SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1074: The pledge rally state banquet started

Saint courtyard control palace „before , prestige gate outside, transmits mighty bell bangs, resounds through the vault of heaven, enlightens the benighted. 圣庭主宰宫的“前威门”外,传來一声声洪钟巨响,响彻天穹,振聋发聩。 The imperial city gate opens, the pledge rally state banquet started. 宫门打开,誓师国宴开始了。 magnificence Che spills into the hanging heavenly palace, the nobility master of all nobility mansion leads the heir apparent and princess to stream , some invited also Immortal City City Lord and old ancestor of Middle Ages aristocratic family, the hole Lord in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals mystical place...... Is a side great person. 一辆辆华车涌进悬空天宫,各方爵府的爵爷带着世子、郡主纷至沓來,受邀的还有一些仙城城主、中古世家的老祖,洞天秘境的洞主……都是一方大人物。 dragon prestige nobility master, these years you guard in ten thousand clan battlefields, gathers was actually short.” “龙威地爵爷,这些年你都镇守在万族战场,相聚得倒是少了。” „Before 8000, soars to the clouds island to leave, sees the sword Lord once more, the sword Lord already to stride in the boundary of Great Sage, the sword intent magical powers are profounder, let admire obsolete.” “8000年前,凌霄岛一别,再次见到剑主,剑主已经跨入大贤者之境,剑意神通更加精深,让老朽佩服。” Haha, how this is not the flower fairy maiden rain princess, how really worthily is the Saint courtyard three beauty's heads, today feared that must find pleasant my dear above the pledge rally state banquet.” “哈哈,这不是咋们的花仙子雨郡主,真不愧是咋们圣庭三大美人之首,今天怕是要在誓师国宴之上觅得如意郎君。” ...... …… The pledge rally state banquet seems like the solemn silence, but is acquainted several thousand years of overlord meets, exchanged greetings as before mutually, or chatted the current event, either chatted the daily family activity, either chatted the cultivation attainment. 誓师国宴看似庄严肃穆,但是很多相识数千年的霸主相遇,依旧相互寒暄,或聊时事,或聊家常,或聊修炼心得。 Feng Feiyun early already wore clothing, went out from the day auspicious palace, extends one to stretch, fought last night to this morning in again and again, has not stopped, his mortal body was formidable, was somewhat exhausted. 风飞云已经穿好了衣衫,从天瑞宫中走出,伸了一个懒腰,昨晚到今早上都大战连连,就沒有怎么消停过,就连他肉身强大,也有些疲惫。 Has changed magnificence robe, appears the heroic bearing thrives, has an imposing appearance, greeted with the person all the way, saw everyone very ripe appearance. 换了一身华袍,显得英姿勃发,器宇轩昂,一路上与人打招呼,见谁都很熟的样子。 Wind master, today is really martial-looking uncommon, feared that also has to let these nobility mansion princess and Immortal City thousand gold (daughter) intent chaotic sentiment fan.” Xiao Bailang distant greeted with Feng Feiyun. “风爷,今天真是英武不凡,怕是又有让那些爵府郡主和仙城千金意乱情迷。”萧白浪远远的就跟风飞云打招呼。 leaf Hongjing the carriages and horses enter imperial city gate, Liu Suzi of purple clothes, goes down from the magnificent carriage car(riage). 叶红境的车马进入宫门,一身紫衣的琉苏紫,从华丽的辇车中走下。 She wears the female attire, the purple skirt is bright, the figure is slim, the willow waist is slender, just got out then one group of young talents to encircle, protects the line to her, any has to dare to approach her the young member, will be collaborated to repel, is ordinary like many things around a center. 