SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1075: Comes the Long powerhouse to indistinct god towards

„! Your pit I.” Bi Ningshuai said. “靠!你坑我。”毕宁帅道。 Feng Feiyun said: Is patient! This matter relates significantly, you may become the person of change entire sixth Yang Dynasty history. Thinks, in the future above the history book record god steals gate Bi Ningshuai to steal away the control cauldron imperial seal single-handedly, the difference Saint courtyard control palace, if the uninhabited area, reverses the sixth Yang Dynasty national destiny finally.” 风飞云道:“稍安勿躁!此事关系重大,你或许会成为改变整个第六中央王朝历史的人。想一想,将来史书之上记载神偷门毕宁帅单枪匹马偷走主宰鼎玺,出入圣庭主宰宫如无人之境,最终扭转第六中央王朝国运。” Thinks to look, if in the history book has recorded such one, you left an eternal good name.” “想想看,史书上若是记载了这么一笔,你就万古流芳了。” Bi Ningshuai has added lip gently, then looked at the control cauldron imperial seal in hand, was somewhat excited. 毕宁帅轻轻的添了添嘴唇,然后看了看手中的主宰鼎玺,有些心动了。 Suddenly, the gray shadow departs together, quickly like meteor, potential quickly, the control cauldron imperial seal in Bi Ningshuai hand seizing. 突然,一道灰色的影子飞出,快如流星,将迅雷不及掩耳之势,将毕宁帅手中的主宰鼎玺给夺了过去。 The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, the opposite party good quick speed, including him not to respond unexpectedly, controls the cauldron imperial seal to be won. 风飞云的脸色一变,对方好快的速度,竟然连他都还没有反应过来,主宰鼎玺就被夺走。 Grandfather!” Bi Ningshuai stares is standing Grandfather Bi near corner. “姥爷!”毕宁帅盯着站在墙角边上的毕姥爷 Grandfather Bi pinches the control cauldron imperial seal, both hands is stroking above the cauldron imperial seal unceasingly, both eyes shine the ray, said: This is really the control cauldron imperial seal in legend, I will control the cauldron imperial seal stealing unexpectedly, if this matter passes on, my god steals the gate fame definitely to rise sharply.” 毕姥爷捏着主宰鼎玺,双手在鼎玺之上不断抚摸,双目放光芒,道:“这真的是传说之中的主宰鼎玺,我居然将主宰鼎玺给偷到手了,这件事要是传出去,那我神偷门的名气肯定大涨。” Bi Ningshuai has coughed two, somewhat awkward say/way: Grandfather, that is not you steals.” 毕宁帅干咳了两声,有些尴尬的道:“姥爷,那不是你偷的。” Grandfather Bi will control the cauldron imperial seal receiving hastily, said: This is good opportunity of leaving an eternal good name, the grandson, do not snatch with me. I now will control cauldron imperial seal to send to the Saint courtyard treasure house, the grandfather my moves the world time.” 毕姥爷连忙将主宰鼎玺给收了起来,道:“这可是万古流芳的好机会,孙子,你可别跟我抢。我现在就将主宰鼎玺送去圣庭宝库,爷爷我名动天下的时候到了。” Bi Ningshuai some heart worry, pursued. 毕宁帅的心头还是有些忧心,追了上去。 Feng Feiyun deep relaxing, this master grandson two also really suffice the rarely seen (weirdo), now also can only hope that they will control the cauldron imperial seal to deliver to the Saint courtyard treasure house promptly. 风飞云深深的松了一口气,这爷孙两还真是够奇葩,现在也只能希望他们及时将主宰鼎玺送到圣庭宝库。 When Feng Feiyun walks, above outside square already to many guests, but mostly is the young people, the great people of nobility master rank went float in that palace of expansive sky. 风飞云走出去的时候,外面的广场之上已经到了很多宾客,但大多都是年轻人,爵爷级别的大人物都去了悬浮在长空的那一座宫殿之中。 „The 12 th Yang Dynasty general Tianjue master arrives.” “第12中央王朝的普天爵爷驾临。” White Spider Monster Clan god monster king.” 白蛛妖族化神妖王到。” ...... …… The character of weight rank comes, the King arrival of Monster Clan, the entire Saint courtyard control palace seethed with excitement. 