SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1073: The cheap people have the cheap person grinding

In heard a series of silver to drift near, Xiao Bailang and the others ** sound, suddenly unexpectedly was there, does not know that should go. 宁嘉临、萧白浪等人听到里面一连串的银霏的**声,一时间竟是顿在了那里,不知道该不该进去。. The complexions of another two outside elders also strange. 另外两外长老的脸色也古怪了起來。 This is too strange, all person already thought Feng Feiyun takes the person of control cauldron imperial seal, but in arrives at the sound that outside the imperial city gate actually hears is shifty, especially that female ** the sound, makes several people outside palace raise simply evil fire. 这实在太诡异,本來所有人都已经觉得风飞云就是取走主宰鼎玺的人,但是走到宫门外却听到里面翻云覆雨的声音,特别是那女子的**声,简直让宫殿外的几人都升起一股邪火。 In palace. 宫殿里面。 .” 。” That young girl by the fan a palm of the hand, inside had been transmitted the Feng Feiyun inexpensive laughter. 那个少女被扇了一巴掌,里面传來风飞云贱贱的笑声。 Then is the Feng Feiyun a series of contamination words: Damn, you are the imperial concubine who Saint courtyard controls, such does not pass through does, does the females does not have the future, that Princess Lan Fu, you climb over to the father, how formerly not to have played to enjoy oneself to the full, now continues...... Aiya, worthily is the first beautiful woman in emperor's clan, this pair ** real his mother is white, the chest was also too plentiful, lay down, the both legs separated...... Any fifth time, pain, the pain also grass, who called the wind master me today happily......” 接着便是风飞云一连串污秽的话语:“他妈的,你还是圣庭主宰的妃子,这么不经搞,做记女都沒有前途,那个兰馥郡主,你给老子爬过來,先前咋们还沒有玩尽兴,现在继续……哎呀,不愧是皇族中的第一美人,这双**真他妈白,胸部也太丰满了,躺好了,双腿分开……什么第五次了,痛,痛也得艹,谁叫风爷我今天高兴……” „...... Pain...... Wind master...... Asked you......” “啊……痛……风爷……求你……” What's the matter.” The complexion that is near somewhat turns green, stares to Xiao Bailang. “怎么回事。”宁嘉临的脸色有些发青,盯向萧白浪 The Xiao Bailang heart is actually one happy, suddenly thought oneself saw the hope, perhaps that assassin is not Feng Feiyun. 萧白浪心头却是一喜,突然觉得自己看到了希望,或许那个刺客不是风飞云 He looks distressed as before, say/way in reverential awe: Will be not guilty, has delivered absurdly several beautiful women to the wind master as the gift, expected that the wind master has not dominated, arrived here...... Arrived here to give to execute a captured offender on the spot them.” 他依旧愁眉苦脸,诚惶诚恐的道:“莫将有罪,妄自送了几位美人给风爷作为礼物,料想风爷是沒有把持住,來到这里……來到这里就将她们给就地正法了。” You will cultivate the behavior actually, how not to deliver two to come to me.” “你倒是会做人,怎么不给我送两个來。” Near cold snort/hum one, a foot the front door of day auspicious palace trampling, then walked, sees only the ground everywhere is female tattered Qiu clothes , the corsage of some personal embroidering satin and silk-weaving, sends out the faint fragrance. 宁嘉临冷哼一声,一脚将天瑞宫的大门给踹开,然后走了进去,只见地上到处都是女子破烂的裘衣,还有一些贴身的绣花缎子、丝织的胸衣,散发出淡淡的香味。 In the cella in day auspicious palace, the sound stopped suddenly, obviously is hears outside some people the sound that tramples the palace front door. 天瑞宫的内殿之中,声音突然停了下來,显然是听到外面有人将宫殿大门踹开的声音。 