SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1070: Saint princess, princess and imperial concubine

Day also not bright, the Saint courtyard control palace is busy on already becomes one group, the pride of the morning winds around in palace error, causes here likely is a true immortal palace sacred place. 天还沒有亮,圣庭主宰宫就已经忙成一团,晨雾在宫阙之中缭绕,使这里像是一座真正的仙宫圣地。 One team wears the guard of iron armor, flies to go on patrol in the expansive sky. 一队身穿铁甲的侍卫,飞在长空巡逻。 Also one team is riding Saint health/guard army of vigorous and healthy Pegasus, grasps the scarlet-red war lance, the line in the ground, keeps the order of Saint courtyard control palace. 又有一队骑着健壮天马的圣卫军,手持赤红战矛,行在地面上,维持圣庭主宰宫的秩序。 dejected brother, this pledge rally state banquet will have the King in Monster Clan to come.” “萧兄,这次誓师国宴真的会有妖族中的王者前來。” Feng Feiyun is holding both hands, is looking at a huge palace above vault of heaven, this palace reaches as high as the number hundred zhang (333 m), by similarly huge animal bones carrying. 风飞云抱着双手,望着天穹之上的一座庞大的宫殿,这一座宫殿高达数百丈,被一具同样庞大的兽骨给背着。 Palace on float in square place above, under projection huge shadow in ground. 宫殿就悬浮在广场的上方,在地面上投射下庞大的阴影。 Xiao Bailang said with a smile: Monster Clan will indeed have the King to come, moreover more than one Monster Clan, other Yang Dynasty will have the great person to arrive, the nobility master makes friends all over the sky, will have some extremely terrifying character to come to feast, this absolutely is a wind and cloud grand meeting, the wind master, perhaps now the crest of wave vigor, taking this opportunity will move various clans.” 萧白浪笑道:“妖族的确会有王者前來,而且还不止一个妖族,别的中央王朝也会有大人物降临,爵爷交友满天下,其中会有一些极其恐怖的人物前來赴宴,这绝对是一次风云盛会,风爷,如今风头正劲,说不定会借此机会名动各族。” Feng Feiyun silent nod, it seems like Master Shen Tianjue already is well prepared, invited the powerhouses of various clans, feared that also became for him the sixth Yang Dynasty master makes the testimony. 风飞云默然的点了点头,看來神天爵爷已经做好充分准备,请來各族的强者,怕也是为他成为第六中央王朝的主人做见证。 Today, he feared that must ascend a height to get a broad view really the control position. 今天,他怕是真的要登临主宰位了。 These ambush can of Saint courtyard Long get rid. 圣庭龙家的那些潜伏者会不会出手呢。 The present tranquility, perhaps is only false appearance before the storm gather, the entire Saint courtyard, is entire sixth Yang Dynasty fears the already undercurrent to be turbulent. 现在的宁静,说不定只是暴风雨來临前的假象,整个圣庭,乃是整个第六中央王朝恐怕已经暗潮汹涌。 On the same day side the first wisp of sunlight shone, the warm ray fell to the Saint courtyard control palace, fell to that fine exquisite Spirit Stone idol on Feng Feiyun waist above. 当天边第一缕阳光照射过來,温暖的光芒落到圣庭主宰宫中,落到风飞云腰上的那一尊精致小巧的灵石神像之上。 The Spirit Stone idol shivered gently, in the Feng Feiyun dantian „the Ascension stage also vibrated, above the Ascension stage the Long Jiangling soul branched out one, departed the Feng Feiyun dantian, sneaked in the Spirit Stone idol. 灵石神像轻轻的颤动了一下,风飞云丹田之中的“羽化台”也震动了一下,羽化台之上龙姜玲的灵魂分出一丝,飞出风飞云的丹田,钻进灵石神像之中。 Is Nangong Hongyan the statue of appearance, suddenly turned into Long Jiangling appearance. 原本是“南宫红颜”模样的石像,突然变成了“龙姜玲”的模样。 