一个个重量级别的人物前来,还有妖族的王者驾临,整个圣庭主宰宫都沸腾起来了。 Feng Feiyun saw that an immortal shade flies into the Saint courtyard control palace, she wears the white immortal clothes, at the back of Ancient Sword, likely is the Elf of shuttle in void, flashes to pass. 风飞云见到一个仙影飞进圣庭主宰宫,她穿着白色的仙衣,背着一口古剑,像是穿梭在虚空之中的精灵,一闪而逝。 Xuanyuan Yiyi.” 轩辕一一。” Feng Feiyun sees Xuanyuan Yiyi obviously from his eyes forward flight, but just a blink, she disappeared without the trace, the speed is simply fast somewhat scary. 风飞云明明看到轩辕一一从他眼前飞过,但是才刚刚一眨眼,她又消失无踪,速度简直快得有些吓人。 Was dazzled? 难道看花眼了? Feng Feiyun, I present the life of Holy Spirit, this time must lead you to go to Moonwater Wonderland.” Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in Feng Feiyun, is bringing a white bamboo hat, blocks from lean the world immortal face, such as an immortal standing grain is quiet, the body sends out faint trace sacred glow, to person incomparably tranquil feeling. 风飞云,我奉圣神之命,这次一定要带你去水月天境。”轩辕一一站在风飞云的身后,带着一个白色的斗笠,遮住倾世仙颜,如一株仙禾般静谧,身上散发出一丝丝圣芒,给人无比宁静的感觉。 Feng Feiyun has turned around, looked at her one eyes, said with a smile: Several day does not see, cultivation base of saintess your highness had to go forward a stride, is it possible that strided in Nirvana 8th-layer?” 风飞云转过身,看了她一眼,笑道:“几日不见,圣女殿下的修为有前进了一大步,莫非是跨入了涅槃第八重?” Your cultivation base was not stronger than before.” “你的修为不也比以前更强了。” Feng Feiyun has Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, Xuanyuan Yiyi also had the bright way heart, although she could not see that Feng Feiyun was already strided in Nirvana 9th-layer, but his cultivation base formidable were too what we definitely know is that many, definitely already marched into Nirvana 8th-layer. 风飞云凤凰天眼,轩辕一一亦有通明道心,虽然她看不出风飞云是不是已经跨入了涅槃第九重,但是可以肯定的是他的修为强大太多,肯定已经步入涅槃第八重 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: „After this time I return to Moonwater Wonderland, was punished by Holy Spirit.” 轩辕一一道:“这次我回到水月天境之后,被圣神责罚了。” Oh?” Feng Feiyun said. ?”风飞云道。 Because I have practiced «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» Saint.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. “因为我修炼了《心御静心剑典》的圣性篇。”轩辕一一道。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: This secret matter, you told Shui Yueting unexpectedly, she has not killed you, already was quite good.” 风飞云笑道:“这种隐秘的事,你居然告诉水月婷,她没有杀了你,已经相当不错了。” Xuanyuan Yiyi already is familiar with Feng Feiyun to disrespect to Holy Spirit, this Half Monster is a bold avid follower, said: Holy Spirit said that before has not strided in the Ascension boundary, cultivation Saint, will cause a heart not to be steady forcefully, the probability of cultivation deviation can increase ten times.” 轩辕一一已经习惯风飞云圣神不敬,这半妖就是一个胆大包天的狂徒,道:“圣神说,在没有跨入羽化境之前,强行修炼圣性篇,会导致道心不稳,走火入魔的几率会增加十倍。” But you have not overstated.” Feng Feiyun said. “可是你也没有走火入魔。”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: That is because Holy Spirit for my consolidated cultivation base, has consumed personally the millennium elementary forces.” 轩辕一一道:“那是因为圣神亲自替我巩固修为,耗费了千年元力。” Say/Way that Feng Feiyun disdains: Shui Yueting is a selfish woman, she such does, certainly must use you.” 风飞云不屑的道:“水月婷就是一个自私的女人,她这么做,肯定是要利用你。” Holy Spirit is not a selfish person, if you dare to blaspheme Holy Spirit again, I will take your life today.” 