SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1067: Nova

Master Shen Tianjue coldly stares at Feng Feiyun, tiger is sinking to congeal, the look is sharp, lowered the head except for the people who Feng Feiyun therefore moves his look, body shivering slightly. 神天爵爷冷冷的盯着风飞云,虎目沉凝,眼神锐利,除了风飞云所以触碰到他眼神的人都低下了头,身体微微的颤抖。 Master Shen Tianjue must get angry. 神天爵爷要发怒了。 Master Shen Tianjue must get angry. 神天爵爷要发怒了。 Feng Feiyun looks at each other with him as before, in eye except for firm, is firm, simply does not have the slightest bit to flinch. 风飞云依旧与他对视,眼中除了坚定,还是坚定,根本沒有半分退缩。 Good, can cultivates this degree person worthily «Gold Silkworm Scripture», is really upright, upright and never stooping to flattery, the Bu Tian pavilion needs is your such person, the person who forest Gelao settles on, really has not disappointed me, the tomorrow's pledge rally state banquet, you will also take a seat.” Master Shen Tianjue said. “好,不愧是能够将《金蚕经》修炼到这个程度人,果然一身正气,刚正不阿,补天阁需要得就是你这样的人,林阁老看中的人,果然沒有让我失望,明天的誓师国宴,你也入席吧。”神天爵爷道。 Feng Feiyun said: Then this female revolting thief.” 风飞云道:“那么这女叛贼。” She is prey that you capture, naturally gives you to handle, I had said today must enjoy you well, you want any grants, this nobility will promise you today, but must remind your one, the young people, may not be softhearted regarding the enemy, especially this enemy is a pretty woman, cannot treat it lightly.” “她是你擒拿的猎物,自然就交给你处置,我说过今天要好好的赏你,你要的任何赏赐,本爵今天都会答应你,不过也要提醒你一句,年轻人,对于敌人可千万别心慈手软,特别是这个敌人还是一个漂亮的女人,就更加不能掉以轻心。” Master Shen Tianjue said that this saying, body then changed into wisp of air/Qi, departed snow Divine Palace, dissipates in the air. 神天爵爷说完这话,身体便化为了一缕气,飞出了雪神宫,消散在空气中。 The after empty body of Master Shen Tianjue leaves, snow Divine Palace atmosphere gradually relaxes. 神天爵爷的虚身离开之后,雪神宫的气氛才渐渐的缓和过來。 The Master Shen Tianjue air/Qi field was too big, the people are the cold sweat are dripping, unceasing on the beads of sweat with sleeves cleaning forehead, the pressure that withstood a moment ago almost presses the collapse some cultivation base weak slightly people, fortunately. 神天爵爷的气场实在太大了,众人都是冷汗淋漓,不断的用衣袖擦拭额头上的汗珠,刚才所承受的压力差点将一些修为稍弱的人压崩溃,还好挺过來了。 They somewhat secretly admire Feng Feiyun, is in the Master Shen Tianjue air/Qi field center, actually can also be so strong, this child simply extraordinary, in the future the outstanding person phoenix, no wonder Master Shen Tianjue so will favor him surely. 他们不禁有些暗暗佩服风飞云,身在神天爵爷的气场中心,竟然还能够如此强硬,此子简直了不得,将來必定人中龙凤,难怪神天爵爷如此看好他。 Master Shen Tianjue actually knows that I cultivation is «Gold Silkworm Scripture», it seems like this time lets off me to have the enormous relations with Buddha Can Zi senior, but how or Master Shen Tianjue this grade of fierce and ambitious possibly makes the concession in a front of junior.” 神天爵爷竟然知道我修炼的那是《金蚕经》,看來他这次放过我与佛蚕子前辈有极大的关系,要不然以神天爵爷这等枭雄怎么可能在一个小辈的面前做出让步。” The Feng Feiyun heart also loudly shouted a narrow squeak, if formerly had not used Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, perhaps then and on the Master Shen Tianjue bar, this moment already blood splashed five steps. 