SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1072: Control cauldron imperial seal

Haha! The boys, kneel in the ground cry grandfather, so as to avoid later the grandfather suffers you suffers extreme distress.” “哈哈!小子,跪在地上叫声爷爷,免得待会爷爷将你折磨得死去活来。” Fighting of trapped/sleepy beast, has not surrendered.” “困兽之斗,还不投降。” ...... …… Feng Feiyun fights difficultly, besieging of bitter experience more than ten powerhouses, quick were many ten wounds, clothes robe was also hit tattered. 风飞云战得艰难,遭遇十多名强者的围攻,很快身上就多了十多道伤口,身上的衣袍也被打得破破烂烂。 These people are the powerhouses, each overlord who pulls out assumes a side, let alone is more than ten people also gets rid, can throw off a piece of heavenly palace absolutely. 这些人都是强者,每一个拉出去都是坐镇一方的霸主,更何况是十多人同时出手,绝对能够掀翻一片天宫。 Before sitting on jade chair, faint stares at the fight in palace, on the face is having the smiling face of pondering. 宁嘉临坐在玉椅上,淡淡的盯着宫殿之中的战斗,脸上带着玩味的笑容。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” Feng Feiyun was aroused ominous, above arm presents piece by piece dragon scale, the back presents a shadow of fierce demon dragon, sends out dragon cry. 风飞云被激起凶性,手臂之上出现一片片龙鳞,背后呈现出一只狰狞的魔龙的影子,发出一声龙吟。 !” “噗!” Claw tearing in the past! 一爪撕裂过去! Just strided in the Ascension 2nd-layer old man, by the finger of Feng Feiyun tearing into shreds. 一个刚刚跨入羽化第二重的老者,被风飞云的手指给撕碎。 Gives to pull out his heart, then the crumb, the blood scatters. 一把将他的心脏都给掏出来,然后捏碎,鲜血四溅。 The surrounding these powerhouses also had a scare, this fellow too ruthlessly has also burnt, unexpectedly can bare-handed break the defense of Ascension 2nd-layer sage, shakes the bone of sage, but also gives tearing the valuable body of sage. 周围的那些强者也都吓了一跳,这个家伙也太狠辣了,居然能够徒手破开羽化第二重贤者的防御,震断贤者的骨头,还将贤者的宝体都给撕裂。 This is not general strength. 这可不是一般的力量。 Member who can achieve the Ascension boundary, the vitality is very formidable, the skeleton is more tenacious than the fine iron, the flesh and blood reproductive property is greatly strengthened, is very difficult to fall from the sky. 能够达到羽化境的修士,生命力都很强大,骨骼比精铁都要坚韧,血肉再生能力极强,很难陨落。 But at this moment actually falls from the sky, making member hearts some on the scene be startled. 而此刻却陨落一位,让在场的修士都有些心惊。 Can die.” “都可以去死了。” The Feng Feiyun vision ice is cold, projects two flame, takes a fast look around to present all people, each by the member who his vision stares , the emitting cold sweat that the vest can not help. 风飞云的目光冰寒,射出两道火焰,扫视在场所有人,每一个被他目光盯上的修士,背心都情不自禁的冒出冷汗。 Feng Feiyun will protect the Saint war-god to make the symbol give to his half Saint to take out, pinches in the hand, making above the symbol spread one to absorb the person heart and soul the terrifying power, half Saint traces walked randomly above. 风飞云将护圣战神给他的半圣令符给取出,捏在手中,令符之上传出一股摄人心魄的恐怖力量,有一圈圈半圣纹路在上面游走。 This strength was just born, immediately sweeps across the entire Saint courtyard control palace. 这一股力量刚刚诞生,就立即席卷整个圣庭主宰宫。 The complexions of all people change, the blood must coagulate. 所有人的脸色都为之一变,血液都要凝固住。 The eye that is near shrinks, said fierce: Is half Saint makes the symbol, everybody draws back quickly.” 