圣神不是一个自私的人,你若是再敢亵渎圣神,我今日会取你性命。” Gets down, for a very long time, said: Is she asks you to seize me?” 下去,久久之后,道:“是她叫你来擒我?” Holy Spirit wants to ask you to go to Moonwater Wonderland to be a guest.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. 圣神只是想要请你去水月天境做客。”轩辕一一道。 Say/Way that Feng Feiyun mocked: Perhaps she wants to know why I know the «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» secret, then has killed eliminating a potential informant me.” 风飞云讥诮的道:“她恐怕是想知道我为何知晓《心御静心剑典》的秘密,然后将我杀了灭口。” Xuanyuan Yiyi shook the head, thought that Feng Feiyun is too extreme, thinks the person badly. 轩辕一一摇了摇头,觉得风飞云太偏激,将人都想得太坏。 At this moment, above the backdrop dark clouds have pressed, instantaneously becomes the vault of heaven dark, some innumerable lightnings and thunder interweave, the bowl mouth thick electricity glow falls from the day together, straight shells toward the Saint courtyard control palace. 就在这时,天幕之上一片阴云压了下来,瞬间就将天穹变得黑暗,有无数闪电和雷霆交织,一道碗口粗的电芒从天落下,笔直的向着圣庭主宰宫轰击下来。 !” !” The place above of Saint courtyard control palace presents a semicircle the light cover, gives to wrap entire Immortal City, the electricity glow chops to fall on above, covers that light rumbling fiercely trembles. 圣庭主宰宫的上方出现一层半圆形的光罩,将整个仙城都给包裹住,电芒劈落在上面,将那一层光罩给轰得剧烈一颤。 This light cover is the Formation backdrop of Saint courtyard control palace, by 999 Formation connections, may be called not the broken side wall. 这一层光罩乃是圣庭主宰宫的阵法天幕,由999座阵法连接而成,堪称不破的极壁。 However, this Formation backdrop actually above strenuous vibration of electric light by vault of heaven rumbling, thus it can be seen that together electric light destruction strength. 但是,这一层阵法天幕却被天穹之上的电光给轰得剧烈震动,由此可见那一道电光的毁灭力。 In Saint courtyard control palace spreads cold snort/hum, today's sixth Yang Dynasty holds the state banquet, does all ganef dare to come to disturb?” 圣庭主宰宫中传出一声冷哼,“今天第六中央王朝举行国宴,各方宵小竟敢前来捣乱?” Above the cloud layer, a man of wear silver armor stands remarkably, the body surroundings have ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden dragon to circle, the under foot is stepping on a Great Peng bird, there is a looking disdainfully world power and influence. 云层之上,一个穿着银甲的男子卓然而立,身体周围有一条万丈金龙盘旋,脚下踩着一头大鹏鸟,有一股睥睨天下的威势。 Dapeng's body does not know that is huge, is filled with the entire vault of heaven, a wing leaf, the entire quadrangle star has hung up the hurricane. 大鹏的身体不知有多么庞大,挤满整个天穹,翅膀一扇,整个中庭星都挂起了飓风。 Sixth Yang Dynasty is the world of Long, was actually dominated the royal government authority by the evildoer, today my Long Yingjie is comes to ask for the thief.” “第六中央王朝乃是我们龙家的天下,却被奸人把持朝廷权柄,今日我龙家英杰便是前来讨贼。” That silver armor man both hands open, in the world, the innumerable electric lights turned toward his both hands collection in the past, the arm cut, sturdier electricity dragon fell from the day together, gave to rip open a slit the Formation backdrop of Saint courtyard control palace. 那个银甲男子双手撑开,天地之间,无数电光都向着他的双手汇集过去,手臂一斩,一道更加粗壮的电龙从天落下,将圣庭主宰宫的阵法天幕都给撕开了一道缝隙。 The electricity glow falls from the slit together, a sacrificial altar in Saint courtyard control palace to the bang but actually, in the sacrificial altar pours the massive hot red copper oil, likely is the magma general goes toward the square class, many palaces have burnt. 