SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1069: Small Spiritual God

Tai Wei gradually no longer repels Feng Feiyun, sits near the Feng Feiyun knee, the appearance is simple and beautiful, the beautiful pupil blinks, said: „The young person but who you said who is, I am Tai Wei, is not the young person.” 太微渐渐的不再那么排斥风飞云,就坐在风飞云膝盖边上,容颜清丽,美眸眨巴,道:“可是你说的红颜到底是谁呢,我是太微,不是红颜。” She......” “她……” Feng Feiyun has hesitated for a long time, is staring at her, looks at a familiar appearance, deep the one breath, said: She and you grow very much look like.” 风飞云沉吟了许久,盯着她,看着一张熟悉的容颜,深深的出一口气,道:“她与你长得很像。” She now where.” “那她现在在哪儿。” The Tai Wei jade refers to gently strokes is sending the silk, the beautiful appearance clear, causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, but actually likely is a little girl, is interested in a Feng Feiyun lecture of story very much. 太微的玉指轻轻的捋着发丝,玉颜晶莹,倾国倾城,但是偏偏却又像是一个小女孩,对风飞云讲的故事很感兴趣。 The finger of Feng Feiyun aimed at own chest, Tai Wei had doubts the moment, then extended a somewhat illusory hand, slowly according to the chest of Feng Feiyun. 风飞云的手指指向自己的心口,太微疑惑了片刻,然后伸出一只有些虚幻的手,缓缓的按在风飞云的心口。 She gained ground, in the eye is having the vacant look. 她抬起头來,眼中带着茫然的神色。 In there.” Feng Feiyun said. “就在那里。”风飞云道。 She is a little hot.” Tai Wei took back the hand hastily, finger has pressed firmly between the fingers own ear. “她有点烫。”太微连忙收回了手,手指捏住自己的耳朵。 She refers to naturally is the Feng Feiyun phoenix spirit. 她指的自然是风飞云的凤凰心骨。 But what Feng Feiyun finger/refers is own heart. 风飞云指的是自己的心。 This is the heart that Phoenix Bones changes into, the ghosts and gods cannot invade, will otherwise be burnt vanishes in a puff of smoke. 这是凤骨化为的心,鬼神不能侵,不然会被烧得灰飞烟灭。 Tai Wei is the god is evil. 太微就是神邪。 Walks, I lead you to leave here.” “走吧,我带你离开这里。” Feng Feiyun takes out a fist size Spirit Stone, with Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall Spirit Stone carving an exquisite fine Goddess Tai Wei picture, places the palm, the Spirit Stone idol is lifelike, beautiful moving. 风飞云取出一枚拳头大小的灵石,用天髓兵胆灵石给雕刻成一尊小巧精致的太微女神像,放在手心,灵石神像栩栩如生,美丽动人。 Tai Wei has flown automatically into the Spirit Stone idol. 太微自动就飞进了灵石神像之中。 Her sound spreads from the idol: You will help me collect the incense and candle and belief from now on.” 她的声音从神像之中传出:“你今后会帮我收集香火和信仰吗。” Feng Feiyun will be exquisite the fine statue to hold in the palm, protects carefully, says with a smile: You said.” 风飞云将小巧精致的石像捧在手心,细心呵护,笑道:“你说呢。” You love the young person, definitely also very much will love me, you helplessly will definitely not visit me to starve, not having the incense and candle and believe me to become more and more illusory, finally the state of mind dissipates, but there are enough many incense and candles and believes me became more and more congealing reality, finally the condensation was the god body, you will help me, right.” The Tai Wei sound is simple and elegant, is full of innocence. “你那么爱红颜,肯定也会很爱我,你肯定不会眼睁睁的看我挨饿,沒有香火和信仰我会变得越來越虚幻,最终神魂消散,但有了足够多的香火和信仰我会变得越來越凝实,最终凝聚为神体,你会帮我,对吧。”太微的声音清雅,充满童真。 Feng Feiyun the Spirit Stone Statue hanging on waist , to promote the both arms, has moved the physique, said with a smile: God evilly is the god is evil, small age on these many wicked schemes.” 