宁嘉临的眼睛一缩,厉声道:“是半圣令符,大家快退。” Hears half Saint to make symbol these four characters, member the complexion on the scene again changes, does not dare to approach Feng Feiyun, immediately escapes the Tai'e palace, runs away fast. 听到“半圣令符”这四个字,在场修士的脸色再变,没有一个敢接近风飞云,立即遁出太阿宫,快速逃窜。 How in his hand to grasp half Saint to make the symbol?” “他的手中怎么会掌握着半圣令符?” Was bad, was bad, the strength of half Saint appears, perhaps the Saint courtyard control palace must destroy.” “糟了,糟了,半圣的力量出现,圣庭主宰宫说不定都要毁灭。” ...... …… The powerhouses who these are insufferably arrogant were frightened on the face pale, such as the judgment day approaches. 那些不可一世的强者都被吓得脸上惨白,如世界末日来临。 However, expected that during the end has not approached, the aura of that -and-a-half Saint, vanishes suddenly does not see. The person brings look of doubts is returning to the Tai'e palace the time in the presence of everyone, Feng Feiyun already vanishes to disappear, in palace empty, anything has not stayed behind. 但是,预想之中的末日并没有来临,那一股半圣的气息,突然之间就消失不见。当众人带着疑惑的神色返回太阿宫的时候,风飞云已经消失不见了,宫中空空荡荡,什么都没有留下。 Nobody noticed how Feng Feiyun leaves. 没有人看到风飞云是如何离开。 Was given to deceive by him, in his hand grasps at all is not half Saint makes the symbol.” “被他给骗了,他手中掌握的根本不是半圣令符。” Is near to shake the head, said: No! Half Saint that in his hand grasps made the symbol very possible real, but he has not used, after all now nobility master in Saint courtyard, even if his half Saints made the symbol in the hand, was difficult to run away by the suppress and kill misfortune.” 宁嘉临摇了摇头,道:“不!他手中掌握的半圣令符很可能是真的,但是他并没有使用,毕竟现在爵爷就在圣庭,就算他有半圣令符在手,也难逃被镇杀的厄运。” Two heir apparents, important matter...... Was not wonderful, controls the cauldron imperial seal to be taken by him.” A Saint courtyard Grade 1 day Ascension sage complexion big change, is staring at that side basin in Tai'e palace, the nine foot cauldrons above basin disappear. “二世子,大事……不妙,主宰鼎玺被他取走了。”圣庭一品天的一个羽化贤者脸色大变,盯着太阿宫的那一方水池,水池之上的九脚鼎不见了。 Near looked at the past hastily, controlled the cauldron imperial seal representative, but entire sixth Yang Dynasty highest authority, the sixth town divine tool, only then palm control cauldron imperial seal, had the qualifications becomes the Saint courtyard's control. 宁嘉临连忙望过去,主宰鼎玺代表的可是整个第六中央王朝的最高权威,第六界的镇界神器,只有手掌“主宰鼎玺”,才有资格成为圣庭的主宰。 Master Shen Tianjue must under the testimonies of various clan powerhouses, become the Saint courtyard's control today, but control cauldron imperial seal is actually given to take now, this played a huge joke simply. 神天爵爷今天就要在各族强者的见证下,成为圣庭的主宰,但是现在“主宰鼎玺”却被人给取走了,这简直就是开了一个天大的玩笑。 Presented the complexions of all people changes green, what to do can this? 在场所有人的脸色都变绿了,这可怎么办? If Master Shen Tianjue knows this matter, then they want the head/number of people to fall to the ground. 若是神天爵爷知道这件事,那么他们都要人头落地。 Wears old of jade crown to go out from void, above the Daoist robe the mobile jade light, the embroidery gossips seal, pupil like jade bead, eyebrow snow white, appears very dignified. 一个头戴玉冠的老道从虚空之中走出,道袍之上流动玉光,刺绣八卦印,瞳孔如玉珠,眉毛雪白,显得很威严。 Has seen the day officer.” “见过天官。” Saw that this always said that is near except, other Ascension sage bows does obeisance, to this old incomparable awe. 