她身着女装,紫裙鲜艳,身材修长,柳腰纤细,刚一下车便有一群年轻才俊围了过去,给她护行,凡是有敢接近她的年轻修士,都会被联手击退,像众星捧月一般。 Feng Feiyun looked at the past from afar, on the face had several points to be astonished however, said: This tomboy also some that many people pursue unexpectedly, but also really felt strange.” 风飞云远远望过去,脸上带着几分讶然,道:“这男人婆居然也有那么多人追求,还真是奇了怪。” Xiao Bailang said with a smile: That is leaf Hongjing seven princess, leaf Hongjing the future successor, before had listened to her name actually, but actually does not know that she is a great beauty, was passed on to for several days her reputation, within the short time, became the man of the hour in Saint courtyard, the beautiful appearance wanted the three great beauties in cover Guosheng Courtyard, so the beautiful woman, how before had not listened to her name.” 萧白浪笑道:“那可是叶红境的七郡主,叶红境未來的继承人,以前倒是听过她的名字,但却不知道她乃是一个大美人,都是到了近几日她的美名才被传出來,短短时间之内,就成为了圣庭的风云人物,美貌都要盖过圣庭的三大美人了,如此佳人,以前怎么就沒有听过她的名字。” Feng Feiyun smiled, before Liu Suzi was dressed as a man, almost nobody has seen the appearance of her female attire, the beautiful appearance was not known is also the normal matter. 风飞云笑了笑,以前琉苏紫都是女扮男装,几乎沒有人见过她女装的样子,美貌不被人知晓也是正常的事。 However her how transferring nature. 不过她怎么就转性了。 This makes Feng Feiyun be somewhat strange. 这让风飞云还是有些奇怪。 Liu Suzi saw Feng Feiyun, walked slowly, colored clothing drags, the long hair, one group of young talents follow. 琉苏紫看到了风飞云,徐徐的走了过來,身上的彩衣摇曳,长发齐腰,身后有一群年轻才俊跟随。 Subordinate has seen seven princess.” Xiao Bailang is doing obeisance to Liu Suzi, saw that the situation is not wonderful, then immediately sneaks off. “属下见过七郡主。”萧白浪对着琉苏紫一拜,见到情况不妙,便立即开溜。 Feng Feiyun also said with a smile: I had already said seven princess female attire are more attractive than the men's clothing.” 风飞云也是笑道:“我早就说过七郡主女装比男装好看。” This words were your servant can say.” Liu Suzi is very disgruntled. “这种话是你一个下人可以说的吗。”琉苏紫十分不悦。 How I turned into the servant, I was your brother-in-law.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “我怎么就变成下人了,我可是你姐夫。”风飞云笑道。 Liu Suzi cold snort/hum: You escaped from nobility mansion temporary office of president on the same day, on already no longer is leaf Hongjing the person, from now on the future, how relations will not have.” 琉苏紫冷哼一声:“你当天逃出爵府行馆,就已经不再是叶红境的人,从今往后,咋们一点关系都沒有了。” Such unfeeling.” “这么绝情。” Feng Feiyun traces the tip of the nose, on that day he escaped from the nobility mansion temporary office of president not actually intentionally, but hit the Saint courtyard treasure house to go with Bi Ningshuai and the others, these had many twists and turns, causing Feng Feiyun again not to have the chapter of nobility mansion temporary office of president. 风飞云摸了摸鼻头,那天倒不是他故意逃出爵府行馆,而是与毕宁帅等人去洗劫圣庭宝库去了,这其中又发生了不少曲折,导致风飞云就再也沒有回爵府行馆。 Liu Suzi naturally thinks that Feng Feiyun escapes from the nobility mansion temporary office of president, has hired oneself the god Tianjue mansion, therefore to Feng Feiyun not good complexion. 琉苏紫自然以为风飞云是逃出爵府行馆,投靠了神天爵府,所以对风飞云沒有一丝好脸色。 Boy, seven princess already mediated you not to have one to relate, you were also how unforgiving, wants to court death inadequately.” Nobility mansion heir apparent cold sound stared Feng Feiyun one. “小子,七郡主都已经说和你沒有一点关系了,你怎么还不依不饶,想找死不成。”