The vision of statue looks disdainfully, has to rule the world the dignity, like an empress statue, read one: Said heart undying, the god planted does not extinguish, before Ascension stage, kept the soul, the soul was disillusioned renewably.” 石像的目光睥睨,有君临天下的威严,像一尊女帝石像,念了一句:“道心不死,神种不灭,羽化台前留灵魂,灵魂破灭可再生。” Feng Feiyun does not have the slight change of sensation to the dantian, but actually heard a tiny sound, recited the unsurpassed magic arts like some people in his body. 风飞云并沒有感知到丹田之中细微的变化,但是却听到了一个细小的声音,像是有人在他身体之中朗诵无上道法。 He examines to hang the Spirit Stone idol on waist hastily, discovered the Spirit Stone idol as before is Nangong Hongyan the appearance, does not have the change of slightest bit. 他连忙查看挂在腰上的灵石神像,发现灵石神像依旧是“南宫红颜”的模样,沒有半分的异动。 A moment ago exactly what happened. 刚才到底发生什么事。 Tai Wei, you a moment ago how.” Feng Feiyun asked. 太微,你刚才怎么了。”风飞云问道。 „, I had not felt that Dangyang illumination to statue above, the whole body is very warm, hee hee.” Tai Wei smart-alecky saying with a smile. “沒怎么啊,我就感觉当阳光照到石像之上,浑身都很温暖,嘻嘻。”太微俏皮的笑道。 The brow of Feng Feiyun deeply wrinkled, heard the Long Jiangling sound a moment ago obviously, she is not already state of mind entirely to extinguish, has not cut her soul cleanly inadequate. 风飞云的眉头深皱了起來,刚才明明听到了龙姜玲的声音,她不是已经神魂俱灭,难道还沒有将她的灵魂斩干净不成。 Right. 对了。 Long Jiangling once left a good name above the Saint tablet, has given the Ascension stage a wisp of soul. 龙姜玲曾在圣碑之上留名,将一缕灵魂交给了羽化台。 Feng Feiyun in regards the dantian hastily, discovers dragon Jianglin that wisp of soul as before on the Ascension stage, this relaxing of slightly. 风飞云连忙内视丹田,发现龙姜麟的那一缕灵魂依旧在羽化台上,这才稍微的松了一口气。 However in the heart has the faint worry as before, always thought that had any thing to be neglected by oneself. 不过心中依旧有淡淡的顾虑,总觉得有什么东西被自己忽略掉了。 Xiao Bailang said with a smile: Wind master, you a moment ago how.” 萧白浪笑道:“风爷,你刚才怎么了。” Does not have, not.” Feng Feiyun said. “沒,沒怎么。”风飞云道。 Xiao Bailang said: Now the imperial city gate of Saint courtyard control palace has not opened, to pledge rally state banquet also two double-hour, or the subordinate arranges palace error to the wind master, the wind master rests first.” 萧白浪道:“现在圣庭主宰宫的宫门还沒有打开,离誓师国宴还有两个时辰,要不属下给风爷安排一处宫阙,风爷先去休息休息。” Pours also well, bustled about a evening somewhat to be also exhausted, happen to sat in meditation cultivation a while.” “倒也好,忙碌了一晚上也有些疲惫,正好去打坐修炼一会儿。” Xiao Bailang is not common character, guards Saint courtyard control palace one of the three mostly series, hand/subordinate several tens of thousands Saint health/guard army, the right is not general big. 萧白浪可不是一般的人物,乃是镇守圣庭主宰宫的三大都统之一,手下有数万圣卫军,权利不是一般的大。 Now Saint courtyard control exists in name only, Xiao Bailang can say that is the leader in Saint courtyard control palace, arranges place of the resting to Feng Feiyun, that is simply easy. 如今圣庭主宰形同虚设,萧白浪可以说就是圣庭主宰宫的头头,给风飞云安排一处休憩之处,那简直再容易不过了。 After Feng Feiyun brings to the day auspicious palace, Xiao Bailang has then drawn back, today is the pledge rally state banquet, he is the series in Saint courtyard control palace, many matters are naturally busy, is impossible to accompany Feng Feiyun. 