SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1065: Empty body of Master Shen Tianjue

Tai Wei god rosy cloud rich/forgive body, White Jade is the bone, the autumn waters for myo-, sitting down slowly, before the guqin has placed a sapphire case stage, with the finger cleaning string, each movement appears very graceful, such as poem like picture. 太微的身上神霞饶体,白玉为骨,秋水为肌,缓缓的坐下,将古琴放在了一张青玉案台前,用手指擦拭琴弦,每一个动作都显得十分优雅,如诗如画。 Near even more thought that this female is as deep as a well, abstains from, the double palm back after behind, the palm emerges a handle knife, pinched in two fingers of swords. 宁嘉临越发觉得此女高深莫测,更加忌讳起来,双掌背在身后,手心浮出一柄小刀,捏在了两指剑。 Before had never seen you in the Saint courtyard control palace, it seems like you are also only an intruder.” Pinches the knife near the hand, displays very calmly. “以前从未在圣庭主宰宫见过你,看来你也不过只是一个闯入者。”宁嘉临手捏小刀,表现得很从容。 The Tai Wei pupil light is staring at the guqin above case stage, say/way slowly: „The master in Saint courtyard control palace is surnamed dragon, but does not believe rather, but have I exactly on surname dragon how, I become the intruder?” 太微的眸光凝视着案台之上的古琴,徐徐的道:“圣庭主宰宫的主人姓‘龙’,而不信‘宁’,而我恰恰就姓‘龙’,怎么我就成了闯入者?” „Are you person of Saint courtyard Long?” Near quite surprise. “你是圣庭龙家的人?”宁嘉临颇为诧异。 Must know that Long any juniors who presents is outstanding will be strangled in the cradle, naturally the part was also controlled, is impossible to have the fish slip through. 要知道龙家凡是出现优秀的子弟都会被扼杀在摇篮之中,当然也有一部分被掌控住,根本不可能有漏网之鱼。 At this time the snow god noble concubines very much surprise, does not know that this said is Ling female unexpectedly is also dragon surname. 这个时候就连雪神贵妃都很诧异,并不知道这个自称是玲儿的女子竟然也是“龙”姓。 Tai Wei appears extremely tranquil, tells: God Tianjue mansion influence, although is big, although the informer is broad, however the juniors of Long are too after all many, proliferate far apart, although was killed by the god Tianjue mansion had the potential talented person much, but some people ran away after all. Some ran away other Yang Dynasty, some hideaways in mountains and plains Mang forest, some mistake an enemy for a friend, but in fact conceals one's abilities and bides one's time, these people proliferate the world, nature many natural talent intelligence, grows during the hatred, finally becomes the great powerhouse. Only waits for some people to come out to raise the arm shouts, this person naturally from secret will walk, reconstructs immortal Dynasty.” 太微显得极其平静,娓娓道来:“神天爵府的势力虽大,耳目虽广,但是龙家的子弟毕竟太多,遍布天南地北,虽然被神天爵府杀死了不少有潜力的人才,但毕竟还是有人逃出去了。有的遁去了别的中央王朝,有的隐藏在山野莽林,有的认贼作父但实际上是韬光养晦,这些人遍布天下,其中自然不乏天资聪颖者,在仇恨之中成长,最终成为了不起的强者。只等有人出来振臂一呼,这人自然就会从暗中走出来,再建不朽王朝。” Near stands remarkably, in the forehead is having the look of thinking deeply, has smiled suddenly, originally your this is these hides in Long people one of the in secret.” 宁嘉临卓然而立,眉宇之中带着深思的神色,忽的笑了起来,“原来你这就是这些隐藏在暗中的龙家人之一。” Tai Wei say/way slowly: My ancestor once was the biological uncle of Saint courtyard control, was chased down for several thousand years by the god Tianjue mansion, finally became a fugitive remote edge Dynasty, was far away from the god Tianjue mansion the sphere of influence, rested and built up strength, cultivates the elite talented person,...... I am also the later generation of direct descendant Saint courtyard emperor's clan.” 