SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1066: What is the son?

The sound of snow temple already had already alarmed the entire Saint courtyard control palace, outside the palace hears the innumerable broken rumors, many guard and guest official elder catches up, some people intrude the harem, comes to suppress the intruder. This book is latest the free chapter to visit. 雪神殿的动静早就已经惊动了整个圣庭主宰宫,殿外传來无数破风声,有很多侍卫和客卿长老赶过來,一位有人闯入后宫,前來镇压闯入者。本书最新免费章节请访问。. After these people see Master Shen Tianjue in palace, complexion big changes, on own initiative have drawn back, defended outside, the heart had rejoiced secretly has not gotten rid directly, if the bang had been finished in Master Shen Tianjue body that. 但是当这些人看到殿中的神天爵爷之后,一个个都脸色大变,自觉的退了出去,守在了外面,心头暗自庆幸沒有直接出手,若是轰在了神天爵爷的身上那就完蛋了。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” In the snow temple fights the shade to shuttle back and forth, the sound wave interweaves, the long spear/gun from out of the blue, gives to rumble giant holes the wall of palace. 雪神殿中战影穿梭,音波交织,长枪破空,将殿宇的墙壁都给轰出一个个巨大的窟窿。 Feng Feiyun naturally really does not want to kill Tai Wei, this is only has no alternative the matter. 风飞云自然不是真的想要杀太微,这只是不得已而为之的事。 Must know that an empty body of Master Shen Tianjue stands here, if he does not get rid, then Tai Wei definitely will be hit god shape entirely to extinguish by the empty body of Master Shen Tianjue, then Feng Feiyun wish will make the young person live to be never. 要知道神天爵爷的一道虚身就站在这里,若是他不出手,那么太微肯定会被神天爵爷的虚身打得神形俱灭,那么风飞云想要让红颜活过來就遥遥无期了。 Naturally Feng Feiyun also uses half Saint to make the symbol striking to kill the empty body of Master Shen Tianjue, gives the suppression Tai Wei, then takes away her. 当然风飞云也可是使用身上的半圣令符将神天爵爷的虚身给击杀,将太微给镇压,然后将她带走。 However he can escape from the Saint courtyard. 但是他真的能够逃出圣庭吗。 Now the Master Shen Tianjue main body in the Saint courtyard, his empty body is exterminated, can the sensation, by cultivation base of his partly Saint rank, probably kill Feng Feiyun in the Saint courtyard instantaneously, is simply easy is similar to pinches an ant. 现在神天爵爷的本尊就在圣庭,他的一道虚身被诛灭,瞬间就能感知到,以他半圣级别的修为,要在圣庭杀死风飞云,简直容易得如同捏死一只蚂蚁。 This foolish matter Feng Feiyun naturally cannot do. 这种蠢事风飞云自然不会做。 Therefore he then only then takes risks, requests a combat assignment on own initiative, oneself get rid, always gets rid to have the discretion compared with Master Shen Tianjue. 所以他便只有铤而走险,主动请战,自己出手,总比神天爵爷出手更有分寸。 Feng Feiyun, you grown stronger.” 风飞云,你又变强了。” Tai Wei beautiful pupil condensation, fine jade nose clear, ten fingers move above the string rapidly, fingertip changes into the thunder and lightning to cut together in the string, some thunder and lightning changed into have fought the shade, the portable war dagger-axe, wore thunder armor, got angry fiercely severely. 太微的美眸冷凝,琼鼻晶莹,十指在琴弦之上飞速拨动,指尖点在琴弦上化为一道雷电斩出去,有的雷电化为了战影,手提战戈,身穿雷甲,狰狞而怒厉。 Feng Feiyun is raising the long spear/gun, the look is firm, gives to break out thunder and lightning, has killed toward Tai Wei, these sound wave thunder and lightning cannot block him. 风飞云提着长枪,眼神坚定,将一道道雷电给劈开,向着太微杀了过去,那些音波雷电根本挡不住他。 