风飞云灵石女神像给挂在腰上,伸张双臂,活动了筋骨,笑道:“神邪就是神邪,小小年纪就这么多鬼主意。” I do not have the wicked scheme.” “我才沒有鬼主意。” Tai Wei quibbled, said: Incense and candle and belief are our source of strength, is the same with the spiritual energy of person, if the person does not absorb the spiritual energy, cultivation base backing up slowly, our Spiritual God , if no incense and candle and belief, will become more and more weak, finally died.” 太微狡辩,道:“香火和信仰就是我们的力量之源,就跟人的灵气一样,人若是不吸收灵气,修为就会缓缓的倒退,我们神灵若是沒有香火和信仰,也会变得越來越弱,最终死去。” Good, the small Spiritual God, the belief and incense and candle I will help you collect, from now on I am the Goddess Tai Wei envoy, passes to the ends of the earth the Goddess Tai Wei nerve, bowed politely by the common people.” “好吧,小神灵,信仰和香火我会帮你收集,今后我就是太微女神的使者,将太微女神的神经传到天涯海角,受万民叩拜。” I am not female nerve.” Tai Wei said. “我才不是女神经。”太微道。 I had not said that you are the female nerve.” The Feng Feiyun grievance said. “我也沒说你是女神经。”风飞云委屈道。 Said obviously.” “明明就说了。” Good, I said that the goddess Sir, I have made a mistake, your envoy and follower Feng Feiyun should not talk back to you, should not say that the goddess Sir is the female nerve, like this is good.” “好吧,我说了,女神大人,我错了,你的使者兼信徒风飞云不该与你顶嘴,不该说女神大人是女神经,这样行不行。” Hehe, this also almost, quickly worships on bended knees to Goddess Tai Wei.” “呵呵,这还差不多,快给太微女神跪拜一个。” This...... This also went too far, my solemn seven chi (0.33 m) son, the unyielding man, does not give the small Spiritual God that you this type just made a debut to kneel down absolutely.” “这……这也太过分了,我堂堂七尺男儿,铁骨铮铮的汉子,绝对不给你这种刚出道的小神灵下跪。” Look, look, knows that you are not the good faith follower, the follower who believes in the goddess truly thinks that kneels down to the goddess is a glory, only then the incense and candle and belief of sincere follower can be absorbed by me, kneels quickly, many follower, many one point of strength.” “看嘛,看嘛,就知道你不是诚信的信徒,真正信奉女神的信徒会认为给女神下跪是一种荣耀,也只有诚心的信徒的香火和信仰才能被我吸收,快跪一个嘛,多一个信徒,多一分力量。” I am not the follower to be good.” “那我不做信徒行不行。” „It is not good.” “不行。” That...... Is your follower to have any advantage.” “那……做你的信徒有什么好处。” Tai Wei has thought deeply about the long time, said: I can protect you, is my follower, I...... I invincible might Nzega in your body, later nobody will bully you.” 太微思索了半晌,道:“我可以保护你啊,做我的信徒,我……我就会将神威恩泽加于你的身上,以后就沒有人会欺负你了。” Chaste small Spiritual God will not deceive people, only then the evil Spiritual God will deceive people.” Feng Feiyun said. “纯洁的小神灵可不会骗人,只有邪恶的神灵才会骗人。”风飞云道。 Good, I have made a mistake, my radically not anything invincible might gracious favor, but after me, was formidable, can protect your Oh.” “好吧,我错了,我根本就不会什么神威恩泽,但是我以后强大了,真的可以保护你。” Un, this also almost.” “嗯,这还差不多。” Feng Feiyun smiled, opened the iron gate of jail, walked. 风飞云笑了笑,打开了监牢的铁门,走了出去。 Saint health/guard army that series welcomed, has a smile is doing obeisance to Feng Feiyun, said: Wind master, that female rebel.” 圣卫军的那个都统迎了上來,含笑着对着风飞云一拜,道:“风爷,那女叛逆。” Feng Feiyun has shot the clothes, look one austere, coldly shot a look at his one eyes, said: already was burnt by me, changes into the powder powder.” 