见到这个老道,除了宁嘉临,别的羽化贤者都躬身一拜,对这个老道无比敬畏。 This old say/way is „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day master, is called day major road person, is under the Master Shen Tianjue place one of the most fearful three people, are treated equally with forest Gelao. 这个老道就是“圣庭一品天”的主人,被称为“天官道人”,乃是神天爵爷座下最可怕的三人之一,与林阁老平起平坐。 The day major road person stares at that basin that the control cauldron imperial seal once was depositing, vision cold solemn, has one to compel the imposing manner of person to burst out from his body. 天官道人盯着主宰鼎玺曾经存放的那个水池,目光冷肃,有着一股迫人的气势从他的身上迸发出来。 Day major road humanity: Today is the pledge rally state banquet, the nobility master must ascend a height to get a broad view the control position today, now actually made such big careless mistake, do you also want to maintain a livelihood?” 天官道人道:“今天就是誓师国宴,爵爷本来是要在今天登临主宰位,现在却出了这么大的纰漏,你们一个个还想不想活命了?” The body fear fears of these Ascension sages tremble, in heart terrified restless, the words that refuted do not dare to say one. 那些羽化贤者的身体都慑慑发抖,心中惶恐不安,连反驳的话都不敢说出一句。 Two heir apparent near at this moment gave birth for several points to dread, has fearing of instinct to Master Shen Tianjue, knew the Master Shen Tianjue disposition, if made the huge mistake, the parent-child may also kill. 就连二世子宁嘉临此刻都生出了几分畏惧,对神天爵爷有着本能的惧怕,知道神天爵爷的性格,若是犯下大错,亲子也可杀。 This matter must keep secret, cannot reveal. That takes the people in control cauldron seal definitely also in the Saint courtyard control palace, you should better before the pledge rally state banquet starts will control the cauldron imperial seal looking, otherwise...... Nobody can save your life. I go to reply nobility master now, should better prepare second-hand first.” “这件事必须要保密,不能泄露出去。那个取走主宰鼎印的人肯定还在圣庭主宰宫中,你们最好在誓师国宴开始之前就将主宰鼎玺给找回来,要不然……没有人能够救得了你们的性命。我现在就去回禀爵爷,最好先做好第二手准备。” The day major road person disappears from the Tai'e palace baseless, the speed is simply faster than the light. 天官道人凭空就从太阿宫之中消失,速度简直比光还快。 After he walked, these Ascension sages in Tai'e palace long relaxing, on the face of everyone is having the anxious look. They know, if cannot retrieve control cauldron imperial seal, it is estimated that tonight they want the head/number of people to fall to the ground. 他走了之后,太阿宫中的那些羽化贤者才长长的松了一口气,每个人的脸上都带着愁容。他们知道若是找不回主宰鼎玺,估计今天晚上他们就要人头落地。 The face that is near was mad twists, tight is pinching five fingers, ordered: Seals off the entire Saint courtyard control palace, permits enter, cannot only leave. Transfers all troops, immediately receives rope each palace, any suspect grasps to me, even if excavates three chi (0.33 m), must take the person of control cauldron imperial seal to look to me that. Waits.” 宁嘉临的脸被气得扭曲,紧紧的捏着五根手指,下令道:“封锁整个圣庭主宰宫,只许进,不许出。调动所有人马,立即收索每一座宫殿,任何可疑的人都给我抓起来,就算掘土三尺,也要将那个取走主宰鼎玺的人给我找出来。等一等。” His vision cold severe, was slightly quiet, said: Declared to the outside the Saint courtyard controls is stabbed, we are seeking for the assassin, the matter that if who dares to lose the control cauldron imperial seal passes on, snort/hum, calamity and entire clan.” 他的目光冷厉,略微了平静下来,道:“对外就宣称圣庭主宰被人刺伤,我们在寻找刺客,谁若是敢将主宰鼎玺丢失的事传出去,哼,祸及全族。” Complexion cold Chen who is near, a sword arm of Saint courtyard control cutting off one. 