Among us the gratitude and grudges early should settle, today when is your body dying say/way disappears.” “我们之间的恩怨早该了结,今天就是你身死道消之时。” That looked at your skill.” “那就看你的本事了。” The Feng Feiyun powerful is incomparable, kills the Tai Wei near, the long spear/gun the string puncturing, the guqin was also selected to fly, breaks the wooden dregs, the spear head has delimited above the white delicate arms of Tai Wei, leaves behind a bloodstain of blood, tears in together the sleeves, such as the white butterfly falls gently on the ground. 风飞云强势无比,杀到太微的近前,长枪将琴弦给刺断,古琴也被挑飞出去,震碎成木渣,枪头在太微的玉臂之上划过,留下一道鲜血的血痕,撕裂在一块衣袖,如白色的蝶飘落在地上。 Very powerful. 好强。 The Tai Wei heart is startled, this thinks that achieves Nirvana 7th-layer, there is the strength of belief to add the body, already can win Feng Feiyun steadily, but has not thought that Half Monster can actually cultivation this degree, is simply shocking. 太微的心头一怔,本以为达到涅槃第七重,又有信仰之力加身,已经可以稳胜风飞云,但是沒有想到一个半妖竟然能够修炼到这个程度,简直骇人听闻。 He has achieved Nirvana 8th-layer in legend. 难道他达到了传说之中的涅槃第八重 No, even if Nirvana 8th-layer so is not strong. 不,就算是涅槃第八重也沒有这么强。 „The heart plants the god.” “道心种神。” The heart twinkle of Tai Wei, the chest sends out the dense immortal glow, a god planted from her heart departs, bringing over a thousand golden dragon air/Qi to rumble toward Feng Feiyun in the past. 太微的心脏闪烁,胸口发出氤氲的仙芒,一颗神种从她的心脏之中飞出,带着上千条金色龙气向着风飞云轰了过去。 Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain.” 金蚕佛域。” In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the innumerable singings in praise of the Buddha resound in his body, ten ten thousand Gold Silkworm surround his body, crazy revolving, dashes toward Tai Wei. 风飞云的身体之中冲出万丈佛芒,无数梵音在他的身体之中响起,有十万金蚕环绕他的身体,疯狂旋转,向着太微冲撞过去。 Rumble, ` “轰隆隆,‘ The gods plant and Gold Silkworm collide, white and golden radiance four shoot, the crown snow temple gives to raise flies, has radiance to charge into the clouds. 神种和金蚕碰撞,白色和金色的光华四射,将雪神殿的顶部都给掀飞,有光华冲向云霄。 The center of snow temple, in the mouth of Master Shen Tianjue exudes one lightly, slightly shot a look at one toward Feng Feiyun, thought aloud: Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi.” 雪神殿的中央,神天爵爷的嘴中发出一声轻咦,微微的向着风飞云瞥了一眼,自言自语道:“金蚕佛气。” Before noting the Master Shen Tianjue unusual look, can let the matter that the nobility master changes countenance absolutely is not the minor matter, inquired in a soft voice: Nobility master, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi has any big background.” 宁嘉临注意到神天爵爷的异色,能够让爵爷动容的事绝对不是小事,轻声询问道:“爵爷,难道金蚕佛气有什么大來头。” The Master Shen Tianjue complexion with deep veneration, is calm, ponder for a long time, nodded, said: Is indeed related with a person of high skill, that person of background is enormous, you should better not to ask, does not have the advantage to you, you as if knew with him, may know he has any origin.” 神天爵爷脸色肃然,处变不惊,沉思许久,点了点头,道:“的确是和一位高人有关,那人的來头极大,你最好不要多问,对你沒有好处,你似乎和他认识,可知道他有什么來历。” The complexion that is near slightly changes, Master Shen Tianjue said that is a person of high skill, which high to any degree. 宁嘉临的脸色略微一变,就连神天爵爷都说是一位高人,哪的高到什么程度。 Definitely is extremely terrifying existence, this grade of character also is really not he can optional inquiry. 肯定是一位极其恐怖的存在,这等人物还真不是他可以随意的打听。 Calmed down the god, near said: I once and he have met in pavilion old heavenly palace, only knows that he is the husband of some leaf Hongjing princess, other thing is actually very clear, if the nobility master doubts to his status, I look up now.” 