SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1071: Pig same ally

Many powerhouses! The Saint courtyard control is a disabled person, as before is an important board game piece, was safeguarded by Master Shen Tianjue strictly.” “好多强者啊!圣庭主宰就算是个废人,依旧还是一枚重要的棋子,被神天爵爷严密看管。” Feng Feiyun wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, straight standing in distant place the summit of crystal colored glaze palace error, looks out the Tai'e palace in distant place. 风飞云穿着龙鳞凤皮衣,笔直的站在远处的水晶琉璃宫阙之巅,遥望远处的太阿宫。 From the crown of palace error, picks up five jade tiles. 从宫阙的顶部,捡起五片玉瓦。 Five jade tiles turn into the puppet combat general who five wear jade armor at once, they grasp the jade sword, the angry glare is fierce, murderous aura is steaming, is divided into five directions to kill toward the Tai'e palace. 五片玉瓦旋即变成五个身穿玉甲的傀儡战将,它们都手持玉剑,怒目狰狞,杀气腾腾,分成五个方向向着太阿宫杀去。 With overpowering momentum of five puppet combat generals, get rid like the wind, the flash gives the disintegration several palaces and turrets, the mouth sends out the fierce long and loud cry. 五尊傀儡战将的气势磅礴,出手如风,一瞬间将数座宫殿和塔楼给崩碎,嘴里发出厉声长啸。 Snort! Really some people come to rush to the Tai'e palace, entirely suppression!” Above the vault of heaven, puts on one to sink the ruthless sound. “哼!果然有人前来闯太阿宫,统统镇压!”天穹之上,穿着一声沉狠的声音。 At once then has to wear fights the powerhouse of armor to go out from void, the palm wields, hot rain depart, suppress the puppet combat general who that five wear jade armor., 旋即便有身穿战铠的强者从虚空之中走出,手掌一挥,一片火雨飞出,镇压那五个身穿玉甲的傀儡战将。、 Was at this time. 就是这个时候。 Feng Feiyun sneers, binds tightly the body with dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, changes into an invisible ray, while bursting in Tai'e palace. 风飞云冷笑一声,用龙鳞凤皮衣裹紧身体,化为一道无形的光芒,趁乱闯进太阿宫。 The ban in Tai'e palace cannot block him, exists in name only, the stride vanguard, quick found is imprisoned the Saint courtyard in Tai'e palace to control. 太阿宫之中的禁制根本拦不住他,形同虚设,大步前行,很快就找到了被禁锢在太阿宫中的圣庭主宰。 Outside, resounds the fight sound that the thunder thunders generally, five puppet combat generals were protected here powerhouse suppression. 外面,响起雷霆一般轰鸣的战斗声音,五尊傀儡战将被守护这里的强者镇压。 Outside the palace, resounds fierce of powerhouse: Is only the tile, has to be skilled in the puppet technique powerhouse to rush, everybody moves separately, must give to look him.” 宫殿外,响起一位强者的厉声:“只是瓦片,有精通傀儡术强者闯进来,大家分头行动,务必要将他给找出来。” In the Tai'e palace, Saint courtyard control sits above the Nine dragons jade chair, the body is gingerly, looks toward the palace outside, in the eye is bringing some anxiety. 太阿宫之中,圣庭主宰坐在九龙玉椅之上,身体战战兢兢,向着宫殿外望去,眼中带着些许的焦虑。 Whish!” “哗!” The young person's shadow of outstanding ability, suddenly, appears in the palace together. 一道年轻俊逸的人影,突然,出现在宫殿中。 He receives gown, was smiling to the Saint courtyard control, said: „Are you Saint courtyard control?” 他将身上的袍子收起来,对着圣庭主宰笑了笑,道:“你就是圣庭主宰?” The Saint courtyard control is a 30 -year-old man, chin above is having some beards, the figure is not short, not tall and strong, was suddenly presented the young people in palace by this gives to jump, said: You...... Who are you?” 