八卦道印守护也没有用,两者之间的修为相差太大了。 Depends on you, dares with this nobility war, to overreach oneself.” “就凭你,也敢与本爵一战,太不自量力。” The body of three instruments of torture official titles runs out of black fog, wraps the body, the black fog condenses dragon snake empty shades, shuttles back and forth in void. 三木人爵的身上冲出一片黑雾,包裹身体,黑雾凝聚成一道道龙蛇虚影,穿梭在虚空之中。 It seems like can only use half Saint to make the symbol.” The Feng Feiyun vision sinks, a command symbol taking out. “看来只能使用半圣令符了。”风飞云的目光一沉,将一张令符给取出。 At this moment, the sky becomes gloomy, piece of demon cloud press/pressure, layer by layer, gave to pull down the sky. 就在这时,天空变得阴暗下来,一片魔云压了过来,一层一层,将天空都给压低。 In the air, is blowing the unscrupulous cold wind, is passing bloody smell. 空气中,吹着肆无忌惮的寒风,透着一股血腥的气味。 Feng Feiyun and three instruments of torture official titles look is dignified, looks the demon that is fluttering suddenly saying that does not know is the enemy is the friend, the guard of being ready in full battle array. 风飞云和三木人爵都神色凝重起来,望着突然飘过来的魔云,不知是敌是友,严阵以待的防范。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in the distant place slightly, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow raises, Ancient Sword that carries on the back sends out to sound, this was encounters the danger, has protected the main vigilance that Ancient Sword sent out. 轩辕一一站在远处,黛眉微微的一掀,背上的古剑发出鸣叫,这是遇到了危险,古剑发出的护主警觉。 Demoness wears a long gown, is binding the slender tender body, departs from the demon cloud, the appearance is elegantly beautiful, the forehead is drawing the moonlight sand, is a fiendish person is born likely, occupying a commanding position is staring at Feng Feiyun, said: Feng Feiyun, these days where did you run up to?” 女魔穿着一袭长袍,裹着纤细的娇躯,从魔云之上飞出,容颜冷艳,眉心画着月色砂,像是一尊魔王出世,居高临下的盯着风飞云,道:“风飞云,这段时间你都跑到哪里去了?” Prepared to get rid the suppress and kill Feng Feiyun three instruments of torture official titles, because of the appearance of Demoness, is also more vigilant, the war sword in hand float in top of the head, revolving. 本来准备出手镇杀风飞云的三木人爵,也因为女魔的出现,更加警惕,手中的战剑悬浮在头顶,不停的旋转。 He on the body of Demoness, sensation to a dangerous aura, this woman is not affable. 他在女魔的身上,感知到一股危险的气息,这个女人不好惹。 Feng Feiyun great happiness: Sir Demoness, you come just in time , helping me to capture to rebel quickly.” 风飞云大喜道:“女魔大人,你来得正是时候,快助我擒拿逆贼。” Feng Feiyun made the symbol receiving half Saint, this thing cannot use casually, with one time makes symbol buckle one time, will consume massive Spirit Stone. 风飞云将半圣令符给收了起来,这东西可不能随便用,用一次令符就会折损一次,而且还会消耗大量的灵石 A Demoness dark queen, slightly shot a look at one toward the three instruments of torture official titles, in the beautiful pupil is having the strong chill in the air, said: He is a nobility master, the position high weight, cultivation base is very strong, why can I with him for the enemy?” 女魔似一尊黑暗女王,微微的向着三木人爵瞥了一眼,美眸之中带着浓烈的寒意,道:“他乃是一位爵爷,位高权重,修为很强,我为何要与他为敌?” After the three instruments of torture official titles hear the Demoness words, at once is carefree and content, the clear and resonant voice long smiles, said proudly: Person who does not provoke this nobility, is person who understands what has to done.” 三木人爵听到女魔的话之后,旋即悠然自得起来,朗声长笑,傲然道:“不招惹本爵的人,才是识时务的人。” Feng Feiyun said: Hears not to have, he said that you do not dare to provoke him, moreover said that you are person who understands what has to done, Sir Demoness, he so is looking down upon you, did you endure?” 风飞云道:“听到没有,他说你不敢招惹他,而且说你是识时务的人,女魔大人,他如此瞧不起你,你难道都忍受得了?” Feng Feiyun set people at odds to do obviously, Demoness naturally could hear, not on easily his working as, but she also thought that this three instruments of torture nobility master was too crazy, was simply crazier than her, was really absurd? 