太微徐徐的道:“我的先祖曾是圣庭主宰的亲叔叔,被神天爵府追杀数千年,最终逃亡到了一处偏僻的边缘王朝,远离神天爵府的势力范围,休养生息,培育精英人才,算起来……我也算是嫡系的圣庭皇族的后人。” At this time snow god noble concubine really understood this name Ling the origin of female, unexpectedly is also a Saint courtyard emperor's clan people. 这个时候雪神贵妃才真正的明白了这个叫做“玲儿”的女子的来历,竟然也是圣庭皇族中人。 Before saying with a smile: You indeed is a day of Long the arrogant female, but you could not calm down, your wing did not have to dare to expose the status plentifully, the person like you will only end up to turn out the fate that early dies.” 宁嘉临笑道:“你的确算是龙家的一位天之骄女,但是你也太沉不住气了,你的羽翼还没有丰满就敢暴露身份,像你这样的人只会落得早死的下场。” I, since told you these things, then also means that your today's already could not go out of this palace.” The Tai Wei sound is very gentle, but during is faint is having an overbearing imposing manner, is a King sits there likely. “我既然告诉你了这些东西,那么也就意味着你今天已经走不出这一座殿宇了。”太微的声音很平和,但是隐隐之中却带着一股霸道的气势,像是一位王者坐在那里。 The sleeves that is near wield, above the arm dispersed a piece of white radiance, the throwing knife departs to the hand, changes into a beautiful light arc to cut. 宁嘉临的衣袖一挥,手臂之上散出一片白色的光华,飞刀离手飞出,化为一道美丽的光弧斩了出去。 This handle throwing knife is not every, the blade air/Qi is very sharp, unexpectedly is Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall concise, may be called not firm broken. 这一柄飞刀可不是凡品,刀气十分锐利,竟是天髓兵胆凝练而成,堪称无坚不破。 Works as!” “噹!” The finger of Tai Wei according to above the string, expresses a grating zither cry, a piece of azure multi-colored sunlight gives the package her, throwing knife keeping off beyond multi-colored sunlight. 太微的手指按在琴弦之上,发出一声刺耳的琴鸣,一片青色的霞光将她给包裹,将飞刀给挡在了霞光之外。 Will infiltrate in the throwing knife near radiance together, the ray of throwing knife at once becomes more radiant, the blade shade becomes has more than three meters to be long fully, opens the day the immortal blade to divide slantingly like a handle. 宁嘉临将一道光华打入飞刀之中,飞刀的光芒旋即变得更加璀璨,刀影变得足有三米多长,像一柄开天的仙刃斜劈下去。 Ding......” “叮叮……” The finger of Tai Wei rapid beats above the string, the zither music changes into the Dao Divinity soldier to fight the empty shade of furnace and gifted general together, is a stretch of ancient battlefield, everywhere slaughters the sound likely. 太微的手指飞速在琴弦之上跳动,琴音化为一道道神兵战炉、天兵天将的虚影,像是一片古战场,漫天都是厮杀声。 cultivation base strange tall who is near, the index finger and middle finger pinches seal to decide, transfers the throwing knife to cut down toward the four directions, resists the war soldier who the temperament unifies. 宁嘉临的修为奇高,食指和中指捏成印决,调动飞刀向着四方劈杀,抵挡音律凝聚成的战兵。 However he discovered panic-stricken, although the throwing knife blocked these temperament to fight the soldier, the demonic nature that but that tweedle itself had was difficult to resist, continuously was affecting his mind, making his movement more and more slow. 但是他惊恐的发现,虽然飞刀挡住了那些音律战兵,但是那琴声本身拥有的魔性却很难抵挡,在不断影响他的心神,使他的动作变得越来越缓慢。 War-god changes.” “战神变。” Eats delicacies near the clear and resonant voice, the back raises a war-god empty shade, reaches as high as seven meters, the boundless atmosphere, fighting Kai radiance four shoot. 宁嘉临朗声一啸,背后升起一尊战神虚影,高达七米,磅礴大气,身上的战铠光华四射。 