圣庭主宰乃是一个30来岁的男子,下巴上面留着些许胡须,身材不算矮小,也不算魁梧,被这个突然出现在宫殿之中的年轻人给下了一跳,道:“你……你是何人?” On the face of Feng Feiyun is bringing mask, has not come by the true colors, sits to the Saint courtyard directly controls in front jade case, sizes up his one eyes with a smile, said: Who I am, you did not need to manage, you only needed to know, I was help your person suffice.” 风飞云的脸上带着面具,没有以真面目现身,直接坐到圣庭主宰面前的玉案上,笑着打量他一眼,道:“我是谁,你就不用管了,你只需要知道,我是来帮你的人就够了。” „Are you help me?” The Saint courtyard control said. “你是来帮我?”圣庭主宰道。 Feng Feiyun nodded, says with a smile: Today Master Shen Tianjue holds the pledge rally state banquet, on to discuss punitive expedition netherworld the strategy outwardly, in fact must support oneself for the king, makes the new Saint courtyard to control.” 风飞云点了点头,笑道:“今天神天爵爷举行誓师国宴,明面上是为了商讨讨伐阴间界的策略,实际上是要自立为王,做新的圣庭主宰。” What did you say?” The Saint courtyard control stands up suddenly, on face full is the anxious demeanor. “你说什么?”圣庭主宰豁然站起身来,脸上满是焦虑的声色。 Said simply! Your auspicious day to the end, after pledge rally state banquet, your anything, your Long also no longer was not the sixth Yang Dynasty master.” The Feng Feiyun accent said with a smile. “简单的说吧!你的好日子到头了,誓师国宴之后你就什么都不是了,你们龙家也不再是第六中央王朝的主人。”风飞云调笑道。 The complexion of Saint courtyard control becomes pale, although now he is only a puppet, but after all is the Saint courtyard's control, is not considered as that the traitor. However, once Master Shen Tianjue made the Saint courtyard to control, then he was not only Mr. of perishing country, but must shoulder the eternal infamy, was not said by various shame. 圣庭主宰的脸色变得惨白,虽然现在他只是一个傀儡,但毕竟乃是圣庭的主宰,不算是亡国奴。但是,一旦神天爵爷做了圣庭主宰,那么他不仅是亡国之君,而且还要背负万古骂名,被各种羞辱就不说了。 Feng Feiyun has not awed to the Saint courtyard control, at present this Saint courtyard control is impossible to make him have any awe the thoughts to come, to say with a smile: You did not need one dead parents' appearance, actually you formidable cards in a hand were useless, once used this card in a hand, the opportunity of not necessarily not having stood up from failure.” 风飞云对圣庭主宰没有丝毫敬畏,眼前这个圣庭主宰也不可能让他产生任何敬畏的心思来,笑道:“你也不用一副死了爹妈的样子,其实你们还有一支强大的底牌没有用,一旦使用这一张底牌,未必就没有翻身的机会。” Card in a hand?” The Saint courtyard control said. “还有底牌?”圣庭主宰道。 Feng Feiyun stood up, has shot patch corner/horn, said: Your Long has a formidable protector, named protects a Saint clan. Now protects a Saint clan to be imprisoned in the Saint courtyard treasure house, only needs your paper Saint command, they can kill immediately from the Saint courtyard treasure house, goes on an expedition for you, puts to death the revolting thief.” 风飞云站起身来,弹了弹衣角,道:“你们龙家有一支强大的守护者,名叫护圣一族。现在护圣一族就被禁锢在圣庭宝库之中,只需要你的一纸圣令,他们立即就可以从圣庭宝库之中杀出来,为你征战,诛杀叛贼。” The facial expression of Saint courtyard control is excited, said: How does Long have such a formidable protector really?” 圣庭主宰的神情激动起来,道:“咋们龙家真的有这么一支强大的守护者?” Sweat! 汗! When this Saint courtyard control also really suffices the idiot! 这个圣庭主宰当得还真是够白痴! Feng Feiyun patient say/way: Time are not much, you are quicker write the control imperial decree!” 风飞云耐心的道:“时间不多了,你快些写主宰圣旨吧!” Good! You wait first, I take the control cauldron imperial seal.” Saint courtyard control excited shivering, runs to go to the cella hastily. “好!你先等一下,我去取主宰鼎玺。”圣庭主宰激动的颤抖,连忙跑去内殿中。 