一道电芒从缝隙之中落下,将圣庭主宰宫中的一座祭台给轰倒,祭台之中倒出大量的火红铜油,像是岩浆一般的向着四方流去,很多殿宇都燃烧了起来。 The powerhouse of Long returned. 龙家的强者归来了。 Feng Feiyun is looking at backdrop dark clouds above layer upon layer, say/way that thought aloud: Emperor's clan really also has the powerhouse of this grade of rank, but also is really the hero pours forth.” 风飞云望着天幕之上的层层黑云,自言自语的道:“皇族竟然还有这等级别的强者,还真是英杰辈出。” Concentrates to me!” “给我凝!” The day major road person walked from palace error above, a foot steps on the ground, cold air attacks, gives to coagulate the copper oil of these combustion, the cold air covers the entire Saint courtyard control palace. 天官道人自宫阙之上走了出来,一脚踩在地面上,一股寒气冲击出去,将那些燃烧的铜油都给凝固住,寒气覆盖整个圣庭主宰宫。 The day major road person wore the Daoist robe, hand pinches to whisk, shot a look at that silver armor man above a vault of heaven, said: Disaster state banquet, crime, when executes by beheading!” 天官道人穿着道袍,手捏拂尘,瞥了一眼苍穹之上的那个银甲男子,道:“祸乱国宴者,罪当问斩!” „The disaster sixth Yang Dynasty person is you, the day major road person, you are not your taoist priest, actually runs the dog that makes the god Tianjue mansion, I cometo clean up the gateway fortoo yellow Renzu the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals.” Silver armor man incomparably proudly, daring, must fight with the day major road person unexpectedly. “祸乱第六中央王朝的人是你们,天官道人,你不做你的道士,却跑来做神天爵府的狗,我来替‘太黄人祖洞天’清理门户。”银甲男子无比傲然,气吞山河,竟然要和天官道人一战。 Must know the day major road person, but under the Master Shen Tianjue place one of the most fearful three characters, cultivation base is as deep as a well, the nobility masters of some nobility government offices abstain from three points to him, can the silver armor man who this kills suddenly be the match of day major road person? 要知道天官道人可是神天爵爷座下最可怕的三个字之一,修为高深莫测,就连一些爵府的爵爷都对他忌讳三分,这个突然杀出来的银甲男子会是天官道人的对手? Feng Feiyun inquiry in a low voice: Where too yellow Renzu is the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals?” 风飞云低声的询问道:“太黄人祖洞天是什么地方?” Feng Feiyun did not know about the major influences of human very much, but day major road person character transits the discipling from too yellow Renzu the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals likely, Feng Feiyun has to be curious. 风飞云对人类的各大势力并不是很了解,但是像天官道人这种人物都师承“太黄人祖洞天”,风飞云就不得不好奇了。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: So-called person ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, from the human ancestor the place that starts to inherit, not in the real world, not in vast void. Is independent world that the human ancestor opens, is called the person of ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. Everyone ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals no small matter, dominates above Yang Dynasty, has status that sacred cannot be affronted.” 轩辕一一道:“所谓人祖洞天,就是从人类先祖开始就传承下来的地方,不在现实世界,也不在浩渺虚空。乃是人类先祖开辟的独立天地,被称为人祖洞天。每一座人祖洞天都非同小可,凌驾于中央王朝之上,有着神圣不可冒犯的地位。” Also said: Generally speaking person ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals will not meddle the battles between various human clans, only then human life and death time, they will appear.” 又道:“一般来说‘人祖洞天’是不会插手人类各族之间的争斗,只有到了人类生死存亡的时候,他们才会出现。” Feng Feiyun nodded, originally in human also has such secret existence. 