This is one of the god Tianjue mansion giving up study magical powers, only then each generation of Master Shen Tianjue can cultivation, near, since has practiced this magical powers, then explained his already by Qin chose/point for the Master Shen Tianjue successor. 这是神天爵府的绝学神通之一,只有每一代的神天爵爷才能修炼,宁嘉临既然修炼了这一门神通,那么说明他已经被钦点为了神天爵爷的继承人。 The eye pupil of Tai Wei concentrates, forehead automatic departs one group of faint flame, then also condenses a slender simple and beautiful idol. 太微的眼眸一凝,眉心自动的飞出一团淡淡的火焰,然后也凝聚出一尊窈窕清丽的神像。 „The heart plants the god, god plants to bite the immortal.” “道心种神,神种噬仙。” That Goddess Tai Wei looks like Holy Spirit proudly, divine light four shoot, the foot stepped on piece of auspicious cloud, a top of the head blue sky, the palm lid has pressed, war-god empty shade will give collapse to extinguish. 那一尊太微女神圣神傲然,神光四射,脚踩一片祥云,头顶一片青天,手掌盖压了下去,将“战神虚影”给崩灭。 Near retrocedes suddenly, covers the ache to want the chest of crack, in the eye full is the shocking look, you are the god evil......” 宁嘉临猛然后退,捂着疼痛欲裂的胸口,眼中满是震惊的神色,“你是神邪……” Person how? Gods evilly how? In any case today is your time of death.” Tai Wei is very strong on the overbearing, slender jade bare fingertip departs the coordinated process shade, sent out low high dragon roar, making threatening gestures flew. “人又如何?神邪又如何?反正今日就是你的死期。”太微十分强势霸道,纤细的玉白手指尖上飞出一条龙影,发出低亢的龙吼,张牙舞爪的飞了出去。 Really is the joke, this heir apparent will be the god Tianjue mansion future successor, can it be that you can put to death.” The facial expression that is near with deep veneration, both hands have the strange mark, in the dantian depart together the air current together, forms a piece of turbine wheel. “真是笑话,本世子乃是神天爵府的未来继承人,岂是你可以诛杀。”宁嘉临的神情肃然,双手结出一道奇异的印记,丹田之中飞出一道气流,形成一片涡轮。 A huge strength is born in the snow temple, that coordinated process air/Qi twisting broken, spreads toward all around...... 一股庞大的力量在雪神殿之中诞生,将那一条龙气给绞碎,向着四周蔓延开…… That strength oppression results in the snow god noble concubine and Tai Wei retrocedes unceasingly, two people complexions are the fierce changes. 那一股力量压迫得雪神贵妃和太微不断后退,两人的脸色都是剧烈的变化。 Too is really terrifying, this strength is not to be near, but came from terrifying existence. 实在太恐怖,这股力量根本就不属于宁嘉临,而是来自一位恐怖的存在。 Stands Feng Feiyun top snow temple also felt that issues strength that four plunder, this is an extremely terrifying destruction strength, makes the will of the people tremble simply, Master Shen Tianjue also really loves to be near, actually keeps within the body that own -and-a-half wisps of Saint aura has been near.” 站在雪神殿顶部的风飞云也感觉到下发肆掠的力量,这是一股极其恐怖的毁灭力,简直让人心颤,“神天爵爷还真是疼爱宁嘉临,竟然将自己的一缕半圣气息留在了宁嘉临的体内。” This is wisp of air/Qi of half Saint, belongs to Master Shen Tianjue, with Master Shen Tianjue with this common origin. 这是半圣的一缕气,属于神天爵爷,与神天爵爷同本同源。 This wisp of air/Qi condensed the body of Master Shen Tianjue, changed into a dignified person's shadow, straight standing in snow temple, the vision looked disdainfully, overlooks the myriad things common people. 这一缕气凝聚成了神天爵爷的身体,化为了一尊威严的人影,笔直的站在雪神殿之中,目光睥睨,俯视万物苍生。 This is the power and influence of half Saint, is unable to resist simply, near cannot withstand this -and-a-half Saints with the snow god noble concubine the power and influence, knelt on the ground directly, looked like in the worshipping on bended knees deity. 