风飞云挑拨是非做得太明显了,女魔自然是听得出来,不会轻易上他的当,但是她也觉得这个三木爵爷实在太狂了,简直比她还狂,真是岂有此理? The three instruments of torture official titles stroked to gently the fine beard, said with a smile: This nobility is Fang Jingzhu, issues an order myriad territory hosts to stare at my verbal command, one side you should better draw back to me immediately, if delayed this nobility important matter, anyone of you cannot take on.” 三木人爵轻轻的捋了捋须髯,笑道:“本爵乃是一方境主,一声令下万千域主都要盯我号令,你们最好立即给我退一边去,若是耽误了本爵的大事,你们谁都担待不起。” Place that here some you spoke?” “这里有你说话的地方吗?” Willow eyebrows of Demoness one horizontal, a head long hair, likely is a whip, pulled out directly on the three instruments of torture official titles body, pulling out flew dozens miles far the three instruments of torture official titles. 女魔的柳眉一横,头上的一根长发,像是一根鞭子,直接抽在了三木人爵的身上,将三木人爵给抽飞了数十里远。 „Does cheap person, you dare to get rid to this nobility?” Three instruments of torture official titles anchorage personal appearance, was angrier. “贱人,你敢对本爵出手?”三木人爵定住身形,更加愤怒了。 Usually anybody saw that he must kneel down to salute, how many minute of faces even if Master Shen Tianjue must to his, but one after another suffering setbacks, which this also does have side Jueye a dignity here? 平时任何人见到他都要下跪行礼,就算是神天爵爷都要给他几分面子,但是却在这里接二连三的受挫,这哪还有一方爵爷的威严? Feng Feiyun said: He scolded your cheap person.” 风飞云道:“他骂你贱人。” The Demoness cold Meisu item, deep inspiration, said: Feng Feiyun, looked, in you have helped in I several times shares, this I then help your one time.” 女魔冷眉肃目,深深的吸了一口气,道:“风飞云,看在你帮过我几次的份上,这回我便帮你一次。” Demoness puts out a hand, half ancient tower has braved, float in shining white palm, in the ancient tower spread a plain and enormous and powerful aura, the cloud layer above vault of heaven bought, entire azure deep for it. 女魔一伸手,半座古塔冒了出来,悬浮在莹白的手掌之中,古塔之中传出一股古朴而浩荡气息,天穹之上的云层纷纷被吸纳了过来,整个青冥都为之一空。 Above this stretch of earth, all living thing were given to daunt by that all at once breath, is a real Saint arrives at this stretch of earth likely. 这一片大地之上,所有生物都被那一股气息给吓住,像是一位真圣降临这一片大地。 Legend Holy Saint Container in Dao Sect, the day Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower.” “传说之中的道门圣灵器皿,天尊无量塔。” Xuanyuan Yiyi retrocedes hastily 300 miles, Ancient Sword that carries on the back flies automatically, condenses a sword territory, protects oneself. 轩辕一一连忙后退300里,背上的古剑自动飞出来,凝聚成一座剑域,守护住自身。 Feng Feiyun also distant drawing back opens, once this Female Monster slaughters, does not have an accurate aim, sometimes the person on one's own side will also be given to injure by her. 风飞云也远远的退开,这女魔头一旦大开杀戒,就没有个准头,有些时候自己人也会被她给打伤。 Half Holy Saint Container.” The complexion big change of three instruments of torture official titles, in heart incomparably regretted how to annoy this Female Monster. “半件圣灵器皿。”三木人爵的脸色大变,心中无比后悔,怎么会惹上这一尊女魔头 At this time regretted to be naturally useless. 这个时候后悔自然是没用了。 He can become a boundary of boundary main naturally also has being as deep as a well cultivation base, the war sword in his hand is ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact, belongs to Spirit Artifact of top rank. 他能够成为一境的境主自然也有高深莫测的修为,他手中的战剑乃是十五品灵器,也属于顶尖级别的灵器 Fights the sword air/Qi above sword to be fiercer, each wisp of sword air/Qi changes into handle Ancient Sword, myriad Ancient Sword appear around his body. 战剑之上的剑气更加凶猛,每一缕剑气都化为一柄古剑,万千古剑出现在他的身体周围。 Ten thousand sword normalizing.” “万剑归一。” A three instruments of torture official titles palm has pressed toward the Demoness direction racket, innumerable Ancient Sword move, changes into myriad stegosauruses, across the sky has flown. 三木人爵一掌向着女魔的方向拍压了过去,无数古剑都随之而动,化为万千剑龙,横空飞过。 The day Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower to hang the vault of heaven, in the tower entrance spreads a piece of dense ray, gives to take in the tower all sword air/Qi. 天尊无量塔高悬天穹,塔门之中传出一片氤氲的光芒,将所有剑气都给收进塔中。 Goes back.” “回去。” Demoness stands in the tower top, a slender finger finger/refers, the innumerable sword air/Qi revere in the immeasurable tower to fly from the day, changes into a Jianhe. 