SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1068: Cuts the empress

In this jail is very lonely, the ray is dim, the four directions are the impregnable bastion, is passing ice-cold cold air. 这一座监牢之中很冷清,光芒昏暗,四方都是铜墙铁壁,透着一股冰冷的寒气。 Feng Feiyun sits on a black wooden agalloch eaglewood chair, stares is standing in jail central Tai Wei, in the eye flashes through some tender feelings, said: Sits down.” 风飞云坐在一张黑木沉香椅上,盯着站在监牢中央的太微,眼中闪过些许柔情,道:“坐下吧。” Tai Wei tranquil standing there, the slender white delicate arms is tying the arms the bunch of immortal ropes, white Luo clothes closely pastes on the body, outlined the concave-convex graceful stature, on the face was bringing the white veil, making her many several points of mysticalness. 太微平静的站在那里,纤细玉臂之上绑着捆仙索,白色的罗衣紧紧的贴在身上,勾勒出凹凸曼妙的身材,脸上带着白色面纱,使她多了几分神秘。 The flesh shining white on her face is perfectly clear, a pair of eyes pupil contains the streamer fog. 她脸上的肌肤莹白而清透,一双眼眸含烟带雾。 She has an arrogance, not, because Feng Feiyun a few words sit down, in her opinion in this world nobody can order her. 她自有一股傲气,并沒有因为风飞云的一句话就坐下,在她看來这世上沒有人可以命令她。 I have not thought, you grow to this grade of region unexpectedly, early knows that I this not at any cost has killed you in Divine Jin Dynasty.” Tai Wei stands in the center of jail, slowly closes the double pupil, in the body overflows a continuously white radiance, the sound of bunch of immortal ropes above white delicate arms crash-bang by pulling, resembles to be struggled free. “我沒有想到,你竟然成长到这等境地,早知道在神晋王朝我就该不惜一切代价杀了你。”太微站在监牢的中央,缓缓的闭上双眸,身体之中溢出一缕缕白色的光华,玉臂之上的捆仙索被拉得哗啦啦的响动,似要被挣断。 Feng Feiyun is only tranquil sitting there, said: You cannot break away to bundle the immortal rope, do not take great pains.” 风飞云只是平静的坐在那里,道:“你挣不开捆仙索,不要煞费苦心了。” My Long Jiangling defeat only blames the divine intervention to make the person in your hands, but you want to recapture the Goddess Tai Wei state of mind, that is this person talks nonsense simply, rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably.” “我龙姜玲败在你的手中只怪天意弄人,但是你想要夺回太微女神的神魂,那简直就是此人说梦,宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。” Above the Tai Wei luster of the skin the ray is getting more and more scalding hot, spiritual energies and souls burn. 太微的玉体之上光芒越來越灼热,一道道灵气和灵魂都燃烧起來。 She in the self-ignition body, rather dies, does not want Feng Feiyun to recapture the Goddess Tai Wei state of mind. 她在自燃身体,宁愿一死,也不想要风飞云夺回太微女神的神魂。 That may be beyond control you.” “那可由不得你。” In the body of Feng Feiyun Fokuang revolves, the body flies suddenly, changes into gold/metal to fall to the Tai Wei front together, in the double palm erupts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), gives to wrap her, Buddha Qi infiltrating her within the body. 风飞云的身体之中佛光运转,身体豁然飞起,化为一道金芒落到太微的面前,双掌之中爆发出万丈佛芒,将她给包裹起來,将一道道佛气给打入她的体内。 Hehe, Feng Feiyun, you fell into a trap, planted the god big law.” “呵呵,风飞云,你又中计了,种神大法。” On the face of Tai Wei blooms the moving smiling face, the slender gently beautiful body is twisting unceasingly, the spiritual energy and soul that these already burnt restrain into within the body in the flash. 太微的脸上绽放出动人的笑容,纤细柔美的身体在不断扭曲,那些原本已经燃烧起來的灵气和灵魂都在一瞬间收敛入体内。 In her atrium one group of god shades are born, sprout faint trace vortex common air current, crazy slurping Feng Feiyun Buddha Qi. 她的心房之中一团神影诞生,萌发出一丝丝漩涡一般的气流,疯狂的吸食风飞云身上的佛气 Myriad Buddha Qi emerge her chest. 万千佛气涌入她的心口。 