风飞云的心头也大呼一声好险,若是自己先前沒有使用金蚕佛气,然后和神天爵爷杠上,说不定此刻已经血溅五步。 This Master Shen Tianjue was too overbearing, is a true fierce and ambitious. 这个神天爵爷太霸道了,算是一个真正的枭雄。 In brief, is my cultivation base is weak, if can break through the Ascension boundary, I can open the phoenix soul in mind, cultivation base definitely will progress by leaps and bounds, when the time comes also has the opportunity of escape facing the first half Saint, but is insufficient now so to be likely passive.” “总之,还是我的修为不够强,若是能够冲破羽化境,我就能打开脑海之中的凤凰灵魂,修为肯定会突飞猛进,到时候就算是面对上半圣也有逃命的机会,而不至于像现在这么被动。” „The Ascension boundary is the Half Monster natural moat, since the ancient times does not have Half Monster to break through this curse, this will be a huge challenge, will be much bigger than it Nirvana 9th-layer.” 羽化境乃是半妖的天堑,自古以來都沒有半妖能够冲破这个诅咒,这将是一个巨大的挑战,比之涅槃第九重都要大得多。” Can break through Nirvana 9th-layer is because obtained the bone and blood of Holy Saint phoenix in Bronze Ancient Vessel, in addition own some luck, but breaks through the Ascension boundary, must refine own dantian, steps onto road that a predecessor has not passed through.” “能够冲破涅槃第九重是因为在青铜古船之中得到了圣灵凤凰的骨和血,加上自己的有些运气,但是突破羽化境呢,难道真的要炼化掉自己的丹田,走上一条前人都沒有走过的路。” Feng Feiyun was lost in thought. 风飞云陷入了沉思。 Before having a smile to be walking toward Feng Feiyun, the body is having the student aura, is resourceful in a dishonest way, is very genial, says with a smile: Has not thought that Brother Feng the attainments above treasure hunt technique is not only profound, including cultivation base so to be also formidable unexpectedly, really makes before candidly admitting defeat.”, 宁嘉临含笑着向着风飞云走了过來,身上带着书生气息,长袖善舞,十分和善,笑道:“沒想到风兄不仅在寻宝术之上的造诣高深,竟然连修为也如此强大,真是让嘉临甘拜下风。”、 He also in a low voice, said: Brother Feng already has achieved Nirvana 8th-layer in legend.” 他又低声,道:“难道风兄已经达到了传说之中的涅槃第八重。” Two heir apparent erroneouses approved, Feng Feiyun is only the body of Half Monster, even if cultivation base is high, is impossible becomes.” Such. “二世子谬赞了,风飞云只是半妖之身,就算是修为再高,也不可能成为至强。”了这么一句。 In order to suppress Tai Wei, his today's already enough high-sounding talk, after tonight, definitely will bring to every way the attention of influence, becomes the focal point, for him is not the misdemeanor. 为了镇压太微,他今天已经足够的高调,今夜之后肯定会引起多方势力的重视,成为焦点,对他來说也不全是坏事。 If his high-sounding talk gets down again, told everybody his already to break through Nirvana 9th-layer, definitely will annoy the scruples of some people, perhaps some people will give to write off him in the cradle, this was the truth when things reach their extreme they turn back. 但是若他再高调下去,告诉大家他已经突破到了涅槃第九重,就肯定就会惹來一些人的顾忌,说不定会有人将他给抹杀在摇篮之中,这就是物极必反的道理。 Tonight Feng Feiyun and Saint courtyard Grade 1 day first talent white pleased, and Tai Wei fights, actually suppresses cultivation base in Nirvana 8th-layer, does not dare to use the Nirvana 9th-layer strength easily. 今夜风飞云无论是和圣庭一品天的第一天才“白悦”,还是和“太微”交手,其实都将修为压制在涅槃第八重,根本不敢轻易的使用涅槃第九重的力量。 