Was stopping in the men and women of happy love. 正在欢爱的男女都停了下來。 Inside, spreads the Feng Feiyun disgruntled sound, said: Who, knows that the father is handling matters, disturbing the father to be merry, but also wants to live.” 里面,传出风飞云不悦的声音,道:“谁啊,知不知道老子正在办事,打扰老子快活,还想不想活了。” The complexion that is near is invariable, the foot steps on above Qiu clothes the fragment of female, walks toward the cella, on the face brings to the faint smiling face, said: Saint courtyard control assassination, we are seeking for the assassin, we suspect the assassin on conceals in this palace.” 宁嘉临的脸色不变,脚踩在女子的裘衣碎片之上,向着内殿走去,脸上带到淡淡的笑容,道:“圣庭主宰遇刺,我们正在寻找刺客,我们怀疑刺客就藏在这一座宫殿之中。” Originally is two heir apparents, your anything meaning, you will not suspect that I am that assassin.” “原來是二世子,你什么意思,你不会怀疑我是那个刺客吧。” Keeps near the footsteps, says with a smile: Brother Feng recent double-hour where.” 宁嘉临脚步不停,笑道:“请问风兄最近一个时辰都在什么地方。” I naturally here............ Management.” The Feng Feiyun sound spreads from the cella, is bringing several points of disgruntledness. “我自然都在这里……咳咳……办事。”风飞云的声音从内殿之中传出,带着几分不悦。 Who can show.” Near sinking sound said. “有谁可以证明。”宁嘉临沉声道。 This...... Three on bed can show.” Feng Feiyun said. “这个……床上的三个都可以证明。”风飞云道。 But I suspected...... You are lying......” “可是我怀疑……你在说谎……” The body that is near changes into a series of empty shades, the next flash appears near the bed of cella, the vision ice is cold, gives to tear into shreds the silver thread mosquito net, stares toward the bed above. 宁嘉临的身体化为一连串的虚影,下一瞬间出现在内殿的床榻边上,目光冰寒,一把将银丝蚊帐给撕碎,向着床榻之上盯去。 „.” “啊。” Above the bed, spreads three females' scream. 床榻之上,传出三个女子的尖叫。 Three powders carve the female body that the jade carves to assume horizontally, beautiful moving, the flesh is exquisite, twin peaks snow white, the wonder of not being able to say. 三具粉雕玉琢的女子躯体横呈,美丽动人,肌肤细腻,双峰雪白,说不出的美妙。 The Saint princess, Princess Lan Fu, controls the imperial concubine, beautiful woman absolute beauty Princess Lan Fu was also pressed by Feng Feiyun under the body, stark naked, a pair ** entangles on the Feng Feiyun waist, was frightened by the sudden accident shames and cries, beautiful cheek tight burying under the Feng Feiyun chest. 正是圣公主,兰馥郡主,主宰妃,其中倾城绝丽兰馥郡主还被风飞云压在身下,一丝不挂,一双**就缠在风飞云腰上,被突如其來的变故吓得又羞又哭,将美丽的脸蛋紧紧的埋在风飞云胸膛下面。 Knows Princess Lan Fu near the nature, the first beautiful woman of emperor's clan, once the reputation passed on the Saint courtyard, he has seen this princess one time, quite drools to her beautiful appearance, but afterward Princess Lan Fu did obeisance into the Ganges ancient road cultivation, he did not have the opportunity to start. 宁嘉临自然认识兰馥郡主,皇族的第一美人,曾经美名传圣庭,就连他都去见过这位郡主一次,对她的美貌颇为垂涎,只是后來兰馥郡主拜入了恒河古道修炼,他才一直沒有机会下手。 Has not actually thought, saw beautiful woman once more, already lies down in the crotch of other man. 却沒有想到,再次见到佳人,已经躺在了别的男人的胯下。 Hey, two heir apparents, was your this too not the politeness.” Feng Feiyun is stark naked, a hand is hugging the Princess Lan Fu slender jade waist, a hand is pinching her fresh-faced small white rabbit. “喂,二世子,你这样是不是太不礼貌了。”