Feng Feiyun heaves a deep sigh, really does not see does not know, sees to have a scare, such person makes the Saint courtyard to control...... 风飞云摇头叹息,真是不见不知道,一见吓一跳,就这样的人做圣庭主宰…… Master Shen Tianjue real his mother will also elect person! 神天爵爷还真他妈会选人! Feng Feiyun stands in the Tai'e palace, sizes up in all directions, the vision frames above a copper cauldron. 风飞云站在太阿宫中,四处打量,目光定格在一尊铜鼎之上。 This copper cauldron high approximately three chi (0.33 m), are growing nine feet and nine ears, above draws up the mountains and rivers drawing, on float in leaving a water half inch position, under is a pond water pond, there are innumerable mountains and rivers essence to collect toward the copper cauldron. 这一尊铜鼎高约三尺,长着九足、九耳,上面绘制山河图画,就悬浮在离水半寸的位置,下方乃是一潭水池,有无数的山河精气往铜鼎之中汇集。 This cauldron actually good treasure.” “这鼎倒是不错的宝贝。” Feng Feiyun extends a hand, arm changes into together the empty shade, wants receiving to nose the copper cauldron, but this copper cauldron like growth in void general, is entirely still. 风飞云伸出一只手,手臂化为一道虚影,想要将铜鼎给收过来查探一番,但是这铜鼎就像生长在虚空之中一般,纹丝不动。 Well! 咦! Must know the Feng Feiyun present strength, let alone is a cauldron, even if a mountain ridge gives to uncover, but this moment this cauldron float above basin, Feng Feiyun actually completely how it. 要知道风飞云现在的力量,别说是一座鼎,就算是一座山岭都给揭起来,但是此刻这一座鼎悬浮在水池之上,风飞云却完全奈何不了它。 Really is a treasure.” “真的是一件宝物。” Feng Feiyun launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, in both eyes emits the flame, wants to see clearly this cauldron is any background. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,双目之中冒出火光,想要看清这一尊鼎到底是什么来路。 Above this cauldron sends out the complicated fine lace, some connection earth, some connection vaults of heaven, to the person the incomparably sincere feeling, look like the center of this stretch of world. 这一尊鼎之上散发出千丝万缕的细线,有的连接大地,有的连接苍穹,给人无比厚重的感觉,就像是这一片天地的中心。 Mountains and rivers chart mark that in that cauldron draws up, each trace likely is the cut-off rule of world, that likely is not the chart mark, world that has likely. 那鼎上绘制的山河图纹,每一道纹路都像是世界的分割线,那不像是图纹,像是真实存在的世界。 This controls cauldron imperial seal, is the entire sixth Yang Dynasty center, is the sixth town divine tool.” “这就是主宰鼎玺,乃是整个第六中央王朝的中心,亦是第六界的镇界神器。” The heart sigh of Feng Feiyun, suddenly the heart has an ominous premonition, the complexion big change...... 风飞云的心头感叹不已,突然心头生出一个不祥的预感,脸色大变…… Since controls the cauldron imperial seal here, why the Saint courtyard controlled added that can take the control cauldron imperial seal? 既然主宰鼎玺就在这里,那么圣庭主宰为何还说要去取主宰鼎玺? Mother! Was given to deceive by him. 妈的!被他给骗了。 The Feng Feiyun heart did not yell wonderfully, received Heavenly Eye of Phoenix hastily, escaped from the Tai'e palace. 风飞云的心头大叫不妙,连忙收起凤凰天眼,逃出太阿宫。 Bang!” “轰!” Huge Formation shells together from the palace, shells on the body of Feng Feiyun, Feng Feiyun striking back in Tai'e palace. 一道庞大的阵法从宫殿外面轰击进来,轰击在风飞云的身上,将风飞云给打回了太阿宫之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” ...... …… The murdering ban in entire Tai'e palace opens, Feng Feiyun being stranded in central, closes off all escape routes. 整个太阿宫中的杀伐禁制都打开,将风飞云给困在中央,封锁所有退路。 One group of cultivation base tyrannical old men, walk from the imperial city gate, on each sends out the Ascension air/Qi, both eyes brilliant, blood energy is prosperous. 