SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1076: Three instruments of torture official titles

That looked at you to have that skill.” “那就看你有沒有那个本事了。” In day major road person's hand whisking to day one finger/refers, over ten thousand white silk, shot up to the sky, moves broke the cloud layer, Long Aotian place the body under of Great Peng bird gave to pierce, blood incarnadine expansive sky. 天官道人将手中的拂尘向天一指,上万道白丝,冲天而起,动破了云层,将龙傲天座下的大鹏鸟的身体给洞穿,鲜血染红长空。 Dapeng sends out a wail, sound gives quadrangle star many palaces spalling, many cultivation base were shaken to faint. 大鹏发出一声哀鸣,声音将中庭星很多殿宇都给震塌,有很多修为被震得晕厥过去。 Long Aotian points at one finger/refers, above the arm, a golden big dragon flies, fights with whisking of day major road person in the same place, exudes rumble great sound. 龙傲天手指一指,手臂之上,一条金色的巨龙飞出去,与天官道人的拂尘斗在一起,发出“轰隆隆”的巨声。 The fight of this rank is very terrifying, above the backdrop falls casually together the air wave, can a piece of person killing by explosion. 这种级别的战斗十分恐怖,天幕之上随便掉下來一道气浪,都能够将一片人给轰死。 Kills, cuts to kill Master Shen Tianjue, the clear royal entourage, executes.” “杀,斩杀神天爵爷,清君侧,诛狗贼。” The guest who in Saint courtyard control palace comes to feast gets rid suddenly, makes several hundred Spirit Artifact, gives to drive out the imperial city gate, there are powerhouses of troop to enter the Saint courtyard control palace, has the character of Great Sage rank many. 圣庭主宰宫中一些前來赴宴的宾客突然出手,打出数百件灵器,将宫门给轰开,又有大群的强者杀入圣庭主宰宫,其中不乏有大贤者级别的人物。 Ning Shidao, comes out to suffer to death.” 宁师道,出來受死。” Ning Shidao is the Master Shen Tianjue name. 宁师道乃是神天爵爷的名字。 A chest front is hanging 108 buddha beads Buddhist priests, a palm rumbles, makes a huge gold/metal hand imprint, kills to the bang several million Saint health/guard army, kills toward the Saint courtyard control palace. 一个胸前挂着108颗佛珠的僧人,一掌轰出,打出一个巨大的金手印,将数百万圣卫军给轰杀,向着圣庭主宰宫中杀去。 God Tianjue mansion two heir apparent before sitting above gold/metal carriage, looks at these to enter the member in Saint courtyard control palace, but contemptuous smiles: You are really stupid enough, but here the Saint courtyard control palace, the palace error temples of Long, have been destroyed by you now, you do not love dearly, I also love dearly for you.” 神天爵府的二世子宁嘉临坐在一座金辇之上,望着那些杀入圣庭主宰宫的修士,只是轻蔑的一笑:“你们还真是够蠢啊,这里可是圣庭主宰宫,你们龙家的宫阙神殿,现在都被你们打坏了,你们不心疼,我还替你们心疼。” First cuts to be small, then cuts old.” That Buddhist priest likely is an angry glare diamond, skin changed into the golden color, toward two heir apparent fist bombardments in the past. “先斩小的,再斩老的。”那一位僧人像是一个怒目金刚,身上的皮肤化为了金色,向着二世子一拳轰击过去。 Buddhist temperament so is hot tempered, is really disappointing.” Before saying with a smile. “出家人脾气还这么暴躁,真是让人失望。”宁嘉临笑道。 A azure clothes man is near from walks, the outstretch palm slowly, the palm presents the black hole general suction, gives steady pressing firmly between the fingers that the fist of Buddhist priest. 一个青衣男子从宁嘉临的身后走出來,缓缓的伸出手掌,掌心呈现出黑洞一般的吸力,将那一个僧人的拳头给稳稳的捏住。 Darkness by, you are the three instruments of torture official titles.” This Buddhist priest closely is nipping the tooth, called the status of that azure clothes man. “黑暗经,你是三木人爵。”这个僧人紧紧的咬着牙齿,叫出了那个青衣男子的身份。 The azure clothes man shows a faint smile, „the Long destiny completely, you must why bother also lose the life in vain.” 