风飞云弹了弹衣冠,神色一肃,冷冷的瞥了他一眼,道:“已经被我烧死,化为齑粉。” Saint health/guard army series slightly looked at one toward the jail, really sees above the ground a pinch of flying ash, is having the aura of that female rebel. 圣卫军都统微微的向着监牢之中看了一眼,果然看到地上之上一撮飞灰,带着那女叛逆的气息。 Enough cruel and merciless. 够心狠手辣啊。 He awes to Feng Feiyun, worthily is the ruthless person in Bu Tian pavilion, is not lenient including that beautiful females. 他对风飞云更加敬畏起來,不愧是补天阁的狠人,连那么美丽的女子都丝毫不手软。 Wind master, some subordinates things wants to be filial piety you.” On the face of Saint health/guard army series is having the smiling face of difference, a palm move, then has Saint health/guard army to be brought to come up three young beautiful females. “风爷,属下们有些东西想要孝敬你。”圣卫军都统的脸上带着异样的笑容,手掌一招,便有圣卫军将三个年轻美丽的女子被带上來。 The coats of these three females were ripped, only remains a personal silver white gauze clothes, the exquisite graceful body is partly visible. 这三个女子的外衣都被剥去,只剩一件贴身的银白纱衣,玲珑曼妙的躯体若隐若现。 Is appearance extremely beautiful females, clear beautiful, in foreheads is bringing several points of noble air, year to year rushes about with these will firm the female during cultivation has the significant difference, they more several points were gently beautiful and tragic, the flesh is very tender and delicate. 都是样貌极美的女子,清纯秀丽,眉宇之间带着几分贵气,跟那些常年都奔波于修炼之中的心志坚定的女子有明显的区别,她们更多了几分柔美和凄楚,肌肤无比娇嫩。 Saint health/guard army series cold sound said: Has not given the wind master to kneel down.” 圣卫军都统冷声道:“还不给风爷跪下。” The body of that three female has many scars, fears this for the series Sir very much, knelt to bend down hastily in front of Feng Feiyun, the tender body was trembling. 那三个女子的身上有很多伤痕,很惧怕这为都统大人,连忙跪伏在了风飞云面前,娇躯在瑟瑟发抖。 Saying with a smile that the Saint health/guard army series curries favor with: These three may be the outstandingly beautiful females in Saint courtyard emperor's clan, the left that young girl is the Saint courtyard controls the most beloved Saint princess, this year is only 14 years old \; The right that young girl is called the first beautiful woman of emperor's clan, was sealed for Princess Lan Fu, does obeisance into the Ganges ancient road to practice, may be called the talent and good looks outstanding in both fields \; Middle that...... Hehe, is an imperial concubine of Saint courtyard control, three days ago was elected to enter the palace, the wind master, you looks what kind.” 圣卫军都统献媚的笑道:“这三位可都是圣庭皇族中的绝色女子,左边的那一个少女乃是圣庭主宰最心爱的圣公主,今年才14岁\;右边的那一个少女被称为皇族的第一美人,被封为了兰馥郡主,拜入恒河古道修行,堪称才貌双绝\;中间的那一位……嘿嘿,乃是圣庭主宰的一位妃子,三天前才被选进宫,风爷,你看怎么样。” The Feng Feiyun vision stares is kneeling in the three outstandingly beautiful females of ground, has the status day the arrogant female, now, actually like slave same kneeling on the ground, allows to be oppressed, the prostitutes including brothel was inferior simply. 风飞云的目光盯着跪在地上的三位绝色女子,都是有身份地位的天之骄女,现在,却如奴隶一样的跪在地上,任人宰割,简直连青楼的妓女都不如。 The princess, princess and imperial concubine, at this moment on already anything are not. 公主、郡主、妃子,此刻就已经什么都不是。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: You also are really anything dare to grasp.” 