定了定心神,宁嘉临才道:“我曾经在阁老天宫和他见过一面,只知道他乃是叶红境某位郡主的夫婿,别的东西倒不是很清楚,爵爷若是对他的身份有疑,我现在就去查。” Does not use, forest Gelao handles matters, this nobility felt relieved very much.” “不用了,林阁老办事,本爵很放心。” Master Shen Tianjue no longer spoke, stood like an idol there, the double back of the hand after behind, stood in the highest heaven clouds likely, motionless, filled to be sacred and dignified. 神天爵爷不再说话,就像一尊神像立在那里,双手背在身后,像是站在九霄云端,一动不动,充满神圣而威严。 Bang, ’ “轰,’ A Feng Feiyun palm is broken to the bang a jade column, the jade block throws in all directions flies. 风飞云一掌将一根玉柱给轰碎,玉块四处抛飞。 Tai Wei the state of mind offering a sacrifice, collects all living things the strength of belief, the jade fist and Feng Feiyun is in charge to collide, however above the strength actually completely is not the Feng Feiyun match. 太微将神魂给祭出,汇集众生的信仰之力,玉拳与风飞云的掌印相碰撞,但是在力量之上却完全不是风飞云的对手。 Although Tai Wei cultivation base is formidable, but is inferior to Feng Feiyun eventually, by „the Eight Trigrams (gossip) that Feng Feiyun makes is said seal gives the suppression. 太微修为虽然强大,但终究是不如风飞云,被风飞云打出的“八卦道印”给镇压。 The Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that the radiance of seal is eye-catching, above is flowing the black and white two rays, sends out the boundless atmosphere the strength, divides the Yin-Yang, distorts the facts, this is ancient Zhanbing, once had killed the innumerable powerhouses, many ghosts cry to howl in the black and white bi-color ray. 八卦道印的光华夺目,上面流动着黑白两种光芒,散发出磅礴大气的力量,分割阴阳,颠倒黑白,这是一件古战兵,曾杀死过无数强者,有很多鬼魂在黑白双色的光芒之中哭啸。 Tai Wei was pressed, in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said under seal, like having Mt. Wanzhong Yue Yashen, unyielding was not as before bountiful, the slender white delicate arms likely were the seal bombardment, but actually by together the black and white fine glow dividing, has suppressed finally is unable to move. 太微被压在八卦道印之下,就像有万重山岳压身,依旧不屈不饶,纤细的玉臂像是道印轰击,但是却被一道黑白精芒给劈了回去,最终镇压得无法动弹。 Her beautiful pupil contains the smoke, the sinking sound said, Feng Feiyun, you, if dares to kill me, does not take it ill me and Goddess Tai Wei god source destroys together.” 她的美眸含烟,沉声道,“风飞云,你若是敢杀我,休怪我与太微女神的神源一起毁灭。” Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to her, the portable long spear/gun, the vision is indifferent, cold sound said: You, if dares such to do, I ensure you live to might as well die.” 风飞云根本就不理会她,手提长枪,目光冷漠,冷声道:“你若是敢这么做,我保证你生不如死。” The Tai Wei heart that Feng Feiyun look incomparably cold cold, stares at trembles. 风飞云的眼神无比冷寒,盯的太微都芳心一颤。 Feng Feiyun the long spear/gun receiving, both hands holds the fist in the other hand, the vision is firm and resolute, is doing obeisance to the Master Shen Tianjue empty shade, said: Subordinate and this rebel have the absolutely irreconcilable enmity, requested that the nobility master gives the subordinate to handle her.” 风飞云将长枪给收起,双手抱拳,目光坚毅,对着神天爵爷的虚影一拜,道:“属下与这叛逆有不共戴天之仇,请求爵爷将她交给属下处置。” At this time assumed personal command to control the guard and guest official in elder already palace enters the snow temple, respectful kneeling bent down before the body of Master Shen Tianjue, naturally had „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day powerhouse, the characters of some soldier long ranks. 