风飞云一丝不挂,一只手搂着兰馥郡主纤细的玉腰,一只手捏着她粉嫩的小白兔。 Before looking at a smooth man lies down in the front, is somewhat awkward, the back passes away hastily. 宁嘉临看着一个光溜溜的男人躺在面前,也有些尴尬,连忙背过身去。 Xiao Bailang and to approach/insult Elder, Elder Mu hear the cry of inside female, flushed immediately, saw above the bed the stark naked four people, the Saint princess, controls the imperial concubine and Princess Lan Fu to have the quilt to block from the tender body. 萧白浪、凌长老、木长老听到里面女子的叫声,也立即冲了进來,看到床榻之上一丝不挂的四人,圣公主、主宰妃、兰馥郡主都有被子遮住了娇躯。 Only then Feng Feiyun also bare scarlet sitting on bed, somewhat bewildered is staring at these intruders, do not visit me with such vision, they are voluntary, I have not forced them, my Feng Feiyun status is low, the backstage is thin, may unable to shoulder the silver. The charge of chaotic harem.” 只有风飞云还裸赤赤的坐在床上,有些莫名其妙的盯着这几个闯入者,“你们别用这样眼光看着我,她们都是自愿的,我可沒有强迫她们,我风飞云地位低,后台薄,可背负不起银.乱后宫的罪名。” The ice elder and Elder Mu are old face one red, turns around hastily. 凌长老和木长老都是老脸一红,连忙转身。 Their heart is very complex, envies, is the envy, in the heart sigh young is good, simultaneously thought that Feng Feiyun this goods really understand to enjoy the life, any on this bed pulls out to be possible lets the countless person crazy beautiful women, moreover is emperor's clan people, now is given to make on a bed by him. 他们心头都十分复杂,又是羡慕,又是嫉妒,都在心头感叹年轻就是好,同时又觉得风飞云这货实在太懂得享受人生,这床上的任何一个拉出去可都是让无数人疯狂的美人,而且还都是皇族中人,现在都被他给弄得一张床上。 If this were pursued Princess Lan Fu and Saint princess's talent to see by these, must hate bitterly for several hundred years not to be possible. 这要是被那些追求兰馥郡主、圣公主的才俊看到,非要痛心疾首几百年不可。 Personally gives Feng Feiyun Xiao Bailang to regret these three females, early to know that this keep one, but he must to say at this time as far as possible: Actually this blames not, not to make a decision without authorization, not strange wind master.” 就连亲手将这三个女子送给风飞云萧白浪都后悔不已,早知道就该自己留一个,不过这个时候他还是要尽量为道:“其实这都怪莫将,是莫将擅作主张,并不怪风爷。” What dejected brother said is where words, these three little girls are I carry over from the underground jail, even if holds responsible, that is also my mistake.” Feng Feiyun said. “萧兄说的是哪里的话,这三个妞乃是我从地下监牢之中带出,就算是追究责任,那也是我的过错。”风飞云道。 Xiao Bailang, is Feng Feiyun, is the astute people, knows which is the lighter and which is the heavier, although silver. The shame Saint princess, controls the imperial concubine is also the grave offense, but this regarding the Master Shen Tianjue important personage can not anything, two heir apparent do such matter after all. 无论是萧白浪,还是风飞云,都是精明的人,知道孰轻孰重,虽然银.辱圣公主、主宰妃也是重罪,但是这对于神天爵爷的重要人物來说根本就算不得什么,毕竟就连二世子自己都干过这样的事。 Stole the control cauldron imperial seal to be different, this relations were too big, once the confirmation were Feng Feiyun does, only had the dead end . Moreover, person who had the relations with Feng Feiyun, must be implicated. 盗取主宰鼎玺就不同了,这关系实在太大,一旦证实是风飞云做的,那么只有死路一条,而且,与风飞云有关系的人,都要受到牵连。 