女魔站在塔顶,纤细的手指一指,无数的剑气又从天尊无量塔之中飞出去,化为一条剑河。 The three instruments of torture official titles wield fight the sword, gives to cut to extinguish these sword air/Qi completely, both hands are grasping the sword hilt, cuts in the sky, fights the sword to change into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), hundred meters width, likely is a handle epoch-making Divine Sword. 三木人爵挥动战剑,将那些剑气全部都给斩灭,双手握着剑柄,当空一斩,战剑化为万丈长,百米宽,像是一柄开天辟地的神剑。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The day Venerable/revered the immeasurable tower also to fly, with fighting the sword to the bang, each collision shook the earth disintegration, the mountain ridge collapses, the rivers and streams blocked the flow, hundreds of thousands of miles landform gave to hit distorts, bountiful place originally turned into the wilderness. 天尊无量塔也飞了出去,与战剑对轰,每一次碰撞都震得大地崩碎,山岭倒塌,江河断流,数十万里的地貌都给打得变形,原本的富饶之地都变成了荒漠。 Thump!” “噔!” That war sword was revered the immeasurable tower rumbling together the opening by the day, sword edge of fingernail size falls to the ground in together, the earth pounding dozens miles wide opening, the crack spreads toward the horizon together, must rip open this mainland likely. 那战剑被天尊无量塔给轰出一道裂口,一块指甲盖大小的剑锋掉落到地面上,将大地给砸出一道数十里宽的裂口,裂纹向着天边蔓延,像是要撕开这片大陆。 This is the Holy Saint Container prestige energy, even if ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact gives to hit to damage. 这是圣灵器皿的威能,就算是十五品灵器都给打损。 !” “噗!” Fights the sword to give to break off finally. 战剑最终给折断。 The three instruments of torture official titles were revered body of murderous aura of immeasurable tower in cutting by the day, a rib by collapse broken, had been flown upside down, the whole body is the blood, the distress of not being able to say. 三木人爵被天尊无量塔的一道杀气给斩中身体,一根肋骨被崩断,倒飞了出去,全身都是鲜血,说不出的狼狈。 I am for the Master Shen Tianjue management, you also dare to injure me.” In the eye of three instruments of torture official titles braved the ominous light, whole body blood energy to seethe. “我乃是为神天爵爷办事,你也敢伤我。”三木人爵的眼中冒凶光,浑身的血气都翻腾了起来。 Who said that I do want to injure you?” Demoness pursued. “谁说我要伤你?”女魔追了上去。 The three instruments of torture official titles are astonished slightly however, heart wants to curse angrily very much, hasn't your his mother injured me? 三木人爵略微讶然,心头很想怒骂,难道你他妈还没有伤我? In my hands does not have injured person, only then deceased person.” “在我手中从没有受伤的人,只有死人。” Demoness body endless Corpse Qi has braved, presents in her back an empty shade of wicked corpse. 女魔的身上无尽尸气冒了出来,在她的背后呈现出一尊恶尸的虚影。 This wicked corpse empty shade reaches as high as 3000 zhang (3.33 m), the foot steps on the ground, the head enters the cloud layer, the rotten aura has polluted 100,000 miles earth, changes into the evil corpse place this stretch of earth. 这一尊恶尸虚影高达3000丈,脚踩地面,头颅进入云层,腐烂的气息污染了100000里大地,将这片大地化为邪尸地。 Flesh and blood already of wicked corpse whole body is rotten, the skin bone rots, above the long hair is moistening the blood mud, is fierce and terrifying, ribs are clearly discernible, each drop of corpse water falls on the ground, will change into a corpse evil cold deep pool. 恶尸浑身的血肉都已经腐烂,皮骨都烂掉,长发之上沾着血泥,狰狞而恐怖,一根根肋骨都清晰可见,每一滴尸水掉落在地上,都会化为一个尸邪寒潭。 Big mouth, reveals the white tooth, was roaring to three instruments of torture official titles one. 血盆大口一张,露出白森森的牙齿,对着三木人爵一声咆哮。 The three instruments of torture official titles self-examine to see many magnificent scenes, but is given to daunt by the giant wicked corpse as before present, the head of that wicked corpse compares a palace to be huge, in the rotten eyeball flows this corpse water cold spring, vision dense is staring at him, making his back give birth to cold air. 三木人爵自问见过不少大场面,但是依旧被眼前巨大的恶尸给吓住,那恶尸的头颅就比一座宫殿还要庞大,腐烂的眼球之中流动这尸水寒泉,目光森然的盯着他,让他的背后生出一股凉气来。 Wicked corpse! Isn't she already cuts three corpses, a card beginning of the universe?” The Feng Feiyun complexion slightly changes. “恶尸!