风飞云笑道:“你们还真是什么都敢抓。” Haha, is open about the facts the wind master, these are the rebels who in tonight's big cleaning up catches, many people were treated unjustly actually, but was grasped.” “哈哈,不瞒风爷,这些都是今晚大清理中抓进來的叛逆,很多人其实都是被冤枉,但还是被抓进來了。” „The person who these Saint princess, princess and imperial concubine, our these are the lackey has not dared to touch, gives after them tidies up is docile, but must toward fellow territory main Sirs and above the sages bed delivers, this already was the convention, everybody was a sensible person, therefore suppressed the rebel each time, will always stress such several, hehe.” “这些圣公主、郡主、妃子,我们这些做奴才的人还真不敢碰,将她们给收拾得服服帖帖之后,还得往各位域主大人和贤者们床榻之上送,这都已经是惯例了,大家都是明白人,所以每次镇压叛逆,总是会多抓那么几个,嘿嘿。” I can the windward master guarantee, they absolutely are most beautiful three that now evening seizes, the subordinate, first gives the wind master you to deliver.” “我敢向风爷保证,她们绝对是今晚上抓捕的最美丽的三个,属下,第一时间就给风爷你送过來。” The Saint health/guard army series gently added the lip, the corner of the eye rose slightly. 圣卫军都统轻轻的添了添嘴唇,眼角微微上扬。 To be honest, the lovable girls of these three emperor's clans also really make him drool, but he also knows oneself have many weights, these Saint princess and emperor's clan female of princess rank, is not his trivial series can touch. 老实说,这三位皇族的娇娇女还真的让他都垂涎不已,但是他也知道自己有多少斤两,这些圣公主、郡主级别的皇族女子,不是他一个区区都统可以碰。 Feng Feiyun touches the chin, stares is kneeling in the three days of ground the arrogant female. 风飞云摸了摸下巴,盯着跪在地上的三个天之骄女。 They have the appearance of beautiful woman , the status is noble, the flesh wants exquisite many compared with the common female, there is a one type such as the poem such as the feeling of picture. 她们真的都有倾城之貌,身份高贵,肌肤比一般的女子要细腻的多,有一种如诗如画之感。 Feng Feiyun has patted his shoulder, said with a smile: Good, the series Sir really will cultivate the behavior.” 风飞云拍了拍他的肩膀,笑道:“不错,都统大人真是会做人。” The Saint health/guard army series said with a smile: This is anything, if not for tomorrow will be the pledge rally state banquet, even if will be the Saint courtyard controls the most beloved snow god noble concubine, the subordinate can also bring to the wind master, the accompanying wind master who will let her little darling will rest an evening, she has not dared, since.” 圣卫军都统笑道:“这算什么,若不是明天就是誓师国宴,就算是圣庭主宰最心爱的雪神贵妃,属下也能给风爷带过來,让她乖乖的陪风爷睡上一晚,她还不敢不从。” Good, will have the opportunity in the future...... How after brothers, is intimate.” Feng Feiyun these words are perfunctory him not actually, but said very earnestly. “好啊,将來会有机会的……咋们兄弟以后得多亲近亲近啊。”风飞云这句话倒不是在敷衍他,而是说得很认真。 If this Saint Madam health/guard army series even/including Xueshen can bring to come to here, is can also bring to come to here the Saint courtyard control. 若是这个圣卫军都统连雪神贵妃都可以带到这里來,那么是不是也可以将圣庭主宰带到这里來。 Feng Feiyun thought oneself should with this sensible Saint health/guard army series many relation sentiments. 风飞云觉得自己应该和这个“懂事”的圣卫军都统多多联系感情。 The Saint health/guard army series feels extremely flattered, kneel on one knee on the ground, said with a smile hastily: Wind master but now the nobility master favorite, where Xiao Bailang dares the gentle breeze master to be on intimate terms, as for snow god noble concubine, wind master , to favor her, I can lead to come to here her tomorrow evening, whatever the wind master handles.” 