On the scene also is as before serious near the complexion, does not have trust Feng Feiyun easily, icy say/way: Saint courtyard control is stabbed before a column fragrance, from the Tai'e palace to the day auspicious palace, altogether is separated by 320 miles, the middle has main shrine group 800, side hall 37,000, the garden courtyard and in the tower pavilion and lake 100,000, every other three miles have Formation to ban, a Ascension 2nd-layer member, wants to rush to overweight heavy Formation, arrives at the day of Swiss palace from the Tai'e palace, moreover must avoid the informers of all people, at least needs to spend the big hemiprism fragrant time.” 在场也只有宁嘉临依旧脸色严肃,沒有轻易的相信风飞云,冷冰冰的道:“圣庭主宰乃是在一柱香之前被刺伤,从太阿宫到天瑞宫,一共相隔320里,中间有主殿群800座,偏殿37000座,园庭、塔阁、湖泊上100000个,每隔三里有一处阵法禁制,一个羽化第二重的修士,想要闯过重重阵法,从太阿宫來到天瑞宫,而且还要避开所有人的耳目,至少需要花费大半柱香的时间。” The Feng Feiyun vision becomes dignified, this two heir apparents also are really an astute character, knows from A to Z regarding every bit of property of Saint courtyard control palace, is a fierce match. 风飞云的目光变得凝重起來,这个二世子还真是一个精明人物,对于圣庭主宰宫的一草一木都了如指掌,算是一个厉害的对手。 Two heir apparents are any meanings.” “二世子是什么意思。” Before saying: My meaning is very clear, within time that the small hemiprism fragrance is not, Brother Feng can take off own clothes, can take off their clothes, but can also make all sorts of false appearances, but within such hasty time, Brother Feng can really continually the governing three females.” 宁嘉临道:“我的意思很清楚,小半柱香不到的时间之内,风兄可以脱掉自己的衣服,也可以脱掉她们的衣服,还可以制造出种种假象,但是这么仓促的时间之内,风兄真的能够连御三女。” The Feng Feiyun complexion sank, this near also is really not a lamp of province oil, in elegant, absolutely is an scholarly scholar \; In sinister, absolutely is a qualified cheap person. 风飞云的脸色沉了起來,这个宁嘉临还真不是一个省油的灯,在文雅的时候,绝对是一个儒雅文士\;在阴险的时候,绝对是一个合格的贱人。 Two heir apparents do not believe me in the final analysis.” Feng Feiyun starts putting on clothes slowly, the look light and shade change. “说到底二世子还是不相信我。”风飞云开始徐徐的穿衣,眼神明暗变化。 Before saying with a smile: This matter relates is too big, this heir apparent has to be careful, goes to please a senior palace maid to come, helping these three girls examine the body, looked that they had the intense men and women happy to gather a moment ago.” 宁嘉临笑道:“此事关系实在太大,本世子不得不小心谨慎,去请一个资深的宫女过來,帮这三位姑娘验验身,看她们刚才是不是真的发生了激烈的男女欢合。” The atmosphere once more becomes tight. 气氛再次变得紧张起來。 Quick has a palace maid to help the Saint princess, control the imperial concubine and Princess Lan Fu to examine the body, then arrives at the side that is near, said one in his ear in a low voice. 很快就有一个宫女帮圣公主、主宰妃、兰馥郡主验身,然后走到宁嘉临的身边,低声在他的耳边说了一句。 A brow wrinkle that is near, stared at Feng Feiyun one, tight nipping tooth, forcefully squeezes a smiling face, cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Brother Feng is really a surname sentiment people, the loose elegant gentleman, was a heir apparent disturbed the Brother Feng aesthetic pleasure a moment ago rashly.” 宁嘉临的眉头一皱,盯了风飞云一眼,紧紧的咬了咬牙齿,强行的挤出一个笑容,拱手道:“风兄果然是姓情中人,风流雅士,刚才是本世子莽撞打扰风兄的雅兴了。” Feng Feiyun sighed, said: Actually I most pay great attention to the reputation, today's matter, but also hopes that everybody keeps secret for me, after all...... Does this matter not to see the light.” 