宁嘉临的脸色冷沉,一剑将圣庭主宰的手臂给斩断了一只。 The Saint courtyard control hurts sways back and forth on the ground, sends out to kill the pig general cry. 圣庭主宰疼得在地上打滚,发出杀猪一般的叫声。 These Ascension sage hearts tremble, departs the Saint courtyard control palace in abundance, goes to apprehend the assassin. 那些羽化贤者都心头一颤,纷纷飞出圣庭主宰宫,前去捉拿刺客。 On the eve of the pledge rally state banquet, the Saint courtyard control palace had the assassin, gives the puncture wound the Saint courtyard control. 誓师国宴前夕,圣庭主宰宫出了刺客,将圣庭主宰给刺伤。 This matter alarmed all people quickly, the defensive strength of Saint courtyard control palace doubled immediately, everyone was terrified restlessly, for fear that the disaster arrived to own head. 这件事很快就惊动了所有人,圣庭主宰宫的防守力量顿时增加了一倍,每个人都惶恐不安,生怕祸事降临到自己的头上。 Saint courtyard control palace, any suspect was grasped. 圣庭主宰宫,凡是可疑的人都被抓了起来。 Saint health/guard army series Xiao Bailang when receives this news, had a scare, the Saint courtyard controls is assassinated, this is the important matter! The defense of matter sage guan courtyard control palace, is not careful he also to be implicated. 圣卫军都统萧白浪在接到这个消息的时候,也被吓了一跳,圣庭主宰被行刺,这可是大事啊!事关圣庭主宰宫的防守,一个不小心他也要被牵连。 That comes report Saint health/guard Jundao: Heard that cultivation base of that assassin is extremely profound, protected the country sage Song spirit Masters to be given to kill by him continually. Moreover it is said that he is a formidable puppet Master, can change the puppet with the tile, leads away the protector, therefore has submerged the Tai'e palace.” 那一个前来禀报的圣卫军道:“听说那刺客的修为极其高深,连护国贤者宋灵师都被他给杀了。而且据说他乃是一个强大的傀儡师,能够用瓦片变傀儡,引开守护者,所以才潜入了太阿宫。” Xiao Bailang touches the chin, ponders, the heart secretly thought, these protectors also are really some rice buckets, usually keeps aloof, the unmatched in the world appearance, to critical moment in chain. 萧白浪摸了摸下巴,沉思起来,心头暗道,这些守护者还真是些饭桶,平时一个个高高在上、天下无敌的样子,到了关键时刻就都在掉链子。 And...... Moreover heard that assassin already already had possibly submerged the Saint courtyard control palace, perhaps is a nobility mansion people.” “而且……而且听说那一个刺客很可能早就已经潜入了圣庭主宰宫,说不定乃是爵府中人。” Saint courtyard control palace is no one can come at will, only then has high status person in the nobility mansion, for example, Saint courtyard Grade 1 day, Bu Tian pavilion...... 圣庭主宰宫可不是什么人都能随意进来,只有在爵府之中拥有很高地位的人,比如,圣庭一品天,补天阁…… After Xiao Bailang hears this saying, complexion fierce changes, in the mind has thought immediately a person, is he?” 萧白浪听到这话之后,脸色猛的一变,脑海之中立即想到了一个人,“难道是他?” Xiao Bailang changed into a flowing light, flies toward the day auspicious palace. 萧白浪化为了一道流光,向着天瑞宫飞去。 Meanwhile, before leading one team of Saint health/guard army is also receiving the rope to the day auspicious palace outside, saw that two Saint health/guard army defend here, said: What do you defend make here?” 于此同时,宁嘉临带着一队圣卫军也收索到天瑞宫外面,看到有两个圣卫军守在这里,道:“你们守在这里做什么?” Two Saint health/guard armed forces officers kneel on one knee places, a humanity: Reply two heir apparents, we present the order of dejected series to protect here, the great person rests in temporarily.” 