这个时候很多坐镇主宰宫的侍卫和客卿长老都已经进入雪神殿,恭恭敬敬的跪伏在神天爵爷的身前,其中自然有“圣庭一品天”的强者,还有一些兵长级别的人物。 Many people thought that this youngster too is at present haughty, dares not to kneel down in the Master Shen Tianjue front unexpectedly. 很多人都觉得眼前这个少年实在太狂傲,在神天爵爷的面前竟然敢不下跪。 However the people saw Master Shen Tianjue not to say anything, their naturally also nobody dared the many words, after all no one could offend the person in Bu Tian pavilion. 但是众人见神天爵爷都沒有说什么,他们自然也沒有人敢多话,毕竟不谁都得罪得起补天阁的人。 Master Shen Tianjue this moment already sits above jade collapsed, the military might is uncommon, the vision such as the cold electricity, stares float is saying seal in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) of Tai Wei top of the head, said: This is transfers the war soldier Eight Trigrams (gossip) of buddha to say seal, is murdering that netherworld have several fights one, is ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact, how you must come.” 神天爵爷此刻已经坐在了一张玉塌之上,威武不凡,目光如寒电,盯着悬浮在太微头顶的八卦道印,道:“这是转轮王的战兵八卦道印,乃是阴间界有数的杀伐战器之一,乃是十五品灵器,你如何得來。” Ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact, this is the unsurpassed war soldier, can teach the god as a Fangdong day town the soldier, inherits for 1 million years not to destroy. 五品灵器,这可是无上战兵,可以作为一方洞天的镇教神兵,传承1000000年而不毁。 The treasure of this grade of rank actually fell into a hand of youngster. 这等级别的宝物竟然落入了一位少年的手中。 Feng Feiyun said: Ten days ago, transfers buddha to lead the evil person to attack the Saint courtyard, cutting to kill by the subordinate, has taken his war soldier.” 风飞云道:“十天前,转轮王率领邪人攻击圣庭,被属下给斩杀,取走了他的战兵。” Bang.” “轰。” The Feng Feiyun words have caused big stir. 风飞云的话引起了大轰动。 Ten days ago that war, five king attack Saint courtyards of netherworld, almost give to capture the Saint courtyard, that war, the Saint courtyard fights very aggrievedly, was stranded in the quadrangle star, experienced suffering cursing of netherworld evil person, but no one has expected during that fights a netherworld King to be struck to kill unexpectedly. 十天前的那一战,阴间界的五大王者攻击圣庭,差一点就将圣庭给攻陷,那一战,圣庭战得十分憋屈,被困在中庭星,受尽了阴间界邪人的咒骂,但是谁都沒有料到在那一战之中阴间界的一位王者竟然被击杀。 Was killed by cutting of youngster. 被一个少年的斩杀。 This simply is the unimaginable matter, once passes on, the morale will increase, to netherworld actually absolutely is an attack ruthlessly. 这简直是不可想象的事,一旦传出去,将会士气大增,对阴间界來说却绝对是一个狠狠的打击。 Good, is the person in Bu Tian pavilion is worthily outstanding, the Bu Tian pavilion is the person who a nobility most trusts, in the sword for the hand of this nobility, body armor, you have not disappointed this nobility.” The Master Shen Tianjue clear and resonant voice laughs, in the eye completely is the look of appreciation, said: Enjoys to me, numerous enjoying, you want anything to grant, although the opens the mouth, this nobility promises you today all.” “好,不愧是补天阁的人杰,补天阁乃是本爵最信任的人,为本爵的手中剑,身上甲,你沒有让本爵失望。”神天爵爷朗声大笑,眼中尽是赞赏的神色,道:“给我赏,重重的赏,你想要什么赏赐尽管开口,本爵今天尽数都答应你。” The people envy, can obtain person also few of Master Shen Tianjue such recognition, conceivable after tonight, sixth Yang Dynasty a nova of glistening is going to rise. 众人都羡慕不已,能够得到神天爵爷这么赏识的人还沒有几个,可以想象今夜之后第六中央王朝的一颗闪亮的新星将要崛起。 