她不是已经斩掉三尸,证道混元?”风飞云的脸色略微一变。 A Xuanyuan Yiyi heart is brightly lit, distant looks at that to eat uncooked the three instruments of torture official titles the wicked corpse, deep inspiration, said: What she cultivates is in «Ancestor ancient scripture» beginning of the universe said, cut three corpse card beginnings of the universe. However she seems counter- building up......” 轩辕一一道心通明,远远的望着那一尊正在生吃三木人爵的恶尸,深深的吸了一口气,道:“她修炼的是《道祖古经》中的‘混元道’,斩三尸证道混元。不过她似乎是反着炼的……” Counter- is building up!” Feng Feiyun said. “反着炼的!”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivates «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», already achieves the heart well-illuminated boundary, can know that world all fabricated, is fiercer than it Heavenly Eye of Phoenix in some aspects. 轩辕一一修炼《心御静心剑典》,已经达到道心通明的境界,能够知道世间一切虚妄,在有些方面比之凤凰天眼都要厉害。 Heavenly Eye of Phoenix can only completely understand that celestial phenomenon, looks like, photograph, but passed bright way heart, but can also completely understand the will of the people. 凤凰天眼”只能看透天象、地象、人象,但是“通明道心”,还能看透人心。 The three instruments of torture official titles were eaten by the wicked corpse finally exactly! 三木人爵最终被恶尸给活吃! Demoness stands in the clouds, holds their palms together, the empty shade of wicked corpse taking back within the body, a pair of eyes pupil opens, erupts the eye-catching god glow, the look in-line clouds. 女魔站在云霄,双手合十,将恶尸的虚影给收回体内,一双眼眸睁开,爆发出夺目神芒,眼神直插云霄。 Her cultivation base had. Saintess your highness, we are quick! Once this Female Monster the demonic nature sends greatly, then refuses to acknowledge family.” “她的修为有强了。圣女殿下,我们还是快走吧!这女魔头一旦魔性大发,便六亲不认。” Feng Feiyun thought that the Demoness condition is less right, originally after she compels the demon blood, the friendly corpse has occupied the place above, after she obtains the crystal red clever ship, definitely was refining up to melt Evil Qi in crystal red clever ship, thus made the evil corpse occupy the place above, already compelled the demon blood in within the body, multiplied from the body. 风飞云觉得女魔的状态越来越不对,本来在她逼出魔血之后,善尸就占了上方,但是当她得到晶红鬼船之后,肯定是炼化了晶红鬼船之中的邪气,从而使邪尸又占了上方,就连已经逼出体内的魔血,都又从身体之中滋生出来。 Once lets her within the body evil sudden rising formidable, then definitely will turn into Feng Feiyun to meet her appearance at first, sees the person to kill, does not divide the enemy and ourselves, changes into the true demon. 一旦让她体内邪尸变得更加强大,那么肯定会变成风飞云最初遇到她的样子,见人就杀,根本不分敌我,化为真正的邪魔。 Feng Feiyun, where do you want to go to?” 风飞云,你又要去哪里?” Demoness flew to fall, blocked in the Feng Feiyun front, the long hair lets fall under the waist, the body stood straightly, a pair of eyes pupil was having the faint amber general blood-color. 女魔飞落了过来,拦在风飞云的面前,长发垂落在腰下,身体站得笔直,一双眼眸带着淡淡的琥珀一般的血色。 Feng Feiyun receives the footsteps immediately, smiles: Sir Demoness, you come well quickly!” 风飞云顿时收住脚步,嘿嘿一笑:“女魔大人,你来得好快啊!” Demoness shot a look at Xuanyuan Yiyi one slightly, then stares to Feng Feiyun, said: I saw Sacred Fruit a moment ago and you in same place, takes it! I and it are predestined friends.” 女魔微微的瞥了轩辕一一一眼,然后又盯向风飞云,道:“我刚才看见圣实果和你在一起,将它拿出来吧!我和它有缘。” Haha! Where has any Sacred Fruit, Sir Demoness, you were dazzled......” Feng Feiyun to hit one, wanted to be perfunctory, suddenly, the throat has caught, an icy hand pinched on his neck, his entire neck tied the ice crystal, the blood in body started to coagulate completely. “哈哈!哪有什么圣实果,女魔大人,你看花眼了……”风飞云打了一个哈哈,想要敷衍过去,突然,喉咙就卡住了,一只冷冰冰的手捏在他的脖子上,他的整个脖子都结满了冰晶,身体之中的血液都开始凝固。 ............ ………… First wish everybody valentine day and New Year's Day festival is joyful! Next, during the valentine day and New Year's Day festival double festival, the website recharges to return to the advantage 60%, baby shoes that must recharge quickly. 先祝大家情人节和元旦节快乐!其次,在情人节和元旦节双节期间,网站充值返利60,要充值的童鞋们赶快了。
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