Her flesh becomes more and more clear, body emit light is luxuriant, strength in unceasing increasing. 她的肌肤变得越來越晶莹,身上生光蔼蔼,力量在不断的攀升。 „To swallow my strength, looked that you do support , the tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts.” “想要吞噬我的力量,就看你撑不撑得下,劫灭万道法。” Feng Feiyun launches tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts the magical powers, all strengths changed into Extreme Disaster strength, has welled up toward Tai Wei insanely. 风飞云展开“劫灭万道法”的神通,所有力量都化为了“死劫”力,向着太微疯涌了过去。 On the face of Tai Wei shining white was having also the faint smiling face, but this smiling face gradually changed, each likely is experiencing taking turn of life and death. 太微莹白的脸上原本还带着淡淡的笑容,但是这笑容渐渐的变了,每一刻都像是在经历生与死的交替。 Bang.” “嘭。” Finally she has flown upside down, throws down on the ground. 最终她倒飞了出去,摔倒在地上。 Her slowly crawls since the ground, the veil on face falls off, reveals a fine beautiful immortal face, in the ruddy lips is hanging blood, in the eye pupil could not say is the tender feelings or ruthless severe, tribulation...... Strength.” 她缓缓的从地上爬起,脸上的面纱脱落,露出一张精致绝美的仙颜,红润的嘴唇间挂着一丝血液,眼眸之中说不出是柔情还是狠厉,“劫……的力量。” Feng Feiyun deeply took a breath, the spiritual energy of a moment ago draining gives inspiration within the body, said: Empress, if not to be honest you are too tenacious, actually I appreciate you very much, was only a pity that we finally became the matches, today among us the gratitude and grudges settle in light of this.” 风飞云深吸了一口气,将刚才流失的灵气都给吸入体内,道:“女帝,老实说若不是你太固执,其实我是很欣赏你这个人,只可惜我们最终成为了对手,今天我们之间的恩恩怨怨就此了结吧。” Feng Feiyun both hands draw a circle, in the dantian depart a grain of rice size the Holy Saint Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, the ray is very radiant, punctures the person eyes to be hard to open. 风飞云双手画出一个圆圈,丹田之中飞出一颗米粒大小的圣灵内丹,光芒无比璀璨,刺得人眼睛都难以睁开。 Air/Qi of Holy Saint has cut toward Tai Wei, a Long Jiangling in which soul cutting. 一丝圣灵之气向着太微斩了过去,将龙姜玲的其中一魄给斩掉。 Tai Wei staggers the retreat, in the mouth exudes one to remain silent, tight is nipping snow white Bei tooth, becomes the king, the defeated invader, this time calculates that you have won, but you are also only one submit to Master Shen Tianjue lackey, forever could not become the King, although I died, I was also an empress.” 太微踉跄后退,口中发出一声闷声,紧紧的咬着雪白的贝齿,“成者王,败者寇,这次算你赢了,但是你也不过只是一个臣服在神天爵爷身边的奴才,永远成不了王者,我虽死,我亦为女帝。” I am impossible to submit to anybody, the truth told you, soon after will protect a powerhouse of Saint clan to return, when the time comes can fight to the death with Master Shen Tianjue, they who won who defeated has nothing to do with me, I only want to awaken the young person.” “我不可能臣服于任何人,实话告诉你,不久之后护圣一族的强者将会归來,到时候会与神天爵爷决一死战,他们谁胜谁败都与我无关,我只想唤醒红颜。” Feng Feiyun draws out together the air/Qi of Holy Saint once more, the Long Jiangling second soul cutting. 风飞云再次引出一道圣灵之气,将龙姜玲的第二魄给斩掉。 Since protects a Saint clan to return, then Saint courtyard Long also has the opportunity of making a comeback, whom but protects a Saint clan to support to make the new Saint courtyard to control, now Saint courtyard control is just a waste, only then I match to make the control, Feng Feiyun, actually we have the possibility of cooperation, supports me to make the Saint courtyard to control, I can all cultivation resources that you want.” The Tai Wei anchorage footsteps, the beautiful pupil is scalding hot, the body is bringing a formidable incomparable self-confidence. “既然护圣一族归來,那么圣庭龙家就还有翻盘的机会,但是护圣一族又要扶持谁做新的圣庭主宰,当今的圣庭主宰只不过是一个废物,只有我才配做主宰,风飞云,其实我们还有合作的可能,扶持我做圣庭主宰,我可以给你想要的所有修炼资源。”