一群修为强横的老者,从宫门外走进来,每一个身上都散发出羽化气,双目灼灼,血气鼎盛。 Has not thought that unexpectedly makes you intrude the Tai'e palace, but also is really fierce.” A military might man of wear gold thread armor, is staring at central Feng Feiyun. “没想到居然让你闯入太阿宫,还真是厉害。”一个穿着金丝铠甲的威武男子,盯着中央的风飞云 Seizes a rebel!” “又擒住一个叛逆!” Today is the pledge rally state banquet, happen to his live sacrifice.” Wear pink Qiu clothes, stature tall and slender, jade leg slender beautiful female. “今天乃是誓师国宴,正好将他活祭。”一个穿着粉红裘衣,身材高挑,玉腿修长的妖艳女子。 Her lip is red like the blood, in the eye is having the cruel smiling face. 她嘴唇红得如血,眼中带着残忍的笑容。 Feng Feiyun stands in the center of Tai'e palace, the finger tracing hair gently, is looking at these more than ten powerhouses, sighed: Really is taking a rash step.” 风飞云站在太阿宫的中央,手指轻轻的摸了摸头发,望着这十多个强者,叹息了一声:“真是失策。” Taking a rash step, must pay with life the price.” God Tianjue mansion two heir apparent near go out from palace, the step is calm, on the face is bringing several points of cold. “失策,是要付出生命的代价。”神天爵府的二世子宁嘉临从内宫之中走出,步伐从容,脸上带着几分冷峭。 The Saint courtyard control and snow god noble concubines follow , is near, like two personal servants, the words does not dare to say one. 圣庭主宰和雪神贵妃都跟在宁嘉临的身后,就像两个跟班一样,话都不敢说一句。 Before looking at the Saint courtyard controls, smiled, said: You do well, has not disappointed this heir apparent.” 宁嘉临看着圣庭主宰,笑了笑,道:“你做得不错,没有让本世子失望。” The Saint courtyard control feels extremely flattered, grovels near the front, says with a smile: Peaceful country and safe people of sixth Yang Dynasty governments in Master Shen Tianjue and under two crown princes', powerful lively, this rebel actually presumptuously thinks to be disadvantageous to the nobility master, simply is the sixth Yang Dynasty cause of disaster.” 圣庭主宰受宠若惊,在宁嘉临面前点头哈腰,笑道:“第六中央王朝神天爵爷和二世子的治理下国泰民安,强盛繁华,这种叛逆却妄想对爵爷不利,简直就是第六中央王朝的祸根。” Haha! Said well.” Before praising one, has traced the Saint courtyard control the head, seems like touching a dog. “哈哈!说得好。”宁嘉临夸赞了一句,摸了摸圣庭主宰的头,就像是在摸一条狗。 Feng Feiyun sighed again, really did not fear that the god same match, feared pig same ally, whose his mother is willing to support such Saint courtyard to control? 风飞云再次叹息了一声,真是不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的盟友,谁他妈愿意扶持这样的圣庭主宰? Supports him, instead was actually given to buy by him. 扶持他,却反被他给买了。 Does this Saint courtyard control live in the world is not injures someone? 这种圣庭主宰活在世上不是来害人嘛? Feng Feiyun had a mind luckily ahead of time, puts on the mask, otherwise now definitely already was seen through the status, then was too miserable. 幸好风飞云提前就长了一个心眼,戴上面具,要不然现在肯定都已经被识破了身份,那么就太惨了。 The vision that is near becomes sinks coldly, saying with a smile of mock: You take off the mask! Who let me have a look at you are?” 宁嘉临的目光变得冷沉起来,讥诮的笑道:“你摘下面具吧!让我看看你到底是谁?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Two heir apparents were too rather naive, wants to know that who I am, depends on the real skill to take my mask!” 风飞云笑道:“二世子未免太天真了,想要知道我是谁,就凭真本事来取我的面具吧!” To control there to ask for the Saint from the Saint courtyard to make already is impossible, Feng Feiyun also can only find the way to run away, perhaps otherwise must assigning today gives the confession here. 