风飞云带到天瑞宫之后,萧白浪便退了下去,今天乃是誓师国宴,他乃是圣庭主宰宫的都统,自然有很多事要忙,不可能一直陪着风飞云 Feng Feiyun naturally really do not sit in meditation the cultivation, sits above the palace error tower, the vision is staring at three wear romantic outstandingly beautiful females of standing on one side, finally framed the vision on the body of middle that female. 风飞云自然不是真的要打坐修炼,坐在宫阙的楼台之上,目光盯着站在一边的三个穿着香艳的绝色女子,最终将目光定格在了中间的那个女子的身上。 His corners of the mouth show several points of happy expression, said: Controls the imperial concubine......” 他的嘴角露出几分笑意,道:“主宰妃……” Servants, pay respects to the wind master.” “奴婢,给风爷请安。” Controls the imperial concubine to be called name by Feng Feiyun, the graceful jade body trembles slightly, knelt in the Feng Feiyun front hastily. 主宰妃被风飞云叫到名字,曼妙的玉躯微微一颤,连忙跪在了风飞云的面前。 Noble air of where emperor's clan imperial concubine, simply looks like the humblest maidservant. 哪有一丝皇族妃子的贵气,简直就像是最低贱的女奴。 Feng Feiyun somewhat is also stunned, at once then shakes the head to smile, arrives at her front slowly, extends a hand, gives to pick up her chin, the cheek pigeon egg, in the eye pupil is bringing the tears likely, fine jade nose snow sleek/moist, the tremor that the red lip keeps, has been full of the fear to Feng Feiyun. 风飞云也有些愕然,旋即便又摇头笑了笑,缓缓的走到她的面前,伸出一只手,将她的下巴给托起,脸蛋像鸽蛋,眼眸之中带着泪光,琼鼻雪润,红唇不停的颤动,对风飞云充满了恐惧。 Feng Feiyun is staring at that snow white and beautiful appearance, said: Told me, Saint courtyard control in which palace.” 风飞云盯着那一张雪白而美丽的容颜,道:“告诉我,圣庭主宰在哪一座宫殿中。” I...... I do not know.” Bei tooth who controls the imperial concubine keeps shivering, fears the speaking incorrectly words, by at present this man killing. “我……我不知道。”主宰妃的贝齿不停颤抖,怕说错话,被眼前这个男子给杀死。 The person in Bu Tian pavilion, but for her Demon same existence. 补天阁的人,对她來说可是妖魔一样的存在。 Feng Feiyun has patted her cheek gently, feeling fingertip is thin slippery and soft, says with a smile: Do not fear, you are the noble imperial concubine, I am well-meant, I only want to see one side the Saint courtyard control, if you told me, I have put you immediately.” 风飞云轻轻的拍了拍她的脸蛋,感受指尖的细滑而柔软,笑道:“别怕,你是高贵的妃子,我沒有恶意,我只想见圣庭主宰一面,你若是告诉我,我立刻放了你。” This young beautiful control imperial concubine entire body is shivering, in the eye pupil completely is the clear tears, pretty that could not say, say/way of stuttering: I...... I do not know really...... Do not send to barracks me, my anything depends on you, I only am your maidservant to be good.” 这个年轻美丽的主宰妃整个身体都在颤抖,眼眸之中尽是清泪,说不出的楚楚动人,结结巴巴的道:“我……我真的不知道……你不要将我送去兵营,我什么都依你,我只做你的女奴好不好。” Really is ignorant of current affairs, you are control the imperial concubine, even/including Shengting control in that palace you do not know, when you I am an idiot.” The Feng Feiyun look becomes somewhat feels cold. “真是不识时务,你是主宰妃,连圣庭主宰在那一座宫殿你都不知道,你当我是白痴。”风飞云的眼神变得有些发冷。 I three days ago was elected to enter the palace, has not seen the Saint courtyard to control, the wind master, asking you to circle my servants, my anything does not know.” This controls the imperial concubine to implore urgently. “我三天前才被选进宫中,至今未见过圣庭主宰,风爷,求你绕我奴婢吧,我真的什么都不知道。”这位主宰妃苦苦哀求。 Feng Feiyun could see that she indeed has not lied, somewhat is disappointed, then turned toward the Saint princess and Princess Lan Fu stared, said: Little princess, you come.” 