两个圣卫军将士都单膝跪地,其中一人道:“回禀二世子,我们奉萧都统的命令守护这里,有一位大人物在里面暂时休憩。” Great person, what great person?” In the eye that is near gives birth is vigilant the color/look. “大人物,什么大人物?”宁嘉临的眼中生出警惕之色。 Whish!” “哗!” Xiao Bailang flies to fall, before bowing does obeisance, end Xiao Bailang, has seen two heir apparents.” 萧白浪飞落下来,对着宁嘉临躬身一拜,“末将萧白浪,见过二世子。” Near cold sound say/way: dejected series, do you know that now the Saint courtyard control palace exactly did have the big matter?” 宁嘉临冷声的道:“萧都统,你知不知道现在圣庭主宰宫到底发生了多大的事?” Saint courtyard control assassination, will be not terrified.” Xiao Bailang said. “圣庭主宰遇刺,莫将惶恐。”萧白浪道。 Before shooting a look at a day auspicious palace, said: dejected series assassin taking into Saint courtyard control palace?” 宁嘉临瞥了一眼天瑞宫,道:“萧都统不会将刺客给带进了圣庭主宰宫吧?” Xiao Bailang frightening layer on layer/heavily kneels on the ground, said: Where not has that courage, in this palace is Feng Feiyun of Bu Tian pavilion, yesterday the Tiansheng courtyard control palace will have the rebellion, Feng Feiyun will send under escort the prisoner along with don't, has bustled about the entire night. The nobility master mentions by name to want Feng Feiyun to attend today's pledge rally state banquet personally, at that time already dawn, making him leave the palace entering the palace naturally to have the trouble first again, not on arranging him will rest temporarily here, waited for that the pledge rally state banquet will start.” 萧白浪给吓得重重跪在地上,道:“莫将哪有那个胆子,这宫殿里面乃是补天阁的风飞云,昨天圣庭主宰宫发生叛乱,风飞云随莫将押解囚犯,忙碌了整整一夜。爵爷亲自点名要风飞云参加今天的誓师国宴,当时已经天亮,让他先出宫再进宫自然是多有麻烦,莫将就安排他暂时在这里休憩,等待誓师国宴开始。” Some Xiao Bailang actually heart also suspicions are the words naturally are as far as possible and Feng Feiyun tears the relations, when the time comes punishes, will not be heavy. 萧白浪其实心头也有些怀疑是话自然是尽量的和风飞云扯开关系,到时候处罚起来,也不会那么重。 Feng Feiyun!” 风飞云!” In the eye that is near has the ponder the look, suddenly in the eyeball the ray explodes shoots, I heard that Feng Feiyun is skilled in the puppet technique, funny, it seems like also really possibly is he. All people obey orders, encircles to me the entire day auspicious palace, cannot bleed off an ant. to approach/insult Elder, Elder Mu, dejected series goes to apprehend the assassin along with me.” 宁嘉临的眼中生出沉思的神色,突然眼球之中光芒爆射,“我听说风飞云就精通傀儡术,哏哏,看来还真可能是他。所有人听令,将整个天瑞宫给我围起来,不许放走一只蚂蚁。凌长老、木长老、萧都统随我进去捉拿刺客。” Xiao Bailang puts on a long face, if Feng Feiyun assassinates the assassin who the Saint courtyard controls, then he definitely cannot be inseparable from, even if the non- head/number of people falls to the ground, it is estimated that series real power position could not preserve. 萧白浪则哭丧着脸,若是风飞云就是刺杀圣庭主宰的刺客,那么他肯定也脱不了干系,就算不人头落地,估计都统这个实权位置是保不住了。 In the eye that is near is having the look of haze, turns toward the day auspicious palace to walk, has not walked, in the palace transmits chanting of female. Recited and rough respite sound of man. 宁嘉临的眼中带着阴霾的神色,率先向着天瑞宫走去,还没有走进去,宫中就传来女子的呻.吟声和男子的粗犷喘息声。 Asked you...... Does not want...... Half double-hour...... Was dying......” “求你了……不要……都半个时辰了……快死了……” A weeping sound of young girl, along with the rocking sound of bed. 一个少女的哭声,伴随着床榻的晃动声。
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