想要从圣庭主宰那里讨来圣令已经是不可能了,风飞云也只能想办法逃出去,不然今天说不定要将命都给交代在这里。 Funny! Your already became the dead pigeon, unexpectedly also dares so to boast shamelessly, comes the person, takes to me him.” Before sitting to Nine dragons jade chair above, has a palace maid to carry the green tea to him. “哏哏!你都已经成为了瓮中之鳖,居然还敢如此大言不惭,来人,将他给我拿下。”宁嘉临坐到九龙玉椅之上,自有一位宫女给他端上清茶。 I suppress him.” “我来镇压他。” A spoken parts shade flies toward Feng Feiyun, is in charge together strikes against the chest of Feng Feiyun. 一道白影向着风飞云飞过去,一道掌印拍击风飞云的胸口。 Feng Feiyun is also rumbles a palm, draws back to the bang that spoken parts shade. Suddenly, there are innumerable wind edges to cut toward him, these wind edges are white hair, each exceptionally is sharp, will scratch openings void. 风飞云也是轰出一掌,将那一道白影给轰退。突然,又有无数的风刃向着他斩过来,这些风刃乃是一根根白色的头发,每一根都异常锋利,将虚空划出一道道口子。 This is a white-haired old man, cultivation base reaches the Ascension 2nd-layer peak, is „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day powerhouse. 这是一个满头白发的老者,修为达到羽化第二重的巅峰,乃是“圣庭一品天”的强者。 Feng Feiyun does not dare to use the magical powers and spiritual energy, feared that exposes own status, the body explodes hastily draws back, but as before by a hair cutting in the chest, leaves behind a bloodstain. 风飞云不敢使用神通和灵气,怕暴露自己的身份,身体连忙爆退,但是依旧被一根头发给斩在胸口,留下一道血痕。 Courts death!” “找死!” The Feng Feiyun vision sinks, uses the hand as the blade, is cutting to that old man, above the arm forms a dragon shade, changes into a white blade dragon, the old man who will flush flies to the bang. 风飞云的目光一沉,以手为刀,对着那老者斩过去,手臂之上形成一道龙影,化为一条白色的刀龙,将冲上来的老者给轰飞出去。 Before sitting on dragon chair, the corners of the mouth select, say with a smile: Funny! Long had some fierce promising youth actually, everybody on, who gives to seize together him, this heir apparent layer on layer/heavily enjoys.” 宁嘉临坐在龙椅上,嘴角一挑,笑道:“哏哏!龙家倒是出了一些厉害的后起之秀,大家一起上,谁将他给擒住,本世子重重有赏。” He thinks that Feng Feiyun is the powerhouse of Long. 他以为风飞云乃是龙家的强者。 More than ten powerhouses also get rid, is existences of cultivation base terrifying, some are the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day experts, some guest official elder who invited from major Immortal City and Middle Ages aristocratic family, cultivation base at least achieved Ascension 2nd-layer, was all extraordinary. 十多位强者同时出手,都是修为恐怖的存在,有的是圣庭一品天的高手,有的是从各大仙城和中古世家邀请来的客卿长老,修为至少都达到羽化第二重,个个非凡。 ...... …… Slightly letter public platform leaves the new function, everything joins stinking ninth category the reader in slightly letter public platform, only needs to report a news at will, the stinking ninth category automatically will reply «Spirit-Vessel» the linkage address of latest chapter, this did not need everybody to look for the website with hardship, opened the slightly letter to ascend to latest renewal chapter directly. 微信公众平台又出新功能,凡是加入老九的微信公众平台的读者,只需要随意的发一条消息,就会老九就会自动回复《灵舟》的最新章节的连接地址,这样就不用大家去苦苦找网站了,打开微信就可以直接登到最新更新章节。 The mother does not need to worry that I could not find the chapter! 妈妈再也不用担心我找不到章节了! The slightly letter public platform number of stinking ninth category: jiudangjia90 or direct search: Nine manage a household. 老九的微信公众平台号:jiudangjia90或者直接查找:九当家。
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