The strong person in Saint courtyard are too really many, once uses the Nirvana 9th-layer strength, definitely by some old monsters realizing, to absolutely is the huge misdemeanor. 圣庭的强人实在太多,一旦使用涅槃第九重的力量,肯定会被一些老怪物给察觉到,对绝对是天大的坏事。 The city mansion of this two heir apparent is extremely deep, Feng Feiyun does not want to give to expose own card in a hand, otherwise in the future will oppose the enemy with this person will definitely fall into under. 这个二世子的城府极深,风飞云可不想将自己的底牌都给暴露出來,要不然将來与此人对敌肯定会落入下方。 Cultivates the behavior to work must learn to hold back one trick. 做人做事都得学会留一手。 In the eye that is near flashes through unusual look, in the heart thinks that Feng Feiyun indeed is Half Monster, to his guard and scruples has been short of several points immediately. 宁嘉临的眼中闪过一丝异色,心中想到风飞云的确是一个半妖,对他的防范和顾忌顿时少了几分。 How Half Monster has achieved Nirvana 8th-layer, this was one crowd is doomed the lifeform of powerhouse, does not need to care about him. 半妖就算达到了涅槃第八重又如何,这是一群注定成不了强者的生物,根本无须太在乎他。 The nobility master to his appreciation, it is estimated that is also because that cultivates «Gold Silkworm Scripture» the reason of person of high skill similarly, otherwise impossible to Half Monster such winning over. 爵爷对他的欣赏,估计也是因为那一位同样修炼《金蚕经》的高人的原因,不然也不可能对一个半妖如此的拉拢。 Near naturally cannot give to display these things on the face, including saying with a smile: Brother Feng do not improperly belittle oneself, by Brother Feng present cultivation base, steps into powerhouse on already sufficiently, by myriad people of respect.” 宁嘉临自然不会将这些东西都给表现在脸上,含笑道:“风兄也不要妄自菲薄,以风兄现在的修为,就已经足以踏入强者之列,受万千人的崇敬。” They are also one exchange greetings, near then departs. 两人又是一番寒暄,宁嘉临这才离去。 At this time , some member flattered Feng Feiyun, they saw appreciation of Master Shen Tianjue to Feng Feiyun, this is a future nova, was only cuts to kill to transfer buddha matter sufficiently to make his move the world. 这个时候,又有一些修士过來巴结风飞云,他们都看出了神天爵爷风飞云的欣赏,这可是一位未來的新星,光是斩杀转轮王这件事就足以让他名动天下。 This young promising person naturally must flatter outstandingly much. 这种年少有为的人杰自然是要多多巴结。 After Feng Feiyun gives these people deals with, once more vision frames on the body of Tai Wei. 风飞云将这些人都给应付之后,才再次将目光定格在了太微的身上。 No one has expected will make these many matters to come tonight, at all not by the control of Feng Feiyun, because of Tai Wei the appearance, making Master Shen Tianjue be vigilant, has carried on rug -type cleaning up to the Saint courtyard, any people who has the reverse heart were executed. 谁都沒有料到今天晚上会闹出这么多的事來,根本不受风飞云的控制,因为“太微”的出现,让神天爵爷警惕起來,对圣庭进行了一次地毯式的清理,凡是有反逆之心的人都被格杀。 Naturally also many being driven to death after suffering an injustice, but this was considered as anything. 当然其中也有不少枉死者,但是这又算得了什么。 Rather wrong kills 10,000, cannot let off one. 宁可错杀10000,不可放过一个。 These occurred at the pledge rally state banquet beforehand disturbance until subsides late at night, the Saint courtyard control and snow god noble concubines strictly were safeguarded by the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day person, if not for tomorrow will be the pledge rally state banquet, perhaps their present already became under the blade the ghost. 