一位爵府的世子冷声的瞪了风飞云一眼。 Feng Feiyun instead stared his one eyes, said: Closes your anything matter, you.” 风飞云反瞪了他一眼,道:“关你什么事,你谁啊。” I am Dongguan boundary big heir apparent, you said that who I am.” That nobility mansion heir apparent looked that Feng Feiyun is not feeling well very much, calls Spirit Artifact to fight the soldier, wants Feng Feiyun making into the disabled person. “我乃是东冠境大世子,你说我是谁。”那一位爵府世子看风飞云很不爽,唤出一件灵器战兵,想将风飞云给打成残废。 Big heir apparent, why lowers oneself to the same level with Half Monster, how to walk.” The eye pupil of Liu Suzi winks, is smiling to Feng Feiyun brightly, then beckoning gently, has one group of young talents to go along with her. “大世子,何必跟一个半妖一般见识,咋们走。”琉苏紫的眼眸微眨,对着风飞云皎洁一笑,然后轻轻的招了招手,自有一群年轻才俊随她而去。 Feng Feiyun stares at back that she is departing, the tracing chin gently, always thinks bewildered, haven't oneself done, how for no reason to have been ridiculed by her. 风飞云盯着她离去的背影,轻轻的摸了摸下巴,总觉得莫名其妙,自己也沒有干什么,怎么就被她平白无故的奚落了一顿。 Feng Feiyun, that is not your sister-in-law, how and others were merry, act difficult.” Bi Ningshuai crawled from the table, has patted on the shoulder of Feng Feiyun. 风飞云,那不是你的小姨子,怎么和别人有说有笑,闹别扭了。”毕宁帅从桌子下面爬了出來,在风飞云的肩膀上拍了一下。 Feng Feiyun said: You were also invited to attend the pledge rally state banquet.” 风飞云道:“你也被邀请参加誓师国宴。” This...... I turn the wall to come, my grandfather, he in that side...... Well, the person, looked a moment ago he is eating the thing.” Bi Ningshuai has searched high and low, but has not given to find Grandfather Bi, instead saw Tiansuan Shusheng, Wuse Wuxiang, Dongfang Jingshui and the others. “这个……我翻墙进來的,还有我姥爷,他就在那边……咦,人呢,刚才还看他在吃东西。”毕宁帅四处寻找了一番,但还是沒有将毕姥爷给找到,反而是看到了天算书生无色无相东方镜水等人。 Bi Ningshuai drew Feng Feiyun to hide fast, hid another region, said: May they not be seen by two heir apparents.” 毕宁帅拉着风飞云快速的躲了起來,藏到另一片区域,道:“可千万别被二世子他们看见了。” You estimated that feared was seen by Xie Honglian.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “你估计是怕被邪红莲看见吧。”风飞云笑道。 „, This important situation they do not lead me, I also can only come to join in the fun.” Bi Ningshuai said. “嘘,这种重要的场合他们都不带我,我也只能自己进來凑热闹了。”毕宁帅道。 Feng Feiyun said: Key was you grew three hands, the important situation, who dares to lead you.” 风飞云道:“关键是你长了三只手,重要的场合,谁敢带你啊。” „, Do not dirty me, a moment ago your sister-in-law and other man talked and laughed merrily, did not lead you.” Bi Ningshuai white Feng Feiyun, then smiles, said: How or also to gang up with several young attractive princess and days the arrogant female.” “切,别埋汰我,刚才你小姨子和别的男子谈笑风生,怎么也不带你啊。”毕宁帅白了风飞云一眼,然后嘿嘿一笑,道:“要不咋们也去勾搭几个年轻漂亮的郡主和天之骄女。” This also needs to gang up.” “这还需要勾搭。” Led two outstandingly beautiful beautiful women to walk in Bi Ningshuai dumbfounded Feng Feiyun, had the beauty of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, was the small Saint princess and Princess Lan Fu. 毕宁帅目瞪口呆的风飞云就带着两位绝色美人走了出來,都有倾国倾城的姿色,正是小圣公主和兰馥郡主 Is so good, this is not of Princess Lan Fu Saint courtyard three great beauties.” Bi Ningshuai is admires to Feng Feiyun simply in the extreme, divided the minute to gang up with two rare beauties, this speed made people unable to hope to attain simply. “这么牛,这位不是圣庭三大美人之一的兰馥郡主。”