圣卫军都统受宠若惊,连忙单膝跪在地上,笑道:“风爷现在可是爵爷身边的红人,萧白浪哪敢和风爷称兄道弟,至于雪神贵妃,风爷若是真的想要宠幸她,我明天晚上就能将她带到这里來,任凭风爷处置。” Good, Xiao Bailang, I handed over you this brothers, from now on is old in the forest pavilion and front of nobility master, I definitely much for your kind words.” The Feng Feiyun long sound said with a smile. “好,萧白浪,我交你这个兄弟了,今后在林阁老和爵爷的面前,我肯定会多多替你美言。”风飞云长声笑道。 Xiao Bailang also understanding has smiled. 萧白浪也会心的笑了起來。 The Saint princess, Princess Lan Fu, imperial concubines forest, naturally were given to carry off by Feng Feiyun, this delivering the woman, Feng Feiyun will not always shirk. 圣公主、兰馥郡主、林妃,自然都被风飞云给带走,这种送过來的女人,风飞云从來都不会推脱出去。 He shirked, instead will make Xiao Bailang think that he did not get on well with others, had the suspicion to him, will report this matter to a nobility mansion people. 他推脱掉了,反而会让萧白浪觉得他不合群,对他产生疑心,甚至会将这件事上报给爵府中人。 Feng Feiyun gives to accept three emperor's clan females who he is filial piety, actually said from another significance, was given to take off the water by him, became person on a ship with them, if in the future Saint courtyard Long will oppose the enemy with the god Tianjue mansion, then Feng Feiyun also only then stood in god Tianjue mansion side. 风飞云将他孝敬上來的三个皇族女子给收下,其实从另一层意义上讲,便是被他给脱下了水,与他们成为一条船上的人,将來圣庭龙家若是和神天爵府对敌,那么风飞云也只有站在神天爵府这一方。 Moreover, even if Feng Feiyun does not accept these three beautiful women, their fate good many, definitely not to be delivered to above the bed of other powerhouse, becomes tool that these powerhouses release to want, has tired of them, conveniently kindly gives own subordinate and servant, even was bought the humble brothel, was ridden, ten thousand people to rest the head on by thousand people. 而且,就算风飞云不收下这三位美人,她们的下场也不会好多少,肯定也会被送到别的强者的床榻之上,成为那些强者泄欲的工具,将她们完厌了,也就随手赏给自己的属下、仆人,甚至被买到低贱的妓院,被千人骑、万人枕。 This is the reality. 这就是现实。 Falls into the hand of Feng Feiyun, actually already to them was very good, Feng Feiyun is not at least old, is not ugly. 落入风飞云的手中,其实对她们來说已经很不错了,至少风飞云不老,也不丑。 When Feng Feiyun goes out of the underground prison, weather already sees slightly brightly, Sun also sinks under the horizon, but the horizon raised slightly red rosy clouds. 风飞云走出地下牢狱的时候,天色已经微微见亮,太阳还沉在地平线之下,但是天边升起了一片微红色的云霞。 The air, is quite chilly. 空气,颇为清冷。 Saint courtyard control palace already is quite lively, these palace maids already start in the drinking vessel, cakes and pastries and meat product that the preparation pledge rally state banquet uses. 圣庭主宰宫已经相当热闹,那些宫女都已经开始在准备誓师国宴所用的酒器、糕点、肉品。 The seating order arrangement of everyone arranged on already yesterday evening, above each table was putting a small cauldron, above was carving a name, only waited for these honored guests to take a seat. 每个人的座次排列早在昨天晚上就已经安排好,每一张桌案之上都放着一只小鼎,上面刻着一个名字,只等那些尊贵的客人入席。 ...... …… Stinking ninth category has cleared slightly letter public platform: jiudangjia90, can receive: Nine manage a household. 老九开通了微信公众平台:jiudangjia90,也可以直接收:九当家。 The interested baby shoe can add to play. 有兴趣的童鞋可以加來玩玩。
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