这一场发生在誓师国宴之前的风波直到后半夜才平息,圣庭主宰和雪神贵妃都被圣庭一品天的人严密看管起來,若不是明天就是誓师国宴,说不定他们现在已经成为了刀下鬼魂。 Tonight Feng Feiyun wanted to see the Saint courtyard control to ask the Saint to make naturally not to hope, this perhaps was dark in has been doomed the matter, being doomed Feng Feiyun must meet Tai Wei, is doomed Master Shen Tianjue to appear, these were the unmodifiable facts. 今夜风飞云想要去见圣庭主宰请圣令自然是沒有希望了,这或许就是冥冥之中注定了的事,注定风飞云要遇到太微,注定神天爵爷会出现,这些都是不可改变的事实。 Perhaps national destiny real already of Saint courtyard Long to the end, should trade the surname. 圣庭龙家的国运或许真的已经到头,该换姓氏了。 Wind master, how you plans to handle this female rebel.” A Saint health/guard army series stands in Feng Feiyun, robust, body strong, the waist steps this handle ancient Zhanjian, on the face is having the smiling face of currying favor with. “风爷,你打算如何处置这女叛徒。”一个圣卫军的都统站在风飞云的身后,虎背熊腰,身体健硕,腰跨这一柄古战剑,脸上带着献媚的笑容。 Can achieve the series rank in the Saint health/guard armed forces, cultivation base is not naturally low, the official grades are not small, the back also definitely has the big influence background, however actually as before insufficiently looks in front of the Bu Tian pavilion. 能够在圣卫军做到都统的级别,修为自然不低,官级也不算小,背后也肯定有大势力背景,但是在补天阁面前却依旧不够看。 Especially at present this young talent showed off tonight, became Master Shen Tianjue favorite, the sages of these older generations are respectful to him, who dares to offend his brow. 特别是眼前这个年轻才俊今晚出尽了风头,成为了神天爵爷身边的红人,就连那些老一辈的贤者都对他恭敬有加,谁敢触犯他的眉头。 Here is a prison cell in Saint courtyard control palace, many emperor's clan people were detained here, Saint imperial prince and Saint princess who many some are not obedient, by severely torture, even if there is cultivation base unable to resist in the body. 这里乃是圣庭主宰宫中的一处囚室,有很多皇族中人都被关押在这里,其中不乏有一些不听话的圣皇子和圣公主,遭受严厉的酷刑,就算有修为在身也无法抵挡。 Here belongs absolutely densely, only then Bu Tian pavilion and Saint courtyard Grade 1 day the person can contact. 这里属于绝对的密地,只有“补天阁”和“圣庭一品天”的人才能接触到。 At this time had to put on magnificent prisoners to be sent under escort many, this is the personnel of tonight's big clean seizing. 这个时候有很多穿着华丽的囚犯都被押解了进來,这是今晚大清洗抓捕的人员。 Some were lived several thousand years of emperor's clan old people , the emperor's clan princess and Saint princess of some years of youth and beauty, the population nature were many, everyone wears bundles the immortal rope, some these naturally also people were treated unjustly, but how they again wept and wailed also uselessly, after being beaten mercilessly, was drawn in the jail. 有一些是活了数千年的皇族老人,也有一些妙龄的皇族郡主和圣公主,人数自然不少,每个人都戴着捆仙索,这其中自然也有人是被冤枉的,但是就算他们再怎么哭喊也沒用,被毒打了一顿之后,就被拖进了监牢之中。 Although Master Shen Tianjue complies to give Feng Feiyun handling Tai Wei, but Tai Wei after all is a felon, is emperor's clan few promising youth, is impossible to make Feng Feiyun carry over the Saint courtyard control palace, but was brought this prison cell. 