毕宁帅风飞云简直是佩服得无以复加,分分钟就勾搭了两个绝色佳人,这速度简直让人无法企及。 Feng Feiyun is having Princess Lan Fu and small Saint princess blatantly seeks publicity, brings in the vision that many people envy. 风飞云带着兰馥郡主和小圣公主招摇过市,引來不少人羡慕的目光。 Many people knew that Princess Lan Fu and small Saint princess, in the heart is very curious, how the days of two emperor's clans the arrogant female will walk with this Half Monster in one, this reality is strange. 很多人都认识兰馥郡主和小圣公主,心中无比好奇,两位皇族的天之骄女怎么会跟这个半妖走在了一起,这实怪异。 Liu Suzi was talking, the discussion sound that with several nobility mansion heir apparents heard the people, turned toward the Feng Feiyun projection the pupil light in the past, saw Feng Feiyun to sit near a jade table, was clinking glasses with Princess Lan Fu discussed lightly, lit up with pleasure, such intimate of not being able to say. 琉苏紫正在与几位爵府世子交谈,听到众人的议论声,不禁将眸光向着风飞云投射过去,看到风飞云坐在一张玉桌边上,正在与兰馥郡主碰杯轻谈,喜笑颜开,那样子说不出的亲密。 The five fingers of Liu Suzi closely have pinched pinching, then turned toward Feng Feiyun to walk, said: Wind big Half Monster, you are not do not like the woman, how to damage others Princess Lan Fu now.” 琉苏紫的五指紧紧的捏了捏,然后便向着风飞云走了过去,道:“风大半妖,你不是不喜欢女人,怎么现在又來祸害别人兰馥郡主。” I and Princess Lan Fu was speaking freely about life, seven princess, what this word.” Feng Feiyun pinches the Princess Lan Fu slender snow white finger to stroke gently, said: This is long really attractively.” “我与兰馥郡主正在畅谈人生,七郡主,何出此言呢。”风飞云捏着兰馥郡主纤细雪白的手指轻轻抚摸,道:“这手长得真好看。” Liu Suzi passes on the sound said in secret: Feng Feiyun do you also want to maintain a livelihood, today on outwardly is the pledge rally state banquet, in fact Master Shen Tianjue must ascend a height to get a broad view the control imperial throne today, once Master Shen Tianjue becomes the control, again has not had scruples, the people of all emperor's clans must die, now everybody is pretending non-involvement the relations with the people of emperor's clan, to the farther the better, you also dare to gang up with Princess Lan Fu and small Saint princess booing unexpectedly.” 琉苏紫暗中传音道:“风飞云你还想不想活命了,今天明面上是誓师国宴,实际上神天爵爷就要在今天登临主宰大位,神天爵爷一旦成为主宰,就再也沒有顾忌,所有皇族的人都要死,现在大家都在和皇族的人撇清关系,离得越远越好,你倒好居然还敢勾搭兰馥郡主和小圣公主。” Feng Feiyun stared at her to look at one, was passes on the sound said: Master Shen Tianjue cannot take responsibility to butcher today.” 风飞云盯着她看了一眼,也是传音道:“神天爵爷今天做不了主宰。” This is not you decides.” The appearance that Liu Suzi expecting too much, thought that Feng Feiyun too from be so. “这可不是你说了算。”琉苏紫一副恨铁不成钢的样子,觉得风飞云太自以为然。 I said today that but.” Feng Feiyun cracks into a smile to her. “我今天说了,还就算。”风飞云冲着她咧嘴一笑。 Liu Suzi rubbed has traced the tooth, cold snort/hum, then left in a huff. 琉苏紫磨了摸牙齿,冷哼一声,然后就拂袖而去。 The Feng Feiyun vision becomes more and more dignified, the hand of Princess Lan Fu putting, said near her ear in a low voice: Told you an emperor's clan people, today is best not to begin, otherwise many people will die.” 