风飞云叹息了一声,道:“其实我这个人最注重名声,今天的事,还希望大家替我保密,毕竟……干这种事真不怎么见得光。” The stone in Xiao Bailang heart is thorough fell, since does not close the Feng Feiyun matter, then did not close his matter, laughed saying: Wind master has considered thoroughly, I and other excellent sons do several women am anything, the wife and concubines full house, can appear the true quality.” 萧白浪心中的石头是彻底的落了下去,既然不关风飞云的事,那么也就不关他的事了,大笑道:“风爷多虑了,我等大好男儿搞几个女人算什么,妻妾满堂,才能显现出英雄本色。” Haha, dejected brother said is extremely, we were person of same belief people.” Feng Feiyun laughs to say. “哈哈,萧兄所言极是,我们乃同道中人。”风飞云大笑道。 „The assassin definitely still in the Saint courtyard control palace, we continues to look.” The complexion that is near is ugly, leading to approach/insult Elder, Elder Mu and the others to swagger away. “那刺客肯定还在圣庭主宰宫中,我们继续去找。”宁嘉临的脸色难看,带着凌长老、木长老等人扬长而去。 Visits them to go out of the day of Swiss palace, Feng Feiyun the deep putting out one breath, heart secretly thought: Narrow squeak.” 看着他们走出天瑞宫,风飞云才深深的吐出一口气來,心头暗道一声:“好险。” If were near by really the confirmation, he takes the person of control cauldron imperial seal, then Feng Feiyun must die today without doubt. 若是真的被宁嘉临证实,他就是取走主宰鼎玺的人,那么风飞云今天就必死无疑了。 Mao Wugui and Sacred Fruit jumped down, the say/way that from the house beam admires: Nine Dragons Pillar is really fierce, mast top others five columns.” 茅乌龟圣实果从房梁之上跳了下來,佩服的道:“九龙抱柱果然厉害,一柱顶别人五柱。” Uncle, how you achieve, the grandfather said that you are the present age first person, anything is the first person.” Sacred Fruit curious say/way. “二大爷,你是怎么做到的,爷爷说你乃是当世第一人,什么是第一人啊。”圣实果好奇的道。 Feng Feiyun does not have the thoughts and they teases, slowly extends a hand, a nine full cauldron departs from his palm, then took in the heaven by it, at this time, Feng Feiyun was true relaxing. 风飞云却沒有心思和它们打趣,缓缓的伸出一只手,一只九足鼎从他的手心飞出,然后被它收进了天国之中,这个时候,风飞云才是真正的松了一口气。 Feng Feiyun runs away from the Tai'e palace, the time of including control cauldron imperial seal hiding does not have, if near a moment ago not attention centralized on the body of Princess Lan Fu, is not verifying their right people anxiously, but is gets the physical exam of Feng Feiyun, then the control cauldron imperial seal definitely will be exposed. 风飞云太阿宫逃回來,连将“主宰鼎玺”给藏起來的时间都沒有,若宁嘉临刚才不是将注意力都集中在了兰馥郡主的身上,不是急着去查明她们的正身,而是來检查风飞云的身体,那么主宰鼎玺肯定会被暴露。 Therefore , this is normal man. 所以说,这就是正常的男人啊。 Regarding a normal man, a stark naked woman and a stark naked man lie on the bed, he first attention centralized to the body of that woman, will thus create the erroneous zone on thought judgment. 对于一个正常的男人來说,一个一丝不挂的女人和一个一丝不挂的男人躺在床上,他最先还是会将注意力集中到那个女人的身上,从而会造成一种思维判断上的误区。 Feng Feiyun naturally had not thought that many at that time, at this moment recalls, thinks lucky, the Saint courtyard present situation is too dangerous, does not pay attention to be beyond redemption slightly. 风飞云当时自然沒有想那么多,此刻回想起來,还是觉得侥幸,圣庭现在的局势实在太危险,稍不注意就要万劫不复。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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