太微定住脚步,美眸灼热,身上带着一股强大无比的自信。 Feng Feiyun stopped the moment, then continuously cuts the air/Qi of two Holy Saint, the Long Jiangling third soul and fourth soul cutting. 风飞云停了片刻,然后便连续斩出两道圣灵之气,将龙姜玲的第三魄和第四魄给斩掉。 „.” “哇。” In her mouth coughs up blood, face whiten, can only rely on the iron wall to come to a stop. 她口中咳血,脸色苍白,只能倚着铁壁才能站稳。 Feng Feiyun said: „After having exterminated you, naturally can have the new Saint courtyard control birth.” 风飞云道:“诛灭了你之后,自然会有新的圣庭主宰诞生。” Long besides me, who matches.” The Tai Wei vision looks disdainfully, although one's wits were cut half, but as before is very strong, the elegant demeanor of empress does not reduce. “龙家除了我之外,谁配。”太微目光睥睨,虽然三魂七魄都被斩去了一半,但是却依旧很强势,女帝的风采丝毫不减。 Long Luofu.” Feng Feiyun faintly said. 龙萝浮。”风飞云淡淡的道 The Tai Wei look becomes somewhat grieved, the body is passing a completely discouraged aura, for a very long time, sighed, said: Good, I have defeated, gives me happily one.” 太微的眼神变得有些惨然,身上透着一股万念俱灰的气息,久久之后才叹息了一声,道:“好吧,我败了,给我一个痛快吧。” Feng Feiyun nod of gently, simultaneously makes the air/Qi of six Holy Saint, gives to cut the Long Jiangling remaining three spirits three souls. 风飞云轻轻的点了点头,同时打出六道圣灵之气,将龙姜玲剩下的三魂三魄都给斩掉。 From now henceforth, Empress Long Jiangling thorough disappearance in world. 从今以后,女帝龙姜玲彻底的消失在天地之间。 Hou.” “嚯。” In the body of Tai Wei departs a mortal body of female, is the body of Long Jiangling. 太微的身体之中飞出一具女子的肉身,是龙姜玲的身体。 After the Long Jiangling one's wits Feng Feiyun cuts, from the body of Tai Wei strips, fell down, already thorough dying. 龙姜玲的三魂七魄被风飞云斩掉之后,从太微的身体之中剥离出來,倒在地上,已经彻底的死去。 Dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, any powerhouse is doomed to step this road.” “尘归尘,土归土,任何强者都注定要踏上这条路。” The fingertip of Feng Feiyun springs together the flame, falls to the Long Jiangling mortal body above, in , the flame burns, quick has fired the powder powder a body of outstandingly beautiful female. 风飞云的指尖弹出一道火焰,落到龙姜玲的肉身之上,“噼里啦”,火焰燃烧起來,很快就将一具绝色女子的身体烧成了齑粉。 Then was genuine god shape entirely to extinguish. 这下算是真正的神形俱灭了。 Tai Wei stands in the prison as before, simple and elegant beautiful, holy solemn, but the body became transparent, present she is only a state of mind body, was not the genuine flesh and blood body. 太微依旧站在牢狱之中,清雅秀丽,圣洁端庄,只是身体则变得透明了许多,现在的她只是一具神魂体,并不是真正的血肉身体。 Her look is pure, likely is a curious little girl, very ignorant stares at Feng Feiyun, the eye pupil is blinking, who in thinking diligently at present this man is. 她的眼神纯真,像是一个好奇的小女孩子,十分懵懂的盯着风飞云,眼眸眨巴,在努力的思索眼前这个男子到底是谁。 Young person.” “红颜。” Feng Feiyun is hard to control own mood, wants her tight hugging in the bosom, but both hands actually threw spatial, has delimited from her body. 风飞云难以控制自己的情绪,想要将她紧紧的搂在怀中,但是双手却扑了一个空,从她的身体之中划过。 Feng Feiyun looks at own both hands, looked at her, knows that she now merely is only a Dao Divinity soul body, is not the body of genuine flesh and blood, was the mood too loses control. 风飞云看着自己的双手,又看了看她,才知道她现在仅仅只是一道神魂体,并不是真正的血肉之身,是自己情绪太失控了。 Feng Feiyun has subsided excitement and joy in heart, putting out a hand slowly, strokes her cheeks, although strokes above the light shadow, but the palm as if is also remaining her temperature, you could rest assured that I the finding quantity tribulation will be reincarnated ancient Yao, Great Saint essence and blood and soul Spirit Stone, helping you refine the mortal body seriously, casts undying not to extinguish not the old valuable body, causes your true rebirth.” 