青衣男子微微一笑,“龙家气数已尽,你们何苦还要枉送性命。” I am Long Jia people, I am unwilling, I unwilling......” that Buddhist priest loud calling out. “我乃是龙家人,我不甘,我不甘……”那僧人大声的叫道。 Does not have the means unwillingly. 不甘也沒有办法。 The azure clothes man shook the head, in the five fingers runs out of black radiance, the arm of Buddhist priest changed into the powder powder immediately, is the chest, head and both legs, finally changed into a blood sand of place. 青衣男子摇了摇头,五指之中冲出黑色的光华,那僧人的手臂顿时化为了齑粉,然后是胸膛、头颅、双腿,最后化为了一地的血沙。 Before saying with a smile: „The darkness of three instruments of torture official titles master hit 8th-layer after already, was really may celebrate encouraging, the three instruments of torture official titles also for the god Tianjue mansion management, soon , the three instruments of torture official titles mansion feared that must become the nobility mansion.” 宁嘉临笑道:“三木人爵爷的黑暗经已经打得了第八重,真是可喜可贺,三木人爵也为神天爵府办事,不久之后,三木人爵府怕是要成为地爵府了。” The azure clothes man smiled, said: That must two heir apparents in nobility master front many kind words, before this nobility now go to the Saint boundary to fight the territory dispatches the army, suppresses the rebellion, this time must catch the whole lot in a dragnet these rebellious parties of Long.” 青衣男子笑了笑,道:“那还得二世子在爵爷面前多多美言,本爵现在就去圣境斗域调遣大军前镇压叛乱,这次一定要将龙家的那些乱党一网打尽。” On the face of azure clothes man has the gloomy smiling face, the body to move, changes into together the azure flowing light, departs the Saint courtyard control palace. 青衣男子的脸上带着阴沉的笑容,身体一动,化为一道青色的流光,飞出圣庭主宰宫。 Feng Feiyun stands in the distant place looks at one slightly, the eye narrows the eyes, said: Was bad, this Master Shen Tianjue feared that not only wants into the Saint courtyard control to be so simple, perhaps also wants to give to bring in these elites of Long, then catches the whole lot in a dragnet.” 风飞云站在远处看着一幕,眼睛微微的一眯,道:“糟了,这次神天爵爷怕不仅仅只是想要成为圣庭主宰那么简单,恐怕还想要将龙家的那些精英都给引來,然后一网打尽。” Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in the Feng Feiyun body side, the white clothing is floating, such as hidden in fog, said: Prosperous also good, declines, this is world habit, Saint courtyard Long already is decayed, naturally can have the new powerhouse to substitute it, this is the fate that the myriad things live, we cannot change, does not need to change.” 轩辕一一站在风飞云的身侧,白衣飘飘,如隐在雾中,道:“繁荣也好,衰落也罢,这都是世间常态,圣庭龙家已经腐朽,自然会有新的强者将它取代,这是万物生息的命数,我们谁都改变不了,也不用去改变。” Feng Feiyun shook the head, thought oneself and Xuanyuan Yiyi communicate on has the barrier, how in her opinion the world is developing has probably nothing to do with her, she is only one is aloof the member beyond earthliness, what pursue is the immortal said, but is not the desire for material welfare. 风飞云摇了摇头,觉得自己和轩辕一一沟通上有障碍,在她看來着世界怎么发展都好像与她无关,她只是一个超脱于俗世之外的修士,追求的是仙道,而不是物欲。 Words said that you do do with me, you will not be will fall in love with me.” Feng Feiyun said. “话说你老跟着我干嘛,你不会是爱上我了吧。”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi faintly said: I present the life of Holy Spirit, in any event must lead you to go to Moonwater Wonderland, you can choose follow me now.” 轩辕一一淡淡的道:“我奉圣神之命,无论如何都要带你去水月天境,你可以选择现在就跟我走。” You.” “那你就跟着吧。” Feng Feiyun thought that today's matter has fishy, departs the Saint courtyard control palace, pursued toward the three instruments of torture official titles. 