风飞云看得出她的确沒有说谎,不禁有些失望,然后向着圣公主和兰馥郡主盯了过去,道:“小公主,你过來。” My anything does not know......” “我也什么都不知道……” The Saint princess retrocedes unceasingly, on the delicate and elegant face is having the fear, she after all is only 14 years old, was beaten mercilessly in the underground prison has been afraid, was frightened heavily by inside extremely tragic pictures. 圣公主不断后退,清秀而典雅的脸上带着恐惧,她毕竟才14岁,在地下牢狱之中都被毒打得害怕了,被里面一幕幕惨绝人寰的景象吓得不轻。 She sees the eye of Feng Feiyun, frightens shivers, beautiful face changing colors, the bulge jade chest is fluctuating slightly unceasingly, in the white skirt, two slender jade legs are rocking, spring warming up flows from the thigh root, got wet the silk skirt. 她看到风飞云的眼睛,就吓得颤抖,花容失色,微微凸起的玉胸在不断起伏,白裙之中,两条修长的玉腿在晃动,有一泉温热从大腿根部里面流淌出來,沾湿了罗裙。 Feng Feiyun squeezes a friendly smiling face as far as possible, walks toward the Saint princess, compelled the nearby in corner her, said with a smile: „ Little princess, where told me to control the Sir, do not deceive me, you were the daughter who he most liked, how possibly not to know that he lived in that palace, „ 风飞云尽量挤出一个友善的笑容,向着圣公主走过去,将她逼到了角落的边上,笑道:“小公主,告诉我主宰大人在哪里,你别骗我了,你是他最喜欢的女儿,怎么可能不知道他住在那一座宫殿,“ However the Feng Feiyun friendly smiling face, as if has not made the Saint princess have the favorable impression to him, instead frightened to faint her, a pair of slender straight jade leg somewhat was moist. 但是风飞云友善的笑容,似乎并沒有让圣公主对他产生好感,反而将她吓晕厥了过去,一双纤细笔直的玉腿还有些湿润。 „, Has anything to clash me to come, do not feel embarrassed a small Saint princess.” Princess Lan Fu cold sound say/way. “狗贼,有什么冲我來,别为难一个小圣公主。”兰馥郡主冷声的道。 Three emperor's clan beautiful women on the scene, are highest on Princess Lan Fu cultivation base, she also is certainly afraid, but the will actually controlling the imperial concubine and Saint princess is higher, is insufficient to be frightened by Feng Feiyun kneels on the ground. 在场的三位皇族美女,就兰馥郡主修为最高,她当然也很害怕,但是心志却比主宰妃和圣公主高一些,不至于被风飞云吓得跪在地上。 Feng Feiyun walked toward her, stands in her front, deep inspiration, faint delicate fragrance, said with a smile: Heard that you are the first beautiful woman in emperor's clan, was does obeisance into the Ganges ancient road to practice, the Master gate was good, what a pity could not stand off the god Tianjue mansion, the god Tianjue mansion person wants you to live you then to live, wants you dead you then dead, wants you to submit to my crotch, you also can only comply, knew in this world any thing is the top priority, was less too stubborn to admit a mistake than whom, whose was also not nobler than status, was more unattractive than whom, but was the strength, not the strength, you on the small white sheep that can only make devastate, told me., The Saint courtyard controls in that palace, I will could make you in the future from lying down am being the woman, turning stand am being the woman.” 风飞云向着她走了过去,站在她的面前,深深的吸了一口气,有一股淡淡的清香,笑道:“听说你乃是皇族中的第一美人,更是拜入了恒河古道修行,师门不错,可惜还是敌不过神天爵府,神天爵府的人要你生你便生,要你死你便死,要你臣服在我的胯下,你也只能照做,知道这世上什么东西才是硬道理,不是比谁嘴硬,也不是比谁身份更高贵,更不是比谁更漂亮,而是力量,沒有力量,你们就只能做被人蹂躏的小白羊,告诉我。,圣庭主宰住在那一座宫殿,我或许能够让你将來从躺着做女人,变成站着做女人。” Princess Lan Fu must be dumbfounded, although is very coarse, but is actually the fact. 