风飞云的目光变得越來越凝重,将兰馥郡主的手给放了下來,在她耳边低声道:“去告诉你们皇族中人,今天最好别动手,不然很多人都会死。” Princess Lan Fu shaking the head of gently, said: already was late, in them some person already dived by some special status, at this moment prevented them...... Is too late.” 兰馥郡主轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“已经迟了,他们中有一些人已经以一些特殊的身份潜进來了,此刻才阻止他们……为时已晚。” The emperor's clan truly exists hides the powerhouse in hidden place, has a unified organization, Princess Lan Fu is one of them. 皇族的确存在很多隐藏在暗处的强者,有着一个统一的组织,兰馥郡主就是其中之一。 That can only take risk to try.” “那只能冒险一试了。” Feng Feiyun stands up suddenly, dragging Bi Ningshuai to enter in a nobody's palace, will then control the cauldron imperial seal to give him. 风飞云豁然站起身來,拖着毕宁帅进入一座沒有人的宫殿之中,然后将主宰鼎玺交给了他。 Bi Ningshuai will control the cauldron imperial seal holding in the hand, feels extremely heavily, understood at a glance that this is a priceless treasure, immediately was excited, Brother Feng, I felt that this cauldron is unusual, absolutely is the big treasure.” 毕宁帅将主宰鼎玺给捧在手中,感觉万分沉重,一看就知道这是一件无价之宝,顿时激动了起來,“风兄,我感觉这一座鼎非同一般,绝对是大宝贝。” This is the sixth Yang Dynasty town country divine tool, controls the cauldron imperial seal.” Feng Feiyun said. “这就是第六中央王朝的镇国神器,主宰鼎玺。”风飞云道。 The Bi Ningshuai chin must fall on the ground, said: Has not thought that Brother Feng unexpectedly is a such generous person, this treasure...... This treasure my what virtue what can...... Haha, the shame is not at all, naturally Brother Feng must give to me, I also accepted.” 毕宁帅下巴都要掉在地上,道:“沒想到风兄竟是这么慷慨的一个人,这种宝物……这种宝物我何德何能……哈哈,愧不敢当,当然风兄真的要送给我,我也就收下了。” Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: You now will control the cauldron imperial seal to send to the Saint courtyard treasure house, hands over protects the Saint war-god in the hand, passes on the Saint command of Saint courtyard control, please protect a powerhouse of Saint clan to come out.” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“你现在就将主宰鼎玺送去圣庭宝库,交到护圣战神的手中,传圣庭主宰的圣令,请护圣一族的强者出來。” The hand of Bi Ningshuai trembled, the feeling of instinct must be given the pit by Feng Feiyun, serious say/way: „The treasure of my this rank, I do not want.” 毕宁帅的手哆嗦了一下,本能的感觉要被风飞云给坑,严肃的道:“我这种级别的宝物,我还是不要了。” Feng Feiyun has pushed to him, the vision sinks, said: „The people in entire Saint courtyard control palace are seeking in any case now in the stolen control cauldron imperial seal, now controls the cauldron imperial seal in your hands, if the person of god Tianjue mansion knows that you have stolen away the control cauldron imperial seal, at the appointed time...... Yeah.” 风飞云又给他推了回去,目光一沉,道:“反正现在整个圣庭主宰宫的人都在寻在失窃的主宰鼎玺,现在主宰鼎玺就在你的手中,神天爵府的人若是知道你偷走了主宰鼎玺,到时……哎。” Mother, is you give me this thing obviously.” Bi Ningshuai wants the cauldron in hand throwing very much on the ground, but bore finally. “妈的,明明是你把这玩意给我的。”毕宁帅很想将手中的鼎给扔在地上,但最终还是忍住了。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: But I am not the person who the god steals the gate, that big skill has not stolen away the control cauldron imperial seal.” 风飞云笑道:“可是我不是神偷门的人,沒有那么大的本事偷走主宰鼎玺。” renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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