风飞云觉得今天的事有蹊跷,飞出圣庭主宰宫,向着三木人爵追了上去。 If the three instruments of torture official titles are transfer the army to come to suppress the Saint courtyard really to rebel, then the elite of Tiansheng courtyard Long must die now certainly. 若是三木人爵真的是去调动大军前來镇压圣庭叛乱,那么今天圣庭龙家的精英恐怕是要死绝。 Although Feng Feiyun thought that who the master in Saint courtyard does is the same, but his heart also has another idea, that is makes Long Luofu the sixth Yang Dynasty Saint courtyard controls. 虽然风飞云觉得圣庭的主人谁來做都一样,但是他心头还有另一个想法,那就是让龙萝浮成为第六中央王朝的圣庭主宰。 Long Luofu now on bosom his child . Moreover the god embryo, wants to breed the lost embryo to need the massive god soul gathering, consumes the large amounts of resources, if she can become the Saint courtyard controls, the resources that then can mobilize will be continuously, completely enough accumulated maintaining mental tranquility embryo. 龙萝浮现在怀上了他的孩子,而且还是神胎,想要孕育出神胎需要大量的神性灵萃,耗费大量的资源,若是她能够成为圣庭主宰,那么能够调动的资源将是源源不绝,完全足够蕴养神胎。 Therefore the Feng Feiyun heart of hearts is some helps Long Jia people actually, does not hope that very much Master Shen Tianjue becomes the Saint courtyard controls. 所以风飞云的内心深处其实是有些偏帮龙家人,不是很希望神天爵爷成为圣庭主宰。 Feng Feiyun now is Nirvana 9th-layer cultivation base, speedily displayed the pinnacle the samsara, after departing Saint courtyard several tens of thousands miles, finally three instruments of torture official titles overtaking. 风飞云现在乃是涅槃第九重修为,将轮回疾速施展到了极致,在飞出圣庭数万里之后,终于将三木人爵给追上。 The three instruments of torture official titles speedily were flying, flies toward the army camp, suddenly, however on the face appears to wipe the happy expression, the speed slows down, the body fell summit of the mountain peak, said: Has followed from the Saint courtyard to here, your excellency speed also is really not the general rapidness.” 三木人爵本來在疾速飞行,向着大军营地飞去,突,然脸上浮现出一抹笑意來,速度放缓,身体落到了一座山峰之巅,道:“从圣庭一直跟到此处,阁下的速度还真不是一般的快。” The three instruments of torture official titles fall to the ground, the entire mountain peak friendly is in one with him, the body was the earth practices one piece likely. 三木人爵落地,整个山峰都和他融合为一体,身体像是和大地练成了一片。 Whish.” “哗。” Feng Feiyun flies to fall from the vault of heaven, stands in void, the foot is floating down clouds, is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance to the three instruments of torture official titles, said: I am Bu Tian pavilion Feng Feiyun, supervises the entire Saint courtyard, the nobility master, you such anxiously to where must go.” 风飞云从天穹之上飞落下來,站在虚空,脚下浮着一片云彩,对着三木人爵拱手一拜,道:“我乃补天风飞云,监管整个圣庭,爵爷,你这么急冲冲的要去什么地方啊。” Oh, is the person in Bu Tian pavilion.” The heart of three instruments of torture official titles somewhat is astonished however, at present this young people seem not over hundred years old, but the speed can overtake him unexpectedly. ,原來是补天阁的人。”三木人爵的心头还是有些讶然,眼前这个年轻人看上去也不超过百岁,但是速度居然能够追上他。 The Bu Tian pavilion worthily is the talent person outstanding gathering place. 补天阁不愧是天才人杰聚集之地。 Asked the nobility master to reply below issue, otherwise I can only think that the nobility master was rebel army one group of people.” The say/way of Feng Feiyun righteousness words. “请爵爷回答在下的问題,不然我只能认为爵爷是和叛军一伙的人。”风飞云义正言辞的道。 