Presents all people to ponder how then should flatter Feng Feiyun, this will be the sixth Yang Dynasty future rising star, the future is limitless. 在场所有人都在思考接下來该如何巴结风飞云,这可是第六中央王朝未來的新秀,前途不可限量。 The one side was being sent under escort snow god noble concubine actually whole face dying embers, knows that all struggle are the futile efforts, Master Shen Tianjue was too formidable, nobody can be his match radically, even if only the combat general of his subordinates so is fearful, but also how with him for enemy. 一旁被押解着的雪神贵妃却满脸死灰,知道一切挣扎都是徒劳,神天爵爷太强大了,根本沒有人能够是他的对手,即便只是他麾下的一名战将都如此可怕,还如何与他为敌。 Feng Feiyun in Master Shen Tianjue sensation to an oppression strength, this is half Saint in having no intention to disclose strength oppression that few people can shoulder. 风飞云神天爵爷的身上感知到一股压迫力,这是半圣在无意之中透露出來的力量压迫,很少有人能够扛得住。 However he as before is maintaining the calm complexion, said: Subordinate fights for the nobility master, fights for the Saint courtyard, does not need any to grant, the subordinate only has a request, requested that the nobility master can give the subordinate to handle that female rebel.” 但是他依旧保持着从容的脸色,道:“属下为爵爷而战,为圣庭而战,不需要任何赏赐,属下只有一个请求,请求爵爷能够将那女叛逆交给属下处置。” Reason.” The Master Shen Tianjue sound is dignified. “理由。”神天爵爷的声音威严。 Feng Feiyun said: That female rebel seized to abandon the body of subordinate most beloved female, the subordinate must the soul of extermination female rebel, resurrected the beloved female, looked at the nobility master to help.” 风飞云道:“那女叛逆夺舍了属下最心爱的女子的身体,属下要诛灭女叛逆的灵魂,复活心爱女子,望爵爷成全。” Words not real, is not false, even if Master Shen Tianjue is existence of half Saint rank, definitely is unable to distinguish the words genuine and fake that he said. 的话不算真,也不算假,就算神天爵爷是半圣级别的存在,也肯定无法识别他所说的话的真假。 Son remembers in the world, deep love between man and woman will only lose the spirit of enterprise.” Master Shen Tianjue said. “男儿志在天下,儿女情长只会英雄气短。”神天爵爷道。 At this moment so long as is person of the bright eye can see Master Shen Tianjue to female rebel must kill the heart, if Feng Feiyun also dares not to know good from bad to do to disobey the Master Shen Tianjue matter, perhaps today does not have the good end. 此刻只要是一个明眼之人都可以看出神天爵爷对女叛逆的必杀之心,若是风飞云还敢不知好歹去做违逆神天爵爷的事,恐怕今天也沒有好下场。 At this time near does not dare to talk too much on, knew the Master Shen Tianjue surname standard, once he has decided matter, then absolutely nobody can change. 这个时候就连宁嘉临也不敢多言,知道神天爵爷的姓格,一旦他决定了的事,那么就绝对沒有人能够更改得了。 Naturally some people are also taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, hopes that Feng Feiyun and Master Shen Tianjue die to knock, the fellow who then this love shows off died. 当然也有一些人在幸灾乐祸,希望风飞云神天爵爷死磕,那么这爱出风头的家伙就死定了。 The Feng Feiyun manner is very strong, said: Subordinate only prays for rescue the beloved female, if including this unable to achieve, how is the son, now said that the subordinate's blood above this main hall splashes five steps, must not give up her absolutely.” 风飞云的态度很强硬,道:“属下只求救回心爱的女子,若是连这都做不到,何以为男儿,今曰就算属下在这大殿之上血溅五步,也要绝对不会放弃她。” The air in entire main hall obstructs, all people do not dare to leave the atmosphere. 整个大殿之中的空气都为之一窒,所有人连大气都不敢出。 ...... …… Asked the distinguished guest ticket, asked the fresh flower. 求贵宾票,求鲜花。
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