风飞云点了点头,原来人类之中还有这么一个隐秘的存在。 The pair of pupil of day major road person is jade bead polishes likely, projects two exceedingly high jade glow, the direct impact highest heaven, big tone, wants to fight with me, reports in advance on the given name.” 天官道人的一双瞳孔像是玉珠打磨而成,射出两道通天玉芒,直冲九霄,“好大的口气,想要与我交手,先报上名讳。” Indistinct god toward the Long head of household, Long Aotian.” The voice of silver armor man likely is dragon cry, vibrates the entire Saint courtyard. “缥缈神朝龙家家主,龙傲天。”银甲男子的声音像是龙吟,震动整个圣庭。 Indistinct god toward.” Feng Feiyun thought aloud that read one, this name has listened actually, went to that place in the previous generation. “缥缈神朝。”风飞云自言自语的念了一句,这个名字倒是听过,在前世的时候就去过那个地方。 Indistinct god towards is the human hugest state. 缥缈神朝乃是人类最庞大的国度。 Regarding most Monster Clan powerhouses, to the cognition of human, is indistinct god toward. 对于绝大多数的妖族强者来说,对人类的认知,也就是“缥缈神朝”。 In the Feng Feiyun previous generation, thinks actually indistinct god toward has represented entire Human Race, has not heard any Divine Jin Dynasty, even continually the sixth Yang Dynasty not big reflection. 风飞云的前世,其实也认为“缥缈神朝”就代表了整个人族,根本都没有听说过什么神晋王朝,甚至连第六中央王朝都没有多大映像。 Regarding these formidable Monster Clan, the indistinct god toward gathered 80% human powerhouses, has represented the entire human hundred clans. 对于那些强大的妖族来说,缥缈神朝就聚集了80的人类强者,代表了整个人类百族。 But in human state, indistinct god toward, is called first Yang Dynasty. 而在人类国度,缥缈神朝,也被称为“第一中央王朝”。 Other Yang Dynasty, sixth Yang Dynasty is also good, 80 th Yang Dynasty also good...... After these Yang Dynasty member cultivation base achieves certain boundary, mostly will go to the indistinct god toward rushing, can toward mixing some status comes in the indistinct god, that is true became the character of entire Human Race topest rank. 别的中央王朝,第六中央王朝也好,第80中央王朝也好……这些中央王朝的修士修为达到一定境界之后,大多都会去缥缈神朝闯一闯,能够在缥缈神朝混出一些地位来,那才算是真正的成为了整个人族最顶尖级别的人物。 Saint courtyard Long is the sixth Yang Dynasty master, toward naturally has the branch in the indistinct god. 圣庭龙家乃是第六中央王朝的主人,在缥缈神朝自然有分支。 Very obviously this Long Aotian, is the Long's branch head of household in indistinct god towards. 很显然这个龙傲天,就是龙家在缥缈神朝的分支的家主。 After Long Aotian these characters said that has created very big vibration. Especially he comes to indistinct god unexpectedly toward, is a head of household of Long, so is no wonder overbearing. 龙傲天这几个字说出之后,造成了很大的震动。特别是他居然来至缥缈神朝,属于龙家的一位家主,难怪如此霸道。 The day major road person sneers: Here, but sixth Yang Dynasty, Long Jia zhu comes back, does not want with, when the pilgrimage courtyard control does compete for the control position?” 天官道人冷笑一声:“这里可是第六中央王朝,龙家主回来,不会是想与当朝圣庭主宰争夺主宰位吧?” My Long Aotian, if cares about the position of control, comes back to make this position 10,000 years ago, I cannot get used to seeing your this crowd of ganef tarnish imperial authorities, shame my Long descendants.” “我龙傲天若是在乎主宰之位,早在10000年前就回来做这个位置,我只是看不惯你们这群宵小玷污皇权,辱我龙家子孙。” Long Aotian stands in the clouds, shoulders both hands, both eyes looks disdainfully, the forehead braves the golden light, the Great Peng bird under body is also the cry that exudes to sink to mix, resounds through in the world. 龙傲天站在云端,背负双手,双目睥睨,眉心冒金光,身下的大鹏鸟亦是发出沉混的叫声,响彻天地之间。
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