The three instruments of torture official titles shoulder both hands, the vision looks out the daytime, is proudly free, the say/way that disdains: Boy, your pavilion main has not told you, this nobility has the important mission in the body, one side get lost/rolls, lost this nobility time, the careful head/number of people does not guarantee.” 三木人爵背负双手,目光遥望长天,傲然自若,不屑的道:“小子,你们阁主难道沒有告诉你,本爵有重要的使命在身,滚一边去吧,耽误了本爵的时间,小心人头不保。” Feng Feiyun stands there as before, does not put the three instruments of torture official titles to leave, the body burns the flaming flame, what even if faces is a nobility master, dares to fight. 风飞云依旧站在那里,并不放三木人爵离开,身上燃烧起熊熊火焰,即便面对的是一位爵爷,亦敢一战。 Go away.” “滚开。” The three instruments of torture official titles saw that the continuous member flies toward the Saint courtyard, knows that Long some elite armies return, lest the Saint courtyard changes, finally moved the anger, the arm has wielded, a palm of the hand has wielded toward Feng Feiyun. 三木人爵看到源源不断的修士向着圣庭飞去,知道龙家又有精英大军归來,唯恐圣庭有变,终于动了怒火,手臂一挥,一巴掌向着风飞云挥了过去。 Feng Feiyun actually first one step gets rid, offers a sacrifice to the Eight Trigrams (gossip) to say seal, mobilizes the strength of whole body, will say that seal has shelled the past toward the three instruments of torture official titles. 风飞云却先一步出手,祭出八卦道印,调动全身的力量,将道印向着三木人爵轰击了过去。 The three instruments of torture official titles wanted to repel Feng Feiyun, has not used fully, after his sensation to the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said destruction strength that above seal transmits, immediately felt is not wonderful, this boy very powerful big strength. 三木人爵本來只是想要将风飞云打退,并沒有使用全力,但是当他感知到八卦道印之上传來的毁灭力之后,顿时感觉到不妙,这小子好强大的力量。 He wanted to increase strength already to be late again. 他想要再增加力量已经迟了。 Bang.” “轰。” The three instruments of torture official titles were gossipped saying that unexpectedly seal rumbling retrocedes more than ten miles far, although does not have the true wound to arrive at him, but this regarding a nobility master, this already is the great shame, unexpectedly was given to repel by a junior, if this passes on, has not smiled the big tooth of world person. 三木人爵竟然被八卦道印给轰得后退十多里远,虽然沒有真正伤到他,但是这对于一位爵爷來说,这已经是奇耻大辱,居然被一个小辈给打退,这要是传出去,还不笑掉天下人的大牙。 Feng Feiyun somewhat is disappointed, worthily is a nobility master, oneself already has achieved Nirvana 9th-layer, this thinks oneself unexpected strikes fully, can wound him, but actually merely repels that's all him. 风飞云却有些失望,不愧是一位爵爷,自己都已经达到了涅槃第九重,本以为自己出其不意的全力一击,可以将他击伤,但是却仅仅只是将他击退罢了 This is a strength of boundary feudal lord. 这就是一境诸侯的力量。 Feng Feiyun actually does not dread, strikes to go well, rumbles to strike once more, does not give the opportunity that the three instruments of torture official titles pant for breath slightly. 风飞云却并不畏惧,一击得手,再次轰出一击,丝毫都不给三木人爵喘息的机会。 „The junior of trivial Nirvana boundary, dares to get rid to me, my finger can according to dying you.” The three instruments of torture official titles were enraged thoroughly, in the double pupil projects two fine glow, the wearing out expansive sky, cuts toward Feng Feiyun. “区区一个个涅槃境的小辈,都敢对我出手,我一根手指就能按死你。”三木人爵彻底被激怒,双瞳之中射出两道精芒,穿破长空,向着风飞云斩过去。 And together fine glow bombardment, in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said above seal, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that seal fell to the bang, sinks to the bottom. 其中一道精芒轰击在八卦道印之上,将八卦道印给轰落,沉入地底。 