兰馥郡主被得哑口无言,虽然很难听,但却是事实。 On all her arrogance vanish do not see, once reputation full Shengting, was hounded by the innumerable young talents, when she degenerates into the captive, does not have one to dare to stand to save her, even did not have one to dare to help her speak a few words. 她身上所有的傲气都消失不见,曾经美名满圣庭,被无数年轻才俊追捧,但是当她沦为阶下囚的时候,却沒有一个敢站出來救她,甚至都沒有一个敢帮她说一句话。 At this time beautiful woman how, talented woman how. 这个时候美女又如何,才女又如何。 You...... Who you are.” Princess Lan Fu thinks in the Feng Feiyun words to have words. “你……你到底是什么人。”兰馥郡主觉得风飞云话中有话。 Own present to protect a Saint clan management, what to do if they are the god Tianjue mansion arrangement probe his. 自己现在在为护圣一族办事,万一她们是神天爵府安排來试探他的怎么办。 Cultivates the behavior, but also is careful. 做人啊,还真的小心谨慎。 Saint courtyard turbid water, since jumped, must cautiously, cautious. 圣庭这趟浑水,既然跳进來了,就要小心翼翼,如履薄冰。 Feng Feiyun shoulders both hands, is looking at the crown in wall, said: „-and-a-half double-hour, you should better not to waste the too much time, otherwise after today, fears opportunity that your Long forever has not stood up from failure.” 风飞云背负双手,望着宫墙的顶部,道:“还有一个半时辰,你最好不要浪费太多的时间,不然今日之后恐怕你们龙家就永远都沒有翻身的机会了。” Princess Lan Fu said: „The resting palace of Saint courtyard control is the Tai'e palace, situated in Saint courtyard control palace in encircles the big aspect-divination chart, after last night big cleaning up, the Tai'e palace definitely strictly was protected by the powerhouse, nobody rushes obviously, who you are, why must see the Saint courtyard to control.” 兰馥郡主道:“圣庭主宰的寝宫乃是太阿宫,位于圣庭主宰宫的内围大卦位,不过昨晚的大清理之后,太阿宫肯定被强者严密的守护起來,沒有人可见闯进去,你到底是什么人,为何要见圣庭主宰。” Tai'e palace.” 太阿宫。” Feng Feiyun thought aloud that talked over one, the corners of the mouth appeared to wipe the happy expression, then the vision stared at three beautiful women the bodies in palace, said with a smile: You should better obediently here is waiting, before you want to run away, first thinks can oneself run away, hehe.” 风飞云自言自语的念叨了一句,嘴角浮现出一抹笑意來,然后目光盯在殿宇之中的三个美女的身上,笑道:“你们最好在这里乖乖的等着,在你们想逃走之前,先想一想自己能不能逃出去,嘿嘿。” Feng Feiyun fears their three people of running all over the place misdemeanors, therefore gives to leave behind Mao Wugui and Sacred Fruit, making them look at these three females. 风飞云怕她们三人乱跑坏事,于是又将茅乌龟圣实果给留下,让它们看着这三个女子。 Feng Feiyun dragon Linfeng the leather clothing putting in the body, hidden goes to the personal appearance, quietly toward Saint courtyard control palace in encircles hurries. 风飞云将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿在身上,隐去身形,悄悄的向着圣庭主宰宫的内围赶去。 Because the pledge rally state banquet nears, Saint courtyard control palace defense that in encircles instead lax many, Feng Feiyun rushed, quick found the Saint courtyard control resting palace „the Tai'e palace. 因为誓师国宴在即,圣庭主宰宫的内围的防御反而松懈了不少,风飞云闯了进去,很快就找到圣庭主宰的寝宫“太阿宫”。 Looks from afar, can feel that the surroundings of that palace have the tyrannical aura, is surrounding and protecting central palace error by many things around a center stance. 远远望去,就能感觉到那一片殿宇的周围存在很多强横的气息,以众星捧月的姿态拱卫着中央的宫阙。
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