风飞云平息了心中的激动和喜悦,缓缓的伸出手,去抚摸她的脸颊,虽然抚摸在光影之上,但是手心却似乎还残留着她的温度,“你放心,我会去找到量劫转世古药、大圣精血、灵魂灵石,帮你重炼肉身,铸就不死不灭不老的宝体,使你真正的重生。” The person who wants already god shape entirely to extinguish lives, this is the incomparably difficult matter, even if Great Saint in legend is very difficult to achieve. 想要一个已经神形俱灭的人重新活过來,这是无比艰难的事,就算是传说之中的大圣都很难做到。 Because Feng Feiyun is grasping five blood of Nangong Hongyan, can retrieve her memory fragment and a soul source from the blood, this makes Feng Feiyun resurrect she becomes is relatively easier, but merely is only relatively is also easier. 风飞云因为掌握着南宫红颜的五滴血液,可以从血液之中找回她的记忆碎片和一丝灵魂本源,这使风飞云复活她变得相对容易一些,但也仅仅只是相对容易一些。 If Feng Feiyun takes the sacrifice to refine the puppet the method to remould the mortal body for her, that nature is much easier, Nangong Hongyan that but awakens like this, merely is only a puppet, most can have part to belong to the Nangong Hongyan memory, is puppet that's all of high rank. 风飞云若是以祭炼傀儡的方法为她重塑肉身,那自然容易得多,但是这样唤醒的南宫红颜,仅仅只是一具傀儡,最多能够拥有一部分属于南宫红颜的记忆,算是一个高级别的傀儡罢了 However Feng Feiyun wants is not a puppet, but is a complete person, can ponder, can restore to remember, has the soul, has the multiplication descendant's ability, this is truly makes her resurrect. 但是风飞云要的不是一个傀儡,而是一个完完全全的人,能够思考,能够恢复记忆,拥有灵魂,拥有繁衍后代的能力,这才算是真正的使她复活。 This needs three types of things quantity tribulation to be reincarnated ancient medicine, „the Great Saint essence and blood, soul Spirit Stone. 这就需要三样东西“量劫转世古药”,“大圣精血”,“灵魂灵石”。 These three types of things are almost the things that world vanishes, for example soul Spirit Stone, this is Spirit Stone that in ten Grade 8 Spirit Stone is listed third. 这三样东西几乎都是世间绝迹的东西,比如“灵魂灵石”,这是十八品灵石之中排名第三的灵石 Soul Spirit Stone = 1,000 trillion Trueglory Spirit Stone. 一枚灵魂灵石=1000000000000000枚真耀灵石 Moreover can put out 1,000 trillion Trueglory Spirit Stone unable to buy soul Spirit Stone, this Spirit Stone only then Holy Saint possibly is grasping one and two, is used for the sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container, entrusts with the soul to Holy Saint Container. 而且就算能够拿出1000000000000000枚真耀灵石也买不到灵魂灵石,这种灵石只有圣灵才可能掌握着一、两枚,用來祭炼圣灵器皿,给圣灵器皿赋予灵魂。 Naturally Holy Saint not necessarily has, after all historically most Holy Saint have not offered a sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container, the reason lies in the sacrifice refining up the Holy Saint Container material to be difficult to seek. 当然圣灵也不一定就有,毕竟历史上绝大多数的圣灵根本就沒有祭炼出圣灵器皿,原因就在于祭炼圣灵器皿的材料难寻。 Measured the tribulation to be reincarnated ancient Yao and Great Saint essence and blood is more difficult to seek, almost already vanished is antique. 量劫转世古药和大圣精血就更加难寻了,几乎都已经绝迹在太古。 Any mortal body, any treasure body, who you are.” The Tai Wei sound is clear, is very delightful, quite fears to Feng Feiyun, retreat slightly, said: I am Goddess Tai Wei, by the incense and candles of many person, you, if dares to be disadvantageous to me, they will not let off you.” “什么肉身,什么宝体,你又是谁。”太微的声音清灵,很是悦耳,对风飞云颇为惧怕,微微的后退,道:“我乃是太微女神,受很多人的香火,你若是敢对我不利,他们都不会放过你。” Feng Feiyun bitter and astringent smiles, knows that her present memory also stays the memory ability when Divine Jin Dynasty, is one birth several years small Spiritual God, a mental resembles little girl, not completely mature. 