Feng Feiyun is stepping on the samsara speedily, body keeps beating, in the dantian, air/Qi of one group of Holy Saint speedily revolve, the air/Qi of Holy Saint has cut from his arm together, sends the silk cutting to fall one wisp of three instruments of torture official titles. 风飞云踩着轮回疾速,身体不停跳动,丹田之中,一团圣灵之气疾速运转,一道圣灵之气从他的手臂之中斩了出去,将三木人爵的一缕发丝给斩落。 Holy Saint aura.” 圣灵的气息。” The vision of three instruments of torture official titles concentrates, at once was prudent, knows that the situation is somewhat strange, according to he many years of cultivation experiences, how to think that Feng Feiyun prevents him to dispatch troops intentionally. 三木人爵的目光一凝,旋即慎重了起來,知道情况有些诡异,根据他多年的修炼经验,怎么都觉得风飞云是故意來阻止他调遣军队。 „Who you are.” Three instruments of torture official titles sinking sound said. “你到底是什么人。”三木人爵沉声道。 My already did not tell you, I was come to apprehend your person.” Feng Feiyun the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that seal calls from the place bottom, said that in seal emits black and white two types of radiance, protects his body. “我不是都已经告诉你了,我乃是前來捉拿你的人。”风飞云将八卦道印从地底唤回來,道印之中冒出黑白两种光华,守护他的身体。 Depends on you, but also falls far short.” “就凭你,还差得远。” Although the three instruments of torture official titles saw that the Feng Feiyun cultivation base Nirvana boundary so is more than simple, but he also has his self-confidence, once begins truly, sufficiently easily gives the suppression Feng Feiyun. 三木人爵虽然看出风飞云修为远不止涅槃境那么简单,但是他也有他的自信,一旦真正动手,足以轻易的将风飞云给镇压。 Right.” “是吗。” In the hand of Feng Feiyun are many a black fruit, this fruit is very strange, the whole body is the thorn, on the peel is flowing the metallic luster. 风飞云的手中多出一个黑色的果子來,这果子很古怪,浑身都是刺,果皮上流动着金属光泽。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands above the cloud layer of distant place, stares at the fruit in Feng Feiyun hand, the mouth is exuding one to sigh quiet. 轩辕一一站在远处的云层之上,盯着风飞云手中的果子,嘴里发出一声幽叹。 .” 。” The Feng Feiyun arm wields, the black fruit flies from his hand, the speed must look like the light quickly, the three instruments of torture official titles has not responded together, the chest looked like from the mountain hitting, the five main internal organs (entrails) in the fierce vibration, the body is rumbled to fly, hit in a mountain. 风飞云手臂一挥,黑色的果子从他的手中飞出去,速度快得像一道光,三木人爵还沒有反应过來,胸口就像是从大山给撞了一下,五脏六腑在剧烈的震动,身体被轰飞了出去,撞进了一座大山之中。 Uncle, hit.” “二大爷,打中了沒有。” Black fruit, flies back to the hand of Feng Feiyun. 黑色的果子,又飞回风飞云的手中。 This...... Should be hits.” “这个……应该是打中了。” Bang.” “嘭。” The three instruments of torture official titles angry roar, departs from the mountain massif, gave to pull out that mountain, has thrown toward Feng Feiyun. 三木人爵怒吼一声,从山体之中飞出,将那一座大山都给拔了起來,向着风飞云扔了过去。 Comes again.” “再來。” Feng Feiyun once more Sacred Fruit throwing, Sacred Fruit has broken the mountain massif, shells once more on the three instruments of torture official titles body, this bang on the face of three instruments of torture official titles, gave to pound to cave in the nose, the whole face was the blood. 风飞云再次将圣实果给扔了出去,圣实果砸碎了山体,再次轰击在三木人爵的身上,这次轰在三木人爵的脸上,将鼻子都给砸塌陷了下去,满脸都是鲜血。 ...... …… The slightly letter public platform of stinking ninth category: jiudangjia90, receives rope: Nine manage a household. 老九的微信公众平台:jiudangjia90,或者,直接收索:九当家。
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