这是半圣的威势,简直无法抵挡,宁嘉临和雪神贵妃根本承受不住这一股半圣的威势,直接跪在了地上,就像是在跪拜天神。 Tai Wei also complexion big change, but her within the body cultivates has the air/Qi of dragon sovereign, has an arrogance, making her not kneel down to anybody, proudly, said as before: Master Shen Tianjue wisp of air/Qi, I calculate actually has leaked this.” 太微也脸色大变,但是她体内修炼的有龙皇之气,自有一股傲气,使她不会向任何人下跪,依旧傲然,道:“神天爵爷的一缕气,我倒是算漏了这一着。” Although this together person's shadow merely is only Master Shen Tianjue air/Qi, but actually and Master Shen Tianjue with as one. 这一道人影虽然仅仅只是神天爵爷的一道气,但是却和神天爵爷同为一体。 This air/Qi thing that the sensation arrives at together, the Master Shen Tianjue main body naturally can also the sensation, in other words at this time Master Shen Tianjue already knows Tai Wei existed, can the Tai Wei complexion be invariable? 这一道气感知到的东西,神天爵爷的本尊自然也能感知到,也就是说这个时候神天爵爷已经知道太微的存在了,太微的脸色怎能不变? The wise thousand worries must have one to lose, sometimes is this, once has miscalculated one step, then also loses 100 percent, will project on the beyond redemption region. 智者千虑必有一失,有些时候就是这样,一旦算错了一步,那么也就满盘皆输,会被打到万劫不复的境地。 Your already was very good, can be so long in the Saint courtyard control palace ambush is discovered by the god Tianjue mansion person, this is not the skill that the average person can have.” The Master Shen Tianjue empty shade the congealing reality, was changing into the entity unceasingly finally, simply and Spiritual Master not any difference. “你已经很不错了,能够在圣庭主宰宫潜伏这么久都没有被神天爵府的人发现,这不是一般人能够拥有的本事。”神天爵爷的虚影在不断凝实,最终化为了实体,简直和真人没有任何区别。 May be defeated eventually.” Tai Wei said. “可终究还是失败了。”太微道。 Although Master Shen Tianjue merely is only wisp of air/Qi, but actually as before the aggressive unparalleled, control entire snow Divine Palace situation firmly, nobody can compared with him. This is one type year to year is high-ranking to have the dignity that the average person is too difficult to learn radically. 神天爵爷虽然仅仅只是一缕气,但是却依旧霸气无双,牢牢的掌控整个雪神宫的局势,没有人能够和他相比。这是一种常年身居高位才有的威严,一般人根本学不来。 Master Shen Tianjue said: This cannot blame you being too weak, can only say that I was too strong. I have not given you time to grow and layout, tomorrow I will want the ascending a height to get a broad view Saint courtyard control palace to become here new master, but you only then take risk to wrestle. You want to kill to be near to shift my attention, making me postpone into the time of control, thus wins the time for oneself. What a pity...... You were defeated!” 神天爵爷道:“这不能怪你太弱,只能说我太强了。我没有给你时间去成长和布局,明天我就要登临圣庭主宰宫成为这里新的主人,而你只有冒险一搏。你想要杀死宁嘉临来转移我的注意力,使我推迟成为主宰的时间,从而为自己争取时间。可惜……你失败了!” Master Shen Tianjue saw in the heart of Tai Wei thinks, in the spoken language is passing an absolute self-confidence, the spoken language is aggressive, the ordinary person hears his words definitely already mind to cling to tenaciously, completely discouraged, cannot give birth to the heart of revolt. 神天爵爷一眼就看出了太微的心中所想,言语之中透着一股绝对的自信,言语咄咄逼人,一般的人听到他的话肯定都已经心神死守、万念俱灰,根本生不出反抗之心。 Feng Feiyun at this moment also anxious, has no one expected will have such accident, Master Shen Tianjue appears unexpectedly here, what to do then may? 