风飞云苦涩的一笑,知道她现在的记忆还停留在神晋王朝之时的记忆能力,算是一个才诞生数年的小神灵,心智像一个小女孩,还沒有完全成熟。 How I will give up to injure you.” Feng Feiyun took back the arm, on the face has shown as far as possible the genial smiling face. “我怎么会舍得伤害你。”风飞云收回了手臂,脸上露出尽可能和善的笑容。 Really.” “真的。” Feng Feiyun nodded. 风飞云点了点头。 „But why I here, I will not exercise martial arts in the Goddess Tai Wei temple, who you are.” She rushed to near the corner, slightly is shrinking the body, felt that on the body of Feng Feiyun tyrannical Demon Qi, having made her very uncomfortable. “可是我为什么会在这里,我不是在太微女神庙里面练功,你到底是谁。”她跑到了角落边上,微微的缩着身体,在风飞云的身上感觉到了一股强横的魔气,让她很不舒服。 I am......” Feng Feiyun deep putting out one breath. “我是……”风飞云深深的吐出一口气。 The gods are evilly greatly strengthened to dangerous sensation ability, especially to has the inborn repel with the demonic nature person. 神邪对危险的感知能力极强,特别是对身带魔性的人有着天生的排斥。 The demonic nature in Feng Feiyun restraining body, sends out the faint Fokuang, is having the smiling face, said: How you did not remember me, you may know...... Was I have carved your first idol on the promote riverside, at that time was having the torrential downpour, the weather is always dusky, my body was bleeding, the stone must rub through the hand......” 风飞云收敛身体之中的魔性,散发出淡淡的佛光,带着浅浅的笑容,道:“你怎么就不记得我了,你可知道……是我在晋河边上雕刻了你的第一尊神像,当时下着瓢泼大雨,天色总是灰蒙蒙,我的身上在淌血,石头将手都要磨破……” Tai Wei is listening to the Feng Feiyun words earnestly, the protection in eye are getting fewer and fewer, pair of clear apricot pupil blinking gently, likely is one little girl who listens to the story. 太微在认真听着风飞云的话,眼中的防备越來越少,一双晶莹的杏眸轻轻的眨巴,像是一个正在听故事的小女孩。 Feng Feiyun sits: At that time the water spray tumbling of Shanxi river, the rough seas percolation bunding, I there vulture, the vulture, had carved for three months of fully watching, both eyes did awfully, but I have not blinked \; Wound pain wants to crack sorely, but does not have my to love dearly......” 风飞云席地而坐:“当时晋河的水浪翻滚,大浪浸透岸堤,我就在那里雕啊,雕啊,整整不眠不休的雕了三个月,双眼干得要命,可我沒有眨眼\;身上的伤口痛疼欲裂,但是却沒有我的心疼……” ...... …… Stinking ninth category has cleared slightly letter public platform: jiudangjia90, or straight receive: Nine manage a household. 老九开通了微信公众平台:jiudangjia90,或者直接收:九当家。 In the slightly letter public platform, the stinking ninth category meets regular and everybody interacts, will also send some novel related things above, each time after the renewal, will have the reminder, everybody is paying attention. 在微信公众平台,老九会定期和大家互动,将小说一些相关的东西也会发在上面,每次更新之后也会有提醒,大家都在关注吧。 Naturally the hope interested baby shoe can write beyond «Spirit-Vessel»: For example, Demoness, Feng Feiyun and Shui Yueting, Bi Ningshuai and Xie Honglian, wait/etc.. 当然希望有兴趣的童鞋可以写写《灵舟》的番外:比如,女魔篇、凤飞云水月婷篇、毕宁帅邪红莲篇,等等。 So long as is novel inside plot fragment, the stinking ninth category has not written emphatically, story or role that everybody likes, everybody can also write. 只要是小说里面的情节片段,老九沒有着重写的,大家又喜欢的故事或者角色,大家也可以写。 After having written, can issue me, so long as I think, will send to slightly letter public platform altogether everybody to read, beyond that can write, the stinking ninth category can put the «Spirit-Vessel» novel in the chapter, sends related in the work, attaches the pen name of reader, altogether all people read. 写了之后,可以发给我,只要我觉得可以,就会发到微信公众平台共大家阅读,写得好的番外,老九可以放到《灵舟》小说的章节之中,发在作品相关里面,附加读者的笔名,共所有人阅读。
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