神天爵爷虽然答应将太微交给风飞云处置,但是太微毕竟乃是重犯,属于皇族为数不多的后起之秀,不可能让风飞云带出圣庭主宰宫,而是被带來了这一处囚室。 The Tai Wei figure is slim, the body ties the arms the bunch of immortal ropes, cultivation base is imprisoned, passes through from the bucket thick hardcore prison cells, the step is calm, the long hair is floating, even if degenerated into the captive, as before is much more beautiful. 太微的身材修长,身上绑着捆仙索,修为被禁锢住,从水桶粗的铁杆囚室之间走过,步伐沉稳,长发飘飘,就算沦为了阶下囚,依旧美得让人心动。 „, God, this female prisoner was also beautiful, is not the angel will descend to earth.” The prison guard looked at Tai Wei, the eye is looking crazily. “哇,天呐,这一个女囚犯也美了,不会是天仙下凡吧。”有一位狱卒望着太微,眼睛都看痴了。 Bang.” “嘭。” Saint health/guard army that unifies the palm of the hand hitting to fly that prison guard, hit above the wall, the face was hit swelling, in mouth unceasing bleeding. 圣卫军的那一位都统一巴掌将那个狱卒给打飞出去,撞在了墙壁之上,脸被打得肿胀,口中不断的淌血。 thing, this female prisoner is the person of wind master, is your this type of humble thing dares to bribe.” A Saint health/guard army series once more foot the prison guard kicking, has kicked half dead. “混账东西,这位女囚犯乃是风爷的人,也是你这种低贱的玩意敢染指。”圣卫军都统再次一脚将狱卒给踢飞出去,踢了一个半死。 Series Sir, the subordinate has made a mistake, the wind master, the subordinate made a mistake......” that prison guard to kneel on the ground, kowtowing. “都统大人,属下错了,风爷,属下错了……”那个狱卒跪在地上,不停的磕头。 The Saint health/guard army series bows to say with a smile: Fellow who this type does not enlarge ones vision gave me to process was good, the wind master, your here invited.” 圣卫军都统躬身笑道:“这种不开眼的家伙交给我处理就行了,风爷,你这边请。” During the Saint health/guard army series inviting a washer was firm Feng Feiyun and Tai Wei, then understands what has to done has drawn back, slowly arrives at that to kneel before the prison guard of ground, has rubbed the palm, indifferent say/way: Knows where oneself are wrong.” 圣卫军都统将风飞云太微给请去了一座铁牢之中,然后便识时务的退了出去,徐徐的走到那个跪在地上的狱卒面前,搓了搓手掌,冷漠的道:“知道自己错在什么地方吗。” Subordinate should not speak at a venture.” In the prison guard mouth bleeds unceasingly, continuous kowtowing. “属下不该乱说话。”狱卒口中不断淌血,接连不断的磕头。 The Saint health/guard army series has sneered, said: You not only should not speak at a venture, knows where here is, here detains who is, arrived here, you at least should achieve three matters, do not speak irresponsibly, do not look randomly, do not ask randomly, drags, butchered.” 圣卫军都统冷笑了一声,道:“你岂止是不该乱说话,知道这里是什么地方吗,这里关押的都是什么人,來到这里,你至少应该做到三件事,不要乱说,不要乱看,不要乱问,拖出去,宰了吧。” The Saint health/guard army series has caused a look, Saint health/guard army who only then two wear the mail-armor and helmet walks, that prison guard dragging. 圣卫军都统使了一个眼神,只有两个身穿甲胄的圣卫军走过來,将那一个狱卒给拖下去。 This prison like a hell iron palace, any was sent under escort the prisoner who arrived here by inhuman the treatment, even if the arrogant Saint imperial prince, here on dull three days later, will be turned into a lowly slave, lets the person to urge. 这一座牢狱就像一座地狱铁宫,凡是被押解到这里的囚犯都会遭到非人的待遇,即便是高傲的圣皇子,在这里呆上三天之后,会被变成一个卑贱的奴隶,任人驱使。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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