风飞云此刻也紧张了起来,谁都没有料到会发生这样的变故,神天爵爷竟然出现在这里,这下可怎么办? If Tai Wei were given suppress and kill by him, then to have destroyed how could it not be also the body of young person? 若是太微被他给镇杀,那么岂不也毁了红颜的躯体? You are only wisp of air/Qi that's all, I did not believe my wisp of air/Qi unable to cut.” The Tai Wei arrogance, the beautiful pupil sends out the cold light, ten fingers according to above the string, in the body run out of myriad golden dragon air/Qi, what even if faces is half Saint empty body, does not dread slightly. “你不过只是一缕气罢了,我不信我连一缕气都斩不了。”太微十分傲气,美眸发出寒光,十指按在琴弦之上,身体之中冲出万千金色的龙气,即使面对的是半圣虚身,也丝毫都不畏惧。 Master Shen Tianjue mocked smiled: I from invincible, even if only wisp of air/Qi, may cut you easily.” 神天爵爷讥诮的一笑:“我自无敌,即使只是一缕气,也可轻易斩你。” Bang!” “轰!” Master Shen Tianjue Saint prestige illustrious, the vision is swift and fierce, the sole has myriad rule condensation, one step takes forward, will immediately stand in more than ten about zhang (3.33 m) Tai Wei shaking has drawn back one step. 神天爵爷的身上圣威赫赫,目光凌厉,脚底有万千规则凝聚,一步向前迈出,顿时将站在十多丈开外的太微给震退了一步。 He treads again one step, Tai Wei retrocedes once more...... 他再踏出一步,太微再次后退…… This at all is not a contest of strength rank, the body of Tai Wei has all living things „the strength of incense and candle and „the strength of belief, but cannot withstand half Saint as before the pressure, the god source soon was shaken extinguishes. 这根本不是一个力量级别的较量,就算太微的身上拥有众生的“香火之力”和“信仰之力”,但是依旧承受不住半圣的威压,神源都快要被震灭。 Does the rebel who this type does not know the good and evil, which need Master Shen Tianjue you get rid personally? The Bu Tian pavilion, Feng Feiyun cuts her.” “这种不识好歹的叛逆,哪需要神天爵爷你老人家亲自出手?补天阁,风飞云来斩她。” Feng Feiyun raised Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall to fly from snow temple, the speed must look like the light quickly, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changes into a white long spear/gun together, a spear/gun punctured toward the chest of Tai Wei. 风飞云提着天髓兵胆从雪神殿外飞了进来,速度快得像一道光,天髓兵胆化为一根白色的长枪,一枪向着太微的心口刺了过去。 Master Shen Tianjue stopped the footsteps immediately, has not gotten rid again. 神天爵爷顿时停下了脚步,没有再出手。 Near to some Feng Feiyun reflections, said: Brother Feng, this female cultivation base is not low, you may probably be careful.” 宁嘉临对风飞云有些映像,道:“风兄,此女修为不低,你可要小心了。” Rebel that's all, to fear insufficient, our Bu Tian pavilion is Master Shen Tianjue shares sorrow to eliminate angry, if such a rebel could not kill continually, that did want us to be useful?” The Feng Feiyun vision woods are cold, leave the stingy to be spicy, the long spear/gun changed into the lightning likely, several times almost the body of Tai Wei piercing. “一个叛逆罢了,不足为惧,我们补天阁为神天爵爷分忧除恼,若是连这么一个叛逆都杀不了,那要我们还有什么用?”风飞云的目光森寒,出手狠辣,长枪像是化为了闪电,有几次都差点将太微的身体给洞穿。 Master Shen Tianjue stands in the center of snow temple, although that is by a wisp of air/Qi collection, but actually likely is Spiritual Master stands here, on the face is having the color/look of several points of appreciation, thought that the Feng Feiyun temperament meets the requirement of Bu Tian pavilion very much. 神天爵爷站在雪神殿的中央,虽然那是由一缕气汇集而成,但是却像是真人站在这里,脸上带着几分赞赏之色,觉得风飞云的脾气很符合补天阁的要求。 Must be so overbearing. 就是要这么霸道。 I am not good, who is good? 我不行,谁还行?
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